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        중국 근대건축의 문학적 장소성- 작품의 표현 양상과 문학사적의 장소화에 관한 시론

        장동천 한국중국언어문화연구회 2013 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.31

        A place is the result of effects of time. Places are made up of memories which are the accumulation of history. The meanings of traditional places are based on the various experiences when those places became one with people. Producing the nature of a certain place through memories of these experiences is called "Sense of Place." Architecture is the realization of a place's meaning. Because literature is the development of life's beauty, sense of place, which is the accumulation of life's history and information, can become a type of dialogue which acts as the architecture of literature. In this case, architecture comes to have a literary sense of place through an internal context rather than an outside symbol. In China, there have been many pieces of literature which embody the sense of place of traditional architecture. However, after the formation of modern space, many authors felt the shock of liquid modernity. Through interpretation of this new space, these authors were able to escape traditional places and move to a new sense of place. Although China's modern architecture has a short history and was formed during a period of colonization, authors were able to create a layered sense of place in their literary works through various interpretations. In the larger literary cultural topos, Chinese modern space reveals many cross sections through literary sense of place progressed through architecture. The realization of sense of place is more related to collective experiences than individual experiences. These collective memories are inseparable from cultural regionality. Therefore, sense of place is the driving force behind treating regionality as the central focus of culture discourse. The Chinese have recently instigated a restoration project of urban space of the early modern period based on these characteristics of space. This is not merely a project to restore the historic landscape, but it also contains the strategy of local governments to sell their regional cultural places. Therefore, regional historic sites of literature undergo a remembrance making process and receive a new sense of place. These places are then consumed as literary places to satisfy the nostalgia of the people. This article was written based on the social actions which arise due to the connection of literature and architecture. This article creates two categories of sense of place expressed through literature and place making of historical sites of literature and examines Chinese sense of place of modern Chinese architecture as seen in modern literature. Because this article is a diachronic examination of sense of place, the quoted examples are compositions which run parallel to the concept of sense of place rather than causal relationships with literary history.

      • KCI등재

        환경계획ㆍ설계를 위한 장소성 개념 연구: ‘Sense of Place’와 ‘Placeness’ 용어 비교 분석

        홍성희 ( Hong Sung Hee ),박준서 ( Park Joon Seo ),임승빈 ( Im Seung Bin ) 한국경관학회 2011 한국경관학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 장소성의 실천적 연구에 앞서 장소성 개념 정립에 관한 연구이다. 1980년대 장소에 대한 논의가 시작된 이후 많은 시간이 을렀으나, 현재까지도 장소성은 복잡하고 모호한 개념으로 남아 있으며, 용어 혼용과 같은 기본적인 문제에 당면해 있는 상황이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 지금까지 주장된 장소와 장소성 개념에 대한 국내ㆍ외 논의들에 대한 고찰을 기본으로 장소와 장소성 개념을 정립하고 있으며, 더불어 현재 혼용되고 있는 장소성의 영어적 표현의 문제점을 해소하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 먼저, 장소와 장소성의 사전적 정의와 각 용어들이 국내에 사용된 시점과 내용들을 살펴보고, 제개념에 대한 여러 학자들의 논의를 종합ㆍ분석하여 장소와 장소성 개념을 정의하였으며, 유사 개념들과 제개념 간의 비교 고찰을 통해 각 개념들을 보다 명확히 하고자 하였다. 다음으로 장소성 연구의 혼란을 빚고 있는 장소성 개념의 모호성과 용오 혼용의 문제점, ‘sense of place’와 ‘placeness’ 용어 혼용의 문제점을 해소하기 위하여 두 용어의 사용 경향을 비교 분석하였으며, 이를 통해 ‘sense of place’를 장소성으로 사용하는 것이 보다 바람직할 것으로 판단하였다. The study is related establishment of concept for ‘sense of place’, prior to studying practical research. Even though it’s taken a lot of time since discussing the ‘sense of place’, the concept is not still obvious but complex and ambiguous. And use of the term mixed in with another term is causing confusion. So, this paper considers many other discussions that several scholars define the concept of ‘sense of place’ at home and abroad, in order to establishes the concept of ‘sense of place’. First, we look into dictionary’s definition, process on introduction of ‘sense of place’ and scholars’s definition, Next, we compare the concept similar to ‘sense of place’ with ’sense of place’ so that definitize the concept. Finally, it point out the problems of the concept’s of the concept’s ambiguity and use mixed in with the terms, ‘sense of place’ and ‘placeness’, that causing confusions in studying ‘sense of place’. We suggest that unify use of the term by comparing ‘sense of place’ with ‘placeness’.

