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        빗물 재활용을 위한 하이브리드 우수처리장치 개발 및 평가에 관한 연구

        정연태,이정재 대한건축학회지회연합회 2017 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.19 No.5

        본 연구의목적은 빗물이용시설의 활성화와 용도별 재이용수의 수질향상을 위한 하이브리드 우수처리장치를 개발하고자 수처리 시설에 사용되는 필터의 최적 조합을 제안하고 그 성능을 정량적으로 검토하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 보다 높은 수준의 수질 확보를 위하여 HAP (Hydroxyapatite 이하 HAP)과 황토, 활성탄 카본 필터의 장점을 접목한 융복합 소재의 하이브리드 우수처리장치를 제안하고 그 성능을 실험적으로 검토하였다. 양질의 수질을 얻기 위해 PE 파이프 내부에 활성탄, 황토, HAP의 3단계로 구성한 필터를 제작하여 수질검사를 실시한 결과, 일반세균이 전부 제거가 되었고 탁도의 경우 0.12로 음용수 기준을 만족하게 되었다. 또한 필터를 통과하는 과정에서 암모니아, 디클로로메탄, pH, 염소이온, 망간, 황산이온이 소량 증가하거나 검출되었지만 모두 음용수질을 만족하는 검사결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 제안된 하이브리드 우수처리장치를 통해 빗물이용시설에서 양질의 수질을 제공하여 빗물이용의 활용범위를 확대할 수 있을 것이며, 필터 교체를 용이하게 할 수 있어 시설의 유지관리측면에서도 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The purpose of this study is to propose an optimal combination of filters used in rainwater treatment facilities and to quantitatively evaluate the performance of hybrid rainwater treatment systems for the activation of rainwater utilization facilities and the improvement of water quality of reusable water for each use. In this study, we have experimentally investigated the performance of Hybrid Waste Treatment System of Fusion Composite which combines the advantages of HAP (Hydroxyapatite below HAP), ocher soil, and activated carbon filter for higher quality water quality. In order to obtain good quality water, a filter composed of activated carbon, ocher soil and HAP was produced inside the PE pipe, and a water quality test was carried out. As a result, Total colony was removed and the turbidity was 0.12, which satisfied the drinking water standard. Ammonia, dichloromethane, pH, chlorine ion, manganese, and sulfate ion were slightly increased or detected during the passage through the filter, but all satisfied the drinking water quality. By using the hybrid rainwater treatment system proposed in this study, it will be possible to expand the application range of rain water by providing high quality water, The replacement of the filter is easy, which will help maintenance of the facility.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 전립선비대증의 경요도전립선절제술에서 출혈에 영향을 미치는 인자

        정연태,류현열,장태호 고신대학교 의학부 2000 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.15 No.1

        Background Endoscopic resection of the prostate has conferred considerable advantages on patients requiring prostatic surgery. Prostatectomy is probably the most common major urologic operation performed in most hospitals. However, because the patients are elderly and often have a concurrent respiratory or cardiovascular disease, a small but significant mortality and morbidity still exist. This study was performed to evaluate the factors influencing blood loss during transurethral prostatic surgery. Methods All prostatectomies were audited prospectively, recording the pre-and post-operative hemoglobin concentrations, blood transfusions and the variable factors influencing blood loss. The initial statistical test used for the correlations with blood loss was the primary regression equation followed by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results The peri-operative blood loss, as assessed by various indicators was equivalent to a decrease in humoglobin concentration of 1.2g/㎗. The weight of the resected prostatic tissue was one of the most important factors measured in determining blood loss. The resection time also influenced the blood loss. Other factors did not influence blood loss. The overall transfusion rate was 2% of all patient. Conclusions The cause of blood loss associated with transurethral resection of prostate(TURP) is multifactoral and it is impossible to measure the effect of a single factor while controlling all the others. We suggest that the weight of the resected prostatic tissue is clearly one of the most important factors and that the assessment of this factor helps in anticipating blood loss. Epidural anesthesia is associated with less blood but its advantage is overshadowed in practice by the weight of the resected tissue.

      • KCI등재

        영남지역(嶺南地域)에 분포(分布)된 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)의 특성(特性)과 생성연구(生成硏究) -제(第)5보(報) : 토양생성(土壤生成)과 분류(分類)

