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        국제기구의 의사결정과 관련하여 `Global Administrative Law`(GAL) 개념 도입의 필요성 주장과 이에 대한 국제법적 반론

        이기범(LEE Kibeom) 대한국제법학회 2015 國際法學會論叢 Vol.60 No.1

        `Global Administrative Law`(이하 “GAL”)라 불리는 새로운 법체계에 대한 논의가 이어지고 있다. GAL 개념 정립을 주장하는 사람들은 개인 또는 회사에게 영향을 미치는 국제기구의 의사결정은 법체계에 의해 규율되어야 하는데 이 법체계로 GAL 개념 도입을 주장하고 있다. 더구나 국제기구 또는 외교회의를 통한 국제입법 시 개인 또는 NGO도 그 입법에 참여할 수 있는 권리가 GAL을 통해 보장되어야 함을 언급하고 있다. 이러한 주장은 전통적인 국제법의 연원인 조약 또는 국제관습법이 아닌 국제기구의 의사결정이 실제적으로 발휘하고 있는 영향력을 강조하고, 국제입법의 주체를 개인 또는 NGO로 확장한다는 차원에서 전통적인 국제법 개념에 대한 하나의 도전이 되고 있다. 특히 GAL 개념의 지지자들은 GAL의 연원으로 국내법 또한 인정하여 국내 행정법의 기본원칙들이 국제기구의 의사결정을 규율해야 한다는 주장을 하고 있다. 즉, 이들은 현재 국제기구의 의사결정이 그 의사결정의 영향을 받을 수 있는 개인 또는 회사의 참여 없이 비민주적으로 이루어지고 있으며, 그 의사결정으로 인하여 개인 또는 회사의 이익이 보장받을 수 없는 위험이 존재하고 있다고 보고 있다. 비록 GAL 개념을 지지하는 사람들의 독특한 시각이 존중될 가치가 있다 하더라도 이들이 GAL이라는 법체계의 탄생을 논증하는데 있어 국제기구의 의사결정 그리고 국제입법의 과정과 관련하여 기존 국제법의 이론을 정확히 이해하지 못하고 있는 것에 대해서는 아쉬움을 금할 수 없다. 또한 이들은 GAL이라는 제3의 법체계의 정립과 관련하여 그 법체계의 주체, 연원, 적용 영역 또는 대상 등을 정확히 정의하지 못하고 있다. GAL 개념을 제시하는 것은 국제적인 차원에서 개인 또는 NGO의 영향력을 법적으로 확대하기 위한 시도에 불과하다. 하지만 국제기구의 의사결정 절차를 규율하는 가장 좋은 방법은 관련 국제기구의 설립조약을 개정하거나 실제로 의사결정을 하는 국제기구의 관련 기관이 자신의 의사결정 과정을 규율하는 확립된 지침 또는 관행을 수립하는 것이다. 그리고 개인 또는 NGO의 의사는 현재의 국제입법 과정에서는 국가에 의해 대표되어 나타날 수밖에 없다. 물론 국내 시민사회의 영향력이 관련 국가들의 외교관들이 교섭을 시작하는데 있어 영향을 끼칠 수 있는 것은 분명하지만 이러한 영향력 행사를 법적으로 보장하는 것은 국제입법 과정을 복잡하게 할 뿐이다. 따라서 현재의 국제법체계에 GAL 개념을 도입할 필요성을 찾기는 어렵다고 할 수 있을 것이다. It is debatable whether a new legal system called `Global Administrative Law`(hereafter referred to as “GAL”) exists. Some argue that the decision-making of international organization, which has an impact on individuals or companies, should be regulated by a legal system, and therefore insist upon the need of GAL Moreover, they think that individuals or NGOs should have a right (conferred to y the concept of GAL) to participation in international law-making through international organizations or diplomatic conferences. This contention is a challenge to the present concepts of international law because it means that the decision-making of international organizations would exert more influence than the main sources of international law (treaties and customary international law), and that individuals (or NGOs) would be regarded as the subjects of international law, especially in international law-making. Advocates for the concept of GAL contend that domestic law can be the sources of GAL, and that some principles of domestic administrative law should govern the decision-making of international organizations. The reason for the contention are that the decision-making process of international organizations might be undemocratic without any participations of individuals or companies, and that the interests of individuals or companies would then be put at risk. Although their support for the concept of GAL should be respected, it is regrettable that they do not precisely understand the theories of international law regarding the decision-making of international organizations and international law-making. In addition, they fail to define the subjects and sources of GAL or the areas that can be regulated by the GAL system. The hidden intent for introducing the system of GAL is that individuals or NGOs want to extend their influence on the decision-making process of international organizations. However, the best way to govern the decision-making of an international organization is to amend the constituent documents of the international organization or to establish guidelines or practices by a decision-making organ within the international organization. In addition, the intent of individuals or NGO should be represented by the will of a State. Although civil society has considerable influence on the diplomatic negotiations, an NGO`s legal right to participation in the negotiations would make international law-making exceedingly complicated. It is, therefore, unnecessary for contemporary international law to accept the establishment of the GAL system.

