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      • KCI등재

        공정성, 리커버리불일치, 고객신뢰가 연계된 리커버리만족 확장모형을 통한 불평고객의 재구매의도 형성과정에 대한 연구: 관여도의 조절효과를 중심으로

        라선아 ( Sun A La ),이종만 ( Jong Man Lee ) 한국소비자학회 2011 소비자학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 주로 공정성이론에 의존하던 기존의 리커버리만족 연구에 불일치 패러다임을 통합하고, 리커버리 이후의 재구매의도 형성과정에서 고객신뢰를 중요한 매개변수로 도입한 리커버리 확장모형을 제안하였다. 두 가지 패러다임을 동시에 적용하는 것이 타당하고 의미 있는지 확인하기 위해 제안된 연구모형을 실증분석하였다. 심도있는 분석을 위하여, 관여도를 조절변수로 사용하여 모형의 실무적 유용성을 탐색하였으며, 공정성 패러다임만을 적용한 모형, 공정성-리커버리불일치 패러다임을 합친 통합모형, 공정성-리커버리불일치-고객신뢰를 연계한 확장모형간 모형적합도, 간명성, 예측력을 비교평가하여 제안모형의 효익을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 공정성-불일치 패러다임의 통합적 접근이 유익하며 리커버리만족 이후 재구매의도 형성과정에서 고객신뢰의 회복이 필수적이라는 결론을 얻었다. 리커버리만족이 고객신뢰의 회복을 거치지 않고는 직접 재구매로 이어지지 않았다. 관여도를 조절변수로 설정한 집단간 비교분석에서는 저관여의 경우 투입기준과 기대기준 중 어떤 것에 맞추어 복구를 수행하더라도 고객이 만족할 수 있는 데 반해, 고관여의 경우에는 상호작용 차원은 투입기준에, 분배적 차원은 기대기준에 맞추어 복구를 수행해야만 고객의 만족도를 높일 수 있다는 시사점을 발견하였다. 즉, 고관여인 경우 불평고객은 투입과 기대 기준 중 더 많은 보상이 가능한 기준을 선별적으로 선택하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 관여도가 높아질수록 분배 공정성의 영향은 유의하게 감소되지만, 상호작용 공정성의 영향은 유의하게 증가하였다. 이 연구는 실패복구의 궁극적 목표를 리커버리만족이 아니라 재구매로 설정해야 하며 그 과정에서 고객신뢰의 회복이 필연적 중간목표가 되어야 한다는 점을 명확히 보여주고 있다. 또한 복구의 기준설정을 위해 공정성과 리커버리불일치 패러다임을 통합적으로 적용하는 것이 유익하다는 시사점도 제공하고 있다. This research suggested an extended model for understanding customers` repurchase intention (RPI) formation process after recovery of failure by integrating both paradigms of perceived justice and disconfirmation. In fact, existing research stream regarding recovery satisfaction has focused mainly on perceived justice as its theoretical framework while neglecting expectationdisconfirmation paradigm that has been studied as a key framework for CS research in the literature. Thus, the current study tried to take a balanced perspective to approach recovery satisfaction and rebuilding of customer loyalty by incorporating expectation-disconfirmation paradigm as well as justice theory and testing the validity of the proposed model. Also, customer trust was adopted as a critical mediator on the path from recovery satisfaction to RPI in the proposed model. Perceived justice and recovery disconfirmation were modeled as multidimensional constructs. Perceived justice consisted of distributive and interactional justice; recovery disconfirmation consisted of distributive and interactional disconfirmation. In order to investigate the usefulness of the proposed model both in theoretical and practical aspects, comparison analyses were conducted among the competing models; hypotheses were tested by using Structural Equation Modeling(SEM); the moderator effect of involvement was explored by using multiple group analysis in SEM. Data was gathered from the real complainants who initiated complaining behaviors toward the service providers or a firm. Total sample that was used for the analyses consisted of 212 respondents. Failure types varied across services or products in diverse industries. Model comparisons were conducted for testing model fit index, model parsimony, and predictive power across alternative models. The results show that the integrated approach of both paradigms of perceived justice and recovery disconfirmation to recovery satisfaction is useful. Also, it is found that rebuilding of customer trust is a critical step leading to repurchase intention from recovery satisfaction. In general cases, CS is known to have a direct impact on RPI. However, this study shows that, in failure and recovery situations, CS loses its direct impact on RPI. Instead, customer trust plays a role of a mediator in the path from CS to RPI. In particular, involvement is found to moderate the impact of the perceived justice and recovery disconfirmation on recovery satisfaction across distributive and interactional dimensions respectively. In low-involvement group, complainants show no difference of preference in choosing a comparison standard. Therefore, marketers can satisfy the complaining customers via any type of recovery strategy based on either input or expectation. This means that recovery efforts based on customer`s perceived justice or on customer`s expectation-disconfirmation will be effective to a low-involvement customer group. However, customers in a high-involvement group selected the comparison standards preferable to themselves to evaluate the marketer`s recovery performance. They employ perceived justice paradigm to judge the interactional aspect of recovery but prefer using expectations as a comparison standard in judging the distributive aspect of recovery. This means that high-involvement customers behave more opportunistically than low-involvement customers. This study gives several theoretical implications: First of all, the results show that the balanced approach incorporating both justice and disconfirmation paradigms serves a comprehensive theoretical framework to explain more about complainants` recovery satisfaction. Also, this study reveals the critical role of customer trust in the path from recovery satisfaction to RPI. This means that a situation of failure and recovery is quite different from that of ordinary purchase and consumption, so that we need to take a more conservative approach to understand the psychological dynamics of complaining customers. The path from recovery satisfaction to RPI is fully mediated by customer trust. The results of model comparisons show that the proposed research model that incorporates not only justice theory but also disconfirmation paradigm and also accompanying a mediator of customer trust in the path from recovery satisfaction to RPI is the superior model among competing models. Furthermore, this study explores the relative impact of the two paradigms on recovery satisfaction by adopting a moderator, that is, involvement. Although involvement is a critical variable in consumer decision process, there is a lack of literature that deals with involvement in the situation of failure and recovery. As expected, involvement plays an important role when complaining customers choose a comparison standard in order to evaluate firm`s recovery performance. This means that recovery satisfaction is judged on the two different criteria: One is input-based(sacrifice-based) judgment and the other is predictive expectation-based judgment. The choice of either criteria is determined on the ground of the complainant` involvement. This research gives important implications that when marketers set the goal of recovery, the ultimate goal should not be recovery satisfaction but formation of repurchase intention. Furthermore, restoration or rebuilding of customer trust should be considered as an intermediate goal to RPI, which is an inevitable step from recovery satisfaction to RPI. Customers` future behavioral intention after recovery of failure is not an easy destination to reach. Customers who experienced service or product failures seem to be very cautious and conservative in choosing the same company again. Also, the research presents the incremental benefits of the integrated approach both from justice theory and disconfirmation paradigm simultaneously in recovery satisfaction model in order to understand the complainants` psychological dynamics comprehensively. Limitations and future research ideas are also discussed.

