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      • KCI등재

        Metabolic profile according to the parity and stage of lactation of high-performance Holstein-Friesian cows

        Kuczyńska Beata,Puppel Kamila,Gołębiewski Marcin,Wisniewski Konrad,Przysucha Tomasz 아세아·태평양축산학회 2021 Animal Bioscience Vol.34 No.4

        Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of parity and the stage of lactation on the metabolic profile of cows based on the basic chemical milk components and the blood parameters. Methods: The study material consisted of high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows. In total, 473 cows were examined. According to the parity, cows were divided into four groups: primiparous (P), and multiparous in the second (M2), in the third (M3), and in subsequent lactations (M4). The feeding of cows was based on total mixed ration (TMR) ad libitum. Milk and blood samples were collected individually from each cow three times per standard lactation period. Results: Greater exacerbation of changes in the dynamics of the blood plasma parameters examined was proved for multiparous cows. The highest value of β-hydroxybutyrate acid (0.946 mmol/L) was found for multiparous cows from group M3 at the beginning of lactation. However, it was still in the normal range. The results showed aspartate aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities in dairy cows during lactation had significant variations taking in to account stage of lactation. The highest activity of GGT was found in the group of the oldest cows and measured from 26.36 U/L at the beginning of lactation to 48.75 U/L at the end of the lactation period. Conclusion: The time-related changes in the concentrations of the biochemical parameters described differ markedly among lactating cows, though the housing conditions on the research dairy farm are highly standardised. This indicates that the ability to cope with metabolic stress is mainly affected by the individual predispositions of cows and feed nutrient supply in different stage of lactation. Especially, the feed nutrient supply (in net energy for lactation), which was the best in TMR 1 in comparison TMR 3. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of parity and the stage of lactation on the metabolic profile of cows based on the basic chemical milk components and the blood parameters.Methods: The study material consisted of high-yielding Holstein-Friesian cows. In total, 473 cows were examined. According to the parity, cows were divided into four groups: primiparous (P), and multiparous in the second (M2), in the third (M3), and in subsequent lactations (M4). The feeding of cows was based on total mixed ration (TMR) <i>ad libitum</i>. Milk and blood samples were collected individually from each cow three times per standard lactation period.Results: Greater exacerbation of changes in the dynamics of the blood plasma parameters examined was proved for multiparous cows. The highest value of β-hydroxybutyrate acid (0.946 mmol/L) was found for multiparous cows from group M3 at the beginning of lactation. However, it was still in the normal range. The results showed aspartate aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities in dairy cows during lactation had significant variations taking in to account stage of lactation. The highest activity of GGT was found in the group of the oldest cows and measured from 26.36 U/L at the beginning of lactation to 48.75 U/L at the end of the lactation period.Conclusion: The time-related changes in the concentrations of the biochemical parameters described differ markedly among lactating cows, though the housing conditions on the research dairy farm are highly standardised. This indicates that the ability to cope with metabolic stress is mainly affected by the individual predispositions of cows and feed nutrient supply in different stage of lactation. Especially, the feed nutrient supply (in net energy for lactation), which was the best in TMR 1 in comparison TMR 3.

      • KCI등재

        젖소의 개체인식 및 형상 정보화를 위한 컴퓨터 시각 시스템 개발 (Ⅱ) : 스테레오 영상을 이용한 체위 분석 Analysis of body parameters using stereo image

        이종환 한국농업기계학회 2003 바이오시스템공학 Vol.28 No.1

        The analysis of cow body parameters is important to provide some useful information for cow management and cow evaluation. Present methods give many stresses to cows because they are invasive and constrain cow postures during measurement of body parameters. This study was conducted to develop the stereo vision system for non-invasive analysis of cow body features. Body feature parameters of 16 heads at two farms(A, B) were measured using scales and nineteen stereo images of them with walking postures were captured under outdoor illumination. In this study, the camera calibration and inverse perspective transformation technique was established for the stereo vision system. Two calibration and results were presented for farm A and B, respectively because setup distances from camera to cow were 510cm at farm A and 630cm at farm B. Calibration error values for the stereo vision system were within 2cm for farm A and less than 4.9 cm for farm B. Eleven feature points of cow body were extracted on stereo images interactively and five assistant points were determined by computer program. 3D world coordinates for these 15 points were calculated by computer program and also used for calculation of cow body parameters such as withers height, pelvic arch height, body length, slope body length, chest depth and chest width. Measured errors for body parameters were less than 10% for most cows. Foe a few cow, measured errors for slope body length and chest width were more than 10% due to searching errors for their feature points at inside-body positions. Equation for chest girth estimated by chest depth and chest width was presented. Maximum of estimated error for chest girth was within 10% of real values and mean value of estimated error was 8.2cm. The analysis of cow body parameters using stereo vision system were successful although body shape on the binocular stereo image was distorted due to cow movements.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 국가 제사와 제주도 흑우(黑牛)의 진상

