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      • KCI등재

        최봉윤의 국어 교과서 연구 - 「初等한글敎科書」를 중심으로

        윤금선(Yeun Keum-sun) 어문연구학회 2018 어문연구 Vol.97 No.-

        이 연구에서는 1943년도 미주 지역에서 발간된 최봉윤의「初等한글敎科書」의 수록상을 고찰하는 데 목적을 두었다. 최봉윤은 일제강점기 미주 한인사회에서 정치적 · 교육적인 활동을 전개하며 지도자적 삶을 산 인물이다. 그는 1938년 도미 직후부터 국어학교 교사를 담당하고 ‘대한인국민회’의 국어 교과서 편찬에도 참여했다. 특히 캘리포니아대학 동양어학부에서 최초의 한인 교수로서 조선어 교육을 담당하였으며, 대학생 대상의 한국어 교재로는 처음이라 할 수 있는「初等한글敎科書」를 발간했다는 점이 주목된다. 이 교과서는 한국어 초보자를 위한 교재로서 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기 등의 한국어 기초를 다루고 있다. 이 교재는 다음과 같이 총 3부로 구성되었다. 즉 1부 1강에서 5강까지는 한글 기초편과 단어, 그리고 간단한 문장 등이 수록되었으며, 2부 6강에서 30강까지는 이야기, 방문 및 물건 거래 등에서의 대화법 등을 다루고 있다. 마지막 3부는 중고급자를 위한 부분으로 총 14개의 강의로 구성되어 있으며, 이광수, 이윤재, 김윤경, 주요한 등, 당대 국내 유명 문필가가 집필한 조선 역사와 지리, 풍습, 문학 내용 등을 담고 있다. 보다시피 이 교재의 장별 구성은 한글 기초편부터 중고급 수준으로 난이도를 높여가는 체재이다.「初等한글敎科書」는 한인 대상인 아닌 미국 대학생을 겨냥한 초급 정도의 조선어 교과서에 해당된다. 이 교과서 발간 이전까지 미주 한인사회에서 발간된 국어 교과서는 주로 한인 아동을 대상으로 한 교재였다. 그러나「初等한글敎科書」는 캘리포니아대학 한국어 정규 과목 교재로서, 미주에서 발간된 최초의 대학생 한국어 교과서이다. 이런 점에서 국어교육사적으로 가치가 높은 자료라 하겠다. This paper is associated with Korean reader : a textbook for beginners (1943) witten Choe Bong-Yun in the United States of America during the Japan Occupation. Choe Bong-Yun lived a leadership life by developing political and educational activities in Korean society of the America during the Japanese occupation. He went to the United States in 1938 and worked as a teacher in Korean language schools and participated in the compilation of Korean textbooks led by the Korean National Association, In particular, he is the first Korean professor at the University of California at Berkeley. He has taught Korean language for many years at the Department of Oriental Languages, and It is noteworthy that he has published Korean reader : a textbook for beginners for college students The aim of this book is to facilitate the students first steps in speaking, reading, and writing Korean. Korean Reader-A Beginner is divided into three section. The first section, lessons one to five, includes Hangul Basics, vocabulary, and simple sentences. the second section, lessons six to thirty, includes stories, visiting and shopping conversations, etc. and the third section is for advanced students contains fourteen lessons, made up of slections from History of Korea, Geography, custom, literature of the outstanding Korean writers, such as Yi Gang-su, Yi Yeun-jae, Kim Yeun-gyeong, ana ju yeo-Han. The configuration by chapter arranged in the way of being getting hard on as they proceed by taking phased in-depth study composition. Korean reader : a textbook for beginners is a Korean textbook showing the level of beginner level aimed at American college students who are not Korean. Also, before the publication of this textbook, Korean textbooks published in the America were mainly textbooks for children. However, this textbook is a Korean textbook for university students. This is significant because it is the first Korean language book for overseas college students published in the Americas.

      • KCI등재

        Microstructure and High Temperature Oxidation Property of Fe-Cr-B Based Metal/Ceramic Composite Manufactured by Powder Injection Molding Process

        Yeun‑Ah Joo,Young‑Kyun Kim,윤태식,Kee‑Ahn Lee 대한금속·재료학회 2018 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.24 No.2

        This study investigated the microstructure and high temperature oxidation property of Fe–Cr–B metal/ceramic compositemanufactured using powder injection molding process. Observations of initial microstructure showed a unique structurewhere α-Fe and (Cr, Fe)2B form a continuous three-dimensional network. High temperature oxidation tests were performedat 900, 1000 and 1100 °C, for 24 h, and the oxidation weight gain according to each temperature condition was 0.13, 0.84and 6.4 mg/cm2, respectively. The oxidation results according to time at 900 and 1000 °C conditions represented paraboliccurves, and at 1100 °C condition formed a rectilinear curve. Observation and phase analysis results of the oxides identifiedCr2O3and SiO2at 900 and 1000 °C. In addition to Cr2O3and SiO2,CrBO3and FeCr2O4formed due to phase decompositionof boride were identified at 1100 °C. Based on the findings above, this study suggested the high temperature oxidationmechanism of Fe–Cr–B metal/ceramic composite manufactured using powder injection molding, and the possibility of itsapplication as a high temperature component material was also discussed.