      • KCI우수등재

        서비스회복은 고객의 머리로 이루어지는가? 가슴으로 이루어지는가?

        김상희(Sang Hee Kim) 한국경영학회 2014 經營學硏究 Vol.43 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to survey relative influence of justice and authenticity upon customer response in service recovery. Prior researches on service recovery so far have emphasized on recovery in the cognitive aspect called justice and recovery satisfaction. However, at the point of time that many researches on consumer science consider the emotional and psychological aspect as well as consumers` cognitive aspect, the consideration on this aspect will be necessary even in the service recovery. Accordingly, this study aims to suggest authenticity in addition to justice as a plan for service recovery and to figure out different influential level of these two recovery plans upon customers` response. Through this, the aim is to compare how the justice and authenticity change the response of customers, who experienced in a situation of service failure, thereby making it reach the recovery process. The following are the specific research objectives of this study. First, the aim is to compare relative influence of justice and authenticity upon customer forgiveness. As prior researches have mentioned so far, this can be said to be the examination on whether the offer of other element in addition to justice can be the better recovery plan than justice as well as the examination on whether justice is the sole plan for customers` service recovery. Second, the aim is to compare relative influence of justice and authenticity upon recovery satisfaction. So far, the prior researches have discussed about relationship between justice and recovery satisfaction and have discussed about what the justice dimension is that has the greatest influence especially upon recovery satisfaction. However, if satisfaction can be influenced by cognitive and psychological factors, the recovery satisfaction even in service recovery will be able to be influenced even by psychological aspect as well as cognitive aspect. Third, the aim is to compare relative influence of recovery satisfaction and forgiveness upon a change in customer response. The aim is to examine whether it is changed more greatly by customers` satisfaction with company`s recovery effort or is changedmore greatly by customer forgiveness through company`s recovery effort if the customer response after failure is changed through company`s recovery effort. The findings are summarized as follows. First, as a result of comparing the relative influence of justice and authenticity in an effort for service recovery upon customer forgiveness, the authenticity in an effort for service recovery was indicated to have the greater influence upon customer forgiveness. Also, interactive justice out of justice was indicated to have influence upon customer forgiveness. Thus, the distributive justice and procedural justice were indicated not to have influence upon customer forgiveness. Hence, even if justice can increase satisfaction as mentioned in prior researches, it was indicated to be factor that is difficult to obtain customer forgiveness. Second, as a result of comparing relative influence of justice and authenticity in an effort for service recovery upon recovery satisfaction, the authenticity was indicated to have greater influence upon recovery satisfaction than procedural justice and interactive justice. Distributive justice was shown to have no significant difference. This outcome implies that the recovery satisfaction is influenced even by authenticity as well as justice. As this implies that satisfaction can be influenced by both cognitive factor and psychological factor, it is suggesting that the recovery satisfaction is possible even by authenticity, not what the recovery satisfaction is made only by justice. Third, a sense of disappointment, which was experienced given failure, was indicated to decrease when customers forgave service failure through authenticity in company`s effort for recovery. Psychological status like disappointment and frustration, which were experienced from counterp

      • KCI등재

        The Influence of Service Recovery Justice on Intention to Recommend for Retailer

        신용선,Moon-Seop Kim 한국유통과학회 2020 유통과학연구 Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: This research aimed to suggest retailing companies some ways to enhance customer satisfaction with service recovery and recommendation intention towards these companies. For this purpose, current study examined the relationships among service recovery justice, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction and intention to recommend and the moderating role of ego-resilience. Research design, data and methodology: Current study developed a structural equation model in which perceived service recovery justice is a predictor, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction are mediators, intention to recommend is a dependent variable and the ego-resilience is a moderator between the perceived service recovery justice and the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction. Data were collected from customers who experienced service failures from retailers. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected and 365 samples were used for analysis after deleting data having missing value. SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used to test the validity, reliability, and structural equation modeling. Results: Empirical results showed that the perceived service recovery justice had a negative influence on the perceived service failure severity and a positive influence on the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction. These results indicate that when customers perceive the service recovery justice more highly, they perceive the service failure less severe but they perceive the retailer more trustworthy and are satisfied with service recovery. In addition, the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction had a positive influence on the intention to recommend. These results indicate that when customers perceive the retailer more trustworthy and are satisfied with service recovery, they are more intend to recommend the retailer. Moreover, the influence of the perceived service recovery justice on the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction was moderated by the ego-resilience. Conclusions: This study contributed to the service recovery literature by proving the relationship among service recovery justice, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction and intention to recommend. Moreover, current research introduced the ego-- resilience into service recovery research area and revealed the moderation role of the ego-resilience. Managerially, this research suggested retailing companies some ways to effectively recover from service failure.

      • KCI우수등재

        고객은 진실로 서비스실패기업을 용서하였는가?

