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      • 한국 복분자주산업의 마케팅전략에 관한 연구

        송용종 대한경영교육학회 2004 경영교육저널 Vol.4 No.-

        Recently, the demand for healthy liquor has been sharply increasing in parallel with the changing pattern of drinking wine. As, among others, wild-berry wine has traditionally been regarded as a wine strengthening the internal secretion, lost of autonomous governments in Jenbuk province including Gochang, Jeongeup, Suncheong have buan trying to cultivate wild-berry in large scale. More activated produstion is therefore expected particularly from these areas. Based on the interviews wiht the wild-berry wine produsers, it was revealed that one of the wild-berry producers in Jeonbuk province witnessed an increase of wild-berry production by 60% for the last 3 years and that a producer in Gyeongnam province experienced 100% increase in wild-berry production this year compared to the last year. Wild-berry, with its seeds, leaves, roots and flowers as the main raw marerial for wild-berry wine, has been believed to be effective for all parts of human boby. The efficacy is actually proved these days. I have been greatly interested in the processes from cultivation of wild-berry through production and sales of wild-berry wine and find that it is definitely necessary to systemize the whole processes ranging from cultivation of raw material up to sales and follow up of its producers as a measure to help cultivation of wild-berry as well as producers of its wine to make small busuness improve their incomes. Currently, the wild-berry wines are mostly selling through the quite petty retail channels, except for the case of military supply. As described above, however, the wild-berry wine industry has been experiencing a huge demand for its produsts in wake of healt-first lifestyle of consumers. Thus, it is necessary to expand the production capacity accordingly in large scale, If its quality can be improved and maintained to the extent as other leding traditional wine manufacturers do in korea, it is expectde to have potential to expand domestic market share and even advance into the world mrket as well. By the way, the domestic wine market seems to be facung a turning point in terms not only of internal but also of external environment. From inside, it is challenged by the signs of severe competition following the ease of competition limit system for liquor industry together with the diversified needs of consumers, while, fro, outside, it is pressed by the market opening policy under the continuing economic recession. As a result, an immediate restructuring of liquor market is surely anticipated. 본 연구에서는 최근 웰빙 문화의 급속한 확산에 기인하여 주류산업에서도 건강주에 대한 관심이 고조되어 전통주류의 소비가 급증하고 있다. 따라서 복분자주를 특화하여 국내 전통주로써 경쟁우위 제고를 위함이 연구에 목적을 두고있다. 그러나 학문적인 연구가 거의 없으며, 문헌적인 자료 또한 미천하여, 우선 실태파악에 주안점을 두고, 현장 면담조사를 통하여 기술하였다. 실태파악을 통하여 우선적으로 오프라인상에서의 마케팅전략과 병행하여 온라인상에서의 마케팅전략을 원론적인 토대를 기술하였다. 따라서 기존의 복분자주 산업계나 창업을 준비하는 당사자들에게 본 연구가 정보전달 매체가 되었으면 하고, 나아가 한국 복분자주가 전통주의 선두주자로써의 경쟁력 제고로 차후에 수출시장에서도 일익을 담당하기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        진실에 다가서는 상상력: 오스카의 설득력 있는 와일드 변론 -『오스카 와일드의 마지막 증언』

        류춘희 ( Chun Hee Rhew ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2013 현대영미소설 Vol.20 No.2

        The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde is a fictional autobiography written by Peter Ackroyd and published in 1983. Ackroyd thinks that there`s no fundamental difference between biography/historiography and fiction in that each of them is a form of story-telling. Using very realistic narrative methods of conventional British fiction as well as various postmodern narrative techniques, Ackroyd tells us of the last days of Oscar Wilde, the Victorian writer. The novel creates a certain image of ``reality`` by taking``real``names of people, places and events which are historically verifiable. Ackroyd-Oscar Wilde himself in the novel-represents the historical Oscar Wilde imitating Wilde`s tone and style as if practising ventriloquism. Oscar Wilde, the Anglo-Irish writer, is also well known for a great aesthete and social critic of nineteenth-century Britain. The verdict passed upon Wilde`s scandalous homosexuality in May 1895 destroyed his reputation irrecoverably, and dragged him down from a great artist of originality and genius to miserable contemptibility for the remainder of his days, which led him to an earlydeath in Paris away from home. A colourfully-told fiction exerts a deep influence on readers and a really good story owns inner emotionality, so the readers easily forget checking the story against the facts. Going further than skillfully telling really good stories, Ackroyd explores inside Oscar Wilde making readers imagine variously potential truths behind the ostensible reality of the dead writer. In the narrative by Ackroyd, the fictional Oscar Wilde narrating the story perfectly replaces the real Oscar Wilde and beautifully excusesnotonly his aesthetic stance but also even the disgraceful personal history. The reader unwittingly becomes willing to sympathise with Oscar Wilde no matter what he did.

