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      • KCI등재

        중국공산당의 延邊 朝鮮人사회 장악과정과 그 의의

        이원준(Wonjune Lee) 동양사학회 2015 東洋史學硏究 Vol.131 No.-

        When the World War Ⅱ had ended, the ethnic Korean socialists who had been working in the Yanbian(延邊) area began to search for a new political order by organizing the Korean masses of Yanbian in their own way. But it was not long before the CCP had intervened and put a stop to this effort. The Han nationality party leaders who had moved in to this area from Yanan(延安) had took control of the upper level party organization of Yanbian by the end of 1945. After dominating the upper level party organization and restricting the power of the Korean socialists of Yanbian, the CCP had moved on to the next stage of infiltrating their power of control to the local society of the Yanbian area. To this end, the CCP in Yanbian had set about their land redistribution campaign, similar to the process widely in activation in the CCP’s rural base areas. In the process of the campaign, the CCP in Yanbian had succeeded in mobilizing the masses and organizing the grass root party organization in the local society of Yanbian. Due to the CCP’s strengthened power of control over the Yanbian society made possible by the land redistribution campaign, the CCP was able to establish the people’s government’s lower level administration system, which enhanced the institutionalization process of Yanbian’s rural base areas. Owing to the success of the land redistribution campaign and the establishment of the administration system in Yanbian area, it was possible for the CCP to get a firm grip of power over the Korean masses in Yanbian, which in time brought about a more clearly defined policy of the local status of the Korean people in Yanbian. They were evidently prescribed as an ethnic minority of China, and they had to become a legal citizen of the people’s government in order to fully secure their gains of the land redistribution and participate in the administration system of Yanbian. Though they were defined as an ‘ethnic minority which has a homeland’, it was evident that their sense of homeland would change in time as the CCP’s nation building effort would get on track.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 말 연변지역 『민성보』와 간민사회

        이용식 ( Yong-zhi Lee ),김춘란 ( Chun-lan Jin ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2020 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.57

