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        中學 科學敎育의 探究學習에 대한 評價問項 開發(Ⅰ)

        奇宇恒,權炳奎,朴德圭,이병교,鄭遠佑,金裕漢 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1984 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to achieve the individualized inquiring learning which is centered on students by improving the method of the evaluation of the inquiry learning in the science class in a multi-student class. Therefore the author made the table of specification for scientific achievements of the abilities of inquiring by analyzing the abilities of inquiring according to the content of science and five basic experiments of each unit inthe first grade of of middle school, ant then made the paper and pencil and performance test items for the evaluation of the abilities of inquiring. The paper and pencil test was taken after the experimental and observational class, and performance test was taken in the way of the students' self evaluation, peer evaluation and Tester evaluation. The results are as follows: 1) In operation of the inquiry learning by two experiments, performance test items and 13 the paper and pencil test items made for evaluation of the abilities of inquiring could be applied usefully. 2) Correlation coefficient between paper and pencil test and performance test is .362 and it is very low. Therefore it is desirable that performance test be used for the evaluation for the abilities of inquiring which cannot be evaluated by paper and pencil test. 3) In evaluation of the abilities of inquiring by performance test on five basic experiments, it is more desirable that 'the use of microscope' is presented in the way of peer evaluation or peer and Tester evaluation, 'the observation on epidermis of onion cell' in the way of peer evaluation, and self-evaluation. 4) Skill of the abilities of inquiring in experimental and observational class can be evaluated correctly through performance test.

      • 마우스에 있어서 Isoniazid와 Rifampicin의 免疫毒性에 대한 酒淸 및 高麗人蔘의 影響

        안영근,김정훈,유항묵,강영세 원광대학교 식품약품안전성연구소 1987 食品藥品安全性硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        結核의 一般的인 藥物療法으로 利用되고 있는 Isonicotinic acid hydrazide(INAH)와 Rifampicin의 倂用投與는 結核의 治療效果를 改善시킬 수 있는 反面에 INAH와 Rifampicin의 長期 倂用投與가 肝毒性과 免疫抑制作用을 出現시킨다고 新告된 바 있다. 한편 酒精의 長期間 暴露는 肝毒性과 T-Iymphocyte機能抑制 및 體液性 免疫에 손상을 가져 온다고 알려진 바 있고 高麗人蔘은 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫 修飾作用이 있으며 特히 石油 ether 分劃은 그 作用이 强하여 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫 macrophage의 活性 등을 현저하게 亢進시킨다고 本人 等이 밝힌 바 있다. 本 硏究의 結果 INAH와 Rifampicin倂用與時 이들 藥物에 의한 免疫 毒性에 對하여 酒精 및 高麗人蔘을 倂用하였을 때 INAH와 Rifampicin은 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫을 低下시켰으며 酒精의 倂用投餘는 免疫 毒性을 增加하였으나 高麗人蔘의 倂用投與는 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫과 大食細胞의 活性을 增加시킴을 밝혔다. 1. Rifampicin and INAH exposure decreased relative spleen weight, humoral and cellular immune responses and macrophage activity. 2. Alcohol combined administration significantly increased the cellular immunotoxicity of Rifampicin and INAH. Especially, 4% alcohol combined administration significantly suppressed the cellular immune response and macrophage activity. 3. Generally, Korean giseng extracts reduced of removed the decline of humoral and cellular immune responses and macrophage activity by immunotoxicity of Rifampicin and INAH.

      • 서비스 주체의 상호 협력 관계를 제공하는 멀티미디어 Qos 프레임워크

        김태윤,장경아,유항재 高麗大學校附設 컴퓨터科學技術硏究所 1999 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TECHNOLO Vol.2 No.-

        인터넷 사용자의 급속한 증가와 전자 상거래의 발달로 신뢰성, 보안성, 확장성, 유연성 등의 기본적인 요구 사항 뿐 아니라 멀티미디어 응용 서비스에 대한 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 멀티미디어 컴퓨팅과 커뮤니케이션은 네트워크, 통신망, 오퍼레이팅 시스템에서 다양한 메커니즘을 필요로 한다. 대규모 분산 환경에서 QoS는 Video-on-Demand, News-On-Demand 등의 단일 매체에 대한 서비스와는 다르게 응용 매체에 대한 우선 순위 부여 및 상호 협력 구조적 서비스 및 MPEG 비디오 서비스와 같은 멀티미디어 응용 서비스에 대한 지원 능력을 요구하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 인터넷을 기반으로 대단위 분산 시스템 환경에서 QoS를 지원하기 위한 통합적 QoS 프레임워크로 E-QoS 모델을 설계하였으며, 향후 이를 바탕으로 한 세부 메커니즘의 설계 방향을 제시하였다. The huge Internet and electronic commerce shall be provided not only basic requirements of reliability, security extendibility, flexibility but also adaptive application service of multimedia data. There are required a lot of mechanism for network, operating system in multimedia computing and communication. In large distributed computing, QoS shall be provided a priority allocation service and an interactive infrastructure service as like not single media service of Video-on-Demand, and News-on-Demand but multimedia application service of MPEG video service. In this paper, supporting large distributed computing based on Internet, we propose a E-QoS Model as Integrated QoS Framework, and propose a direction of design for specific mechanism in the future works.

