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        충성할인(Loyalty Rebate)에 대한 경쟁법상 규제 연구

        김두진 한국경제법학회 2016 경제법연구 Vol.15 No.3

        가격은 사업자의 거래조건 가운데 가장 대표적인 경쟁 항목으로서, 동일 또는 동종의 상품에 대하여 경쟁자보다 낮은 가격을 제공하는 것은 이른바 급부경쟁 또는 능률경쟁의 한 가지 모습으로서 시장에서 고객의 선택을 받아서 경쟁자를 이길 수 있는 정상적인 방법이다. 그러나 충성할인은 일정한 경우 구매자가 판매자로부터 특정 수량의 단위를 구매하는 것을 조건으로, 참조기간 동안에 구매하는 모든 단위에 대하여, 판매자로부터 특정 수량의 단위를 구매하지 않는, 즉 판매자에게 충성하지 않는 고객에 비하여 낮은 가격을 부과하는 관행으로서 시장을 독점하거나 독점적 지위를 남용할 의도․목적 및 효과를 갖는 점에서 경쟁법에 의하여 걸러내야 할 대상이다. 충성할인의 실행에 의하여 판매자가 구매자에게 (재)지급하는 금전에 의한 재무적 유인수단을 충성 리베이트(loyalty rebate)라고 한다. 단일 상품에 대한 충성할인은 흔히 친경쟁적이지만, 일정한 경우에는 반경쟁적일 수 있다. 경쟁을 제한하는 충성할인 관행을 찾아내는 방법으로서 미국의 학계에서는 약탈적 가격책정 또는 배타적 거래 가운데 어느 하나의 법리를 적용하자는 입장으로 갈리고 있으나 다수설은 약탈적 가격책정으로 취급하자는 입장이고, 법원 역시 같은 입장을 취한 판례가 다수이며, 특히 인텔사의 충성할인 사건에서는 FTC법 제5조 위반의 불공정한 경쟁방법에 해당하는 것으로 취급한 바 있다. EU의 경우 종래부터 시장의 봉쇄효과와 배타성에 착안하여 충성할인을 상대적으로 엄격하게 규율하여 왔거니와, 특히 일반법원은 인텔사 판결에서 판매자의 리베이트 지급관행에 대하여 그 성질에 따라 세 가지로 범주화하였다. 충성할인은 이 기준에 의하면, 배제적 리베이트에 해당하거나 비배제적 리베이트이지만 부가된 다른 조건에 의하여 충성유인효과를 가지는 것으로서 위법성이 인정될 수 있다. 기업실무상 구매자를 사로잡기 위하여 판매자가 시도하는 가격할인을 통한 마케팅 계획은 약탈의 시나리오일 가능성은 낮다. 또한 경쟁정책상 충성할인에 대한 약탈적 가격책정에 유사한 취급은 경쟁법의 과소억제 또는 소극과오를 범할 우려가 있다. 또한 충성할인과 배타적 거래는 본질적으로 매우 유사하다. 이러한 사정을 종합하면 현재의 환경하에서 미국의 소수설이나 EU의 입장처럼 충성할인 관행을 배타적 거래에 유추하여 경쟁법으로 규율하는 것이 적절한 대응이라고 보며 우리나라의 공정거래위원회와 법원은 충성할인이 문제된 인텔사와 퀄컴사의 두 개의 사례에서 이를 배타적 거래와 유사하게 취급하여 경쟁법을 적용하였다. 충성할인에 대해서는 공정거래법상 불공정거래행위가 아니라 시장지배적 사업자의 지위남용행위, 특히 배타적 거래로서 규제할 수밖에 없다고 본다. 시장지배력이 없는 사업자라면 충성할인에 의하여 경쟁자를 시장에서 유의미할 정도로 봉쇄시킬 수 없기 때문이다. 판매자가 구매자에게 제공하는 할인이나 리베이트 관행이 충성할인인지 아닌지를 판별하기 위해서는 충성조건의 부가, 그에 의한 경쟁자에 대한 현실적 시장봉쇄 또는 그 잠재적 가능성 및 봉쇄의 정도와 시장의 경쟁에 미치는 영향 등이 종합적으로 심사되어야 한다. 또한 구체적 위법성 판단기준에 있어서, 충성할인은 합리의 원칙을 적용하여 반경쟁성과 효율성 간의 형량에 의하여 그 위법성을 판정하여 ... Price is one of the important factors on which firms could compete with their competitors. That is to say, charging low prices is normal pattern of competition on the merits. However competition authority should apply antitrust law to some firms’ discounts practices because they may monopolize the relevant market or abuse their dominant position by some discounts practices. Loyalty discounts or loyalty rebates are one of them. Loyalty discounts or fidelity discounts are arrangements whereby a seller gives buyers a price discount if buyers remain loyal to the seller by buying all, or some high percentage, of the relevant product from the seller during the reference period. And the monetary financial inducements which the seller repays to the loyal buyers are loyalty rebates. Loyalty discounts are most often