        이욱 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2020 한국학 Vol.43 No.3

        Cows, lambs, and pigs were used as offerings in state rituals during the Joseon dynasty. Black cows used at the Jongmyo (royal shrine) and Sajik (alter of land and grain) were considered to have the highest value among the offered animals. This study examined the state and management of the black cows, which were acquired from Jeju Island as tributes for the central government during the Joseon dynasty. This study further analyzed how the black cows were placed at the tables during the rituals. Unlike other tributes, which were reduced in quantity or discontinued in the late Joseon dynasty, the number of black cow tributes increased by time for two reasons. First, Jongmyo, which initially commemorated five former kings, needed more black cows as the number of former kings increased. The rise in the demand was not only caused by the added number of generations but was also because of the rise in the number of permanent ancestral tablets that were not allowed to be moved. Second, the demand for the black cow from Jeju rose due to the king’s rain rituals. The outbreak of cattle plague in the late Joseon dynasty made it difficult to raise and move the black cows. The government thus attempted to grow black cows in the regions closer to Seoul. The black cow farm in Anmyeondo Island was one of the government’s most representative projects. The farm, however, did not last due to deforestation. The black cow used for ancestral rituals could thus only be produced in Jeju and Geoje Island. The number of cows raised in Geoje Island was fixed to five a year. However, in Jeju Island, the initial count of 20 continued to rise so that during the period of the Korean Empire, as many as 49 black cows were presented to the government as royal tributes every year. The Jeju black cows were divided into two separate ships for delivery. Most cows were three‒years‒old or older. The time of shipment differed by circumstances, but the cows were most frequently shipped in April. The black cows shipped to the mainland were raised either in Chungcheong‒do or Jeolla‒do for a limited time and were then moved to the Jeonsaengseo in Seoul. The cows spent approximately three months in Seoul before being used as sacrifices in rituals. The cows were moved to the Jongmyo the day before the ritual and were examined and moved to the slaughterhouse. In 1745 (Year 21 of King Yeongjo’s reign), King Yeongjo established a new ceremony where the king examined the offerings before the ritual, which dramatically changed the rearing methods of the black cows. Once butchered, the black cow was disassembled into skin and blood, intestines, head, fresh leg meat, and boiled beef before being placed at the ritual table. The black cows went through a long journey from Jeju Island to the ritual table at Jongmyo during the Joseon dynasty. The supply of the black cow fluctuated depending on the distance of the journey, disasters, the number of rituals, and interventions from the king. 조선시대 국가 제사에 사용된 희생으로는 소, 양, 돼지가 있으며 이 중에서 종묘(宗廟)와 사직(社稷)에 사용되었던 흑우(黑牛)가 가장 중요시되었다. 본 연구는 조선시대 제주도에서 중앙 정부에 진상하였던 흑우(黑牛)의 현황과 관리, 그리고 제향 중 진설(陳設) 등을 고찰하였다. 먼저 조선후기로 갈수록 줄어들거나 폐지되는 다른 진상품과 달리 흑우의 진상은 그 수효가 늘었는데 그 원인을 두 가지에서 찾을 수 있었다. 5대의 선왕을 모신 오묘제(五廟制)로 시작한 종묘는 후대로 갈수록 제사 대상이 증가함에 따라 더 많은 흑우가 필요하였다. 이는 세대(世代)의 자연적인 증가만이 아니라 불천지위(不遷之位)가 늘어난 결과였다. 제주에 부가된 흑우의 수가 늘어난 또 다른 요인은 국왕의 친행(親行) 기우제 때문이었다. 한편, 조선후기 우역(牛疫)의 발생은 흑우의 사육(飼育)과 운송(運送)을 어렵게 하였다. 이에 정부에서는 서울 인근 지역에서 흑우를 키우려고 하였다. 그 대표적인 시도가 안면도(安眠島)에 흑우 목장을 만드는 것이었다. 그러나 삼림의 훼손으로 이 사업은 지속되지 못하였다. 이런 가운데 제향에 소용되는 흑우의 생산은 제주도와 거제도에 한정되었다. 거제도에는 5마리로 고정되었지만 제주도에서는 20마리에서 계속 증가하여 1년에 진상하는 흑우의 수가 대한제국기에는 49마리까지 이르렀다. 제주도 흑우는 두 배로 나뉘어 육지로 운송되었다. 생후 3년이 지난 소들이 주로 진상되었다. 출송되는 시기는 상황에 따라 달랐지만 4월이 가장 많이 나타났다. 육지로 옮겨진 흑우들은 충청도와 전라도에 나누어 일정 기간 사육되었다가 한양의 전생서(典牲署)로 옮겨졌다. 그리고 전생서에서 대략 3개월 정도 머문 후 제향에 바쳐졌다. 제향 하루 전날 종묘로 옮겨진 흑우는 상태를 점검받은 후 도살처로 옮겨졌다. 1745년(영조 21)에 영조는 국왕이 제향 전에 직접 희생의 상태를 살피는 의식을 제정하여 흑우의 사육에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 도살된 흑우는 모혈(毛血)과 간료(肝膋), 머리와 네 다리의 생고기, 숙육(熟肉)으로 구분되어 제상(祭床)에 올려졌다. 이렇게 조선시대 흑우는 제주도에서부터 종묘까지 긴 여정을 거쳐 제상에 올랐으며, 거리와 재난, 제향의 횟수, 국왕의 개입 등에 의해 그 공급의 양상이 변하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Twelve-oxoeicosatetraenoic acid-induced fetal membrane release improves postpartum ovarian function, milk production, and blood plasma biochemical parameters in cows

