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      • KCI등재

        초등과학영재학생의 과학지식과 과학창의성의 관계- 생명 영역을 중심으로 -

        김현주,김민주,임채성 한국초등과학교육학회 2020 초등과학교육 Vol.39 No.3

        This study aims to analyze the relationship between scientific content knowledge of science-gifted elementary students and their expression of scientific creativity, and the characteristics of divided groups according to the levels of their scientific content knowledge and scientific creativity. A science-gifted program was implemented to 33 forth-graders in the Science-Gifted Education Center of an education office in Seoul, Korea. The method of evaluating scientific knowledge was divided into well-structured paper-pencil test (asking specific and limited range of content knowledge of plants) and ill-structured descriptive test (stating all the knowledge they know about plants) to find out which methods were more related to scientific creativity. In addition, in order to find out the characteristics of each group according to the level of scientific content knowledge and scientific creativity, students were required to answer a questionnaire about their own self-perception of scientific knowledge and scientific creativity and how to obtain scientific knowledge. The main results of this study are as follows. First, Both well-structured paper-pencil test (r=.38) and ill-structured descriptive test (r=.51) results of elementary science gifted students were significantly correlated with scientific creativity. Second, As a result of the regression analysis on scientific creativity of science-gifted elementary students, both the knowledge measured by the two evaluation methods have the ability to explain scientific creativity. Third, the students were categorized into four groups according to the levels of their scientific content knowledge and their expression of scientific creativity, and the result showed that the higher the knowledge of science, the higher the scientific creativity. Fourth, the description about self-perception of scientific knowledge revealed that the highest percentage of Type LL students of all 13 students (53.8%, 7 students) answered ‘I have little knowledge of plants because I have little interest in them.’ Fifth, the description about self-perception of scientific knowledge revealed that the highest percentage of Type HH students of all 15 students (40%, 6 students) answered ‘I think my science creativity is high through my experience of scientific creativity. Sixth, the responses to the Questionnaire revealed that ‘reading’ was the most popular way to obtain scientific knowledge, with 27 out of total 33 students choosing it. In particular, all 18 students from Type HH (high scientific knowledge and high scientific creativity) and Type HL (high scientific knowledge and low scientific creativity) - those with high scientific knowledge - gave that response. On the basis of this research, we should explore practical teaching methods and environment for gifted students to improve their scientific creativity by revealing the nature of the factors that affect scientific creativity and analyzing relationship between knowledge and scientific creativity.

      • KCI등재

        중학생들이 생성하는 과학적 의문과 사용한 지식의 유형과의 관계 분석

        임수빈,김영신 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2015 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study to analysis of correlation between scientific questions generated during various research activities and used knowledge to generate the questions among students was conducted. Subjects were total 384 middle-school students, including 176 male students and 208 female students in Daegu. Students were asked to record rising questions and used knowledge to generate the questions on recording sheet. Recorded scientific questions and knowledge were classified and analysed based on classification frame by each characteristics, and scientific questions and knowledge correlation was analysed. Results show that mostly, terminal knowledge is more applied than intermediate knowledge to generate scientific questions and their types during research activities for the students, but intermediate knowledge is more used than terminal knowledge to generate predictive question in case of male students. Also generated types of scientific questions are increased in following order; applicative question, methodical question, conjectural question, predictive question and causal question, and usage of scientific knowledge types are increased in order of procedural knowledge, intermediate knowledge and terminal knowledge. No sexual differences are found in most types of scientific questions and knowledge, except usage of terminal knowledge is shown larger in female students compared to male students.

