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      • KCI등재후보

        김정은 단독 통치 시기 문화예술의 특징

        김정수 ( Jeong Soo Kim ) 단국대학교 한국문화기술연구소 2013 한국문화기술 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the trends of North Korean culture and art in 2012, which is the Kim Jeong-eun’s sole dominion period, and to discuss its outlook for the future. When North Korean culture and art in 2012 are closely examined in discourses and works, Kim Jeong-eun’s aspiration, at the beginning of the year, of making his country a military-first ‘socialist civilized country’ is considered successful to a certain extent. Kim Jeong-eun kept on practicing his New Year aspiration through the idolization of Kim Jeong-il, putting women in front, and interchanges with the outside world while having military-first discourses continue. What is noteworthy is that the performing arts that emphasize spectacles are freed from the obsession of the military-first or socialist ideological implications. Acrobatic Chunhyangjeon is only a public performance in which superior abilities of actors and actresses and colorful spectacles are prominent. Moranbong Band’s playing of the theme song of Rocky is only a performance. Of course, North Korea clothes Chunhyangjeon and Moranbong Band’s performance with political rhetoric. But rhetoric is only rhetoric and it is confirmed that the performance has nothing to do with rhetoric Then, in what direction will North Korea’s culture and art develop in the future「Roughly two directions are predicted. The first direction is, as can be easily guessed, the idolization phenomena. As North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper showed in 2012, after the death of Kim Jeong-il, the enactment of Gwnagmyeongseong Holiday, the publication of completed works of Kim Jeong-il, the organization of Kim Jeong-il achievements become the preview of the direction of future North Korean culture and art circles. The second direction is the attention payed to house wives and the outside world. What was particularly noticeable in 2012 was that the leading characters of dramas, movies, and novels which North Korea evaluated as success were all women. Particularly, the fact that middle-aged women, rather than young women, were placed in front is noteworthy. At the same time, North Korea is paying attention to the outside world. The performing of Chinese and Russian works has been practiced since 2009, but broadcasting Lion King, whose prototype is Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is certainly a new phenomenon. North Korea is actively paying attention to the West. It is most probable for Kim Jeong-eun who has to stand alone to perform the works like Lion King in order to obtain emotional supports from the people and to interact with the West. North Korea’s paying attention to women and the outside world will continue for some time to come.

      • KCI등재

        이념의 타자로서 상상된 김남천 소설 속 여성과 그 너머의 실재로서의 여성

        손정수(Jeong-soo Son) 구보학회 2023 구보학보 Vol.- No.34

        이 논문은 이념의 타자로서 설정된 김남천의 소설 속 여성 인물을 전제로 하여 그 한계를 넘어 실재로서의 여성의 방향으로 더 뻗어 있는 두 가지 사례로 나혜석과 허정숙의 삶과 글을 살펴본 것이다. 그 과정에서 남성 작가에 의해 형상화된 여성 인물의 한계를 드러내는 한편, 다른 한편으로는 남성적 상상의 범위를 벗어나 존재하는 여성적 삶과 글의 구체적 상태를 살펴보고자 하였다. 그 비교를 통해 「바다로 간다」와 「경영」, 「맥」 연작에서 김남천 소설 속 여성 인물(최영자-최무경)이 외적 현실과의 대립을 간접화하면서 내적 윤리를 가다듬는 데 충실한 수동적인 태도를 보였다면, 나혜석과 허정숙은 서로 다른 방식으로 그와 같은 수동성의 한계를 넘어 보다 능동적인 태도로 여성적 삶의 내러티브를 써나갔다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었다. 나혜석은 현실과 정면으로 부딪치며 자신의 욕망에 충실한 글쓰기를 수행했으며, 허정숙은 남성 파트너를 교대해가며 현실의 법을 벗어나는 이념적 행동을 지속하였다. 두 여성이 그려나간 이와 같은 삶의 상태는 그 서로 다른 방향에도 불구하고 남성 작가의 소설 속에서 상상된 여성의 상태를 초과하고 있다는 점에서는 하나의 맥락을 공유하고 있다고 하겠다. 한편 이 논문은 시야를 그녀들의 삶 전체로 확장하여 이 문제에 대응하는 방식의 추이를 살펴보았다. 나혜석은 이혼 이후 화가와 여성 지도자로서의 명성을 잃고 사회적으로 고립된 상황에서 불우하게 삶을 마감했으나 자신의 욕망에 충실하면서 현실에 맞서는 여성적 내러티브의 넓은 외연을 펼쳐 보였다면, 주도적으로 남성과의 관계와 이념적 방향을 추구했던 허정숙의 경우 해방 이후 북한 정권의 요직을 맡으며 비교적 평탄한 삶을 살았으나 결과적으로는 이전의 이념과는 모순되는 상태에 이르렀다고 보았다. 죽음이라는 목적지가 전제된 삶의 내러티브라는 측면에서 바라보면 나혜석과 허정숙이 도달한 삶의 결말은 그 본질에서 표면의 양상과는 아이러니를 이루고 있다고 판단했다. This paper examines the lives and writings of Na Hye-seok and Heo Jeong-suk as two cases that go beyond the limitations of female characters in Kim Nam-cheon’s novels who are set up as ideological others and extend further toward women as the Real. In the process, on the one hand, it will reveal the limitations of female characters portrayed by male writers, while on the other hand, it will attempt to examine the specific state of female life and writing that exists outside the scope of male imagination. Through that comparison, the female characters (Choi Young-ja and Choi Moo-kyung) in Kim Nam-cheon’s novels show a passive attitude that is faithful to refining internal ethics while indirecting the conflict with external reality. If so, it could be confirmed that Na Hye-seok and Heo Jeong-suk went beyond the limits of such passivity in different ways and wrote narratives of feminine life with a more active attitude. Na Hye-seok confronted her reality head-on and wrote faithfully to her own desires, while Heo Jeong-sook alternated between her male partners and continued her ideological actions that deviated from the laws of her reality. Despite their different directions, the state of life depicted by the two women shares a common context in that it exceeds the state of women imagined in novels by male authors. Meanwhile, this paper expanded its perspective to their entire lives and looked at trends in how they responded to this problem. After her divorce, Na Hye-seok lost her reputation as a painter and female leader and ended her life in a socially isolated situation but she unfolded the broad outlines of a feminine narrative that confronts reality while remaining faithful to her desires. In the case of Heo Jeong-suk who took the lead in relationships with men and pursued an ideological direction, she lived a relatively smooth life while holding key positions in the North Korean regime after liberation, but ultimately ended up in a state that contradicted her previous ideology. When viewed from the perspective of a life narrative premised on the destination of death, the ending of life reached by Na Hye-seok and Heo Jeong-sook was judged to be ironic in its essence from the surface aspect.