      • Characterization of α-Gal Epitope in Cells and Tissues from Homozygous α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase Knockout Pigs

        In-Sul Hwang,Dae-Jin Kwon,Tae-Uk Kwak,Keon Bong Oh,Sun-A Ock,Hak-Jae Chung,Gi-Sun Im,Seongsoo Hwang 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2015 Reproductive & developmental biology Vol.39 No.4

        To overcome the hyperacute immune rejection during pig-to-non-human primates xenotranasplantation, we have produced and bred α-1,3-galactosyltransferase knock-out (GalT —/—) pigs. In this study, the somatic cells and tissues from the GalT —/— pigs were characterized by an analysis of the expression of Galα-1,3-Gal (α- Gal) epitope. Briefly, ear fibroblast cell lines of 19 homozygous GalT —/— pigs were established and cryopreserved. The expression of α-Gal epitope in the cells was measured by fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis using BS- I-B4 lectin. Also, the homozygous (GalT —/—) cells and tissues samples were immunostained with BS-I-B4 lectin for analysis of α-Gal epitope expression. The results showed that the expression of α-Gal epitope in GalT —/— cells (0.2 %) were significantly (p< 0.05) down-regulated to the range of cynomolgus monkey fibroblast (0.2 %) cells compared to heterozygous (GalT —/+) (9.3 %) and wild type (GalT +/+) (93.7 %) fibroblast cells. In the immunostaining results, while the expression of α-Gal epitope was detected a partly in GalT —/+ cells and mostly in GalT +/+ cells, it was almost not detected in the GalT —/— cells. Also, immunostaining results from various tissues of the GalT —/— pig showed that the expression of α-Gal epitope was not detectable, whereas various tissues from GalT +/+ pig showed a strong expression of α-Gal epitope. Our results demonstrated that α-Gal epitope expressions from GalT —/— pigs were successfully knocked out to prevent hyperacute immune rejection for further study of xenotransplantation.

