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      • KCI등재

        일반 논문 : 도덕 판단의 기준으로서 "자연스러움" -자연, 자연스러움, 그리고 자연주의적 오류-

        김남준 ( Nam Joon Kim ) 한국환경철학회 2009 환경철학 Vol.0 No.8

        본고는 "자연스러움이라는 가치-개념이 학문의 영역에서 도덕 판단의 기준으로 사용될 수 있는가?"라는 질문에 답하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 본고는 우선 자연스러움이라는 개념의 일상적 의미와 철학적 한계를 논하였다. 일상적 의미의 자연스러움 개념은 대부분 가치중립적인 순수-기술적 개념이기 때문에, 자연 속에서 인간의 행위를 규정하는 도덕규범의 근거가 될 수 없다. 그리고 본고는 형이상학적 자연관과 자연과학적 자연관의 자연스러움의 의미를 비판적으로 논구하였다. 형이상학적 자연관은 자연을 내재적 가치를 지닌 형이상학적 실재로 파악하기 때문에, 자연스러움이라는 가치는 인간의 도덕 판단과 도덕적 행위 동기화에 영향을 주지 않는다. 자연과학적 자연관과 인간중심주의에서 자연은 자연과학적으로 파악되는 대상이고, 인간의 욕구충족을 위한 도구적 가치로 간주되기 때문에, 자연스러움이라는 개념은 인간의 도덕 판단 과정에서 중요한 고려사항이 아니다. 본고는 생활세계적 자연관의 자연스러움이라는 가치-개념이 자연 속에서 인간의 적절한 행위규범을 근거지울 수 있으며, 인간과 자연의 도덕적 관계를 규정할 수 있다고 주장하였다. 즉, ``질서정연한 좋은 세계``의 구성 요소로서 자연스러움이라는 (역사적으로 구성된) 가치-개념은 자연의 현재 상태를 평가하는 기준이 되고, 어떤 행위가 ``질서정연한 좋은 세계``의 실현에 기여하는 자연의 질서에 부합하는 행위인지를 결정하는 기준이 된다. 그리고 본고는 이와 같은 자연스러움이라는 가치-개념이 ``자연의 도덕화``(형이상학적 윤리학) 또는 ``도덕의 자연화``(자연주의적 오류)라는 비판에 직면하지 않음을 논구하였다. This study aims to answer the question "Can the value-concept ``naturalness`` be a criterion of moral judgment?" For this purpose, I have discussed the meaning of naturalness in general use and its philosophical limits. Because the concept ``naturalness`` in general use is value-free and descriptive, it can`t be a moral norm or a criterion of moral judgment. And I have criticized the concept ``naturalness`` in a metaphysical view of nature and in a scientific view of nature. The former can`t play a role for our moral judgment and moral motivation, because the nature could be regarded as a metaphysical reality, which includes inherent value and could be considered to be the perfect place. The latter can`t play a important role for our moral judgment, because the nature in a scientific view of nature is a value-free and descriptive object of natural science. I have argued that the value-concept ``naturalness`` in a life-world can be a moral foundation for our moral judgments and obligations in the nature, and that we can define a moral relationship between human-beings and the nature with the help of such a concept. This is to say: The value-concept ``naturalness`` as one of important values of a well-ordered good world can be a criterion, by which the present state of nature can be evaluated as good or bad. And an action (x) can be evaluated as proper or not for the realization of a well-ordered good world based on the value-concept ``naturalness`` in a life-world. And lastly, I have argued that the value-concept ``naturalness`` in a life-world doesn`t meet with the criticism of the moralization of the nature (metaphysical ethics) or of the naturalization of moral norms (naturalistic fallacy).

