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        문화재 관리체계의 한계와 개선방안 - 유형문화재 현장 관리 조직 설치를 중심으로 -

        류호철 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2013 민족문화논총 Vol.54 No.-

        1990년대에 문화재 답사가 대중화된 후 2000년대 이후 문화재 활용 정책이 본격적으로 추진되고 있다. 문화재가 갖는 사회적・문화적 가치를 새롭게 인식하고, 그것을 확산하려는 노력이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 다른 한편으로는 문화재를 제대로 관리하지 못해서 가치가 손상되는 사례가 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 화재나 자연재해 등으로 훼손되기도 하고, 사람에 의한 훼손도 늘어나고 있다. 문화재 도난과 도굴도 근절되지 않고 있다. 이러한 문제가 계속해서 일어나는 것은 현장 관리 조직을 갖추지 못한 채 행정에만 의존하는 등 효과적인 관리체계를 확립하지 못한 데 근본적인 원인이 있다. 국립공원이나 산림, 국토 등 문화재와 비슷하게 현장을 관리해야 하는 분야에서는 이미 오래 전부터 현장 관리 조직을 운영하고 있다. 문화재도 이제는 (가칭)문화재관리공단과 같은 조직을 설립하여 현장 관리의 실효성을 높여야 한다. 문화재 관리는 행정으로만 되는 것이 아니라 현장 관리가 제대로 이루어져야 하는 것이므로, 현장 관리 조직을 확보하여 중앙행정기관(문화재청)과 지방자치단체, 현장 관리 조직 간 체계를 확립하고 각 주체의 역할과 권한 및 책임을 명확히 해야 한다. 이러한 구조적 체계가 갖추어질 때 문화재 관리의 수준을 한 차원 높일 수 있다. 이 연구에서는 현재의 문화재 관리체계가 갖는 문제점을 분석하고 유사 분야의 사례를 검토함으로써 문화재를 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 체계 개선방안을 모색하였다. Exploring the cultural heritage was popularized in the 1990s, and the cultural heritage utilization policy is being promoted in earnest in 2000s. It means that the social and cultural value of cultural heritage is newly recognized, and can be described as an effort to spread it. On the other hand, the damage to the cultural heritage is ongoing, because we do not properly manage it. Damaged by fire or natural disaster sometimes, and even damage caused by people is increasing. Stealing cultural property and illegal excavating it has not been eradicated. Underlying causes of these problems are that we only rely on government administration without having a site management organization. In the fields that need on-site management such as national parks management or forestry management, they have long been operating field organizations. We should increase the effectiveness of on-site cultural heritage management, by establishing field organization such as Cultiral Heritage Management Corporation. We must establish a management system of central government, local government and field organization, and clarify each subject's roles, rights and responsibilities. After this structural system equipped, cultural heritage management can be enhanced to a new level. In this study, I analyzed the issue of cultural heritage management system, and investigated several similar cases such as National Park Management and forestry management. Finally, I tried to find efficient ways to improve the cultural heritage management system.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Cultural Differences and Cross-cultural Management of Sino-Korea Joint Ventures: Taking Beijing Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. as a case

