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      • The Computer Algebra Systems in Mathematics Education : A Review of Recent Research

        Kwon, Oh-Nam,Shin, Eun-Ju,Shon, Bo-Kyung 이화여자대학교 교과교육연구소 2001 East west education Vol.18 No.-

        This study examines the potential role for Computer Algebra Systems(CAS) in such an educational context, particularly their potential to get students more engaged in the learning of mathematics as well as to reduce the "strangle hold" of prerequisite algebraic skills, in courses such as functions, introductory calculus. What is the present status of and near-future outlook for computer algebra in Korean secondary schools? The answer that arises from this review of available fact is: bright with promise, but still dim. Several recent developments have set the stage for an acceleration in the dissemination rate for CAS to high schools. However, this review of some past and present conditions indicates that many years will pass before computer algebra is impacting high school mathematics as much as hand-held calculators are doing now.

      • KCI등재

        해마 theta리듬과 pyramidal neuron의 세포내 특성과의 상관관계

        권오흥,조진화,남순현,김현정,최병주,김영진,이만기 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.4

        Eledctrophysiological phenomena of pyramidal cells in the CAI area of the dorsal hippocampus were recorded from and filled with neurobiotin in anesthetized rats. The electropharmacological properties of membrane as well as the cellular-synaptic generation of rhythmic slow activity (theta)were examined. The intracellular response characteristics of these pyramidal cells were distinctly different from responses of inteneurons. Pyramidal cells had a high resting membrane potential, a low input resistance, and a large amplitude action potential. A afterhyperpolarization was followed a single action potential. Most of pyramidal cells did not display a spontaneous firing. Pyramidal cells displayed weak inward rectification and anodal break excitation. The slope of the frequency-current relation was 53.4 Hz/nA for the first interspike interval and 15.9 Hz/nA for the last intervals, suggesting the presence of spike frequency adaptation. Neurobiotin-filled neurons showed pyramidal morphology. Cells were generally bipolar dendritc processes ramifying in stratum lacunosum-moleculare, radiatum, and oriens. Commissural stimulation discharged pyramidal cells, followed by excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs). The frequency of theat-related membrane potential oscillation was voltage-independent in pyramidal neurons. At strong depolarization levels (less than 30 mV) pyramidal cells emitted sodium spike oscillation, phase-locked to theta. The observations provide direct evidence that theta-related rhythmic hyperpolarization of principal cells is brought by the rhythmically discharging interneurons. Furthermore, the findings in which interneurons were also paced by rhythmic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials during theta suggest that they were periodically hyperpolarized by their GABAergic septal afferents.

      • 刺人參이 PE로 유발된 토끼의 수축혈관에 미치는 영향

        권오율,남창규 世明대학교 한의학연구소 2002 韓醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        This study was undertaken to define the effect of Oplopanacis Cortex on the phenylephrine-induced arterial contraction and the mechanism of Oplopanacis Cortex-induced relaxation. In order to investigate the effect of Oplopanacis Cortex on contracted rabbit carotid arterial strips, transverse strips with intact or damaged endothelium were used for the experiment using organ bath. To analyze the mechanism of Oplopanacis Cortex-induced relaxation, Oplopanacis Cortex extract infused into contracted arterial strips induced by phenylephrine after treatment of indomethacin, tetraethylammonium chloride or N_(t) nitro-_L-arginine. The relaxation of Oplopanacis Cortex was dependent on the presence of endothelium, showing that Oplopanacis Cortex-indeced relaxation was not observed in the strips damaged endothelium. The endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by Oplopanacis Cortex was suppressed by the pretreatment of N_(t) nitro-_L-arginine, but it was not observed in the strips pretreated or tetraethylammonium chloride. These result demonstrated that Oplopanacis Cortex may inhibit phenylephrine-induced constraction through the production of nitric oxide in the vascular endothelial cells.