      • KCI등재후보

        양지면 전원주택단지 프로젝트 계획

        김신원,정유홍,노희곤,도의성,최기왕 경희대학교 디자인연구원 2006 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This plan of rural housing-development is to present a new orientation for the residential culture that can meet the shifting demands of modern people as their attitudes toward naturalistic life. In this plan, sites of possible, a new housing complex is designed to supplement the site partition problem of existing housing complex by using attractiveness that the site has as a residence environment in housing planning. The conclusion can be summarized as follows. 1. Currently, most residential developments on slopes are planned with excessive slope cutting or filling on existing natural slopes rather than utilizing existing contours. In consideration of this, this proposed plan uses the existing contours of the slope to the maximum capacity in site planning. 2. The majority of the home site buyers are between the ages 30's to 50's of middle to high level incomes. Reflecting the financial needs of these families, home construction was planned by using building methods that require lower costs. 3. Reflected open-space furtherance maximum at design of community equipment for party's offer to sale in lots persons, from site purchase recognition of construction to in package sale in lots way select. 4. Considered to preserve existing natural-food life in way financial world stroke maximum, and accomplish creation with existing vegetation. Also, did planting considering privacy, and considered vegetation's environment adaptation degree because using midland style vegetation. 5. Garden wished to offer an opportunity that can make by oneself directly depending on each fondness and character to tenants. If is this intuition, wished to design, and maintained spur of housing development because housing development uses maximum natural history style comparing with other power jars all. Also, because considering people who move in housing-development, designed, and tried to make housing-development that want to live most offering the convenience.

      • 光陵의 蝶相 : 特히 季節的 消長에 대하여

        金憲奎,申裕垣 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1959 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        1. Sixty-five species were known from this area by 1932 with no additional species being reported to date. 2. In order to clarify the fauna, the authors made one full year's collection from October, 1958 to October, 1959. Thirty-two species are added to the fauna of Kwangnung, raising the number of species to ninety-seven. 3. Weekly collections were made by the authors along several preset courses in order to cover the area adequately as shown on the map. Collections were made as recorded in the following table: 1958 1959 month Oct Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct date 24 12, 1819, 25 2, 9, 1512,28,30 12, 1320, 28 5, 1125 2, 1624, 30 13, 2027 4, 25 4. The species were grouped in four categories according to the number of specimens appearing in our collections. The following table presents the numbers of species in each categories: A=most abundant - 22 species B=common - 16 ˝ C=rare - 15 ˝ D=very rare - 38 ˝ 5. The greatest numbers for most species were collected in June, with fewer in May, August, and July respectively.

      • 마우스에 있어서 Isoniazid와 Rifampicin의 免疫毒性에 對한 酒精 및 高麗人蔘의 影響

        안영근,김정훈,유항묵,강영세 圓光大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.22 No.2

        結核의 一般的인 藥物療法으로 利用되고 있는 Isonicotinic acid hydrazide(INAH)와 Rifampicin의 倂用投與는 結核의 治療效果를 改善시킬 수 있는 反面에 INAH와 Rifampicin의 長期 倂用投與가 肝毒性과 免疫抑制作用을 出現시킨다고 報告된 바 있다. 한편 酒精의 長期間 暴露는 肝毒性과 T-lymphocyte 機能抑制 및 體液性 免疫에 손상을 가져 온다고 알려진 바 있고 高麗人蔘은 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫 修飾作用이 있으며 特히 石油 ether 分劃은 그 作用이 强하여 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫 macrophage의 活性 등을 현저하게 亢進시킨다고 本人 等이 밝힌 바 있다. 本 硏究의 結果 INAH와 Rifampicin 倂用投與時 이들 藥物에 의한 免疫 毒性에 對하여 酒精및 高麗人蔘을 倂用하였을 때 INAH와 Rifampicin은 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫을 低下시켰으며 酒精의 倂用投與는 免疫 毒性을 增加하였으나 高麗人蔘의 倂用投與는 細胞性 및 體液性 免疫과 大食細胞의 活性을 增加시킴을 밝혔다. 1. Rifampicin and INAH exposure decreased relative spleen weight, humoral and cellular immune responses and macrophage activity. 2. Alcohol combined administration significantly increased the cellular immunotoxicity of Rifampicin and INAH. Especially, 4% alcohol combined administration significantly suppressed the cellular immune response and macrophage activity. 3. Generally, Korean ginseng extracts reduced or removed the decline of humoral and cellular immune responses and macrophage activity by immunotoxicity of Rifampicin and INAH.

