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      • KCI등재

        Effects of Korean Medicine Health Promotion program for Children -Focus on Education and Prevention Programs-

        Sung, Angela Dongmin,Sung, Hyun-Kyung,Park, Haemo,Lee, Sundong The Society of Korean Medicine 2017 대한한의학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Objectives: This study was designed to confirm the effects of the Korean Medicine health promotion program targeting young children. One important aspect of the Korean Medicine health promotion program for children is to bring awareness of health benefits of introducing Korean Medicine methods to young children and to promote incorporating such methods in children's daily activities to develop healthy habits. Methods: The following experiment was conducted for 6 weeks, and the participants were in the age between 2 to 6 years old from 6 child care centers in Wonju and Chungju. 268 participants were in the intervention group, and 277 in the control group. To measure the outcomes of the Children Korean Medicine health program, the intervention group received Korean Medicine prevention programs (children education, parent education, growth exercises, common cold prevention scarf, and pear herb tea), control group did not. This research collected and compared the following data as the children's health indicators to measure the outcomes before and after the program: medical services usage, the number of absences, early leaves, and tardiness to the child care centers due to the participant's health condition. Results: After applying the children's health promotion programs on children between the age of 2-6, there was a decrease in the overall medical services usage, absences, early leaves, and tardiness to the child care center. This health promotion program was purely based on Korean medical theories and Korean Medicine resources without any conventional medical mediation. Conclusions: It can be concluded that a positive change was noted in raising awareness of Korean Medicine through educating both the parents and children. By learning to incorporate Korean Medicine prevention practices to daily habits, not only was there a reduction in the Medical services usage, but the children also became familiar and comfortable with Korean Medicine and its treatment procedures; the overall satisfaction level of the program was also high.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁 전후 아동 잡지에 나타난 아동문학 작가군의 남북 분화 과정 연구

        장정희 한국문학회 2022 韓國文學論叢 Vol.90 No.-

        This paper studies the process of differentiation between the south and the north of Korean children's literature writers appearing in children’s magazines before and after the Korean War, which broke out in June 1950. First, I researched about children’s magazines before and after the Korean War. Except for “Children(어린이)” (1948 May-1949.12), many magazines all ended in May-June 1950. North Korea’s “Children’s Literature” was also temporarily suspended during the Korean War and began to be published again in 1954. Through these investigations, I could see that there was an ideology that children’s magazines at this time were pursuing, but they were not exclusive to each other, and practical exchanges were taking place. Next, I tracked the author’s movement in children’s literature magazines in the south and north before the Korean War. First, I took note of “Children’s Country(어린이나라)” The activities of Yoon Bok-jin (Children’s Song), Park Tae-won (Novel, Boys’ Novel), and Park Se-young (Comment) were analyzed together with the changes in the work. I also identified several authors who were active in children’s magazines published in South Korea before the Korean War but whose activities were not confirmed in North Korea. Typical examples are Jung Ji-yong, Choi Byung-hwa, Jeong Tae-byung, and Hyeon Dong-yeom. This paper was able to meet the sudden transformation of Korean children’s literature into hostile literature after passing the “Korean War” In addition, it was confirmed that the Korean children’s literature stage was also settled as a division of disconnection without exchange. We need to discover and illuminate children’s literature writers before and after the Korean War, who were buried in ideological barriers. In addition, a new research method that can view the division of Korean children’s literature from an integrated perspective should be derived. 본고는 1950년 6월에 발발한 한국전쟁 전후 아동 잡지에 나타난 한국 아동문학 작가군의 남북 분화 과정을 살펴보았다. 먼저 본 연구는 한국전쟁 전후 남북 아동 잡지류의 창간 및 발행 현황을 살폈다. 한국전쟁 발발 전에 이미 종간된 어린이 (1948. 5.~1949. 12.)를 제외한 대부분의 아동 잡지는 ‘1950년 5월~6월’ 한국전쟁을 기점으로 일제히 종간을 맞이하였으며, 북한 아동문학 의 경우도 한국전쟁기에는 일시 휴간되었다가 다시 1954년부터 발행이 이어졌음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 검토를 통해 알 수 있는 것은 이 시기 남북 아동 잡지는 일부 이념적 선호 경향이 얼마간 있었으나 한국 아동문학 문단이 배타적 입장이 아닌 실질적 교류가 이루어지고 있었다는 사실이다. 다음으로 한국전쟁 전 남북 아동문학 잡지에 나타난 아동문학 작가의 이동 현황을 추적해 보았다. 먼저, 어린이나라 를 주목하여 윤복진(동요)․박태원(소설, 소년소설)․박세영(평론)의 활동 경로를 주요 작품 경향 분석과 더불어 탐색해 보았다. 또 한국전쟁 전 남한에서 발행된 아동 잡지에서 활동한 이력이 있으나 북한 아동문학 내에서 활동이 확인되지 않는 작가군을 확인하였다. 대표적으로 정지용, 최병화, 정태병, 현동염을 주목했다. 본고는 ‘6.25전쟁’이라는 민족 동란으로 인해 새로운 아동문학 건설기를 맞이한 한국 아동문학이 적대적 대치의 문학으로 급선회한 모습을 만날 수 있었으며, 아동문학장 역시도 점차 교류가 없는 단절의 분단 과정으로 정착해 갔음을 확인할 수 있었다. 앞으로 이념의 장벽에 가려 묻혀 있던 한국전쟁 전후 한국 아동문학장 내의 아동문학가를 발굴 조명해 나가는 한편, 남북 아동문학장의 분단을 해소하여 통합적 관점으로 나아갈 수 있는 새로운 연구 방법을 남북 학술 교류를 통해 도출해야 할 과제가 남아 있다.

