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      • 조영제CT영상에서 화소의 분포 비교를 통한 간의 자동 추출

        유승화,김원봉,성윤창,박종원 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.16 No.2

        In this proposed study, observing and analyzing contrast enhanced abdominal CT images, we segmented the liver automatically. Because each organ has a gray value range of its own and its different ratio, in this study, we segmented the organ from the noise part with this gray value portion. We computed the ratio of each gray value from the estimated gray value range. With the average value of mesh image, we distinguished the liver from the noise parts. We represented the organ with mesh images and made a template that is the rough outline of the organ. In the location searching process, that is to find the organs location, we traced not only the organ itself but also the separated organ. To represent the outline of the organ, we used the subtraction method from the binary image, so that even the tip of the organ could be represented minutely. With the proposed opening and closing methods in this paper, we reduced the runtime of the process in comparison with the existing algorithm.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Na 섭취제한,K 투여 및 이뇨 기간중 실혈성 Aldosterone 반응의 변동

        고주환,유용운,이장규,성호경,박귀원 대한핵의학회 1977 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.11 No.1

        고식염 섭취, Na 섭취제한, K 투여 및 이뇨기간중의 혈강 aldosterone 농도에 미치는 실혈의 영향을 정상 혈압을 유지하고 있는 청년 20명에서 관찰하여 아래와 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1) 실혈로 혈중 aldosterone 농도는 증가하였고 식염섭취제한이나 이뇨중의 실혈성 증가반응은 더욱 증대되었으나, K 투여로 aldosterone 농도가 이미 높은 개체에서는 증가반응을 가려낼 수 없었다. 2) 실혈시의 혈중 renin 활성도의 증가는 고식염식때 보다 Na 섭취제한이나 furosemide 이뇨시에 현저히 높았고 K 투여시의 실혈성 PRA 증가반응은 K를 별도로 투여치 않은 실험군과 별 변동이 없었다. 3) 실혈로 혈중 Na 농도에 큰 변동을 보이지 않았지만 모든 실험 조건하에서 감소경향은 나타내고 있었다. 4) 이상의 성적으로 보아 실혈에 의한 혈중 aldosterone 농도의 증가반응은 식염섭취제한이나 이뇨등의 부신 자극 요인이 있는 경우에 renin-aldosterone계의 활동 증가를 통한 aldosterone 분비의 가중현상을 보이나 K 섭취로 aldosterone 분비가 왕성한 기간중에는 실혈에 의한 renin 계의 aldosterone분비자극 첨가는 회의적이었다. Effect of sodium restriction with or without potassium supplement and furosemide diuresis on plasma aldosterone response to mild hemorrhage wese studied in normotensive young volunteers. After an overnight fast, blood were drawn just before and 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 90, and 120 minutes after the 3H-aldosterone injection. The sum of blood delivered reached over 100ml (during two hours). Plasma aldosterone and renin were measured by means ot radioimmunoassay. The results were as followed; 1) Hemorrhage resulted in a moderate increase in plasma aldosterone level of volunteers with normal diet. 2) The mean figures of plasma aldosterone in subjects with sodium restriction and diuresis were likewise significantly increased by hemorrhage, however, the figure of the subjects with potassium supplement who already shown higher plasma level was without effect on hemorrhage. 3) Hemorrhage produced slight decrease in serum sodium concentration in every experimental conditions, although the changes were not significant. 4) Plasma renin activities after the hemorrhage followed a similar pattern with that of aldos terone, increased during sodium restriction cr diuresis and unaffected during potassium supplement. $quot;

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        영양물 정주시의 체내호르몬 반응에 관한 연구 : 위암환자에서 본 영양물 투여시의 insulin 및 HGH 반응 Insulin and growth hormone responses following oral or intravenous alimentation in patient with far advanced gastric cancer

        이진오,성호경,고주환,유용운,이종원,김진용,이장규 대한핵의학회 1975 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.9 No.2