procompetitive. Majority of U.S. commentators insist on applying antitrust’s ordinary predatory pricing rule to all single-product loyalty discounts. But some scholars indicate loyalty discounts can impair rival efficiency and perversely discourage discounting even when they have no effect on rival efficiency. So they recommend an approach that would evaluate loyalty discounts structured to produce exclusivity according to the same economic principles that govern exclusive dealing. The European Court of Justice has long treated loyalty discounts as a potential abuse of a dominant position, in violation of Article 82 of the European Community Treaty and Article 102 of the EFTU. The Court identified that loyalty discounts is designed through the grant of a financial advantage to prevent customers from obtaining their supplies from competing producers and that it constituted price discrimination based on exclusivity. The General Court of the EU categorized 3 types of rebates as ‘quantity rebates linked solely to the volume of purchases’, exclusivity rebates, and non-exclusivity rebates. From European view points, loyalty discounts may be illegal as exclusivity rebates, or ‘non-exclusivity rebates without objective justification’. In business reality, it will probably not be the case of predation when a firm engages in some intentional marketing plans through price discounts. And I believe that applying antitrust's ordinary predatory pricing rule to loyalty discounts than exclusivity approach could raises serious concerns of under-deterrence of enforcement or false-negative error in competition policy. Additionally, loyalty discounts is in essence similar to traditional exclusive dealing. Synthesizing all these circumstances, analogizing exclusivity approach should be the test for antitrust liability of loyalty discounts. Until now, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (the KFTC) and courts have followed this approach in Intel Co. and Qualcomm Inc. cases. Importantly, loyalty discounts or rebates practices should be governed not by Article 23 (the unfair trade acts) but by Article 3-2 (the abuse of market-dominating position) under the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (the MRFTA) because a firm without market power could not engage in loyalty discounts practice. If the firm would try contracting with or getting some de facto commitments from buyers, it could not create a large enough foreclosure to impede competition or to impair rival efficiency. Namely the result would be procompetitive price discounts.

