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      • KCI등재

        대만영화 <군중낙원(Paradise in Service)>: ‘특약차실(特約茶室)’ 공간과 여성 재현의 정치

        신동순 중국문화연구학회 2018 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.39

        The film rebuilds the historical consciousness through the expression of the military paradise and women, and re-interweaves the history of “Special Tea House”. The film reproduces the space and women of “Special Tea House”. War and violence replaced by Paradise in Service. The film shows that women here are liberated from the ideology of state and masculinity. These emancipation is not real liberation, but fake liberation. People portray the history of women in ‘Special Tea House’, but differ from each other. Some think they came voluntarily, and some think that the system and ideology have forced them, suppressed them and cheated them. The film rationalizes and legitimates these spaces and women through the reproduction of space and women. Although women’s violence and military violence are shown, A central figure for the dissolution of this violence is the male and the State system. Ending subtitles are as follows. “In 1951, the army set up a ‘special tea house’ in the army to address the physiological needs of hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Also known as “Paradise in Service” or 831. With the improvement of bilateral relations in 1990, Taiwan reduced its military power and the legislature considered it a violation of the human rights of women. Ministry of Defense decided to withdraw ‘Special Tea House’.” The government officially identified these spaces as violating women’s human rights. But, The director defines the women there as ‘sex workers’. These views have hidden the history of women in ‘Special tea House’ and even politically removed the ‘comfort women’ history of Japanese colonialism.

      • 일본중세 賣茶圖의 찻집문화 고찰

        고연미(Yeon Mi Ko) 한국일본불교문화학회 2010 일본불교문화연구 Vol.- No.2

        본고에서는 일본중세 서민의 차문화를 이해할 수 있는 賣茶圖에 나타난 찻집문화를 고찰하기 위하여 당시의 賣茶문화를 空間, 商人, 道具로 나누어 분석하고, 최종적으로 중세찻집에서의 飮茶法을 조명하였는데, 그 결과를 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 매다 공간으로서 찻집의 형태는 이동식 찻집과 가옥형 찻집으로 나타났는데, 전자는 흔히 '一服一錢'으로도 불리며 立차賣와 座賣로 세분화되고, 후자는 '見世賣'로 불리며 간이찻집(掛茶屋)과 家屋형 찻집으로 구분되었다. 찻위치는 社寺門前이 가장 많았다. 둘째, 매다 상인은 승복풍의 모습을 한 사람이 많았는데, 대부분 승려가 아니고, 신분 또한 河原者와 같이 천대받는 하층민에 가까웠던 것으로 나타났다. 다만 <地藏菩薩霊験記繪>의 매다인이 승려일 가능성으로 茶磨의 존재에 주목하였다. 셋째, 매다 도구는 정교하고 값비싼 차도구는 아니지만, 점다법에 필요한 도구인 물통, 탕관, 풍로, 다완, 칠다탁, 차선 등을 갖추고 시행되었던 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 마지막으로, 위 세 가지의 연구주제 결과를 종합하여 <일본중세 찻집의 음다법 순행도>로 정리함으로써, 중세찻집에서 매다인은 어떤 방법으로 차를 점다하였고, 손님은 어떤 방식으로 마셨는지 조명하였다. 일본중세의 잣집을 고찰한 결과, 거친 실외환경에 '한사발에 한냥'하는 질 좋은 차를 마신 것은 아니지만, 사원참배나 사계 명소에 보이는 찻집의 풍경은 功德과 즐거움이 살아있는 건강한 모습으로 투영되어 나타났다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the culture of tea houses on the medieval pictures of tea vendors in Kamakura and Muromachi period. This article employs two methods to inquire the medieval literatures and pictures of tea houses. For accomplishing this purpose, four subjects are conducted tea houses, tea vendors, tea utensils, and How to drink and make whisked tea. The result of this research is as follows. First, the tea houses divided into mobile tea houses and fixed ones and are mostly located the entrance of temple or shrine. Second, the class of tea vendors was known the people of the lower classes by researching the literatures of occupation as handicraftsmen. Third, tea utensils consisted tea kettles, braziers, tea bowls, lacquer tea bowl stand, containers for powdered tea, tea whisks, fresh-water containers, ladles etc. A hand millstone for tea was appeared nothing but a work of art. Four, The development picture of Whisked tea on medieval tea houses showed to be reconstructed how to drink and make whisked tea in medieval times by putting previous three subjects together.

