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      • KCI등재

        돌봄효능감의 간호학적 함의와 개념적 틀 도출

        최현주 알코올과 건강행동학회 2022 알코올과 건강행동연구 Vol.23 No.2

        Objectives: In this study, the nursing implications of caring and caring efficacy were examined through literature review, and the complex concept of caring efficacy was analyzed by fusion of Watson and Bandura’s theories. Methods: In order to examine the nursing definition of caring efficacy, domestic and foreign literature and studies related to caring, self-efficacy, and caring efficacy were mainly explored and analyzed in three stages. Results: It was confirmed that the three common features of nursing definitions of caring are that they target ‘whole humans’, ‘relationship between nurse and subject’, and ‘process’. The attributes of caring efficacy were not composed of one but multiple attributes of caring. Compared with the definitions in other studies, the combined meaning of ‘self-efficacy for caring’ was similar, but it was found that the nursing definition in the meaning of ‘caring’ is a more comprehensive and multidimensional concept. Conclusions: Caring efficacy is not a single concept, but a complex concept, and it can be explained by a conceptual framework of caring efficacy derived from Watson’s human care theory and Bandura’s social learning theory.

      • KCI등재

        From Teaching from the Heart to Teaching with a Heart: Segmenting Filipino College Students' Views of their Teachers' Caring Behavior and their Orientations as Cared-for Individuals

        Allan B. de Guzman 서울대학교 교육연구소 2008 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.9 No.4

        Caring, as a universal human phenomenon, should permeate elementary, secondary and tertiary level instruction. The practice of leaching, especially at the tertiary level, is not only substantial and procedural but relational as well. To teach with a heart is the essence that makes teaching a form of caring. When teaching is viewed as a form of caring, teachers become relational geniuses in their own right. This study is all attempt to segment Filipino college students' views (n=1000) of their teachers' caring behavior and their orientations as cared-for individuals. The identified clusters of teacher roles that indicate caring behavior imply that acts of leaching become acts of caring depending oil how the teachers, the efficient cause of education, perform their ordinary tasks in the context of extraordinariness. Such extraordinariness spells out a big difference in the way teachers practice the so-called single loop caring or caring visibility and double-loop caring or caring presence. The former refers to teaching from the heart while the latter pertains to teaching with a heart. Interestingly, the extent to which teachers' caring behavior is felt and experienced by the students positively shapes their orientations as cared-for individuals.

