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        ( Tomiyama Noritaka ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.59

        本稿は、前稿に引き續いて、戰後日本を代表する歷史學者·思想家である上原專祿(1899~1975)の國民敎育論を論じるものである。上原は國民敎育硏究所に關わっていた1957~64年にかけて、「國民づくり」と「民族獨立」の敎育論を展開した。その基本的構成は、民族獨立の問題を中心とする「歷史的·政治的問題情況」という課題認識をもとに、「國民敎育」という言葉に敎育理念、目的論と目標論、敎育內容論、敎育方法論を凝集させたものであった。 1960年以降、日米安保體制と經濟の高度成長の時代のなかで、上原は敎育內容論·方法論について新たな議論を試みるとともに、國民の主體性形成と〈地域の地方化〉批判などを軸とする地域論·世界史認識論を繰り廣げた。その姿勢は歷史意識に立った主體的認識を重視し、アジア·アフリカ·ラテンアメリカとの連帶を目指すものであった。この議論のなかで、〈方法としての地域〉や〈價値としての地域〉といった觀点や、敎育·學問の權利についての議論を行った。ただし、上原の國民敎育論は、「地域と敎育」論と評價できる內容を有してはいなかった。 I attempt to reveal the structure and the characteristics of UEHARA Senroku’s education theory from 1957 to 1964. He is famous as a historian and thinker in postwar Japan. After 1957, UEHARA developed his theory of national education and national independence. He constructed his idea, aims, objectives, contents and methods of education from the perspective of “national education” in order to deal with the circumstances of historical and political issues concerning the problem of national independence. After 1960, the age of the system of the military alliance between the United States and Japan and the rapid growth of the Japanese economy, he discussed the community and the epistemology of world history, especially he criticized a dependent relationship between the national government and local communities and he argued that all Japanese people should establish their independence. He emphasized the importance of the self-knowledge which is based on an understanding of history. He urged the solidarity with the Asian, the African and the Latin American. These arguments included other topics: the perspective of “community” as the framework of understanding Japan and the world, “community” as the source of value system and the rights of education and studies.

      • KCI등재

        기억이라는 문제, 혹은 사회의 미결성(openness)에 관하여

        부산일랑(Tomiyama Ichiro),박수경(번역자) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2010 로컬리티 인문학 Vol.0 No.3

        사회가 어떠한 상흔을 몰래 감추며 성장하고 있다고 한다면, 그 상흔을 드러내게 하는 것은 기존의 사회가 아직도 결정되어 있지 않은 형태로 드러나는 것을 의미한다. 본고에서는 이 문제를 사회의 미결성으로 생각하고, 로컬리티라고 하는 개념을 도입하여 이론적인 검토를 행하였다. 다음으로, 이러한 미결성으로 오키나와의 전후사(戰後史)를 검토했다. 여기에서의 요점은 주권적 존재라는 것에 있으며, 미결성을 억압하고 결정하는 권력으로서 국가주권이라는 것을 문제로 거론하였다. 1920년대 이후, 오키나와를 둘러싸고 등장한 구제와 진흥이라는 법제도 및 오키나와전(戰)의 기억이 미결성과 국가주권에 관련되는 구체적인 논점이 된다. 또한 이러한 검토로부터 국가내부에 속하는 하나의 현(縣)으로서 오키나와라는 로컬한 장소로부터 국가에 수렴하지 않는 미결성을 드러내는 일이야말로 〈로컬리티의 인문학〉이 해결해야 할 과제가 아닐까 생각한다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Eiko Tomiyama 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        In the research of global marketing so far, research on the arterial industry that manufactures products and supplies them to the market is mainstream, and empirical studies of downstream automobile distribution service companies and automobile recycling companies are inadequate. Research on global marketing by automobile recycling companies is increasingly required due to the growing global environmental problems and the demand for providing inexpensive high quality mobility. In this research, we will clarify the trajectory of internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in automobile recycling by using case of KaihoSangyo Co. exporting used parts to 85 countries including Africa. This company is a global advanced company of automobile recycling with headquarters in Kanazawa. He received a variety of outside awards including SDGs business awards. KaohoSangyo's automobile recycling overseas development project is an effort to combine commercial success and sustainable development. The company has established a system to export second-hand used parts of used cars in Japan to developing countries, to visualize quality, to buy and sell. In addition, we are building a system that is beneficial and necessary for emerging countries, such as nurturing overseas buyers' talent, constructing second-hand parts procurement systems in Japan, building overseas second-hand car auction systems. As a result, shortage of mobility in developing countries has been resolved through realization of low price, realizing the reuse of used parts in Japan in emerging and developing countries.

