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      • KCI등재

        신라 적석봉토분의 지상식 매장주체시설 검토

        김용성(Kim Young-Sung) 한국상고사학회 2007 한국상고사학보 Vol.56 No.-

        지상적석식으로 인지되고 있는 지상에 매장주체시설을 둔 적석봉토분은 그 구조에서, 크기에서, 출토유물에서 다른 것들과는 분명하게 구분되는 것이다. 발굴보고서가 비교적 자세하게 간행된 이러한 구조를 가지고 있는 천마총과 황남대총 남분과 북분을 검토하여 이들의 묘제와 특성에 대해 좀 더 새로운 시각에서 접근해 보았다. 지상에 매장주체시설을 가진 지상적석식의 적석봉토분은 납관을 기준으로 볼 때 크게 목제 외피시설 개부까지의 축조와 그 윗부분의 축조 두 단계로 구분된다. 이 두 단계 사이에는 상당한 기간이 경과될 수 있는데, 이것은 일년상 또는 삼년상에 의한 것일 수도 있으며 피장자가 사망하기 이전에 이미 앞 단계가 축조되었을 가능성도 있다. 지상식의 매장주체시설을 가진 신라의 대형분들 가운데 황남대총 남분의 주곽은 삼중곽식으로 적석목곽묘 가운데 가장 발달된 목곽 구조를 가지고 있으며, 황남대총 북분과 천마총은 목실묘적인 요소가 개입되어 있는 특수한 묘제로 곽에서 실로 향하는 변화과정을 읽을 수 있게 한다. 황남대총 남분의 중곽부가 생략되면서 북분에서 회랑과 같은 구조가 발생하였고, 천마총에서는 내곽까지 소멸하고 후대 석실의 공간구성과 유사한 모습으로 발전하였다. 지상식 매장주체시설을 가진 적석봉토분은 무덤의 크기나 출토유물에서 다른 고분들을 압도하는 것으로 왕묘에 한정되어 축조된 경향이 있다. The tombs mounted with pebble stones and earthen layer whose main burial structure was constructed on the ground level-Stone and Earthen Mound Tomb-show distinction from other tombs in terms of construction, scale and burial goods. In this paper, through the examination of two tombs of 'Chunma-Chong' and 'Hwangnam-DaeChong', which were known as the examplary case Silla's Stone and Earthen Mound Tomb, a new interpretation was proposed as for its construction structure in relation with the change of burial tradition. There are two stages in the construction of the Stone and Earthen Mound Tomb. In the first stage, the construction proceeded up to completion of wooden structure covering the wooden coffin inside it. In the second stage, mound of stone and earth layers was covered on that wooden structure. In some cases, pretty long time elapsed in between the first and second stages, because of either preparing the tomb before the death of the entombed or the one year or three year funeral practice. The main burial structure of southern mound of 'Hwangnam-DaeChong' having triple wooden outer-coffin structure shows most developed phase in the construction of Silla's Stone and Earthen Mound Tomb. Northern Mound of 'Hwangnam-DaeChong' and 'Chunma-Chong' revealed certain style of wooden chamber tomb, which can be taken as the transitional variation from the wooden outer-coffin structure to the stone chamber structure. The corridor -Hwi-rang(回廊)- style structure appeared instead of the middle wooden structure in southern mound of 'Hwangnam-DaeChong', and in 'Chonma-Chong' all wooden outer-coffin structure were disappeared to shape into the structure of stone chamber tomb. In sum, the Stone and Earthen Mound Tomb with the entombing structure on the ground is overwhelming in scale and burial goods, and believed to have been built for the kings only.

