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ω6계 및 ω3계 지방산 식이조성과 비타민 E의 첨가가 흰쥐의 혈장 및 간의 지방산 성분에 미치는 영향
박계월,김미경,김은경 강릉대학교동해안지역연구소 1999 東海岸硏究 Vol.9 No.2
Effects of various dietary ω6/ω3 fatty acid ratios(about 0.5, 6, 20) on lipids and fatty acid composition were studied at the constant P/M/S ratio(1.0). Corn oil, soybean oil, perilla oil, fish oil, and beef oil were used the source of ω6 and ω3 fatty acids. Male Sprague-Dawley were assigned to 6 groups according to the dietary ω6/ω3 fatty acid ratios and supplementation of vitamin E. Fatty acids composition in plasma and liver were determined by using gas chromatography. Plasma lipids concentrations were also analyzed. The results of this study were as follows. The concentration of total cholesterol tended to increase with the increase of ω6/ω3 ratio. The triglyceride and LDL- cholesterol levels also increased with the increase of ω6/ω3 ratio, these patterns were similar to those of total cholesterol. The fatty acid ratio of plasma and liver increased the increase of dietary ω6/ω3ratios. The supplementation of vitamin E was not statistically significant among the groups.
에너지 섭취 조사를 위한 24시간 회상법의 정확도 평가: 여자노인을 대상으로 이중표식수법을 이용하여
박계월(Kye-Wol Park),고나영(Na-Young Go),전지혜(Ji-Hye Jeon),Didace Ndahimana,Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata,박종훈(Jonghoon Park),김은경(Eun-Kyung Kim) 한국영양학회 2020 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.53 No.5
본 연구는 만 65세 이상의 여자 노인 23명을 대상으로 이중표식수법을 이용하여 측정한 에너지소비량을 기준으로 에너지섭취량을 조사하는 24시간 회상법의 정확도를 평가하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 연구 대상자 평균 연령은 70.3 ±3.3세, 신장 및 체중은 각각 153.0 ± 5.9cm와 56.0 ± 8.0 kg, 체질량지수 (BMI)는 23.9 ± 2.8 kg/m²이었다. 24시간 회상법으로 산출된 총에너지섭취량 (TEI)과 이중표식수법으로 측정된 총에너지소비량 (TEEDLW) 간의 피어슨 상관계수는 r = 0.482로 두 값 간에 의미 있는 양의 상관성 (p < 0.05)을 보여주었다. 그러나 24시간 회상법으로 조사된 3일간의 평균 에너지섭취량 (1,489.6 ± 211.1 kcal/day)은 이중표식수법으로 측정된 총에너지소비량 (2,023.5 ± 234.9 kcal/day)보다 -533.9 ± 228.0 kcal/day만큼 과소보고 되었으며, 두 값 간에 유의한 차이가 있었다 (p < 0.001). 총에너지섭취량과 총에너지소비량간의 과소보고율은 -25.9% ± 10.5%로 나타났다. Bland-Altman 방법으로 총에너지섭취량과 총에너지소비량간의 일치도 평가 결과로 두 값 일치 한계의 범위가 -980.8 kcal/day에서 -86.9 kcal/day로 음의 값으로 치우쳐 나타났다. 본 연구 결과에 따르면 에너지섭취량을 조사하는 24시간 회상법을 여자노인에게 적용시, 과소보고율이 -25.9%로 높았고, 에너지섭취량을 정확하게 예측한 비율 (오차범위 ± 10% 이내)도 8.7%로 낮았다. Purpose: This study evaluated the accuracy of the 24-hour diet recall method for estimating energy intakes in elderly women using the doubly labeled water (DLW) method. Methods: The subjects were 23 elderly women with a mean age of 70.3 ± 3.3 years and body mass index (BMI) of 23.9 ± 2.8 kg/m². The total energy expenditure (TEEDLW) was determined by using the DLW and used to validate the 24-hour diet recall method. The total energy intake (TEI) was calculated from the 24-hour diet recall method for three days. Results: TEI (1,489.6 ± 211.1 kcal/day) was significantly lower than TEEDLW (2,023.5 ± 234.9kcal/day) and was largely under-reported by -533.9 ± 228.0 kcal/day (-25.9%). The accurate prediction rate of elderly women in this study was 8.7%. The Bland-Altman plot, which was used to evaluate the TEI and the TEEDLW, showed that the agreement between them was negatively skewed, ranging from -980.8 kcal/day to -86.9 kcal/day. Conclusion: This study showed that the energy intake of elderly women was underreported. Strategies to increase the accuracy of the 24-hour diet recall methods in the elderly women should be studied through analysis of factors that affect underreporting rate. Further studies will be needed to assess the validity of the 24-hour diet recall method in other population groups.