        왕예선,송재훈 한국전문경영인학회 2019 專門經營人硏究 Vol.22 No.3

        In the 21st century of global economic integration, the world's economic relations have become increasingly close, and foreign investment and transnational operations have become an inevitable development trend. Joint ventures are enterprises jointly invested by foreign and host countries under the international market economy, which further promote the economic exchanges between countries and the development of global economy. As a neighbor, China and South Korea have close contacts in various fields such as economic trade and cultural exchanges. However, there are still cultural differences that cannot be ignored in Chinese and Korean cultures. It is a potential risk and obstacle to cross-cultural management of Sino-Korea joint ventures. Cultural differences are double-edged swords. The joint venture managers' ability to improve cross-cultural management is to play a positive role in the operation of the cultural differences, to avoid destructive cultural conflicts caused by the expansion of differences, and to affect the overall development of the enterprise. Based on the differences between Chinese and Korean corporate culture, this paper makes a comparative analysis of Chinese and Korean corporate culture, and takes Beijing-Hyundai Auto as a specific case, studies the cross-cultural management of Sino Korean joint ventures, and finally puts forward solutions and ideas, hoping to provide a theoretical reference for Beijing Hyundai company to better carry out cross-cultural management. In addition, through the analysis of modern cases in Beijing-Hyundai, the managers of Sino Korean joint ventures can deepen their understanding and recognition of each other's culture, effectively turn corporate cultural differences into the driving force of enterprise development, and formulate effective cross-cultural management programs. Therefore, the research results of this paper have certain practical significance and practical value. The content structure of this paper is as follows: First of all, the introduction introduces the macro development background and current situation of Sino Korean joint ventures, points out the existing problems in the management of Sino Korean joint ventures, and briefly introduces the basic situation of Beijing-Hyundai and the research value as a case of cross-cultural management. Secondly, in the part of theoretical research, this paper systematically collates the theoretical research on corporate cultural differences and cross-cultural management through literature research. In terms of the academic achievements in this field, this paper redefines the concept of cross-cultural management, discusses the necessity of cross-cultural management, and divides the process of cross- cultural management into three stages: cultural conflict latency, collision integration period and integration innovation period. Thirdly, this paper introduces Hofstede's cultural dimension theory and GLODE cultural dimension theory, as well as the evaluation results of Chinese and Korean culture under the two theories. Then, it makes a deep study on the characteristics of Chinese and Korean corporate culture from the dimensions of Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity, Long-term/Short-term, and also puts forward the personal point of view. Finally, through case analysis, this paper conducts an in-depth study on the cross-cultural management of Beijing Hyundai. Based on the SWOT analysis of Beijing Hyundai, this paper further points out that the conflict of internal management is in due to the differences of corporate culture. By studying Beijing Hyundai's corporate culture construction strategy and cultural conflict resolution, this paper summarizes the five elements of the success of Beijing modern cross-cultural management, so as to provide useful ideas for other Sino Korean joint ventures to promote corporate culture integration and better cross-cultural management.

      • 中韩企业文化差异与中小企业跨文化管理策略分析

        徐吉霖(Ji-Lin Xu),张,小兵(Xiao-Bing Zhang) 동아시아무역학회 2019 Journal of East Asian Trade(JEAT) Vol.1 No.1

        Purpose - Combined with the experience of enterprise practice, the paper also analyzes the cultural differences between Chinese and Korean enterprises and the cross-cultural management strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises with reference to the classic examples, and better deals with the cross-cultural management strategy of enterprises from the theoretical and practical level. Design/methodology/approach - Based on a prior study, a strategy for cross-cultural management of SMEs is proposed.After summarizing the results of this study, the author puts forward the driving force of the research subject. Findings - This paper studies the cultural differences between Chinese and Korean companies and the cross-cultural management strategies of small and medium-sized enterprises in order to raise the cross-cultural management strategies of small and medium-sized enterprises.First, establish the guarantee of the company s.Second, motivating employees of companies with different personal situations.Third, strengthening exchanges among employees of enterprises. Research implications or Originality - In the management of multi-national enterprises, research on the strategies of cross-cultural management, elimination of cultural conflicts and promotion of management of enterprises in the light of the differences in corporate culture.