        김상희(Sang Hee Kim) 한국경영학회 2010 經營學硏究 Vol.39 No.3

        This study attempts to present a process of customers` forgiveness through authenticity, not that of recovery through equity, in case of service failure. Prior researches on service recovery have discussed relations between equity, recovery satisfaction, and positive customer behavior, emphasizing that customers` recognition of equity in the efforts of recovery was important most of all to recover from service failure. However, psychologists suggested that authentic recovery efforts and the process of recognizing, understanding, and forgiving this by the other, not fair one-to-one interaction, were important most of all to recover personal relationship when material and psychological damage was experienced in the relationship. Perception of equity in the process of service recovery concerns whether service efforts are partial or fair, which is different from customers` understanding and forgiveness of situations where failure occurs. Even if one experienced recovery satisfaction through recognition of equity and formed positive behavior intention, true relationship recovery can hardly be obtained and positive customer behavior can possibly fail to be induced constantly from a long-term perspective. Therefore, this study tries to examine the process of customers` service recovery in the psychological aspect, not in the cognitive one, and to present the process of customers` forgiveness in such a psychological aspect. Forgiveness brings transformation into cognitive and behavioral systems, consequently changing negative thinking, emotion, and behavior into positive ones. This is because forgiveness, which is movement of the mind, not that of reasons, affects favorable relationships with the other from a long-term perspective as well as reducing revenge behavior against the other. The purpose of this study is first to see how recovery efforts following service failure affect customer empathy. For this purpose, I try to introduce the notion of authenticity to suggest that it is an important element to arouse customer empathy. Second, I try to see how customer empathy following service recovery efforts affects forgiveness. If customers can empathize with service companies` failure through the companies` recovery efforts, I try to see if such empathy can lead to customer forgiveness of failure. In doing so, I try to present the process of customers` forgiveness of failure, Third, I try to see how customer forgiveness affects revenge behavior, such as negative word-of-mouth, and avoidance behavior, such as revisit intention. Forgiveness reduces revenge and avoidance behavior against the other. So I try to see if customers` forgiveness of company failure can reduce their negative behavior. Fourth, I try to determine relevance between recovery satisfaction of the cognitive process, customer empathy of the psychological process, and forgiveness and to examine differences in relative influences on customer behavior. In doing so, I try to present the optimum strategy to induce positive customer behavior despite service failure. The results showed that authenticity for service recovery efforts affected customer empathy with service failure, which then affected forgiveness. Customer forgiveness reduced revenge and avoidance behavior, increased revisit intention, and reduced negative word-of-mouth intention. As for relations between recovery satisfaction, empathy, and forgiveness, empathy exerted higher relative influences on forgiveness than recovery satisfaction; as for relative influences of recovery satisfaction and forgiveness on customer behavior, forgiveness exerted higher relative influences on negative word-of-mouth than recovery satisfaction. Therefore, forgiveness was found to be a factor to reduce negative word-of-mouth intention more than recovery satisfaction. The results demonstrate that customer understanding and forgiveness through authenticity is an important factor to consider in service recovery, in addition to recovery s