      • KCI등재

        사회학적 지식연구의 이론적 계보와 전망

        김종길 동양사회사상학회 2013 사회사상과 문화 Vol.28 No.-

        지식연구는 만하임과 셸러의 관념지식 패러다임, 현상학의 일상지식 패러다임, 구조기능주의의 과학제도 패러다임, 영국의 과학지식 패러다임, 그리고 최근에는 니클라스 루만의 과학체계 패러다임의 계보를 거치면서 사회학의 핵심 연구분야로 자리를 잡았다. 독일의 관념지식 패러다임이 지식사회학이라는 새로운 분과영역을 개척했다면, 현상학적 패러다임은 일상지식으로까지 지식연구의 지평을 확대했다. 반면 기능주의 과학사회학은 ‘지식 자체’에 대한 연구보다 과학지식 발전의 ‘제도적 조건’과 과학의 규범구조에 눈을 돌렸으며, 영국의 과학지식사회학은 구체적인 과학지식이 만들어지는 현장을 사회구성주의의 관점에서 세밀하게 추적하고 분석했다. 한편, 니클라스 루만은 사회학적 지식연구의 체계론적 전회를 이끈 학자로 평가된다. 루만이 보기에 머튼은 서구사회의 특수한 역사적 경험에서 도출된 과학자사회의 규범을 일반화함으로써 규범주의의 내재적 한계에 봉착했고 과학지식사회학은 지식형성의 시공간성과 역사성, 즉 개별 사례의 특수한 조건들이 특정 시간과 특정 장소의 과학적 연구활동에 미치는 영향에 초점을 맞춤으로써 지식의 일반이론이 되려는 야심을 포기했다. 루만은 지식연구의 체계론적 전회를 통해 시공간의 협애함을 뛰어넘고 규범주의의 강요를 비껴가는 보편적 지식이론을 정립하고자 했다. 최근 과학지식에 의해 추동된 과학기술사회가 여러 가지 문제를 노정하면서 사회학적 지식연구는 새로운 도전에 직면하고 있다. 특히 지식의 대립항인 무지(無知)가 생태계위기를 다루는 위험사회학과 환경사회학 분야는 물론이요 지식사회학의 새로운 관심 대상으로 떠오르면서 계몽주의 이후 견지되어 온 지식에 대한 일반 대중의 긍정적 태도와 학계에 광범위하게 퍼진 지식 낙관론이 회의론으로 반전될 조짐을 보이고 있다. 이 같은 새로운 도전에 지식사회학이 적절히 응전하고 유효한 대답을 내놓지 않는다면 사회학적 지식연구 자체가 시대착오적이고 퇴행적인 ‘무용지식’으로 치부될 공산이 크다. Over the course of the genealogy of K. Mannheim and M. Scheler's paradigm of ideological knowledge, paradigm of day-to-day knowledge, paradigm of scientific institution, paradigm of scientific knowledge, and more recently, N. Luhmann's paradigm of academic system, the study of knowledge has become positioned as a key research area of sociology. While the paradigm of ideological knowledge has pioneered a new area in the sociology of knowledge by pointing out social class, location and generation as most significant determinants of knowledge, phenomenology has expanded the horizons of the field to the day-to-day knowledge. In contrast, due to his primary concern to identify the normative structure of science, Robert K. Merton has turned to the 'institutional conditions' of the development of scientific knowledge. On the other hand, following social constructivism, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge in Britain has meticulously tracked and analyzed processes by which specific scientific knowledges are created. Finally, Niklas Luhmann is often considered as the sociologist who led system-theoretical turn of the study of knowledge. Luhmann argued that Merton encountered the inherent limitations of prescriptivism by generalizing the norms in scientists’ community despite the fact that they were derived from specific historical experience of the Western world. Luhmann also contended that the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge abandoned ambition to be the general theory of knowledge by focusing on space-time specific and historicity of knowledge formation - that is, the effect of special conditions of each individual cases in a particular time and place on scientific research activities. The principal purpose of his theoretical works was to provide a universal theory of knowledge that overcomes the limits of time and space, and goes beyond the coercion of the normativism. With the advent of the era of Science and Technology, studies of knowledge have also been facing a new challenge. Notably, non-knowledge or ignorance is emerging as a new concern not only in the studies of knowledge but also in the sociology of risk or environmental sociology. As a result, positive attitude of the general public and widespread optimism to knowledge in the academic world is showing signs of skepticism. Therefore, if appropriate answers to these new challenges were not provided, the sociology of knowledge is likely to fall into an anachronistic and regressive ‘obsoledge’.