      • KCI등재

        조이스의 『젊은 예술가의 초상』에서 보이는 와일드의 미학

        민태운 ( Ta Eun Min ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2011 제임스조이스저널 Vol.17 No.1

        Oscar Wilde`s influence upon Joyce`s idea of art is evident, as is his even more direct influence on Stephen Dedalus. This essay examines Joyce`s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man to see how closely it reflects Wilde`s aesthetics, aesthetics mainly explained in Wild`s writings such as “The Decay of Lying” and “The Critic as Artist.” Wilde opines that life imitates art, not the other way around; interestingly, Stephen mimics Dantes of The Count of Monte Cristo, thus illustrating the influence of art upon life. For Wilde, art is purer and more perfect than life. Art is also the realm of pure invention and lying, the world of the “green rose” Stephen retreats into during the Christmas dinner scene. Wilde asserts that human beings can shield themselves from the sordid perils of actual existence through art only; Stephen often escapes from the competitive, harsh realities of life into a static, non-threatening world by detaching himself from them. This is closely connected with “spectatorism,” which Henry supports and practices in The Picture of Dorian Gray, a philosophy that allows Stephen to turn reality to art by transforming vulgar human life into aesthetically distanced drama. Stephen is criticized as antisocial and egotistic by his friends, for he rejects their requests for political action. From a Wildean point of view, however, Stephen would be a genuine artist, for action of every kind, for Wilde, belongs to the sphere of ethics, not of art. Wilde even supports the egotistic attitude for an artist. In this context it is understandable that Stephen decides to leave his society, which is “the basis of morals,” as Wilde explains it. Thus, Stephen`s “I will not serve” announces his break from the fetters of society and indicates the artist`s and art`s autonomy. Undoubtedly, Stephen is a type of Aesthete, but Joyce is not the same as his persona. Joyce is persistently realistic; he uses the technique of “scrupulous meanness” in Dubliners and “personal experiences” and encyclopediac knowledge in other works, and these are exactly what Wilde is against. Also, “washerwoman” and the real people from “Blue-Book” appear in Joyce`s art, a practice Wilde criticizes severely. Ultimately, Joyce succeeds in making interesting fictions out of “dull facts,” invalidating Wilde`s as well as Stephen`s judgment.

      • KCI등재

        포유류 로드킬 저감을 위한 고속도로 유도울타리 효율성 및 개선방안 연구 -중앙고속도로 만종~홍천 구간을 사례로-

        송정석 ( Jeong Seok Song ),이경재 ( Kyong Jae Lee ),기경석 ( Kyong Seok Ki ),전익요 ( Ik Yo Jun ) 한국환경생태학회 2011 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.25 No.5

