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      • 우리나라 실버산업의 발전 방안연구

        박풍규 청주대학 2015 우암논총 Vol.37 No.-

        Out of the OECD countries, Korea is showing the fastest growth of elderly population. Taking into account the rate of increase of the elderly and average lifespan, we can deduct that the future society will be an elderly society. This study aimed at activating the silver industry in preparation for aged society of Korea; while research conditions were poor due to the failure to establish many environmental conditions for the silver industry, there have recently been many concerns about the silver industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate foreign case analyses, the actual condition and state of the current silver industry, problems of the silver industry, and plans to activate the silver industry on the theoretical ground. Problems of the silver industry in preparation for aged society of Korea included narrow silver market, legal and institutional problems, problems of welfare tools for the aged, problems of governmental and private roles, and other general problems related to the silver industry The whole nation should be aware that problems of aged society are directly connected with survival of this society and take interest in the problems and make preparations from now on. In addition, it is necessary to establish a basic law of aged-friendliness to implement and evaluate many policies comprehensively and to set and implement master plans steadily one by one as a measure for aged society.

      • 노인 일자리 창출을 위한 고령자 친화기업 육성방안

        박풍규 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2015 한국사회과학연구 Vol.37 No.1

        Since the 21th century, the aged population of Korea has been drastically increased and this situation is hardly found in the OECD countries. Ageing brings several social, economic changes and also creates the large portion of senior workers in the future labor market. Therefore, if there are no effort to expand opportunities for the elderly employment, living security of the aged would become a serious problem in the near future. Compared to other policies, especially to the younger generation, the elderly employment policy tends to be delayed. According to this study, several reorganizing ways can be suggested to prepare the ageing society and the more active senior job placement project. There they discover a growing willingness to hire older people, because of the need created by rapid economic growth. Companies that implement elderly-friendly employment programs will be supported with subsidies and a new scheme has already been introduced in many large firms where in return for extra years of employment, elderly workers receive less payment. 노인 일자리사업을 위한 고령자 친화기업의 발굴과 육성은 급증하는 노인들의 노화과정에서 나타난 변화에 성공적으로 적응하여 심리적 안정감을 찾아주며 고령사회에 따른 노인의 건강을 지켜주고, 경제적인 안정을 도모함으로써 노후를 안락하게 보낼 수 있도록 도와주는 노인복지증진을 위한 일환이라 할 수 있을 것이다. 아울러 노인들도 사회의 변화와 더불어 지역사회에 봉사할 수 있는 자원봉사활동이나 교육, 학습활동의 필요성을 노인자신이 스스로 느끼고 적극적으로 참여하여야 할 것이다. 또한, 우리나라와 같이 산업화와 도시화가 급격하게 진행된 사회에서는 노인들의 지속적인 일자리 찾기 사업에 있어서 무엇보다도 우선하야야 할 것은 모든 기업이 관심을 가지고 고령자를 채용할 수 있는 시스템을 구축하여야 할 것이다. 공공기관에서는 노인에 대한 취업알선과 취업적응프로그램의 교육을 통해 사회 변동 흐름을 이해시키고 사회활동에 적극적으로 참가할 수 있도록 하기 위한 적응 능력을 길러주는 것이 필요하다.

      • 노인의 여가활동에 관한 연구

        박풍규 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2014 한국사회과학연구 Vol.36 No.1