        심히 진행된 위암 환자에서 경정맥 포도당 투여시의 insulin 및 성장 호르몬 반응을 관찰하고 경구 투여시와 비교 검토하였다. 다시 위암 환자에게 아미노산 용액을 투여하고 혈중 insulin 농도와 성장 호르몬 농도 및 혈당량을 경시적으로 측정하고 정상인에서의 결과와 비교하여 다음의 결과를 얻었다. 1) 위암 환자에게 포도당 용액을 경구 부하하면 혈중 포도당 농도의 상승은 감소되었다. 2) 위암 환자에게 포도당 용액을 경구투여하였더니 insulin 반응은 정상인에서보다 감소되어 경정맥투여시와 유사하였다. 3) 위암 환자에게 포도당 용액 또는 아미노산용액을 경정맥 투여하여 성장 호르몬 농도의 상승을 관찰하였다. 4) 위암 환자에게 아미노산 용액을 정맥내로 투여하면 정상인에서와 같이 경구투여시에 비하여 insulin 반응의 감소가 관찰되었다. 5) 위암 환자에게 포도당 경정맥 투여시의 insulin 반응이 경구 투여시와 유사한 점에 대하여 고찰하였으며 아미노산 경정맥 투여시에는 insulin 반응에 유의할 필요성을 지적하였다. Glucose tolerance, insulin and growth hormone responses following glucose for amino acids administration by means of parenteral or oral load were studied in patients with far advanced gastric cancer. Hormone responses following nutrients load showed in patients with gastric cancer were compared to those of healthy subjects. Results were as follows: 1) Blood sugar appearance following oral glucose administration was diminished in patients with far advanced gastric cancer. 2) The insulin responses of gastric cancer following oral glucose were also diminished as compared to that of normal subjects and were identical with parenteral route. 3) Parenteral administration of glucose or amino acids to patients with gastric cancer resulted in a increase of plasma growth hormone level. 4) Lower insulin response to amino acids was observed on parenteral administration in patient with gastric cancer as in healthy subjects. 5) Author discussed that the low insulin response after oral glucose administration showed in gastric cancer, and any additional insulin requirement arise when longer periods of parenteral amino acid administration are necessary, as in the patient with malnutritions. $quot;

      • 뇌의 MR 영상에서 부분체적(Partial Volume)을 고려한 백질의 추출을 위한 연구

        박종원,김원봉,한기선,성윤창,유승화 忠南大學校 産業技術硏究所 1999 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        In the MR image of a brain, white adn gray matters are represented with a cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) within the boundaries of a skull. In this paper, we present a new method of extracting white matter and calulation its volume from the MRI image for brain. But the brain consists of white matter, gray matter and CSF, which are overlapped in a complex way over one another. As a result, each pixel are represented by blurred gray values after scanning the slice of a finite thickness by MR scanner, since white and gray matter are presented with CSF in the slice[3]. And then the calculation for partial volume of white matter or gray matter ina finite thickness remains a difficult problem. And then, we have developed the determining method of threshold that can extract white mater from MR image for brain through the analysis of gray values represented by ratio of each component existing in a finite thickness. And we proposed the calculation method of volume for white matter by using number of extracted pixels in each slice

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소아 천식을 통해서 본 의료보험 상병 자료의 완전성 추정 : Capture-Recapture 분석방법의 적용

        하미나,권호장,강대희,조수헌,유근영,주영수,성주헌,강종원,김대성,이상일,Ha, M.N.,Kwon, H.J.,Kang, D.H.,Cho, S.H.,Yoo, K.Y.,Joo, Y.S.,Sung, J.H.,Kang, J.W.,Kim, D.S.,Lee, S.I. 대한예방의학회 1997 예방의학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this paper is to estimate the completeness of the Korean Medical Insurance Data in childhood asthma. Methods : Capture-recapture method was used to estimate the prevalence of childhood asthma and case ascertainment rate(completeness) of Korean Medical Insurance Data using two source model, 'Korean Medical Insurance Committee Data (KMICD)' and 'Nationwide Study of Asthma and Allergies in Korean Children'. The asthma cases were restricted to those who were born from 1981 to 1989 and were identified by their Resident Register Number. Asthma cases in Korean Medical Insurance Data were defined as cases coded by ICD-9 493 and ICD-10 J45. In 'Nationwide Study of Asthma and Allergies in Korean Children', asthma cases were defined as the children who had been diagnosed asthma and had experienced symptoms of asthma during the past 12 months. The defined cases in two data sources were matched by 13 digits Resident Register Number. The numbers of matched patients in two data sources were 245 of 32,825 eligible total subjects. Chapman and Wittes' nearly unbiased estimation was used for capture-recapture analysis of two data sources. Results : Observed prevalence rate of childhood asthma was 5.3% and estimated prevalence rate by capture-recapture analysis was 11.6%. The highest prevalence rate was observed in 6-7 age group and the older the rate decreased. The completeness (the proportion of cases ascertained by KMICD to the total observed cases by two data sources) was 20.6%, and ranged form 10.8% to 28.8% by area. Conclusions : Invalid diagnosis of cases might overestimate the prevalence of child-hood asthma and might underestimate the completeness of Korean Medical Insurance Committee Data in this study.