      • KCI등재

        Interpreting Sense of Place in Insa-dong, a Cultural District in Seoul

        Yoonku Kwon,Shinha Joo 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2016 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.10 No.4

        This study aimed to explore and interpret the sense of place in Insa-dong a traditional street designated as a cultural district in Seoul through the thoughts and opinions of insiders who actually experience it. The study also aimed to identify a plan for the development and preservation of Insa-dong. Insa-dong was found to have the characteristic of an “unconscious sense of place,” which had formed naturally over time. This characteristic applies to most physical, social, cultural, and experiential elements that make up Insa-dong. It developed as a place of tradition and arts culture, and thus Insa-dong has continued to be a representative place of traditional and Korean culture until the present. While a uniform modern consumer culture is emerging as a result of the integrated designs and socioeconomic changes brought about by urban capitalism, these changes arguably fall within such a range that Insa-dong’s unique, unconscious sense of place is not greatly damaged. Accordingly, Insa-dong as a unique, attractive place where the new cultural characteristic of “modernity” blends appropriately with “traditionality” can be understood as a representative place that expresses Korea’s past and present life. This study is significant because it examined Insa-dong’s sense of place by moving away from expert perspectives and focusing on interviews with insiders. Based on the results, the study developed a plan for the preservation and formation of Insa-dong’s sense of place. Though this study’s results can suggest basic directions and processes for interpreting sense of place, they are limited in terms of suggesting specific planning and design elements. Therefore, a limitation exists in terms of drawing practical implications. Follow-up studies using this study’s suggestions for preserving and improving Insa-dong’s sense of place can formulate more concrete strategies.

      • KCI등재

        이상화 시의 장소와 장소상실

        송명희(Song Myung-Hee) 한국시학회 2008 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.23

        In this article I researched Lee Sang-wha's poems, ‘To my Bedroom’, ‘Spring on the Deprived Land’, ‘In Tokyo’, ‘Ode to Mt. Keum-Gang’, centering on space theory of phnomenological geographers, Yi-Fu Tuan and Edward Relph. In ‘To my Bedroom’, the bedroom protects the ego from the hostile world and means the private refuge which can have an escape. But it becomes only abstract unexperienced space because the Madonna, the salvational woman, doesn't come. That is, it can not function as the concrete shelter which Tuan told. In ‘Spring on the Deprived Land’, the perosna presents the charming and happy sense of place through the spring field. But the field was deprived and is now others' land, so the charming feeling in the field turns into placelessness. Though the poem grieves over placelessness on the surface, it awakens the strong resistance to recover the territory, the ownership, and sense of place in the depth. ‘In Tokyo’ sings nostalgia about the hometown and country in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. The nostalgia means a sense of alienation which a Korean colonist feels as an outsider in the capital of an aggressor, Japan. The separation of the place and the sense of place happens as a necessity as long as the writer has the national identity as a Korean. In ‘Ode to Mt. Keum-Gang’, Mt. Keum-Gang is recognized as a complex with various values and historical consciousness beyond the nature with immortality and eternity. The peak the writer feels in the Mt. Keum-Gang is a sense of place and comes from the discovery of the national reality which the identity of nation accords with the identity of place. This can be the topophilia that Tuan said. The writer presents the eternal circulation of the nature and the attitude to gain the immortality beyond the age of death. Like this Lee Sang-Hwa pursued various meanings about the place as the space of experience. The bedroom which is considered as an abstract space, the field which represents the resistance about the recovery of the place through the crisis which even the sens of the place could be deprived because ownership of the place was deprived, Tokyo which represents the sense of national alienation the Korean colonist feels in the capital of aggressor through the separation of the place and the sense of place, Mt. Keum-Gang which expresses the perfect harmony between identity of the place and the sense of place. Though the analysis about the place I researched the inner world of the poet, consciousness about the world, and the meaning of the works. We cannot but notice the importance of the place to understand the poem in that the place is the original root of human existence, the human take root in the place, see the world through it, and relate with the world.