      • KCI등재

        하이테크 신제품의 번들링 전략: 가격할인 프레이밍·브랜드 이미지·제품 혁신성의 역할

        박소진,김용만 한국마케팅관리학회 2011 마케팅관리연구 Vol.16 No.1

        This study investigated the effects of price discount framing, brand image, and product innovativeness on consumers’ purchase intention of a bundle composed of a new high-tech product and an existing product. First, price discount framing means how they represent an equivalent price reduction in price bundling. Prior research suggests that consumers are sensitive to the framing of prices and discounts in the presentation of the bundle offer. For example, there is evidence that an equivalent price reduction to the overall bundle, one of the individual products in the bundle, or distributed among the individual products in the bundle can alter the perceived attractiveness of the offer (e.g. Chakravarti, Krish, Paul, and Srivastava 2002; Hamilton and Srivastava 2008; Janiszewski and Cunha 2004; Johnson, Herrmann and Bauer 1999; ; Morwitz, Greenleaf, and Johnson 1998; Yadav 1994; 1995). In line with these earlier researches, this research suggests the bundle type can influence the consumer’s purchase intention of a bundle. This research presents two types of bundle-mixed-leader bundle and mixed-joint bundle. In mixed-leader bundling, the price of high-tech product (ex. tablet PC) is purchased at the regular price while the tie-in product (ex.printer) is discounted. In mixed–joint bundling, a single price is set when the two product are purchased jointly. Second, bundle partner’s brand image can influence the consumer’s purchase intention of a bundle and perceived quality of high-tech product. Consumers may make evaluations based on bundle partner’s brand image because many consumers either have incomplete information or may not fully understand the technology inherent in the products that they are buying. Consumers are likely to assume that product bundles are analogous to brand alliance in that one product lends assurances to another product. So consumers may rely on bundle partner’s brand image when they buy a bundle and evaluate the quality of new high-tech product. Third, product innovativeness refers to the degree how new and different a product is compared to current products consumers knew about and what extent a product would change consumer’s behavior. Product innovativeness is one of the factors that consumers make a decision to buy a new high-tech product. This research focused on the interaction effects of these three factors. This study is based on a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial design with bundle discount framing (mixed -leader bundle vs. mixed-joint bundle), bundle partners brand image (strong vs. weak), and the level of product innovativeness(high vs. low). The dependant variables are consumers’ purchase intention of a bundle. The data was analyzed with three-way ANOVA. This research found that a significant 3-way interaction effect of bundle discount framing, bundle partners brand image, and the level of product innovativeness on consumers’ purchase intention of a bundle. When the new high-tech product (tablet PC) is bundled with the strong brand tie-in product(e.g. Samsung Printer), consumers’ purchase intention of a bundle is higher in a mixed-joint bundle condition rather than in a mixed-leader bundle condition. However, when the new high-tech product(tablet PC) is bundled with the weak brand tie-in product(e.g. Brother Printer), consumers’ purchase intention of a bundle is higher in a mixed-leader bundle condition rather than a mixed-joint bundle condition. This research also found a significant 3-way interaction effect. The interaction effect of bundle discount framing and bundle partners brand image is more pronounced in the high level of group which consumers believe product innovativeness of the tablet PC is high rather than low level of group. Based on the results, marketing managers are advised to consider bundle partner’s brand image,price discount framing, and the degree of product innovativeness simultaneously when they use price bundling strategy for new high-tech product 본 연구는 하이테크 신제품을 번들링(묶음판매)할 때 소비자의 번들구매의도에 영향을 줄 수 있는 요인들, 즉, 가격할인 프레이밍, 번들파트너의 브랜드 이미지, 소비자의 신제품에 대한 제품 혁신성 지각수준에 대하여 탐구하였다. 첫째, 가격할인 프레이밍이란 가격 번들링(price bundling)전략에서 번들 할인된 금액을어떤 방식으로 제시하느냐하는 문제이다. 본 연구는 하이테크 신제품과 기존 제품의 번들을 ‘믹스드 리더 번들(mixed-leader bundle)’과 ‘믹스드 조인트 번들(mixed-joint bundle)’의 형태로 제시하였다. 둘째, 번들파트너의 브랜드이미지란 하이테크 신제품이 강한 브랜드 이미지를 가진 제품과 번들 되느냐 또는 약한 브랜드 이미지를 가진 제품과 번들 되느냐 하는 문제이다. 셋째, 제품 혁신성 수준이란 소비자가 하이테크 신제품이 얼마나 혁신적이고 소비행동을 변화시킬 것으로 지각하는 정도를 말한다. 본 연구는 이 세 가지 요인들이 전체 번들의 구매의도에 미치는 상호작용효과를 중심으로 탐구하였다. 연구결과, 하이테크 신제품이약한 브랜드 이미지를 가진 파트너와 번들링될 때는 번들파트너 제품을 할인해주는 형태의 믹스드 리더 번들 형태로 제시되었을 때가 총금액을 할인해주는 믹스드 조인트 번들 형태로 제시되었을 때보다 전체번들에 대한 구매의도가 높았다. 반면, 하이테크 신제품이 강한 브랜드 이미지를 가진 제품과 번들링될 때는 총금액을 할인해 주는 믹스드 조인트 번들 형태일 때가 믹스드 리더 번들 형태일 때보다 전체번들에 대한 구매의도를 높았다. 이와 같은 번들 가격할인 프레이밍과 번들파트너의 브랜드이미지의 상호작용효과는 신제품이 혁신성이 낮다고 지각한 집단보다 높다고 지각한 집단에서 더욱 크게 나타났다.