        본 연구는 고속도로 야생동물 유도울타리 설치효과를 분석하여 적정한 유도울타리 설치 개선 및 관리방안을 제시하고자 중앙고속도로 만종분기점~홍천나들목구간을 대상으로 수행하였다. 고속도로에 설치된 유도울타리는 포유류의 도로침입 방지효과가 있었으며, 방음벽, 낙석방지울타리, 2단 가드레일과 분리방호벽도 로드킬 예방에 효과적인 시설이었다. 유도울타리의 로드킬 저감 효과는 출입문이 설치된 높이 1.5m의 울타리보다 출입문이 설치되지 않은 높이 1.0m 구간이 로드킬 감소효과가 높아 출입문의 유무가 로드킬 저감에 중요한 요인으로 판단되었다. 또한 도로시설물의 연결지점에서 로드킬 저감 효과가 컸으며 출입문이 있더라도 관리가 잘되는 지역도 로드킬 감소효과가 높았다. 유도울타리는 설치연장이 증가함에 따라 로드킬 감소율이 높았다. 유도울타리 끝 부분과 절토부 주변은 로드킬에 취약하여 이에 대한 개선이 요구되었다. 울타리 유지관리용 출입문은 설치간격이 가까울수록 로드킬 발생량이 높아 출입문 관리가 로드킬 저감에 효과가 많은 것으로 판단되었다. 고속도로 유도울타리 설치 개선방안은 암반의 급경사 지역외에 모두 설치되어야 하고, 도로상의 낙석방지책, 2단 가드레일, 방호벽 등은 적정 시설개선을 통해 유도울타리로 연결 설치되어야 한다. 출입문을 설치할 경우 자동개폐식 또는 중력개폐식으로 설치하여 개방을 방지하고 야생동물 탈출로가 조성이 되어야 한다. 겸용생물이동통로는 토양층 복원이나 식생공간을 조성하여 생물이동통로화 하여야 하며 로드킬로 포식자에 의한 2차 로드킬을 막기 위해 사고난 사체는 즉시 도로외부로 처리가 되어야 한다. 울타리는 최소 사고예방 목표지점으로부터 양방향 500m 이상 즉 1,000m 이상 설치되어야 하며 가급적 다음 도로시설인 교량, 통로박스 등까지 연결하여 야생동물을 생물이동통로로 안전하게 유도하여야 한다. This study had targeted the Manjong Junction~Hongchun interchange section of Jungang highway in order to analyze the efficiency and improvement of the highway wild-life fences. Being analyzed wild-life fence as an effective facility for the prevention of road-kill, it had founded that the wild animals did not jump over even the two layer guardrail, concrete barrier and noise barrier, fence for rock fall. For the section with high road-kill decrease effect after installing the wild-life fence, the effect was higher at wild-life fence with the height of 1.0m where the door had not been installed and the well connected points of road facility than the area with fence height of 1.5m. The road-kill decrease effect was also high at the well managed areas even if the door has not been installed. Also, road-kill had occurred by concentrating around the end of wild-life fence after installing the fence, Moreover road-kill had also occurred around the cutting section. The door of wild-life fence had higher amount of road-kill occurrence as the installation interval was closer. it was analyzed that the door management has a lot of effect on road-kill decrease. The fence for rock fall, two layer guardrail and concrete barrier having the effect of wild-life fence installed on the road would have to be installed by connecting with wild-life fences through proper facility improvement. Although the door should not be installed if possible, it should be installed as automatic door or gravity door to prevent the door from leaving the door open. An escape route has to be formed for the prompt escape away from the road for the animals entered through the ending section of the fence. The eco-corridor has to be made by restoring the soil layer of dual purpose eco-corridor forming a planting area. Also, the dead body after the accident has to be disposed to the outer section of the road immediately in order to prevent the secondary road-kill by the predator from the road-kill. The fence has to be installed as 500m or longer in both ways, in other words 1,000m or longer, from the targeted spot of minimum accident prevention while connecting up to the bridge or box culvert, etc that are next road facilities if possible to guide wild animals safely to the eco-corridor.

      • KCI등재

        The Comparative of Growth Characteristics and Ginsenoside Contents in Wild-simulated Ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) on Different Years by Soil Properties of Cultivation Regions

        Kiyoon Kim,Jeong-Hoon Huh,Yurry Um,Kwon Seok Jeon,Hyun-Jun Kim 한국자원식물학회 2020 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.33 No.6

        The aim of this study was to investigate the comparative growth characteristics and ginenoside contents of wild-simulated ginseng on different years (7 and 13-year-old) by monitoring soil properties of cultivation regions. Plant and soil samples were collected from 6 different cultivation regions. Soil organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN) and cation exchangeable capacity (CEC) were significantly higher in 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng cultivation regions compared to 7-year-old wild-simulated ginseng cultivation regions. Growth characteristics of wild-simulated ginseng had shown significantly higher in 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng compared to 7-year-old wild-simulated ginseng. Ginsenoside G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1 were significantly higher in 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng than 7-year-old wild-simulated ginseng. According to the results of correlation analysis, soil OM, TN and CEC of the cultivated regions were positively correlated with the growth of wild-simulated ginseng. In addition, the root length of wild-simulated ginseng showed positive correlation with ginsenoside content. Hence, this study was able to investigate the correlation between growth and ginsenoside content of wild-simulated ginseng based on soil characteristics of the cultivation regions.