      • KCI등재

        K-pop의 문화경영 협력 시스템 구성을 위한 탐색적 연구

        전형연(Jeon, Hyeong-Yeon),송기란(Song, Kee-Ran) 인문콘텐츠학회 2012 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.26

        K-pop은 현재 전 세계적으로 신한류 열풍을 일으키고 있으며, K-pop의 열풍은 해당 가수와 기획사뿐만 아니라, 국가 및 기업이미지까지도 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 이러한 현황에서 K-pop과 관련된 연구들은 K-pop과 소비자의 관계, K-pop 경험을 통한 국가 및 기업 이미지와의 관계 등 문화경영의 각 주체 사이의 일방향적인 관계를 마케팅적인 차원에서 다루어왔다. 그러나 지금은 오히려 K-pop을 중심으로 문화경영의 각 주체들 사이의 전체적인 협력관계성을 파악하는 방식으로 한류문화의 지속적인 발전과 문화브랜드로서의 정착을 위한 문화경영 협력 시스템의 구성이 필요한 시점이다. 이와 같은 맥락에서 우리는 선행연구들에서 제시된 ‘문화경영 협력 시스템’을 구조를 수용하면서 아티스트, 공중, 결정권자, 매개자 등의 4대 주체에게 필요한 문화경영 항목을 도출하고 유형화하는 것을 목표로 한 연구 분석을 진행하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 확장 가능성이 무한한 K-pop 소비시장인 중국 시장의 젊은 소비자들을 대상으로 선정하여 서술적 설문지를 배포하고, 그 결과에 대한 탐색적 연구를 시도하였다. 연구 결과, 문화경영 협력 시스템의 각 주체 중 아티스트 차원에서는 가수 개인의 역량과 음악콘텐츠가 가지는 경쟁력, 대중문화 속성상 타 장르와의 결합을 통한 재생산성 등의 특성을 파악할 수 있었으며, 이를 토대로 퍼스널 브랜드 관리, 음악적 역량 관리, 가수와 기획사 관계, 타 문화장르와의 관계 항목을 도출하였다. 두 번째, 공중 차원에서는 K-pop을 소비하는 공중에 대한 소비자분석을 지속적으로 진행하고 데이터화하는 작업이 중요함을 파악할 수 있었으며, 이를 기반으로 공중의 유형화 관리, 문화적 취향 관리, 선호 문화장르 관리, 주요 활용 매체관리 등의 항목을 도출할 수 있었다. 세 번째, 국가, 기업 및 연예매니지먼트 기획사 등 결정권자 차원에서의 주요 특성 항목으로는 기획사 매니지먼트 관리, 기업 브랜드 관리, 국가브랜드 관리 등이 주요 항목으로 추출되었는데 이는 개개의 기관 차원에서 보다 각 기관이 서로 시너지를 극대화할 수 있는 전략적 통합관리가 중요함을 역설해주기도 했다. 마지막으로, K-pop 등의 문화를 전달해 주는 매개자 차원에서는 미디어 매개자 관리, 콘텐츠 매개자 관리, 주변인 매개자 관리 같은 주요한 특성 항목을 도출할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 연구 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 문화경영 협력 시스템의 4대 주체 사이의 협력관계 구조의 핵심을 파악하고 이의 도식화를 시도하여 향후 한국형 문화경영 협력 시스템 구성의 방향성을 제시해 주었다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있겠다. Currently, K-pop is sweeping over the world with the New Hanwave (New Korean Wave), and K-pop fever is not only positively influencing the singers and their entertainment agency, but also the government and corporations as well. With this phenomena, K-pop related researches have been dealing with uni-directional relationship among four element groups in marketing perspective, for example, studying relationship between K-pop and consumers, and correlations between K-pop and the government and corporate images. However, at this point, it is imperative to have cultural management system development that can facilitate sustainable development of Hanwave culture and cultural brand settlement by understanding the comprehensive interrelationships among the four element groups through K-pop. In this context, the current study attempts to generate and classify cultural management items that are necessary to four element groups -artists, public, deciders, and mediators-, while accepting the ‘cultural management system’ from the previous studies. Accordingly, using narrative questionnaire, the current study surveyed young consumers in China where extensibility of K-pop consumption is infinitive. The consequent results were analyzed using exploratory study. Before everything else, the result of the study showed that among the element groups in cultural management system, the artistic characteristics included the competence of the individual, the competitiveness of music contents, and the reproductivity through combination with other genre. Based on these characteristics, items were generated pertaining to management of personal brand, management of musical competence relationship between the singer and the agency, and relationship with other cultural genre. In terms of public, the results indicate that it is important to consistently gather data and keep up with consumer analysis related to publics who consumes K-pop. Based on these results, items were generated for public typology management, cultural tastes management, preferred cultural genre management, and major applicatory media management. Moreover, the main characteristics of the items in deciders -nation, corporation, and entertainment agency- included managing agency management, management of corporations brand management, nation brand management, and strategic integration management. These major items emphasized how strategic integration management that maximizes the synergy between each organization is important compared to each organization itself. Lastly, in terms of mediators that deliver K-pop culture, major items such as media mediator management, contents mediator management, and peer mediators management were generated. Based on these results, the current study was able to understand and schematize the core relationship structure among the four element groups in cultural management system. Therefore, this study provided a new direction for the future studies that will research on Korean culture management system development.