        Poly(arylene ether sulfone) with tetra(quaternary ammonium) moiety in the polymer repeating unit for application in solid alkaline exchange membrane fuel cells

        Choi, J.,Byun, Y.J.,Lee, S.Y.,Jang, J.H.,Henkensmeier, D.,Yoo, S.J.,Hong, S.A.,Kim, H.J.,Sung, Y.E.,Park, J.S. Pergamon Press ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2014 International journal of hydrogen energy Vol.39 No.36

        Poly(arylene ether sulfone)s with tetra(quaternary ammonium) hydroxide groups in the repeating unit of the polymer main chain were prepared for solid alkaline exchange membrane fuel cells. We synthesized a novel monomer with four amine groups which were derivatized to ammonium functional groups. Using this monomer, we easily synthesized poly(arylene ether sulfone)s which conduct hydroxyl ions. This direct synthetic method can control the exact amount of quaternary ammonium hydroxide groups in the polymer structure. The polymers were characterized by NMR, thermogravimetric analysis, water uptake, conductivity, and cell performance. In a solid alkaline exchange membrane fuel cell test, a maximum power output of 77 mW cm<SUP>-2</SUP> was achieved using hydrogen and oxygen.

      • Hepatic veno-occlusive disease in children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: incidence, risk factors, and outcome

        Lee, S H,Yoo, K H,Sung, K W,Koo, H H,Kwon, Y J,Kwon, M M,Park, H J,Park, B-K,Kim, Y Y,Park, J A,Im, H J,Seo, J J,Kang, H J,Shin, H Y,Ahn, H S Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010 Bone marrow transplantation Vol.45 No.8

        Four hundred and sixty-seven hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (HSCTs) (217 autologous and 250 allogeneic HSCT) were performed in 374 children at four pediatric HSCT centers in Korea from January 2005 to December 2007. Among 467 transplants, veno-occlusive disease (VOD) developed in 72 transplants (15.4%) at a median of 10 days after HSCT. Multivariate analysis showed that BU or TBI-containing regimen (P=0.002), VOD prophylaxis without lipo-prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) (P=0.012), number of previous HSCT (P=0.014), and pretransplant serum ferritin (P=0.018) were independent risk factors for developing VOD. Mean serum ferritin levels were significantly higher in HSCT with VOD (2109.6±2842.5 ng/ml) than in HSCT without VOD (1315.9±1094.4 ng/ml) (P<0.001). The relative risk of death within 100 days of HSCT in transplants with VOD compared with transplants without VOD was 3.39 (confidence interval: 1.78–6.45). Our results suggest that lipo-PGE1 might have a protective effect against the development of VOD, and pretransplant serum ferritin could act as a risk factor for VOD. A larger prospective study is needed to confirm a possible role of lipo-PGE1 and iron chelation therapy in reducing the incidence of VOD.

      • The JCMT Transient Survey: Detection of Submillimeter Variability in a Class I Protostar EC 53 in Serpens Main

        Yoo, Hyunju,Lee, Jeong-Eun,Mairs, Steve,Johnstone, Doug,Herczeg, Gregory J.,Kang, Sung-ju,Kang, Miju,Cho, Jungyeon American Astronomical Society 2017 The Astrophysical Journal Vol.849 No.1

        <P>During the protostellar phase of stellar evolution, accretion onto the star is expected to be variable, but this suspected variability has been difficult to detect because protostars are deeply embedded. In this paper, we describe a submillimeter luminosity burst of the Class I protostar EC 53 in Serpens Main, the first variable found during our dedicated JCMT/SCUBA-2 monitoring program of eight nearby star-forming regions. EC. 53 remained quiescent for the first six months of our survey, from 2016 February to August. The submillimeter emission began to brighten in 2016 September, reached a peak brightness of 1.5 times the faint state, and has been decaying slowly since 2017 February. The change in submillimeter brightness is interpreted as dust heating in the envelope, generated by a luminosity increase of the protostar of a factor of >= 4 The 850 mu m light curve resembles the historical K-band light curve, which varies by a factor of similar to 6 with a 543 period and is interpreted as accretion variability excited by interactions between the accretion disk and a close binary system. The predictable detections of accretion variability observed at both near-infrared and submillimeter wavelengths make the system a unique test-bed, enabling us to capture the moment of the accretion burst and to study the consequences of the outburst on the protostellar disk and envelope.</P>

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