      • Management of Basic Scientific Research Achievements Based on Knowledge Supernetwork

        Wei Sun,Chunhui Huo,Yang Yu 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Future Generation Communi Vol.9 No.11

        Basic scientific research achievements management involves multiple knowledge resources. We propose a knowledge supernetwork model to integrate multiple knowledge resources. First, person network, material carrier network, and knowledge element network are established. Subsequently, the knowledge supernetwork is constructed to integrate the above three networks. Second, the characteristics of knowledge supernetwork are investigated from the perspective of the quantitative analysis. Based on the knowledge supernetwork, some methods for solving real problems are developed. Finally, we construct a knowledge supernetwork model using real basic scientific research achievement files. The methods of knowledge representation, basic scientific research proposal grouping, and knowledge classification are proposed to illustrate how to manage basic scientific research achievement from the perspective of knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        지식사회의 새로운 도전 ‘무지(無知)’:

        김종길(Kim Jong Kil) 동양사회사상학회 2016 사회사상과 문화 Vol.19 No.1

        근대 이후 사회학은 과학지식을 일반 대중의 무지를 바로잡을 수 있는 교정자이자 사회발전의 열쇠로 보고 이에 적극적인 역할을 주문했다. 반면 무지는 참된 지식으로부터의 일탈 또는 이해관계에 종속된 이데올로기의 변종으로 평가절하되었다. 그런데 계몽주의 이후 광범위하게 확산된 대중의 지식 낙관론과 ‘참된’ 지식에 대한 학계의 갈구가 최근 과학지식의 타당성과 효과성을 둘러싼 논란을 계기로 극적으로 반전되는 양상이다. 오존층파괴, 지구온난화, 유전자조작생명체의 출현과 확산 등에서 보듯 과학적 진보와 과학지식의 유용성에 회의를 품게 하는 생태계 위기의 징후가 뚜렷해지고 있으며, 과학지식이 증가하는 것에 비례하여 무지도 증가하는 역설이 가시화되고 있기 때문이다. 이에 따라 오래전부터 지식사회의 도래를 주창해 온 이들조차도 이 같은 무지 현상의 부상과 확산이 가져올 새로운 도전에 눈을 돌리고 있으며, 더불어, 지식과 길항관계에 있는 무지, 미지, 지식 부재, 불확실성, 비가시성, 프라이버시 등의 가치에 주목하는 이들도 늘어나고 있다. 이 글은 사회학적 무지 연구의 이론적성과와 쟁점을 정리하고 그 현대사회적 의미를 천착하며 향후 논의의 방향을 가늠한다. 연구 결과, 사회학계의 무지 연구는 비밀의 순기능을 발굴한 게오르크 짐멜의 고전적 논의에서부터 현상학적 사회학의 미시적 무지 탐색, 과학사회학과 과학지식사회학 등 분과사회학의 과학적 무지 연구를 거쳐 현재는 이른바 무지의 사회이론 구축이라는 담대한 시도로 나아가고 있다. 이 같은 진화적 궤적을 거치면서 무지는 점차 지식사회학의 새로운 지평을 여는 열쇠 아젠다이자 패러다임 전환을 이끄는 선도 개념으로 자리매김하고 있다. Since the beginning of modernity, sociology has constantly emphasized active roles of the scientific knowledge, as a key for social development and progress, in correcting the ignorance of the public. On the other hand, ignorance or non-knowledge has been devalued as deviation from the true knowledge or a variant of ideology dependent on the individual interests. The knowledge optimism of the general public, which has spreaded extensively since the Enlightenment era, and the demand for true knowledge of the academia have recently shown a sign of dramatic reversal largely due to controversy on the validity and effectiveness of the scientific knowledge. It is likely to be associated with that signs of ecological crisis that can aggravate the skepticism on the scientific progress and effectiveness of scientific knowledge, such as depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, the emergence and spread of genetically modified organisms, and the like, has been clearer over time and that the paradox of increasing non-knowledge in proportion to the increase of scientific knowledge is becoming visible. Thus, even those who have advocated the emergence of the knowledge society for long are turning to the proliferation of the non-knowledge phenomenon and new challenges that it would bring about. Furthermore, attention to the value and benefits of ignorance, non-knowledge, the unknown, the knowledge absence, invisibility, privacy, which are in antagonistic relations with knowledge, has increased significantly. This article attempts to review various theoretical perspectives and issues on the non-knowledge, examines their sociological implications, and propose avenues for future discourses. Results indicated that sociological studies of non-knowledge can be traced back to Georg Zimmel s classical discussion on the functions of the secret, which influenced the phenomenological sociologists microscopic study on the world of everyday life, research on non-knowledge in the sociology of science as well as in sociology of scientific knowledge, and, most recently, the attempts to build a social theory of non-knowledge. Through these evolutionary trajectories, non-knowledge is gradually establishing itself not only as a core agenda that opens new horizons, also a key concept that can lead to a paradigm shift in the sociology of knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        Bourdieu`s Theory of the Scientific Field and Its Limits Regarding Scientific Validity