      • KCI우수등재

        조경학 연구에서 자연성 개념의 다의적 체계 연구

        이성진,손용훈,김도은 한국조경학회 2023 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.51 No.1

        In landscape studies, the concept of naturalness was vast in its categories from physical space to cognitive systems, making it difficult to define terms at once. Therefore, this study summarized the concept and evaluation attributes of ‘naturalness’ used in the literature through systematic review (SR), and identified the scope of individual attributes that constitute the meaning of naturalness. In addition, the individual attributes classified in previous studies were identified as the meaning chain, one of the cognitive linguistic research methods, and applied to papers targeting naturalness among domestic landscape studies to organize a polysemous meaning system. Meaning chain is a suitable method for grasping words whose meaning expands in a chain due to family resemblance around prototypical meaning, and the dimension is classified according to the classification of naturalness evaluation items and a multi-semantic chain system of naturalness concepts discussed in domestic academia. The results of the study are as follows. First, the attributes of naturalness extracted through foreign landscape literature were classified into four areas: nature perceived as wilderness, nature as non-artificiality, nature as visual landscape, and nature as experience, and 13 detailed attributes. Second, these detailed attributes are generally consistent with domestic landscape studies, but their specific cases were different, and a Korean context was presented in perception of time accumulation, also they suggested that there may be a mutual conflict between naturalness attributes.

      • KCI등재

        자연스러움의 내재적 가치와 목적의 위상

        김광연 국립부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2024 인문사회과학연구 Vol.25 No.1

        유전자를 조작하고 편집하는 기술이 발달하면서, 여러 생명의 유전자를 인위적으로 합성하여 새로운 생명체를 만드는 합성생물학이 등장했다. 이 기술은 종(種)들 간의 합성이 가능하기 때문에 사회 구성원들에게 ‘비자연스러운 행위’로 다가올 수 있다. 그렇다면 도대체 ‘자연스러운 것’과 ‘비자연스러운 것’의 차이는 무엇이며, ‘자연스러움’이 지닌 가치는 무엇인가? 먼저 이 글은 합성생명 기술이 진행되면서 나타나는 여러 현상들 가운데 자연스러움의 해체를 다룬다. 오늘날 비자연스러운 형태를 지닌 생명공학 기술은 ‘자연스러움’의 가치를 훼손시키고 있다. 특히 합성생물학은 자연을 ‘사육’에서 ‘조작’으로 바꾸는 기술적 형태를 지닌다. 이에 논자는 비자연스러운 기술적 형태를 비판하고, 자연스러운의 회복을 요청하고 있다. 또한 논자는 ‘자연스러움’의 가치를 내재적 목적성과 존재 자체의 당위성에 초점을 두고 이 글을 전개해 나간다. ‘자연스러움’은 어떤 복합적 개념이 아니라 단순 개념이다. 자연스러움은 눈에 보이는 대상보다 선행한다. 이 글은 자연을 형이상학적 실존으로서의 우선성을 가지고 있는 존재로 보고 있으며, 그것의 존재는 존재론적 당위성을 가진다. 무엇보다 앞으로 다가올 미래를 위해서 우리 사회는 기술이 가진 희망보다 그 기술이 가진 위험을 미리 진단하는 과제를 필요로 하게 되었다. 이에 이 글은 인공유기체 기술과 같은 비자연스러운 기술적 행위들이 막연한 미래적 공포를 가져오게 될 것을 염두에 두고, 다음 세대들을 위한 미래적 윤리를 요청하고 있다. As the technology for manipulating and editing genes has developed, synthetic biology has emerged, which creates new life forms by artificially synthesizing the genes of various life forms. Because this technology allows synthesis between species, This technology can come as an 'unnatural act' for members of society. So what is the difference between ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’, and what is the value of naturalness? First, this article deals with the disintegration of naturalness among the various phenomena that appear as synthetic life technology progresses. Today, biotechnology with unnatural forms is damaging the value of ‘naturalness.’ In particular, synthetic biology has a technological form that changes nature from ‘rearing’ to ‘manipulating’. Accordingly, the author criticizes unnatural technological forms and requests the restoration of naturalness. Additionally, the author develops this article by focusing on the value of ‘naturalness’ as its intrinsic purpose and justification for existence itself. ‘Naturalness’ is not a complex concept, but a simple concept. Naturalness precedes visible objects. This article views nature as a being that has priority as a metaphysical existence, and its existence has ontological justification. Above all, For the coming future, our society has come to need the task of diagnosing the dangers of technology in advance rather than the hopes of technology. Accordingly, this article calls for futuristic ethics for the next generation, keeping in mind that unnatural technological activities such as artificial organism technology will bring about vague future fears.

