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        A comprehensive review of the mental spine

        Ross Champagne(Ross Champagne ),Rithvik Vutukuri(Rithvik Vutukuri ),Chung Yoh Kim(Chung Yoh Kim),R. Shane Tubbs(R. Shane Tubbs ),Joe Iwanaga(Joe Iwanaga ) 대한해부학회 2024 Anatomy & Cell Biology Vol.57 No.1

        Clinical case reports and research regarding the mental spines and their associated structures create a detailed picture of the floor of the mouth for assessment during clinical treatment. This compilation of information covers the mental spines, the attached geniohyoid and genioglossus muscles, the lingual foramina, and the veins and arteries of the jaw and floor of the mouth. It is important to consider the variations in the mental spines for oral and maxillofacial treatment involving the mandible. Differences in anatomy of the mental spine, including their number, location, and size, can impact diagnosis and treatment approaches.

      • 소련의 지방자치 : 집행 및 통제상의 문제 Problem of Implementation and Control

        Ross, Cameron 연세대학교 도시문제연구소 1991 地域社會開發論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        Cameron Ross, Local Government in the Soviet Union: Problems of Implementation and control, Croom Helm, London & Sydney, 1987.


        Jong-Kuk Shin,MinKyung Moon,Min-Sook Park,Corey Allen Ross,Yong Ju 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        Socialization agents are an important aspect of a consumer's tool set for determining how they interact with the market environment. These agents are traditionally thought to be members of one's family, peers, and mass media (Bush, Smith, and Martin 1999; John 1999). Research as shown how socialization agents play an important role in marketing research and how they affect attitude formation (Shin, Ross, and Moon, 2015) and brand/store switching behaviors (Shin, Park, and Ross, 2012). Culture defines social norms and forms what are acceptable or even desirable consumption goods within a society (Kaltcheva and Weitz, 2006). Through this definition, one can assume that culture likely has significant influences on a consumer’s shopping motives. Previous researches have attempted to divide culture into dimensions of vertical/horizontal and collectivism/individualism; where vertical individualism is made up of individuals who attempt to stand out from others in their uniqueness via competitive natures, a focus on success and achievements, and acquisition of power; horizontal individualism consists of individuals who tend to shun successful people as boasters and consider values of modesty respectable while retaining their individuality and personal goals apart from comparing to others around them; vertical collectivists are those who recognize a hierarchal form of society and seek to maintain the consistency of traditional authority structures within it; and horizontal collectivists hold views less related to hierarchal recognition and more related to values of equal cooperation with an honest and direct demeanor (Shavitt, Lalwani, Zhang, and Torelli, 2006; Kurman and Sriram, 2002; Triandris and Gelfland, 1998). However, the operational items utilized in research surveys, while successful in the west, such as in the U.S., have struggled to stand out and show significance in the Korean society. This research attempts to provide more useful survey items that embrace each aspect of culture type more clearly in order to reach levels of significance and distinction that are sorely needed in this field. In South Korea, which is thought to be a predominantly collectivist culture (Hofstede, 2001; Rhee, Uleman, and Lee, 1996), a study of discount shoppers found they are inclined to shop for the purpose of socialization either because they enjoy being in a crowd or to compare their current social status level with other shoppers in the same store (Jin and Kim, 2003). Collectivist consumers tend to shop with others among their social circles and spend more time shopping (Ackerman and Tellis, 2001). Consumers that spend more time shopping are more proactive in obtaining information while they are shopping (Bellenger and Korgaonkar, 1980). Risk averse shoppers attempt to increase their market knowledge (Mano and Elliott, 1997), and collectivists are thought to be more risk averse and attempt to avoid risk through various methods, such as price signaling (Shannon and Mandhachitara, 2008). In China, a largely collectivist society, consumers are quite price conscious and focused on thrifty spending habits (Kim, Forsythe, Gu, and Moon, 2002; Zhang, 2001; Weidenbaum, 1996), and they are more likely to engage in obtaining product information during shopping ventures than their individualist American counterparts (Ackerman and Tellis, 2001). Jin and Kim (2003) suggested that Korean shoppers are socially motivated to shop in order to compare their levels of accomplishments with other shoppers in the same venues. This falls in line with a competitive nature distinct in vertical culture types. Verticality in culture values is related to competition and moving up the social latter, while horizontal cultural values denote a more cooperative and passive stance on standing out (Triandis and Gelfand, 1998). It seems logical to assume that vertical culture values tend toward more hedonistic values rather than utilitarian. Utilitarian shoppers are more concerned about price competitiveness and convenience when shopping (Jin and Kim, 2003), implying that individuals of a horizontal cultural nature are more concerned with price comparison and the places that conveniently provide them with information needed to make purchase decisions in the store rather than through external information search, such as through social interactions. When shoppers lack socialization agents or collective cultures to help them make purchase decisions, they must turn to the stores themselves for assistance and information acquisition. Studies have shown that a lack of social interaction creates feelings of loneliness in elderly shoppers, whom will then turn to various mall shopping motivations, such as service consumption and diversion, in order to alleviate their loneliness (Kim, Kang, and Kim, 2005). This suggests that the shopping motivation to interact with service personnel in stores acts as a substitute for situations where socialization agents are lacking. Shopping malls have been shown to be help mitigate feelings of social isolation and emotional disconnect from society (Forman and Sriram, 1991; Mochis, 1996; Kang and Ridgway, 1996). As collectivists tend to highly desire social interactions for a variety of reasons, it is quite likely that such interactions will be a driving factor for their motivation to shop, especially when they lack the appropriate socialization agents that will provide the means to give such interactions outside of the market. Customer satisfaction leads customers to stronger emotional attachments to the stores they are satisfied with, implying that individuals form social bonds with the stores themselves; and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of these individuals becoming regular patrons (Shin and Park, 2014). There are a variety of shopping motives that have been used for studies in previous researches. In this research, we take a look at the motivations of social interaction (Tauber, 1972), information seeking (Bellenger and Korgaonkar, 1980), and price comparison (Groeppel-Klein, Thelen, and Antretter, 1999), and how they are affected by socialization agents, both personal and non-personal, as well as culture type and how they influence an individual's likelihood of emotional attachment to stores.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        Cultural Awareness in E F L Instruction: Rationale and Suggestions for Implementation