      • KCI등재

        관계회복 관점에서 바라 본 기업의 실패복구에 대한 고객용서의 형성과 작용 메커니즘

        라선아 ( Suna La ),차문경 ( Moon Kyung Cha ) 한국소비자학회 2013 소비자학연구 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 문제가 발생한 고객-기업 간 관계의 회복에 있어 전제가 되는 ‘고객용서’가 어떻게 형성되고 어떻게 작동하는지를 관계의 양적ㆍ질적 변수들과의 시간적 맥락에서 탐색하였다. 이를 위해 고객-기업 관계특질 변수들을 정적인 개념이 아닌 동적인 개념, 즉 ‘실패 당시 시점과 복구 이후 시점 간의 변화량 차이’로 구체화하여 측정하였다. 기업의 실패복구에 대한 만족은 물론 실패 이전의 고객애정, 고객신뢰라는 질적 변수와 관계기간이라는 양적 변수를 고객용서의 선행요인으로 파악하였으며, 고객용서가 고객애정회복, 고객신뢰회복이라는 ‘관계의 질적 회복’을 통하여 충성도회복이라는 ‘관계행동의 회복’에 미치는 영향을 망라한 모형을 제시하였다. 분석 결과, 복구만족이 고객용서의 가장 영향력 있는 선행요인으로, 실패의 심각성이 복구만족 및 고객용서에 대한 부정적 영향요인으로 나타났다. 그 외에도 기존 관계의 양적 특성인 관계기간과 질적 특성인 고객애정이 고객용서의 원천임을 확인하였다. 중요한 발견은 관계기간, 기존의 고객애정, 복구만족의 효과가 고객용서의 완전매개를 통해 고객애정회복 및 고객신뢰회복을 거쳐 충성도회복에 간접적으로 전달된다는 점이다. 이는 고객이 복구에 만족했더라도 용서하지 않으면 관계의 질적 회복을 기대할 수 없고, 관계의 질적 회복 없이 고객행동의 회복을 기대할 수 없음을 시사한다. 이로써 고객용서가 관계를 복구하는 결정적 전환점임을 확인하였다. 고객용서의 형성은 과거의 신뢰보다는 애정에 의존적이었다. 그렇다고, 기존의 애정이 항상 고객용서를 유발하는 것은 아니었다. 기존의 신뢰가 일정수준 이상일 때에만 그동안 쌓인 애정의 효과가 비로소 발휘되는 흥미로운 현상이 발견된 것이다. 과거의 관계기간은 그 자체로서 고객용서를 유발하는 역할을 한다는 점도 중요한 발견이었다. 요컨대 본 연구는 ‘고객용서’라는 개념이 고객-기업 간 관계와 관련된 변수들의 맥락 속에서 어떻게 발원하고 작용하는지에 대한 심도 있는 이해를 통해 연구자와 실무자 모두에게 중요한 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 연구의 한계 및 향후 연구과제에 대해서도 논의하였다. Despite the importance of customer forgiveness in restoring the customer-firm relationship in failure recovery context, there has been little empirical research on revealing how ``customer forgiveness`` arises and acts on relationship perspective. Current research was conducted to investigate the mechanism how customer forgiveness forms and works, especially focusing on existing relationship strength. Our research extended La(2012a)``s framework for development of research model including customer forgiveness and its antecedents and consequences. Both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the previous relationship were considered as antecedents of customer forgiveness. Recovery satisfaction and failure severity were also included. The conceptual model is presented in <Figure 1>. To increase internal validity of rebuilt relationship as results of forgiveness, we operationalized ‘customer affection rebuilding’ as ‘the difference(the amount of change) between the levels of the affection at the moment of failure and after the recovery.’ Rebuilt trust and loyalty were measured in the same way. Using structural equation analysis, the proposed model was tested with 295 customers who had an actual experience of failure and recovery within the previous year. <Table 1> shows that all hypotheses except H6 and H8 were supported. For a deep understanding of the results, additional multiple regression analyses were conducted and some interesting findings were drawn(see, <Table 2>). Hypothesized Path Hypothesis Standardized coefficient t-Value Result Failure Severity →(-) Customer Forgiveness H1 -.108 -2.500** accepted Failure Severity →(-) Recovery Satisfaction H2 -.232 -3.649** accepted Recovery Satisfaction → Customer Forgiveness H3 .790 16.930** accepted Relationship Length → Customer Forgiveness H4 .081 2.074** accepted Relationship Length → Customer Affection_before H5 .188 3.195** accepted Relationship Length → Customer Trust_before H6 .001 .028 rejected Customer Affection_before → Customer Forgiveness H7 .115 1.757* accepted Customer Trust_before → Customer Forgiveness H8 .020 .314 rejected Customer Forgiveness → Customer Affection Rebuilding H9 .555 10.021** accepted Customer Forgiveness → Customer Trust Rebuilding H10 .161 4.240** accepted Customer Affection Rebuilding → Customer Trust Rebuilding H11 .798 