      • 난향지실(蘭香之室) 행다례법(行茶禮法)에 관한 연구 : 잎차 생활다례를 중심으로

        이일희 성신여자대학교 생활문화연구소 2006 生活文化硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        What becomes the best foundation in the process of squeezing and drinking tea, includes the preparation for tea table, mind-set and manner in the host of squeezing tea, and in the person of drinking tea. Accordingly, the courteous looks, which are well up in the mind together with the Preparation for simply tea table, are the basis of tea life. Furthermore, given being embodied the principle called 'elaborately when making tea, with dryness when storing, and cleanly when squeezing,' and the Korean tea spirit, it can be enjoyed harmoniously human life due to being squeezed true perfume, natural color and genuine taste. What is the most important in the first table setting is a direction of etiquette and the standard of the virtue in superiors and inferiors. Considering the arrangement of furniture in a tea room, the location of an entrance door, and a view, it allows a direction of etiquette to be main guest in the east and the west, and makes an upper seat toward the side close to the north from a seat that is sat face to face with the host. As the north is the position of Mister, God, and the Buddha, thereby being good not to sit down. The arrangement in tea fixtures such as teacup, earthen teapot, and tea tube, is based on the setting of dishes. Korea's tea spirit is Pungryudo (風流徒). The thought of Samshin (the legendary three founders of Korea), and the thought of Shinseon (Taoist hermit with supernatural powers) in Gojoseon period, are connected to Pungryudo, which is the religion of Hwarang (the flower of youth in Silla dynasty) and the practical virtue in Silla period. As Pungryudo (風流徒) is the principle that Hwarang disciples need to keep while training mind and body in nature with good scenic beauty, it refers to the three religions, the three primary virtues, and the five Buddhist commandments. Accordingly, Pungryudo is the mental world in a broad sense that embraces Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Catholicism, and Christianity. Therefore, it is thought that what grants a meaning to tea life, needs to be put on the process of learning and practicing across the whole of tea life.

      • KCI등재

        중국 차(茶) 전문점에서 전통 장식문양 활용에 관한 연구 : 기하학문양을 중심으로

        밀봉인,이영주,이정교 한국공간디자인학회 2012 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.7 No.1

        중국에서 발원된 차(茶)는 인류가 애용하는 기호품(嗜好品)중 가장 오랜 역사를 가지고 있으며 중국 차 전문점 또한 이러한 역사를 기반으로 중국의 대표적인 문화로 자리 잡고 있다. 따라서 전통장식문양의 활용에 관한 연구를 통해 차 전문점의 새로운 공간 표현방법을 위한 발전 가능성을 탐색하고자한다. 본 연구에서는 중국 동부지역 위치한 대표적인 차 전문점 중 메인 출입공간을 중심으로 연구하였다. 구체적으로 중국 전통 장식문양중 기하학문양의 유형과 표현방법 및 특성을 알아보고, 이를 바탕으로 사례분석의 틀을 구조화 하였다. 분석 결과 중국 전통 장식문양을 적용된 차 전문점의 메인 출입공간은 과거와 현대를 이어주는 끈의 역할로써 고객에게 편안함을 안겨주며 그 공간의 지명도와 중국인의 자긍심을 높여주는 역할을 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그러므로 본 연구를 통해서 차 전문점공간에서 전통 장식문양의 활용성이 매우 중요한 영향을 끼치는 요소로 판명되었으며, 추후 중국 차 전문점 공간계획시 보다 체계적인 전통장식문양에 대한 고려가 이루어져야 할 것이다. Tea is a sort of popular drinks that has the longest history and extensive affect in China. The design of tea-house embodies the cultural evolution from ancient times to nowadays. In this paper, we explore the development possibilities of the representations space for tea-house by studying on the use of traditional decorative patterns. All those study are relying on the main entrance space of well-known tea houses located in the east of China. It emphatically analysis the representation and the characteristic of geometric pattern. The survey shows that if we use traditional pattern types properly and combine the traditional types with fashion factors in the main entrance space of Chinese tea-house, we can not only provide customers a much more comfortable environment but also enhance brand awareness and let our traditional culture known by people as well as enhance their sense of national pride. Through this study, we can definitely say that the use of traditional pattern in the tea-house space design is very important. Therefore, making it possible for people to consider the systemic using of traditional pattern in the space design of Tea-house.