        『민성보』는 창간된 후 반제반봉건 사상을 고취하고 민중을 계몽함으로써 연변지역에서의 항일활동과 간민사회 발전에 큰 기여를 하였다. 당시 연변지역의 주민구성을 놓고 보면 조선인 간민이 대부분을 차지하였다. 이들 간민은 일찍 1909년, 1913년에 간민교육회, 간민회 등 단체를 건립함으로 간민사회의 성립을 고하였다. 일본이 조선을 합병한 후 수많은 조선인들이 육속 연변지역으로 이민하였고 연변지역은 한 시기 조선인들의 독립운동기지로 드높은 반일교육 운동이 전개되었다. 1920년대 연변은 일제 침략세력의 무력탄압을 받았다. 그 후 일제는 유화책을 병행하면서 간민들에 대한 공제를 더욱 강화하였다. 비록 일제의 침입에 맞서 중국 지방정부도 여러 가지 대응책을 취하였으나 조선인들을 일본의 침략선봉으로 간주하고 그들을 구축하는 등 갖은 박해를 행하였다. 연변지역의 간민들은 이중삼중으로 되는 압박과 착취 하에 갖은 고통을 감내해야 했다. 민족언어와 역사교육에서 민족동화 정책과 민족기시 정책이 선명하게 드러난다. 이러한 시기에 연변지역 대중의 목소리를 대변하는『민성보』가 탄생하여 이러한 민족동화 교육정책을 질책하였으며 간민들을 계몽하고 반제반봉건 운동에 나서도록 호소하고 격려하였다. 기사 중 제일 돋보인 내용의 하나가 바로 연변지역 사정을 상세히 조사 반영하고 조선인 간민들의 생존과 반일투쟁을 결부시켜 구체적인 방략을 제시한 『연변조사실록』이다. 『민성보』가 대담하게 이러한 내용의 글을 실었다는 점은 바로 창간취지인 민심, 민의, 민성의 후설의 구실을 제대로 했음을 보여준다. 독립운동가들이 일제의 “경신년대토벌”로 인하여 다른 지역으로 이동한 후 연변지역의 항일투쟁은 주로 공산당의 주도하에 진행되었다. 간민들은 여러 반일단체를 구성하고 토지개혁을 진행하였으며 일제 주구나 친일파들을 청산하기도 하였다. a positive role in the social development and anti-Japanese activities in Yanbian area. In 1909 and 1913, the reclamation people organized Reclamation People Education Association, Reclamation People Committee and other autonomous organizations, which promoted After the founding of Folk Voice Newspaper, it publicized the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal thoughts, enlightened the public, improved the public understanding of the new culture and new thoughts, and played the social development of the Korean people and raised their national consciousness. After Japan's annexation of Korea, many Korean people came into northeast China, among which Yanbian area once became the base of Korean independence movement and anti-Japanese education movement was popularized. In 1920, the Japanese imperialists carried out a brutal "Great Conquest in Gengshen" against the Korean independence movement in Yanbian area. After that, many members of the independence movement in Yanbian shifted their positions, and the anti-Japanese movement in Yanbian was in a state of depression for a while. In the 1920s, while strengthening police control in Yanbian area, the Japanese imperialists implemented both the policy of flexibility and the policy of assimilation of national language and historical education, which strengthened the control over the reclamation people and further penetrated into Yanbian area. Although the local government of China also took some measures to deal with the invasion of Japan, they mistakenly thought that the Korean people were the "vanguard" of Japan's invasion of Northeast China, so they issued many laws and regulations to persecute and expel Korean immigrants. There is no exception that the reclamation people in Yanbian area are oppressed and exploited twice or even three times, living a miserable life. In such a period, Folk Voice Newspaper was born. At the early stage of the Folk Voice Newspaper, as the activity platform of the Communist Party, most of the editors were members of the Communist Party of China who established the first Communist Party branch in Yanbian. It published editorials with a sense of justice and represents the voice of the people. While criticizing the educational policy of national assimilation, it also encouraged the reclamation people to unite their compatriots of all nationalities to fight against the oppression and exploitation of imperialism and feudalism. Its serial "Yanbian investigation record" reflected the actual situation of Yanbian area, and put forward the specific strategy of saving the nation based on the actual situation of the reclamation people of Korea. After the Great Conquest in Gengshen, most of the independent activists were forced to transfer, and then they started anti-Japanese activities under the leadership of the Communist Party. The reclamation people organized many anti-Japanese groups, carried out land reform, and cleared up the flunkeys of Japanese imperialism and pro-Japanese elements. In the early days, the Association of Folk Voice Newspaper became the platform of the Communist Party. Most of its editors were members of the Communist Party of China and set up the first Communist Party branch in Yanbian, and carried out a campaign to encourage the people to fight against Japan and feudalism.

      • KCI등재

        문화대혁명과 연변(延邊)

        성근제 한국중국현대문학학회 2007 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.43

        This paper is a preliminary study of an aspect of the Cultural Revolution carried out in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. In the paper, I briefly explain the establishment of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture focusing on the aspect of ethnic struggle. Then I examine the processes and characteristics of the Cultural Revolution in the prefecture. One of the most peculiar characteristics of the Cultural Revolution in Yanbian is that, although Yanbian is a small and remote frontier area in the northeast of China, during the Cultural Revolution the struggle in Yanbian was as intense as in any other region. The reason for this intense struggle is closely related to the fact that the main issue at dispute in Yanbian during the Cultural Revolution was a very sensitive and volatile ethnic issue. There are two-layered historical grounds on which the ethnic problem emerged as the main issue: one is the regional problem of the deep-rooted ethnic conflict between Han Chinese and ethnic Koreans; the other is the inter-state problem of the ideological conflict between China and North Korea in the late 1960s. Generally speaking, the second ground functioned as a catalyst for the intensification of the first ground, the result of which was the occurrence of the Cultural Revolution in Yanbian. Experiencing the intensely violent Cultural Revolution, ethnic Koreans in Yanbian could recognize that their identity as Chinese citizens was more important, superceding their identity as ethnic Koreans. As a consequence, they were born again as Korean-Chinese.