      • KCI등재

        국제법 접근 방법으로서의 ‘세계행정법’(GAL) 개념에 대한 비판적 고찰

        이기범 한양대학교 법학연구소 2022 법학논총 Vol.39 No.1

        Discussion continues as to a new approach to international law called ‘Global Administrative Law’ (hereafter referred to as “GAL”). Some accepts the existence of a global administrative space, and then the concept of GAL incorporating some principles from domestic administrative law. Their contention is a challenge to the traditional approach to international law because it implies that the decision-making of international organizations would be more influential than treaties or customary international law, and that individuals or NGOs could be considered the subjects of international law, as main actors in international law-making. Supporters for the concept of GAL contend that the decision-making process of one international organization would be gone through undemocratically refusing any participation of individuals or NGOs, and that the interests of individuals or civil society would then be put at risk. Though their support for the concept of GAL must be respected, it is regrettable that they do not suggest convincing reasons for the GAL system. The best method to govern the decision-making process of one international organization is to amend the constituent documents of the organization or to lay down guidelines by a decision-making organ within the organization. This is to utilize the existing international legal system, and then leads to the conclusion that the concept of GAL, which is a third international legal system, is not necessary. Nevertheless, it is true that there is a ‘global administrative space’ to which some principles having the character of domestic administrative law must be applied. Therefore, assuming that the dichotomy between international law and domestic law should be respected, the concept of GAL can subsist as a new approach to international law if the proponents of the GAL concept keep on conducting in-depth research in order for some principles of domestic administrative law to govern the decision-making process of one international organization. ‘세계행정법’(Global Administrative Law, 이하 ‘GAL’)이라 불리는 새로운 국제법 접근 방법에 대한 논의가 이어지고 있다. GAL 개념의 지지자들은 글로벌 행정 영역이 존재하며, 따라서 이러한 영역을 규율하기 위해 국내 행정법적 성격을 가지는 원칙들로 구성된 GAL 개념을 긍정한다. 이러한 견해는 조약이나 국제관습법이 아닌 국제기구의 의사결정이 미치고 있는 영향력을 강조하고, 국제입법의 주체를 개인 또는 NGO로 확장하기 때문에 기존 국제법 접근 방법에 대한 하나의 도전이라 할 수 있다. 특히 GAL 개념의 지지자들은 현재 국제기구의 의사결정이 개인 또는 NGO의 참여 없이 비민주적으로 이루어지고 있으며, 그러한 의사결정으로 인해 개인 또는 시민사회의 이익이 위험에 처해 있다고 주장한다. 그런데 GAL 개념의 지지자들의 독특한 시각은 존중되어야 하나 이들이 GAL이라는 새로운 법체계를 정립하기 위한 목적으로 기존 국제법 접근 방법에 비해 설득력 있는 근거를 제시하고 있다고 보기는 어렵다. 오히려 글로벌 행정을 수행하는 국제기구의 의사결정을 규율하는 가장 효과적인 방법은 그 국제기구의 설립조약을 개정하거나 그 국제기구의 의사결정을 통해 도입된 규칙 또는 지침 등을 이용하여 그 국제기구의 의사결정을 규율하는 것이다. 이는 기존 국제법체계를 활용하는 것이며, 이에 제3의 법체계인 GAL 개념은 필요하지 않다는 결론에 도달하게 된다. 하지만 국내 행정법적 성격을 가진 원칙들이 적용되어야 하는 ‘글로벌 행정 영역’이 존재하는 것은 사실이다. 따라서 국제법과 국내법이라는 이분법적 법체계를 존중하는 가운데 GAL 개념의 지지자들이 국내 행정법적 성격을 가진 원칙들이 실제로 국제기구의 의사결정을 규율할 수 있도록 정교한 연구를 깊이 있게 수행한다면 GAL 개념이 국제법 접근 방법으로서의 존재 의의를 유지할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Short Communication on Sequential and Structural Information's of Human Galanin Receptors using in Silico Methods

        Kothandan, Gugan The Basic Science Institute Chosun University 2012 조선자연과학논문집 Vol.5 No.3

        Gal (1-3) receptors are members of GPCR superfamily with seven transmembrane helices. The neuropeptide galanin mediates its effects through the receptor subtypes Gal1, Gal2, and Gal3 and has been implicated in anxiety and depression related behaviors. Galanin receptors are considered to be important targets for the development of novel antidepressant drugs. Owing to the importance of these receptors, a short communication about the sequential and structural studies about the functional Galanin (1-3) receptors has been reported. Structural studies have been hampered due to the lack of X-ray crystal structures. However with the availability of templates with close homologs comparative modeling could be encouraging. Sequence analysis was done for each receptors and homology modeling of each receptors were done with recently reported templates. Comparative analyses were done between these receptors to identify the relationships between them sequentially. Phylogram was generated between these receptors to identify the close homologue between this receptor and found that Gal2 and Gal3 receptors are closer. Our results could be useful for further structure based drug design targeting Gal1, Gal2 and Gal3 receptors.


        Developmental Patterns of Gal$\beta$1,3(4)GlcNAc $\alpha$2,3-Sialyltransferase (ST3Gal III) Expression in the Mouse: In Situ Hybridization Using DIG-labeled RNA Probes

        Ji, Min-Young,Lee, Young-Choon,Kim, Kyoung-Sook,Cho, Jin-Won,Jung, Kyu-Yong,Kim, Cheorl-Ho,Choo, Young-Kug The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 1999 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.22 No.3