        Kamada Hachiro,Matsui Yoshitaka 아세아·태평양축산학회 2023 Animal Bioscience Vol.36 No.9

        Objective: We aimed to determine the effects of 12-oxoeicosatetraenoic acid (12-KETE)- induced placenta release on the performance of mother cows (milk yield, ovarian function, and blood plasma biochemical properties). Methods: Experimental treatments were as follows: i) natural delivery including natural placental release (control cows); ii) induced calf delivery with placental retention (RP cows); and iii) induced calf delivery and 12-KETE-induced placental release (KE cows). Delivery in pregnant KE cows was induced with dexamethasone and prostaglandin. These cows were injected with 12-KETE after calf discharge, resulting in the release of the fetal placenta. RP cows were not treated with 12-KETE after inducing delivery, resulting in placental retention. Results: The milk yield in RP cows during the first 50 days after delivery was significantly lower than that in control cows (p<0.05), whereas KE cows exhibited a similar milk yield to that of control cows. The postpartum plasma progesterone levels of control cows increased 14 days after delivery on average; however, its increase was delayed by 10 days in RP cows. Meanwhile, the 12-KETE treatment (KE cows) brought the timing of progesterone increase forward to the normal level (control cows). Among the 20 biochemical parameters examined, the total cholesterol levels in blood plasma 14 days after delivery were lower in RP cows than that in the other two treatment groups (control cows and KE cows) (p<0.05). In addition, the plasma level of haptoglobin tended to be low in cows that discharged their placentas shortly after delivery. Conclusion: These findings indicate that 12-KETE treatment can alleviate the disorder caused by placental retention.