      • KCI등재

        Reconsidering the Hierarchy and Translation of “Physical Education/Sports” Related Terms: Taiwan Perspective

        Jeffrey Yu,Jun Lian,Ruei-Hong Li,Chen-Sin Hung,Dong-Tai Chen,Yu-Kai Chang 대한운동학회 2024 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.26 No.1

        Objectives In the past centuries, the concept of “physical education” has changed from a more general concepts including physical activities and sports, to specifically inferring “instruction of physical activity”. Instead, “sports” has become the comprehensive concept of sports, exercise, and physical education. Given to the inconsistent terminologies and English translations of “體育 (ti-yu)” (physical education) and “運 動 (yun-dong)” (sports or exercise) in Mandarin, the purpose of this study was to investigate in the current terminology usage, hierarchy, and the English translation of “體育 (ti-yu)” and “運動 (yun-dong)” in Taiwan. Met hods Three government authorities, two sport related universities, eight top sport and exercise journals, and nighty-six college departments in Taiwan were analyzed. Results “運動 (yun-dong)” was the most widely used terminology as “體育 (ti-yu)” occupied the majority usage among government authorities, sport related universities, and title of top sport and exercise journals. Regarding English translation, despite of “department of physical education”, “sports” remained the most common terminology. Moreover, “體育 (ti-yu)” and “sports” are the highest hierarchy among government authorities, and sport related university; “體育 (ti-yu)” and “physical education” are the highest hierarchy among traditional sport and exercise journals; “運動 (yun-dong)” and “sports” are the highest hierarchy among college departments also the mainstream of current translation and hierarchy. Conclusions “體育 (ti-yu)” was the highest hierarchy in the past. However, “運動 (yun-dong)” has been the mainstream of the highest hierarchy in Mandarin according to college departments. In English, “sport(s)” is the main term in Taiwan when translating “體育 (ti-yu)” and 運動 (yun-dong)”, also being the highest hierarchy. On the other hand, “體育 (ti-yu)” and “physical education” are utilized regarding those departments focusing on educating PE teachers. This study expects the terminology, English translations, and hierarchy being align with the mainstream of current translation and hierarchy in the future.

      • Prognostic Factors in Adult Patients with Solid Cancers and Bone Marrow Metastases

        Hung, Yu-Shin,Chou, Wen-Chi,Chen, Tai-Di,Chen, Tse-Ching,Wang, Po-Nan,Chang, Hung,Hsu, Hung-Chih,Shen, Wen-Chi,Cheng, Wei-Hong,Chen, Jen-Shi Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.1

        Background: Solid cancers with bone marrow metastases are rare but lethal. This study aimed to identify clinical factors predictive of survival in adult patients with solid cancers and bone marrow metastases. Methods: A total of 83 patients were enrolled consecutively between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2012. Bone marrow metastases were confirmed by biopsies. Patient clinical features and laboratory data were analyzed for associations. Results: The median age of the patients was 54 years (range, 23-88 years), and 58% were male. The 3 most common primary tumor locations were the stomach (32 patients, 39%), prostate (16 patients, 19%), and lungs (12 patients, 15%). The median overall survival was 49 days (range, 3-1423 days). Patients with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 1, cancers of prostate origin, platelet counts over 50,000/ml, and undergoing antitumor therapies had a significantly better prognosis in the multivariate analysis. The median survival times were 173 and 33 days for patients with 2-3 more favorable parameters (n=24) and those with 0-1 (n=69), respectively (hazard ratio 0.30; 95% CI 0.17-0.52, p<0.001). Conclusions: Solid cancers with bone marrow metastases are dismal and incurable diseases. Understanding prognostic factors to these diseases helps medical personnel to provide appropriate treatments and better inform patients about outcomes. Antitumor therapies may improve outcomes in selected patient cohorts.

      • KCI등재

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