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        『여창가요록』 양승민본의 문헌적 특징과 자료적 가치

        양승민 ( Seung Min Yang ) 한국시가학회 2012 韓國 詩歌硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        This paper presents an introduction and examination of Yeochanggayorok of the Yang Seung-min version that had been newly excavated. The Yang Seung-min version of Yeochanggayorok was an anthology transcribed and provided by Master Woongok to a Gyeonggi gisaeng called Maiden Hakseon in 1853. It is an early version that is the oldest of the different remaining versions of Yeochanggayorok. Since it was published before 1853 at the latest, it offers important materials to show the early formation process of Gagokwonryu. First, the Yang Seung-min version of Yeochanggayorok is widely equipped with the formal framework of Gagokwonryu and accordingly another version of its in spite of the fact that it was published with a focus on Yeochang. Second, it is estimated that Park Hyo-gwan himself compiled and transcribed the Yang Seung-min version and published it in 1853. Such Yeochang-centric anthologies as the version must have been published before the completion of Gagokwonryu and in vogue around gisaengs`` saloons. Third, the version claims its worth as a material to advance the formation time of Gagokwonryu to the former half of the 19th century at the latest. The discovery of this early version of Yeochanggayorok made it possible to conduct concrete research on the aspects of Gagokwonryu themselves during its formation period. Finally, it is estimated that the anthology of Gagokwonryu was not completed at a time but went through various gradual formation processes in the middle of the movements of Gadan in the 19th century. As a matter of fact, there was no certain complete version of Gagokwonryu; instead, its versions of many different forms were widely distributed according to the demands of the times and situations those days.

      • KCI등재

        창조적 ‘흐름’과 박경리 《토지》

        김승종(Seung-Jong Kim) 한국리터러시학회 2023 리터러시 연구 Vol.14 No.1

        2021년에 간행된 이승윤의 『10개의 공간을 따라 읽는 소설 토지』는 ahen 258쪽으로 이루어져 있다. 이 책을 다 읽은 뒤에 독자들은 QR코드를 통해 저자가 참여했던 《토지》 관련 동영상을 감상할 수도 있다. 이 책의 대부분은 《토지》의 공간 분석에할애하고 있지만, 이에 그치지 않고 이 책은 저자에 의해 분석된 《토지》의 서사 전략,인물, 표현법 등을 책 곳곳에 담고 있고, 박경리 작가와 작품에 관련된 흥미로운 에피소드도 곁들여 있다. 이 책은 《토지》를 전문적으로 연구하는 학자들에게 《토지》의 공간에 대한 학문적 분석 내용을 전해 줄 수 있고, 《토지》를 아직 읽지 않았거나 드라마로만 접한 일반인들에게는 《토지》에 대한 기초적 정보와 꼭 필요한 배경지식을 제공한다. 저자 이승윤은 박경리 작가가 살아있을 때 서로 대화를 나눈 바 있으며, 오랜 기간《토지》와 인연을 맺고 다양한 활동을 전개해 왔다. 박사 학위 논문을 비롯하여 박경리와 《토지》에 대한 다수의 중요 학술 논문들을 발표하였고, 문학관과 도서관 등에서대중과 학생들을 상대로 강연하며 《토지》를 널리 알렸다. 박경리문학관 설치·운영과《토지》 관련 문학 행사와 문화콘텐츠 기획에 참여하기도 하였다. 코로나19 재난 사태이전에는 ‘《토지》 문학기행’을 여러 차례 이끌었고, 재난 사태 이후에는 원주, 하동,통영 등에서 영상 자료를 통해 대중들에게 《토지》를 널리 알리는 일들을 해왔다. 저자가 서문에서 밝혔듯이 이 과정에서 저자와 뜻을 같이하는 ‘동지들’이 그의 일을 돕거나 함께 작업하였다. 이 책에서 제시된 QR코드를 통해 동영상을 접하게 되면저자의 동지 중 상당수를 만날 수 있다. 저자는 이 동지들과 함께 앞으로도 《토지》를더욱 깊이 연구하고 다양한 방식으로 《토지》를 대중들에게 널리 알리는 일을 지속해나갈 것으로 기대된다. This Paper is a book review about <Novel ‘To-Ji’ that we read through 10 places> written by Lee Seung-Yun. After reading this book, readers can watch video materials about places of novel ‘To-Ji’ witch the writer participated. This book is solving the spatial analysis of ‘To-ji’s space, at the same time it deals with narrative strategy, character, theme of ‘To-Ji’. The writer also put interesting episodes about Park Kyeng-Ri and ‘To-ji’ in this book. This book can give academic insight about places of ‘To-ji’ to professional scholars, and can give fundamental information and background knowledge about ‘To-Ji’ to readers who didn’t read it yet. The writer Lee Seung-Yun had a talk with Park Kyeng-Ri when she live. Mr. Lee have developed academic activities and involved public activities. He released important papers about Park Kyeng-Ri and ‘To-Ji’ including doctoral thesis, and provided publicity them to citizens and students. He took parted designing Park Kyeng-Ri literary house, and developing literary contents of ‘To-Ji’. he had much experiences that leads tour which visits ‘To-Ji’ related places. He didn’t act those activities alone, but work with a lot of comrades who study, read, transcribe, and love ‘To-Ji’. You can find those comrades through video material of ‘To-Ji’. With them the writer will study more deeply, and persist the works that widen Park Kyeng-Ri and ‘To-Ji’.