      • Research on the Real-time Monitoring System of Cow’s Rumination

        Shuang Zhang,Yu Zhang,Weizheng Shen,Lu Xu,Hao Wu,Zhongbin Su 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.7

        Cow’s rumination is an important process of food digestion for dairy cows which is a valuable indicator during the cow management. By measuring the cow’s rumination time, it is capable to predict the cow’s estrus, and learn the cow’s health situation. This paper uses MSP430F149 processor with a sound sensor to achieve the design of real-time monitoring system for cow’s rumination. Since the system require high accuracy of the audio signal of the cow’s rumination, the ADC acquisition module and filtering and amplification process was made a special design. For the change of the spectral characteristics of the voice when cows ruminating, this paper designed the endpoint detection algorithm and sound sequence windowed function, and FFT transform is performed on the data in the Hamming window, and then do the frequency domain analysis to the audio of cow’s rumination. Comparing the sound spectrum collected from high precision recording instrument and this system, this system has done a good job in frequency and time domain. Applying the high precision recording instrument to the simulation experiment for cow’s rumination which conduct 50 sets of different time ranging, using this system to do the real-time monitoring, the mean error was 4.38, the R2 value is 0.877, the Pearson correlation was 0.936. This system performed accurate in the acquisition of the sound signal, and more accurately in identifying cows ruminating, and it can also provide effective means for the intelligent management of the pasture on cow’s health and breeding.

      • KCI등재

        몽골인의 ‘소 신앙’ 연구

        이안나 한국몽골학회 2009 몽골학 Vol.0 No.27

        This paper observed on the symbolic meaning and the recognition of cow, which Mongolian had within from the ancient. To look through the characteristics of cow's sacredness based on the totem, this paper focused on the understanding about the meaning of cow in Mongolian's life and their culture. Generally speaking, although the majority believes there is close correlation between a cow and cultivation, from the ancient, not only in agrarian society but also in the other cultural area, cow used to worshiped as holy animal which has great power and also globally worshiped over a regional sphere. In Mongolia, cow is an animal have its origin in the heaven, recognized as god, god's guardian, vehicle of god, or the founder of a race. A bull indicated as the external spirit or guardian of a king, this has generally related with the totem. Similar to the other countries, cow has the characteristic of god of the heaven or god of the weather, it is related to the myth symbol containing both principles of the sun and the moon. Bull has a character to supervising weather such as the sun, rain, lightning and thunder. Also a cow also symbolically recognized as the earth, namely called Godmother. The death of a cow has regarded as that accelerate the restoration of the earth and assure the prosperity of livestock farming and rich harvest. In Mongolia, the symbol of a cow very approached to the symbolic form of a cow which the ancient race has, is believed as it originate to conservative characteristics of culture which result from shamanism and Mongolian's nomadic life. This paper observed on the symbolic meaning and the recognition of cow, which Mongolian had within from the ancient. To look through the characteristics of cow's sacredness based on the totem, this paper focused on the understanding about the meaning of cow in Mongolian's life and their culture. Generally speaking, although the majority believes there is close correlation between a cow and cultivation, from the ancient, not only in agrarian society but also in the other cultural area, cow used to worshiped as holy animal which has great power and also globally worshiped over a regional sphere. In Mongolia, cow is an animal have its origin in the heaven, recognized as god, god's guardian, vehicle of god, or the founder of a race. A bull indicated as the external spirit or guardian of a king, this has generally related with the totem. Similar to the other countries, cow has the characteristic of god of the heaven or god of the weather, it is related to the myth symbol containing both principles of the sun and the moon. Bull has a character to supervising weather such as the sun, rain, lightning and thunder. Also a cow also symbolically recognized as the earth, namely called Godmother. The death of a cow has regarded as that accelerate the restoration of the earth and assure the prosperity of livestock farming and rich harvest. In Mongolia, the symbol of a cow very approached to the symbolic form of a cow which the ancient race has, is believed as it originate to conservative characteristics of culture which result from shamanism and Mongolian's nomadic life.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Progesterone 농도측정(濃度測定)에 의한 유우(乳牛)의 번식효율증진(繁殖效率增進)에 관한 연구(硏究) IV. 유즙(乳汁)중 progesterone 농도측정(濃度測定)에 의한 분만후(分娩後) 난소기능(卵巢機能) 회복상태(回復狀態)의 검토(檢討)

        강병규,최한선,최상공,손창호,강현구,Kang, Byong-kyu,Choi, Han-sun,Choi, Sang-gong,Son, Chang-ho,Kang, Hyun-ku 대한수의학회 1994 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.34 No.4