17.830** accepted Customer Affection Rebuilding → Customer Loyalty Rebuilding H12 .549 7.177** accepted Customer Trust Rebuilding → Customer Loyalty Rebuilding H13 .372 4.928** accepted Customer Forgiveness →(no direct effect) Customer Loyalty Rebuilding H14 -.001 -.014 accepted1) * p < .05, ** p=.001 Note: 1) H14 was tested via the ‘model of direct path from Customer Forgiveness to Customer Loyalty Rebuilding’. The designated path coefficient was insignificant. Model fit indices are as follows: χ2(615)=1257.178(p=.00), χ2/df=2.044, CFI=.949, NNFI=.944, SRMR=.071, RMSEA=.060. <Table 1> Results of Hypotheses Test Results of the research confirm that customer forgiveness is an important construct in the process of restoring customer-firmrelationship in the failure recovery context. Customer forgiveness is crucial to rebuilding of customer affection, trust, and eventually behavioral loyalty. Customer forgiveness fully mediates the effects of recovery satisfaction, relationship length, and past affection to loyalty rebuilding through repair of damaged affection and trust. Interestingly, the study revealed that customer forgiveness is formed via emotional path rather than cognitive path. But considering the results of the additional regression analyses across groups(see, <Table 2>), customer affection without trust cannot solely lead to forgiveness. <Table 2> Results of Multiple Regression across Groups Group Independent Variable β t-Value adjusted R2 F Customer Affection_before_Hi Relationship Length .090 1.761* .584 34.738** Recovery Satisfaction .775 3.389** Customer Affection_before_Lo Recovery Satisfaction .665 2.763** .531 26.488** Customer Trust_before_Hi Recovery Satisfaction .680 2.887** .558 31.312** Customer Affection_b .151 2.354** Customer Trust_before_Lo Relationship Length .107 1.940* .573 32.928** Recovery Satisfaction .676 2.984** * p < .05, ** p=.001 Note: Dependent variable is Customer Forgiveness <Table 2> Results of Multiple Regression across Groups is crucial to rebuilding of customer affection, trust, and eventually behavioral loyalty. Customer forgiveness fully mediates the effects of recovery satisfaction, relationship length, and past affection to loyalty rebuilding through repair of damaged affection and trust. Interestingly, the study revealed that customer forgiveness is formed via emotional path rather than cognitive path. But considering the results of the additional regression analyses across groups(see, <Table 2>), customer affection without trust cannot solely lead to forgiveness. The research findings brings critical attention from the management. The goal of recovery should be set to rebuild customer-firm relationship. Merely providing one-off compensation is not the answer. Complete range of recovery performance covering interactional, communicational, procedural, compensational aspects should be initiated to satisfy customers since recovery satisfaction is the most important factor that leads customer forgiveness. Accordingly, marketers need to perform a long-term recovery program such as follow-up calls and immediate remedies. As the length of relationship facilitates customer forgiveness, a regular implementation of customer retention strategy is also effective when failures occur. In doing so, firms can predict how much of the failed relationship can be restored, which in turn will provide feed back to the next steps. Theoretical implications, limitations and future research ideas are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        회복 공정성과 관계지속의도 간의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구