        ( Joo Hyoung Ji ) 서강대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 社會科學硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        The form and content of knowledge can be varied with different social and historical conditions and organizations of science. This paper attempts to understand what such variation of knowledge implies for the objectivity of knowledge by critically assessing Bourdieu’s theory of the scientific field. Bourdieu’s theory of the scientific field stands as a strong candidate for a synthesis of epistemological and political analyses of knowledge. Bourdieu’s notion of ‘relative autonomy’ of the scientific field attempt to find a third way between scientific rationalism and sociological relativism by suggesting social mechanisms that can secure both epistemic and political validity. In addition, Bourdieu’s notion of scientific field brings an insight into the competitive but hierarchical interrelation between knowledge producers. Nonetheless, Bourdieu fails to deal with both the epistemology and politics/ethics of knowledge equally. Bourdieu underplays the politics of knowledge as a result of his emphasis on the objectivity produced within the autonomous scientific field. WhileBourdieusian scientific field is supposed to be autonomously structured and produce single scientific and political objectivity, there are more validities than the philosophers and Bourdieu, the ‘sociologist king’ suppose. After examining key concepts in Bourdieu’s theory of the scientific field, this paper will show how Bourdieu fails to vindicate the epistemic and political validities of the scientific field especially by critiquing his notion of ‘relative autonomy’.