      • KCI등재

        延邊長城의 現況과 性格

        임찬경 동북아역사재단 2012 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.38

        The Long Wall was obviously constructed in ancient times, in Yanbian,Jilin Province, China. This article examines the present state and the historical characteristics of The Long Wall, which stretches through the Yanbian region, including Helong, Longjing, and Yanji. A systematic survey of the Long Wall of Yanbian has not yet been conducted. Further, the exact significance as historical relics has not yet been grasped. The heritage records for the cities and counties of Yanbian were set in the early 1980s. It supposed to be under an investigation for all the section of The Long Wall in Yanbian. The heritage records have been referred to in later studies as fundamental information. However, survey data, such as the surface surveys, were collected briefly and the rudimentary fieldwork was conducted through those surveys. Several studies based on scanty data have drawn various views of The Long Wall of Yanbian. Thus, the research for its construction history and its builders has provoked much controversy. This paper provides a conceptual overview of historical discovery,investigation, and researches on The Long Wall of Yanbian. Also, the current status of the remains is also introduced through the collected data including fieldwork completed in April 2011. By analyzing the research on other long walls in China, I review the general characteristics of The Long Wall of Yanbian. I also consider the distinct characteristics determined by the area and the history. Furthermore, I discuss the construction history and its builders. The following subjects are included in this paper. The first section provides an overview of the discovery and the current research status of The Long Wall of Yanbian, which may effectively suggest methodologies and directions of future research. Based on existing studies and recent fieldwork, the second part introduces the current state of The Long Wall of Yanbian. This approach is helpful to come up with systematic plans for future surveys. The final section offers the characteristics of The Long Wall of Yanbian. Understanding its general and distinctive characteristics can provide fundamental methods for interpreting the overall characteristics, including the construction history and the builders. 中國 吉林省의 延邊朝鮮族自治州(이하 ‘延邊’으로 줄임)에는 고대에 쌓여진 것이 분명한 長城이 존재하고 있다. 이 논문에서는 延邊의 和龍市, 龍井市, 延吉市 일대에 길게 이어지는 長城의 현황과 함께 역사적 성격을 검토하려고 한다. 사실 延邊長城은 문물로서의 그 실체도 아직 체계적으로 조사되지 못한 실정이다. 1980년대 초에 延邊 각 市와 縣의 文物志를 작성하면서 延邊長城 전체 구간에 대한 초보적인 조사가 이루어진 것으로 보이며, 당시의 조사 성과들이 담긴 文物志 등은 이후의 연구에 기초자료로서 줄곧 활용되고 있다. 그러나 지금까지도 地表調査 수준의 간략한 조사자료, 그러한 조사 자료와 함께 간단한 현지답사 자료 등을 활용한 몇 편의 연구 성과들로 인하여 延邊長城의 실체와 그 건축 주체 및 년대에 대해서는 다양한 관점들이 제출되어 논쟁이 지속되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 우선 지금까지 출간된 각종 문헌 자료를 기초로 하여 延邊長城의 발견과 조사 및 연구 현황을 槪觀하면서, 동시에 본고의 작성을 위한 자료수집 차원에서 2011년 4월에 진행한 현지답사 등에서 수집한 자료로서 延邊長城의 현황을 소개하고자 한다. 다음으로 중국의 長城 일반에 대한 여러 연구 성과들을 분석하면서 延邊長城이 長城 일반으로서 지니고 있는 성격과 함께 역사적 및 지역적 특수성으로 인하여 형성될 수밖에 없는 延邊長城의 특성을 검토해보고, 나아가 延邊長城의 건축 主體와 年代 문제에 대해 槪觀해보고자 한다. 본고에서 먼저 지난 30여년 동안의 발견과 조사 및 연구 현황을 槪觀하였는데, 이러한 현황 검토의 유용성은 지금까지의 연구 흐름에 대안 파악을 통해 앞으로의 과제 혹은 그 연구방법까지의 탐색도 가능할 수 있다는 점이다. 조사 및 연구 현황 槪觀에 이어 본고에서는 기존자료와 현지 답사자료를 기초로 延邊長城의 현황을 소개했는데, 이 현황 분석을 통해서는 앞으로 延邊長城을 더 체계적으로 조사할 방안을 마련할 수 있는 유용함을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 다음으로 延邊長城의 특성을 검토해보았는데, 연변장성이 長城으로서 지닌 일반성과 특수성의 이해로부터 延邊長城의 건축 主體 및 年代 등을 포함한 전반적 성격을 해석하는 몇 가지 주요한 思考의 틀을 얻을 수도 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        ≪延邊民報≫를 통해 본 해방 직후 延邊人民民主大同盟의 성립과 활동