        우리나라는 경제수준의 발전과 의료과학기술의 발달로 평균수명이 연장되면서 고령화가 세계에서 가장 빨리 진행되는 국가로 나타났다. 그러나 현대사회에서 노인계층의 사회적 역할과 기능에 대한 인식 및 기대는 저하되고 있는 실정이다. 사회구조가 산업화, 도시화됨에 따라 높은 비율의 노년인구는 강제적 또는 자발적으로 노동과 사회참여의 기회에서 배제되었다. 이로 인해 노인계층의 역할 상실문제, 고독과 소외문제, 경제적 빈곤문제, 질병과 건강관리문제, 노인부양 및 보호문제, 여가시간의 문제 등 다양한 노인문제가 발생하고 있다. 일반적으로 노인들에게 있어서 삶과 여가는 매우 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. 그리고 여가활동을 통해 삶의 여유로움을 느낄 수 있고 일상적이며 고된 삶을 단순히 연장할 수도 있다. 분명 노년기의 여가 생활은 노인들의 개인적인 욕구를 충족시키고 노년기 생활만족도 및 심리적인 안정감, 삶의 질을 추구하는데 아주 중요한 영향력을 미친다. 또한 여가는 노인들에게 신체적인 측면, 심리적인 측면, 건강과 연관된 측면 등에서 다양한 장점을 제공한다. 우리는 노인들의 여가활동이 활발하게 이루어질 수 있도록 지속적인 관심과 제도적 보완장치를 갖춤으로써 노인들이 스스로 적극적으로 주위에 관심을 갖고 평생 축적해온 경험과 기술, 지혜로써 젊은 세대로부터 비전을 제시하는 역할을 조성해야 할 것이다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 노인 여가활동의 활성화를 위하여 노인 여가 프로그램의 개발, 노인 여가 전문인력의 양성, 노인 여가시설의 설치 및 확충 등을 제시하였다. 노년기의 여가시간은 더욱 연장되고 삶의 질에 대한 관심이 점차 높아지고 있는 상황을 고려할 때, 노인들의 여가활동을 활성화시키는 것은 앞으로 우리사회가 해결해야 할 중요한 과제이다. This study is aimed to examine and analyze the realities and problems of the leisure activities of the Korean aged to find out the promotion schemes of those activities and their quality of life. It is conducted mainly on the basis of literature studies. For senior citizens, living and leisure are linked very closely. Whether they feel the composure of life or prolong a strenuous life depends partly upon their accessibility to leisure activities. During the third age, leisure activities have a significant influence on meeting aged people's individual wants and elevating their living standards their satisfaction with life, psychological stability, perceived happiness, etc. Also leisure activities provide them with various physical, mental and health benefits. As such, relentless interest and systemic support should be given so as to promote senior citizens' leisure activities. This way, the elderly will be able to show more interest in their surroundings and society as a whole, assuming the role of a vision presenter passing down their life-long experience, expertise and wisdom to younger generations. This study, in this context, suggests development of old-age leisure activities, education and training of dedicated experts, establishment and expansion of old-age leisure facilities in a bid to promote senior citizens' leisure activities. Finally, taking note of old-age leisure activities as an important mode of life, the study maintains that such activities be studied and developed in a scientific and reasonable viewpoint of cultural creation.

      • KCI등재

        晉山世稿 小考

        柳풍淵 한국한자한문교육학회 2002 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.9 No.-

        Jin San Seo-Go(釜山世철) is a collection of prose and poetry of Hoe-Baek Kang (a scholar and a civil minister during the late period of the Korea dynasty, the early period of Chosen dynasty), his son Seok-Deuk Kang, and his grandson Hei-Ahn Kang, This collection was edited by Hei-Ahn Kang, a brother of Hei-Ahn Kang. Hei-Ahn Kang wrote a history of his father and grandfather. These 4 persons are the origin of family’ s study. This collection consists of a history of three men and their family members in a direct line: and describes of its compilation and organization: and reviews of authers literature. This collection is a book in four volumes, the first volumes contains Hoe-Baek Kang’ s prose and poetry, the second one is for Seok-Deuk Kang’ s work, and the third one is Hei-Ahn Kang’ s literature, the last one is Hei-Ahn Kang’ s Yang Hwa So Loek. Jin San Seo Go was edited by Hei-Ahn Kang, he asked its publication to Jong-Jick Kim, a governor of Ham Yang. This book is not big, but its poetry is bright, neat and exact in form, and has elegant style and rich in poetic emotion. Moreover, this book is well-constructed and high-toned rhythm. There are no mistakes in composition. This outstanding work is a result of several generation’ s study and due to great teachers. Hoe-Baek Kang studied metaphysics from Geun Koen, Geun Koen was a best student of Saek Lee. Hoe-Baek Kang kept company with Mong-Jun Jeong, Sung-In Lee, Seok-Deuk Kang was a student of Hang Lee, and Hang Lee was a friend with Saek Lee. Seok-Deuk Kang was excellent in poetry and handwriting, specially he studied Chiness scholar, Yo Jong and Hei-ji Wang’ s handwriting, therefore his son, Hei-Ahn Kang was a genius in this field. Hei-Ahn Kang was a disciple of Heo Yoon, and he was a man of integrity, Hei-Ahn Kang did not want to live within his means, reputation, nor ambitions for success. He was a scholar in Jib Hyun Jeon during the era of the Sejong. His poetry, painting, and handwriting were the best in known. Hei-Mang Kang, his younger brother, showed excellency in the literature and was great government official, also. He passed the civil service examination, and served as a minister of the Ceremonies Board. He wrote all of the important documents of the country. Moreover, his descendants served for country as civil ministers and great scholars.

