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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신장이식 마취 5 예의 경험

        정운혁,이상춘,박숙자,이병시,김성년,진수남 대한마취과학회 1970 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.3 No.1

        This is a report of anesthesia for five cases of renal transplantation which was performed be tween February 1969 and August 1969 at St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Medical College, Seoul, Korea. General of renal insufficiency of the operated cases were described. Operative technique were unilateral nephrectomy for three cases and bilateral nechprectomy with splenectomy for 2 cases ; Anesthesia was induced with epontol (propanidid) 250mgs i.v. and 4% halothane-oxygen and maintained with 1% halotbane-oxygen which was supplemented by nitrous oxide occasionally. 6% dextrose and lactated-Ringer's solution were infused. For transfusion, whole bleod was given to replace the operative blood loss. Dextran was also used to maintain adequate blood volume. Shortly before anastomosis of renal and femoral vessels, patients were haparinized. Fluids and electrolytes balance were studied pre-and post-operatively. Preoperatively, uremia and hyperpotassemia was corrected by several hemodyalysis. Urinary output after surgery showed a marked degree of diuresis up to 1800 ml/hr until second post-operative day. The special concern of anesthesia for kidney transplantation were: 1. Patients were suffering from severe uremia and metabolic disterbances. 2. Acidosis and hyperpotassemia should be corrected before surgery by hemo-or peritoneal dialysis. 3. Immunosuppressive agents made the patient less resistant to infection. 4. Anemia and hydrops was difficult to be corrected before surgery. 5. Muscle relaxants of choice were depolarizing agents, because of impaired renal excretion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Dodeyl diamino thyi glycin hydrochloride(Hygien 51)의 각종항산균에 대한 항균작용에 관한 시험관내 실험

        황청자,진재신,김주덕,오흥근 대한마취과학회 1970 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.3 No.1

        In order to prevent cross-infection, the sterilization of used and/or contaminated anesthetic- apparatus is still a difficult problem in clinical practice, particularly, following anesthesia for known advanced pulmonary tuberculosis cases. Therefore the antibacterisl activities of, an amphoteric detergent, Dodecyl diaminoethyl glycin hydrochloride (Hygien 51) were tested in vitro as a disinfectant against mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis H37 Rv, M. bovis, M. avium, M. tuberculosis H37 Ra, M. phlei, B.C.G.) The antimycobacterial activity tests were perfomed according to the modified Kolmer method. The testing organisms were cultured in Dubos broth at 37°C, and the detergent, Hygien 51, was: diluted with sterile distilled water to 1,3,5 and 10%. One half milliliter of culture was pipetted into each tube containing 4.5 ml of diluted detergent, and at intervals of 3, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes, a 4mm loopful of the material was removed from each tube, and transferred to Ogawa media. The tests were carrid out at two different temperatures, 20°C and 50°C. The subcultures were incubated at 37°C for more than 8 weeks. The results were obtained as follows: 1) At room temperature (20°C), all mycobateria, except M. bovis, were destroyed by treatment- with 10% solution of the detergent for more than 60 minutes. M. bovis was relatively sensitive to the detergent, and was killed by 5% solution for 30 min. and 10% for 15 min., but M. avium. was very resistant, and was not killed by 10% solution for 240 min. 2) By treatment with the detergent at 50°C, the antimycobacterial activities of the detergent were highly increased. All mycobacteria were destroyed by 1% solution for 180 min, and by 10% for less than 30 min at 50°C. In the comparison of the antibacterial activities against mycobacteria and other bacteria, it shows that mycobacteria are generally more resistant to the detergent, Hygien 51.