      • KCI등재

        Anti‑inflammatory effect of Rosa laevigata extract on in vitro and in vivo model of allergic asthma via the suppression of IgE and related cytokines

        Seung‑Hyeon Lee,Seung‑Han Choi,In‑Seung Lee,Yumi Kim,Eun‑Jin An,Hyeung‑Jin Jang 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2020 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.16 No.2

        Backgrounds Exposure to a toxic stress environment leads to excessive inflammatory reactions and induces allergic asthma resulting in airway hyper-responsiveness. We investigated whether Rosa laevigata Michx. (RL) exhibits anti-inflammatory effects related allergic asthma in both an in vitro and in vivo studies. Methods To investigate the preventive effect of RL, A549 cells were pretreated with non-toxic doses of RL (500, 1000 μg/ mL) and induced by epidermal growth factor (EGF) (10 ng/mL). First, we evaluated cytotoxicity via a MTT assay. The inhibitory effects of NF-κB activity and COX-2 expression were confirmed by a western blot assay. In the in vivo study, BALB/c mice were challenged with regard to ovalbumin via an intraperitoneal injection of RL (50, 100 mg/kg) and were killed to collect bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, lung tissues and blood serum. The number of inflammatory cells, the secretion of IgE and related cytokines were monitored by ELISA and multiplex assays. Results RL significantly suppressed NF-κB activity and COX-2 expression levels in EGF-induced A549 cells. In a chronic inflammation mice model, pretreatment of RL attenuated allergic airway inflammation by reducing inflammatory cells, the secretion of IgE and related cytokines in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusions The results of this study present the possibility of RL as a therapeutic agent for allergic asthma patients via the suppression of IgE and related cytokines.