      • KCI등재

        장소 연구의 핵심 주제 ‘장소의 정감’ 재논의와 장소 만들기에서 그 중요성

        이재하(Lee, Jaeha) 한국지역지리학회 2018 한국지역지리학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 최근 서구에서 장소 연구의 급증 현상과 더불어 핵심적 연구주제가 되고 있는 장소의 정감에 관한 국내 연구의 정확한 방향성과 활성화를 위해 관련 문헌을 통해 ‘장소의 정감’ 개념을 재논의하고, 아울러 그 중요성을 오늘날 지역사회 ‘장소 만들기’의 주요 과제에 적용한 연구사례들을 중심으로 짚어 본다. 장소의 정감은 1970년대 인본주의적 인문지리학자 Tuan과 Relph에 의해 연구 의제로 공식화된 이후, 여러 학문분야에서 그것의 하위 구성개념 혹은 구성요소에 관심을 갖고 많은 연구 노력을 기울여 왔다. 오늘날 대다수의 학자들은 그것을 개인이나 집단이 장소를 경험하며 부여하는 장소정체성, 장소애착, 장소의존성, 장소의미를 포괄하고 있는 개념으로 받아들이고 있다. 하지만 이러한 장소의 정감을 초월한 장소착근 혹은 ‘착근된 장소의 정감’에 관한 경험적 연구도 논의되고 있어 주목된다. 그리고 오늘날 현실세계에서 장소의 정감의 중요성은 도시재생, 환경교육, 공공공간 만들기 등과 같은 지역사회 ‘장소 만들기’의 주요 과제에 장소의 정감을 고려해야 한다는 연구 성과에서 잘 확인된다. 따라서 향후 국내 ‘장소의 정감’ 연구는 비록 장소의 정감의 하위 구성개념에 관한 연구라 할지라도 그것의 바른 이해를 위해 장소의 정감 개념의 맥락에서 접근할 필요가 있다. 더욱이 국내 장소 연구 학자들도 장소 만들기 사업에 관계된 단지나 지구에 적용 가능한 장소의 정감 연구에 적극적인 참여가 있어야 할 것이다. This paper reexamines ‘sense of place’ concept which has been a core research theme with sharply increasing place studies in the recent Western society, and also reviews its significance through some case studies which sense of place had been applied to an important placemaking for community on the purpose of the accurate direction and vitalization of research on them in Korean society. After human geographer Tuan and Relph’s contribution in the 1970s, sense of place and its subordinate constructs have been explored by so many scholars in multi-disciplines. As a result, majority of scholars agree to sense of place that comprises place identity, place attachment, place dependence, and place meanings which an individual or a group experiences and gives to a place. But it is noticeable that rootedness or rooted sense of place has been examined in empirical studies. And the significance of sense of place in contemporary reality is well identified from the outcomes of some case studies that should be taken account into the placemaking projects for community such as urban regeneration, creating public space and environmental education. Therefore, even though the domestic study on sense of place is a research on a subordinate component of that, it is needed to approach in a context of the concept for a right understanding of it. In addition, it is my hope that related scholars will engage positively in exploring sense of place applicable to site or area in term of placemaking projects.

