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S-507 Clinical aspects related with peritonitis and mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients
( Taeyeon Hwang ),( Jihyun Yang ),( Won-yong Cho ),( Sang-kyung Jo ),( Myung-gyu Kim ),( Young Ju Na ),( Sung Yoon Lim ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.1
Introduction: Peritonitis is still the most common complication in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD). It is one of the major causes for technical failure of PD. The purpose of this study is to reveal risk factors for PD related peritonitis and to analyze the various predictive risk factors for mortality.?Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of PD patient in Korea university anam hospital wherein total 640 patients were observed from March 2002 to March 2015. They were under PD at least 3 months and their medical records and laboratory findings were reviewed. This study was approved by Korea university institute of review board (ED 15124).?Results: Mean follow up period was 66.4 months, wherein 247 patient experienced peritonitis at least once. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression test were used and it was found that decreased residual renal function was considered as a risk factor for PD peritonitis (p=0.01, RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.31-0.88). Patients who experienced PD peritonitis more than once converted to hemodialysis more (17.1% vs 22.2%, p=0.02), received kidney transplantation less (18.7% vs 10%, p=0.02). Advanced dialysis initiation age (DIA) (p=0.03, RR 1.14, 95% CI 1.01-1.3) and low initial KT/V (p=0.03, RR=0.11, 95% CI 0.017-0.823) were considered as risk factors for relapsing or recurrent peritonitis. At the time of dialysis initiation, patients with advanced DIA (p=0.03, RR 1.14, CI 1.007-1.305), high CRP(p=0.019, RR 1.005, CI 1.001-1.009), high BMI(p=0.035, RR=1.067, CI 1.01-1.13), low albumin(p=0.001, RR 0.537, CI 0.37-0.78), high serum calcium level(p=0.004, RR 1.406, CI 1.12-1.77) were considered as significant mortality predictors in Cox-regression analysis.?Conclusions: Decreased residual renal function was a risk factor for PD peritonitis. Advanced DIA and low initial KT/V were risk factors for relapsing or recurrent peritonitis. At the time of dialysis initiation, old age, high BMI and high CRP, low albumin and high serum calcium were related to mortality in PD patients.
사회통합프로그램 개선방안에 대한 소고: 사회통합프로그램 관계자 의견에 대한 토픽모델링을 중심으로
황태연 ( Taeyeon Hwang ),정경락 ( Kyung Lak Jung ) 한국이민행정학회 2022 한국이민행정학회보 Vol.1 No.2
With the aim of suggesting a future direction, this study analyzed the opinions of instructors and officials on improvement plans for a social integration program, including measures to make it compulsory and chargeable. Specifically, topic modeling was conducted to clarify the opinions of 501 social integration program instructors and officials. This revealed eight topics on improvement measures (i.e., learning time and textbooks, instructor fees, charging, prior evaluation and automatic promotion, Korean culture and society, non-face-to-face classes, student convenience, and instructor treatment) and 10 topics on the positive effects of compulsory and charged services (i.e., improved education quality, dropout prevention, class attitude improvement, improved responsibility, learning motivation, improved active learning, strengthened Korean language skills, cultural conflict mitigation, adaptation to Korean society, and understanding Korean culture). On the other hand, fee-based and compulsory systems entailed several negative effects, including increased economic burdens, learning duplication, the impracticality of compulsory education, ignoring differences in learning needs among immigrants, and infringements of individual freedom. Despite the various positive effects of compulsory and charged fees, these results suggest that improvements should target effectiveness, accessibility, and equity, especially considering the burdens imposed on immigrants and side effects of compulsory law.