      • Pinus koraiensis와 Pinus parviflora의 樹高에 따른 氣孔數 變異에 關하여

        權五容,辛昌男,吳炅煥,方在旭 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1980 學術硏究誌 Vol.7 No.2

        Stomata1 distribution in relation to the height of Pinus parviflora and Pinus koraiensis was studied 1. Stomata1 bands per needle of P parviflora and P koraiensis were 8.60±0.62 - 11.47±0.74, 14.07±1.03 - 16.60±0.99 and the number of stomata per band were 382.0±8.80 404.27±26.16, 1,326. 67±87.78 - 2,286.58±214.57, respectively 2. The number of stomatal band was significantly different between 3, 4m and 5, 6m in P parviflora and between 5, 6m and 7m in P. koraiensis Consequently, it is suggested that stomatal frequency gradient associated with increasing height above the ground is correlated with the greater degree of exposure to light.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교의 시설 및 교원조직 운영 실태: 공학과 별학 간의 비교

        권오남,곽삼근,임 형,허라금 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2001 교과교육학연구 Vol.5 No.2

        남녀공학 교육형태가 세계적으로 확산되는 추세 속에서 우리 나라 공학 교육은 실질적인 양성 평등교육에 대한 충분한 사전 준비 없이 확대·시행되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 공학교육의 실태와 문제점을 양성평등의 실현이라는 차원에서 분석해 보고자 한다. 성별 학교 유형에 따른 학교 운영상의 차이점을 파악하기 위해 남녀공학, 여학교, 남학교의 학교 운영 실태 및 시설현황을 분석해 본다. 연구 방법은 서울, 대구, 경기, 전북, 제주의 일반계 고등학교를 대상으로 1·2차의 수정작업을 거쳐 개발된 설문지를 사용하여 연구를 수행하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 의사결정직의 구조에서 상위직의 여성의 비율이 남녀 공학과 남학교에 비해 여학교의 경우에 상대적으로 높게 나타나고 있으며, 계열별 주요 교과 교사의 성별 분포에서는 인문계 교과에서 여교사 비율이 높게 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 인문계 영역의 여성의 편중 현상은 인문계 계통의 대학에 여학생의 진학 비율이 높게 나타나고 있는 데에서도 보여지고 있다. 또한 연구결과를 살펴보면, 교복 착용이나 교훈 등에서 여학생의 활동을 제약하는 요소들을 내재하고 있는 것으로 밝혀졌고, 시설물도 부족하게 제공받고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 학교의 운영체계는 학생들에게 역학 모델로서 큰 영향이 미칠 수 있다. This study attempted to compare co-educational and single-sex Korean high schools in terms of their facilities for each gender and organization of teachers for decision-making processes. The subjects of this study were 43 high schools in Seoul, Daegu, Kyonggi, Chonbuck, and Cheju areas. Data were collected by the questionnaire which includes questions on gender distribution of teachers for decision making processes, educational golas, school facilities for each gender, and others. The percentage of male teachers involving decision-making processes was higher than that of females teachers in both co-educational high schools and single-sex high schools. Further, this study revealed that girls were lacking for school facilities such as playground, toilets. This study suggested that teachers, educators, policy makers should aware of these facts in order to achieve gender equity and equality in high schools.

      • Chloroform 용매 중에서 Aniline과 Iodine간의 Charge Transfer Complex 형성 Mechanism에 대한 연구

        권오윤,崔相元,金南政 여수대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The formation of charge transfer complex between indine and aniline in chloroform solvent have been studied kinetically by using conductivity method. The initially formed outer charge transfer complex was transformed into a inner charge transfer complex. The pseudo first order rate constants and aitivation entropy are affected by aniline concentration. The second order rate constants for the decomposition of the outer charge transfer complex(first order in aniline and in the outer charge transfer complex) depend on the aniline concentration. The ease with which the transformation proceeds depends on the relative magnitudes of the enthalpy of formation of the outer charge transfer complex as well as dielectric properties of aniline.

