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        레오 3세의 성상파괴 동기

        이경구 ( Kyung Koo Lee ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2011 역사학연구 Vol.41 No.-

        비잔티움 역사에서 레오 3세의 성상파괴 정책은 대체로 부정적으로 평가되어왔다. 레오에게는 유대인과 결탁한 이단의 죄가 지워졌다. 레오가 성상파괴를 단행한 것은 우상숭배를 금하는 유대인들의 영향을 받았기 때문이라는 것이다. 레오에게는 무슬림과 결탁한 죄의 책임도 부과되었다. 레오가 성상을 파괴하기로 결심한 것은 성상숭배를 우상숭배로 간주하는 이슬람의 교리에 굴복하였기 때문이라는 것이다. 많은 연구자들이 이렇게 레오 3세를 부정적으로 평가한 것은 성상옹호자들의 편견이 담긴 현존하는 비잔티움 사료에 주로 근거하여 레오를 연구하였기 때문이었다. 본 논문에서는 성상옹호자들의 편견이 담긴 비잔티움 사료들을 비판적으로 검토하고, 또 비교적 객관성을 유지하고 있는 오리엔트 사료들을 활용하여 레오 3세의 성상파괴 동기를 밝혀보려고 시도하였다. 연구 결과 레오가 유대인과 관련되어 있다는 스토리는 성상옹호자들이 꾸며낸 신화일 뿐이며 사실이 아니라는 점이 밝혀졌다. 레오는 오히려 유대인의 우상숭배를 비난하면서 유대인과 비정통 기독교도들을 박해하였다. 또 성상옹호자들의 편견으로부터 벗어나 있는 오리엔트 사료들은 레오가 무슬림으로부터도 영향을 받지 않았다는 것을 증명하였다. 레오는 정통 신앙을 견지하고 이슬람인들에게 단호하게 대처하였다. 레오는 유대인이나 이슬람인으로부터 영향을 받아서가 아니라 정책적 필요에 따라서 스스로 성상파괴를 결정하였다. 레오는 통치 초기에 다방면에서 위기상황에 처해 있었다. 변경지역에서는 아랍인들과 불가리아인들이 압박을 해왔고, 이탈리아에서는 롬바르드인들이 제국의 영토를 침식하고 있었으며, 제국의 전역에서는 성상의 숭배가 널리 확산되어 황제권의 약화요인으로 작용하였다. 레오는 황제를 중심으로 백성들의 분산된 에너지를 하나로 결집하여 대내외적으로 직면한 위기를 극해야할 필요성이 절실하였다. 레오의 성상파괴 결정은 그러한 절박한 필요를 충족시키기 위해 선택한 방책이었다. The iconoclastic policy of LeoⅢ has not been properly estimated in the Byzantine history because many scholars have generally studied LeoⅢ`s iconoclasm on the basis of the extant documents which included biased views of iconodules. They have condemned that he took measures of iconoclasm due to Jewish or Muslim influence. This study analysed the distorted Byzantine sources critically and used oriental materials which remained without prejudices of iconodules to fairly examine Leo`s iconoclasm. Chapter two traced Byzantine sources which contain stories related to both Leo and Jews. As a result of that, it was proved that the stories were first made by a writer hating iconoclasm, transmitted to later generations, and transformed into other stories in the course of time. Consequently Byzantine accounts explaining the close relationship between Leo and Jews were not the records of truth but just fictions invented by iconodules. Chapter three critically examined the relation between Leo and Muslims in the basis of the oriental sources which remained purely without censorship of iconophiles. On the contrary to the Byzantine documents, these sources proved that Leo had no influence from Muslims. They instead showed that Leo firmly defended Orthodox against Islams. In short the analysis of these Byzantine and oriental sources does not give much support to modern theories of Jewish or Muslim influence on Leo`s iconoclasm. What did then motivate him to destroy images? Chapter four investigated the motivations of Leo`s iconoclasm. Leo had a political thought that "Emperor is the only representative of God in earth" because God gave over him an absolute power. This thought of Leo was clearly expressed in the preface of Ecloga, a law-code which had been published just before he took iconoclastic measures. He did not hesitate to decide iconoclasm because he strongly hold the ideology of, so to speak, Caesaropapism. The early period of Leo`s reign was dominated by several critical issues: the pressure of Arabs and Bulgars in frontier districts; the military expansion of Lombards in Italy; and the widespread of image cults in the whole empire. He domestically wanted to gather together the scattered energies of the people by means of iconoclastic device. Based on the concentrated energies, he hoped to revive the glory of Justinian Empire in the past. LeoⅢ`s iconoclasm was the best policy to satisfy such need and hope as he aspired to do.