부패방지 전략의 집합행동 문제 - 청탁금지법의 실효성에 관한 연구 -
황태연 ( Taeyeon Hwang ),이명석 ( Myungsuk Lee ),조민효 ( Minhyo Cho ) 한국정책학회 2018 한국정책학회보 Vol.27 No.1
In this study, we attempted to analyze the effectiveness of the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act (ISGA) which was enforced in Korea since 2016. To provide a realistic analysis on whether the ISGA would effectively prevent public servants from committing corruption, we compared how the incentive structure of accepting a bribe changes prior to and after enforcement. However, in contrast to most extant studies, we modelled the situation using N-person game theory since corruption of public officials can be understood as a problem of collective action and the decision making process should incorporate how an individual's strategic situation changes relative to others' choices. We also used the analytic narratives method to overcome limitations inherent in game theory models as actual human behavior is not always consistent with rational choice theory. Results from the analyses indicate that the effectiveness of ISGA increases with the magnitude of the benefit-to-cost ratio (r) of rejecting a bribe, with the intensity of punishment (F), and with the probability of punishment (p), while it decreases with the amount of economic efficiency (E) gained by an individual public servant's integrity.
중국 국가감찰위원회 신설과 특징: 권위주의적 통제강화와 법·제도화의 딜레마
黃泰淵 ( Hwang Taeyeon ) 현대중국학회 2020 현대중국연구 Vol.22 No.3
China held the 13th National People’s Congress in March 2018 and passed a constitutional amendment. The most notable part of the constitutional amendment was the insertion of the “Chinese distinctive socialist ideology of the new era of Xi Jinping” and the deletion of the clause limiting the reappointment of presidents and vice presidents. In addition, what was noted was the creation of the “The State Committee of Supervisory of the People’s Republic of China” and the enactment of the “Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China.” Through this, Xi Jinping’s second term was characterized as authoritarianism centered on one man. Therefore, it is very important to reveal the characteristics of the State Committee of Supervisory as a newly established supervision and inspection mechanism. The State Committee of Supervisory is established to institutionalize the national inspection system and legislate the national governance system and management capacity for the purpose of legalizing anti-corruption projects. However, this resulted in the range expansion of the party’s management and control by unifying the functions of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. There appears to be inconsistent results in whether this will be understood as a principle of restricting their rights by expanding the scope of inspection in terms of rule by law and institutionalization, or as a genuine rule of law in terms of contributing to defining government authority and setting legal limits clearly through rule of law. After all, as the Chinese government argued, the newly established the State Committee of Supervisory and the Supervision Law have positive aspects of ensuring the rule of law and improving the government’s management capacities. However, it has a dilemma that further authoritarian control can be exerted with the expansion of central supervision.
황태연(Hwang, Taeyeon),김태종(Kim, Taejong) 한국정치정보학회 2021 정치정보연구 Vol.24 No.1
본 연구는 미국 트럼프 대통령의 등장 이후 미중 갈등이 심화되는 상황에서 뉴스 빅데이터를 활용해 한국 언론 보도에서 나타나는 미중 간 갈등의 주요 쟁점 및 갈등 상황의 변화, 그리고 그 특징에 대하여 분석하여, 향후 양국갈등의 방향성을 이해하고 정책적 대안을 모색하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 미국 트럼프 대통령의 공화당 대통령 후보 경선 시기(2016년 2월 1일)부터 2020년 대선에서 패배한 후 중국 외교부 대변인이 바이든 차기 대통령 당선자에게 공식 축하인사를 전한 날(11월 13일)까지 빅카인즈(BigKinds) 홈페이지에 나오는 주요 언론매체 총 13개에서 보도된 5,654건의 뉴스를 대상으로 토픽 모델링 분석 및 의미연결망 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과로 주요 시점을 기준으로 4개 시기로 구분하고 키워드 분포를 바탕으로 ‘의제(토픽)’를 분석하면 제1기는 트럼프 대통령 취임식 전까지 ‘트럼프 등장과 미중관계의 갈등 요소 증가’ 시기라고 할 수 있다. 제2기는 2017년 1월 20일(미국 트럼프 대통령 취임식)부터 2018년 3월 10일(중국 시진핑 주석 집권 2기 시작 전)까지 북핵・사드 등 ‘한반도 문제를 둘러싼 갈등과 경쟁 심화’로 역내 외교・안보 현안에서 갈등이 발생하고, 제3기는 미국 내에 코로나19 첫 확진자가 발생하기 전까지로 ‘무역전쟁 심화 및 전방위적 갈등 요소 확산’ 시기라 할 수 있다. 마지막 제4기는 2020년 1월 20일(미국 내 코로나19 첫 확진자 발생)부터 2020년 11월 13일(중국이 미국 바이든 대통령 당선자에게 공식적으로 축하 메시지 전함)까지로 ‘코로나19 확산 및 전략적 경쟁’의 특징이 나타난다. 결과적으로 미중 갈등은 한반도를 중심으로 북핵・사드 문제를 시작으로 무역분쟁으로 심화되었으며 다방면의 복합적 갈등으로 발전하여 코로나19 위기를 맞아 첨예한 전략적 패권경쟁이 가시화되었다. This study analyzes the major issues, changes, and characteristics of conflicts between the U.S. and China shown in Korean media, and seeks policy alternatives by understanding the direction of future conflicts between the two countries. This study utilizes big data from news articles during the U.S.