      • 유아의 인성 함양을 위한 협력학습 활동 프로그램의 평가 연구

        이윤옥 서원대학교 교육연구소 1998 敎育發展 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the cooperative learning activity (CLA) program for children. This CLA program for children were developed by Lee Yeun-Ok for the purpose of the encouragement the children's positive personality traits. The subjects of the experimental group were 28 children and the subjects of the control group were 24 children. CLA program was carried out as a whole class activity for one mixed age (3, 4, 5 year old) preschool class for 20 weeks as a experimental group. In this study, four hypothesis were proposed as follows. hypothesis 1 : CLA program group will show higher popularity scores than control group. hypothesis 2 : CLA program group will show higher degree of the number of friend than control group. hypothesis 3 : CLA program group will show higher prosocial behavior scores than control group. hypothesis 4 : CLA program group will show higher school adjustment scores than control group. The outcome of this study were as follows : 1) The hypothesis 1 was rejected. 2) The hypotheses 2, 3, 4 were accepted. These outcome of this study suggest that the CLA Program was effective for the developing the children's positive personaliting traits.

      • 생쥐의 卵子와 初期胚子에 對한 Clomiphene Citrate의 細胞毒性에 關한 硏究

        金惠敬,潘勝一,金洋一,文蓮子,朴承澤,鄭然泰 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1993 圓光醫科學 Vol.9 No.1-2

        In order to elucidate the cytotoxicity of clomiphene citrate, the rate of in vitro fertilization(IVF) of ova and the developmental rate of early embroys in A-strain mouse were examined. The rate of ova cleavaging to 2-cell stage by IVF was remarkably decreased(12.6%) at the concentration of 10μg/㎖ of clomiphene than that of the control(65.2%) when the ova fertilized in vitro were cultured for 24 hours in the untreated medium after treatment ova with clomiphene for 5 hrs. But there was no ovum cleavaging to 2-cell stage at 50μg/㎖ clomiphene except only a few 2-polar bodied ova. The developmental rate of mouse early embryos was decreased dose-dependently. Especially at 25μg/㎖ of clomiphene, the number of embryos cleavaging to blastocyst from 2-cell stage(41.4%) was decreased remarkably compared with that of the control(87.2%). And only a few embryos were developed to 8-cell stage at clomiphene concentration of 50μg/㎖ after 2-cell embryos were incubated for 72 hours in clomiphene-treated medium. Morphological changes such as fragmentation and fusion of blastomeres, cytolysis and developmental retardation were increased with dose-dependently. These results suggest that clomiphene has cytotoxic effect by the decrease of the rate of IVF, the developmental rate and the degenerative changes of murine ova and early embryos.

      • Vinblastine이 백서 배양 Type-1 별아교세포에 미치는 세포독성에 관한 연구

        하상호,박승택,문연자,김종영,김정중,정연태 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1994 圓光醫科學 Vol.10 No.1-2

        It has been reported that vinblastine, anticancer drug, is a neuroteratogen inducing various neural malformations such as microcephaly and neural tube defect(NTD), but the study on the toxicity of neuroglial cells, especially type-1 astrocytes using culture system is not well established. In order to evaluate the cytotoxicity of vinblastine on cultured type-1 astrocytes of neonatal rat brain in vitro. MTT assay and also light and electron microscopic studies were carried out. The results were as follows: 1. MTT_90 and MTT_50 in cultured type-1 astrocytes were 1×10 exp (-1) μM and 1×10 exp (2)μM of vinblastine, respectively. 2. Vinblastine was highly toxic in cultured type-1 astrocytes(MTT_50 ≤ 100 μM). 3. In a light microscopy, cultured type-1 astrocytes showed decrease of cells in number, cytoplasmic perforation, vacuolization and cytoplasmic granulation after cultured type-1 astrocytes were treated with 1×10 exp (2)μM of vinblastine for 24 hours. Cultured type-1 astrocytes damaged by vinblastine showed degenerative changes of cells morphologically. 4. In an electron microscopy, increment of glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP), increased free-ribosomes, cisternal dilatation of rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). few dense bodies and vacuoles were shown in cultured type-1 astrocytes treated with 1×10 exp (2)μM of vinblastine for 24 hours. The results indicate that vinblastine has markedly cytotoxic effect on the type-1 astrocytes of neonatal rat brain in vitro study.