      • KCI등재

        매장문화재 발굴현장 안전 예방시스템 구축을 위한 연구

        조흠학,박민수 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2021 江原法學 Vol.63 No.-

        최근 개정된 「산업안전보건법」에서 재해예방의 필요성이 대두되었고, 그에 따라 공공기관의 재해예방이 중요하게 되었다. 그 중 최근 인지하지 못했던 문화재 발굴작업에서도 재해를 예방하고 사전에 재해를 줄이기 위한 방안으로 예방 조치가 마련되어야 한다고 사료된다. 본 연구는 문화재 발굴작업에 대한 안전관리문제를 살펴보고 개선안을 찾아내는 것에 중점으로 두었다. 일반적으로 문화재 발굴이라는 작업이 특성상 60세 이상의 고령 근로자가 많고 현장에서 건설 현장처럼 과도한 노동이 아니어서 예방 조치라는 개념을 두지 않았고 등한시 되어 왔던 점이 문제라고 본다. 따라서 지금이라도 문화재 발굴 작업의 예방조치를 취할 경우에는 발굴 작업에 관한 크고 작은 많은 사고가 사전에 예방 할 수 있다는 장점이 된다고 본다. 산업현장에서 2007년에 재해율이 0.7%이던 것이 지속적인 관심으로 정책적 대안과 법률제도개선으로 현재는 0.49% 이하로 떨어졌다고 본다면 문화재 발굴조사 작업 또한 정책적 방안과 법률제도개선으로 사전예방으로 재해에 관한 사고가 현저히 줄어 들 수 있을 것이라고 본다. 또한 본 연구는 문화재 발굴 작업에 관한 예방조치를 제시하여 재해자를 줄이는 것도 중요하지만 재해가 발생하는 원인과 함께 문화재 발굴 작업의 사전예방조치를 하기 위한 이론적 근거를 제시하고 안전조치를 위한 명확한 문화재 발굴 작업 안전 매뉴얼의 필요성을 찾아보는 것이다. 그런 의미에서 기존에 만들어진 매뉴얼을 재검토하고 문화재 발굴 작업자들에게 매뉴얼의 준수의미가 어떤 것이고 왜 필요한지에 관한 근거가 필요하여 인터뷰를 통하여 찾아본 결과 필요한 하위법령들을 정비하는 것과 정책적 방안으로 작업별 공정에 따른 구체적인 매뉴얼이 만들어지는 것이 발굴작업에서 재해를 줄이는 방안 중의 하나라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는8개 현장의 13명을 대상 설문 및 면접조사를 통하여 문화재 발굴에 관한 법 개정 및 제도개선에 관한 사항을 연구하였다. 그런 면에서 우선 몇 가지 문제점을 살펴보면, 안전보건에 관한 책임을 부담할 현장의 관리책임소재의 불분명함 이라 할 수 있다. 특히 법령에서는 일반적인 작업에 관한 규정만 있고, 책임에 관한 규정이 명확치 않고, 규정이 명확치 않다보니, 작업별 필요한 공정에 관한 매뉴얼도 없어 일반적인 관습에 의한 작업이 진행되고 있다. 그래서 가장 큰 문제점으로 지적 되는 것이 책임소재의 모호함과 적절한 매뉴얼의 부재이고, 그에 따라 법률적 제도 개선과 아울러 정책적 대안마련이 필요하다고 본다. 특히 이번 정책보고서에서 문화재발굴에 관한 하위법령개정에 관한 대안을 제시하였는데 하위법령의 개정이 이루어져야 현장에서의 예방 조치를 준수하는 강행적 효력이 나타난다고 보며, 하위법령개정이 필요하다고 본다. 그러한 의미에서 안전관리비의 확보에 관한 규정개정 (안)을 문화재청고시 제5조에 ‘건설공사비용에 비례하여 문화재 발굴조사 안전관리비를 계상하여 사용하도록 해야 한다.’라고 제시하였다. 그리고 정책적 대안으로 공정별 작업 매뉴얼 작성에 관한 중요성과 법률적 개선안으로 책임소재를 명확하게 하기 위하여, 조사단장은 안전보건관리책임자, 책임조사원은 관리감독자, 조사원은 안전관리업무를 담당하도록, 관리감독자 및 안전관리자의 책임권한 지정을 위한 책임강화, 안 ... The need for accident prevention emerged under the recently revised Occupational Safety and Health Act, and thus, accident prevention by public institutions became important. Therefore, it is believed that preventive measures should be taken as a way to prevent accidents and reduce accidents in advance, even in the recently unrecognized excavation of cultural assets. The aim of this paper focused on examining safety management issues and finding improvement plans for the excavation of cultural property. In general, the problem is that the work of excavating cultural assets has been neglected due to the nature of many elderly workers aged 60 or older and not excessive labor on the site, such as construction sites. Therefore, if preventive measures are taken for excavation of cultural assets even now, many accidents, both large and small, can be prevented If the disaster rate at the industrial site was 0.7% in 2007, which fell below 0.49% due to policy alternatives and improvement of the legal system due to continuous interest, the excavation work on cultural assets could be