      • KCI등재

        대공간 목구조 건축의 건립 현황과 구조시스템 특성 분석

        이주나,이형훈,이승재,Lee, Juna,Lee, Hyunghoon,Lee, Seong-Jae 한국공간구조학회 2022 한국공간구조학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        In this research, the case of modern wooden structures since 1950 with span of 30m or more was investigated and analyzed the construction status and structural planning characteristics of wooden large space architecture. As a result, wooden large space buildings have built around Asia, North America, and Europe, in which cases of ice skating stadiums with span of 30m to 60m were concentrated. In the case of baseball parks and football stadiums, even a span of about 165m was built in a wooden structure. In addition, it was found that the structural systems used in wooden large space structures were a funicular arch and truss structure, in that cases, funicular arch system consisting of radial arrangements was used in the examples exceeded 150m and the two way truss system was also used in long span wooden structures exceeding 100m. As the truss structure with a tie-rod or the flexure+tension structure was partially investigated, it can be seen that various timber structural systems need to be devised and researched. Also, It was investigated that a technique in which some members of the truss are made of steel or a composite member of steel and timber is also possible to develop

      • KCI등재

        함안 말이산고분군 목가구 설치분묘 재검토 -용어 및 분묘구조를 중심으로-

        서영민(Seo Young Min),여창현(Yeo Chang Hyun) 부산고고학회 2012 고고광장 Vol.- No.10

        본고에서는 함안 말이산고분군에서 발굴조사된 목가구 설치분묘의 구조를 살펴보고, 기존 연구에서 사용된 용어인 감실, 등감, 벽감이라는 용어의 사전적 의미와 구조를 재검토하였다. 그 결과 감실 등의 용어는 분묘 내에 설치된 구조와 사용 의미가 다르므로, 전통건축 용어를 차용하여 보공과, 도리공이라 명명하였다. 목가구 설치분묘는 함안 중심부에서만 나타나고 있으며, 주변지역에서는 확인되지 않는 독특한 분묘 구조이다. 이 분묘는 안라국 지배계층의 무덤으로 생각되며, 5세기 중반에서 6세기 전반까지 축조되었다. 석곽 내부는 세 공간으로 나누어지는데 중앙에 피장자가 안치되고, 나머지 두 공간에 순장자와 유물이 안치되며, 중·대형분에서 동일한 양상으로 나타난다. 함안지역 지층은 셰일계 점판암으로 이러한 석재를 사용하여 분묘 축조 시 석재의 강도가 약해 봉분의 규모가 클 경우 그 하중을 견디지 못하고 개석과 벽석이 붕괴되는 문제점이 발생한다. 따라서 강도가 약한 개석을 보강하기 위해 석곽 내에 목가구를 설치하여 개석의 반절 및 벽석의 붕괴를 방지한 것으로 생각된다. 목가구 구조가 석곽 내에 설치되면서 장법에도 변화가 나타나는데 보공에 보를 설치하고 목관과 유물, 순장자를 안치한 후, 마지막으로 도리공에 도리를 설치하고 개석을 덮었다. 이러한 분묘내 목가구 설치는 분묘의 붕괴를 막기 위해 고안해 낸 독특한 구조로 생각된다. This study explored wooden framed structure installed graves excavated and investigated at Haman Malisan Ancient tomb Group, in which the lexical meaning and structure of terms called a niche, a lamp stand, and an alcove used sat existing studies were reviewed, and the term like an alcove was labelled as a beam hole or a purline hole borrowing traditional architectural terms as they are different in the structure and use purpose installed at the grave. The wooden framed structure installed graves are a unique type of grave only coming into being at the center of Haman, not confirmed around the area. This grave is assumed as that of a ruling class, Anra Country, which shows itself from the mid-term of the 5th century and the early term of the 6th century. The inside stone carving is divided to three parts, characterized by the buried person being placed at the center, burials with the living with the dead and remains placed at te remaining both sides, and comes into exist as a same form at middle and large graves. The wooden framed structure uses such materials as the argillite of shale type composing Haman Region’s stratum, whose strength is weak, so if the scale of a tomb is build large, dissection and wall stone are ruined as it does not stand the load. So to reinforce the weak strength dissection, it is thought to prevent the collapse of dissection cutting half and wall stone collapse by installation of wooden framed structure in the stone carving. As wooden framed structure is set up in the stone carving, so burial method enters into change, that is, before installing a beam at the beam hole, a wooden coffin, remains and the burials with the living with the dead are interred. Then, a wall stone was piled up to phototropic line, a purlin was set up at the purline hole, and dissection was covered.Installation of wooden framed structure in this kind of grave is thought to be a structure designed to prevent the collapse of grave by internal line.