        강미영(Kang, Mi-Young),배상욱(Bae, Sang-Wook),어윤양(Eh, Youn-Yang) 한국서비스경영학회 2017 서비스경영학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Service failures occur even though service companies make continuously an effort to provide high quality services. The efficient and effective performance for service recovery due to the service failures could convert dissatisfied customers into loyal customers. However, improper service recovery may worsen failure situations to become a major cause of customer churn. In this context, this study aimed to investigate how the justice for service recovery related to service failures influenced the intention of keeping relationships through recovery satisfaction, recovery delight and brand attachment. A survey was conducted for customers of major department stores located in Busan for an empirical analysis. A total of 303 questionnaires were used in this study. A structural equation model was used to verify the hypotheses. The main results of this study are as follows: First, it was found that procedural justice, distributive justice and interactional justice each had a positive effect on recovery satisfaction in relation to recovery justice. However, recovery justice did not directly influence recovery delight, but indirectly exerted a positive effect on recovery delight by the medium of recovery satisfaction. Second, it was also found that both recovery satisfaction and recovery delight had a positive effect on brand attachment. Third, it was confirmed that brand attachment exerted a positive effect on relationship continuity intention. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of these findings and the future research directions are discussed.

      • What Determines Tourist Satisfaction After Service Failure: Three-way Interactions Among Service Recovery, Tourist Restraint, and Service Failure Severity

        우징원,김고운 한국무역학회 2024 Journal of Korea trade Vol.28 No.4

        Purpose – The role of service recovery on customer satisfaction following a service failure encounter has not yet been fully explored,in the Korean tourism context. Given the relevance between tourism and culture, cultural factors embedded in tourists may serve as boundary conditions that impact service recovery performance. Also, serious service failure often limits the effectiveness of recovery. Nevertheless, these aspects have been largely overlooked in previous studies. This study aims to (1) investigate the effects of service recovery on post-recovery tourist satisfaction and (2) examine the potential moderating effects of the tourism. Design/Methodology – Using a questionnaire survey, this study conducted a moderated moderation analysis, suggesting two conditional effects: tourist restraint orientation and service failure severity as potential moderators. Findings – The findings indicate a positive association between service recovery and post-recovery tourist satisfaction, which is stronger for tourists with higher levels of restraint. Further, the severity of the service failure influences how much tourist restraint moderates the situation. Specifically, service failure severity enhances the inf luence of tourist restraint, positively moderating the service recovery and post-recovery tourist satisfaction relationship. Originality/value – Despite tourism’s distinct context, research and evidence on the effects of service recovery and the potential factors that inf luence post-recovery tourist satisfaction in tourism settings have been relatively scarce. This study contributes to a more accurate understanding of service recovery in tourism by identifying the three-way interaction effects of tourist restraint and service failure severity on the relationship between service recovery and post-recovery tourist satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        