        문미라 한국근현대사학회 2014 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.69 No.-

        The Yanbian Peoples Democratic Union (延邊人民民主大同盟, ‘YPDU’hereinafter), a social organization comprising of people from Joseon(朝鮮),established at Yanbian, China on November 1945, is known to have had enormouseffect towards the people of Joseon residing in Yanbian and towards the Yanbiansociety after the liberation. This research, by centering on the historical resourcesof the YPDU's Yanbian Newspaper(≪延邊民報≫), which has not been utilizedat full-scale, has systematically observed the organization’s establishment andactivities. The Joseon socialists who had been residing in Yanbian even before the liberation,had put effort in the organization of the public group for the chance of liberation. However, as the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies(東北抗日聯軍) of the CommunistParty of China(中國共産黨, ‘CPC’ hereinafter) appeared at Yanbian, Joseonsocialists were assimilated. Moreover, the federation which had been formed asan organization voluntarily, had reorganized themselves as the YPDU which hadbeen acquiring leadership from the federation. In other words, the decisive factorin the establishment of the YPDU was influenced by the affiliation of the NortheastAnti-Japanese Allies of the CPC. Even after the establishment of the YPDU,they were active by directly acknowledging the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies’situational awareness. The YPDU, which can be claimed to be a ‘masterpiece’created by the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies, had conducted wide activities. However, due to the spread of the Chinese Civil War and the powerful classalignment that followed afterwards, the YPDU slowly entered the dissolution phasein the mid 1946. As the Chinese Civil War spread to the province of Manchu, the YPDU which was active in claiming liberation, could not but force to dissolve. However, the reason to why Yanbian’s socialistic reformation could have beenfinished in time, was due to the Joseon socialists and the YPDU’s actions.