      • KCI등재

        墓槽가 있는 목곽묘에 대한 일고찰 -울산 산하동유적을 중심으로-

        김훈희,고상혁 영남고고학회 2015 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.73

        Archeological site in Sanha-dong, Ulsan is tombs from wooden chamber tombs stage to stone chamber tombs stage. Wooden chamber tombs had appeared late into the 3rd century. Those Wooden chamber tombs are earliest stage in shoreline. The medium or small-scale wooden chambers were built, and the wooden chambers were subgroup as compared with surrounding areas judging from the scale and methods of the burial goods. The wooden chamber tombs in Sanha-dong, Ulsan had a unique combining structure. The tombs having the structure were called Sanha-dong style wooden chamber tombs. The Sanha-dong archeological site wooden chamber tombs were started from the Bronze Age, because there were very similar structures in the stone coffin tombs and wooden coffin tombs. Many tombs have been founded in Yeoung-Nam area, which are the ‘ㅍ’ type combining structure in the wooden chamber tombs stage. Therefore the Sanha-dong style wooden chamber tombs were made through developing traditional element. The unique structure was founded in Anhyeon-dong archeological site, Gangneung except for Sanha-dong archeological site, Ulsan. The Sanha-dong style wooden chamber tombs could be classified into five stages from late into the 3rd century accompanied by gray earthenwares and unglazed earthenwares jar with short neck to late into the 5th century accompanied by mounted cup. According to changes with each step and hierarchy in group, the size, shape of tomb bottom and combination of remains appeared differently. 묘조는 묘광 바닥에 설치된 홈 또는 도랑과 같은 형태의 수혈로, 묘의 바닥에 설치된 받침목 또는 목곽 내부를 지탱하는기둥이 안쪽으로 밀려드는 것을 막기 위한 구조로 이해되어왔다. 본 글은 목곽묘 묘조가 지역과 시간에 따라 여러 형태가있음을 확인하고, 그동안 다루어지지 않은 묘조를 활용한 목곽묘의 결구방법을 복원하여 유형을 설정하고 각 유형이 갖는의미에 대해 고찰하였다. 묘조는 남한 전역의 목곽묘에서 확인되며, 주혈과 유물의 부장위치, 목곽흔, 묘조의 형태나 위치 등을 통한 결구방법을기준으로 네 가지 유형으로 분류되었다. A형은 3세기 전반~5세기 전반의 경기·호서·호남지역의 마한·백제계 토광묘군에서, B형은 3세기 전반의 영남지역 목곽묘에서, C형은 5세기의 백제 목곽묘에서, D형은 3세기 말~6세기 중엽의 신라 목곽묘에서 확인된다. 따라서 목곽묘 묘조는 지역과 시간에 따른 특징을 갖고 있는 것으로 상정하고 가장 많은 수를 점하는D형 묘조를 중심으로 그 의미를 검증해보았다. 3세기 말에서 5세기 중엽에 해당되는 울산 산하동유적의 D형 묘조 목곽묘는 규모나 부장품, 제반 시설 등에서 하위에해당된다. 그리고 이와 유사한 양상이 강릉의 D형 묘조 목곽에서 관찰되므로 D형 묘조 목곽묘의 지역성을 확인하고, 울산과 강릉 지역 목곽묘에서 동일한 묘조가 확인된 배경으로 신라 세력 확장에 따른 산하동 집단의 일부가 강릉지역으로 진출한 것으로 상정하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        목구조 설계를 위한 확정론적 구조 설계법과 확률 기반 구조 설계법의 비교 연구