입원환자의 조기 경장영양의 효과와 영양집중지원팀의 역할
박계월 ( Kye Wol Park ),손희령 ( Hee Ryoung Son ),김지훈 ( Ji Hoon Kim ),김명희 ( Myoung Hee Kim ),최은진 ( Eun Jin Choi ) 한국정맥경장영양학회 2016 Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism(한국정맥경장 Vol.8 No.2
Purpose: The study examined the effects of early enteral nutrition on the patients’ length of stay in an intensive care unit (ICU), length of stay and mortality rate. Methods: A retrospective design was employed with a total of 461 patients (mean age=69.9±15.6 years; 253 males; 208 females). They were divided into two groups according to when they received enteral feeding: an “early enteral nutrition” (EEN) group of 148 patients (32.1%) who received enteral feeding within 48 hours of their arrival at the hospital and a “delayed enteral nutrition” (DEN) group of 313 patients (67.9%) who received enteral feeding at some point after 48 hours of their arrival at the hospital. The EEN group and control group were similar in terms of age, sex, body mass index, and underlying diseases. Results: The EEN group’s total length of stay in hospital was shorter (23.29±27.19 days) than that of the control group (36.74±32.24 days); the difference was significant (P<0.001). The EEN group also showed a shorter length of stay in the ICU (13.67±22.77 days) than the DEN group (17.46±21.02 days) and a lower mortality rate (17.6%) than the control group (18.8%), but these differences were not significant. Conclusion: The study found that early enteral nutrition treatment reduced total length of stay in hospital significantly. The findings suggest that early enteral nutrition treatment plays an important role in the patients’ recovery and prognosis.
A Comparison of Obesity Prevalence between Korean-American Children and Korean Children
Sim Young-Ja,Kim Eun-Kyung,Park Kye-Wol,Kim Hee-Sun The Korean Society of Community Nutrition 2006 Journal of community nutrition Vol.8 No.1
This study is to compare the prevalence of obesity between Korean-American children and Korean children, and to investigate the role of environmental factors in obesity development. Prevalence of child obesity is compared by their residence, parents' anthropometric data, education and occupation, and the length of immigration, and birth place of the children. A total of 593 children between the ages of 9 and 12 were examined. 262 Korean-American children (KcUS group) from New Jersey, USA and 331 Korean children (KcK group) from Seoul, Korea were compared. KcUS group showed a higher obesity rate (male: 12.6% and female: 8.2%), compared to KcK group (male: 8.0% and female: 5.1 %). KcK male children showed lower weight and prevalence of obesity than Korean-American male children who lived in the United States for more than three years. Korean-American female children had higher weight and obesity rate than Korean female children. Waist circumference and hip circumference were also higher in obese children in both KcK and KcUS groups. The children who live in America had an odds ratio of 1.69 to be obese compared to KcK, while those born in America and those who have lived in America for more than 3 years had odds ratios of 1.53 and 1.25 to be obese, respectively. This study found that environmental factors, immigration to America for instance, could playa bigger role in child obese development than the genetic factor.
일부 폐경 전, 후 중년 여성의 철분 영양상태에 관한 연구 : 강릉지역을 중심으로
류옥남,이선희,박계월,김은경 대한영양사협회 1999 대한영양사협회 학술지 Vol.5 No.2
The purposes of this study were to assess iron status and obesity in 82 middle aged women living in Kangnung area. Anthropometric measurements were taken for body weight, height, percentage of body fat and circumferences of waist and hip. Venous blood samples were drawn from subjects for measurement of hemoglobin(Hb), hematocrit(Hct), serum iron(Fe), total iron binding capacity(TIBC), transferrin saturation(TS) and serum ferritin. Dietary intakes of iron(heme iron and nonheme iron), the amounts of MPF(meat, poultry and fish) and ascorbic acid were assessed by modified 24-hr recall method. The results obtained are summarized as follows: Postmenopausal women had more body fat than premenopausal women. That is, postmenopausal women tend to be obeser than premenopausal women. There was no difference in Hb, Hct, Fe, TIBC and TS between pre- and postmenopausal women. But the serum ferritin concentration of postmenopausal women(83.7±42.1ng/ml) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than premenopausal women(56.4±41.0ng/ml). Prevalences of iron deficiency (20%, 20.0% and 17.1% respectively) of premenopausal women when judged by TIBC, TS and ferritin were significantly higher than those(0.8%, 2.4% and 2.4%, respectively) of postmenopausal women. The mean daily intakes of total iron in pre- and postmenopausal women were 17.5±9.3mg and 15.6±6.9mg, respectively. Bioavailabilities of dietary iron were 6.5% and 4.5% in pre- and post-groups. These results indicate that individual dietary guidelines should be used to educate middle-aged women different in status of menopause. For example, premenopausal women should increase nutritional iron status and postmenopausal women should try to prevent obesity.
Kim, Eun-Kyung,Sim, Young-Ja,Park, Kye-Wol,Kim, Hee-Sun The Korean Society of Community Nutrition 2006 Journal of community nutrition Vol.8 No.4
Food frequency, food attitude, eating habits and physical activities of Korean-American children and Korean children were compared. Two hundred and sixty two Korean-American children living in New Jersey and New York in the United States of America(KcUS group) and three hundred and thirty one Korean children living in Seoul, Korea (KcK group) between the ages of 9 and 12 were included. There were significant differences in food frequency between these groups. The KcUS group ate more western food, more food at meal time and more snack than the KcK group. In addition, KcUS group slept longer hours and exercised less than KcK group. In this study, we learned that higher rate of obesity in Korean-American children could be partially explained by the difference in food intake, food attitude, eating habit, and physical activities between the two groups. It is suggested that a different approach will be useful in developing nutrition education programs against childhood obesity for the Korean-American children and Korean children.