      • 借字表記의 「詩經釋義」註解(1)

        南豊鉉,金斗燦,尹勝俊 단국대학교 퇴계학연구소 1995 退溪學硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        이 글은 『퇴계학연구』 제8집에 자료로서 실었던 「저자표기의 '시경석의'」를 주해한 것이다. 이 주해는 방대한 양이므로 4회 정도로 나누어 싣게 될 것이다. 이번에 싣는 주해는 국풍의 왕풍까지로 하였다. 이 『시경석의』는 16세기 후반에 미암 유희춘에 의하여 저술된 것으로 추정되는 것이다. 당시는 유가의 경서를 언해하는 작업이 진행되고 있었던 때이므로 이 석의도 그와 밀접한 관계를 가지고 저술되었던 것으로 믿어진다. 석의는 경서 가운데 난해한 곳만 선택하여 해석한 것이고 언해는 경서의 전체를 해석한 것이므로 아마도 먼저 이 석의가 이루어지고 이를 참고로 하여 언해가 이루어졌을 것으로 믿어진다. 16세기말에 간행된 교정청본 사서언해와 17세기초에 간행된 삼경언해는 주자집전을 근거로 하여 언해된 것인데 이 석의도 주자의 시경집전을 근거로 하여 이루어진 것이다. 따라서 두 문헌을 대조하면 같은 문헌을 참고로 하여 이루어진 해석이 학자에 따라 어떻게 달리 반영되어 있는가를 확인할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 같은 내용의 표현이 개인에 따라 어떻게 달라질 수 있는가도 고찰할 수가 있을 것이다. 이에 따라 이주해도 교정청본 시경언해와 대조하면서 하기로 하고 다음과 같은 절차에 따라 주해하였다.

      • KCI등재

        시상의 조동사 '在/ナ/겨-'의 발달

        남풍현 국어국문학회 2004 국어국문학 Vol.- No.138

        '在/ナ/gi??' that was written in an old Korean writing form-借字 is identified in many Korean linguistic data which were used until late 19c. Many scholars dealt with it actively and they tend to interprete it in two ways: 'aspect' vesus 'honorific' asd 'p r e f i n a l e n d i n g' versus 'a u x i l l i a r y'. In this paper, I argued that '在/ナ/gi??-' should be interpreted as 'aspect' and 'auxilliary' by referring to the evidential data in Yi d u a n d K u g y e o l. In this regard, I proved that '在/ナ/gi??-' cannot be interprated as 'honorific' by presenting some cases that '在/ナ/gi??-' was used as 'astect'. I also proved that '在/ナ/gi??-' is used as 'auxilliary' in which there is difference of gramatical category between old Korean and middle Korean. I argued that '在/ナ/gi??-' was s u b s t i t u t e d b y '有/is-' in mid 13c. I proved that 'ハこ/기시-' in Seokdok Kugyeol and 'ハ/gi-' in 'ハ白/gisΛrb-' can be interprered as 'a u x i l l i a r y'.