        박문재,김광철 한국가구학회 2009 한국가구학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Probability based design(PBD)method has some advantages against current design methods. First, it can provide the quantitative values for the structural safety or capacity through the reliability index,. That presented the certainty on the corresponding structure for the designer or user, also that permitted the broad consideration in the safety of structures. In addition, it can give the quantitative lifetime of the related structure in the calculation process of target reliability index. Also, incidental economical efficiency can be expected because decrease of required structural material can be obtained by using the practical material data. Unlikely current deterministic structural design methods, main advantage is the reflection of real condition in the structural design process by application of the data with not small clear specimen but structural size material. Advanced countries, namely America, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand already converted from allowable stress design(ASD) method to PBD method and used as a standard wooden structures code in the late 1980s and 1990s. Other domestic constructions standards such as the steel or concrete constructions accepted and used the PBD methods already. Accordingly, wooden structural design method also should be converted from deterministic ASD to probabilistic LRFD(Load and resistance factor design) in order to keep pace with worldwide demands for PBD. Hence, to suggest the reason of introduction the PBD in domestic wooden structural design and analysis, a brief example was used to show the different reliability index by using the different design methods. Definition, merits and demerits of deterministic ASD and probabilistic LRFD were followed. Also the three examples were presented to show the similarity and differences between ASD and LRFD. Finally, connection problems that might cause a disputation in wooden structural design and analysis were broadly examined. Probability based design(PBD)method has some advantages against current design methods. First, it can provide the quantitative values for the structural safety or capacity through the reliability index,. That presented the certainty on the corresponding structure for the designer or user, also that permitted the broad consideration in the safety of structures. In addition, it can give the quantitative lifetime of the related structure in the calculation process of target reliability index. Also, incidental economical efficiency can be expected because decrease of required structural material can be obtained by using the practical material data. Unlikely current deterministic structural design methods, main advantage is the reflection of real condition in the structural design process by application of the data with not small clear specimen but structural size material. Advanced countries, namely America, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand already converted from allowable stress design(ASD) method to PBD method and used as a standard wooden structures code in the late 1980s and 1990s. Other domestic constructions standards such as the steel or concrete constructions accepted and used the PBD methods already. Accordingly, wooden structural design method also should be converted from deterministic ASD to probabilistic LRFD(Load and resistance factor design) in order to keep pace with worldwide demands for PBD. Hence, to suggest the reason of introduction the PBD in domestic wooden structural design and analysis, a brief example was used to show the different reliability index by using the different design methods. Definition, merits and demerits of deterministic ASD and probabilistic LRFD were followed. Also the three examples were presented to show the similarity and differences between ASD and LRFD. Finally, connection problems that might cause a disputation in wooden structural design and analysis were broadly examined.

      • KCI등재

        순묘(?卯)구조를 활용한 팝업 전시공간 디자인에 관한 연구

        정청단 ( Qingdan Zheng ),이정교 ( Junggyo Lee ) 한국공간디자인학회 2017 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.12 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) Recently, in the high-speed information age, pop-up exhibition spaces are being required for cultural marketing strategies, to provide efficient and cultural values in a short period of time. Under these circumstances, according to the manual, it is inevitable that the modularized system should be easily disassembled and assembled. In this sense, Sunmyo structure is used to provide efficiency and continuity since it is structured with traditional wooden structure containing cultural factors. The purpose of this research is to analyze spatial characteristics of pop-up exhibition spaces, using factors of the Sunmyo structure. (Method) In this research, based on theoretical examination focusing on previous theses and references, the concept and characteristics of the Sunmyo structure and traditional wooden structure are derived. For empirical research, the concept and spatial characteristics of pop-up exhibition spaces were identified. The related case studies focus on characteristics of the Sunmyo structure and spatial features of pop-up exhibition spaces. (Results) In “Hwapung,” “House Vision,” “Chao Qingcun Project,” and “Herm□s,” the items such as temporality, flexibility, cultural event features, and mutual communication are characteristics of the pop-up exhibition spaces. Visibility, robustness, rationality, simplicity, ornamentality, modularity, and cultural factors are actively utilized as characteristic elements of the Sunmyo structure. By using characteristics of the Sunmyo structure, which are variable, according to the manual, it is inevitable that the modularized system can be easily disassembled and assembled and simplicity, it has great positive impact on spatial characteristics of pop-up exhibition space since it is held temporarily, flexile, and convenient to be moved to other places. In addition, by using the Sunmyo structure, utilizing the ornamental design that can be enjoyed and viewed with a unique design containing decorative and traditional cultural ideas, the image and identity of pop-up exhibition spaces are magnified by taking advantage of cultural event features and mutual communication. (Conclusions) According to this study, it can be proved that the spatial characteristics of pop-up exhibition space, it is verified that temporality, flexibility, cultural event features, mutual communication the spatial characteristics of pop-up exhibition space are deeply related to the characteristics of Sunmyo structure. Especially in the high-speed information age, the above-mentioned characteristics are very important factors in the flow of efficient and traditional culture. Therefore, it is expected that more efficient and cultural space can be provided by inducing active participation of the users by using the Sunmyo structure in pop-up exhibition spaces.