      • KCI등재

        레오 3세의 성상파괴 -파괴의 정도와 범위-

        이경구 ( Kyung Koo Lee ) 한국서양중세사학회 2011 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.0 No.28

        The acts of the Seventh Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 787 declared that the cult of images was a part of the Byzantine Orthodox while iconoclasm was condemned as behaviors deviated from the Byzantine religious tradition. Thereafter most of the literatures that had supported the theories of iconoclasts was thoroughly destroyed and only the writings recorded in accordance with viewpoints of champions of iconoclastic controversy survived. Later scholars had no choice but to study the subjects related to iconoclasm on the basis of the literatures that chiefly reflected the position of iconophiles and iconoclasts consequently came to be regarded as very evil and heretic people who denied the tradition of Byzantine Orthodox. Especially LeoⅢ who first took the measures of removing the holy images from the Byzantine churches has been regarded as the forerunner and leader of Byzantine iconoclasm by most of scholars. They criticized unfavorably Emperor Leo as a destroyer who eliminated holy images and a persecutor who inflicted severe punishment on many people hostile to his religious policy throughout his whole reign after he officially issued an imperial edict for the destruction of the holy images in 726. But these understandings of LeoⅢ were wrong because they were based on the distorted views of Byzantine iconodules and on the biased interpretations of later scholars. It was not true that Leo issued an official edict of iconoclasm in 726. Evidences on the imperial edict are never found in any writings of representative iconodules such as Theophanes or Nicephorus. And so-called "the Event of Chalke Gate" which has been known as the starting point of iconoclasm was not true but only an event forged by the icondules to emphasize the destructive behavior of Leo. It may be accepted that Leo took some significant measures to prohibit the use of the sacred images in the churches of Constantinople, but it did not mean that he destroyed holy images in whole Empire extensively and thoroughly. The measures of prohibiting images was partial and the extent of iconoclasm was also limited to the city of Constantinople. Therefore Leo was at least not such a cruel destroyer as iconodules had blamed. It was natural that rebellions against iconoclasm of Leo did not break out throughout the empire because iconoclasm did not take place in the whole empire. Of course there were various disputes on the dogmas of images between clergy but the extent of confusion was not so much serious as it split people of the empire into several factions. The interpretations that regional soldiers of Hellas and Italy made rebellions against Emperor Leo on account of their discontents with iconoclasm were far from the truth. The substantial cause of the rebellions was not because of religious reasons but because of the problems of heavy taxes which were imposed on people of the regions by the emperor. Persecution to the opposers to the imperial religious policy was naturally not severe because extent of opposition was not so much serious as it brought down political disorder on the whole empire.

      • KCI등재

        A Survey on LEO-PNT Systems

        Hong-Woo Seok,Sangjae Cho,Seung-Hyun Kong,Jung-Min Joo,Jongwon Lim 사단법인 항법시스템학회 2023 Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Vol.12 No.3

        Today, services using Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) technology are provided in various fields, such as smartphone Location-Based Service (LBS) and autonomous driving. Generally, outdoor positioning techniques depend on the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and the need for positioning techniques that guarantee positioning accuracy, availability, and continuity is emerging with advances in service. In particular, continuity is not guaranteed in urban canyons where it is challenging to secure visible satellites with standalone GNSS, and even if more than four satellites are visible, the positioning accuracy and stability are reduced due to multipath channels. Research using Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites is already underway to overcome these limitations. In this study, we conducted a trend analysis of LEO-PNT research, an LEO satellitebased navigation and augmentation system. Through comparison with GNSS, the differentiation of LEO-PNT was confirmed, and the system design and receiver processing were analyzed according to LEO-PNT classification. Lastly, the current status of LEO-PNT development by country and institution was confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        차세대 군 모바일 위성 네트워크 QoS 성능 향상을 위한 저궤도 위성 빔폭 적응적 제어 기법

        장대희 ( Dae-hee Jang ),황윤하 ( Yoon-ha Hwang ),정종문 ( Jong-moon Chung ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2020 인터넷정보학회논문지 Vol.21 No.6