      • KCI등재후보

        가격할인 상황에서 단수가격의 효과

        이은평,박유식,이종학 충북대학교 국가미래기술경영연구소 2018 기술경영 Vol.3 No.4

        This paper focuses on verifying how discount price perception, quality perception and purchase intention of consumers change when a reqular price and a discount price are proposed either as an odd or round price discount situation in a reference price advertising form. The experiment results show that the types of regular prices seem to have a significant influence on discount price perception and purchase intention, but they do not on quality perception. The proposed types of discount prices did not significantly affect discount price perception and purchase intention, but quality perception was affected much more significantly by a round price than by an odd price. As a result of analyzing the interaction effect of a regular price with a discount price, the interaction effect was not observed in discount price perception and quality perception, but it was observed in purchase intention.

      • KCI등재

        번들가격할인 프레이밍과 메시지 프레이밍이 소비자의 번들구성제품에 대한 평가에 미치는 영향

        박소진 한국마케팅학회 2011 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.13 No.3

        This study investigate the interaction effects of bundle price discount framing and message framing on consumer’s attitude of bundle component. Although each effect of bundle price discount framing and message framing has been explored individually, few attempts have been made to invest them jointly. This study tests the interaction effects of bundle price discount framing and message framing on consumer’s evaluation of bundle component. Moreover, this research focuses on consumer’s evaluation of individual bundle component while the existing research on bundling primarily focused on consumer’s evaluation of the bundle. Prior research suggests that consumers are sensitive to the framing of prices and discounts in the presentation of the bundle offer. For example, there is considerable evidence that partitioning or consolidating the prices of a bundle can influence the attractiveness of the bundle offer. Similarly, there is evidence that an equivalent price reduction to the overall bundle, one of the individual products in the bundle, or distributed among the individual products in the bundle can alter the perceived attractiveness of the offer (e.g. Chakravarti, Krish, Paul, and Srivastava 2002; Hamilton and Srivastava 2008; Janiszewski and Cunha 2004; Johnson, Herrmann and Bauer 1999; ; Morwitz, Greenleaf, and Johnson 1998; Yadav 1994; 1995). In line with these earlier research, this research suggests that the bundle type can influence the consumer’s evaluation of bundle component. There are two types of bundle - mixed-leader bundle and mixed-joint bundle. In mixed-leader bundling, the price of one of the two products is discounted when the other product is purchased at the regular price. In mixed–joint bundling, a single price is set when the two product are purchased jointly. This study supposes that the teeth whitening