      • KCI등재

        경주지역 적석목곽묘 조영집단의 성층화와 지배구조

        權龍大 한국문화유산협회 2009 야외고고학 Vol.0 No.7

        적석목곽묘는 전대의 목곽묘와 다르게 木蓋상부에 積石과 盛土墳丘를 갖춘 형태로 출현한다. 순수목곽묘, 위석목곽묘 등과 공존하며, 경주 중심부의 가장 보편적이면서 특수한 묘제로 정착한다. 그리고 단계별로 적석목곽묘의 내부구조와 부장유물은 成層化를 보인다. 단계는 고배의 형식변화를 통하여 크게 네 단계로 나눌 수 있다. 1단계는 경주 중심부에서 적석목곽묘가 출현하는 시기이다. ⅡC등급에서 적석목곽묘를 축조하기 시작하였다. 平面形態, 壁石, 殉葬, 등은 전대의 목곽묘와 유사하지만 적석과 성토분구는 새롭게 더해진 요소이다. 이러한 점으로 볼 때, 적석목곽묘는 전대의 목곽묘에서 분화된 새로운 묘제로 판단된다. 2단계는 적석목곽묘가 경주 중심부에서 주묘제로 형성되어 가는 시기이다. ⅡB등급, ⅢE등급, ⅣE등급에서 적석목곽묘를 축조하였다. 순장자는 ⅡB등급에서 확인된다. 다양한 평면형태가 확인되며, 적석목곽묘의 채용주체가 점차 확대되고 있다. 3단계는 경주 중심부에 적석목곽묘가 정착하는 시기이다. 거의 모든 지배등급이 적석목곽묘를 축조한다. ⅠA등급은 多重木槨과 木棺, 石壇, 石築, 木造架構를 갖추었다. 순장자는 석단 상부에 안치하였다. 이외의 등급은 單槨이며, 일부 등급에서 순장자가 확인된다. 4단계는 적석목곽묘에 정형화가 이루어지는 시기이다. 중ㆍ상위등급은 이중곽 1관 1석단, 하위등급은 단곽 1관 내지 단곽을 취하고 있다. 평면형태 ㅏ자형과 10ㆍ11자 형은 중ㆍ하위등급에서 관찰된다. 현재까지 네 개 단계에 걸쳐 모두 18개의 등급이 확인되었다. 왕을 정점으로 하는 지배구조가 완비되면서 이에 따라 葬禮 法도 점차 완성되었던 것으로 생각된다. 경주 주변부의 적석목곽묘는 시기를 달리하면서 출현하며, 채용주체의 성격이 조금씩 다르게 나타난다. 또한 중심부의 상위등급에서 확인되는 내부구조와 부장유물은 보이지 않는다. 그 외 평면형태, 상면시설, 유물 부장양상 등은 單位政治體의 성격이 어느 정도 반영된 것으로 파악된다. 경주 주변부는 묘제의 선택에 있어서도 중심부의 영향을 크게 받지 않았던 것으로 보인다. 주변부는 중심부와 일정관계 속에서 분묘의 규모나 부장유물에 규제가 뒤따랐던 것으로 판단된다. The structure of the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound consists of a stone mound which covers the upper wooden cover - this differentiates it from the earlier wooden compartment tomb. The wooden chamber tomb with stone mound co-existed with the wooden compartment tomb and the wooden compartment tomb with surrounding stones, and was established as the main mode of burial for the elite in central Gyeongju. The internal structure and grave goods illustrate gradual social differentiation; four main phases can be observed based on the typology of mounted cups. The first phase witnessed the appearance of the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound in central Gyeongju - they were constructed by the ⅡC grade group. This type of burial inherited elements of the previous wooden compartment tomb, such as floor plan, use of stone partition, and the burial of the living with the dead. However, the stone mound and earthen mound were new elements. It is therefore believed that the new wooden chamber tomb with stone mound emerged from the wooden compartment tomb in association with social stratification. During the second phase, the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound began to be used as the main type of burial in the center of Gyeongju. They were used by the ⅡB, ⅢE, and ⅣE grade group. The burial of the living with the dead was performed only in tombs of the ⅡB grade group. Various floor plans have been identified, and these burials were used by a wider group. The third phase witnessed the establishment of the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound in central Gyeongju. It was used by almost all elite groups. Burials of theⅠA grade group contained wooden coffins within multiple chambers, stone terraces, stone embankments, and wooden structures. It is assumed that the sacrificed individuals were laid out on the stone terrace. Burials of other grade groups had single chambers, and sacrificed individuals may have accompanied some of these grade groups. The standardization of the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound took place in the fourth phase. The burials of the upper and middle grade groups consist of 2 chambers - 1 coffin - 1 terrace (stone) structure, while those of the lower grade consist of 1 chamber - 1 coffin or 1 chamber. New types of chamber floor plans ('ㅏ' shaped, '10' shaped, and '11' shaped) appear to have been adopted by groups of the middle and lower grade. A total of 18 grades have been observed throughout the four stages. It is believed that with the completion of the governing structure, with the king at the apex, manners pertaining to funeral ceremonials were also completed. In the environs of Gyeongju, the wooden chamber tomb with stone mound appeared at different times and was adopted by different groups. The internal structure and grave goods found in such tombs of the Gyeongju center are not found here. It is thought that the chamber floor plan, type of structure erected above ground, and grave goods are representative, to an extent, of the individual political units. The use of burials in the environs of Gyeongju does not appear to have been influenced much by the Gyeongju center. However, the surrounding regions maintained a relationship with the center and was restricted in terms of tomb size and grave goods used.