      • 苦蔘이 家免의 血管收縮抑制에 미치는 影響

        권오율,남창규,정찬길 世明대학교 한의학연구소 1999 韓醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect and mechanism of Sophorae Radix on arterial experimental section contracted by PE(phenyl-ephrine). The results were summarized as follows; 1.Sophorae Radix significantly ingibited the PE-induced contraction of artery, accordingly as concentration of Sophorae Radix increased. 2.Sophorae Radix significantly ingibited the PE-induced contraction of artery both with intact endothelium and removed endothelium. 3.The ingibiting effect of Sophorae Radix on contracted strips was not changed by the pretreatment of NLA(Nω-nitro-L-arginine). 4.Sophorae Radix more significantly inhibited the PE-induced contraction of artery than KCI-induced. 5.The mechanism of inhibition of Sophorae Radix on contracted strips is suggested that Ca++ was blocked from the external medium.

      • 鷄龍山 陸松群落 및 리기다松群落의 林床植生에 關하여

        權五溶,辛昌男,吳炅煥 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1979 學術硏究誌 Vol.6 No.2

        A study was carried out to ascertain the standing crops, species composition, and relationships between the standing crops and soil nutrients in the Pine forest and the Pitch pine forest of Gyeryong Mt. Species compositions of the Pine forest and the Pitch pine forest were 36 and 20 species, and dominant species of them was Festuca ovina . Total live standing crops of ground vegetation, 215.28-631.67g/㎡ and 188.62-446.13g/㎡, were highest in September, and net productivities were 13.02-169.95g/㎡ and 12.62-109.58g/㎡, respectively. Total live standing crops were significantly correlated with the water content and the organic matter of soil in each forest, and comparatively with the total nitrogen and the exchangeable phosphorus in the Pitch pine forest.

      • Chlorella vulgaris의 세포막에서 일어나는 Glycine 흡수과정에 관한 연구

        權五溶,辛昌男,吳炅煥,李錦洙 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1981 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.1

        In order to datemine that glycine uptake in the cell membrane of Chlorella vulgaris is depend on the specificity of substrate and energy required, it has been investigated on the reaction velocity of glycine and certain carrier. Some effects on the transmural fluxes of glycine across the cell membrane were also detemined. 1. The time course of glycine uptake was a linear function of time to early 10 min, and increased in the steady state slowly. 2. Glycine influx had shown apparent affinity in the range of 0.001 mM to 10 mM solution of glycine and followed Michaelis-Menten Kinetics(Km-0.16 mM, Vmax=0.31 nM2.0x10^7 cells min). 3. Glycine influx with 1 mA IAA was reduced about 50 percentage, suggesting that glycine uptake process is energy-dependent. 4. Glycine uptake was inhibited by glutamic acid, alanine, phenylalanine, proline, and methionine with the exception of histidine. It was suggested that the inhibition was competeted with some amino acids described above.

      • 淸溪山 落葉松林의 林床草本 群叢에 對한 種相關에 관하여

        權五溶,辛昌男,鄭會台 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1983 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.2

        The study of the herbaceous species association in the larch forest of Mt. Chungkyeu was carried out from April to October, 1980. 1. The herbaceous ground association was consist of 43 species, Oplismenus undulatifolius, Festuca ovina, Oalamagrostis arundinaceae var. brachytricha and Carex pediformis var. rhizina were dominant species. 2. The major herbaceous species, of which important value was above 10, were Oplismenus undulatifolius(28.2%), Festuca ovina(26.7%), Miscanthus purpurascens(26.5%), Calamagrostis arundinaceae var. brachytricha(21.2%), Carex nanella(17.5%), Carex lanceolata(15.4%), Carex pediformis var. rhizina(14.1%), Carex siderosticta(12.7%), Potentilla fragarioides(11.7%) and Artemisia keiskeana(10.5%). 3. Classifying the herbaceous ground association by partial ordination, it was divided into two kinds of association ; Carex-Oplismenus association and Calamagrostis-Oplismenus association. 4. The results of the species association analysis was the same as the ordination. The coefficients of species exhibited the positive value in the same association, on the contrary, it was negative value in the different association.

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