      • KCI등재

        斗山그룹의 成長과 發展

        Seung Uk Lee(李承郁) 한국경영사학회 2002 經營史學 Vol.28 No.-

        Started from a small size Seung-Jik Park Shop, one of the oldest in Korean modern history of commerce, and grown with traditional Korean spirit of politeness and perseverance, Doosan Group today has become one of the largest groups of companies including such a gigantic company as Doosan Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. This study aims to explore the courses of growth and development of Doosan Group from historical and functional point of view and extract the characteristics of growth and the modes of behavior in order to define the growth factors. The method adopted for the study is based on the management history with particular focus on entrepreneurs involved. In 1896, the year classified in this study as embryo period of Doosan Group, ‘Maeheon’ Seung-Jik Park opened Seung-Jik Park Shop selling drapery. Then he established Kwang Jang Co, and Kong Ik Sa, a trading house, developed cosmetic product Parkabun and ventured into beer industry through the acquisition of Sohwa Kirin Beer. In this embryo period, the factor that enabled his companies to grow and develop was the management philosophy based on harmony, thrifty, honesty and trust that formed the company motto and enhanced the image of the companIes. The focus was rather on specialization of organizations for growth than diversification of activities for expansion. In the beginning his business was mainly on drapery with major focus on quality and reliability. By the time he ventured into such commodity business as cosmetics and beer, the quality of products be came the prime target to pursue and achieve. This period could be seen as initial stage of the group to accumulate the capital required for further growth. From the year 1951 when ‘Yonkang’ Doo-Byung Park began to lead the group, the formation period set in place. In such time of Rehabilitation followed by social chaos, Sohwa Kirin Beer was transformed into Oriental Brewery Co., Ltd. and Doosan Group began to be formed. This formation period marked the dawn of Doosan Group pioneering the beer market, launching construction and machinery industries and exploring the overseas markets. This period was the time when the need for the management to be separated from the capital was strongly felt in order to maximize the management philosophy carried forward from the initial stage of the Doosan Group. The growth factor from the management point of view was the corporate philosophy based on harmony, honesty and public service spirit. In 1974, a new era began with the appointment of management expert Soo-Chang Jung as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. It was a major turning point for Doosan Group. The efforts of the top management in this period could be characterized by its focus on creation of growth paths for electronic industries, accumulation of technologies through strategic alliance or merging with the companies of advanced countries, and expansion or realignment of existing businesses. The first growth factor in this period was the emphasis of creativity that provided the basis and momentum for healthy management and the second was organizational restructuring to be prepared for acquisition and merging and maintain the specialty of each business unit. Take-off period started with the arrival of Chairman Yong-Kon Park in 1981 and continued until 1995. In this period, development of overseas markets was reinforced in the areas of beer. construction, electronics, glass, machinery and trading while new businesses were actively explored. The Group was pressing forward with continuous expansion, horizontally as well as vertically. The growth factors from the management point of view were customer-satisfaction, priority on Quality, innovation, recruitment of talented people as well as organizational change aimed for diversification and specialization through the new system and mixed use of business divisions and teams. The year 1996 saw the beginning of innovation period of Doosan Group, As the external e

      • Ownership Structure of Northeast Asian Countries

        Seung Rok Park,Peter Drysdale,Shin Il Kang,In kie Hong 한국경제연구원 2004 한국경제연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2004-02 No.-

        1 In the first paper “Determinants of Corporate Ownership Structure and their effects on Corporate Governance in South Korea” by Shin-Il Kang, Korea’s unique characteristics, specifically the ownership structure and corporate governance are examined. The author takes a broad perspective by incorporating corporate culture, business leadership, and ownership structure in Korean corporation. Furthermore, he discusses the substitutability of Korean specific features given the rapidly changing economic environment. Under the Korea’s Chaebol structure, controlling shareholders, who are the real owner of firms, have exercised ownership rights while having a large proportion of shares aided by cross shareholdings. This has been possible through the pyramid ownership control structure as well as cross-shareholding among subsidiaries. Market circumstances related to management costs are not favorable to the firm with a dispersed ownership structure. In Korea, that’s the reason why ownership is concentrated. Given such a structure, the owners minimize costs related to management’s risks. Furthermore it proposes that leadership(firm culture) and ownership are substitutes. Concentrated ownership is needed when the leadership is not mature like Korean Chaebol. 2 The second paper “Issues in Japanese Corporate Governance” by Peter Drysdale examines some of the major issues of Japanese corporate governance today. The role of that main bank in corporate governance and inter corporate shareholding has been well documented. Although Japanese banks have rigorously monitored firms and have had an enormous influence on firms’ decisions and strategies through the owning of shares, firm performance under such a main bank system has not always been positive. Opposing views and their rationale regarding the pessimism behind the performance of firms in the main bank system are also explained in this paper. 3 The paper “Corporate Governance in China” by In Kie Hong discusses the current status and the restructuring efforts of China’s corporate governance. In China, state shareholders possess strong control rights over listed companies allowing them to exercise control even beyond their proportion of shareholding. Various governmental organizations(under the Communist Party) acting as representatives of the state as shareholders have influenced firms enormously, particularly regarding matters of organizing the board of directors as well as electing management. However since they have little incentives to manage state(national) assets and have insufficient capacity to monitor a large number of firms of which they are in charge, the principal-agent problem tends to prevail, which adds to the difficulties in preserving the value of state assets as well. 4 The last paper “Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performances in the Northeast Asian Countries” by Seung-Rok Park compares the relationship between corporate governance structure and corporate performance in Korea, Japan, and China by empirically examining the accounting corporate performances and technical efficiency measures. In the case of Korea, ownership concentration was shown to have positively affected all corporate accounting performance variables such as profit margin, return on shareholders’ funds, return on total assets, and return on capital employed. Furthermore, it was also found that ownership concentration positively affected corporate performance by helping improve the technical efficiency of firms. Unlike Korea, in Japan, there was no sign of a positive effect of ownership concentration on the accounting corporate performance and technical efficiency. Moreover, in the case of China, ownership concentration positively affected profit margin and return on total assets, while no positive effects of ownership concentration were found on return on capital employed and return on shareholders’ funds. It is shown in this study that the difference in the rel