      • KCI등재

        사회학적 지식연구의 이론적 계보와 전망

        김종길 동양사회사상학회 2013 사회사상과 문화 Vol.28 No.-

        지식연구는 만하임과 셸러의 관념지식 패러다임, 현상학의 일상지식 패러다임, 구 조기능주의의 과학제도 패러다임, 영국의 과학지식 패러다임, 그리고 최근에는 니클 라스 루만의 과학체계 패러다임의 계보를 거치면서 사회학의 핵심 연구분야로 자리 를 잡았다. 독일의 관념지식 패러다임이 지식사회학이라는 새로운 분과영역을 개척 했다면, 현상학적 패러다임은 일상지식으로까지 지식연구의 지평을 확대했다. 반면 기능주의 과학사회학은 ‘지식 자체’에 대한 연구보다 과학지식 발전의 ‘제도적 조건’ 과 과학의 규범구조에 눈을 돌렸으며, 영국의 과학지식사회학은 구체적인 과학지식 이 만들어지는 현장을 사회구성주의의 관점에서 세밀하게 추적하고 분석했다. 한편, 니클라스 루만은 사회학적 지식연구의 체계론적 전회를 이끈 학자로 평가된다. 루만 이 보기에 머튼은 서구사회의 특수한 역사적 경험에서 도출된 과학자사회의 규범을 일반화함으로써 규범주의의 내재적 한계에 봉착했고 과학지식사회학은 지식형성의 시공간성과 역사성, 즉 개별 사례의 특수한 조건들이 특정 시간과 특정 장소의 과학 적 연구활동에 미치는 영향에 초점을 맞춤으로써 지식의 일반이론이 되려는 야심을 포기했다. 루만은 지식연구의 체계론적 전회를 통해 시공간의 협애함을 뛰어넘고 규 범주의의 강요를 비껴가는 보편적 지식이론을 정립하고자 했다. 최근 과학지식에 의 해 추동된 과학기술사회가 여러 가지 문제를 노정하면서 사회학적 지식연구는 새로운 도전에 직면하고 있다. 특히 지식의 대립항인 무지(無知)가 생태계위기를 다루는 위험 사회학과 환경사회학 분야는 물론이요 지식사회학의 새로운 관심 대상으로 떠오르면 서 계몽주의 이후 견지되어 온 지식에 대한 일반 대중의 긍정적 태도와 학계에 광범 위하게 퍼진 지식 낙관론이 회의론으로 반전될 조짐을 보이고 있다. 이 같은 새로운 도전에 지식사회학이 적절히 응전하고 유효한 대답을 내놓지 않는다면 사회학적 지식 연구 자체가 시대착오적이고 퇴행적인 ‘무용지식’으로 치부될 공산이 크다. Over the course of the genealogy of K. Mannheim and M. Scheler's paradigm of ideological knowledge, paradigm of day-to-day knowledge, paradigm of scientific institution, paradigm of scientific knowledge, and more recently, N. Luhmann's paradigm of academic system, the study of knowledge has become positioned as a key research area of sociology. While the paradigm of ideological knowledge has pioneered a new area in the sociology of knowledge by pointing out social class, location and generation as most significant determinants of knowledge, phenomenology has expanded the horizons of the field to the day-to-day knowledge. In contrast, due to his primary concern to identify the normative structure of science, Robert K. Merton has turned to the 'institutional conditions' of the development of scientific knowledge. On the other hand, following social constructivism, the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge in Britain has meticulously tracked and analyzed processes by which specific scientific knowledges are created. Finally, Niklas Luhmann is often considered as the sociologist who led system-theoretical turn of the study of knowledge. Luhmann argued that Merton encountered the inherent limitations of prescriptivism by generalizing the norms in scientists’ community despite the fact that they were derived from specific historical experience of the Western world. Luhmann also contended that the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge abandoned ambition to be the general theory of knowledge by focusing on space-time specific and historicity of knowledge formation - that is, the effect of special conditions of each individual cases in a particular time and place on scientific research activities. The principal purpose of his theoretical works was to provide a universal theory of knowledge that overcomes the limits of time and space, and goes beyond the coercion of the normativism. With the advent of the era of Science and Technology, studies of knowledge have also been facing a new challenge. Notably, non-knowledge or ignorance is emerging as a new concern not only in the studies of knowledge but also in the sociology of risk or environmental sociology. As a result, positive attitude of the general public and widespread optimism to knowledge in the academic world is showing signs of skepticism. Therefore, if appropriate answers to these new challenges were not provided, the sociology of knowledge is likely to fall into an anachronistic and regressive ‘obsoledge’.