      • KCI등재

        A Caring Perspective on Teaching : 교수에 대한 대안적 관점 : 배려교육론

        Minseong Kim(김민성) 한국열린교육학회 2007 열린교육연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 교수와 학습이 서로 관련을 맺고 일어나는 현상임에도 불구하고 그동안 이루어진 교수연구에서는 교수와 학습을 독립적인 별개의 과정으로 연구하려는 현상을 비판하고, 교수와 학습을 교사와 학생의 관계를 중심으로 바라보는 Noddings의 ‘배려’의 개념을 통해 교수에 대한 대안적 입장을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. Noddings는 ‘배려’를 배려하는 사람의 인품이나 성격으로 바라보기 보다는 배려자와 피배려자의 관계로 규정한다. 배려의 관계에서 배려자의 상태는 ‘몰입’과 ‘동기대체’로, 배려 받는 사람의 역할은 ‘상호성’으로 규정된다. ‘몰입’은 배려자가 피배려자가 느끼는 것을 느끼려고 애쓰며, 피배려자를 있는 그대로 받아들이려는 상태를, ‘동기대체’는 배려자가 피배려자의 필요나 동기를 우선시하고 그에 따라 행동하는 상태를 말한다. ‘상호성’은 배려관계에서 피배려자의 역할을 나타내는 개념으로, 배려관계에서 피배려자의 반응은 배려자의 배려가 의미있고 가치로운 것인지, 그렇지 않은 것인지를 규정한다는 점에서 배려관계 형성에 결정적인 역할을 한다. Noddings는 이러한 배려자의 배려가 일시적인 감정이나 태도에서 비롯된 것이 아니라 배려를 하고 배려는 받은 경험에서 형성된 ‘윤리적 이상(ethical ideal)"에 근거한 것으로 보았다. 학교라는 맥락에서 이러한 배려의 관계를 촉진해주고 윤리적 이상을 형성하기 위해, 모델링, 대화, 연습, 인정이라는 네 가지 방법이 소개되었다. Noddings에 의해 이루어진 배려에 대한 개념화를 바탕으로 배려교육의 관점에서 이루어진 연구를 검토하였다. 배려교육의 관점에서 연구된 연구결과물을 통해 교수-학습 상황에서 배려를 이해하는 두 가지 방식을 도출하였다. ‘교수로서의 배려(caring as teaching)’와 ‘교수 내 배려(caring in teaching)"라는 두 범주는 교수 연구에서 교사의 배려를 이해하는 방식을 드러내는 것으로, ‘교수로서의 배려’는 교사의 배려를 교수(teaching)의 본질적 측면과 연결시켜 이해하려는 관점이며, ‘교수 내 배려’는 교사의 배려를 교사의 특성이나 행동양식으로 바라보고 이렇게 드러난 교사의 배려가 교수나 학습에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 살펴본 관점을 가리킨다. ‘교수로서의 배려’는 배려의 관점에서 바라볼 때 드러나는 교수의 본질을 세 가지 측면, 즉, 관계적 측면, 윤리적 측면, 인식론적 측면에서 기술하고 있다. ‘교수 내 배려’의 관점에서 파악한 교수연구들은 교사의 배려의 특징적인 부분들을 학생이나 교사의 관점에서 기술하고 있다. 이 연구는 배려의 관점에서 교수를 바라 볼 때, 교수를 어떻게 이해할 수 있을지에 대한 통찰을 제공한다. 배려의 관점에서 학생을 가르칠 때, 교사는 학생에 대해 지각하고, 알아가고, 그들과 관련을 맺는 방식의 모든 측면에서 변화를 경험하게 된다. 많은 연구에서 배려는 배려자의 행동이나 정서의 측면으로 설명하지만 이 연구는 ‘교수로서의 배려’와 ‘교수 내 배려’라는 두 관점을 통해 배려자의 특성으로 표현된 것들이 교수의 본질적 측면과 어떻게 연결될 수 있는지를 제시해 줌으로써 배려의 의미를 풍부하게 이해할 수 있도록 도와준다. This paper proposes Noddings" ethic of caring as an alternative view on teaching. Noddings describes caring as occurring in a relationship between a person giving care and a person receiving that care, the one-caring and the cared-for. In Noddings" view, caring is not simply determined by what the one-caring does, but also enriched by the reciprocity that the cared-for shows in return for the care that he or she has received from the one-caring. This perspective on caring allows us to look at teaching and learning from a relational point of view, indicating that a teacher and a student depend on each other in order for any meaningful learning and teaching to take place. In this paper, a critical review of recent research on teaching conducted from a caring perspective is presented under the two distinctive but complementary themes: c aring as teaching and caring in teaching. In terms of caring as teaching, three ways of examining the nature of teaching from a caring perspective are presented as an integrated framework: caring as relational, ethical, and epistemological aspects of teaching. With respect to caring in teaching, more practical issues of what characterizes caring teachers and how caring benefits both teachers and students are discussed. This study enriches the meaning of caring by incorporating these two themes of caring in the context of teaching, providing some insights about what teaching would involve when teachers take a stance of caring in their practice.