        Sialic acids are key determinants for biological processes, such as cell-cell interaction and differentiation. Sialyltransferases contribute to the diversity in carbohydrate structure through their attachment of sialic acid in various terminal positions on glycolipid and glycoprotein (N-linked and O-linked) carbohydrate groups. Gal$\beta$ 1,3(4)GlcNAc $\alpha$2,3-sialyltransferase (ST3Gal III) is involved in the biosynthesis of $sLe^{X}$ and sLe^{a}$ known as selection ligands and tumor-associated carbohydrate structures. The appearance and differential distribution of ST3Gal III mRNA during mice embryogenesis [embryonic (E) days; E9, E11, E13, E15] were investigated by in situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled RNA probes coupled with alkaline phosphatase detection. On E9, all tissues were positive for ST3Gal III mRNA expression whereas ST3Gal III mRNA on E11 was not detected throughout all tissues. On E13, ST3GAl III mRNA was expressed in different manner in various tissues. In this stage, ST3Gal III mRNA was positive only in the liver, pancreas and bladder. On E15, specific signal for ST3GAl III was detected in the liver, lung and forebrain. These results indicate that ST3Gal III is differently expressed at developmental stages of mice embryo, and this may be importantly related with regulation of organogenesis in mice.

      • Characterization of α-Gal Epitope in Cells and Tissues from Homozygous α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase Knockout Pigs

        Hwang, In-Sul,Kwon, Dae-Jin,Kwak, Tae-Uk,Oh, Keon Bong,Ock, Sun-A,Chung, Hak-Jae,Im, Gi-Sun,Hwang, Seongsoo The Korean Society of Animal Reproduction 2015 Reproductive & developmental biology Vol.39 No.4

        To overcome the hyperacute immune rejection during pig-to-non-human primates xenotranasplantation, we have produced and bred ${\alpha}$-1,3-galactosyltransferase knock-out ($GalT^{-/-}$) pigs. In this study, the somatic cells and tissues from the $GalT^{-/-}$ pigs were characterized by an analysis of the expression of Gal${\alpha}$-1,3-Gal (${\alpha}-Gal$) epitope. Briefly, ear fibroblast cell lines of 19 homozygous $GalT^{-/-}$ pigs were established and cryopreserved. The expression of ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope in the cells was measured by fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis using BS-I-B4 lectin. Also, the homozygous ($GalT^{-/-}$) cells and tissues samples were immunostained with BS-I-B4 lectin for analysis of ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope expression. The results showed that the expression of ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope in $GalT^{-/-}$ cells (0.2 %) were significantly (p<0.05) down-regulated to the range of cynomolgus monkey fibroblast (0.2 %) cells compared to heterozygous ($GalT^{-/+}$) (9.3 %) and wild type ($GalT^{+/+}$) (93.7 %) fibroblast cells. In the immunostaining results, while the expression of ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope was detected a partly in $GalT^{-/+}$ cells and mostly in $GalT^{+/+}$ cells, it was almost not detected in the $GalT^{-/-}$ cells. Also, immunostaining results from various tissues of the $GalT^{-/-}$ pig showed that the expression of ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope was not detectable, whereas various tissues from $GalT^{+/+}$ pig showed a strong expression of ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope. Our results demonstrated that ${\alpha}-Gal$ epitope expressions from $GalT^{-/-}$ pigs were successfully knocked out to prevent hyperacute immune rejection for further study of xenotransplantation.


        Effects of Gal-13 on the Content of Immunoglobulin, Proliferation of Lymphocyte and Antibody Titers after Vaccination with Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Vaccine in Chickens

        Yang, Yurong,Jiang, Yibao,She, Ruiping,Peng, Kaisong,Zhou, Xuemei,Yin, Qingqiang,Wang, Decheng,Liu, Tianlong,Bao, Huihui Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2007 Animal Bioscience Vol.20 No.3

        Gal-13 is an antimicrobial peptide isolated from chicken intestine. Ninety chickens were randomly divided into two groups (45 chickens for each group) to determine the effect of oral administration of Gal-13 on the acquired immune response. The chickens in the first group were fed a diet without Gal-13 as the control, and the chickens in the second group were fed the same diet, except that Gal-13 ($1{\mu}g/ml$) was suspended in drinking water just after hatching. Samples of blood, thymus, bursa of fabricius and spleen were taken at day 1, 4, 7, 10 and 17. The chickens in both groups received infectious bursal disease virus vaccine at day 20, and then sera samples were collected for analysis at 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after vaccination. The results showed: (1) Gal-13 could enhance the content of immunoglobulin (Ig)G at the age of 4 to10 days (p<0.05) and IgM at the age of 4 and 10 days (p<0.05) in the serum; (2) In vitro experiments showed that Gal-13 (0.625-1.250${\mu}g/ml$) enhanced the proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of the chickens stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and concanavlin A (ConA). Compared to the control, Gal-13 (1 ${\mu}g/ml$) enhanced the proliferation of bursa lymphocytes at 17 days of age (p<0.01) and thymus lymphocytes at 7 days of age (p<0.01), but restrained lymphocyte proliferation in chicken spleen and differed significantly at day 10 (p<0.01); (3) Gal-13 enhanced infectious bursal disease virus antibody in sera of chickens 21 days after infectious bursal disease virus vaccine administration (p<0.05). These results suggested that Gal-13 could modulate adaptive immune responses of chickens.