        저궤도 위성을 활용한 모바일 위성 네트워크는 낮은 출력의 소형화된 단말기를 통해 서비스를 제공할 수 있어 국가 공공재난망 및 국방분야 등 기반 통신망을 사용하기 어려운 상황에서 신뢰성 있는 통신수단으로 활용될 수 있다. 그러나 비상대비 상황에서의 High Traffic 환경은 위성 네트워크의 New call blocking 확률과 Handover Failure 확률을 높이며, 저궤도 위성은 매우 빠른 속도로 궤도를 이동하므로 Handover Failure 확률 증가는 서비스 품질에 큰 영향을 미친다. 위성통신의 채널 할당방식 중 FCA 방식은 DCA에 비해 높은 트래픽에서 상대적으로 양호한 성능을 보여 비상대비 상황에 적절하나 트래픽 증가 시 QoS를 최적화하기 위해 New call blocking 확률과 Handover failure 확률을 최소화해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 FCA 방식 중 Handover Call에 우선권을 부여하는 FCA-QH 방식을 예시로 하여 저궤도 위성의 빔폭과 터미널들의 통화시간을 적응적으로 조절하여 QoS를 개선하는 LEO-DBC(LEO satellite Dynamic Beam width Control) 기법을 제안한다. LEO-DBC 기법을 통해 비상대비 상황의 High traffic 환경에서 모바일 위성통신 네트워크의 QoS를 최적으로 유지할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. Low-Orbit satellite mobile networks can provide services through miniaturized terminals with low transmission power, which can be used as reliable means of communication in the national public disaster network and defense sector. However, the high traffic environment in the emergency preparedness situation increases the new call blocking probability and the handover failure probability of the satellite network, and the increase of the handover failure probability affects the QoS because low orbit satellites move in orbit at a very high speed. Among the channel allocation methods of satellite communication, the FCA shows relatively better performance in a high traffic environment than DCA and is suitable for emergency preparedness situations, but in order to optimize QoS when traffic increases, the new call blocking and the handover failure must be minimized. In this paper, we propose LEO-DBC (LEO satellite dynamic beam width control) technique, which improves QoS by adaptive adjustment of beam width of low-orbit satellites and call time of terminals by improving FCA-QH method. Through the LEO-DBC technique, it is expected that the QoS of the mobile satellite communication network can be optimally maintained in high traffic environments in emergency preparedness situations.

      • KCI등재

        헤르만 헤세의 『동방순례』에 나타난 섬기는 리더십 연구

        장영은 ( Young Eun Chang ) 한국브레히트학회 2008 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.0 No.18

        Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich in werkimmanenter Hinsicht auf Analyse und Interpretation von Hermann Hesses Die Morgenlandfahrt. Diese Erzahlung entstand 1932, gilt aber bei Hesse und seinen Kritikern als “ein Bekenntnismarchen”, das ein imaginares Phantasiespiel des Geistes im Zusammenhang mit Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft beinhaltet. Im Mittelpunkt der Erzahlung Hesses stehen die Figuren H.H. und der Diener Leo. Der Ich-Erzahler ``H.H.`` verkorpert den Dichter Hermann Hesse selbst. Wie in einem ``Versteckspiel`` erkennt man im Lauf der Erzahlung den Diener Leo als Herrscher und Fuhrer im Bund. Diesen Leo nennt der amerikanische Wissenschaftler Robert K. Greenleaf(1904-1990) spater einen ``Servant-Leader``. Indem er, von Hesses Die Morgenlandfahrt begeistert, ``Servant-Leadership`` wissenschaftlich systematisiert, ermoglicht Greenleaf einen Paradigmenwechsel. Seit 1990 erweckt das Konzept des Servant-Leadership auch bei den Betriebswissenschaftlern Interesse. So ist es auch das Ziel dieser Untersuchung aufzuzeigen, inwieweit Robert Greenleafs Servant-Leadership in Zusammenhang mit Hesses Die Morgenlandfahrt steht. In Hesses Die Morgenlandfahrt wurde versucht, trotz ihres dusteren und magischen Charakters eine neuen Brucke zwischen dem gemeinschaftlichen Leben und dem isolierten Ich, der Gotteswelt und der Wirklichkeit zu schlagen. Es ist auch bemerkenswert, dass die Hauptfigur H.H. mit Hilfe der Phantasie in dem Diener Leo den realen Herrscher und Fuhrer erkennt. Zum Schluss erkennt H.H. anhand des Symbols einer Statue, die beide, H.H. und Leo, charakterisiert, dass je mehr die Figur H.H. verschmilzt, Leo in der Zukunft weiterleben wird. So wird deutlich, dass Hesses imaginares Gedankenspiel auf die Aufhebung der Grenze zwischen dem Wirklichen und dem Uberwirklichen zielt. Dadurch bekommt die Vision von der Rolle des Menschen in gemeinschaftlichen Leben ihre Bedeutung. Das Dichten bei Hesse selbst ist daher auf der Suche nach der heilsamen Weisheit.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        야나체크의 연가곡 ≪어느 사라진 자의 일기≫에서 나타나는 음도변동의 상징성