      • KCI등재

        동양고전에서 이해한 배려의 리더십 - 『도덕경』을 중심으로 : 동양고전에서 이해한 배려의 리더십

        김수동(Kim Soo-Dong) 한국교육철학회 2007 교육철학 Vol.32 No.-

        The primary aim of this study is to promote the maintenance and enhancement of caring in terms of the theory and practice of leadership to some degree. Caring is the practice of loving" activities founded on human relations of depth. To develope the ability of caring, practice of caring has to be accompanied. Caring as leadership is the calm, gentle power to change the world. The essence of caring as nature that is the state of the perfect beauty is the attitude and the activity to produce the happiness. Caring requires the responsibility on protection, happiness, and support about the cared-for. I researched Caring as paradigm, character, empowerment and inaction. Caring as leadership contains the principle of interdependence and intimate relations in the societies. That of love, gentleness, respect comes from valuing what is small and negative, and mild or gentle at least in Taoteching. Caring as paradigm mean the flexible, constructive, optimistic, positive point of views to understand the world. It is not connected with the classification of goodness and badness or the tests that is predictable winners and losers. Namely it is the mature viewpoint to understand the things and situations. Caring as paradigm is not to interpret things in black and white, not to see actions and events only as part of a larger context. It is to seize all aspects of structure totally in conformity with the principle of Tao. Caring as character contains factors of emptiness, tranquility, affection or benevolence, frugality, humility, forgiveness, deliberation, inspiration, emotion, passion, collaboration, reflection overall. Practical methods of caring as character are engrossment, inclusion, conformation, receptivity, devotion etc.. Modes of caring as empowerment are production without possession, action without self-assertion, growth without domination. Caring as quite and moderate empowerment is the capacity to help and support people with the intellectual and emotional abilities based on the sincerity. Prohibitions, stress, compulsion, and restriction is not instruments or methods to empower the audiences. Inaction that emerges from tranquility is more important than action with perfection. Caring as inaction is to instruct without words, and to work silently. Also it indicates the practice of gentleness, frugality, humility based on inspiration and passion. To develop leadership requires silence with action, dedication, prudence, and patience. In the short run, leadership of caring is to cure and to heal oneself. Primary methods to cultivate caring as leadership are to increase careful considerations, tranquility, meditation, contemplation, practices. I believe that caring as leadership is the very bedrock of all successful lives. Also I maintain that the practice of it can transform attitude and thought of people more or less.

      • KCI등재

        나딩스 배려교육론의 도덕교육적 함의

        임정연,유재봉 한국도덕교육학회 2012 道德敎育硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        이 글은 배려교육론을 윤리적 관점이 아닌 교육적 관점에서 파악해야 한다는 전제하에 자유교육론의 보완으로서의 배려교육론을 탐색하고, 그것이 도덕교육에 주는 함의를 밝히기 위한 시도이다. 배려교육론의 관점에서 볼 때, 자유교육론은 인간 삶의 영역 중 사적영역을 소홀히 한다는 점, 인간 능력의 일부에 불과한 이성을 지나치게 강조한다는 점, 자유교육의 내용이 모든 학생들에게 적합한 것은 아니라는 점에서 한계를 가진다. 배려교육론에서는 교육의 초점을 교육내용보다는 인간 그 자체에 두고 인간 삶의 다양한 영역을 포괄적으로 수용할 뿐만 아니라 실질적인 좋은 삶을 영위하는 데 관심을 가진다. 배려교육의 목적은 학생들이 각자의 능력과 개성을 발달시키면서도 다른 사람(혹은 사물)을 배려할 줄 아는 인간이 되도록 교육하는데 있다. 배려교육론은 전인적인 인간의 양성, 교사-학생 관계 및 교우관계 개선, 다문화교육의 토대를 마련한다는 점에서 도덕교육에 시사점을 준다. The purpose of this study is to examine 'Noddings' caring education' as an alternative to liberal education. To achieve this purpose, we criticize the claims of liberal education in the light of caring education, explore caring education as a whole, and discuss moral educational implications and some possible criticisms of caring education itself. From the caring education's perspectives, liberal education has some undesirable traits. First, it tends to ignore feminine skills, attitudes and abilities, whereas it emphasize rationality for a better life. Second, the contents of liberal education are not suitable for all students. Caring education focuses on human beings rather than knowledge and contents of subject. Caring education also tends to address 'expressed needs' rather than 'inferred needs'. The aim of caring education is to develop student’s abilities and capacity for a better life and to educate student to learn caring. Given the aim above, curriculum in caring education should be restructured to reflect the centers of care. Effective methods are modeling, dialogue, practice and confirmation. In order to achieve caring education, the school needs to become caring community. Caring education has some moral educational implication in terms of supporting well-rounded human development, recovering relations of teacher-student and offering a firm ground for multi-cultural moral education. However, the question of whether caring education can be an alternative to liberal education should be still examined.