온라인쇼핑몰의 서비스 회복전략이 고객의 회복만족 및 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        맹해양,양효붕,배기형 한국유통경영학회 2017 유통경영학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        In this study, online shoppingmalls in China using online shopping malls around the person's physical recovery strategies, processes, strategies and perceived by the consumer recovery. Intent about the impact on satisfaction and continuous use structural recovery to explore the relationship. Collecting data is about convenience for 30 days from Dec. 23 through Jan. 23, 2017, 2016China through the sampling of self-administered questionnaire a total of using a questionnaire survey tool.440 and 450 copies of the distribution of copies to recover. The insincere answers. and gyeolcheukchi a total of 436 of the analysis by removing the Part 4 of a questionnaire that aims to establish the statistical analysis. The data collected in this study data coding process to achieve the purpose of his study after spss amos18.0 the statistical analysis using of statistical analysis 23.0. First, general and of the surveyed in order to identify demographic characteristics of physical recovery strategy, process recovery and satisfaction, the frequency analysis. Factors in order to verify the reliability and validity of continuing the intention of the verification and reliability. In addition and influences the size of a causal relationship between the variables analysis The effectiveness of the content and recovery test using Structural Equation to verify a hypothesis. First, physical recovery strategy(physical rewards and adequacy and alternative compensating) appeared significant (+) of the impact on satisfaction that the recovery. The second, process recovery strategy(reactive, apology, with speed, Empowerment) appeared partially a significant impact on satisfaction that the recovery. In other words, apology and speed shown to not have a significant impact in their recovery experience. Third, with recovery appeared intent that a significant influence on continuous use. Fourth, physical recovery strategy continues directly affect the intended use of satisfaction through the recovery as well as continue to affect the intended use. Fifth, the apology of the strategy and speed recovery process continues with recovery, when they affect the intended use of a vehicle of effect is not. Last, the apology of the strategy and speed recovery process continueswith recovery, when they affect the intended use of a vehicle of effect is not. 본 연구에서는 중국에서 온라인 쇼핑몰을 이용하는 사람을 중심으로 온라인 쇼핑몰의 물리적 회복전략, 프로세스 회복전략과 소비자가 지각된 회복만족과 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향에 대해 구조적인 관계를 규명하고자 한다. 자료수집은 2016년 12월23일부터 2017년 1월23일까지 약 30일간 편의표본추출법을 통해중국의 유명한 설문지 조사도구를 이용해서 자기기입식 설문지 총 450부를 배포 후 440부를 회수하였다. 그 중 불성실한 대답과 결측치 있는 설문지 4부를 제거하여총 436부를 분석대상으로 정하고 통계분석에 활용하였다. 본 연구에 수집된 자료는 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 데이터 코딩 과정을 거친 후 SPSS 23.0 통계패키지와 AMOS 18.0을 이용하여 통계분석을 실시하였다. 먼저조사대상자의 일반적인 사항과 인구통계학적 특성을 파악하기 위해 빈도분석을 실시하며 물리적 회복전략, 프로세스 회복전략, 회복만족, 지속적 이용의도에 대한신뢰성 및 타당성을 검증하기 위해 요인분석 및 신뢰성 검증을 실시하였다. 또한 변수들 간의 인과관계 및 영향력의 크기 분석, 회복만족의 매개효과를 검정하기 위해 구조방정식을 이용하여 가설을 검증하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 물리적 회복전략(물리적 보상, 보상 적절성, 보상대안)이 회복만족에 유의한 정(+)의 영향을 미친다는 것을 나타났다. 둘째, 프로세스 회복전략(반응성, 사과, 적극성, 스피드, 권한위임)이 회복만족에 부분적으로 유의한 영향을 미친다는 것을 나타났다. 즉, 사과와 스피드는 회복만족에 유의한 영향을 미치지않는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 회복만족이 지속적 이용의도에 유의한 영향을 미친다는 것을 나타났다. 넷째, 물리적 회복전략이 지속적 이용의도에 직접적으로 영향을 미치는 것을 뿐만 아니라 회복만족을 통해서도 지속적 이용의도에 영향을 미친다. 다섯째, 프로세스 회복전략 중에서 사과와 스피드가 지속적 이용의도에 영향을 미칠 때 회복만족의 매개효과가 없다고 나타났다. 다섯째, 프로세스 회복전략 중에서 사과와 스피드가 지속적 이용의도에 영향을 미칠 때 회복만족의 매개효과가 없다고 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        The Service Recovery Paradox during Times of Uncertainty