      • KCI등재

        晋州民亂에 對하여

        金鎭鳳(Kim Chin-bong) 백산학회 1970 白山學報 Vol.- No.8

        By the insurrection of Chin-ju is meant the peasant revolt that broke out in the Chin-ju(晋州) area of Kyong-sang Province an February 18, 1862 (the thirteenth year in the reign of King Cheol-jong 哲宗, the year of Im-sul 壬戌). This incident, outwardly, may look similar to those other popular uprisings that had taken place occasionally at various localities throughout the first half of the 19th century, but was, inwardly, quite different from them all. By the time of this Chin-ju insurrection things had changed: a revolt could no longer be local but nation-wide, and the situations far more serious and urgent. When the latter half of the 19th century began, agrarian communities of Korea were in chaotic confusion and, as the state treasury kept dwindling, the rural economy was faced with an imminent bankruptcy. Regardless of these critical circumstances, however, the officials in the Chinㆍju area, including Paek Nak-sin(白樂莘), Commandant of South Kyong-sang Province, kept themselvese busy merely filling their private pockets by means of relentless exploitation of the rural populations. They even attempted forcefully to call in at once all the loans of crops, totaling no less than over 52,000 seog(石), under the names of Tong-hwan (統還) and Togyeol (都結), which loans having been no other than an accretion of continued exploitations of the people by successive officials. This attempt at forceful collection touched off an explosion of popular resentment. Yu Gye-chun (柳繼春), the leader of this uprising, sprang up on this occassion to give vent to the furies of the people. He had been a luckless vagrant, but he succeeded in stirring up a revolt of tens of thousands of people, by means of drawing up fool-proof plans before-hand in consultation with a handful of sympathizers. On the second day of their uprising the agrarian insurgents attained their end at one leap, having the tonghwan and Togyeol both abolished. But not entirely satisfied at this success, they now moved by force of circumstances once they had started fights, giving vent to their long-suppressed resentment against those officials, yang-ban (the nobility), and the rich by way murder, incendiarism, and pillage. This insurrection lasted for six days, and during this period four officials were killed and scores were injured. In a total of 23 myeon (rural townships), 126 houses were either burned or damaged and 118 families were looted of money, crops, or other forms of property, these property losses amounting to nearly a hundred thousand yang silver in terms of money. This insurrection came to cease as the insurgents disbanded of themselves on the 23rd of the month. But the royal court in Seoul hurriedly despatched an ‘an-haek-sa’(按覈使-troubleshooter) and replaced the provincial magistrate with another in order to restore order in the area. The an-haek-sa and new magistrate from Seoul tried to remove or correct a variety of social evils, in compliance with the instructions from the central government, but they at the same time arrested and punished the trespassers. Of the insurgents, ten were executed (heads cut off and exposed to the public), 19 banished, 42 clubbed, and 15 others put to other sorts of punishment, while of the officilals eight were banished, five clubbed, four removed from office and five put to other sorts of punishment. After March of the same year popular revolts broke out all over the country, the number of vicitimized areas totaling no less than 34. Thus, the insurrection of Chin-ju has a particular significance in that it served as the motive power behind the popular revolt of the year of Im-sul a gigantic popular movement of historical import.

      • KCI등재

        Case studies in EFL Reading

        Chin,Cheongsook 한국영어어문교육학회 2009 영어어문교육 Vol.15 No.4

        This case study aimed to explore proficient EFL readers' perceptions and experiences about reading tasks and how those perceptions and experiences influence their reading processing behaviors, and to examine how the cultural background of a text affects their reading strategies and comprehension Three college students who were non-English majors participated in this study Three data sources were employed questionnaires, interviews, and think-alouds The results showed that (1) the participants emphasized comprehension as the goal of reading and considered themselves good EFL readers, (2) their reading purposes were closely associated with personal pursuits, (3) they preferred to read materials that deal with areas of interest but did not try to take a risk in terms of level of difficulty and/or length, (4) they implemented a multistrategic approach to reading in that the majority of their strategy use was in conjunction with their concern about meaning construction, (5) they were able to develop useful understandings of unknown vocabulary, and (6) their clear awareness of the cultural background presupposed in the text helped them invoke prior knowledge and reduce unknown vocabulary hindrances which contributed to comprehension Pedagogical implications for EFL reading instruction are provided

      • Estimating Recreational Benefits and Environmental Effects for the Amenities of Flowers Industry