      • KCI등재

        斗山그룹의 企業文化

        Seung Hee Koh(高承禧) 한국경영사학회 2002 經營史學 Vol.28 No.-

        This paper has the purpose that is to detect the basic corporate culture of Dosanism. It is derived from the establishing spirit of the founder, Seung-Jik Park of Doosan Group, and the innovative entrepreneurship of his son, Doo-Byung Park. Doosan Group was founded by Seung-Jik Park in 1896, and has been brought up one of top business conglomerates and oldest outstanding enterprises in Korea. The founder’s establishing creeds is composed of the peace and amity among the people, responsibility, honesty, diligence and economy. And the managerial thoughts of 2nd founder, Doo-Byung Park, is as follows: (1) respect for the human value, (2) reliability, (3) diligence and economy, (4) craftmanship, (5) social responsibility, (6) rationalism and (7) patriotic spirit, etc. Doosan-spirit or Doosan-manship as common values of Doosan Group is involved in their philosophies. So, the basic corporate culture of Doosanism is based on their entrepreneurships and management thoughts. However, 3 top executives, Yong-Gon Park, Yong-Oh Park and Yong-Sung Park under the tricar business system of the group have created and developed the new management ideologies for new vision of 21st century. It is as follows: (1) customers, (2) quality, (3) innovation and (4) human resources. The new future-oriented corporate culture of Doosanism is derived from this creeds and based on the excellence-driven growth as new start vision. These new cultural values of Doosanism is composed of (1) the Harmonization of human-oriented management, (2) the customer-oriented commensalism, (3) the principles of ethical management, (4) the challenging doctrine of pioneer spirit and can-doism, (5) the result-principles of excellence-driven growth for long-term vision, (6) the management principles that corporations must contribute to the well being of the nation and society as patriotism. Therefore, we can find that the basic culture of Doosanism is deeply rooted in striving for excellence-driven growth and development through challenge and exploration of potential by business creeds of the group.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 창신학교의 민족교육과 폐교

        송성안 ( Seung An Song ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2016 人文論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        이 논문은 일제강점기 창신학교의 설립과 민족교육, 그리고 폐교의 원인과 과정에 대해 밝힌 글이다. 창신학교는 1906년 5월 17일 마산포교회(문창교회)의 독서숙에서 시작해 1909년 8월 19일 대한제국의 인가를 받은 마산지역의 대표적인 근대교육 기관이다. 문창 교회를 중심으로 이승규, 이상소, 손덕우 등 지역 인사, 호주 선교부가 학교 설립을 주도했다. 이 학교의 설립 목적은 국권 회복을 위한 민족교육에 있었다. 그 내용은 설립자 이승규와 안확, 이윤재ㆍ김윤경 등 교사의 교육 활동, 학생의 항일 운동에서 알 수 있다. 그런데 일제는 사립학교령과 사립학교규칙 개정 등으로 성경ㆍ지리ㆍ역사 과목을 못 가르치게 했고, 일본인 교사의 채용ㆍ과도한 교육시설의 보강 등을 요구하면서 창신학교의 민족교육을 통제했다. 이런 일제의 식민지적 교육정책으로 창신학교 운영은 불가능한 상황이 됐고, 민족교육도 구현할 수 없는 정도가 되었다. 특히 1930년대 이후 일제가 신사참배뿐만 아니라 동방요배, 일장기 경례, 교육칙어 암송 등을 계속해서 강요하자, 종교와 민족 문제가 한계점에 도달하자 창신학교는 학교 교육을 포기하고 폐교로 맞섰다. 1939년 7월 14일 창신학교는 일제의 식민지적 교육지배에 맞서다가 끝내 극복하지 못하고 문을 닫고 말았다. 창신학교의 폐교는 마산지역의 근대 민족 교육의 좌절과 식민지 교육의 완전한 실현이라는 점에서 그 의미를 찾을 수 있다. This paper was writing expressed regarding the foundation, national education and shut-down school of changshin school during the Japanese colonial period. The changshin school was a representative of modern education institution of Masan region starting from the house seminary reading at Masan Port Church(the door window Church) on 5.17, 1906 and receiving formal accreditation of the Korean Empire on 8.19, 1909. Arounding Masan Port Church(the door window Church), A region person, Australia father, Lee seung Kyu, Lee sang so and Son Dek Wooand took lead to establish schools.The changshin school was built to take effect the nation education. It was confirmed by educational activity of Lee Yoon Jae, Kim Yoon-Kyung teachers etc, including founder Lee Seung-Kyu, Ann Hak and guessed also though the resistance to Japan coming from the changshin school. But, The national education of changshin school was controled by Japanese with private schools enforcement ordinance and rules revision of private schools. Japanese did not teach he Bible, geography, history the subjects and demanded on the excessive reinforcement of educational Facilities. In addition, the Japanese was forced to worship about Eastern ship, flag salute, recitation of the Rescript education as well as the shrine coming in 1930 and The changshin school become shut down school against forcing Shrine of the Japanese and giving school education. On 7.14, 1939, The Masan changshin school ultimately closed the door resisting colonial rule education of Japanese. The shut-down school of changshin school might look for its meaning in that the full realization of Japanese colonial education and the frustration of modern ethnic education in Masan region.

