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      • 수술적으로 치료한 통증을 동반한 흉추부의 후외상성 Schmorl씨 결절 : 2례 보고 Report of Two Cases

        신병준,이재철,송화용,정석봉,권계원,조영일,김연일 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Study Design : Two patients who had painful Schmorl's node at thoracic level from acute trauma were adopted and taken operation for its treatment Objectives : To document the effect of operation for the treatment of painful Schmorl's node at thoracic level summary of background data : Schrmorl's nodes are common spinal lesion generally believed to be asymptomatic, but in some cases there were painful symptom by Schmorl's node. This case report is to explain the effect of operative treatment for the painful Schmorl's node. Methods : Two patients were adopted who had traumatic painful Schmorl's node at thoracic level for our case report. They were treated conservative methods at first but it's effect were poor, so they were taken anterior decompression and fusion, and checked back pain symptom. Result : In all two patients, the symptom of back pain by Schmorl's nodes at thoracic level was almost subsided. conclusion : For the treatment of traumatic painful Schmorl's node, most of surgeon says that conservative treatments were treatment of choice, but operative treatments are also benefit to subsidence of back pain by Schmorl's node.

      • KISE-기초학력검사(KISE-BAAT)개발연구

        박경숙,김계옥,송영준,정동영,정인숙 국립특수교육원 2004 연구보고서 Vol.- No.12

        본 연구는 학교 학습 특히. 국어와 수학에서 부진을 나타내는 아동을 선별 또는 진단하고, 이들이 부진을 나타내는 영역과 수준을 파악하여 이들의 교육계획 수립과 적용에 필요한 정보를 제공할 수 있는 개인용 기초학력 검사(Korea Institute for Special Education-Basic Academic Achievement Tests KISE-BAAT)의 개발을 위해 기초학력의 개념과 기초학력의 구성요인 등을 탐색하여 KISE-BAAT의 구성모형을 개발한 다음, 그 모형을 토대로 검사문항의 성취기준을 설정하고, 그에 따라 제7차 교육과정의 내용을 토대로 범교과적으로 통용할 수 있는 KISE-BAAT의 검사문항을 개발하였다. 본 연구는 유ㆍ초ㆍ중ㆍ고등학교 및 대학교의 학생 1,499명을 대상으로 KISE-BAAT의 예비검사를 실시하고, 그 결과를 토대로 검사문항의 변별도와 양호도 등을 분석하여 최종 검사문항을 선정하였다. 그리고 본 연구는 KISE-BAAT의 표준화를 위해 전국의 유치원, 초등학교와 중학교에 재학중인 5~l4세의 아동 5,977명을 대상으로 검사를 실시하여 규준의 작성 및 해석에 필요한 기초 통계를 산출하였으며, 신뢰도와 타당도를 검증하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구는 학력을 기초학력 과 심화학력으로 구성 된다고 가정 하여 심화학력에 의 한 학업성취를 제외한 학업성취를 기초학력으로 규정하고, 만 5세부터 14세까지 아동의 기초학력을 측정하는 개인용 기초학력검사인 KISE-BAAT를 개발하였다. KISE-BAAT는 KISE-BAAT(읽기), KISE-BAAT(쓰기), KISE-BAAT(수학)의 3개 검사로 구성되는 복합심리검사(battery)로서 각각의 소검사는 가형과 나형 2종의 동형검사로 구성되어 교육 프로그램의 사전ㆍ사후효과, 일반화 및 전이효과 측정을 용이하게 하며, 백분위수ㆍ환산점수ㆍ학력지수 학년규준의 제시로 아동의 기초학력의 지체 여부와 정도에 대한 진단과 더불어 교육계획의 수립ㆍ시행 및 평가에 활용할 수 있도록 하였다. 따라서 KISE-BAAT는 학교학습의 도구가 되는 읽기ㆍ쓰기ㆍ수학의 기초학력을 종합적으로 측정할 수 있으며, 결과를 다양하게 분석할 수 있는 개인용 기초학력검사라 할 수 있다. 둘째, KISE-BAAT의 신뢰도를 검증한 결과, 동형검사 신뢰도계수는 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형과 나형 .82, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형과 나형 .69, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형과 나형 .89로 나타났고, 반분신뢰도 계수는 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형 .93, 나형 .92, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형 .91, 나형 .94, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형과 나형 모두 .98로 나타났으며, 문항반응이론 신뢰도 계수는 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형과 나형 모두 .90, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형 .99, 나형 .96, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형 .97,나형 .99로 나타났다. 그리고 측정의 표준오차는 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형 .76, 나형 .85, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형 .90, 나형 .92, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형 2.11, 나형 2.32로 나타났으며, 재검사 신뢰도 계수는 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형 과 나형 모두 .96, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형 .95, 나형 .96, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형과 나형 모두 .98로 나타났으며, 문항의 내적 일치도 계수도 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형과 나형 모두 .98, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형과 나형도 모두 .98, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형과 나형 모두 .99로 나타났다. 따라서 KISE-BAAT의 KISE-BAAT(읽기), KISE-BAAT(쓰기), KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형과 나형은 모두 측정학적으로 아동의 기초학력을 측정하는데 있어 일관된 수치와 정보를 제공해 주는 도구라 할 수 있다. 셋째, KISE-BAAT의 타당도를 검증한 결과, KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형ㆍ나형과 KEDI-기초학습기능점사 읽기Ⅱ의 상관계수는 각각 .50, .56, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형ㆍ나형과 KEDI-기초학습기능검사 읽기Ⅰ의 상관계수는 각각 .68, .67, KEDI -기초학습기능검사 쓰기와 상관계수는 각각 .51, .68, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형ㆍ나형과 KEDI-기초학습기능검사 셈하기의 상관계수는 각각 .70, .75로 나타났다. KISE-BAAT와 KEDI-기초학습기능검사는 매우 다른 영역과 내용으로 구성되어 있고, 서로 다른 개념을 기초로 제작된 것이나 두 검사간의 상관계수는 비교적 양호한 상태라 할 수 있다. 그리고 구인 타당도의 한 측면을 나타내는 KISE-BAAT 검사영역 상호간 상관계수는 전체적으로 KISE-BAAT(읽기) 가형이 .23에서 .93을, 나형이 .19에서 .91을 범위로 하고 있으며, KISE-BAAT(쓰기) 가형이 .70에서 .95를, 나형이 .73에서 .95을 범위로 하고 있고, KISE-BAAT(수학) 가형이 .81에서 .94를, 나형이 .83에서 .94를 범위로 하고 있다. 