significantly reduced due to policy measures and the improvement of the legal system. In this paper, it is also important to reduce the number of victims by offering preventive measures for the excavation of cultural assets, but it also provides a theoretical basis for the accidents prevention of the excavation of cultural assets, along with the cause of the accidents, and looks for the need for a safety management manual for the excavation of cultural assets. In that sense, the existing safety management manuals were reviewed and the cultural excavation workers needed evidence on what the safety management manual meant to comply and why it was needed. It is one of the ways to reduce accidents in the excavation work that a specific manual is produced. Therefore, this paper carried out the questionnaire and interview survey on 13 people in 8 sites in order to study the revision of the law and the improvement of the system. So let's start by looking at some of the problems. It can be said that there is uncertainty in the management responsibility of the worksite to assume responsibility for safety and health. In particular, there is no manual on the necessary processes for each task, as there is only a general regulation on work in the statute, and the regulations on responsibility are not clear and the regulations are not clear. Therefore, it is pointed out that the biggest problem is the ambiguity of responsibility and the absence of a proper safety manual, and therefore, it is necessary to improve the legal system and prepare policy alternatives. In particular, the policy research report suggested an alternative to the revision of the subordinate statutes concerning the excavation of cultural assets, but the revision of the subordinate statutes is considered to have the effect of complying with preventive measures at the site, and it is deemed necessary to revise the subordinate statutes. In this sense, it was proposed in Article 5 of the Cultural Heritage Administration's Notice that the government should use ‘the cost of the excavation and safety management of cultural assets in proportion to the cost of the construction work’ as a count. As a policy alternative, in order to clarify the materiality of responsibility for the process working manual and legal improvement, the director of the investigation is responsible for the safety and health control person of charge, the responsible investigator is the supervisor, and the investigator is responsible for the safety management. In addition, it proposed an alternative to the amendment of the regulations on compliance with the hazardous work prevention measures, such as strengthening the responsibilities for designation of the responsibility of safety managers and preparing safety plans. Although this alternative is thought to help prevent accidents in the excavation of cultural assets, I believ...