      • KCI우수등재

        北宋代 福建 臘茶와 茶法

        徐銀美(Suh Eun-Mi) 역사학회 2002 역사학보 Vol.173 No.-

        La cha in the region of Fujian was very famous in Northern Song period as it was provided for the Imperial House. Indeed, Nabcha was the tea of the Song Dynasty, which was circulated most widely. Nabcha's fame came from its being Imperial tea as well as the tea producing technology and the tea culture of the people in that period. For this reason Tea Laws in Fujian were different from other regions. While the direct trade of tea between tea growers and merchant were allowed in other regions, the trade in Fujian was controlled by the government officials. Also, when the La cha related violation took place. punishment was severe than any other cases. The purpose of monopolizing tea was to secure governmental budget and help government to finance military supplies. This point has well been explained by the previous studies in this subject. But the way in which the regional government profited from the monopoly has not been mentioned thus far. One of the reasons for this lack of explanation is related to the view that the quantity of tea controlled by government equals to the total amount of tea produced. But the government controlled tea was not the whole amount of tea produced. The fair amount of tea was kept in the farm area. In some cases, growers got permit to sell their tea by paying taxes. In other case, growers was permitted to pay other taxes by their tea. This was how the regional government financially profited from the tea monopoly.

      • KCI등재

        16세기 다실 건축의 성립과 조선 민가 - 센노 리큐의 묘키안 타이안을 중심으로 -

        김병주 대한건축학회지회연합회 2020 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.22 No.4

        센노 리큐는 오늘날 초암 다실이라고 불리는 독특한 건축 유형을 만들어냈다. 리큐 다실은 세계에도 드문 건축 유형, 일본 건축의 원점이라고 평가되는 것이 보통이다. 본 연구는 이러한 통속적 견해에 대해 의문을 제기한다. 16세기 이후 성립된 리큐 다실은 일본건축의 역사적 계보 속에서 보았을 때 매우 이질적이다. 어디에선가 갑자기 툭 튀어나온 돌연변이 같은 건축이라는 견해도 만만치 않다. 이전까지의 일본건축에서는 볼 수 없었던 요소들이 다수 확인되기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구는 리큐 타이안으로 대표되는 16세기 다실 건축의 성립이 동시대 한국의 민가와 어떤 관계에 있었는지를 살펴보았다. 먼저 리큐 다실의 성립에 한국의 전통 민가가 커다란 영향을 주었다고 주장하는 일본인 학자들의 연구 자료를 고찰하였다. 다음으로 리큐 다실과 한국의 민가에서 공통적으로 나타나는 건축 특징을 살펴보고 그 공통점의 배경을 해명하였다. 마지막으로 16세기 다실의 성립과 한국 민가의 밀접한 상관관계를 뒷받침할 수 있는 문헌적 근거를 고서를 통해 제시하였다. 이를 통해 16세기 다실의 성립에 한국의 전통 민가가 미친 영향 또는 양자의 밀접한 상관관계를 엿볼 수 있다. The Sen no Rikyu created a unique architectural style called the Souan tea house today. Myokian Taian in Kyoto is especially known as a case displaying his unique aesthetic consciousness, Wabi. Rikyu's tea house holds an extremely small space of 1.5 or 2 tatamis. It is commonly called the origin of Japanese architecture and aesthetics as a rare architectural style in the world. This study began by raising a question about this common view. Rikyu's tea house made in the 16th century is very heterogeneous in the historical genealogy of Japanese architecture. The present study thus decided to examine relations, if any, between the tea house architecture of Japan represented by Rikyu Taian in the 16th century and its contemporary private houses in Korea. The study first examined research materials by Japanese scholars that maintained that traditional Korean private houses had huge impacts on the establishment of Rikyu tea house. It then looked into common architectural characteristics between Rikyu tea house and Korean private houses and offered an explanation about the backgrounds of common features. Finally, it found in old books and presented literature grounds to support close correlations between the establishment of the tea house and Korean private houses in the 16th century.