      • KCI등재

        정지용의 가톨리시즘 연구

        김정수(Kim, Jeong-Soo) 한국현대문학회 2017 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        정지용의 가톨리시즘에 대한 기존의 평가는 크게 두 가지 양상으로 나타난다. 하나는 이른바 ‘영육의 갈등’으로 불리는 내면성을 결여함으로써 시적 진정성을 확보하지 못하고 피상적인 수준의 종교인식에 머물렀다는 것이며, 다른 하나는 신과 자아의 관계를 숭배와 복종의 ‘주/종’ 관계로 수용함으로써 신앙의 단순성을 면치 못했다는 점이다. 그리하여 정지용의 종교시는 일시적 퇴행현상으로 간주되고 그것의 실패는 기정사실처럼 받아들여졌다. 그러나 이러한 평가는 존재자의 근원적인 비애를 망각하지 않으면서 어떻게든 삶의 비극성을 신앙의 본질적 계기로 껴안고자 한 시인의 의지를 간과하고 있다. 정지용의 가톨리시즘은 삶의 비극성을 신앙의 본질적인 계기로 긍정하고자 한다. 비애는 결여가 아니라 우리를 삶의 근원적인 장소로 되돌리는 충만한 힘이자 신앙의 원동력이다. 이러한 정지용의 사유는 기독교적 시 정신으로서 사랑의 의미에 대한 탐구로 이어진다. 신앙의 아름다움은 삶의 비극성을 부정하지 않고 껴안으며 하나님을 향하여 피어오른다는 데 있다. 이 상승과정 속에서 ‘천상/지상’의 이원론적 구도는 허물어지고 상호귀속의 친밀한 관계가 솟구쳐 오른다. 정지용의 종교시는 신과 인간의 이원론적인 구도와 신의 외재적 초월성이 허물어지는 과정을 형상화하고 있는 것이다. Till now, it is understood that Ji Yong Jeong"s poetry in his mid-period readily depends on a religion and seeks religious transcendence (escapism) and, therefore, his catholic poetry is just a model of failed religious poems. However, this criticism neglects the intent of a poet who wanted to accommodate tragedy of life as the essential drive of the religion, without forgetting fundamental sadness of an existence. The base of Ji-Yong Jeong"s catholicism is the understanding that "religion and sadness", which look like to be in confrontation with each other, in fact, belong to each other and can coexist. Ji-Yong Jeong"s catholicism admits fatalistic tragedy of life as the intrinsic motive of the religion. The religion he sought goes toward the God, accommodating ugliness contained in tragedy of life, rather than denying it. In the accelerating process that transforms from discontinuity of "sadness/religion, reality/ideal or hopeless/transcendence" to continuity between them, the dualistic structure of "Heaven/Earth" collapses and a close relationship of mutual belonging arises. Catholic poetic spirit starts from this relationship of love. The one thing that should not be neglected is that religious ecstasy comes from sadness of the ego. He poetically confesses that people can truly experience a transcendental existence and its love when they accommodates such tragedy as the essence of life without denying it, rather than forgetting or avoiding troubles given to them.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hepatic Cirrhosis Occurring in a Young Woodchuck(Marmota monax) Due to Vertical Transmission of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus(WHV)