      • KCI등재

        인간 본성(本性)의 교육적 의미에 대한 고찰 -합리성, 자연성, 본래성의 통합적 관점에서

        심승환 ( Seung Hwan Shim ) 한국교육철학학회(구 교육철학회) 2012 교육철학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        본고는 인간의 본성에 대한 논의가 인간의 삶과 교육에 필수적임에도 불구하고, 현재 교육에서 이것이 무시되고 있다는 문제의식에서 출발하였다. 인간 본성에 대한 많은 사상들이 있었으나 지성, 감성, 의지 등 어느 한 측면에 초점을 맞추었고, 이들을 종합하여 교육과 연결 논의한 연구들은 부족하였다. 본고는 플라톤, 칸트, 자유교육론을 통하여 인간의 합리성을, 공자, 맹자, 루소를 통하여 자연성을, 실존주의와 테일러의 사상을 통하여 본래성을 통합적으로 고찰하면서 인간의 근본적인 성질이 무엇이며 교육을 통하여 구현하여야 할 완전한 인간의 이상은 과연 무엇인지를 논의한다. 이러한 고찰을 통하여 인간은 합리성, 자연성, 본래성을 근본적으로 지니고 있고 이세차원은 서로가 서로를 조장하는 관계이며, 이들은 사람과 상황에 따라 균형 있게 계발되어야 함을 주장한다. 특히, 결론부분에서 ``진지함의 상실``의 교육현실에서 본래성을 중심으로 어떻게 세 차원의 본성을 다시금 회복하고 조장할지를 교육학적 측면에서 제언한다. Studies and discussions of human nature are necessary and crucial to human lives and education, since human beings become good when they know their own nature or full realization, However, educational practices and educators nowadays ignore the fundamental question, and they only try to perform immediate tasks such as accomplishments in examinations, This study starts from the problem, There have been many thoughts regarding human nature, but most of them focused on one part of human nature that is a complex body of reason, sensibility and will. Studies examining the complex, totality of human nature with regard to education are rare. This study examines rationality of human beings through Plato, Kant, and liberal education theories. They argue that reason is the highest capability controlling emotions and will, and education should aim to realize human rationality through knowledge and logical thinking. It examines naturalness through Confucius, Mencius and Rousseau. They show that ``Ren(仁)`` or ``amour de soi`` is based on good nature of human being and they can be realized through observing the good self and sympathizing with others. This study examines authenticity through existentialism and Taylor. They argue that modern people lose their true selves and follow ordinal customs. In order to become authentic, human being should listen to conscience and choose their own ways with will to conscience or will to power, Through the examination, it discovers what the fundamental nature of human is and what the ideal state of human through education is, Rationality, naturalness and authenticity are all fundamental natures of human and the three natures foster one another to become whole person, Conclusion shows the three nature should be fostered in balance according to persons and situations, and we should focus on authenticity in the age of the collapse of sincerity and seriousness. It suggests death education and in-depth dialogue in order to recover authenticity in relation with rationality and naturalness.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of vowel duration on the perceived naturalness of English monosyllabic words ending in a stop: Some preliminary findings

        Eon-Suk Ko 한국음성학회 2021 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.13 No.2

        Preliminary findings are reported from five experiments testing the perceived naturalness of word tokens whose vowel durations are altered. The stimuli were minimal pairs of English words ending in a voiced/voiceless plosive. Results show an asymmetric effect of shortening and lengthening of the vowel on the perceived naturalness of the word. Incremental shortening of vowel duration initially shows a stable degree of perceived naturalness but rapidly deteriorates beyond a certain point. On the contrary, only a small degree of lengthening of the vowel made the perceived naturalness of the word quickly decay, but there was a floor effect such that the perceived degree of naturalness does not lower beyond a certain level. Further, the tokens with the original vowel duration were not always scored higher than the stimuli with a small degree of shortening. Future studies should address the issue of speaking rate and the ratio between the vowel and the stop closure duration to better understand the phenomenon. The issue investigated here has implications on the role of prototypical exemplars in the perception of phonotactic naturalness.