      • KCI등재

        돌봄정의(Caring Justice) 개념구성과 한국 장기요양정책의 평가

        석재은(Jae-Eun Seok) 한국사회정책학회 2018 한국사회정책 Vol.25 No.2

        사회적 돌봄의 급격한 성장에도 불구하고, 돌봄에 대한 이해는 분절적이고 돌봄은 여전히 주변화(marginalizing) 되어 있다. 돌봄의 사회화가 실질적으로 ‘절반(折半)의 사회화’에 머물고 있는 것은 돌봄을 둘러싼 사회 부정의(不正義)의 결과이다. 따라서 돌봄의 문제를 정의(Justice)의 관점에서 접근할 필요가 있다. 이 논문에서는 돌봄정의(Caring Justice)를 논함에 있어 존 롤스의 사회계약론에 기반한 사회정의 접근이 가지는 한계를 페미니스트 돌봄윤리에 관한 저작들을 통해 정리하고, Nancy Fraser의 3차원 정의기준인 (재)분배(redistribution), 인정(recognition), 대표(representation)를 기준으로 돌봄정의 개념을 새롭게 구성하였다. 이 때 돌봄의 관계적 측면에 주목하여, 돌봄정의 개념을 돌봄수혜자의 돌봄 사회권(社會權) 측면뿐만 아니라 돌봄제공자의 노동권(勞動權) 측면을 포함하는 통합적(統合的) 개념으로 구성하였다. 그리고 돌봄정의 분석틀에 입각하여 돌봄정책 이념유형(ideal types)을 도출한 다음, 한국 돌봄정책의 중심축인 노인 장기요양정책을 평가하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다: 첫째, 돌봄책임의 사회화 및 사회적 자원의 정당한 분배 관점에서, 특히 돌봄제공자의 노동권 강화가 필요하다. 둘째, 돌봄윤리와 돌봄의 개별화 관점에서 돌봄수혜자 및 돌봄제공자의 관계적 자율성을 보장하는 서비스 제공체계와 돌봄문화가 필요하다. 셋째, 돌봄책임을 민주적으로 배분하고 정당한 자원배분을 위하여 돌봄문제를 정치적 중심 아젠다로 다루어야 한다. 이를 위해 돌봄의 주변화(marginalization of care)로부터 돌봄의 주류화(mainstreaming of care)로의 패러다임 전환이 필요하다. 궁극적으로 돌봄사회(Caring Society)를 지향해야 한다. Despite the rapid growth of social care, understanding of care is segmental and caring is still marginalizing. The socialization of caring is actually a ‘half-socialization" that is the result of injustice surrounding caring. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the problem of caring in terms of justice. In this paper, I discuss the limitations of social justice based on John Rawls "s social contract theory in the discussion of caring justice through feminists’writings on caring ethics. And then applying Nancy Fraser" s three scales of Justice-redistribution, recognition, and representation, the concept of caring justice has been newly constructed. The concept of caring is defined as a unified concept of caring including the aspect of the social rights of the care recipient as well as the labor rights of the care provider. Based on the analysis of care justice, we derive the ideal types of care policy and then evaluate the long-term care policy for the elderly, which is the central axis of Korean care policy. The results of this study are as follows: First, it is necessary to strengthen the labor rights of care providers especially for the socialization of care responsibilities and the proper allocation of social resources. Second, a service delivery system and care culture are needed to ensure the relational autonomy of care-receivers and care-givers for caring ethics and individualization of care. Third, the issue of care should be treated as the central agenda of politics in order to distribute care responsibility democratically and to distribute legitimate resources. This requires a paradigm shift from marginalization of care to mainstreaming of care. Ultimately, we should aim for a Caring Society.

      • KCI우수등재

        육아공동체에서 대안적 돌봄 가치 연구: 현상학적 체험 연구 방법론을 활용하여

        이아승,심미승 한국행정학회 2020 韓國行政學報 Vol.54 No.3

        This research suggests the possibility of overcoming the limitations that the current care system for infants and toddlers is confronted with, through the spirit and practices of caring possessed by members in caring communities. The findings show that first, through active participation by all people involved in providing care, it is possible to deconstruct unequal structures in caring responsibility. Second, communications can be a good tool in enabling members to take part in care activities on an equal basis. Third, intimate and reliable relationships among members improve the maintenance of community values and the respect toward care workers. Fourth, active participation in providing care by community members has helped them recognize the values of caring again, which has contributed not only to caring at the family or workplace level but also the publicness of caring at the societal level. These findings are in line with the concept of “together caring” proposed by Tronto (2013) and imply that experiences in a caring community can contribute to changes in the recognition of caring values and the fulfillment of democratic caring. 오늘날 돌봄은 ‘돌봄의 위기’라고 불릴 만큼 그 양과 질에 있어 한계를 보이고 있다. 이 연구는 현재의 영유아 돌봄 체계가 갖고 있는 한계를 극복할 수 있는 가능성을 육아공동체 구성원들이 공유하는 돌봄의 정신과 실천을 통해 살펴보았다. 분석결과 첫째, 돌봄에 관련된 모든 이들의 참여는 돌봄의 책임에 있어 불평등한 구조를 해체한다. 둘째, 구성원들이 돌봄에 동등한 수준으로 개입할 수 있는 데에는 소통이 중요한 매개로 작동하고 있다. 셋째, 구성원 간 친밀하고 신뢰의 관계는 공동체의 가치 유지와 돌봄 노동자에 대한 존중으로 이어진다. 넷째, 돌봄 가치의 재발견으로 구성원들은 가정이나 직장 차원의 돌봄을 넘어선 사회적 차원에서의 돌봄의 공공성을 인식하였다는 점이다. 이러한 육아공동체의 체험에서 나타난 의미는 Tronto(2013)의 ‘함께 돌봄’ 개념과 일맥상통하는 것으로 돌봄의 가치에 대한 인식 변화와 민주적 돌봄의 실현에 기여하는 것을 함의하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        치매노인 부양경험 유무에 따른 부양요구의 차이와 치매노인 부양실태