        Skim milk progesterone($P_4$) profiles in 74 dairy cows were determind to monitor postpartum ovarian activity by radioimmunoassay. Milk samples were collected from each cow every 5 days from 10 to 90 days postpartum. Signs of estrus were observed twice daily, and status of the ovaries and uterus were examined every 10 days by rectal palpation. Results are summarized as follows: 1. Cows were categorized into five types by the change of skim milk $P_4$ profiles; Type I(normal) : Cyclic changes of skim milk $P_4$ profiles appeared within 20 days postpartum(12 cows, 16.2%), Type II(cycle delayed) : Cyclic changes of skim milk $P_4$ profiles appeared from 21 to 60 days postpartum(39 cows, 52.7%), Type III(cycle ceased with low $P_4$) : Onset of the estrous cycle within 20 days postpartum but ceased later with low levels of $P_4$ (7cows, 9.5%), Type IV(cycle ceased with high $P_4$) : Onset of the estrous cycle within 20 days postpartum but ceased later with high levels(>3.0 ng/ml) of skim milk $P_4$ (4 cows, 5.4%), Type V(acyclicity) : Skim milk $P_4$ concentration remained low(<1.0 ng/ml) until 80 days postpartum(12 cows, 16.2%). 2. Out of the 17 cows classified as the Type III and Type V by skim milk $P_4$ profiles, 13 cows had inactive ovaries and remaining 6 cows had single or multiple follicular cysts in their ovaries by rectal palpation. All 4 cows of Type IV had a persistent corpus luteum in their ovaries. 3. Approximately eighty percent of the cows had begun ovarian activity by 60 days postpartum and 90.6% by 90 days by skim milk $P_4$ profiles, but only 39.2% by 60 days and 71.7% by 90 days had shown visible estrus signs. The mean days from parturition to the first, second and third ovulations determined by skim milk $P_4$ profiles was $28.0{\pm}11.0$, $46.4{\pm}13.3$ and $66.4{\pm}11.5$ days and the visible estrus signs were 9.3%, 38.1%, and 48.6%, respectively. The mean days from parturition to the first visible estrus was $57.2{\pm}15.9$ days. These results indicated that milk $P_4$ profile of each Types by radioimmunoassay can be utilized for monitoring postpartum ovarian and would be useful for the early detection of ovarian dysfunction in dairy cow.

      • KCI등재

        임신우에서 발생된 난포의 기능에 대한 면역조직화학적 관찰

        곽수동,고필옥,양제훈,원청길,강정부,Kwak, Soo-Dong,Koh, Phil-Ok,Yang, Je-Hoon,Won, Chung-Kil,Kang, Chung-Boo 대한수의학회 2003 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.43 No.4

        Incidence of estrum or abortions in pregnant cows may be affected by large follicles developed together with corpus luteum in pair ovaries of pregnant cows. But the follicles of pregnant phase were not assessed about histological findings. Determination of the healthy and atretic follicles by presence of proliferative cells or apoptotic cells and histological compositions of follicles would be used as important data on measurements of ovarian functions. This study was focussed mainly to investigate macroscopical, histological and immunohistochemical findings of ovarian follicles of pregnant Korean native cows and dairy cows (Holstein). In immunohistochemical methods, assessments of proliferative cells using PCNA antibody and apoptotic cells using TUNEL methods were performed. The follicles were observed on all 24 pregnant cows (17 Korean native cows and 7 Holstein cows). Follicles of greater than 10 mm in daimeter were developed in 37.5% (9/24 heads) of these pregnant cows. largest follicles from in these cows were $16.0{\times}15.0mm$ in diameter in a Korean native cow(l20 days of gestation), $13.4{\times}10.1mm$ in a Korean native cow(50 days of gestation), $12.9{\times}11.5mm$ in a Holstein cow (120 days of gestation). 40.5% among all follicles having diameter of greater than 1.0 mm in pregnant cows were assessed as atretic follicles and in addition, healthy follicles also showed less in number and smaller in size and thinner in wall layer compared with those of cyclic phase ovaries. In immunohistochemical findings, also proliferative positive cells and apoptotic positive cells on the granulosa cell layers in the healthy follicles of pregnant cows appeared less than on those of cyclic follicles. So these follicles were assessed as weakly active follicles. In large follicles, above positive cells were not nearly appeared but granulosa cell debris were more appeared among the granulosa cells. So these large follicles were assessed as inactvie or atretic follicles. The above findings suggest that small follicles of pregnant phase were weakly active or atretic and large follicles were inactive or atretic.