      • KCI등재

        앙드레 말로 硏究 : 이탈·집착의 對應構造와 <宿命의 豫示> Structures oppositionnelles detachement/attachement et prefiguration du destin

        金鵬九 서울大學校 人文學硏究所 1981 人文論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        Pour nous autres asiatiques, entreprendre une etude sur un ecrivain occidental semble toujours une veritable gageure. Entre le desir de comprendre et la realite visee se dressent d'innombrables obstacles. Ceux qui sont dus aux differences structurelles des langues ne sont certainement pas les moindres. Ces differences des systemes linguistiques refletent d'aelleurs tout bonnement celles des civilisations. Voila donc un fosse apparemment infranchissable ou du moins que personne n'osera tenter de franchir les yeux fermes. Pourtant rien ne pourra nous empecher d'aimer un ecrivain etranger. Qui sait d'ailleurs si, en l'aimant passionnement, on n'arrivera pas a acceder, par-dela ces difficultes et dans une communion d'ame a ame, a la verite de cequi fait sa vie et son oeuver? Quant a moi, cela est devenu petit a petit une conviction et c'est effectivement ce qui m'est arrive-est-ce seulement une illusion?-avec Andre Malraux. je l'ai toujours aime d'un amour profond. Je tiens absolument a le dire, car memes les methodes, relativement nouvelles pour certains de leurs aspects, que j'emploie lci n'auraient pas ete concevables sans ces entretien imaginaire que j'essayais d'etablir et de maintenir durant de longues annees avec cet homme exceptionnel. Oh! je sais, de si loin, mais qui tout de meme m'a donne de profondes satisfactions chaque fois que j'avais l'intime conviction de penetrer au plus profond de son etre. La presente etude tente d'articuler deux concepts d'analyse que mes lectures d'Andre Malraux m'ont progressivement conduit a poser comme fondement indispensable pour toute interpretation du sens cache de son univers. Le premier est celui de "vie-oeuvre" que je propose de distinguer de ce qu'on appelle communement "vie et oeuvre"Ce mot compose traduit bien evidemment une demarche consistant a chercher une unite de ce que fut l'existence d'Andre Malraux, cette derniere n'etant pas d'un cote une vie et une oeuvre de l'autre, mais a la fois les deux se renvoyant d'etranges echos, se laissant lire l'une a travers l'autre et creant ainsi une lisibilite quasi homogene des deux domaines; leurs barrieres sont abolies dans une fusion sans cesse renouvelee et degageant une puissante energie qui modela l'homme et dans ses creations et dans ses aventures. Nulle part ailleurs, la biographie ne fournit peut-etre autant de cles pour la comprehension de l'oeuvre et vice-versa. Mais d'une maniere plus generale, je refuse absolument les postulats de certaines methodologies pretendument scientifique qui veulent superbement ignorer l'homme au seul profit de l'oeuvre. C'est une regrettable pollution de l'esprit chaque jour plus envahissante qui risque de nous conduire a breve echeance a une cecite intellectuelle totale. Le second concept fait intervienir les structures oppositionnelles de deux themes: detachement et attachement. Ce sderniers ne sont pas seulement investis dans l'oeuvre. Ce sont plutot deux lignes de forces qui traversent constamment la vie et l'oeuvre, deux faces actualisees d'un destin supreme. Le detachemont, dont il sera question dans cet article qui en prevoit d'autres, signifie la rupture avec tout ce qui nous a fait tels que nous sommes, famille, tradition, religion, etc. L'attachement est un mouvement inverse, une force mystique qui, defiant notre volonte de depart, nous fait toujours retrouver notre passe, notre racine. Flux et reflux, depart et retour, grand large et terre natale...et, a la fin, "retour de l'enfant prodigue." Tel fut le destin de lecrivain et tels furent aussi ceux de ses personnages. Le grand retour, pour Andre Malraux parti aux confins de l'Asie miserable et eblouissante, millenaire et revolutionnaire, sera vers sa France, sa civilisation occidentale.