      • A Comparison of Obesity Prevalence between Korean-American Children and Korean Children

        Sim Young-Ja,Kim Eun-Kyung,Park Kye-Wol,Kim Hee-Sun The Korean Society of Community Nutrition 2006 Journal of community nutrition Vol.8 No.1

        This study is to compare the prevalence of obesity between Korean-American children and Korean children, and to investigate the role of environmental factors in obesity development. Prevalence of child obesity is compared by their residence, parents' anthropometric data, education and occupation, and the length of immigration, and birth place of the children. A total of 593 children between the ages of 9 and 12 were examined. 262 Korean-American children (KcUS group) from New Jersey, USA and 331 Korean children (KcK group) from Seoul, Korea were compared. KcUS group showed a higher obesity rate (male: 12.6% and female: 8.2%), compared to KcK group (male: 8.0% and female: 5.1 %). KcK male children showed lower weight and prevalence of obesity than Korean-American male children who lived in the United States for more than three years. Korean-American female children had higher weight and obesity rate than Korean female children. Waist circumference and hip circumference were also higher in obese children in both KcK and KcUS groups. The children who live in America had an odds ratio of 1.69 to be obese compared to KcK, while those born in America and those who have lived in America for more than 3 years had odds ratios of 1.53 and 1.25 to be obese, respectively. This study found that environmental factors, immigration to America for instance, could playa bigger role in child obese development than the genetic factor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effects of Korean Medicine Health Promotion program for Children -Focus on Education and Prevention Programs-

        성안젤라동민,성현경,박해모,이선동 대한한의학회 2017 대한한의학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        Objectives: This study was designed to confirm the effects of the Korean Medicine health promotion program targeting young children. One important aspect of the Korean Medicine health promotion program for children is to bring awareness of health benefits of introducing Korean Medicine methods to young children and to promote incorporating such methods in children’s daily activities to develop healthy habits. Methods: The following experiment was conducted for 6 weeks, and the participants were in the age between 2 to 6 years old from 6 child care centers in Wonju and Chungju. 268 participants were in the intervention group, and 277 in the control group. To measure the outcomes of the Children Korean Medicine health program, the intervention group received Korean Medicine prevention programs (children education, parent education, growth exercises, common cold prevention scarf, and pear herb tea), control group did not. This research collected and compared the following data as the children’s health indicators to measure the outcomes before and after the program: medical services usage, the number of absences, early leaves, and tardiness to the child care centers due to the participant’s health condition. Results: After applying the children’s health promotion programs on children between the age of 2-6, there was a decrease in the overall medical services usage, absences, early leaves, and tardiness to the child care center. This health promotion program was purely based on Korean medical theories and Korean Medicine resources without any conventional medical mediation. Conclusions: It can be concluded that a positive change was noted in raising awareness of Korean Medicine through educating both the parents and children. By learning to incorporate Korean Medicine prevention practices to daily habits, not only was there a reduction in the Medical services usage, but the children also became familiar and comfortable with Korean Medicine and its treatment procedures; the overall satisfaction level of the program was also high.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 자녀의 어휘력 고찰