        최정신,권오정,김대년 대한가정학회 2002 Family and Environment Research Vol.40 No.5

        The purpose of this study were to find out the difference of needs of caring between care-givers and non care-givers, and to suggest the way of lessening vigorous task of care-givers for the elderly with dementia. Data were collected from 130 nationwide respondents intentionally divided into two groups; care-givers and non care-givers in the middle aged with middle and upper income. Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, t-test using SPSS package. Since the result of survey, unexpectedly, showed no difference between two groups, it could be explained as that these two groups commonly had same needs of caring for the elderly with dementia. Major findings were as follows; 1) Most Koreans still thought family should be the main care-giver for the elderly with dementia prior to nation or society. 2) Responsibility of caring for the elderly with dementia would be better to be shared with children instead of focusing to a child. 3) They thought ideal residential facilities for the elderly with dementia were small-scale professional dementia facility(group home) rather than home or general elderly housing. 4) Professional dementia care hospital was one of the most needed facilities for the elderly with dementia, followed by short-stay and day-care center. 5) It was revealed care-giving task was vigorous showing that most care-givers spent 1-5 hours a day for caring, while 13% of respondents spent 11-24 hours a day. 6) 90% of care-givers took the responsibility of main care-giver because of duty of offsprings or spouses, and wanted to be free from their current circumstances. From the result of this survey, researchers would like to suggest the establishment of diverse facilities for professional dementia care to lessen the caring burden for the elderly with dementia: group home, chronic hospital, short-stay, day-care center. Financial support from the government for the housing renovation of the caring families should be considered seriously afterward. It is needed to give the opportunity to select proper paid dementia care facilities according to their income and situation of household.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        돌봄접촉이 개심술환자의 스트레스 및 면역 반응에 미치는 효과