      • Cultural Tourism

        Sung-chae Jung 세계문화관광학회 2010 Conference Proceedings Vol.11 No.0

        Business opportunities in cultural tourism are unlimited with many areas for expansion. This study reports the managerial implication on the basis of considerable findings of cultural tourism studies. Cultural tourism industry is not like those of the other industries. Good management of cultural tourism is central to the mission of management. Regardless of orientation and professional discipline, cultural tourism touches us all directly. The most desirable and effective way to make cultural values known is through the first hand experience of managed site visitation. This study result that the cultural tourism should be managed under the consideration of variety aspect of managerial techniques. Cultural tourism is one of the fastest growing aspects of tourism. The planning and development on cultural tourism is booming around the world and a number of countries have embarked on vigorous cultural tourism development programs to bolster the perceived economic benefits of tourism. The areas include implementation of range of cultural tourism strategies, setting up national and local governmental associations. This article is to propose the subject to discuss for our main conference issue. This is resubmitted from the 9th conference issue in cultural tourism management.

      • KCI등재

        Cultural Managers’ Education and Cultural Ecosystems’ Transfigurations : The Case of COSM Modules in Finland

        Marcin Poprawski 한국문화예술경영학회 2022 문화예술경영학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This text deals with the example of cultural managers’ education format that follows the changes in cultural ecosystems that impact cultural professionals’ practice globally. The initiative called COSM (Culture, Organization and Sustainability Management) is tested in Finland and aims to re-define cultural management professionals’ role and competencies from the side of sustainability values. These values are approached in a particular way to adapt and strengthen the role of cultural managers when assisting all types of responsible or ethically balanced activities, in environmental, social, and economic sense. The goal of that format is also to strengthen sustainability values-oriented practices of leaders and employees of creative and cultural organizations or cultural heritage sites inside their ecosystems that include ethical and balanced cultural work environments. Finally, it deals as well with cultural professionals being prepared to respond to the unexpected and crisis circumstances. The sequence of the article content consists of three elements, the first refers to the metaphor of cultural ecosystems and gives the examples based on festivals. The second part of the article is the introduction of the COSM courses as the example case of the educational response to the current needs of the cultural management profession. The discussion on the cultural professionals’ identity is referred to in that fragment of the paper. The third component of the article presents the outcomes of the COSM educational experiment based on the feedback collected from participants. The concluding part is a summary that brings the perspective of cultural organizations' reality and the multiple roles of cultural professionals in the future.

      • Developing Cultural Tourism Opportunities

        Jung.Sung-Chae 한국문화관광학회 2005 문화관광연구 Vol.7 No.1

        In recent years, cultural tourism has been regarded as a lucrative niche from the industry and an attractive proposition by not only local or central governments but also the tourism entrepreneurs. Much evidence has identified a high value in cultural attractiveness as being an important market segment. However, the implications of the issues have not yet been fully recognized. There is little information concerning the management of cultural tourism and how strategy should be committed to in the most effective manner. This study reports on the meaningful management implications of related studies that have taken an in-depth look at the managerial guide for the new approaches for the future. Cultural tourism products may be presented in a challenging and confronting manner, but cannot be presented in an intimidating or accusatory manner. Business opportunities in cultural tourism are unlimited with many areas for expansion. Considering this point, many areas approaches and managerial techniques to site management are required. A nation’s cultural attractions must be presented intelligently and creatively. It could be reached by better targeting of tourism development or planning along with a better understanding of nature of culture and cultural tourism. This ultimately will be reached to the main objective of cultural tourism management. This study concludes that the products of cultural tourism are not like those of other industries. Cultural tourism should be managed under consideration of strategical implications techniques to site management.

