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        근위축성측삭경화증 클라이언트의 생애사적 연구 : 발병 전과 후를 중심으로

        장종식,송병남,전병진,임재호 대한작업치료학회 2014 대한작업치료학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        목적 : 생애사적 연구방법을 사용하여 근위축성측삭경화증 클라이언트의 삶을 이해하고 발병 후 겪게 되는 신체적, 심리적 경험들을 심도 있게 이해하고자 하였다. 이를 바탕으로 클라이언트에게 효과적인 작업치 료 중재방법을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 한다. 연구방법 : 근위축성측삭경화증이 진행되는 과정에서 변화하는 신체적 기능과 심리적 변화를 구술할 수 있 는 참여자 2명을 대상으로 하였다. 더 이상 새로운 것이 나오지 않을 때까지 심층면접을 30분씩 7~10 회 실시하였다. 결과 : 두 명의 참여자들은 체중의 변화, 사지의 변화, 호흡근의 변화와 연하장애 등 신체적인 경험은 같았 다. 심리적인 경험은 차이가 있었는데 진단을 받은 후 가족의 지지가 없던 참여자 김은 희망보다는 죽음 을 무덤덤하게 받아들였으나, 가족의 지지를 받고 있던 참여자 최는 죽음보다는 희망을 가지고 살아갔지 만 시간이 지남에 따라 죽음에 대해 준비하는 모습을 보였다. 결론 : 근위축성측삭경화증을 가지고 있는 클라이언트에게 작업치료사의 역할은 초기에는 신체적・심리・사 회적 기능 등의 변화에 대한 공감과 이해를 할 수 있는 재활전문가로서 수행을 하고, 말기로 진행되면서 호스피스 전문가로서의 역할을 수행해야 한다. Objective : By making use of a life history research method, this research described understanding what life is for clients diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We were able to have an in-depth understanding of the physical and psychological experiences after the disease occurred. Based on these data, we should utilize effective work treatment arbitration with other clients. Methods : To explain the physical functions and psychological changes from the management of ALS, in-depth interviews were conducted with two clients for thirty minutes, 7 to 10 times each. We carried out the experiment until no more additional findings occurred. Results : Thus far, the two participants who took part in the research have had some physical experiences in common; such as a change in weight, limbs, and respiratory muscles, as well as dysphagia. However, they went through a different psychological experience; more precisely, One participant, Mr. Kim, who did not have his family members' support, accepted his death calmly rather holding onto hope. On the other hand, the other participant, Mr. Choi, who had his family members’ support at first lived with hope for life rather than with fear of death, but he also seemed to prepare for his death as time passed. Conclusion : From the above results, we can conclude that there are two different roles of an occupational therapist for their clients suffering from ALS. In full, at the early stage of the disease, the therapist should act as a rehabilitation expert who can comprehend and sympathize with the patient about the changes to their body, For the psychological and social functions, and during the terminal stage of the disease, the therapist should act as a hospice expert.

      • KCI등재

        스펙트로그램을 이용한 근위축성측삭경화증 여성 화자의 모음 포먼트, 음성강도, 기본주파수의 변화

        변해원 한국융합학회 2019 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.10 No.9

        This study analyzed the changes of vowel formant, voice intensity, and fundamental frequency of vowels for 11 months using acoustochemical spectrogram analysis of women diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The test word was a vowel /a, i, u/ and a diphthong /h + ja + da/, /h + wi + da/, and /h +ɰi+ da/. Speech data were collected through the word reading task presented on the monitor using 'Alvin' program, and the recording environment was set to 5,500 Hz for the nyquist frequency and 11,000 Hz for the sampling rate. The records were analyzed by using spectrograms to vowel formants, voice intensity, and fundamental frequency. As a result of analysis, the fundamental frequency and intensity of the ALS process were decreased and the formant slope of the diphthong was decreased rather than the formant change in the vowel. This result suggests that the vowel distortion of ALS due to disease progression is due to the decrease of tongue and jaw co morbidity. 본 연구는 근위축성측삭경화증(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS)으로 진단된 여성을 대상으로 음향음성학적 스펙트로그램 분석을 이용하여 11개월 동안 모음과 이중모음의 포먼트 변화(vowel formant variation)를 분석하였다. 검사어는 단모음 /a, i, u/와 이중모음 /h + ja + da/, /h + wi + da/, /h +ɰi+ da/를 이용하였다. 발화자료는 ‘Alvin’프로그램을 이용하여 모니터에 제시된 단어읽기과제를 통해 수집되었고, 녹음환경은 nyquist frequency는 5,500Hz, sampling rate는 11,000Hz으로 설정하였다. 녹음자료는 스펙트로그램을 이용하여 강도, 음도와 이중모음의 포먼트를 분석하였다. 분석결과, ALS의 진행과정에서 기본주파수와 강도가 저하되었고, 단모음에서의 포먼트 변화보다는 이중모음의 포먼트 기울기의 감소가 특징으로 확인되었다. 이 결과는 병의 진행에 따른 ALS의 모음왜곡이 혀와 턱의 협응력 감소에 기인함을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재
      • 근위축성측삭경화증 환자를 돌보는 가족간호자의 삶의 질과 영향 요인