        Chin,Huang Huang 한국문화관광학회 2010 문화관광연구 Vol.12 No.2

        Tien-Wei highway garden is the biggest cultivated land area for flowers (30.27%, in 2007) in Taiwan, which provided both public goods and positive externalities, such as the amenity value of the landscape, biological diversity, cultural heritage, rural lifestyle and economic activity contributing social welfares to rural economy. The amenity of flower industry attracts many tourists and generates recreational benefits, which cannot be assessed by market price directly. This research adopts the nonmarket goods valuation method, travel cost method (TCM), to measure the benefits from tourists’ demand function. In addition, the environmental quality will influence the tourist’s decision to choose the recreation site, which is also an important determinant of demand function and will be introduced into demand model. The empirical results of this research demonstrate that the average consumer surplus (CS) for demand model containing quality variables is NT$7,770. The average consumer surplus without containing quality variables in the demand model is NT$7,741, and the average benefits of environmental quality for tourist is NT29.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        홍당무 모자이크바이라스에 관한 연구

        김은수(Woon Soo Kim),최예진(Yae Chin Choi) 한국식물학회 1963 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.6 No.2

        KIM, Woon Soo* & CHOI, Yae Chin**(University of Ill., U.S.A.* & Chunchon Agricultural Coll.**) Studies on the viruses of radish mosaic. Kor. Jour. Bot. VI (2):9-21, 1963. A mosaic diseased radish collected from the suburb of Seoul, in November, 1961 was used for studing the host range, physical properties, purification, insect transmission, and electron microscopy. A Japanese strain of raddish mosraic (RPV) was also used with Korean strain of radish mosaic (KRMV) for a comparative study. The two viruses, KRMA and RPV, were identified by the difference in host range, insect transmission and electron microscopy. The KRMA was severely infective on tobacco and Nicotiana glutinosa, while on Gomphrena globosa was immune to the virus. RPV produces necrotic local lesions on Comphrena globosa but did not infect tobacco and N. glutinosa. Among varieties of radish, Seoul, Akamaroo, Akanagea, Koong-Joong showed more severe symptoms than Simoo, Minong, Paek-soo, which appeared to be fainly resistant. In a number of tests, it was found that the virus KRMA retained its infectivity until to a dilution of 1:2,000, heating at 58˚C for 10 minutes, and aging in vitro for 7 days at room temperature. The RPV was not inactivated until it was diluted to 1:2,000, heated to 56。C, and aged for 6days. The KRMV was readily transmitted by the aphid (Myzus persicae Sulz). The virus RPV was not transmitted by the aphid in a number of tests. Partialy purified viruses using ammonium acetate buffer, salting-out by ammonium sulfate and centrifugation of high and low speed were highly infective. Electron micrographs showed that the KRMV paticles are of spherical particles whereas the RPV particles are rod-shaped.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        저용량의 Potassium Iodide로 치료한 스포로트리쿰증 4예

        박기섭(Ghi Seob Lim),김명남(Myeung Nam Kim),이선화(Sun Wha Lee),노병인(Byung In Ro),장진효(Chin Yo Chang) 대한피부과학회 1985 대한피부과학회지 Vol.23 No.6

        We experienced four cases of sporotrichosis including three lymphocutaneous type and one fixed cutaueous type. Case 1 was a 6-year old child, affected over the right chin. Case 2 was a 31-year old housewife, affected over the right forearm, Case 3 was a 53-year old housewife, affected over the right forearm and dorsum of right hand. Case 4 was a 19-year old student, affected over the left forearm. Histopathologically, chronic granulomatous inflammation with the neutrophilic ivfiltration and/or central suppuration were observed. Mycologically, typical colonies with moist, wrinkled and rnembraneous surface were cultured except in case 3. All patients were completly cured by oral administration of low dosage of potassium iodide(63. R-lllg) in a short period (50~86 days).