따라서 KISE-BAAT는 개발의 과정에서부터 이루어진 내용 타당도의 확보를 위한 노력 등으로 기초학력을 측정하는데 타당한 도구라 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서 개발한 KISE-BAAT는 아동들의 읽기ㆍ쓰기ㆍ수학 기초학력을 측정하는 신뢰롭고 타당한 개인용 기초학력검사라 할 수 있다. 그러나 KISE-BAAT는 연구 수행상의 제한점과 함께 앞으로 활용의 과정에서 나타나는 문제점을 계속 수정 보완해야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 KISE-BAAT는 문항 편파성 분석 (item bias analysis)과 일반화 가능도 분석에 대한 연구와 더 폭넓은 타당도 분석을 위해 사고력 검사나 다른 학력검사와 공인타당도 분석 등을 연구해야 한다. 그래야만 KISE-BAAT는 아동의 기초학력을 진단 평가하는데 더욱 유용하고 정교한 검사로 발전해 갈 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to develop a basic academic achievement test battery, KISE-BAAT(Korea Institute for Special Education-Basic Academic Achievement Tests) which provides information about a student's achievement and performance in reading, writing and math. In order to develop the test battery the concept and construct of basic academic achievement were investigated. Subsequently the framework of the test battery was developed, the achievement standards of test items were established and test items were developed based on the current seventh national curriculum. The item tryout of KISE-BAAT was administered to 1,499 students in grades K, 2, 5, 8, 12 and in college. Item difficulty and discrimination data were obtained. Items were selected by reviewing all data available. The national standardization was administered to 5,977 students in grades K through 9. Data obtained from the standardization test used to develop national norms for the test and reliability and validity of the test. The results of the study is as follows. First, KISE-BAAT, a test battery for an individual, consists of three tests of reading, writing and math. Each test has Form A and Form B. KISE-BAAT is used to assess the achievement of an individual student of age 5 through 14. The data can be used for general instruction, remedial instruction and evaluation of an educational program. Second, Several methods were used to estimate the reliability of KISE-BAAT. Alternate-form reliability coefficient of KISE-BAAT(Reading) is .82, KISE-BAAT(writing) .69, KISE-BAAT(Math) .89. As for Split-half Reliability coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Reading) shows .93 and .92. In KISE-BAAT(writing) .91 and .94 are presented. In KISE-BAAT(Math) .98 in common. Item response theory reliability coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Reading) are .98 in common. In KISE-BAAT(writing) .90 and .92 are presented. In KISE-BAAT(Math) .97 and .99 are presented. The standard error of measurement of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Reading) is .76 and .85, for KISE-BAAT(writing) .90 and .92 and for KISE-BAAT(Math) 2.11 and 2.32. Test-retest reliability coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Reading) are .96 in common. In KISE-BAAT(writing) .95 and .96 are presented. In KISE-BAAT(Math) .98 is presented in common. Third, the criterion-related validity of KISE-BAAT in terms of the relationship with KEDI-Basic Academic Ability Test was examined. The validity coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Reading) and Reading II of KEDI-Basic Academic Ability Test showed .50 and .56 repectively. The validity coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Writing) and Reading I of KEDI-Basic Academic Ability Test showed .68 and .67 respectively. Reading I of KEDI-Basic Academic Ability Test was matched to KISE-BAAT(Writing) since it has features of writing ability. The validity coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Reading) and Writing of KEDI-Basic Academic Ability Test showed .51 and .68. The validity coefficient of each alternate form of KISE-BAAT(Math) and Computing of KEDI-Basic Academic Ability Test showed .70 and .75. As for intercorrelation coefficents between subtests KISE-BAAT(Reading) range form .23 to .93. In KISE-BAAT(Writing) from .70 to .96 and in KISE-BAAT(Math) from .81 to .94. Based on all the data mentioned above KISE-BAAT can be said a reliable and valid test battery which assess students' ability in reading, writing and math. However, KISE-BAAT should be modified and complemented in order to compensate its own limitations. Future research on item bias analysis and generalizability needs to be done. Criterion-related validity to examine the relationship with other psychological tests or achievement tests also should be done to validate KISE-BAAT further. Case studies and suggestions from test users will also contribute to improve KISE-BAAT.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국에서 옴 감염의 역학 및 임상적 연구: 다기관 후향적 연구