      • Characterization of Transgenic Cells Knocked-out with Hyperacute Immune Rejection Genes

        Seung-Chan Lee,Ju Yeon Lee,In-Sul Hwang,Mi-Ryung Park,Keon Bong Oh,Sun-A Ock,Jae-Seok Woo,Gi-Sun Im,Seongsoo Hwang 한국동물생명공학회(구 한국동물번식학회) 2017 발생공학 국제심포지엄 및 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.10

        The α-Gal epitope (Galα1,3Galα1,4GlcNAc-R), created by alpha-1,3-glycosyltransferase-1 (GT), is recognized by natural anti-α-1,3-galactose antibodies in human serum and responsible for hyperacute rejection (HAR) in pig-to-human/primate xenotransplantation. Although, the generation of GT knockout (KO) pigs has overcome hyperacute rejection, an isoglobotriosylceramide synthase (iGb3s) may produce additional alpha-1,3-terminated galactose residues on glycosphingolipid. This study was performed to investigate effects of iGb3s KO on the glycoproteomic characterization in the transgenic pig cells. We established and used 2 different transgenic cells such as GT-MCP/-MCP (GT/MCP) and GT-MCP/-MCP+iGb3s—/— (GT/MCP/iGb3s) cells. WT pig cells were used as a control. To characterize the expression of α-Gal epitope, we analyzed the cells by FACS using BS-I-B4 lectin antibody. The α-Gal epitope expression in all both TG cells was significantly down regulated as compared with WT (p<0.05). The iGb3s protein level was decreased in GT/MCP/iGb3s cells compared with GT/MCP cells. To analyze changes of glycoproteome level, LC-MS/MS analysis was performed in WT, GT/MCP, and GT/MCP/iGb3s cells. A total amount of glycopeptide in GT/MCP/iGb3s was increased as compared with that of GT/MCP. However, glycopeptide forms of gal-gal were reduced in GT/MCP/ iGb3s compared to both WT and GT/MCP. Our results demonstrated that additional KO of iGb3s gene reduced the expressions of α-Gal epitope and glycopeptide forms of gal-gal in GT/MCP. Further studies are needed to evaluate synergic effects of double gene knock out in order to minimize a HAR response after xenotransplantation.

      • KCI등재

        Disruption of hexokinase II (<i>HXK2</i>) partly relieves glucose repression to enhance production of human kringle fragment in gratuitous recombinant <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>

        Lee, Tae-Hee,Kim, Myoung-Dong,Shin, So-Yeon,Lim, Hyung-Kweon,Seo, Jin-Ho Elsevier 2006 Journal of biotechnology Vol.126 No.4

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The <I>GAL1</I> gene encoding galactokinase was disrupted in a recombinant <I>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</I> strain in which production of LK8 protein, a kringle fragment of human apolipoprotein, is under the control of <I>GAL1</I> promoter. Null mutation of the <I>HXK2</I> gene was introduced further in the <I>gal1Δ</I> strain to relieve glucose repression. A pattern for LK8 expression was compared for the two recombinant <I>S. cerevisiae</I> systems in continuous and fed-batch cultivations. A critical dilution rate in continuous cultivation that repressed LK8 expression was significantly higher for the <I>gal1Δhxk2Δ</I> strain than that for the <I>gal1Δ</I> strain to sustain the LK8 production even at high glucose consumption rate. Expressed LK8 for the <I>gal1Δ</I> strain was not detectable when the dilution rate exceeded 0.05h<SUP>−1</SUP>. Maximum LK8 concentration of 57mgl<SUP>−1</SUP> was obtained in glucose-limited fed-batch cultivation of the <I>gal1Δhxk2Δ</I> strain, corresponding to a 13.8-fold enhancement compared with the <I>gal1Δ</I> strain grown under the same conditions.</P>

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