      • KCI등재

        湖南地域 高麗 木塔址 硏究

        류형균 호서고고학회 2011 호서고고학 Vol.0 No.25

        A wooden pagoda site has been archaeologically reported from three temple sites, Saja-sa temple site in Yeongam, Manbok-sa temple site in Namwon, and Silsang-sa temple site in Namwon. These wooden pagoda sites were analyzed in terms of ground plan, stereobate, staircase, and main foundation. Attributes such as size, cornerstone, packed stones for putting cornerstone, and shape were considered in the examination of the ground plan. The sizes of the wooden pagoda sites were as follows: Silsang-sa temple(7kan by 7kan), Manbok-sa temple(5kan by 5kan), and Saja-sa temple(3kan by 3kan). The stereobate was examined in terms of its location and size, and building methods of its exterior and earth. Assembled stone stereobate type(Manbok-sa, Silsang-sa temple sites), building platform type(Saja-sa temple site). Characteristics of wooden pagoda site of Goryeo temple was analyzed examined in terms of location, arrangement, structure. The other temples adopted one pagoda and one Hall type placement. The wooden pagoda consists of three parts: lower (base), middle (body), and upper (head) parts. Along with a bronze piece, possibly a fragment of a flame-shaped decoration,stone materials of upper part were unearthed at Saja-sa temple site. The earliest wooden pagoda of Goryeo was that of Saja-sa temple site built in the 10th century and abandoned in the early Joseon, about 14th century. Wooden pagodas at Manboksa temple sites were built in the 11th century, and they seemed to have been maintained until the 13th or 14th century. Wooden pagodas at Silsang-sa temple sites were built in 12th century. A wooden pagoda at Silsang-sa temple site has been understood to be destroyed by Japanese invasion in the end of the 14th century. 호남지역에서 목탑지가 확인된 유적은 靈巖 師子寺址·南原 萬福寺址·實相寺등 3개소로 이들을 대상으로 平面·基壇·階段·心礎등으로 구분하여 樣相을 살펴보았다. 호남지역 고려 목탑지의 特性은 입지유형과 배치형식, 구조를 통해 검토해 보았다. 사자사지·만복사지·실상사 목탑지는 1탑1금당식이며, 만복사지는 목탑외에 석탑을 둔 별도의 구역이 존재하고 있어 二院竝列式또는 別院式배치였던 것으로 파악하였다. 목탑의 구조는 기단부·탑신부·상륜부로 나누어 고찰하였다. 基壇部평면은 3×3칸, 5×5칸, 7×7칸의 규모로 다양하게 확인되었고, 평면형태는 정방형이 주류를 이루고 있다. 塔身部는 기존의 복원연구를 통해 검토하였으며, 사자사지 목탑지에서 상륜부재가 확인되어 고려 목탑 相輪部의 형태를 유추할 수 있었다. 師子寺址목탑은 10세기경에 건립되어 14세기까지 존속하다 조선 전기 이전에 廢塔된 것으로 추정하였다. 11세기 무렵에 건립된 것으로 萬福寺址목탑을 들 수 있으며, 16세기 후반 丁酉再亂때 사원이 폐사되면서 목탑도 함께 폐탑된 것으로 추정되었다. 實相寺목탑은 12세기경에 건립되었다가 14세기말 倭寇의 침입으로 폐탑된 것으로 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        방사선 투과 이미지를 활용한 서울 화계사 명부전 목조지장보살삼존상 및 시왕상 일괄 구조 해석

        이화수 ( Lee Hwa Soo ),정참희 ( Jung Cham Hee ),최학 ( Choi Hak ) 한국불교미술사학회 2021 강좌미술사 Vol.57 No.-