-China conflict from the Republican presidential nomination of Trump (February 1, 2016) to the day when Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson officially congratulated Biden on his win in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. To this end, a topic modeling analysis was conducted on 5,654 news articles from a total of 13 major media outlets on the BigKinds website. As a result of the research, it is divided into four periods based on the main point of time, and "topic" is analyzed based on the distribution of keywords. The first term can be characterized to be a time of " Trump"s emergence and conflict escalation between the U.S. and China" before the inauguration of Trump. From January 20, 2017 (the inauguration of Trump) to March 10, 2018, major conflicts occurred in diplomatic and security issues during the period of "intensifying competition on the Korean Peninsula" such as North Korea"s nuclear weapons and THAAD. The third term is until the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States, which can be said to be a period of "deepening trade wars and spreading all-round conflict." The fourth term is characterized by “the spread of COVID-19 and strategic competition" from January 20, 2020 (the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States) to November 13, 2020 (China officially celebrated the election of Biden). As a result, the U.S.-China conflict began with North Korea"s nuclear weapons and THAAD issues around the Korean Peninsula, intensified trade disputes, and developed into a multi-faceted complex conflict, making hegemony competition visible in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
Hyun Jung Kim(Hyun Jung Kim),Taeyeon Hwang(Taeyeon Hwang) 한국영어평가학회 2022 영어평가 Vol.17 No.2
Washback has been of interest in the field of second and foreign language teaching as well as testing; indeed, it has been widely discussed as one of the key test qualities. While multifaceted aspects of washback have been proposed and examined, there still remain many more unanswered questions because washback should be evaluated in relation to a specific testing and teaching/learning situation. It is therefore worth reviewing prior research and identifying gaps in the literature to address future research on washback, especially in the Korean context. This article first reviews seminal theoretical contributions to the current understanding of washback. It then introduces prior empirical research on two test types: largescale testing and classroom/school-based assessments used in both international and Korean contexts. Whereas the washback effects of representative international large-scale tests have been widely examined worldwide, there have been a limited number of studies on washback involving large-scale and classroom assessments in the Korean context. The primary focus of prior research has been on the perceptions of teachers and learners, while empirical evidence in teaching and learning is still lacking. These comprehensive, critical reviews illustrate washback effects on a range of stakeholders at different stages of teaching and learning, which contribute to addressing the need for future research on washback.
( Taeyeon Kim ),( Dongheon Lee ),( Jong Yun Hwang ),( Sunghun Na ),( Tae Gyu Ahn ),( Hyang Ah Lee ) 대한산부인과학회 2018 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.104 No.-
Ovarian torsion in children is an uncommon cause of acute abdominal pain, but mandates early surgical management to prevent further adnexal damage. Its clinical presentation mimics other pathologies, such as acute gastroenteritis (AGE), acute appendicitis, so getting a correct diagnosis is quite difficult. This report described a huge ovarian cyst torsion with delayed diagnosis. A 11 year-old pre-menarchal girl presented to the Emergency Department with 1 day of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. She reported similar episodes over the previous 6 months. She visited pediatricians twice for abdominal pain episodes, and they considered her problem as the AGE every visit. Finally she visited us and we performed transabdominal ultrasound of the pelvis and it revealed her left ovarian mass measured 9.5 7.0 cm with heterogenous echogenic pattern. She immediately underwent a contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis, which revealed a large ovarian hemorrhagic cyst measured 80x100 mm and was predominantly occupying the whole mid and lower abdomen. Tumor markers such as CA125, CEA, -FP, HCG were within normal range. Based on these findings, we suspected the ovarian tumor and emergency surgery was performed. On laparoscopy, the right ovary and fallopian tube was shown as twisted 2 times 720 counterclockwise, and swollen with necrosis. If the correct diagnosis was gotten on time, her jeopardized ovary might be saved. However, ovarian torsion is easy to be neglected as a cause of abdominal pain in children. So, We should keep in mind that the ovarian torsion is an emergency disease and could occur even in children.