      • KCI등재

        바슐라르의 시적 상상력에 따른 한옥의 원초적 거주공간의 존재방식

        이지원 ( Jiwon Lee ),유진형 ( Jinhyung Yoo ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.4

        (Background and Purpose)What kind of existential characteristic does the primordial relationship have with the space we experience in the modern urban environment? Does the poetical imagination suggested by Bachelard have any influence on our real perceptional life and space? Concerning these aspects, this study looks for the characteristics of the existence mode of the space through the naturalness of Hanok, which is the traditional Korean house. This study analyzes the naturalness of dwelling space that Hanok possesses, and aims to trace what kind of relationship it has with the aspect of phenomenology of poetic imagination described by Bachelard. The process of this approach induces the necessity of determining the inherent value that it should hold in the current dwelling space through the concept of poetic imagination in Bachelard``s concept of Image Phenomenology. (Method) The goal of this study is to look at the characteristics of the existence mode of primordial space through poetic dwelling at the Hanok space based on the area according to the poetic imagination as per Bachelard. The purpose of this study is to help approach how the poetic imagination reveals the primordial characters of dwelling space and the setting of the phenomenological mode on the space that people experience in the future by showing its relation to the nature-friendly space concept of Hanok. After distilling the characteristics of Bachelard``s poetical imagination, it seeks to find how they are related to the naturalness of Hanok. (Results) The naturalness of Hanok space had the principle of becoming the image consistently similar to the dynamic vitality of nature due to its characteristic holism and convergence that attempts to form a unity between nature, house, and human. It was also connected to the process of becoming of image that was dynamically replayed by the active acknowledgement phenomenon of dreaming people of Bachelard, that is dreaming people who are awake at the same time. Due to these connections, the primordial dwelling space of Hanok that makes the poetical imagination possible is filled up with reborn images of moments. These images were subjectively and actively vitalized without being fixed anymore. (Conclusions) The image that Bachelard wanted to realize through the role of dreaming people plays a role in recovering a healthy contact between the self awareness of people and nature. The phenomenon that is concentrated on restoration was eventually about what kind of relationship the human space made with nature. This means that it was based on the energy that occurred when people face the space, that is image-interactive according to the imagination, in other words, po?tiser. In the end, the naturalness of Hanok towards the affirmative energy that was to po?tiser the space of dwellers through the imagination based on the dweller``s attitude, to become friendly with nature. The motility of the dynamic metamorphosis phenomenon that was the law of vitality of Hanok``s space that was poetiser, was similar to the motility of image which was made by the active imagination.

      • KCI등재

        챗GPT와 기계번역 그리고 출판사를 중심으로 한 영어 교재 번역의 ‘자연성’ 연구

        허근,김동미 한국문화융합학회 2023 문화와 융합 Vol.45 No.11

        The purpose of this study is to compare and discuss how well the publisher, ChatGPT, and NMT have preserved 'naturalness' in translating TOEIC textbooks. In order to engage in such a discussion, we compared and analyzed all the translations in the beginner-level TOEIC textbook's explanation booklet provided by Company H. These were classified into four categories for analysis: firstly, 'violation of naturalness' due to excessive use of foreign language, secondly, 'violation of naturalness' due to indiscriminate use of passive/active voice, thirdly, 'violation of naturalness' due to abbreviated translation, and fourthly, 'violation of naturalness' due to literal translation of vocabulary. The analysis results revealed that none of the three types of translations perfectly preserved 'naturalness.' In particular, Company H's textbook translations required a slightly more learner-oriented naturalness than ChatGPT or machine translations.

      • KCI등재

        유산 민경갑(1933∼2018)의 추상 자연주의 한국화(韓國畵) 전환과정

        조현진 한국근현대미술사학회(구 한국근대미술사학회) 2023 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.46 No.-