        윤미현 ( Mi Hyun Yun ),최스미 ( Smi Choi Kwon ) 서울대학교 간호과학연구소 2011 간호학의 지평 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate QOL and the factors related to family caregivers who care for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patients. Methods: The subjects were 83 family caregivers caring for ALS patients who visited the neurology outpatient section of a tertiary hospital located in Seoul between January and July of 2008. Their demographic characteristics were assessed and data were collected using the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis functional rating scale (ALSFRS), the caregiver burden inventory (CBI), HADS, and SF-36. Results: The mean score of the physical health component (PHC) of the family caregiver`s QOL was 62.6±24.4, and the mean score of the mental health component (MHC) of their QOL was 57.7±22.4. The mean score of caregiver burden was 76.5±30.7. Anxious family caregivers amounted to 55.4% and depressed family caregivers accounted for 63.9% overall. In a multivariate analysis, the PHC of QOL was explained by caregiver burden (41.1%), depression (9.4%), caregiver gender (3.8%), and caregiver age (3.1%). Anxiety (39.8%), caregiver burden (10.9%), patient gender (5.4%) and depression (1.7%) were predictive factors of the MHC of QOL. Conclusion: Caregiver burden and depression affected both the PHC and the MHC. Caregiver burden affected the PHC more than it did the MHC of QOL, but anxiety affected the MHC more than it did the PHC of QOL.

      • KCI등재

        근위축성 측삭경화증 환자의 삶의 질

        허현숙(Heo, Hyun Sook),최스미(Choi-Kwon, Smi) 한국재활간호학회 2013 재활간호학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Purpose: This study measured the quality of life in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methods: The participants consisted of consecutive patients with ALS who visited the neurology outpatient department from January to July, 2008. To collect the data, face-to-face interviews were applied at S national university hospital in Seoul. Using multivariate analysis, factors to predict QOL in ALS patients including demographic factors, functional independence, depression, anxiety, social support and quality of life were analyzed. Results: The final analysis included 69 patients. The mean score for the physical health and mental health components was 34.4±21.3 and 44.7±20.6, respectively. The mean score for the ALS functional rating scale was 24.3±10.8 out of 40. Anxious and depressed patients accounted for 44.9% and 71%, respectively. Quality of life in ALS patients was significantly affected by functional independence, depression and anxiety level. Conclusion: To improve the quality of life in ALS patients with declining functional independence, comprehensive interventions are necessary to manage depression and anxiety.

      • 퇴행성질환과 말언어장애 재활

        윤지혜,Yoon, Ji Hye 대한후두음성언어의학회 2017 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may induce impairment of speech motor system. This review discusses the characteristics of dysarthria and symptom management for these conditions. Given the progressive nature of the neurodegenerative diseases, speech-language pathologists must be aware of appropriate augmentative and alternative communication equipment at the early stage of the disease course. Patients with neurodegenerative diseases can maintain functional communication with augmentative and alternative communication supports.

      • 아두이노를 이용한 전신 마비 환자용 아이-키보드

        안재범(Jaebeom Ahn),신효성(Hyoseong Shin),이정언(Jeongeon Lee),김성동(Sungdong Kim) 유공압건설기계학회 2019 유공압건설기계학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2019 No.6

        This study is designed to solve the problem of a person suffering from paralysis of the whole body due to muscle diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Full-body paralysis patients cannot move or speak because of muscular dystrophy and weakness. Eye movement is considered in the study to communicate with other people because they could move their eyes. Arduino is used to implement the eye-motion communication system. The system is composed with eye-keyboard, glasses with QTR sensor and laser pointer-receiver which are attached to eye glasses. When the laser pointer is aiming some letter on a eye-keybard, the QTR sensor is used to recognize the movement of the eyeball so that the letter is inputted and the word is printed on the monitor. Along with that, eye-motion is displayed on the Neopixel LED matrix so that we can communicate from a long distance. The test results showed that it took an average of 8.2 seconds to enter a word of 4 characters, and an average of 43.6 seconds to make a sentence of 4 words for a novice. This design shows the actual implementation potential of the eye-keyboard.

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