      • KCI등재

        옛이야기 감상에서 장소감의 활용과 교육 방법

        이근영 ( Lee Geunyeong ) 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구원 2021 한국초등교육 Vol.32 No.1

        이 연구는 장소감을 활용하여 옛이야기의 감상 방법을 제안하는 데 목적이 있다. 옛이야기는 초등학교 교과서에서 다양하기 활용되고 있으나, 간혹 옛이야기를 쉽고 재미있는 이야기, 교훈적인 이야기로 간주하고 특정 학습 목표를 위한 읽기 제재로 다루기도 한다. 그러나 옛이야기는 오랜 세월동안 이어져 오면서 인간의 삶에 대한 심층적인 의미를 담고 있기 때문에, 어린이들이 옛이야기를 즐겁게 향유할 수 있는 방법에 대한 모색이 필요하다. 이에 이 연구에서는 ‘장소감’을 활용하여 옛이야기 교육 방법을 제안하고자 한다. 장소감이란 인간이 장소에 대해 느끼는 특별한 감각이다. 즉, 주체가 장소감을 인식한다는 것은 자신의 삶의 방식과 존재 의미를 깨닫게 되는 것을 의미한다. 특히 어린이들의 경우에는 자신이 살아가는 곳에 대해 주의를 기울이지 않기 때문에, 어린이들에게 장소감은 자신의 주변 세계를 탐색하고 자신만의 삶의 방식을 만들어가는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 그러나 그동안 옛이야기의 공간이나 장소는 크게 다루어지지 않았다. 그 이유는 옛이야기의 공간이 ‘옛날 어느 마을에’와 같이 제시되고, 자세한 설명이나 묘사를 생략하기 때문이다. 그러나 옛이야기의 공간은 집이나 산, 바다, 산속 등 자연과 같이 어린이들의 일상과 관계된 공간이다. 이는 옛이야기에 등장하는 공간에서 어떠한 장소감을 느끼느냐에 따라 자신의 일상을 새롭게 바라볼 수 있는 계기가 된다는 의미이기도 하다. 이에 이 연구에서는 초등학교 국어 교과서 1-1학기 (나)의 수록 제재인 『호랑이 형님』을 분석하고, ‘장소에 따른 인물의 행동 인식하기’, ‘인물의 장소감 상상하기’, ‘자신의 삶에서 장소감 형성하기’의 방법을 제안하였다. 이와 같은 방법을 통해 옛이야기를 감상하는 것은 일상공간에 대한 자신만의 감각을 갖게 되고, 옛이야기에서 삶에 대한 의미를 발견하며 나아가 어린이들에게 성장의 기회가 될 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to propose a method of appreciating old story by utilizing the sense of place. Old story is used in various ways in elementary school textbooks. However, in textbooks, old stories are often regarded as easy, fun, and didactic stories and used as a reading material for specific learning goals. However, since old stories have been passed down for a long time and contain in-depth meanings for human life, it is necessary to find a way for children to enjoy the old story happily. Therefore, in this study, I would like to pay attention to 'sense of place'. A sense of place is a special sense that humans feel about a place. In other words, when the subject recognizes the sense of place, it means that he realizes his own way of life and meaning of existence. Especially in the case of children, since they do not pay attention to where they live, a sense of place for children can help them explore the world around them and make their own way of life. Until now, the space or place of the old story has not been dealt with largely. The reason is that the space of the old story is presented like ‘in an old village,’ and detailed explanations or descriptions are omitted. However, the space of old stories is a space related to the daily life of children, such as the house, mountain, sea, and nature. This also means that it becomes an opportunity to look at one's daily life anew depending on what kind of sense of place he feels in the space that appears in the old story. In this study, we analyzed 『Tiger Brother』, the sanction of the Korean textbook 1-1 (B) in elementary school textbooks. The method of 'Recognizing a person's behavior in different places’, ‘Imagine the character's sense of place’, ‘Applying it in your own life’ was proposed. Appreciating an old story through such a method is meaningful in that it gives a sense of one's own sense of the everyday space, discovers the meaning of life in the old story, and can be an opportunity for children to grow up.