        본 논문은 민경갑이 ‘한국화의 정체성’에 대해 주목하며 구현한 추상 자연주의 한국화의 전환과정과 표현세계를 고찰해 보았다. 작가는 민족미술 수립정책 시기 화단에 등단한 이후 1960년대에는 ‘수묵(水墨)’으로 추상표현주의 창작세계를 구현하였으며 이 시기의 표현세계는 동양화의 전통형식은 탈피하고 정신적 계승을 유지한 채 시대 양식을 추구한 현대미술의 창작세계였다. 이러한 수묵과 화선지를 매재(媒材)로 한 형식의 탈피와 ‘전통’의 탐구는 시기별 양식적 변화에서도 지속돼 평생에 걸쳐 이어졌다. 이후 전환돼 이어진 ‘자연과의 조화’ 창작세계에서는 자연과 조화를 이루려는 한국인의 정서를 한국적 특질로 여기고 한국화 정체성을 자연과의 합일에 주목하며 자연(自然)에서 찾았다. 다음에 이어진 ‘자연과의 공존’ 창작세계에서는 인간과 자연의 친화적·상생적 개념을 중시한 공존세계의 표현이었으며 이때 아름다운 자연의 형상화보다는 마음을 관조하여 나타난 사물에 관한 본질을 형상으로 표현하였다. 소재표현에서는 한국적인 것이라 단정 지어진 협소한 생각에서 벗어나 전면회화의 조형성으로 단순하고 간결한 무한 공간개념을 창출하였다. 이어진 자연주의 세계에서는 무속의 민속적인 소재 그리고 자연 그대로의 무위(無爲) 등을 한국적 정서와 민족적 정체성 탐구로 발전시켜 전통과 현대를 엮어 ‘정신적 자연관’을 시각적으로 구현하고 자연주의 한국화를 구축해 나갔다. 위같이 민경갑의 한국화를 살펴봄으로써 민경갑이 지향했고 찾고자 했던 그의 ‘한국화 정체성’의 표현세계와 그가 지향한 한국미의 특질을 파악할 수 있었다. 민경갑의 ‘한국화 정체성’은 오랫동안 이어져 온 우리의 얼과 민족, 문화를 포함하는 것으로 작가의 ‘한국화 정체성’의 중심에는 천인합일(天人合一)의 ‘자연주의’와 자연 그대로의 ‘자연성(自然性)’이 있었다. 그리고 여기에 더하여 한국미의 특질인 소박함과 자연성을 간결함과 단순성으로 구현, 구축한 자연주의 한국화의 독자적인 회화세계였다. This paper delves into the Transition Process and expressive world of abstract naturalism in Korean painting, as embodied by Min Kyung-gap, with a focus on the identity of Korean painting. The artist, who made his debut in the art world durin the period of establishing national art policies, ventured into the realm of abstract expressionism using ink wash(水墨) in the 1960s. This era marked a departure from the traditional formats of oriental painting, while maintaining spiritual continuity and embracing contemporary art styles. The evolution of his style, using ink wash and rice paper(畵宣紙) as mediums, continued throughout his life, moving away from conventional forms and exploring ʻtraditionʼ in each period. Next phases in author's career, themed around ʻHarmony with Nature,ʼ highlighted the Korean sentiment of harmonizing with nature as a distinctive Korean trait. The Korean identity in painting was sought in the union with nature. Following this, in the ʻCoexistence with Natureʼ phase, there was an emphasis on the symbiotic and harmonious concepts between humans and nature. Instead of depicting the physical beauty of nature, this phase focused on contemplatively expressing the essence of things. In terms of subject expression, he broke away from narrow definitions of what is Korean, creating a simple, uncluttered concept of infinite space with full-scale painting. In the subsequent naturalistic phase, he developed folk and shamanistic elements, as well as the concept of WuWei(無爲) in nature, into explorations of Korean sentiment and national identity. This intertwined traditional and modern elements, visually articulating a ʻspiritual view of natureʼ and establishing a unique world of naturalistic Korean painting. By examining author's Korean paintings, it is possible to comprehend the expressive world and the distinct qualities of Korean beauty he aimed to portray. Min Kyung-gap`s identity in Korean painting encompasses the spirit, nation, and culture that have been long-standing. At the core of his identity in Korean painting lies the ʻnaturalismʼ of the unity of heaven and man, and the ʻnaturalnessʼ as it is. In addition, the unique world of his naturalistic Korean painting is characterized by the simplicity and straightforwardness of Korean beauty, represented through simplicity and succinctness.

      • KCI등재

        Toward a Picturesque Illusion: -The Cultural Environment in the Collaboration of David Garrick and Philippe de Loutherbourg-