      • KCI등재

        차전문점 잠재고객의 실내이미지 선호에 관한 연구

        이수아,김선중 한국주거학회 2019 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.30 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to find out the interior image preference the characteristic of subjects and to provide it as basic data for the interior design plan of a tea-house. This deta were collected through a survey and the respondents included 237 males and females. The contents of the survey consisted of the socio-demographic characteristics, the tea drinking behavior, the tea drinking space, the usage motivation, and the preferred interior. The analysis performed included one-way layout, factor analysis, t-test, scheffe test through SPSS program. The most important factors influencing the interior design preference are the color scheme. And there was a slight difference in the interior image preference according to the usage motivation level. As a result of the analysis, the respondents perceived the interior of the tea-house as five factors which is elegant, delicate, natural, graceful and simple. There was no statistical significance in the interior preference within different respondents. As the survey is limited in Ulsan area and as the interior image is only answered through the adjective form vocabulary, some limitations exist. It is necessary to do further research on matching the preferred adjective form image of the potential customer to the components of the actual space. Advancing on that, the preference of interior images of tea-house and more specific interior design guidelines should be investigated and researched. 본 연구의 목적은 조사대상자들의 특성에 따라 실내이미지를 선호를 알아보고 차전문점의 실내디자인 계획에 기초자료로 제공하는데 있다. 연구방법으로 양적조사를 실시하였으며 조사대상자는 남녀 237명을 대상으로 하였다. 조사내용은 조사대상의 사회인구학적 특성, 차음용행태, 차음용공간, 이용동기, 선호하는 실내이미지 등으로 구성하였다. 연구자료의 분석은 SPSS 프로그램을 이용하였으며 일원배치분산분석, 요인분석, t-검정, scheffe‘검증을 실시하였다. 실내이미지 선호에 영향을 주는 가장 중요한 실내구성요소는 공간의 전반적인 색채였다. 실내이미지 선호는 이용자들의 이용동기 수준별로 약간의 차이가 있었다. 요인분석결과 응답자들은 차전문점의 실내이미지를 고상한, 은은한, 내추럴한, 단아한, 소박한 이미지의 5가지 차원으로 인지하고 있었다. 실내이미지 선호는 요인별로 큰차이를 보이지 않았다.

      • Analysis of Alkaloid Components and Essential Oils in the Jasmine Tea and Insecticidal Effects of Ethanolic Extracts of Jasmine Tea on House Dust Mite

        Jin-Soun Jung,Bo-Hee Lee,Keum-Hi Mun,Ja-Young Kwon 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Techn Vol.8 No.1

        GC/MS ingredient analysis and TD GC/MS analysis was performed to identify the components causing insecticidal activity among the variable components contained in jasmine tea. In the results, it was identified that the caffeine of 86.73% contained in the jasmine tea and the major essential oils in jasmine tea were delta-3-carene(23.61%), dl-limonene(16.35%), 2-beta-pinene(14.70%) and alpha-pinene, (-)-(12.17%). It was examined the insecticidal effect of the ethanolic extracts of jasmine tea on house dust mites by concentrations(1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625㎎/40㎕). At the concentration of extract 1㎎/40㎕ and 0.5㎎/40㎕, a mortality rate of 100% was observed. At the concentration of extract 0.25㎎/40㎕, the mortality rate of 91.25% was observed. At the concentration of extract 0.125㎎/40㎕, the mortality rate of 40% was observed. These results suggest that jasmine tea ethanol extract shows a high insecticidal effect (>91.25%) at concentrations of 0.25㎎/40㎕ or higher. The insecticidal effects of the caffeine standard and 9 kinds of essential oil standards contained in the jasmine tea were measured in order to verify the insecticidal effect of jasmine tea. The caffeine showed a high insecticidal effect (>74.09%) at concentrations of 0.125㎎/40㎕ or higher. The delta-3-carene showed a high insecticidal effect (>94%) at concentrations of 0.125㎎/40㎕ or higher and a 70.84% insecticidal effect at a concentration of 0.0625㎎/40㎕. 2-beta-pinene, trans-caryophyllene, and gamma-terpinene showed high insecticidal effects (>80%) at concentrations of 0.25㎎/40㎕ or higher.

      • KCI등재

        티 전문점의 지각된 서비스품질이 사후 고객행동 의도에 미치는 영향: 티 제품 지식수준의 조절효과를 중심으로

        김효근(Kim, Hyo-Geun) 한국외식경영학회 2019 외식경영연구 Vol.22 No.5

        본 연구는 최근 국내·외 티 선호도 증가와 티 시장의 급속한 확장으로 인해 티 전문점을 이용한 경험이 있는 고객이 지각한 서비스품질이 향후 사후 고객행동 의도에 미치는 영향과 티 제품 지식수준 정도에 따라 영향 정도를 실증적으로 연구하기 위하여, 국내 수도권 지역 2년제 대학 호텔항공외식전공 대학생을 조사 대상으로 연구를 진행하여, 티 전문점 현장에서 고객만족 극대화와 매출 증대를 위한 시사점을 제공하여 마케팅 기본 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 연구분석 결과, 고객이 지각한 서비스품질은 사후 고객행동 의도에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 가설이 채택되었으며, 고객이 지각한 서비스품질이 사후 고객행동 의도에 미치는 영향에서 조절변수로서 티 제품 지식수준에 따른 관계는 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 가설이 채택되어 조절변수의 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. This study shows that the service quality perceived by customers with experience of using tea house on the future of post-customer behavior and the degree of tea product knowledge due to the recent increase in the preference of tea market, rapid expansion of the tea. The research the research was conducted with a 2-year university hotel aviation and food service college student in the metropolitan area of Korea. In order to maximize customer satisfaction and increase sales at the tea house, we aimed to suggest the basic direction of marketing. Research analysis result, the hypothesis was adopted because the perceived quality of service had a significant positive effect on the intention of post-customer behavior. The relationship according to the tea product knowledge level has a significant positive effect on the influence of the perceived quality of service on the customer’s intention to follow-up.