      • KCI등재후보

        8.15후 中國 延邊地方의 조선인 무장부대의 창설과 초기 활동

        염인호 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 역사문화연구소 2004 역사문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        1945년 8월 9일부터 소련군이 滿洲를 공격했다. 일본군은 곧 패배하였고 항복하였다. 일본군의 항복으로 만주에서는 치안이 대단히 문란해졌다. 延邊에서는 치안 확보를 위해 각지에서 자발적인 무장 조직들이 생겨났다. 靑年同盟의 무장부대도 그 하나였다. 청년동맹은 조선인 공산주의자들이 조직했고 매우 급진주의적이었다. 中國國民黨 보다 먼저 만주에 들어온 중국공산당은 이 청년동맹 무장부대를 흡수하였고 이 부대를 기본으로 삼아 연변에서 공산당 군대를 조직하였다. 1945년 10월 25일부터 20일 동안 중국 山海關에서 중국국민당 군대와 중국공산당 군대가 상호 격렬한 전투를 전개하였다. 이 전투에서 승리한 국민당 군대는 만주를 공격할 태세를 갖추었다. 이렇게 되자 만주의 중국공산당은 매우 두려워하였다. 연변의 중국공산당은 만약 만주 중심지역에서 전투가 벌어지면 연변에서 조직된 조선인 군대도 동원하려고 하였다. 연변의 공산당 군대는 먼저 연변 내에 있던 국민당 부대를 섬멸시켜 연변을 튼튼한 혁명 기지로 만들었다. 소련군이 長春에서 철수하자 이곳을 차지하기 위한 국민당 공산당 사이의 전투가 1946년 4월 15일부터 3일 동안 치열하게 전개되었다. 공산당 군대가 승리하였다. 이때 연변의 조선인 군대도 공산당 편에 서서 전투에 참가하였다. 그리고 공산당이 승리하는데 크게 공헌하였다. 그러나 이로 인해 조선인들은 보수적인 중국인들로부터 미움을 받게 되었다. 이후 국민당 군대가 장춘을 차지하게 되었을 때 중국인들은 장춘의 조선인 민간인들을 공격하였다. 이로 인해 많은 무고한 조선인들이 죽임을 당했다. Attacking Manchuria from Russian Red Army began on the ninth of August in 1945 and Japanese Army was soon defeated and surrendered. To maintain the public peace and order, many armed organizations appeared spontaneously in all parts of Yanbian. One of armed organizations, the Youth Union, was formed by Korean communists and was very radical. The Youth Union was absorbed into Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that got to Manchuria earlier than Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP). CCP organized communist army in Yanbian based upon the Youth Union. From on 25th of October in 1945, there were severe battles between CCP Army and CNP Army in Shanhaikwan in China for twenty days. CNP Army won over CCP Army and as a result, CNP Army was ready to attack Manchuria that made CCP in Manchuria being afraid. CCP of Yanbian planed to call out Korean Army that organized in Yanbian to a battle if the battle took place in the center of Manchuria. After CNP of Yanbian was annihilated, Yanbian became a strong revolutionary base of CCP of Yanbian. CCP and CNP battled intensely in order to occupy Changchun for three days from on 15th of April in 1946 after Russian Red Army withdrew from Changchun and CCP won. During the battle, Korean Army in Yanbian sided with CCP to fight against CNP and its participation contributed to the victory of CCP over CNP. But because of the engagement of this battle, Korean became detested by conservative Chinese. Thereafter, when CNP took over Changchun, Korean in Changchun had been under Chinese attack that ended in losing many Korean’s lives.