product is the leader product in a mixed-leader bundle. So bundle price discount framing is manipulated such as “Buy the teeth whitening product (regular price ₩80,000) and get 50% discount on the functional toothpaste(regular price ₩40,000), special set price ₩100,000" or "Buy the functional toothpaste and the teeth whitening product as a set and get discount for the set, special set price ₩60,000". Message framing is manipulated through the product claims described in an advertising bill. The positive framing presents that “Over 95% of users achieved the expected 2-3 shades of improvement in two weeks” where as the negative framing presents “less than 5% of users did not achieve the expected 2-3 shades of improvement in two weeks”. This study uses hypothetical brand name of the teeth whitening product and the functional toothpaste. This study is based on a 2x2 factorial design with bundle discount framing (mixed-leader bundle vs. mixed-joint bundle) and massage framing (positive vs. negative). The dependant variables are consumer’s perceived quality and attitude of the teeth whitening product The data reveals that two dependant variables are correlated, so the data is analyzed with two- way MANOVA. This research explores the significant interaction effect of bundle discount framing and message framing on consumer’s perceived quality and attitude of the teeth whitening product. When the message framing is positive, consumer's perceived quality and attitude of the teeth whitening product is higher in mixed-leader bundle than mixed-joint bundle condition. However, when the message framing is negative, consumer's evaluation is higher in mixed-joint bundle than mixed-leader bundle. The author explains this result by stating that consumers are less likely to use heuristics such as price-quality association and value discounting hypothesis(Raghubir 2004) in the negative message framing condition. Additionally, consumer's perceived risk of the teeth whitening product in the negative message framing condition can be more reduced by the bundle partner(e.g. the toothpaste) in mixe... 가격번들링(price bundling)의 형태에는 ‘믹스드리더번들(mixed-leader bundle)’과 ‘믹스드조인트번들(mixed-joint bundle)’이 있는데 전자는 패키지 구성요소 중 하나는 정상가에 판매하고 다른 하나는 할인된 가격에 판매하는 것(예를 들면, 치아미백제를 구매하면 치약 할인)이고, 후자는 패키지의 가격을 통합하여 하나의 할인된 가격(예를 들면, 치아미백제와 치약을 함께 구매하면 총금액 할인)으로 제시하는 것이다. 메시지 프레이밍이란 동일한 광고 메시지를 어떻게 표현하느냐 하는 것인데, 제품을 사용할 경우 얻게 될 혜택 또는 긍정적인 제품 속성을 강조하는 긍정적 프레이밍과 대안을 채택하지 않을 경우 입게 되는 손실 또는 부정적인 제품속성을 강조하는 부정적 프레이밍이 있다. 본 연구는 치아미백제의 메시지 프레이밍을 ‘95%가 미백효과를 보았다(긍정적 프레이밍)’와 ‘5% 미만이 미백효과를 보지 못했다(부정적 프레이밍)’로 제시하였다. 본 연구는 개별제품에 대한 소비자의 지각된 품질수준과 태도에 대한 번들가격할인 프레이밍과 메시지 프레이밍의 상호작용효과를 탐구하였다. 연구결과 메시지 프레이밍의 주효과와 상호작용효과가 유의하게 나타났다. 긍정적 메시지프레이밍 조건에서는 믹스드조인트번들보다 믹스드리더번들에서 치아미백제에 대한 지각된 품질 및 태도가 높았으나, 부정적 메시지 프레이밍 조건에서는 믹스드리더번들보다 믹스드조인트번들에서 더 높았다. 본 연구는 번들 내 개별제품에 대한 번들가격할인 프레이밍과 메시지 프레이밍의 상호작용효과를 발견했다는 점에서 연구의 의의가 있으며, 메시지 프레이밍의 형태에 따라 번들가격 제시방법을 달리해야함을 제안하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        웹 기반 가격할인 수준과 희소성이 영향을 주는 지각된 제품가치와 태도 변화