        송세라 한국서양음악학회 2019 서양음악학 Vol.22 No.2

        Leoš Janáček(1854-1928)'s Song Cycle, The Diary of One Who Disappeared(1917-1919) is a significant work as it serves as the turning point in Janacek's career as a musician. The musical inspiration of his lover, Kamila Stösslová(1891-1935), and the degree inflection of Moravian folk music are connected in this piece and expressed in his creative musical style. The chromatic phenomenon, which is expressed by degree inflection, reveals the emotions and inner conflicts of the main characters while leading the work’s dramatic flow. Notably, E gypsy scale is produced using #^4and b^7 among the varying degree inflections, and is utilized in relation to the gypsy girl tempting the country boy. In addition, the E gypsy scale is opposed to the tonality which expresses the decisiveness and resolution of the country boy who resists her temptations. 야나체크(Leoš Janáček, 1854-1928)의 연가곡 ≪어느 사라진 자의 일기≫(The Diary of One Who Disappeared, 1917-1919)는 야나체크의 작품인생에 전환점이 되는 중요한 작품으로, 그의연인 카밀라(Kamila Stösslová, 1891-1935)에게 받은 음악적 영감과 모라비아 민속음악의 음도변동이 결합하여 그만의 독창적인 음악 양식으로 표출되었다. 음도변동에 의한 반음계적 현상은주인공의 심리와 내적 갈등을 표현하며 극적 흐름을 이끌어 간다. 특히 음도변동 중에서와 을 활용하여 만들어진 E집시음계는 시골청년을 유혹하는 집시소녀와 관련되어 사용되고, 그녀의 유혹에 맞서는 시골청년의 단호함과 결심을 표현하는 조성과 대립된다.

      • KCI등재

        BF 방법을 이용한 EX Leo의 시선속도 추정

        강동일,박홍서,한인우,김강민,Kang, Dong-Il,Park, Hong-Suh,Han, In-Woo,Kim, Kang-Min 한국천문학회 2007 天文學論叢 Vol.22 No.2

        We present the result of radial velocity observation of a W UMa type binary star EX Leo. We observed the star on February 16, 2003, using Long-Slit spectrograph of BOAO(Bohyunsan Optical Astronomical Observatory). Since the spectral lines are broad due to its fast rotation, it is difficult to distinguish two radial velocities from cross correlation function. Instead of cross correlation function, we used broadening function to develop our own code which estimate the radial velocity of the broadened line spectra. With our own code, radial velocities of primary and secondary stars are derived simultaneously. From the radial velocity curve fit, we obtained $K_1=50.24{\pm}8.29km/s$ and $K_2=254.05{\pm}20.984km/s$ respectively.

      • 지구 저궤도 위성의 베타각 및 입사 열에너지 분석

        유제건(Jaegun Yoo),박성우(Sung-Woo Park),정창훈(Chang-Hoon Jung),강성욱(Sung-Wook Kang),강동석(Dong-Seok Kang),정성훈(Sung-Hoon Jung) 대한기계학회 2016 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2016 No.12

        In the space environment, analysis of orbit beta angle and incident radiative heat flux of the Sun are essential prerequisites to thermal analysis and design a satellite. It makes a satellite to survive from extremely hot and cold conditions. Analysis of incident radiative heat flux is very important to allocate electronic boxes to panels of satellite. In this paper, orbit beta angle is derived from general LEO satellite considering 505 km, 97.4° inclination, sun-synchronous orbit and compared with orbit beta angle of LEO-B satellite. The TMM of satellite was made by using SINDA/FLUINT v5.6 software and used for orbit thermal analysis of the worst hot and cold cases. For the future, this study will be helpful to development of LEO satellite mission.

      • KCI등재

        야나체크의 ≪안개 속에서≫ 연구

        이민정 한양대학교 음악연구소 2020 音樂論壇 Vol.43 No.-

        In his last piano solo piece, In the Mists, Leoš Janáček (1854-1928) reflects his tragic life events as well as personal struggles as a composer. Composed of four contemplative pieces, In the Mists shows one organic structure in D-flat minor connected by characters, pedal point progressions, a cyclic motive, and the fourth connection. Entangled major-minor mode between F and F-flat evokes abrupt psychological change. Enharmonic technique contrasts the mood of different chords. Motivic development and the change of mood expresses the kaleidoscopic human emotions. 야나체크(Leoš Janáček, 1854-1928)의 ≪안개 속에서≫는 작곡가로서 암울 한 시기의 심정을 잘 반영한 4곡의 명상적인 소품으로 이루어져 있다. D♭단 조를 중심조성으로 각 곡의 성격, 페달 포인트 구조, IV화음, 순환 동기의 사 용으로 유기적 구조를 가지고 있다. 또한 F음과 F♭음의 혼용으로 장⋅단조의 모호한 사용은 곡 전체에 심리적 변화를 이끌어가며, 이명동음을 통한 전조와 악구 연결은 서로 다른 화음이 주는 감정을 대비시켰다. 야나체크는 자신의 마지막 피아노 작품인 ≪안개 속에서≫에서 짧은 모티브의 전개와 갑작스런 선율의 분위기 전환을 통하여 순간적으로 변화하는 감정의 경험을 음악으로 표현하고자 하였다.

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