        박송연 ( Song Youn Park ),홍종수 ( Jong Soo Hong ),노주영 ( Joo Young Roh ),이준영 ( Jun Young Lee ),김도원 ( Do Won Kim ),유태진 ( Tae-Jin Yoon ),심우영 ( Woo Young Sim ),이규석 ( Kyu-Suk Lee ),계영철 ( Young Chul Kye ),이애영 ( 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회지 Vol.51 No.9

        Background: Scabies is one of the common skin diseases observed in developing countries. The incidence of scabies has decreased dramatically since the late 1980s in Korea. However, recent outbreaks in nursing homes or hospitals have been raising public health concerns. Objective: We intended to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical aspects of patients diagnosed with scabies in Korea. In particular, we tried to investigate the changing trend of contact sources in our society. Methods: A multi-center cross sectional study was performed at 25 hospitals in Korea. We included 1,539 patients who were diagnosed with scabies. These patients showed scabies mites or eggs under microscopic examination, or clinical improvement after treatment. Their medical records with information of contact sources were reviewed. Results: Six hundred and ninety-three patients were males and 826 were females. Patients’ age from 70 to 79 was the most common followed by patients below 10 years of age. More patients were found in the fall and winter months. 66.7% of patients were thought to be infected at their homes which were situated next to nursing homes or hospitals (23.1%). Place of infection could not be verified in 39.3% of patients. 25.8% of patients were suggested to be infected through contact with medical staff or patients from hospitals or nursing homes. Conclusion: We confirmed that the contact sources of scabies are changing in our society; nursing homes and hospitals are emerging sources of infection. The majority of patients are old or very young who are vulnerable to many diseases. Therefore, dermatologists should pay attention to new contact sources and appropriate care of patients.