        김혜순 성인간호학회 1999 성인간호학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Open heart surgery is itself a difficult and risky procedure, so patients who receive surgery experiences severe stress and anxiety from physiological and psychological sources. These stresses increase workload of heart and oxigen consumption so that increased pulse rate, blood pressure, arithmia can being a harmful effect to the patients. Thus, nursing intervention should be given in order to reduce these stresses. The purpose of this study was to define "caring touch" which could relieve a patient's anxiety and reinforce his immune reactions. This study examined how "caring touch" could be a easy and useful way of nursing care. Finally, this research attempted to find out when it is appropriate to begin this caring touch compared effect of caring touch given before and after operation. This study was designed using a quasi-experimental approach with non-equivalent control groups and non-synchronized design. The study subjects consisted of 65 adult patients who have undertaken open heart surgery in the two general hospitals of K. and S. located in Inchon and Buchon form the 4th of January to the 28th of May in 1998. Group A was a study group consisting of 22 patients who were given caring touch twice a day from the day before the operation until the 7th day after the operation. Group B was a study group consisting of 20 patients who received the care from the 1st day after the operation to the 7th day in the same manner as Group A. The control group consisted of 23 patients who were not given this care. This study used two measuring instrument : Visual Analogue Scale Anxiety which was developed by Cline(1922), and Trait and State Anxiety by Spielberger(1970). Measuring items were blood pressure, pulse rate, cortisol level percentages of T-lympgocyte, and natural killer cell in the blood. Data collected were analyzed by SAS program for χ²test, ANOVA. Repeated measures of ANOVA. Pearson-correlation, Scheffe multiple comparison, and Profile multiple comparison methods. The results of the study are as follows : 1. Emotional stress reaction Level of VAS anxiety and State anxiety of group A and B showed a significant decline compared to the control group(P<.05). The anxiety of group A and B showed significant lower level on the 1st day after operation than the day before operation, and the anxiety level was also lower on the 7th day after operation than 1st day after operation(P<.001). 2. Physiological stress reaction Systolic BP measured in groups A and B showed significant higher difference between before and after receiving caring touch compared to control group(P<.05). Systolic BP measured on the 1st day after the operation was lower than the day before and the 7th day after operation(P<.01). The control group however, showed no difference. Diastolic BP measured in group A showed significant higher difference between before and after receiving caring touch than control group(P<.05). However, there was no significant difference in it on the three points of measuring. Pulse rate measured in group A showed significant higher difference between before and after receiving caring touch than control group(P<.05), and the pulse rates measured on the 1st day after operation were significantly lower than the day before operation and the 7th day after operation(P<.01). But these was no difference in the control group. The cortisol level of all three groups showed no significant difference, and the level of cortisol measured on 1st day after operation was significantly higher than the day before operation and 7th day after operation(P<.01). 3. Immune reactions T-lymphocyte of group B was found higher rates than the control group(P<.05), and the T-lymphocyte measured on the day befor operation and 7th day after operation were significantly higher than the 1st day after operation(P<.001) NK-cell rate of all three groups revealed no significant difference and NK-cell measured on the 1st day after operation showed higher rates than the 7th day after operation(P<.001). Based on above mentioned results, it is found that emotional and physiological stress of open heart surgery patients can be relieved by giving caring and which was identified on the measured items of VAS Anxiety. State anxiety, BP and pulse rate. And those measuring were markedly decreased on the 1st day after operation. Especially group A, which began caring touch before undergoing operation showed less anxiety compared to group B, which received caring touch from the 1st day after operation. Thus, the most appropriate time for giving caring touch was a day before the operation. And also it was found that caring touch increased the T-lymphocyte rate, and immune reactions when anxiety level decreased. Therefore caring touch was proved to be a way of emotional nursing intervention to relieve anxiety and increase immune reaction.

      • KCI등재

        포스트휴머니즘과 배려윤리 교육

        고미숙 한국도덕교육학회 2022 道德敎育硏究 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 포스트휴머니즘을 토대로 배려의 개념 및 배려윤리의 방향을 탐구하고자하였다. 배려윤리에 대한 다양한 이론들이 있으나 배려윤리의 초점은 주로 인간중심적이고 배려 제공자 중심적이었으며, 인간들 사이의 배려능력을 함양하는데 치중해 왔다. 그러나 포스트휴머니즘에 기반한 배려윤리는 인간중심적인 배려로부터 다종 관계적인 배려로 전환하고 인간과 비인간이 함께 서로 얽혀 있다고 보며, 배려관계의 행위에 비인간 역시도 참여한다고 생각한다. 포스트휴먼 배려윤리는 모든 존재들의 번영을 위해 관계적 얽힘을 통해 함께 되어가고 구성되는 과정을 중시한다. 우리는 인간, 비인간, 사물, 물질의 배려참여를 고려하고, 응답능력의 함양 및 배려관계에 회절적 접근을 사용할 수 있어야 한다. 본 연구는 포스트휴머니즘에 대해서는 주로 바라드의 행위적 실재론에 근거하였으며, 포스트휴먼 배려윤리의 특징과 포스트휴머니즘에 기반한 배려윤리 교육의 방향에 대해 탐구하였다. In this article, I dealt with the concept of caring and the direction of ethics of caring based on posthumanism. Although there are various perspectives about ethics of caring, the problems of ethics of caring are anthropocentric caring, the care-giver subject centered and the cultivation of caring competence by the relationships between human and human mainly. But ethics of caring based on posthumanism, in other words, posthuman caring ethics is a shift from anthropocentric caring to multispecies relational caring and includes the relational entanglement of human and nonhuman, and the participation of nonhuman in caring relation. Posthuman ethics of care emphasizes the process of co-constitution through relational entanglement for flourishing of all beings. We have to consider about caring of human, nonhuman, things, matter and cultivate the response-ability and the diffractive approach of caring relation. I dealt with agential realism of Barad about posthumanism and the characteristics of posthuman caring ethics and the direction of education of ethics of caring based on posthumanism.

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