      • 丹陽新羅赤城碑의 語學的인 考察

        南豊鉉 단국대학교 1979 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The Silla Cheokseong Stele discovered in January, 1978 by the Academic Research Group of the Dankook University Museum is an important datum for the study of the history of the Korean language as well. The inscription on the stele being a record in Chinese characters of the intentions held by our ancestors in the beginning of the 6th century, contains some elements of the Korean language. It represents the initial characteristics of Idu used for writing our language borrowing Chinese characters. This paper has aimed to clarify the characteristics of the inscription in terms of Idu, and thus to delve into the characteristic features of the writing system of the ancient Korean language. Only the conclusion is summarized below. 1. So far as it has been confirmed up to the present, the inscription consists of 13 sentences. The sentences have markers by which we can regard them as such “事”and “之”, sentence closing markers, having in them the Korean language-like elements can be seen to have come from bilingual identification, and the present writer has interpreted that “是以後”, “(前)者”, “後者”, ”雖然”, “若” had followed the Chinese grammatical model. 2. Aiming to clarify the Idu characters of the inscription, the concepts regarding Idu held by the present writer have been specified. Idu has the Korean language-like elements used for the Idu sentences made of hybrid language. The Idu sentences began to develop based on the ability of expression derived from a way of interpretative reading that started with the interpretative reading of Chinese classics. Meanwhile, the Idu sentences had social universals and were used under a national public recognition. And so they to have a tradition to be handed down to next generations. In this regard, they were different from imperfect anomalous Chinese sentences that occurred in the course of trying to write Chinese sentences. The Idu system diveloped later had its to (吐, a kind of grammatical morpheme sequence of in old Korean Writhing System), but during the period of the Three Kingdoms the to were undeveleped and those words of a bilingual identification were used instead. The indications of Idu seen on the inscription are “中”, “事”, “節”, “之”, “更”, “白” and it is constued they are the Idu terms used for the undeveloped Idu sentences in the initial period. It has been postulated that “使”, “爲”, “去” in addition should also be interpreted as having indications of Idu. Some word orders in the inscription have indications of Idu. “更赤城烟去使之”, “國法中分與”, “合五人之” have the same word orders as in the Korean sentences. 3. “節” in “節敎事” has been assumed as a temporal Idu word, and been interpreted as meaning “at a time or at the particular time,” and it is construed that a paragraph begins with “節敎事”. The whole of the inscription is therefore construed to have two parts: one is the main body and the other the enumerating list of the persons involved in the erection of the stele. It has been postulated that the main body is again divided into three parts: “王敎事”, “節敎事” and “別敎”. 4. “伊史夫智” in the inscription and “異斯夫” in Samkuk-saki (the History of the Three Kingdoms) are different descriptions of the same name. With an assumption that “伊史” and “異斯” are proper nouns implying a moss recorded in the History of the Three Kingdoms, it has been clarified that “伊史” has more phonological agreement with /is/(moss)of the middle Korean language. When “伊處” and “異次” in the Reminiscences of the Three Kingdoms and “古巴” and “古寶” in the Record of Statue in Kamsan-sa are considered together in terms of their descriptions, it is confirmed that the vowels in the second syllable described in the Chinese letters differ greatly, which is evidence that the final consonant existed in the first syllable. Then the importance of the first syllable letter has been clarified in the study of the old Korean writing system. 5. With the appearance of “波珍干支” in “蔚州書石” also, two examples from the period of the Three Kingdoms are now counted in our hands. This is known as a description of “바다ㆍㄹ/pat??r/” which was an ancient form of "바라ㆍㄹ(par??r)" in the medieval age. "珍" reads by its meaning as "돌(tol)" which is an example of evidence that in the vocabulary description during the period of the Three Kingdoms the borrowed characters were used only as phonetic symbols ignoring their original meanings. This shows that the vocabulary description was Koreanized, on which it is construed the development of to writings in later ages was based. 6. It has been assumed that the fact that “書人(writer)”was a man from "喙部" is good evidence that the sentence style of the inscription was not one used temporarily in a province but one used in the national capital. “書”in“書人”, different form “書” found in other formal steles in later generations, was used meaning not only writing itself but the same as composition.

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