        서울 화계사 목조지장보살 삼존상 및 시왕상 일괄에 대해 2015년 「중요동산문화재 불상기록화 사업」의 일환으로 실시된 과학적 분석조사를 토대로 하여, 목조불상의 구조 및 제작기법을 파악하였다. 방사선 조사결과, 접목구조 등 부재 구성에 따른 제작기법 특징을 확인할 수 있었으며 이를 통해 권속별 제작특징에 대한 경향을 고찰하였다. 또한 목재 균열 상태와 못의 사용 등을 통해 내부 결함 및 보수행위 흔적 등을 확인하여 향후 보존관리 및 연구를 위한 정보를 제시하였다. 대부분의 불상은 안면부 및 몸체와 다리 등 하부구조를 따로 접합한 접목구조로 확인되며 입상 등은 안면을 제외한 몸체가 일목구조로 제작된 것으로 나타났다. 대표적으로 도명존자입상의 경우 목리의 방향과 결구방식으로 보아 안면을 제외한 후두부와 몸체가 하나의 목재로 제작된 일목구조인 것으로 나타났다. 그 외 후령통 및 종이 등 유기질로 추정되는 복장유물이 관찰되었고 하단 복장공 덮개에서 공장제 못이 나타난 것으로 보아 복장공이 개봉된 후 다시 고정된 것으로 조사되었다. 제4오관대왕의좌상의 경우 안면과 몸체, 다리의 총 3개의 부재로 제작된 접목구조를 보이며, 후면 내부에 심화된 수직 할렬이 확인되었다. 또한 이를 다수의 공장제 못을 사용하여 수평으로 고정한 것으로 보아 이전에 보수가 이루어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 일목조는 주로 입상에서 나타나지만 안면부를 별도 제작하거나 복장공을 파내지 않고 불상의 모든 요소를 하나의 나무로 조각한 것은 장군상이 유일하다. Based on the scientific analysis and investigation conducted as part of the conservation status recording of "Wooden Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Triad and Ten Underworld Kings of Hwagyesa Temple" in 2015, the structure and manufacturing technique of the wooden Buddha statues were identified. As a result of a radiation inspection, it was possible to confirm the characteristics of the manufacturing technique according to the composition of wooden elements such as the assembling structure. Through this, the tendency of the manufacturing features of Ten Underworld Kings’s kith and kin was considered. In addition, information for future conservation management and research was unearthed by identifying/checking internal defects and traces of repair activities through the use of nails and cracks in wooden elements. Most of the Buddha statues were identified as assembled structures in which substructures such as the face, body and legs were separately joined. It was discovered that the Standing Buddha statues were made with a one-piece structure except for the face. Judging from the direction of the wood grain and assembly methods, it was found that the Saint Domyung standing statue was made using a log type technique in which, except for the face, the back of the head and body were made from one piece of wood. Furthermore, sacred objects such as huryeongtong and organic materials(estimated paper) were observed. A factory-made nail that appeared on the cover of a lower hollow brought to light the finding that it was fixed again after the hollow was opened. In the case of the seated statue of the 4th Underworld King, there is an assembling structure made of a total of three wooden elements, the face, body, and legs, and an in-depth vertical check was confirmed inside the rear. In addition, considering that some nails made in the factory were used and fixed horizontally, it can be seen that repairs were made sometime before. Most of the Standing Buddha statues are one-piece structures, but they are partially assembled by the composition of facial or hollowed features. On the other hand, the General statue is the only statue in which all the elements of the Buddha statue are carved into one piece of wood.