      • KCI등재

        리얼 버라이어티 프로그램의 장소감 연구

        김소라(Sora Kim),이병민(Byungmin Lee) 한국문화역사지리학회 2015 문화 역사 지리 Vol.27 No.2

        최근 미디어 프로그램의 배경이 방송국 세트장 안에서 벗어나 일상생활 공간이 무대가 되는 경향이 늘어나고 있다. 미디어 프로그램에 표현된 장소는 주체와의 관계 속에 형성되는 장소감이 중요하다. 미디어 공간에서 실제의 장소로 옮겨가는 과정에서 장소감이 드러난다. 장소감은 주체가 강조된다는 측면에서 장소성과 구별된다. 본 연구는 미디어 프로그램를 통한 장소감 형성과정에 대해 살펴보고, 리얼 버라이어티 프로그램 <삼시세끼>에 드러난 장소의 의미를 분석한다. 출연자들이 공간을 경험하던 층위에서 장소를 체험하는 층위로 옮겨가면서 시청자들은 장소에 대해 간접체험을 하게 된다. 이때, 공간과 장소의 의미교환과 경험과 체험의 행위교차를 통해 장소감이 드러난다. 미디어 프로그램에 나타난 장소감 연구를 통해 차이의 공간의 생산 가능성을 모색해보고자 한다. The background of real variety programs has turned from a television studio to the space of everyday life. Places are an important aspect of TV programs, as is the ‘Sense of Place’ that is formed in the relationship between place and human perception and experience. The process of moving to a place in the space of the media reveals the ‘Sense of Place’. Human perception and experience are distinguished ‘sense of place’ from ‘placeness.’ This Study examines the process of the formation of ‘Sense of Place’ through media programs and analysis of the meaning of place in real variety programs. Performers turn from experience of space into perception of place, and viewers indirectly experience this process. At this point, ‘Sense of Place’ is revealed through the exchange of meanings from ‘space’ to ‘place’ and the combination of the acts of experience and perception which are necessary for this exchange to occur. The study seeks the possibility of the production of the space of difference through researching ‘Sense of Place’ as it appears in media programs.

      • KCI등재

        고도 모빌리티 시대, 지구적 장소윤리를 위하여

        김태희 서강대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 서강인문논총 Vol.- No.65

        In the era of high mobility, the sense of place in the classical sense has been increasingly shaken. Assuming that ethics, a requirement for intersubjective existence, is impossible without a true sense of place, losing the sense of place makes the ethical relations between individuals temporary and unstable. Based on the reflection on place by phenomenologists and humanistic geographers, this article examines what place means for humans, how place changes and the sense of place is experienced, and how new ethics of place can be imagined in the era of high mobility. To this end, this article will explore ways to overcome the limitations of traditional concepts of place and establish global ethics of place, primarily focusing on the concept of the global sense of place. Finally, in conclusion, this article briefly considers the possibility of establishing an ethics of place based on the vulnerability in the era of high mobility. 고도 모빌리티(high mobility) 시대에는 고전적 의미의 장소감(sense of place)이 동요한다. 상호주관적 존재의 필요조건인 윤리가 진정한 장소감 없이는 불가능하다는 것을 전제한다면, 이러한 장소감의 동요는 윤리적 관계를 일시적이고 불안정하게 만든다. 본고는 장소에 관한 현상학과 인본주의 지리학의 성찰을 기초로 하여, 인간에게 있어 장소는 어떤 의미인지, 고도 모빌리티 시대에 장소는 어떻게 변화하고 장소감은 어떻게 체험되며 새로운 장소윤리(ethics of place)는 어떻게 상상될 수 있는지 검토한다. 이를 위해 특히 지구적 장소감(global sense of place) 개념을 중심으로 전통적인 장소 개념의 한계를 극복하고 지구적 장소윤리(global ethics of place)를 확립하는 방안을 모색할 것이다. 마지막으로 결론에서는 고도 모빌리티 시대에 취약성에 기초한 장소윤리를 확립할 가능성을 간략히 전망하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        열린 가족과 진보적 장소감

        류도향 ( Ryu Do-hyang ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 인문학연구 Vol.59 No.3