      • KCI등재

        A Research on Inter-cultural Conflicts in Russia : A Case Study of Korean Companies Extending to Russia

        Yoo Eui jung 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2008 International Area Studies Review Vol.11 No.1

        In this research, a case-focused research was made to collect and analyse inter-cultural conflict cases of the Koreans in Russia on the basis of results of the former two stages. While the first and the second stages were focusing on forming a fundamental basis for inter-cultural interpretation and management method, this third phase is purposed to collect actual cases and to apply them in inter-cultural management. In this third research, as a priority research task, it''s purpose was to collect and analyse actual conflict cases of Korean companies which were aroused because of cultural differences and to present our own new inter-cultural management methods for Russian culture. In this final report, the concept of conflict, universality and speciality of inter-national culture was investigated as a theoretical background. In chapter III, the background of Russian culture''s formation and cultural code was examined to understand the speciality of Russian culture. In Chapter Ⅳ, conflict cases of Korean companies who have entered Russian markets suffering from cultural differences are collected and examined and recent changes of Russia and its business culture are investigated. In the last chapter, successful cases of Korean companies are introduced and inter-cultural management method is presented to understand, accept and apply Russian culture in future relations.

      • 국내 특급호텔의 조직문화가 경영전략과 경영성과에 관한 연구

        김영호(Kim, Young-Ho) 국제관광산업학회 2017 국제관광산업연구 Vol.10 No.1

        This study suggests that today a hotels image is judged by fulfillments of individuals because of main reliance on manpower in hotel service elds, also the organizations of hotels vary according to the locations, types of service, facilities structure, management abilities of representatives, kinds of ownerships, styles of administration, managers background and education levels. erefore, we try to encourage the organizations of hotel industries to adopt the theory of management strategies and achievements properly and develop the qualities of study of tourist and hotel. And we hope that this theory will be adopted to the tourist industry. erefore, they are trying to adopt the various kinds of innovative management techniques in order to get the exibility of hotel manpower for improving management eciency -quality management, costumer relation techniques and ecient resource administrations etc. To make this innovative management program a success, rst of all, the organization culture of the hotel and the efective management are being emphasized again, and they are paying more attention to its culture. And we seek the methods for successful management strategies of hotel enterprising and focus on how to set up its appropriate organization culture. Organization culture of mutual agreement attaching much importance to cohesion and participation appears to have greater effect on the achievements of the management than organization culture of rationality attaching importance to the results of organization and the goals, than organization culture of hierarchy attaching to importance to consistency of organization and control. Organization culture of hierarchy attaching to the past experience, procedures, stability, responsibility, standards and ranking is considered not to have any meaningful effect on not only short-term financial management, but also long-term non-nancial management. But as you can see the results of analyzed frequency, we get the most responses from organization culture of hierarchy in organization culture of the subject hotels for survey. Also in Prof. Kim, Young- Jos study, organization culture of hierarchy is generally dominant in domestic business. It gives us a lot of suggestions. In the existing studies of hotel organization cultures and management strategies, they strive to gure out the achievement of hotel management through each role of medium variables, and these studies have proved each role and each role has been adopted in various ways to the practical operation of hotels. But in our study, in the hotel organization culture and hotel managing achievement, the relationships of the hotel organization culture and hotel managing achievement are considered to have benecial efect on each other alter surveying the roles of existing measurement variables as the roles of integrated medium variables. as a result, this study suggests that they need to develop the hotel organization culture suitable for the grouped characteristics of the business as a hotel. And it implies that they can maximize the achievement of hotel management and keep the continual superiority over the market through developing proper characteristics suitable for hotel management strategy and their culture on their way to pursue their goals and visions.

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