        Effect of Restricted and Ad. libitum Feeding during Late Pregnancy on the Performance of Crossbred Cows and Their Calves

        Khan, M.A.A.,Islam, M.N.,Khan, M.A.S.,Akbar, M.A. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.9

        The present research was undertaken to monitor the effects of restricted and ad. libitum feeding during last trimester of pregnancy on the performance of crossbred dairy cows and their calves. For this purpose two groups of crossbred cows having eight animals in each group were put into two plane of nutrition during their last three months of pregnancy. Dietary energy level in one group was calculated as per Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, (MAFF, UK) and the cows on other group received ad. libitum feeding (concentrate level similar to MAFF, recommendation+ad. libitum roughage). After calving, the cows of both groups were given same diet (ad. libitum) to study the effect of feeding during pregnancy on subsequent lactation performance of the cows. It was observed that during pre-calving period cows on ad. libitum feeding gained significantly (p<0.05) more body weight than that of cows on restricted feeding ($38.50{\pm}6.04$ vs $21.37{\pm}8.04kg/cow$). There was no significant differences between the birth weight of calves of restricted ($21.31{\pm}2.18kg$) and ad. libitum ($20.31{\pm}3.27kg$) groups. Dietary energy intake of ad. libitum group ($50.22{\pm}4.24$ MJ ME/d/cow) was significantly higher (p<0.01) than that of restricted group ($39.76{\pm}1.03$ MJ ME/d/cow). During lactation period cows that were on restricted feeding produced little more milk (3.06 lit/cow/day), than that of the cows on ad. libitum feeding (2.84 lit/cow/day). Although growth rate of the calves of restricted group upto one month ($0.23{\pm}0.09kg/calf/d$) was significantly (p<0.01) higher than that of ad. libitum group ($0.17{\pm}0.08kg/calf/d$) but after four months the growth rate of the calves of two groups become nearly similar ($0.35{\pm}0.02$ vs $0.37{\pm}0.03kg/calf/d$) and difference between them was non-significant. During lactation period cows of restricted group gained little weight but cows of ad. libitum group lost significantly (p<0.05) more weight. Per day metabolizable energy intake in both group during lactation period was nearly similar (67.54 vs 69.58 MJ ME). It is concluded that ad. libitum feeding during last trimester of pregnancy is neither economic for getting maximum milk yield nor for calf growth rate and MAFF, recommended level of dietary energy during that period could be applied on our pregnant crossbred dairy cows.

      • KCI등재

        Risk factors limiting first service conception rate in dairy cows and their economic impact

        김일화,정재관 아세아·태평양축산학회 2019 Animal Bioscience Vol.32 No.4

        Objective: We determined the risk factors limiting first service conception (FSC) rate in dairy cows and their economic impact. Methods: Data were collected from 790 lactations regarding cow parity, peri- and postpartum disorders, body condition score (BCS), reproductive performance, and expenses associated with reproductive management (treatment, culling, and others). Initially, we identified the risk factors limiting FSC rate in dairy cows. Various biological and environmental factors, such as herd, cow parity, BCS at 1 month postpartum and first artificial insemination (AI), resumption of cyclicity within 1 month of calving, year, AI season, insemination at detected estrus or timed AI, peri- and postpartum disorders, and calving to first AI interval, were evaluated. Next, we evaluated the economic impact of the success or failure of FSC by comparing the expense associated with reproductive management until conception between cows that did or did not conceive at their first service. Results: Cows with BCS <3.0 had a lower probability of conceiving at first insemination (odds ratio [OR] = 0.64, p<0.05) than cows with BCS ≥3.0. Cows inseminated during summer were less likely to conceive (OR = 0.44, p<0.001) than cows inseminated during spring. Cows with peri- or postpartum disorders were less likely to conceive (OR = 0.55, p<0.001) than cows without disorders. Survival curves generated using MedCalc showed an 81 day extension in the mean interval between calving and conception in cows that failed to conceive over those that did conceive at first insemination. Cows failing conceive required additional expenditure on reproductive treatment ($55.40) and other management ($567.00) than cows that conceived at first insemination. Conclusion: Lower BCS, hot weather at first insemination, and peri- and postpartum disorders are risk factors limiting FSC, which result in an economic loss of $622.40 per dairy cow.

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