      • 정호승 시 연구 : 그 공간 의미를 중심으로 Focusing upon the meaning of space

        임승빈 淸州大學敎 學術硏究所 2005 人文科學論集 Vol.31 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to probe into the meaning of space mentioned in the poetry of Ho-seung Jeong. In his poetic scenery, the space was full of the image of tragedy. The mountain, a place of the vertical connection between the two worlds, heavenly and earthly, would rather be a space of discontinuity and despair. The forest was a space of dead body while the ridge was that of separation, waiting, and prospect. The field was a place of poverty and loneliness. The road symbolized meeting and separation, thought and recollection, and labor and exploitation. The heaven, an ideal world(utopia), was the space of a will and comfort of life. The water, kept in by the Hoam reservoir, was an image of another hometown that would be neither changed nor developed. Theses tragic images of space(or place) indicated well the dark situation of our farming villages which had become impoverished and exhausted by the exploitation of Japanese imperialism in the 1930' s

      • KCI등재

        대학생들이 지각하는 스포츠스타 이미지가 브랜드태도, 브랜드충성도, 브랜드이미지에 미치는 영향

        임승현(Seung Hyun Lim),남경완(Kyung Wan Nam),이인석(In Seok Lee) 한국사회체육학회 2013 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.52

        The purpose of this study was to inquire into whether characteristics of sports stars` images have positive effects on brand attitude, brand image and brand royalty, and to analyze their images which can be possessed by college students actively participating in sports activities, compared to other age-groups, corporate brand characteristics using sports stars and their correlation. In order to give basic information of sports stars` images and brand attitude, image and royalty to domestic preferred by college students, this research came to the fol-lowing conclusions by analyzing data from 393 Students of 3 colleges in “D” city and “G” province by applying descriptive analysis, factor, reliability analysis, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA with SPSS Win-dows 12.0. First, for appearance images of sports stars, male college students with the higher number in sports participation and higher average participation time showed high awareness of Park Tae-hwan, Lee Seung-yeop and Chu Seong-hun. Second, for their evaluation images, male junior and senior college students with the higher number of sports participation and the higher average participation time showed higher awareness of Lee Seung-yeop and Chu Seong-hun. Third, images of sports stars preferred by college students had posi-tive effects on brand characteristics, i.e., brand attitude, brand image and brand loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        Coronal Unmarkedness in Comparative Markedness

        Seung-HoonShin 한국언어학회 2003 언어 Vol.28 No.1

        Shin, Seung-Hoon. 2003. Coronal Unmarkedness in Comparative Markedness. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 28-1, 51-66. This paper explores the unmarked nature of coronal in the theory of Comparative Markedness. In Underspecification Theory, for example, either deleted or inserted sounds such as coronals are assumed to be unmarked, and thus are underspecified. In Optimality Theory, however, cases of coronal insertion and deletion result in a ranking paradox since coronal insertion requires a low ranking of *Cor while coronal deletion results from high-ranking of *Cor. This paper accounts for the unmarked behaviors of coronals by relying on old and new violations of constraints within the framework of Comparative Markedness and proposes a universal constraint hierarchy that reflects coronal unmarkedness. (Dongseo University)

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