        김선정,강진숙 이중언어학회 2009 이중언어학 Vol.40 No.-

        This paper aims to compare vocabulary of children from multicultural families to that of children born to Korean parents. It has been assumed in many previous researches that children of multicultural families have poor vocabulary, and their meager Korean vocabulary results in negative academic performance in their schools. However, there has been no systematic and concrete research for actual proof about their meager vocabulary. Therefore, in this research, vocabulary of both groups were inspected by questionnaire. As a result of this survey, Korean vocabulary of children from multicultural families is limited. The difference in vocabulary between the two groups is getting smaller as time goes. That is, when comparing the second graders there was not much difference in the vocabulary of the two groups. A possible reason for these results is that the interaction between the peer groups and the educational stimulus given in classrooms made the children's vocabulary develop. It also shows that children have a weak adverb vocabulary. In both groups, vocabulary usually used in written Korean is worse than in spoken Korean. However, in the case of children from Korean parents, the difference between vocabulary used in spoken and written Korean is not that big. On the other hand, in the case of children from multiculutral families, the difference between vocabulary used in spoken and written Korean is big. If children from Korean parents have been brought up in a relatively better literacy environment, it would explain these results. Accordingly, academic support must be given to children from multicultural families at younger ages.

      • KCI등재

        아동문학 작품의 가치 표상에 대한 사회언어학적 연구 -초등 교과서 「국어(읽기) 1-2」를 대상으로-

        박종덕 ( Jong Deok Park ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2006 동화와 번역 Vol.11 No.-

        Children`s literature pieces are written by adults for children. Therefore, they often confront the following problem. Will ethical values of adults acceptable for children in the future? This study concentrated on the above study topic. In other words, this study analyzed the value systems that are represented in children`s literature to determine whether those value systems are suitable for our children who will live the future. In order to do so, this study examined Korean Language (Reading) 1-2 textbook for elementary schools because: First, Korean Language (Reading) 1-2 textbook only comes in one type and is clearly exposed to adults` value systems. Second, Korean Language (Reading) contains value systems that are represented in all genres of children`s literature. Third, Korean Language (Reading) 1-2 is thought to contain the priority values that are essential for children. This study used a socio-linguistic methodology. Therefore, languages and linguistic expressions were analyzed to study the value systems in relation to various socio-linguistic variables, such as gender, race, age difference, and context style. The results are as follows: First, Elementary School Korean Language is more familiar with adults` view of aesthetics than children`s view of aesthetics. Second, Elementary School Korean Language is trapped in the present and transcending the mundane world rather than being future-oriented. Concerning Elementary School Korean Language, children`s literature pieces do not satisfy their essential roles to show children truthful human, world views, and various points of views. Therefore, it is necessary for children`s literature writers to create pieces that contain the value systems from children`s points of view.

      • KCI등재

        고려인자녀의 국제 이주에 따른 한국생활적응 지원방안 연구

        윤향희 ( Hyanghee Yun ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 한국으로 입국 한 고려인 자녀를 대상으로 “입국 전 한국어교육여부와 입국 후 학교 진학 이후 한국어 교육과정 및 이중언어 강사의 도움 여부, 또래 관계에서 어려움 여부”에 대하여 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 고려인 부모와 자녀를 대상으로 면담을 하였다. 그 결과, 한국에 입국하는 고려인 자녀 대부분은 입국 전 한국어교육을 받지 못하였고 입국 후에도 한국어 교육과정이 없이 한국어 교사를 요청한 이후에야 한국어교육이 이루어졌다. 그리고 이중언어 강사는 한국인으로 러시아어를 전공하였으나 러시아어를 자유롭게 사용하지는 못하여 고려인 자녀의 학교 교육 도움에 많은 도움이 되지 않는 것으로 나타났으며 한국어의 부족으로 또래관계에 어려움을 겪고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 이 연구에 따른 시사점으로는 고려인 자녀들이 있는 학교에 한국어 교사를 배치하고 한국어 교육시간을 늘려야 한다. 특히 이중언어 강사는 한국 체류 외국인 유학생과 결혼이주자들을 대상으로 교육하여 활용함으로써 학교 교육과정에 도움이 될 수 있도록 하여야 한다, 또한 대학생 멘토링을 활용하여 고려인 자녀의 또래 관계 형성 부족으로 나타나는 어려움에 대해 실질적인 도움을 되어야 하며, 고려인자녀의 한국이주와 정착 지원을 위한 방안으로 향후 더 많은 연구가 이루어져 고려인 자녀의 한국 사회적응과 한국 정착에 도움이 되기를 희망한다. This study examined whether Korean language education before entering Korea, whether Korean language instructors help after entering school, and whether they have difficulty in peer relations after entering the country. To this end, interviews with Koryeoin parents and children were conducted. As a result, most of the Koryeoin children entering Korea did not receive Korean language education before entering the country, and Korean language education was conducted only after requesting Korean language teachers without a Korean language curriculum after entering the country. In addition, bilingual instructors were Korean and majored in Russian, but did not use Russian freely, which did not help Koryeoin children in school education, and were found to be having difficulty in peer relations due to a lack of Korean. Among the implications of this study, Korean language teachers should be assigned to schools with Korean children and Korean language education hours should be increased. In particular, bilingual instructors should educate and utilize foreign students and marriage immigrants in Korea to help the school curriculum. Also, they should be able to use college student mentoring to help their children in Korea with the lack of peer relations. It is hoped that more research will be conducted in the future as a way to support the migration and settlement of Koryeoin children, which will help Koryeoin children adapt to Korean society and settle down in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        (사)어린이도서연구회와 한국 아동문학