      • KCI우수등재

        1950년대 후반 중국사회의 상황과 조선족 문학의 변화 -김학철을 중심으로

        김미란(Jin, MeiLan),리해연(Li, HaiYan) 국어국문학회 2020 국어국문학 Vol.0 No.193

        1957년에 일어났던 반우파 투쟁은 중화인민공화국 역사에서 극히 관건적인 사건이다. 소련의 수정주의 정책과 헝가리에 대한 소련의 침공으로 인한 사회 불안을 잠재우기 위해 내세운 ‘쌍백방침(雙百方針)’이라는 구호는 1957년에 이르러 적극적으로 관철, 집행되었다. 당중앙의 이런 정신은 연변문단에도 받아들여져 실천되었으나 ‘쌍백방침’에 대한 이해에 오류를 범해 문단의 중견이 대거 숙청되는 결과를 낳았다. 반우파 투쟁시기 중국작가협회 연변분회는 설립 당시 회원 39명 중 19명이 우파로 몰린 바, 이처럼 높은 비율은 중국 전체에서 유일하였다. 연변문단에서 광범하게 진행되었던 반우파 투쟁은 합리적인 논쟁과 합법적인 절차에 따른 조치가 아니라 권력의 강력한 물리력을 배경으로 하였다. 이 시기 김학철을 비롯한 우파로 몰린 문인들과 이들을 우파로 몰아간 문인 및 기타 인사들이 남긴 문자 기록에서 연변에서의 반우파 투쟁 전개 과정 중에 보여준 여러 문인의 역사적 사실이 드러난다. 연변문단의 제1호 우파였던 최정연을 비롯해 김학철, 김순기, 김동구 등 우파 문인들의 비판받았던 작품들이나 발언 기록에서 반당, 반사회주의 적인 것은 거의 존재하지 않는다. 이들의 의견을 살펴보면 공산당의 정권을 전복하려는 주장이 아니라 당의 영도 방향을 개선하기 위한 귀중한 의견이었다. 그러나 그들은 우파라는 모자를 썼고, 비판과 투쟁으로 인하여 작가 생명의 황금기를 박탈당했다. 김학철, 최정연, 주선우, 서헌 등은 1950년대 연변문단의 우수한 문인들이며 최고의 지식분자들이었다. 1957년 그들이 숙청되자 연변문단에서는 공정성과 비판성을 지닌 지식인 공동체가 형성될 수 없어 그들 세대를 이어갈 후배를 발굴하고 역량을 키우는 데 실패했다. 그 결과, 연변문단은 오랜 기간 현실 대응력을 갖추고 진실을 추구하는 문학 전통이 사라지는 비극을 맞이하게 되었다. The anti-right struggle that took place in 1957 is a critical event in the history of the People’s Republic of China. In 1957, the slogan “Ssangbaek Policy” was actively implemented and implemented to alleviate social unrest caused by the Soviet revisionist policy and the Soviet invasion of Hungary. This spirit of the party’s center was also accepted and practiced in Yanbian, and at the peak of the anti-right struggle, the Yanbian munition faced a desolation of the literary center. The Yanbian paragraph made an error in understanding the ‘Ssangbaek Policy’, and when the Yanbian Branch of the Chinese Writers Association was established, 19 out of 39 members flocked to the right, and this high rate was unique in China as well. The widespread anti-right struggle in Yanbian was based on the physical power of power of the leadership, not rational debates and legal procedures. The literary records by those who were driven to the right at this time with Hakchul Kim as the center, those who drove them to the right, and other figures reveal the various forms and historical facts of the literary figures during the development of the anti-right struggle in Yanbian. There are hardly any anti-dang or anti-socialist works in the records or commentaries that have been criticized by many writers, including Jeongyeon Choi, the first right-wing member of the Yanbian section, and Hakchul Kim, Soonki Kim and Donggu Kim. All of them were unjustly accused of right-wing tendencies, and were deprived of the golden age of the writer’s life due to criticism and struggle. However, looking at their opinions, they were not claims to overthrow the communist party’s regime, but rather valuable opinions to improve the party’s leadership direction. Hakchul Kim, Jeongyeon Choi, Seonwoo Joo, and Heon Seo, who were driven to the right, were excellent literary men and the most well-regarded intellectuals of the Yanbian literature in the 1950s. However, after they were purged in 1957, since there could no longer be a community of intellectuals with fairness and criticism in Yanbian, they were unable to find successive juniors and develop their capabilities. As a result, for a long period of time, the literary tradition of responding to reality and pursuing the truth disappeared in Yanbian, leading to a tragedy in which the literary paragraph declined.