      • KCI등재

        연애편지로 읽어보는 와일드의 『가슴 속 깊은 데서』

        이순구(Soonku Lee) 19세기영어권문학회 2008 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.12 No.2

        This paper is a study on De Profundis as a love letter. By proving that this prison letter is a love letter written by Oscar Wilde to Alfred Douglas in Reading Gaol, I want to show that this prison letter subverts the conventional form of the novels. In conventional novels love between man and woman is usual and so erotic heterosexual feelings are common. Hetero-sexuality is a main theme in almost all the traditional forms of novels, poems and dramas. However, in De Profundis Wilde experiments with a new kind of writing when he makes his love for Douglas clear. Erotic feelings for another man is presupposed in this letter. Wilde started his letter expressing his hatred and despise toward Douglas, who had not written to him for a long time just because Wilde didn’t allow him the dedication of his poetry to Wilde. Wilde found this to be an insufficient excuse for cutting off communication. However, recalling his past life with Douglas before his confinement and reconstructing it in his mind Wilde confessed that Douglas had loved him really and he himself loved him as mother loved her own child. Moreover, he introduces another lover, Robert Ross, into the letter and portrays him as an ideal friend. This must have hurt Douglas. However, this was just a gesture to make Douglas feel jealousy for Ross. Inspiring jealousy for the rival in a lover when the lover doesn’t show enough love is one of the traditional methods of love between man and woman. Wilde here makes use of a triangular relationship of love to get back Douglas’ love. Therefore, we can conclude that Wilde regarded homosexuality as the same thing with heterosexuality in its essence.

      • KCI등재후보

        산삼 심마니 채삼 관습과 민법상 특수지역권

        배병일 고려인삼학회 2023 인삼문화 Vol.5 No.1

        This study looks at the origin of a wild–ginseng, Korean ginseng, and traces the origin of associated wild–ginseng digging customs back to the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. These historical customs helped Korea gain control over its wild ginseng resources following Japanese colonization acts, Korea‘s present– day forest laws, and Korean Civil Law. Prior to Japanese colonial rule in Korea (1910–1945), ginseng digging was a common custom, but Imperial Japan distorted Korea’s own legal principles of the public rights of wild–ginseng digging during this colonial period. Distorted legal principles concerning digging customs continued after Korea’s liberation from Japanese rule and were maintained until the enforcement of the Korean Civil Law in 1960, when legal principles of the right of common were changed to special servitude. The origin of the right of common can be found in the Sichojang of the Joseon Dynasty. The Sichojang, a place where local residents jointly collected firewood and fed livestock, was the minimum right to life and interest at the time. Since the right of common was the right to life, Imperial Japan attempted to abolish it, but it was never successful. In addition, distorted legal principles have been maintained in present– day forestry–related laws and regulations. Over 75 years since the liberation from Japanese rule in 1945, it is imperative to break away from the distorted legal principles and acknowledge that digging custom rights have changed from common customs to a special servitude under Korean Civil Law. Hence, an organization of wild–ginseng diggers is an unincorporated association, and their wild–ginseng digging customs can be constituted as a special servitude. Hence, their practices should be considered valid under customary law. Through this, it will be possible to clarify the legal nature and grounds for ginseng–related wild–ginseng digging activities, as well as the civil responsibility for the activities of wild–ginseng diggers.