Placenta percreta causing rupture of an unscarred uterus at the first trimester of pregnancy
( Taeyeon Kim ),( Tae Gyu Ahn ),( Sunghun Na ),( Hyang Ah Lee ),( Jongyun Hwang ),( Dong Heon Lee ) 대한산부인과학회 2018 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.104 No.-
Placenta percreta detected in the first trimester is a very rare condition. It is a known obstetric condition leading to serious maternal morbidity and mortality. High index of clinical suspicion and anticipation of placenta percreta is highly essential in early pregnancy as it is difficult to diagnose. We report a case of placenta percreta-induced spontaneous uterine rupture at the 9th week of pregnancy in a primigravida woman.A 38-year-old pregnant woman was transferred to our hospital at 9+3 weeks of gestation complaining of abdominal pain. She was diagnosed with hemoperitoneum based on ultrasonography. As an emergency diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, a significant hemoperitoneum with active bleeding was confirmed to be caused by rupture between the right lower segment and borderline of the cervix in the anterior wall. Since difficulty of approach to uterine rupture site, conversion to laparotomy was done. Hemostasis with compression and primary repair was successfully performed to sustain the pregnancy, and the patient was discharged in 7days following surgery and she was delivered by cesarean section at 38 gestational week.
Nephrotoxicity due to Acyclovir in Chickenpox (Varicella) with pregnant woman
( Taeyeon Kim ),( Songyi Kook ),( Taegyu Ahn ),( Jongyun Hwang ),( Hyangah Lee ),( Dongheon Lee ),( Sunghun Na ) 대한산부인과학회 2018 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.104 No.-
Acyclovir is often used to treat herpesvirus infections, but can induce acute renal failure. Secondary acute renal failure associated with acyclovir is characterized by a rapid increase in serum creatinine (SCr) within 12-48 h after drug administration. Immediate detection of acute renal failure is important to prevent morbidity. We recently encountered a case of acyclovir-induced nephrotoxicity during chickenpox (varicella) infection in a pregnant woman. This is the first report detailing the diagnosis and successful treatment of acute kidney injury secondary to intravenous acyclovir in a pregnant woman during the second trimester.
Soonshin Hwang,Chooryung J. Chung,Yoon Jeong Choi,Taeyeon Kim,김경호 대한치과교정학회 2020 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.50 No.1
Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of cetirizine, a histamine 1 receptor antagonist, on bone remodeling after calvarial suture expansion. Methods: Sixty male Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups; the phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)-injected no expansion group, cetirizine-injected no expansion group, PBS-injected expansion group, and cetirizine-injected expansion group, and were observed at 7, 14, and 28 days. Five rats per group were examined at each observation day. Daily injections of cetirizine or PBS were administered to the relevant groups starting 2 weeks prior to expander insertion. A rapid expander was inserted in the calvarial bone to deliver 100 cN of force to the parietal suture. The specimens were prepared for hematoxylin and eosin and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining. Suture opening and bone regeneration were evaluated using microcomputed tomography and bone histomorphometric analysis. Serum blood levels of osteocalcin and carboxy-terminal collagen crosslinks (CTX) were also evaluated. Results: TRAP-positive cell counts and CTX levels decreased while osteocalcin levels increased in the cetirizine-injected expansion group at observation day 28. In the expansion groups, the mineralized area gradually increased throughout the observation period. At day 28, the cetirizine-injected expansion group showed greater bone volume density, greater mineralized area, and narrower average suture width than did the PBS-injected expansion group. Conclusions: Cetirizine injection facilitated bone formation after suture expansion, mostly by suppressing osteoclastic activity. Histamine 1 receptor antagonists may aid in bone formation after calvarial suture expansion in the rat model.