        장옥도,임현아,최재원 한국정보시스템학회 2018 情報시스템硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        Purpose Product characteristics and price value in website have strongly effects on customer satisfaction. Especially, in the online shopping site, the scarcity limits the customer’s opportunity to purchase the product. Thus scarcity has been proposed as a important factor that makes the customer highly aware of the merchantability of the product. The scarcity in the web store is used as an important variable to make purchasing decisions of users easier by psychological pressure. In the case of scarce products with price discounts in online commerce, advertising formats that highlight scarcity value in the web commerce market are very effective in enhancing purchase intentions of consumers. Unlike offline stores, the importance of scarcity becomes more important when reflecting the characteristics of online commerce. Therefore, this study intends to confirm the influence of the degree of price discounts and scarcity information presented by Web sites on consumer purchase behavior in Web purchase behavior. Design/methodology/approach This study conducted a web-based experimental study on price sensitivity and price discount. Therefore, we created experimental web-sites that offer two stimuli according to the discount rate. The 200 respondents were randomly assigned. The stimuli were fictitious based on tourism products. The first stimulus presented the price discount(15% discount) with basic explanation about the package of the tourist package. The stimuli assigned to the second group were used for groups with high price discount intensity(65% discount). In this way, the two stimuli clearly distinguished the level of price discount intensity. This paper conducted t-test analysis and structural equation to analyze the experiemental results after confirming the reliability and validity. Findings The results of this study are as follows. The difference in price discount intensity (15% vs 65%) with scarcity showed the mean difference among all the variables. Therefore, this study concluded that there is a significant difference between the price discount of 15% and 65% for the acquisition value and transaction value of users. In particular, consumers' purchase intention is greater and product recommendation intensity is stronger when the price discount is 65%. As a result, the high degree of the price discount intensity with scarcity exerts a greater influence on consumers' purchase intentions. Product scarcity also have a significant impact on perceived value of users. Therefore, purchase intention of customers increases when perceived value increases their profit and pleasure feeling.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of price discount on consumers’ perceptions of savings, quality, and value for apparel products: mediating effect of price discount affect

        Jung Eun Lee,Jessie H. Chen-Yu 한국의류학회 2018 Fashion and Textiles Vol.5 No.1

        Extending the price–quality–value model (Monroe and Krishnan in The perception of merchandise and store quality 209–232, 1985) and means-end model (Zeithaml in J Mark 52:2–22, 1988), we developed a conceptual model to investigate the mediating role of price discount affect (feeling aroused by price discounts) in the relationship between price discounts and consumers’ perceptions (perceived savings, quality, and value) and in the relationship between perceived value and purchase intentions in the context of online apparel products. A between-subject experimental design with four levels of price discounts (10, 30, 50, and 70%) was used. Jeans were selected as the product stimulus. Web pages were developed to create a fictional online store and to collect data. A total of 209 usable responses were collected by a research firm in the United States, and structural equation modeling was performed to analyze the data. The results showed that price discount affect played an important mediating role in the relationship between price discounts and consumers’ perceptions. When the direct effect of price discounts on perceived quality was examined, consumers perceived the apparel product with higher discounts as lower quality (i.e., a negative direct relationship). However, when price discount affect served as a mediator, the feelings created by a price discount led to a positive perception of product quality (i.e., a positive indirect relationship). By considering the influence of price discount affect, our model provides a better understanding of the effect of price discounts on consumers’ perceptions of apparel products.

      • KCI등재

        고정가격할인과 차등가격할인, 어느 것을 선택할 것인가?

        허종호(Jong-Ho Huh),김혜경(Hye-Gyeong Kim),노현주(Hyun-Joo Noh),박민정(Min-Jung Park),오유진(Yoo-Jin Oh),윤현정(Hyun-Jung Yoon) 한국무역연구원 2014 무역연구 Vol.10 No.4

        The present research investigates which consumers would choose if given a choice between fixed price discounts or different price discounts in case the expected value is the same. It also explores the influence of self-regulatory focus and time pressure on consumer choice relative to the type of price discounts. In proving the hypothesis, this research applied a between-subjects factorial design targeting 2(self-regulatory focus: promotion focused motivation vs. prevention focused motivation) X 2(time pressure level: high vs. low). Results can be summarized as follows. First, consumers are more likely to choose fixed price discounts than different price discounts. Second, consumers are more likely to choose fixed price discounts when they have prevention-focused motivation than when they have promotion-focused motivation. Third, consumers are more likely to choose fixed price discounts when they are under time pressure than when they are not. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.