        Kyu-shik Jeong,정원일,Jae-yong Chung,Mi-young An,Chae-yong Jung,Gyoung-jae Lee,Jong-soo Kang,Byeong-cheol Kang,Young-heun Jee,Bruce H Williams,Young-oh Kwon,Da-hee Jeong 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        Cirrhosis Occurring in a Young Woodchuck (Marmota monax) Due to Vertical Transmission of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHV)Da-hee Jeong, Won-il Jeong, Jae-yong Chung, Mi-young An, Chae-yong Jung, Gyoung-jae Lee1, Jong-soo Kang1, Byeong-cheol Kang2, Young-heun Jee3, Bruce H Williams4, Young-oh Kwon5 and Kyu-shik Jeong*College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea1Shinwon Scientific Co., LTD, Research Institute, Suwon, Korea2Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-744, Korea3College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea

      • KCI등재

        성폭력 피해자의 목소리 되살리기 : 박지원의 「함양(咸陽) 장수원(張水元) 의옥(疑獄)에 대해 순찰사에게 답한 편지」 연구

        황정수 ( Hwang Jeong-soo ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2021 민족문학사연구 Vol.77 No.-

        본고는 연암(燕巖) 박지원(朴趾源, 1737∼1805)의 「함양(咸陽) 장수원(張水元) 의옥(疑獄)에 대해 순찰사에게 답한 편지」를 분석함으로써 박지원이 하층 여성 대상 성폭력 사건의 심리에서 어떠한 점을 중시했는지를 살펴보았다. 본고는 작품 분석에서 다음의 측면에 유의하였다. 첫째, 성폭력 사건 판결에서 중시되어야 할 피해자의 목소리를 박지원이 어떻게 담아냈는지 주목하였다. 둘째, 이 작품은 문학사, 생활사, 법제사가 교차하는 텍스트로서, 학제적 방법론을 바탕으로 심층 분석을 수행하였다. 이 작품에서 박지원은 성폭력 피해자 한조롱이 자살하기 전 남긴 머리카락에 주목하였다. 한조롱의 머리카락은 피해 사실을 증언하고자 한 한조롱의 목소리를 상징한다. 머리카락의 의미를 서술함으로써 박지원은 성폭력 피해자를 위한 ‘대신 말하기’의 책무를 수행하였다. 이를 통해 박지원은 피해자를 비난하며 사건을 왜곡하려던 가해자의 시도를 차단하였으며, 공적 담론에서 소홀히 다루어졌던 피해 여성의 감정과 목소리를 표면화하였다. 피해자의 목소리를 중시해야 한다는 박지원의 지향은 그의 법적 판단에도 일관되게 적용되었다. 박지원은 『대명률』의 위핍인치사 조에 따라 가해자 장수원을 사형에 처해야 한다고 생각하면서도, 현실적으로는 성폭력 사건에서 위핍인치사 조 적용에 보수적이었던 정조의 입장을 의식할 수밖에 없었다. 당대의 사법 관행을 염두에 두면서 피해자의 입장이 최대한 반영될 수 있도록 박지원은 위핍인치사에 버금가는 강간 미수의 죄율을 적용하자는 결론을 내렸다. 이러한 결론은 머리카락에 담긴 한조롱의 목소리에 근거한 것으로, 성폭력 피해자의 고통에 대한 박지원의 예민한 감수성을 보여 준다. This article examines Yeon-am(燕巖) Park Ji-won(朴趾源, 1737∼1805)’s perspective on sexual violence toward low class women by analyzing The Letter to Sunchal-sa(巡察使) on Hamyang Jang Soo-won’s Case. The analysis of this prose pays particular attention to the following aspects. First, how Park Ji-won expressed the victim’s voice in this letter, which is a crucial element in the case of a sexual violence. Second, taking an interdisciplinary approach to this work, since it is a literary, life history, as well as a legal history text. In this work, Park Ji-won paid attention to the sexual violence victim Han Jo-rong’s hair, which she left before committing suicide. Han Jo-rong’s hair represents Han’s voice and desire to testify her pain as a victim of sexual violence. Through narrating the meaning of her hair, Park Ji-won carried out his responsibility for ‘speaking for the other.’ It blocked the assailant’s attempt to blame the victim and distort the truth and allowed the female victim’s voice heard, which was often neglected in public discourse. Park Ji-won’s belief that the victim’s voice should be regarded important was also reflected in his legal judgment of this case. Though he thought that the assailant Jang Soo-won should be executed according to wee-peep-in-chi-sa(威逼人致死: harassment leading to death) clause of The Great Ming Code(大明律), Park practically had to consider Jung-jo’s conservative attitude in applying this clause to sexual violence cases. Park tried to consider the position of the victim as much as possible when determining Jang’s sentence, while keeping in mind the judicial practice of the time. Therefore, he concluded Jang should be punished for attempted rape, which was second in severity to the wee-peep-in-chi-sa crime. His conclusion was based on the voice of Han Jo-rong which was implied in her hair, and it shows his keen sensitivity to the pain of the sexual violence victim.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        동진강 수계 농업용수 수질평가