        김고운 서비스마케팅학회 2023 서비스마케팅저널 Vol.16 No.1

        Given the premise that service failures are unavoidable, growing attention has been devoted to the service recovery paradox as a consequence of successful recovery strategies. However, previous research has focused mainly on the effects of recovery strategies, paying scant attention to understanding the role of uncertainty in recovery satisfaction. The uncertainty induced by the COVID-19 pandemic causes increased customer expectations of recovery strategies and thus makes it difficult to achieve post-recovery satisfaction. Accordingly, there are important gaps in our knowledge with regard to the service recovery paradox. The purpose of the present study is to explore how service recovery strategies and uncertainty influence the occurrence of the service recovery paradox. Drawing on expectation-confirmation theory, this paper develops a conceptual framework in which service recovery strategies and uncertainty affect post-recovery satisfaction through positive recovery disconfirmation. On the basis of the research model, three research propositions are made, such that service recovery strategies positively influence positive recovery disconfirmation, whereas uncertainty is inversely associated with positive recovery disconfirmation. Moreover, positive recovery disconfirmation has a positive impact on post-recovery satisfaction. As uncertainty still prevails especially in the service industry even after three years of the COVID-19 crisis, a more accurate picture of service recovery following a service failure is required. This study enhances the current understanding of service recovery paradox by clarifying the effects of uncertainty involved in post-recovery satisfaction. It also offers relevant insight into service recovery management.

      • KCI등재

        네일샵 서비스 실패와 회복전략이 고객만족과 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향

        서지혜,박선민 대한미용학회 2020 대한미용학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of the current study was to investigate the mediating effect of a service recovery plan after a nail shop service failure, as well as to analyze its effect on customer service satisfaction and the intention to revisit. The ultimate aim was to establish an effective nail shop service recovery system, and enhance customer satisfaction. The subjects selected were nail shop customers aged 20–50 residing at Daegu, who had experienced a failure in the service they received. From May 15 to June 30, 2019, total 400 survey forms were distributed. Out of 400 forms, 389 were collected among which 69 forms were incomplete; therefore, 320 forms were evaluated. First, service failure positively affected the service recovery plan. Second, service recovery plan positively affected customer satisfaction. Third, service failure negatively affected customer satisfaction. Fourth, service failure negatively affected the intention to revisit. Fifth, a service recovery plan had a positive effect on intention to revisit. Sixth, customer satisfaction positively affected intention to revisit. Seventh, the service recovery strategy had a partial mediating effect on service failure and customer satisfaction. Eighth, customer satisfaction had a partial mediating effect on service failure and return visit intention. Lastly, customer satisfaction had a complete mediating effect on service recovery strategy and return visit intention. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for suggesting the direction of nail services for proper recovery and improvement of customer relations in the service failure situation occurring during the process of providing nail shop services among beauty services.

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