        Hsiu-Hua Chang,Long-Chuan Lu,Tzu-Chiao Kuo 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2023 No.07

        To reduce food waste at the retail and personal consumption stages, discounts are offered in retail channels to encourage consumers to buy goods that are less attractive or close to their expiry dates. While discounts can encourage consumers to accept and purchase suboptimal foods, previous studies find that low prices or price discounts will make consumers produce positive or negative perceptions of product values. Consumers may increase their purchase intentions due to price concessions, but will think that price reductions are caused by quality degradation and thus reduce their purchase intentions. Additionally, the literature rarely explores the interaction between original prices of suboptimal products and discount presentation modes. This study thus contends that the interaction between original prices of goods and discount types will lead to significant differences in consumers' attitudes and purchase behavior toward suboptimal products. For research goals, this study employed a full factorial between‐subjects experiment designed with 2 original prices (High and Low) × 2 discount presentation modes (Discount percentage and Discounted price). An anonymous web-based questionnaire posted on the popular PTT forum and in Facebook and Instagram related communities is used to collect the data, and then a total of 328 valid questionnaires were finally collected. The findings indicate that attitudes and purchase intentions toward suboptimal food with a low original price is significantly higher than that of a high original price. Among the interaction effects, the means of attitudes and purchase intentions on the level of the low original price of suboptimal foods presented by discount percentage are higher the other three types. For the high original prices of suboptimal foods, the means of attitudes and purchase intentions on the level of discounted price are higher than for discount percentage. Based on these findings, this study demonstrates that consumer attitudes and purchase decision-making toward suboptimal foods are shaped by original prices and discount presentation modes. In Asia-Pacific countries such as Taiwan, consumers are price-sensitive but once a food item belongs to the category of suboptimal foods, their perceptions of discounts become different. Consumers’ attitudes toward that food and their willingness to buy may be moderated by the high or low original price of suboptimal food with the levels of discount presentation mode. Thus, based on the analysis and results of this study, we offer fresh findings and make both theoretical and managerial contributions to the related field of suboptimal food marketing and price discounts.

      • KCI등재

        가격 할인 빈도가 소비자의 의류 상표자산평가에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        이은영,최정 한국의류학회 2001 한국의류학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        This paper explores the effects of price discount frequency on consumer evaluation of clothing brand equity as well as the impact on consumers who exhibit different consumer characteristics. Following a preliminary investigation, two clothing brand groups were identified according to the frequency of their price discounts, one with a high frequency of price discounts, the other with a low frequency. Each brand group consisted of three women's clothing brands. A questionnaire was developed and administered to 351 females between the ages of nineteen and thirty-four in October 20(X). The questionnaire included questions on evaluations on clothing brand equity (i.e., perceived quality, brand image, perceived value, reliability and brand knowledge), on consumer characteristics (i.e., clothing knowledge, clothing evaluative criteria, price perception and demographic characteristics), as well as on price discount frequency. Statistical tests, such as factor analysis, t-test and pearson's correlation, were used to analyze the data. Results of this research showed that price discount frequency negatively impacted consumer perception of clothing brand equity. The negative influence was particularly strong on the perceived quality and brand image dimensions of brand equity. The findings also suggested the effect of price discount frequency on consumer assessment of clothing brand equity was related to consumer characteristics as well. The equity of the clothing brand group with a low frequency of price discounts was positively related to clothing knowledge, price-quality inference, price-prestige inference, sale prone-ness, price mavenism, valuing the fashionable and symbolic uses of clothing and family income. On the other hand, it was negatively related to low price consciousness. The equity of the clothing brand group with a high frequency of price discounts was positively related to utilitarian economic aspects of clothing values as well as to low price consciousness. To establish and maintain high brand equity, marketers must pay attention to the frequency of price discount as it may have a negative impact on clothing brand equity.