      • KCI등재

        연변자치주 거주민 여가체육 소비현황 연구

        허광운(Kwang Woon Heo),이상철(Sang Chul Lee),이예승(Ye Seung Lee) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2008 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        As the rapid development of national economy people`s living standard has been enhancing further. People become to care their own health more and more and understand the value of body building with sports. It becomes hotspot to pay for health, enjoy the life, and improve quality of life. Demand of leisure sports expense grows gradually with the development of social product, economic, culture, and the sports and the change of people`s expense idea. As important part of expense of modern life and sports economical system and primary factor of promoting and forcing the development of sports industry, sports expense makes great sense not only to the change of entire social consumption structure and pattern but also to the advancement of sports industrial production and marketability, improvement of life enhancement, promotion of national quality, and popularization and the development of populace sports. Articles about sports expense of townsman in Yanbian in most of the literature material have not concerned the sports expense consciousness, the expense motive, the consumption level, and the investigation of consumption pattern except `The present situation and analysis ofstudents sports consume in Yanbian universities` by Jin Qingyun and Li Zhenghua, and `The present situation and analysis of Korean sports activity in Yanbian cities`. Therefore the research on these problems with theory and practice will support with policy to sports industry, sports expense and so on. And it will be more theory significance and the practical value. This thesis researches the present situation of sports expense of townsman in cities of Yanbian through literature methods, questionnaire survey, and mathematical method and so on. And initial conclusion is following: 1. Most of townsman in Yanbian have pay for sports, and they will further their leisure sports expense with the economical improvement. 2. From the investigation of leisure sports consumption level of townsman in Yanbian, rate of male and female is almost same of leisure sports expense within 100 yuan. But leisure sports expense between 100 and 300 yuan, rate of male is higher than female, Korean is higher than other nationalities, 16-30 year old of and 31-40 year old of age section inhabitant expends relatively high; in the different occupation, the teacher, the technical personnel, the medical personnel, business administrative personnel, the individual operator expend relatively high; in the different years of schooling, the higher is the education background the more will they have sports expense. 3. From the investigation of leisure sports consumption pattern of townsman in Yanbian, it is mainly the object leisure sports expense. The rate of purchasing sportwear shoes and hats is as highest as 24.5%; rate of object sports expense is 62.6%, rate of participation leisure sports expense is 12.3%, rate of admiring leisure sports expense is 11.1% in the expends of the leisure sports expense of townsman in Yanbian. There is no obvious difference among Han, Korean and other nationalities. 4. In the investigation of motive of leisure sports expense of townsman in Yanbian, first is body building accounts for 55.78%, next is leisure entertainment accounts for 46.89%, the esthetic demand accounts for 38.58% and the joyful body and mind accounts for 31.36%. 5. In the factors of improving the leisure sports expense of townsman in Yanbian, first is the interest of sports, next is the income and idea of sports values. In the factors of level of leisure sports expense of townsman, first is increasing of income and leisure time, next is facilities of playground and gymnasium and so on.