        Ross,Robb 팬코리아영어교육학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.16 No.4

        This paper begins by outlining culture’s evolving role and function in language teaching. While in previous centuries students would learn an L2 and attempt to access the target culture through its literature and great works, more contemporary approaches strive to achieve Cultural Awareness or Intercultural Communicative Competence. These focus on the important task of providing learners with the cultural knowledge and skills needed to successfully interact with members of a target culture. Korea’s own experience in cross-cultural contact is then discussed, emphasizing that due to historical and political factors Korea’s awareness of other cultures has been, until relatively recently, rather limited. Next, this article argues that a greater emphasis on cultural content is warranted and necessary. In considering a typical communicative exchange it is often the L2 speaker’s level of cultural awareness that determines its success, rather than the L2 speaker’s mastery of grammar, for example. Finally, in attempting to improve learners’ level of cultural awareness, instructors do not need to discard existing and preferred teaching methods. Only a more principled focus on the selection of materials and choice of tasks is required to implement a process that will improve Korean L2 learners’ cross-cultural communication skills.

      • KCI등재

        The inelastic buckling of varying thickness circular cylinders under external hydrostatic pressure

        Ross, C.T.F.,Gill-Carson, A.,Little, A.P.F. Techno-Press 2000 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.9 No.1

        The paper presents theoretical and experimental investigations on three varying thickness circular cylinders, which were tested to destruction under external hydrostatic pressure. The five buckling theories that were presented were based on inelastic shell instability. Three of these inelastic buckling theories adopted the finite element method and the other two theories were based on a modified version of the much simpler von Mises theory. Comparison between experiment and theory showed that one of the inelastic buckling theories that was based on the von Mises buckling pressure gave very good results while the two finite element solutions, obtained by dividing the theoretical elastic instability pressures by experimentally determined plastic knockdown factors gave poor results. The third finite element solution which was based on material and geometrical non-linearity gave excellent results. Electrical resistance strain gauges were used to monitor the collapse mechanisms and these revealed that collapse occurred in the regions of the highest values of hoop stress, where considerable deformation took place.


        Inelastic general instability of ring-stiffened circular cylinders and cones under uniform external pressure

        Ross, C.T.F. Techno-Press 1997 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.5 No.2

        Experimental tests are described on three ring stiffened machined circular cylinders and three ring stiffened machined circular cones, which were tested to destruction under uniform external pressure. All six vessels failed by inelastic general instability. The experiments showed that the vessels initially deformed plastically at mid-bay in the circumferential direction, and this caused the circumferential tangent modulus to become much less than the elastic Young's modulus, causing the vessels to fail through plastic general instability at pressures much less than that predicted by elastic theory. Based on a thinness ratio, two semi-empirical design charts are provided, which are intended to be used for design purposes in conjunction with the finite element method and a plastic reduction factor.

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