      • KCI등재

        가격할인 빈도와 브랜드 충성도 관계를 매개하는 가치인식의 효과: 고관여도 유형을 조절변수로 고려하여

        이수동 ( Su Dong Lee ),박진영 ( Jin Young Park ) 한국고객만족경영학회 2013 고객만족경영연구 Vol.15 No.4

        가격할인은 단기적으로 구매율을 높이는 수단이다. 신규 고객 확보 뿐 아니라 경쟁 브랜드에 대해 가격 민감도를 높임으로써 비교 우위 전략으로 사용 되고 있다. 그러나 기존 연구에서 가격할인 전략에 대한 부정적인 연구들이 나오면서 가격할인 전략을 수행하는데 보다 정밀한 접근이 필요하게 되었다. 기존 연구에서 가격할인 프로모션에 대하여 많은 연구가 진행되었지만 대부분 가격할인에 따른 실제 매출과 관련한 경제적 효과와 가격할인에 대한 소비자의 휴리스틱(heuristic)에 의해 지각하는 태도의 변화가 대부분이다. 그러나 가격할인에 대한 소비자의 지각된 교환가치는 소비자 개인의 특성 및 구매 목적에 따라서도 평가와 선택이 다를 것으로 예측 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 가격할인 프로모션의 빈도가 높고 낮음에 따라 소비자의 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 고관여의 유형인 상징적 관여와 기능적 관여를 조절 변수로 하여 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식이 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 낮은 가격할인 빈도에서 상징적 관여가 기능적 관여보다 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식이 더욱 높게 나타났으며, 높은 가격할인 빈도에서 기능적 관여가 상징적 관여보다 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식이 더욱 높게 나타났다. 또한 획득가치인식과 거래가치인식에 의한 브랜드 충성도는 낮은 가격할인 빈도에서는 상징적 관여가 기능적 관여보다 높게 나타났으며, 높은 가격할인 빈도에서는 기능적 관여가 상징적 관여 보다 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향이 높게 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 기존 선행연구에서 가격할인에 대한 지각인식의 일반화 된 개념과는 달리 소비자의 고관여의 유형에 따라 상반된 정보처리과정을 거쳐 다르게 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 기능적 속성을 강조하는 제품과 상징적 속성을 강조하는 제품 간에서 소비자의 고관여 유형에 따라 가격할인 전략을 달리 하는 브랜드 관리에 이론적 및 실무적 의미가 있을 것으로 판단된다. Price discount is the means to increase the purchase rate in the short run. It is used as the strategy for competitive advantage that invites new customers and increases price sensitivity against competing brands. Previous studies appeared negative views on the price discount promotion which have influence on firms in long run, and now a more rigorous approach is required for implementing the price discount strategy. A number of studies were conducted in the past on price discount promotion, and most of them focus on the economic impact of the price discount in relation to the actual sales and the change in consumers` attitude of perception based on their heuristic concerning the price discount. However, it is predictable that the evaluation and choice in relation to value of the trade-off perceived by consumers concerning price discount may vary depending on consumers` individual characteristics and purchase goal. This study examined the impact of high and low frequency of price discount promotion on the acquisition value and transaction value perceived by customers and analyzed how perceived acquisition value and perceived transaction value influence the brand loyalty by using symbolic involvement and functional involvement which are the types of high involvement. Result of this research appeared that symbolic involvement appeared more intensively than functional involvement concerning brand loyalty influenced by perceived acquisition value and perceived transaction value, and the functional involvement and high price discount frequency It`s the reverse. In addition, interaction effect between price discount frequency and moderating variables has a significant effect. Such results showed that the price discount frequency and high involvement type influence the perceived acquisition value and transaction value to influence brand loyalty. The results of this study suggest theoretical and practical implications. Thus for price discount frequency, low or high, firms should make efforts to manage all the two dimensions of high involvement types. In particular, for products have all two types of attitude, symbolic or functional, it is critical to consider two dimensions of involvements for a consumer satisfaction.

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