        오세란(Oh Seran) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2017 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.20

        We examined the influence of ‘the Korean children’s book association’(Adoyeon) on Korean children’s literature in this paper. This paper distinguished between the first and second half of 1980’s and the 1990’s and after. It also looked into the history of literary events in the field of children’s literature and the process of making the “the list of recommended books.” Adoyeon was founded in the 1980s by introducing Korean children’s literature that included ethnic and popular perspectives in the dictatorship regime. And Adoyeon criticized the children’s masses and introduced good books. Since the 1990’s and afer, when children’s book publishing has become active, Adoyeon have expanded our organization by selecting good works. In the 1980s and 1990s, the activities and the achievements and issues of children’s literature are as follows. First, Positive outcomes were settled in the monopoly movement in the circulation environment focused on the whole collection. A specific example is the movement to inform Korean creative monoppoly fairy tale in the 1980’s and the recommendation of book publications in the 1990’s. Secondly, it was a curriculum for the nation and the people ‘s view, which is our creative fairy tale, and played a great role in shaping the genealogy of realistic fairy tales. The third was to take down low-quality books in the same way as ‘recommendation’ and ‘list’, leading to good book distribution. The fourth was using the newsletter, which we took charge of children ‘s book reviews and book reviews. And since the 2000’s and after, they have developed civic movements such as book reading and library activities. However, although the Korean children’s literature was turned into a genealogy and it was shown through the “recommended book list” at a glance, it could not respond sensitively to the social demands to view the works with various changes in the times. This is a negative side. Due to the clarity of realistic assimilation, there is a limit to read the work with uniformity. Specifically, it is left to the researchers to read the works of realist genealogists more deeply and abundantly. Finally, this paper has limitations on only the part related to Korean children ‘s literature in the various activities of Adoyeon. Adoyeon: the korean children’s book association

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 북한아동문학의 현황 (1) -서정 및 서사 장르를 중심으로-

        선안나 ( An Na Sun ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2008 동화와 번역 Vol.15 No.-

        This study presents an investigation into the state of children’s literature of North Korea in the 1950s right after the Korean War by analyzing Children’s Literature, a children’s magazine published in North Korea. Korea’s children’s literature was formed during the Japanese rule of Korea and had maintained its single organization until the Korean War broke out and Korea was divided into North and South Koreas, where two separate groups of children’s literature started to grow and create their own unique streams under the different regimes. After the long Cold War period was over, the South Korean government lifted the ban over the writers who voluntarily moved to North Korea or abducted by the regime. In the field of general literature, active research efforts were made on the literature of North Korea. However, it is unfortunate to raise few discussions on its children’s literature especially with no information provided regarding the state of its children’s literature before, during, and after the Korean War. Therefore, this is the very first paper to examine the aspects of North Korea’s children’s literature right after the Korean War. A review on Children’s Literature reveals that North Korea’s children’s literature enjoyed a great deal of diversity in terms of genres unlike its South Korean counterpart. While they usually created “children’s songs and verses” in the area of lyric literature in South Korea, they engaged in about ten genres including “children’s play songs,” lyric and epic poems” and “Gasas” in North Korea. The unique diversification of children’s literature in North Korea can be attributed to the characteristics of the North Korean society such as the focal point of the party and the leader and the abundance of group activities. There was also a disparity in epic literature between North and South Korea. North Korea saw more importance on “ocherks,” “stories” and “fables” unlike South Korea. The authors heavily depicted the hard work of laborers at factories or cooperative farms since it was the most urgent to restore buildings in the wreckage of war and boom the economy. The literary works either told a story about heroes of resistance against the Japanese rulers and the Korean War or praised the party and the leader. After the Korean War, children’s literature of North Korea concentrated on “cooperation to build a successful socialist nation” rather than “children” or “children’s literature” itself. The diversity of the literary works continued until 1956 but ceased to exist after 1958, when the political strife was settled, with the political nature being further highlighted.

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