      • KCI등재
      • 고교 교육 과정에서 제6차와 제7차 과학(물리) 교육의 교육 목표와 교육 내용에 대한 비교·분석

        정윤근,조금열 여수대학교 2002 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        A comparative analysis was done on the 6th and 7th Science(Physical) Education Curriculum of Korea high school. The results of this study were as below:(1) On the educational objectives, the general object is changed from the ability solving problem creatively to the fostering of student's view of nature correctly. Also, the pattern of statement is changed from the viewpoint of teacher to that of student, Therefore, the education to improve student's whole personality is emphasized. This object is consistent with the purpose of the curriculum for students. (2) In contents, the variation of introduced concepts is minor, but the movement of concepts among academic years is significant. Generally, the concepts are moved from low to hight grade. The inquiry area is divided into inquiry process and inquiry activity, but the inquiry factors according to subjects are not established. Owing to the introduction of deep and supplementary education process, the comment about extent of evaluation is added, but the reference about performance assessment is not found.

      • 韓國 海運産業과 貨物留保制度의 效果

        景潤範 培材大學校 1996 培材論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        This study is to analyze the cargo reservation system under the current changings in international maritime transportation and examine characters of the cargo reservation system of major nations and suggest the direction of the Korea cargo reservation system. The time-traditional maritime nations including EC, clinging to the free-shipping doctrine that shipping should be free from the governmental intervention in the access to cargo came at last to follow the maritime transportation policy not only to give free shipping services, but also to deal with protectionism from developing maritime nations. But the objectives of US policy toward maritime transportation have remained relatively constant over 200 years, although priority or emphasis has always been to assure provision of maritime transportation the fairly serves the needs of the public and provides an adequate defence and emergency capability. In addition, most developing maritime nations have adopted the cargo reservation system. In other words, numerous countries have introduced unilaeral or bilateral policies on cargo reservation or other restrictive shipping practices. While Korea was seeking after the protectionism-directed maritime transportation policy including the cargo reservation system oriented to the quantitive growth of shipping, the world shipping industry has found itself in a changed environment. In these contexts, this study has the purpose to guide and lead the Korean cargo reservation system by examining characters of the cargo reservation system of major nations. Korean cargo reservation systems are as the following: First, to facilitate the cargo reservation system, it is needed to revise the cargo reservation law concerned. Second, to maximize the efficency of the cargo reservation system, the new cargo reservation law should be provided. And in order to facilitate the cargo reservation system, domestic shipping companies have to contribute greatly to the cargo reservation system.

      • KCI우수등재

        建築物 構成部材의 材料特性에 따른 2次元 熱傳導解析 硏究

        추연희,김화중 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        Thermal Analysis with material characteristics is a part of performance based design for fire-resistance and is base of structural response for elements in buildings. To predict thermal response of elements in buildings, we developed the 2D Thermal Conduction Analysis System for the constitutive elements with C language in this study. Also, the tool for thermal analysis is constructed to be able to do the multi-tasking e.g treating input & output data, and running program for the user's convenience with visual basic 6.0. To prove the correctness of the result through the numerical analysis, we took the thermal analysis data from the surface of steel exposed to the high temperature over 800℃ in reference and we ran the TCA program under the same conditions of data in reference. Also we verified the applications of Thermal Analysis System to many kinds of materials e.g., brick, CFT, concrete elements.

      • KCI등재

        <시각행위>명칭 분절구조 연구(1) : <대상>을 중심으로

        김연심 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2001 한국학연구 Vol.14 No.-

        The main expression of a study on the word field nouns 〈sigak(seeing act)〉is a substructure that is characterized as 〈daesang(object)〉. Some words that related to this characteristics are (Ⅰ)〈look〉 and 〈see〉- archilexem, and (2)[견:見], [관:觀], [람:覽], [시:視], [찰:察]- Chinese characters. From those above investigations, word field nouns expressing 〈sigak〉can be summurized as below. ⑴ The word field nouns expressing 〈sigak〉is characterized as 〈animated〉and 〈non - animated〉. ⑵ 〈animated〉is structurized by 〈act〉and 〈body〉. ⑶ 〈act〉is structurized by 〈performance〉and〈play〉, 〈body〉is structurized by〈inside〉and 〈outside〉, 〈ouside〉is structurized by 〈patient〉and 〈others〉. And then there are structurized by 〈body〉and〈face〉. ⑷ 〈non - animated〉is structurized by 〈nature〉and 〈artificial〉, but occationaly it is related to the substructure 〈nature+artificial〉.

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