      • KCI우수등재

        두겁주먹장 접합부를 갖는 전통목구조 건축물의 지진응답 해석을 위한 연구

        권용현,양원직 대한건축학회 2023 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.39 No.1

        Recently, earthquakes with a magnitude of as more than 5.0 occurred in 2016 and 2017. A lot of damage to small buildings and privatehouse. Therefore, the scope of the building that needs to be checked to structure safety has been expanded to as more than 2 stories or asmore than 200m2. However, scope of the wooden structure building that needs to be checked to structure safety is as more than 3 stories oras more than 500m2 due to the lack of structural design experience and experts. So, wooden structure buildings that are mainly composedless than 2 stories are usually excluded the target from checked structure safety. Therefore, in this study, a horizontal loading experiment isperformed by rabbet dovetail joint of traditional wooden structure. Based on the experimental results, the behavioral performance and safetyof the rabbet dovetail joints are evaluated. In addition, we present a hysteresis model of the rabbet dovetail joint the equivalent dampingconstant in the hysteresis curve due to the cyclic load. 최근에는 2016년과 2017년에 규모 5.0 이상의 지진이 발생으로 인해 소규모 건물과 개인 주택에 많은 피해가 발생하였다. 이에 건축물의 안전성 확인이 필요한 건축물의 범위를 2층 이상 또는 200㎡ 이상으로 확대하였으나, 목조건축물의 경우 구조설계 경험과 전문가의 부족으로 3층 이상 또는 500㎡ 이상으로 예외 조항이 포함되었다. 주로 2층 이하로 구성된 목조건축물은 건축물 안전성 확인 대상 밖으로 내진설계 사각지대에 위치해 있다. 따라서, 이 연구에서는 전통목구조 건축물의 접합방식인 숭어턱 맞춤에서 도리방향 두겁주먹장 맞춤에 대해 수평 거동 성능을 분석하고, 두겁 두께 차에 의한 최대 내력, 강성 저하율, 에너지 소산율 및 등가점성감쇠정수를 실험을 통해 분석한다. 또한, 반복가력 실험을 통해 등가감쇠정수를 고려하여 비선형성 및 에너지 소산능력이 큰 전통목구조 건축물의 두겁주먹장 맞춤 접합부의 수평하중에 대한 비선형 거동을 모사한 이력 모델을 제시한다.

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