      • KCI등재

        공적 지식인과 연결을 위한 지(知) * - 생성의 과정을 공유한다는 것 -

        토미야마 이치로(Tomiyama Ichiro) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2011 동방학지 Vol.156 No.-

        오늘날 일본의 대학은 글로벌 시장의 힘에 노출되어 있다. 더군다나 이러한 상황은 전 세계 모든 대학에 공통적인 것이다. 이 글에선 대학이 점유하고 있는 지식을 신자유주의라는 맥락 속에서 다루면서 다음 두 가지 점을 강조 하고자 한다. 첫째, 대학이 점유하고 재생산하는 자본과 지식의 관계에 초점을 맞출 것이다. 대학이 보유하는 지식이 시장에더 심각하게 노출된 것은 확실하다. 그러나 이 관계를 분석하면서 자본을 위한 지식의 유용함이나 영향에 대해 설명하는 것만으로는 불충분하다. 오늘날 상황은 빠르게 발전해서, 지식 자체가 금융자본의 상품이자 생산물이 되고 있다. 다른 말로 하면, 문제는 지식이 회사가 상품을 생산하기 위한 도구나 고정자본으로서 유용한 것이 아니 라, 지식 자체가 하나의 상품이 되고, 따라서 대학이 상품을 생산하는 장소로 변모한다는 데에 있다. 지식과 자본의 관계가 새로운 단계로 발전하고 있는 것이다. 이와 같은 상황에서, 새로운 금융 시스템이 빠르게 구축되고 있고, 공적이어야 할 지식은 이 금융 시스템 속에서 단순한 사적 소유의 상태를 넘어서 금융상품이 되거나 이익을 위해 대부된다. 둘째는 학생들에 관한 문제이다. 이제 대학과 노동시장 간의 관계는 무너 졌다. 학생에서 사회구성원인 노동자로 바뀌는 이른바 삶의 경로는 제한되 고, 젊은이들은 불안정한 노동시장에 종사하게 된다. 말하자면, 노동시장 자 체가 임시직의 확대라는 조건 아래 불안정해졌다. 젊은이들의 일자리 상황은 졸업생들을 새로운 노동자로 안정 적으로 고용하는 것이 아니라 단기간의 신속한 고용과 해고라는 상황이다. 불안정한 노동은 단지 노동시장의 불안정성만 아니라 삶의 불안까지 의미 한다. 여기서 다음 질문이 제기되지 않을 수 없다. 공적 지식이나 대학교육이 젊은이들 개개인이 짊어지고 있는 불안정성과 불안에 대해 어떻게 관련되 어야 할 것인가? 이것이 신자유주의라는 맥락에서 공적 지식을 다룰 때 주목 해야 할 두 번째 논점이다. 그러니까 이 논문의 목적은 일본의 맥락에서 자본에 포섭된 대학을 비판 하고, 개개인의 삶에 바탕을 둔 지식을 살펴보는 데 있다. Today, universities throughout the world are exposed to the power of the global market. In focusing on the education provided by universities and to consider it in the context of neo-liberalism, two points must be emphasized: First of all, attention should be paid on the relationship between the capital and knowledge that are possessed and reproduced by universities. To be sure, knowledge maintained by universities has been exposed to the market more severely. However, to analyze such a relationship, it is not enough to state the usefulness or effect of knowledge for capital. Knowledge, as such, is a product and a commodity on the horizon of financial capital. In other words, the problem is not that knowledge is something useful like an instrument or fixed capital for a company that produces commodities; instead, knowledge is a commodity and therefore the university becomes a production site of commodities. The author argues that the new state of affairs concerning knowledge and capital has been developing. In the case of the state, a new financial system has been constructed speedily, and knowledge, which should be public, is held as private property before becoming a financial commodity lent for interest in that system. The second point concerns the problem of students or postgraduates. The relationship between universities and the labor market has broken down. The so-called life course from a student to a worker as a member of society has been limited, and consequently young people are subsumed into an unstable labor market. That is to say, the labor market as such has become unstable under conditions of expansion of temporary jobs, and the circumstances as regards jobs of young people do not include the stable employment of graduates as new laborers but rather speedy and short-term employment and dismissal. This precarious labor leads not only to the unstableness of the labor market on the whole but also anxiety in individual lives. The question posed in this paper is: how does public knowledge or a university education concern the unstableness and anxiety bearing on young people personally? This is another point that deals with public knowledge in connection with neo-liberalism. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to criticize a university subsumed by capital and to consider knowledge based on each life in a Japanese context.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Emotion Detecting Method Based on Various Attributes of Human Voice