        이 논문은 열린 가족에 대한 인식개선과 제도의 변화를 추동하기 위한한 가지 방안으로, 우리에게 익숙한 가족의 장소성을 문제화하고 가족을 저마다의 삶의 맥락에 맞게 사유하면서 새롭게 배치할 수 있는 인문학적 담론을 시도한다. 여기서 필자는 가족이 혈연이나 제도에 의해 선결정된 부동의 장소가 아니라, 국가와 시장에 의해 균질화되고 사물화된 공간을 반(反)배치하면서 인간존엄과 삶의 의미를 짓는 관계의 장소라는 관점에서 접근한다. 이런 관계의 장소는 가족구성원 간 내적 동일성과 안전을 추구하는 데 머물지 않고, 가족이라는 경계 바깥을 넘나들 수 있는 진보적장소감을 요구한다.(Ⅱ. 부동의 장소에서 관계의 장소로) 필자는 렐프(Edward Relph, 1944- )의 현상학적 장소론, 매시(Doreen Massey, 1944-2016)의 비판적 지리학, 르페브르(Henri Lefebvre, 1901-1991)의 공간이론을 전유하여, 진보적 장소감을 구성하는 계기로서 ‘실존적 배려’, ‘교차적 서사’, ‘심미적 경험’을 시론적 수준에서 유형화해볼 것이다.(Ⅲ. 진보적 장소감의 계기들) 여기서 가족을 열린 장소로 재구성하는 진보적 장소감은 ① 타자의 실존에 대한 책임감, ② 차이와 이질성을 교섭할 수 있는 정치감각, ③ 자본주의적 법칙으로 재현되지 않는 몸의 충동과 삶의 리듬을 보존한 놀이감각으로 논의된다. This paper examines the family's place, which people are familiar with and think about according to the context of each life, in oder to improve awareness of open families and drive changes in the family system. The study approaches this idea from the point of view that the family is not an immovable place selected by blood ties or institutions, but a place of relationship that creates the meaning of human dignity and life. This place displaces spaces homogenized and objectified by the state and market. Such a place in a relationship does not stop in pursuing internal identity and safety among family members, but requires a sense of progressiveness that interacts with heterogeneous and porous elements outside the boundaries of the family. II. From an immovable place to a place of relationship. This study applied Edward Relph's (1944-) phenomenological place theory, Doreen Massey's critical geography (1944-2016), and Lefebvre's (1901-1991) spatial theory to construct a progressive sense of place. As an opportunity to do so, existential consideration, intersectional narrative, and aesthetic experience will be categorized. III. Opportunities of a progressive sense of place. Here, the progressive sense of place that reconstructs the family into an open place is ① to the existence of the other. It is discussed as a sense of responsibility for, ② a sense of politics that can negotiate differences and heterogeneity, and ③ a sense of play that preserves the body's impulses and rhythms of life that are not reproduced by capitalist laws.

      • KCI등재

        초등 지리교육에서 재현된 ‘장소감’ 내용 분석

        김혜진 ( Hye Jin Kim ) 한국지리학회 2018 한국지리학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        This study was conducted to identify the meaning of sense of place by examining diverse studies on a sense of place and verify the relevance by comparing with curriculums and textbooks. Academic development leads to a change in contents to teach at school. For the contents to teach at school, an academic research result must be credited for validity of its educational value. One of noticeable transitions from the 2009 Revised Curriculum to the 2015 Revised Social Studies Curriculum was the emergence of ‘sense of place’. A discussion on place has been established as a crucial topic in geography education, since it was researched by Yi-Fu Tuan and Edward Relph in earnest. In recent times, there is a growing interest in place, and research on a ‘sense of place’ is being widely conducted in various academic fields, including geography. But there are a lot of differences in meaning and category of sense of place depending on academic fields, and the emergence of related concepts, such as place identity, place attachment, and place dependence is bring about confusion. On the other hand, the curriculum and the contents of sense of place to teach at school are closely associated with the advancement in place-based education and private geography, and children’s geography, based on the didactic transposition. This study was conducted to identify the meaning of sense of place by examining diverse studies on a sense of place and verify the relevance by comparing with curriculums and textbooks.

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