      • KCI등재

        산양삼 연근별 생육특성과 진세노사이드 함량 간의 상관관계 연구

        김기윤,엄유리,어현지,박홍우,전권석,김현준 한국자원식물학회 2020 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between growth characteristics and ginsenoside contents of 7 and 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng. The results of growth characteristics such as rhizome length, root length, fresh weight, cross-section area, surface area and volume were shows significantly higher in 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng compare to 7-year-old wild-simulated ginseng. In the case of 11 ginsenoside contents, the contents of G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1 and Rg2 were shows significantly higher in 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng compare to 7-year-old wild-simulated ginseng. In addition, in the comparative analysis of ginsenoside contents between wild-simulated ginseng and cultivated ginseng, 13-year-old wild-simulated ginseng was shows significantly higher G-Rb1, Rd, Re, Rf and Rg1 ginsenoside contents compare to 4-year-old and 5-year-old cultivated ginseng. In the result of correlation analysis between growth characteristics and ginsenoside contents, the G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2 ginsenoside was shows significantly positive correlation with rhizome length, fresh weight, cross-section area, surface area, volume, while as the contents of G-Rb1, Re, Rf, Rg2 was shows significantly negative correlation with shoot diameter. The results of this study was might be help to provide useful information on the establish quality standard by the investigate correlation analysis between growth characteristics and ginsenoside content of wild-simulated ginseng. 본 연구는 7년, 13년근 산양삼의 생육특성과 진세노사이드(G) 함량 간의 상관관계를 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 6개소의 산양삼의 생육특성을 조사한 결과, 뇌두길이, 뿌리길이, 생중량, 단면적, 표면적, 부피에 있어 13년근 산양삼이 7년근 산양삼에 비하여 유의적으로 높은 것을 확인하였다. 진세노사이드11종에 대한 함량은 G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2 함량이 13년근 산양삼이 7년근 산양삼 보다 유의적으로 높은 수치를 확인하였다. 또한 산양삼과 인삼(재배삼) 진세노사이드 함량을 비교한 결과, 13년 산양삼에서 G-Rb1, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1이 4 년, 5년근 인삼(재배삼)에 비해 유의적으로 함량이 높은 것으로확인되었다. 산양삼 연근별 생육특성과 진세노사이드 함량 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2 함량은 뇌두길이, 생중량, 단면적, 표면적, 부피와 유의정인 정의 상관관계를 보였으며, G-Rb1, Re, Rf, Rg2는 줄기직경과 부의 상관관계를 확인하였다. 본 연구는 산양삼의 7년근과13년근을 대상으로 생육특성과 진세노사이드 함량 상관관계를구명함으로써 연근에 따른 품질규격 정립에 유용한 정보를 제공 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        『하찮은 여인』- 도덕적 모호성

        이순구(Soonku Lee) 19세기영어권문학회 2009 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.13 No.1

        Oscar Wilde showed his interest in Henry James during his life and praised him as the only great author living in England. While reading Wilde’s drama A Woman of No Importance, I found out its strong kinship with James’ novels. Wilde’s affinities with James that I’ve found out in this drama are as follows. First, Wilde in this drama made use of American character, Hester Worsley, to criticize the English upper class from his own point of view very objectively. Second, in this drama there is almost no action. This is a play in which talk all but entirely displaces action. Third, there are moral ambiguities in Wilde's attitude toward his main characters. He shows his sympathy and contempt simultaneously toward Mrs Arbuthnot and Lord Illingworth. This paper aims at tracing and exploring the third affinity. This drama is basically a drama about a man who seduced a woman but denied marrying that woman when she became pregnant, or this drama is about a fallen woman who fled her parents for love of the man she loved, only to be deserted by him soon. So, Wilde describes Lord Illingworth as a bad guy who exploited a woman sexually while sympathizing with the sufferings Lady Illingworth went through as a woman. In this case Wilde criticizes moral corruption of the upper class represented by Lord Illingworth from the victim's point of view. However, paradoxically Wilde cannot help loving the hero, Lord Illingworth. He shows his contempt and hatred toward Mrs Arbuthnot from the point of Lord Illingworth, the aesthete and dandy. She finally becomes another selfish character who tries to possess her own son by herself and cannott forgive the sins Lord Illingworth committed 20 years ago. In the battle between the two, Lord Illingworth and Mrs Arbuthnot, there is no complete winner nor complete loser. The battle continues till the end of the drama. We just watch neutrally.

      • KCI등재

        토마스 만과 오스카 와일드: 『도리언 그레이의 초상』에 드러난 동성애와 예술의 역할

        정이화,변영은 한국동서비교문학학회 2021 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.- No.55

        This paper examines how, in the late 19th century, Thomas Mann (1875-1955) and Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) were both not only involved with the role of the artist and the heightened social consciousness of homosexuality but also critically aware of each other as contemporary writers. Whereas Mann struggled to find a personal balance between the two extremes of social order and the philosophy of aestheticism, Wilde chose to pursue his often shocking and impulsive desires which are vividly captured in The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891). In his novel, Wilde narrates a dark and tragic story of how the male protagonist chooses a life of deceit and evil in pursuit of absolute youth and beauty, which is seen as a premonition of how the author’s life ends. Wilde voluntarily exiles himself from England after being imprisoned for gross indecency with men and ends his life destitute and alone in Paris. In comparison to Wilde’s course of life and his literary works, Mann embraced the ideology of aestheticism with caution and moderation because it was strongly associated with being demoralized and because it instigated its believers towards homosexuality. In this paper, therefore, I focus on Mann’s accurate and significant criticism of Wilde and how he advised Wilde, both as author and as contemporary writer, to redirect his artistic literary skills to better means of social order.

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