      • KCI등재

        일본 전통문화의 관점에서 후지모리 테루노부 다실건축의 재료 특성에 관한 연구-레비스트로스의 요리 삼각형을 중심으로-

        박경애 한국기초조형학회 2017 기초조형학연구 Vol.18 No.2

        Terunobu Fujimoris's design approach has roots in Japanese tradition. He gains properties of his own through combining indigenous materials originated from native sensitivity with regional architectural technique. The purpose of this study is analysing Fujimori's architectural works by culinary triangle that Claude Levi Strauss explained how the dietary life is related to the culture, on the premise that there is a common structure between food and architecture in a nation. The scope of this study is as follows: Firstly, it explains the fundamental concept of the culinary triangle. And it clarifies interrelationship between culinary triangle as the cultural structure and architectural materials. Secondly, it looks into the characteristics of materials used in traditional tea houses as a background of Fujimori's tea houses. Thirdly, it analyses materials of Fujimori's tea houses through categorizing by the culinary triangle which has the three points- the raw, cooked and the rotten. In the Fujimori's works, 'the raw' symbolizes Zen thought of equalitarianism and democracy that natural materials without a process can keep up it's end. 'The cooked' implies Buddhist's thought that realizes eternal recurrence from the cycle of decomposition and rebirth. And, 'the rotten' connotes a message delivery as the therapy to imperfect human's life through awareness to the ephemeral thing's values. The raw', 'the cooked' and 'the rotten' materials of Japanese tradition coexist in Fujimori's works. Fujimori integrates the nature with the culture through the medium of traditional method by these combination. Finally, it clarifies this research has significance in presenting material practice coexisting with nature through the architectural recipe of Fujimori evolving traditional master's skills. 후지모리 테루노부의 디자인 접근방식은 일본 전통에 깊이 뿌리박고 있다. 그는 자연환경과 민족적 정서에서 유래된 토착적 재료에 지역 고유의 건축기술을 결합함으로써 자신의 독특한 형태를 얻고 있다. 본 연구는 전통문화의 관점에서 한 민족의 음식과 건축에 공통적 구조가 존재한다는 전제하에, 자연에서 비롯된 재료사용법을 계승하는 후지모리의 다실건축 재료 특성을 ‘요리 삼각형’을 통해 규명해 보는 것을 목표로 한다. 이 연구는 다음과 같이 구성된다. 첫째, 레비스트로스의 요리 삼각형의 개념을 알아보고, 문화구조로서 요리 삼각형과 건축 재료의 관련성에 대해 살펴본다. 둘째, 후지모리의 다실건축 재료에 대한 이론적 배경으로서 전통다실의 물질적 특성에 대해 고찰한다. 셋째, 후지모리의 다실공간의 재료분석으로서, 건축 재료를 ‘날 것’, ‘익힌 것’, ‘띄운 것’의 요리 삼각형의 구조에 의해 전통문화의 관점에서 그 특성과 의미를 확인한다. 후지모리의 다실에서 ‘날 것’은 가공 없는 자연 그대로의 재료도 제 역할을 다한다는 평등주의와 민주주의의 선(禪)사상을 함축하며, ‘익힌 것’은 분해와 재생과정을 통해 자연 순환을 완성하는 불교적 윤회사상을 내포한다. 그리고 ‘띄운 것’은 일시적인 것의 가치 인식을 통해 불완전한 인간의 삶에 대한 치유로써 메시지 전달한다. 그의 작품에는 일본 전통재료의 날 것, 익힌 것, 띄운 것이 공존한다. 이러한 조합을 통해 전통방식을 매개로 자연과 문화를 통합한다. 이 연구는 전통장인의 솜씨를 현재진행형으로 진화시키는 후지모리의 건축 요리법을 통해 자연과 공존하는 재료 사용방식과 그 특성을 살펴본 것에 그 의의를 두고자 한다.

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