      • KCI등재
      • 생인공치주인대 제조를 위한 차폐막이 부착된 복합 나노섬유 스캐폴드의 제조

        서영권 ( Young Kwon Seo ),안재일 ( Jae Il Ahn ),최경민 ( Kyung Min Choi ),윤희훈 ( Hee Hoon Yoon ),송계용 ( Kye Yong Song ),김영진 ( Young Jin Kim ),최정원 ( Jeong Won Choi ),손영숙 ( Young Sook Son ),박정극 ( Jung Keug Park ) 한국조직공학과 재생의학회 2006 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.3 No.4

        Various biodegradable scaffolds have been used for the development of bioartificial periodontal ligament( Bio-PDL), but those scaffolds were focused on cell growth and differentiation only, and could not function as a guided tissue regeneration(GTR) membrane which can inhibit gingival cells migration. So, in this study, we tried to make a composite scaffold composed of collagen nanofiber on amniotic membrane(AM) using electrospinning for dental tissue engineering. As results, we could make a composite scaffold whose breaking load was 1±0.3 N superior to nanofiber scaffold without AM(0.1±0.05 N). After seeding of PDL cell on each scaffold, they attached and proliferated well on both scaffolds. However nanofiber only scaffold was contracted after 5 days of culture, but composite nanofiber scaffold was not contracted for all culture days. In conclusion, the composite nanofiber scaffold made by electrospun collagen fiber on AM will be a suitable substrate for PDL cell culture finally resulting in a good Bio-PDL.

      • KCI등재

        골프장 클럽 하우스 메뉴에 대한 고객선호도와 메뉴만족에 관한 연구

        박계영(Kye Young Park),송경숙(Kyong Suk Song),이영우(Young Woo Lee) 한국관광연구학회 2009 관광연구저널 Vol.23 No.2

        Customer satisfaction at menu and service available in food and beverage shops in golf course clubhouse is not necessarily a critical requirement for customers to select a golf course, but such menu and service must not cause customers to feel discontent with the golf course. Thus, consumers` behaviors of selecting desired food and beverage don`t depend simply on knowledge or information, but are a product of images we recognize. In such a context, this study aims to survey current customers of a golf course clubhouse to examine their preference for menu available there and determine potential effects of such preference on their satisfaction at menu, so that it may propose possible ways to improve the menu available at golf course clubhouse. To achieve the above goals, this study adopted approach of literature review and empirical research. Accordingly, as a part of empirical research, this study focused on menu as a means of sales at golf course clubhouse, a means of its management and a means of marketing, so that it could obtain findings of analysis on potential differences primarily in customer preference for menu depending on customer characteristics, and could find out whether customer satisfaction at menu might vary significantly depending upon customer preference for menu. As a result, this study could re-classify 14 variables of customer preference for menu into 5 major factors: Factor 1 (essential factor), Factor 2 (incidental factor), Factor 3 (extroversive factor), Factor 4 (constitutive factor) and Factor 5 (external factor). It was found that there were more or less differences in customer preference for each attribute of menu depending on customer characteristics. In particular, it was found that customer preference for menu varied depending on customers` demographic characteristics such as sex, age, marital status, academic career, occupation, monthly average income, golf career and monthly use of golf course. And this study used regression analysis to determine potential effects of customer preference for menu of clubhouse upon customer satisfaction at its menu. As a result, it was found that Factor 5 had more significantly positive effects upon customer satisfaction than any other factors, which was followed by Factor 3, Factor 2 and Factor 1 respectively. However, recent customers have much diversified needs as their lifestyles change in various patterns. That is why it is required to implement market segmentation including customers` psychological, social and behavioral characteristics as well as their demographic characteristics. Hence, it is necessary for follow-up studies to try to make more detailed analysis on customer characteristics depending on various customer needs in order to timely respond to changing restaurant market.

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