      • KCI등재

        가설 생성 과정에서 의문 상황과 관련된 개념의 인지가 사전 지식의 인지에 미치는 효과

        이창협 ( Chang Hyup Lee ),이효녕 ( Hyo Nyong Lee ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2011 중등교육연구 Vol.59 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 의문 상황과 관련된 과학적 개념의 인지가 사전 지식의 인지에 미치는 효과와 ``개념 인지 단계``의 적용이 과학적 개념과 사전 지식의 인지에 미치는 효과를 분석하는 것이다. 이 연구의 대상은 광역시 소재 중학생 68명이다. 첫 번째 단계에서는 학생들이 과학적 상황의 의문과 일상적 상황의 의문에서 사전 지식을 인지하는 능력이 같은지를 확인하고, 의문 상황과 관련된 과학 개념의 인지가 사전 지식의 인지에 미치는 효과를 알아보았다. 두 번째 단계에서는 실험 집단은 ``개념 인지 단계``를 지도하고 통제 집단은 지도하지 않은 후, 일상적 상황의 의문으로 이루어진 두 번째 검사지를 사용하여 두 집단의 의문 상황에 대한 과학적 개념과 사전 지식을 인지하는 능력의 차이를 확인하였다. 첫 번째 단계의 연구 결과로 대부분의 의문에서 일상적 상황의 의문보다는 과학적 상황의 의문에서 사전 지식을 잘 인지하였고, 학생들이 과학 개념을 인지하는 경우가 과학 개념을 인지하지 못하는 경우보다 사전 지식을 더 잘 인지하였다. 두 번째 단계의 연구 결과로는 ``개념 인지 단계``를 지도한 실험 집단이 의문 상황에 대한 과학적 개념과 사전 지식을 더 잘 인지하였다. 이 연구는 학습자들이 선행 학습된 지식의 인지에 어려움을 겪을 때는 관련된 개념들을 먼저 인지하는 학습 습관을 가질 수 있도록 지도할 필요가 있음을 시사한다. The purposes of this study were to analyze the effects of the recognition of scientific concepts on the prior knowledge recognition and to analyze the effects of teaching the concept recognition steps on the recognition of a scientific concept and prior knowledge. The subjects consisted of 68 middle schoolers. The first investigation was designed to identify that the students` ability of recognizing prior knowledge in questions on everyday context is identical to in those on scientific context. and to explore how their recognition of a scientific concept in question situations influences the prior knowledge recognition. As a second step, the experimental group taught concept recognition steps and the control group not taught them. Afterwards, the differences in the two groups` ability to recognize the concept and prior knowledge in the question situations were confirmed by the second inspection composed of the questions on everyday context. The results of first investigation revealed that The pre-existing scientific knowledge is recognized correctly in the questions on scientific context than on everyday context in most of questions and the students who can recognize a scientific concept identify more scientific prior knowledge than those who cannot recognize it. The results of second investigation revealed that the experimental group taught the concept recognition steps recognizes more scientific concept and more accurately recognizes prior knowledge on the question situation. This investigation suggests that teachers need to help learners develop their learning strategies that they learn relative concepts first when they are conflicted with their prior knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        과학지식의 객관성에 관한 고찰 : 마이클 폴라니의 인식론을 중심으로 Focused on Michael Polanyi's Epistemology

        김만희,김범기 한국과학교육학회 2003 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 폴라니의 개인적 지식을 중심으로 과학지식의 객관성을 고찰하고, 이의 과학교육적 함의를 논의하는 것이다. 따라서 이론적 연구이며, 주로 문헌자료에 의존하였다. 현대 인식론은 지식의 객관성과 상대성에 대한 견해가 혼재해 있으며, 특히 과학교육의 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 지식의 객관성에 대한 재해석이 필요하다. 이에 과학지식의 객관성에 대한 과학철학자들의 견해를 살펴보고, 객관성을 주관성과 관련시켜 지식의 성격을 이해한 칸트, 왕양명, 키에르케고르의 사상을 교육과 관련지어 간단히 고찰하였다. 나아가 폴라니의 인식론을 중심으로 과학지식에의 개인적 관여 및 공동체적 성격을 살펴보았다. 그리고 개인적 지식에서 시사하는 과학교육적 함의를 논의하면서, 과학교육에 인간의 목소리가 회복되며, 지적 열정이 살아있도록, 과학자의 삶을 재연하는 과학교사의 필요성을 논의하였다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the objectivity of scientific knowledge, focusing on Michael Polanyi's epistemology. The objectivity of scientific knowledge could be examined in epistemological and ontological view. The former relates to the rationality, but the latter to the reality. Since the middle of 20th century science philosophers have debated about the objectivity of scientific knowledge. Their opinions are divided three parts by the criteria of objectivity in relation to the rationality. Exactly Objectivism approves the rationality of scientific knowledge, and Falsificationism accepts the partial rationality, but Relativism denies any rationality. In this paper, we will study the objectivity of knowledge in relation to the subjectivity, especially throughout the theory of Kant, Kierkegaard and Wang Yang-ming. Experienced good scientist Polanyi(1946;1958) have ever suggested the new epistemology as the name of 'personal knowledge'. He argues that scientific knowledge is personal by faith, trust, passions, tacit understanding, method rules embodied in practice. Some implications were discussed for science education from the view of Polanyi. The first holds that science class needs human voice throughout the personal commitment. The second holds that intellectual passions should be recovered. The third holds that the teacher should act like real scientist. Finally, the theory of science education should be established for ourselves.