        MIYAJI Yutaka,TOMIYAMA Ken Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility 2005 감성과학 Vol.8 No.1

        This paper reports several emotion detecting methods based on various attributes of human voice. These methods have been developed at our Engineering Systems Laboratory. It is noted that, in all of the proposed methods, only prosodic information in voice is used for emotion recognition and semantic information in voice is not used. Different types of neural networks(NNs) are used for detection depending on the type of voice parameters. Earlier approaches separately used linear prediction coefficients(LPCs) and time series data of pitch but they were combined in later studies. The proposed methods are explained first and then evaluation experiments of individual methods and their performances in emotion detection are presented and compared.

      • 1985년 한국에서 발생한 Scrub Typhus 환자의 혈청진단 및 임상역학적 조사

        주용규,富山 哲雄,전성주,김민자,박승철,최경열,김연수,이호왕 대한감염학회 1988 감염 Vol.20 No.2

        Serological studies were performed on the 2,135 sera from the suspected Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome patients in 1985 and 64 scrub typhus patients were diagnosed serologically. Serotypes of etiologic agents, epidemiology and clinical features of the patients with scrub typhus were analyzed. The results were summarized as follows. 1) Among the 64 patients were infected with Rickettsia tsutsugamushi Karp type, 22 patients were infected with Gilliam type and only two patients were infected with Kato type. The remaining 16 patients had antibodies against more than two serotypes of R. tsutsugamush at the same time. 2) The regional occurrence of the patients showed that 33 patients occurred in Kyunggi province and the remaining patients were occurred in all over the Korea. 3) Fifty three of the 64 patients were female and 11 were male. More than a half of the patiens were in age groups of 50-70. 4) As the clinical features, most of the patients showed fever, chill, general weakness and myalgia however, abdominal pain, sputum and dyspnea were not uncommon. Clinical signs such as tachycardia, tachypnea, pharyngeal and conjunctival injection and abdominal tenderness were common but hepatomegaly, hypotension, rales, and edema were uncommon. 5) The laboratory findings showed frequently elevation of transaminase and abnormal chest X-ray, and leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia and abnormal urinary sedimetns were not uncommon. 6) Most of the patients showed one to three weeks of fever and then gradual improvement, but two were died of pulmonary edema. 7) Because most of the patients occurred in autumn, during the epidemic season of HFRS and leptospirosis, the differential serologic diagnosis among the diseases is absolutely demanded.

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