        ( Jae Oh Choi ) 한국연극교육학회 2012 연극교육연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Toward a Picturesque Illusion: -The Cultural Environment in the Collaboration of David Garrick and Philippe de Loutherbourg- Jae-Oh Choi The aim of this thesis is to explore the cultural environment from which David Garrick`s and Philippe de Loutherbourg`s ideas on naturalness toward a picturesque illusion were forged in the 18th-century theatrical practices. Their ideal collaboration brought together the techniques and effects of the illusionistic pictures to the London stage and constituted a new vision, which inspired the realistic movement in the next century. For my investigation, following Michel Foucault`s and Joseph Roach`s assertions, I illuminate Garrick`s and de Loutherbourg`s perspectives on ``nature`` and their contemporaries` arts as the cultural environment of the time to have the validation of our pattern of knowledge on naturalness. Focusing on Garrick`s view on an actor as a moving statue and interests in garden, and de Loutherbourg`s landscape painting and Romanticism, this study scrutinizes how they develop the picturesque illusion on the sage through their collaboration in Drury Lane. As the cultural environment of their time, I research the universal passions systematized of the French baroque painter Charles Le Brun, Thomas Gainsborough`s paintings as a seedbed of the romantic movement of landscape painting, Capability Brown`s gardens as the ideal of the English informal (natural) gardening, and Claude Lorrain`s paintings as an example of Garrick`s concept of moving statue and de Loutherbourg`s idea of natural landscape. The contrivance of the landscape gardener and the landscape painter affected Garrick to envision natural scenery for his stage at the Drury Lane. Garrick`s impression on the new garden urged himself to hire de Loutherbourg who was one of the finest landscape painters. De Loutherbourg achieved the breaking up of perspectives which had held the stage for so long by the greatly increased use of separate pieces. He got rid of permanent settings on the stage for the flexible stage and the stronger resemblance to nature. Garrick and de Loutherbourg, through their collaboration, put the newly created reality on the stage. Their natural acting and natural scenery set the new paradigm about naturalness in theatrical movements. Their collaboration for the picturesque illusion on stage anticipated photographic Realism even though it requests the investigation from a whole new concept of nature.

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 생태자원의 효율적인 보전관리를 위한 자연성 평가 : 익산시 자연형 도시공원을 중심으로

        김문숙 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2010 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 자연형 도시공원 생태자원의 효율적인 보전관리를 위한 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 식생의 자연성 평가를 실시하였다.도시식생의 자연성 평가를 위하여 전형적인 중·소도시인 익산시의 5개 자연형 도시공원을 연구 대상지로 선정하였으며,자연성 평가를 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다.1. 익산시 5개 도시자연공원의 식물상은 84과 208속 261종 1아종 3품종 34변종의 총 299종류로 조사되었다.2. 익산시 5개 도시자연공원에 분포하는 식물들의 생활형의 특징은 H-D4-R5의 유형으로 나타났고 생육형에서는 직립형이우세하였다.3. 생활형 스펙트럼을 분석한 결과 M(소형지상식물): 20.0%±1.0%, N(미소지상식물): 10.2%±1.5%, E(착생식물): 2.5%±1.0%, Ch(지표식물): 5.2%±0.8%, H(반지중식물): 22.3%±2.5%, G(지중식물): 9.6%±1.1%, HH(수생식물): 4.5%±0.8%, Th(1년생식물):27.3%±3.7%로 나타났다.4. 식생 자연성 평가에서 III등급인 배산을 제외한 4개 도시자연공원은 IV등급이다. 전체적으로 익산시 주요 도시자연공원의자연성은 높지 않은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the naturalness of vegetation to offer fundamental data for the efficient preservation and management of the ecological resources in natural urban parks. For this study, 5 natural urban parks were selected in Iksan city, a typical small and medium-sized city. The outcomes of the evaluation performed may be concluded as follows: 1. The flora of 5 natural parks were found to be composed of 84 families, 208 genera, 261 species, 1 subspecies, 3 forma, and 34 varieties or 299 taxa in total. 2. On the characteristics of this survey, life form were shown to be of the H-D4-R5 types and erect forms were superior in their growth type. 3. The analysis of the life form spectra was shown to have M (Microphanerophytes): 20.0%±1.0%, N (Nanophanerophytes): 10.2%±1.5%, E (Epiphyten): 2.5%±1.0%, Ch (Chamaephytes): 5.2%±0.8%, H (Hemicryptophytes): 22.3%±2.5%, G (Geophyte): 9.6%±1.1%, HH (Hydatophytes): 4.5%±0.8%, and Th (Therophytes): 27.3%±3.7%. 4. Except for Baesan park which was rated to have grade III naturalness of vegetation, 4 other parks belonged to grade IV. In sum, the urban natural parks of Iksan city were found to have low naturalness.

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