        정연태,Jung, Yeun-Tae 한국토양비료학회 1986 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        영남지역(嶺南地域)에 분포(分布)된 식질(埴質) 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)의 특성(特性)과 생성(生成)을 구명(究明)하기 위하여 영천(永川)(내륙(內陸))과 영일(迎日)(해안(海岸))지역(地域)에서 대표적(代表的)인 연접단구군(連接段丘群)을 각각(各各) 선정(選定)하여 본(本) 연구(硏究)를 수행(遂行)하고 기보(旣報)한 형태적특성(形態的特性)과 단면발달도(斷面發達度), 이화학적특성(理化學的特性), 광물학적특성(鑛物學的特性), 미세형태학적(微細形態學的) 특징(特徵) 등(等)을 토태(土台)로 본보(本報)에서는 토양생성(土壤生成)을 밝히고 합리적(合理的)인 토양분류(土壤分類)를 시도(試圖)하였다. 1. 조사지역(調査地域)의 기상조건(氣象條件)은 연평균기온(年平均氣溫)이 $12.3{\sim}13.2^{\circ}C$, 온량지수(溫量指數)는 101.8~107.1, 강수량(降水量)은 년(年) 1,029.6~1,084.2mm, T-E지수(指數) 67.0~71.5, P-E지수(指數) 73.5~77.8 등(等)으로서 내륙(內陸)보다 해안지역(海岸地域)이 약간 높았으며 양지역(兩地域) 공(共)히 "Mesic" 지온권(地溫圈)에 속하였고 Thornthwaite의 토양기후도(土壤氣候圖)에 의하면 "적색(赤色) 또는 황색토지대(黃色土地帶)"에 속하였다. 2. 식질(埴質) 단구지토양(段丘地土壤)들은 모두 Argillic B층(層)을 가진 성숙토(成熟土)이었으며 영일지역(迎日地域)의 우평통(牛坪統)은 II B층에도 "Argillans"이 생성(生成)되어 있는 "Paleo-argillic" 토층(土層) 함유토양(含有土壤)이었다. 3. 단구퇴적물(段丘堆積物)의 생성년대(生成年代)를 추정(推定)하기 위하여 "Bisequum" 단면(斷面)인 영천지역(永川地域)의 반천통(盤泉統)과 영일지역(迎日地域)의 우평통(牛坪統) 기층(基層)을 조사(調査)하여 본 결과(結果), 이들은 중생대(中生代) 혈암잔적(頁岩殘積) 또는 제(第)3기층(紀層)이었으므로 단구퇴적물(段丘堆積物)은 제(第)4기고층(紀古層)인 홍적층(洪積層)인 것으로 추정(推定)되었다. 4. 현재(現在) 널리 쓰여지고 있는 미농무성(美農務省)은 신토양분류법(新土壤分類法)과 F. A. O법(法)에 미비(未備)된 답토양(畓土壤)의 분류기준(分類基準)을 보완(補完)코자 단면(斷面)의 적색도(赤色度)를 적용(適用)하여 인위적(人爲的) 관개(灌漑)에 따른 표층회색화(表層灰色化) 토양(土壤)인 덕평통(德坪統)과 화동통(華東統)을 Anthr-epiaquic Hapludalfs(미농무성법(美農務省法)), Anthr-epigleyic Acrisols(F. A. O. 법(法))로 분류단위(分類單位)를 신설(新設)하여 자연적(自然的) 지하수(地下水)에 의하여 심토(心土)가 회색화(灰色化) 된 우평통(牛坪統)(Aquic Hapludalfs 및 Gleyic Acrisols)으로부터 세분(細分)하고, 관개(灌漑)와 지하수(地下水) 양자(兩者)에 의하여 단면(斷面)의 대부분(大部分)이 회색화(灰色化)된 극락통(極樂統)은 Anthr-aquic Ochraqualfs(미농무성법(美農務省法)) 및 Anthr-tyicgleyic Acrisols(F. A. O. 법(法))으로 한 단위(單位) 높은 수준(水準)에서부터 구분(區分)하여 인공숙답(人工熟畓)임을 명시(明示)해 줄 것을 제안(提案)하였다. 한편 회색(灰色) 반문(班紋)이 전혀없는 반천통(盤泉統)은 미농무성법(美農務省法)의 Typlc Hapludalfs, F. A. O법(法)의 Orthic Acrisols 이었다. A series of studies on the properties of clayey terrace soils distributed at the inland (Yeongcheon) and coastal (Yeongjil) regions in Yeongnam district was carried out. On the base of the facts found and already reported about the macro morphological features as well as on pedological characters in micro scale, physicochemical properties, mineralogical characteristics etc., the present study dealt with soil genesis and tried to classify the soils for reasonable use and managements. 1. Although the both regions belonged to "Mesic" soil temperature regime and "red and yellow earths" areas of "Thornthwaite" pedo-climatic diagram, climatic indices as a soil forming factor indicate that the coastal Yeongil had milder than the inland Yeongcheon. 2. All the terrace soils had developed soil profiles with an "Argrllic B". Upyeong soils in Yeongil region had "Argillans" even in the "II B horizons" that possibly be "Paleo-argillic". 3. The bisequum profiles of Bancheon in Yeongcheon and Upyeong in Yeongil revealed that they were developed on Late Mesozoic shale and on semiconsolidated Tertiary deposits respectively, therefore the overlying clayey terrace deposits were assumed to be originated from the Early Quaternary deposits, Diluvium. 4. To supplement the Soil Taxonomy of USDA, the terrace soils with different degrees of gleyzation were classified as follows; Deogpyeong and Hwadong soils which have less than 50cm of paddified gley horizons (redness less than 0.5) in the upper part of the profiles by artificial surface irrigation, tentatively classified into "Anthrepiaquic Hapludalfs" and the Geugrag soils that have more than 50cm of paddified gley horizons within 1.2m of the profiles, into "Anthr-aquic Ochraqualfs" while the Upyeong soils that had greyish mottles in subsoils by natural ground water remain as an "Aquic Hapludalfs" the same as present. The Bancheon soils with free mottles are into "Typic Hapludalfs" as used at present.

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