        엄미정(Mi Jeong Uhm),최정식(Jeong Sik Choi),한수곤(Soo Gon Han),김갑철(Kab Cheol Kim),문영훈(Young Hun Moon) 한국환경농학회 2000 한국환경농학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        This study was conducted to monitor the irrigation water qualities along Dong-Jin river watershed. The water quality was surveyed at 6 sites from April to september during 1994∼1998. And the results were as follows : In July and August, water quality was better than that of any other months due to dilution with rainwater. Whereas, it became worse in April but it involved lower contents than limitted contents affected to the crop damage. Content of inorganic components was higher at Jeong-up and Won-pyeong stream. The reason for it that Jeong-up stream was deteriorated with sewage water from Jeong-up city, and Won-pyeong stream has narrow width. Water quality in upstream of Dong-Jin river, was evaluated best conditions in all sampling sites. For investigated period, water quality got worse from 1994 to 1995 but it was getting better to 1998 after 1995, especially at Jeong-up stream. The total equivalent of cation and anion was the highest at April through all months and at Jeong-up stream in sampling sites. Equivalent ratio of cation to anions(∑C/∑A) was higher at May than any other months and lower at Won-pyeong streams than any other sites. The value of most inorganic components was highly correlated with those of other components. But the value of NO₃^--N was not correlated with that of most components, and PO₄^(3-)-P was not correlated with COD, NH₄^+-N, NO₃^--N, SO₄^(2-_.

      • KCI등재

        영화 <내 고향>과 <용광로>를 통해 본 초기 북한영화의 특징

        정태수 ( Tae Soo Jeong ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2010 현대영화연구 Vol.6 No.2

        The North Korean cinema after Liberation was substantially influenced by the Soviet cinema of the time, especially films of Stalin`s regime; it generally took on what the Soviet cinema mainly comprised, such as the clear narrative structure of discerning good from evil, the creation of heroic image, the mobilization and indoctrination of the populace in association with national policies, and the cult of personality. For the establishment of the North Korean state and consolidation of its political power, the inevitably necessary subsequence was the consolidation of communist ideology, propaganda, and indoctrination of the populace. In order to make propaganda films providing idealized and heroic images of their political leader, the political narrative devices of the Soviet cinema were so dominantly employed into North Korea films of the formative period. This consequently led to the formation of the cinematic characteristics of early North Korean cinema. <Naegohyang, 1949> and <Yonggwangro, 1950> are typical of the early North Korean cinema; they all draw on the simple narrative structure, the character stereotype, and the incorporation of landscape shots into narratives that dominantly shaped the early North Korean cinema. And the absolute leader Kim Jeong-Il was the centre at which all these cinematic devices converged. The leader was described as a hero of Liberation and established as the embodiment of the Korean nation itself in the early films. This paper examines the cinematic devices employed in the two typical films that later became dominant in the politics of North Korean cinema.

      • 후복막섬유증 5례의 임상적 고찰

        정충식,김수현,안병수,심대성,박도영,김철성,장대수 조선대학교 1994 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.19 No.1

        Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a fibrotic process of the retroperitoneum that frequently produces ureteral obstruction. It can occur as an idiopathic disease or in association with various non-malignant and malignant condition. In the early phase of the retroperitoneal fibrosis ; symptoms originate from the disease process itself, while in the late state the clinical features represent the effect of obstructive uropathy and renal failure. Treatment consist of steroid therapy, urinary diversion and ureterolysis with jntraperitonealization or lateralization or wrapping with omentum. Herein we present 5 cases of retroperitoneal fibrosis.

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