      • KCI등재

        8.15후 中國 延邊地方의 조선인 무장부대의 창설과 초기 활동

        廉仁鎬(Yeom, In-ho) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2004 역사문화연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Attacking Manchuria from Russian Red Army began on the ninth of August in 1945 and Japanese Army was soon defeated and surrendered. To maintain the public peace and order, many armed organizations appeared spontaneously in all parts of Yanbian. One of armed organizations, the Youth Union, was formed by Korean communists and was very radical. The Youth Union was absorbed into Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that got to Manchuria earlier than Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP). CCP organized communist army in Yanbian based upon the Youth Union. From on 25th of October in 1945, there were severe battles between CCP Army and CNP Army in Shanhaikwan in China for twenty days. CNP Army won over CCP Army and as a result, CNP Army was ready to attack Manchuria that made CCP in Manchuria being afraid. CCP of Yanbian planed to call out Korean Army that organized in Yanbian to a battle if the battle took place in the center of Manchuria. After CNP of Yanbian was annihilated, Yanbian became a strong revolutionary base of CCP of Yanbian. CCP and CNP battled intensely in order to occupy Changchun for three days from on 15th of April in 1946 after Russian Red Army withdrew from Changchun and CCP won. During the battle, Korean Army in Yanbian sided with CCP to fight against CNP and its participation contributed to the victory of CCP over CNP. But because of the engagement of this battle, Korean became detested by conservative Chinese. Thereafter, when CNP took over Changchun, Korean in Changchun had been under Chinese attack that ended in losing many Korean’s lives. 1945년 8월 9일부터 소련군이 滿洲를 공격했다. 일본군은 곧 패배하였고 항복하였다. 일본군의 항복으로 만주에서는 치안이 대단히 문란해졌다. 延邊에서는 치안 확보를 위해 각지에서 자발적인 무장 조직들이 생겨났다. 靑年同盟의 무장부대도 그 하나였다. 청년동맹은 조선인 공산주의자들이 조직했고 매우 급진주의적이었다. 中國國民黨 보다 먼저 만주에 들어온 중국공산당은 이 청년동맹 무장부대를 흡수하였고 이 부대를 기본으로 삼아 연변에서 공산당 군대를 조직하였다. 1945년 10월 25일부터 20일 동안 중국 山海關에서 중국국민당 군대와 중국공산당 군대가 상호 격렬한 전투를 전개하였다. 이 전투에서 승리한 국민당 군대는 만주를 공격할 태세를 갖추었다. 이렇게 되자 만주의 중국공산당은 매우 두려워하였다. 연변의 중국공산당은 만약 만주 중심지역에서 전투가 벌어지면 연변에서 조직된 조선인 군대도 동원하려고 하였다. 연변의 공산당 군대는 먼저 연변 내에 있던 국민당 부대를 섬멸시켜 연변을 튼튼한 혁명 기지로 만들었다. 소련군이 長春에서 철수하자 이곳을 차지하기 위한 국민당 공산당 사이의 전투가 1946년 4월 15일부터 3일 동안 치열하게 전개되었다. 공산당 군대가 승리하였다. 이때 연변의 조선인 군대도 공산당 편에 서서 전투에 참가하였다. 그리고 공산당이 승리하는데 크게 공헌하였다. 그러나 이로 인해 조선인들은 보수적인 중국인들로부터 미움을 받게 되었다. 이후 국민당 군대가 장춘을 차지하게 되었을 때 중국인들은 장춘의 조선인 민간인들을 공격하였다. 이로 인해 많은 무고한 조선인들이 죽임을 당했다.

      • KCI우수등재

        중국 연변 조선족의 민족정체성에 대한 일고찰(1945.8-1950.말)

        염인호(Yeom In-Ho) 한국사연구회 2008 한국사연구 Vol.140 No.-

        Right after the national liberation of Korea, ethnic Koreans living in China were regarding the Korean Peninsula as their motherland. Such a view of their homeland was natural to them since most of them were born in Korea or their ancestors lived in it throughout the history. Furthermore, they were a lot interested in the independence and reunification of the Korean Peninsula. They even expressed their views as a united group by holding group assemblies in the local area when a big political event took place in the Korean Peninsula. In this regard, it is noted that their view on the Korean Peninsula as the homeland was maintained and strengthened by the leaders of North Korea in time. An example, especially related to the case of Yanbian, is found right after the foundation of the government of North Korea in Sep. 1948. Chunchu Lim, who was the chief manager of administration of Yanbian and following Ilseong Kim's wish, took the lead of the campaign for the celebration of homeland government foundation in a large scale in union with various ethnic Korean leaders in Yanbian. In addition, he organized a group of delegates for the celebration of North Korea government foundation that consisted of ethnic Korean representatives over Manchuria, and had them visit North Korea. The visit of these delegates to North Korea was reported to the Manchuria ethnic Korean society, which strengthened their love toward the homeland. In time, Gwanghyeop Kim and Chunchu Kim, who were representatives of the ethnic Koreans living in Yanbian asked Chinese Communist Party to turn Yanbian back to North Korea respectively. They stated that the return of Yanbian was appropriate since ethnic Koreans shed a lot of blood in Yanbian for the sake of the revolution of China. It is thought that Gwanghyeop Kim and Chunchu Kim were reflecting the view of ethnic Korean leaders from North Korea. There would have been no need to mention the matter of the ethnic identity of ethnic Koreans living in Yanbian if the request was accepted. Unfortunately, however, Chinese Communist Party did not consent the request.

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