      • KCI등재

        지식사회 ‘현상’인가 ‘환상’인가?: 지식사회 담론의 이론적 쟁점과 전망

        김종길(Kim, Jong-Kil) 동양사회사상학회 2018 사회사상과 문화 Vol.21 No.1

        최근 지식의 중요성이 강조되고 지식의 생산·전파·공유 기술이 발달하 면서 현 시대에 내장된 지식사회 잠재력과 한계 및 그 미래 전망에 대한 논의도 활발해지고 있다. 1950년대 정보경제론, 1960년대 탈산업사회 론, 1980-90년대 정보사회론, 2000년대 지식사회론을 거치면서 확인된 정보 및 지식의 사회변동 잠재력은 오늘날 지식사회가 사회과학 담론의 핵심 아젠다 중 하나로 자리매김하는 데 일조했다. 본고는 지식사회 담론의 형성과 전개과정 및 쟁점들을 살펴보고 그것이 한국사회에 갖는 함의를 천착한다. 연구 결과에서 보듯 오늘의 사회에서는 광범위한 인구 집단이 지식 창출과 공유 및 확산에 참여하고 있고 개인생애의 전(全)주 기에 걸쳐 지식 습득의 중요성이 강조되고 있으며 지식이 주요 의사결 정과 행동의 타당성을 판별하는 준거가 된다는 점에서 지식사회로 볼수 있다. 하지만 우리가 마주하는 지식사회는 단순히 지식이 비약적으로 증가하고 확산된, 그래서 이에 대한 대중의 접근이 용이하게 된 사회가 아니다. 그것은 지식 증가에 비례해 무지, 불확실성, 위험, 공포도 증가 하는 역설적 사회이다. 인간이 삶의 질 향상을 목표로 과학기술 패러다 임을 밀어붙이면 붙일수록 인간의 삶을 위협하는 공포와 위험도 증가하는 패러독스, 그리고 과학지식 패러다임이 관철되면 될수록 인간의 인식 능력과 감각기관을 무력화하는 과학적 무지가 증가하는 패러독스는 우리가 몸담고 있는 현실 지식사회의 속절없는 자화상이다. Nowadays, as the importance of knowledge is emphasized and the technology for production, propagation, and sharing of knowledge has developed, discussions on the possibilities, limitations, and future prospects of the knowledge society are becoming more active as well.The potential of knowledge and information for social change, identified through discussions of the information economy of the 1950s, the post-industrial society of the 1960s, the information society of the 1980s and ’90s, and the knowledge society of the 2000s, has helped the knowledge society to become a key agenda of social science discourse. This article examines the formation and development of knowledge society dialogue, several related issues, and their implications for Korean society. As the research shows, today s society is a knowledge society in that, first, a broad range of people are involved in creating, sharing, and spreading knowledge; second, knowledge acquisition is an important part of everyone’s life cycle; and finally, knowledge becomes the basis for all decisions and actions. However, the knowledge society we face today is not simply one where accessibility is heightened by the increase and spread of knowledge. It is a paradoxical society in which fear, ignorance, risk, and uncertainty increase as knowledge increases. The reality of the knowledge society we face clearly portrays the paradox that human lives are more at risk as we push the frontiers of science and technology as well as the fact that ignorance increases as scientific paradigms spread throughout society.

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