      • 지역포괄 일본형 CCRC 정책 및 사례 연구 - System, Yuimaru-Nasu 중심으로

        니시야마치나 ( Nishiyama¸ China ) 강원대학교 강원문화연구소 2020 강원문화연구 Vol.42 No.-

        미국형 CCRC의 개념을 바탕으로 일본에서는 2015년부터 일본형 CCRC “생애활약지역” 구상(構想)을 통해 적극적으로 추진하고 있는 중이다. 이것은 저출산·고령화 사회 현상의 하나로 수도권 중심으로 집중되는 것을 막기 위함이다. 또한 고령자에게는 지역활동을 통해 다세대와의 교류로 건강한 상태를 유지하며, 적극적인 주체가 되는 존재감을 부여하기도 한다. 대표적인 예로 ‘유이마루나스’가 있다. 일본형 CCRC는 국가, 지자체, 사업 주체 등 사업추진별로 진행되고 있어 역할 분담을 수행하고 있다. 정부는 “생애활약지역” 정책에 힘을 더함으로써 고령자에게 주거이주에 대한 선택을 증가시키고, 이주목적으로만 주목 할 것이 아니라 지역포괄적 케어도 병행되어야 한다는 것이다. 이러한 요건들이 바로 ‘지방살리기(지방재생)’에 연결되는 가능성을 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. Based on the concept of the American CCRC, Japan has been actively pursuing the Japanese CCRC "Town of Lifelong Success" initiative since 2015. This is a policy aimed at preventing the concentration of low birth rates, aging society, and the focus on the metropolitan area. In addition, the elderly are allowed to maintain a healthy state through exchanges with multi- generations through regional activities and to become active players. A typical example is 'Yuimaru-Nasu.' The Japanese-type CCRC is divided into roles for each project stake holders, including the nation, local governments, and project subjects. The government has added strength to its "Town of Lifelong Success policy“, allowing the elderly to make choices for residential migration, and through this policy, not only functions only for migration purposes but also for regional comprehensive care. These requirements have the potential to be linked directly to "Regional Revitalization."

      • KCI등재후보

        Development and Psychometric Validation of a Semantic Differential Measure of Character Strengths in a Sample of Singaporean University Students

        Chin-Chin Chou,John Keegan,Nicole Ditchman,Fong Chan,Kanako Iwanaga,Cahit Kaya,Kevin Bengtson,Mayu Fujikawa,Soo-Yin Tan 한국상담학회 2021 Journal of Asia Pacific counseling Vol.11 No.1

        Positive psychology emerged as a movement in professional psychology that emphasizes the positive psychological aspects of the individual instead of focusing on diagnosis and psychopathology. Peterson and Seligman (2004) developed and validated the 240-item Virtues in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) to assess character strengths and virtues that enable optimal human thriving. However, VIA-IS is often considered too long for use by clinicians in their private practices, as well as for researchers interested in conducting positive psychology research. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a 24-item Values in Action Semantic Differential Scale (VIA-SDS) in a sample of 231 Singaporean university students. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 4-factor measurement structure (Humanity, Optimism, Leadership, and Creativity) with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranging from .67 to .88. Three of the four latent variables were positively associated with happiness and negatively related to perceived stress and depression. These findings support the validity of the VIA-SDS for use as a brief clinical assessment instrument by clinicians and researchers to assess character strengths.

      • KCI등재

        Acupuncture Treatment in Feline Horner’s Syndrome: Case Report

        Chin-yuan Hsu,Chin-ling Hsu,Chin-hwang Hsu,Jim-cai Liao,Hao-jen Chueh,Han-wen Cheng,Hyung-kyou Jun,Duck-hwan Kim 한국임상수의학회 2007 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        A about 2-month- old, mixed female cat was refered to Yeon Chang Veterinary Clinic in Taiwan. Becausethis patient was wandering cat, precise history was not known. At first admision, miosis, ptosis and protrusion of the nictitating membrane was observed in the right sided eye, and also slight miosis was found in the left sided eye. The patient was diagnosed into feline HS. Oculo-AP and injection-AP with dexamethasone were applied to this patient. minutes. In addition, injection-AP with dexamethasone (0.2 ml/acupoint) at BL01-Jing Ming, BL02-Zan Zhu and ST01-Cheng Qi. After AP treatment, prolapse of the nictitating membrane was amazingly disapeared and pupil was dilatated at sesion 1. Ocular findings at sesion 2 (one day after sesion 1) were maintained with nearly normal state. Accordingly, the present patient was a case with feline HS that showed favorable therapeutic effect by AP treatment.

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