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      • Transcriptional activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α by HDAC4 and HDAC5 involves differential recruitment of p300 and FIH-1

        Seo, Hee-Won,Kim, Eun-Jin,Na, Hyelin,Lee, Mi-Ock Elsevier 2009 FEBS letters Vol.583 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>The interplay between hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and histone deacetylase (HDACs) have been well studied; however, the mechanism of cross-talk is unclear. Here, we investigated the roles of HDAC4 and HDAC5 in the regulation of HIF-1α function and its associated mechanisms. HDAC4 and HDAC5 enhanced transactivation by HIF-1α without stabilizing HIF-1α. HDAC4 and HDAC5 physically associated with HIF-1α through the inhibitory domain (ID) that is the binding site for factor inhibiting HIF-1 (FIH-1). In the presence of these HDACs, binding of HIF-1α to FIH-1 decreased, whereas binding to p300 increased. These results indicate that HDAC4 and HDAC5 increase the transactivation function of HIF-1α by promoting dissociation of HIF-1α from FIH-1 and association with p300.</P><P><B>Structured summary:</B></P><P>MINT-6802187:</P><P><I>HIF1 alpha</I> (uniprotkb:Q16665) <I>physically interacts</I> (MI:0218) with <I>FIH1</I> (uniprotkb:Q9NWT6) by <I>anti bait coimmunoprecipitation</I> (MI:0006)</P><P>MINT-6802058:</P><P><I>HIF1 alpha</I> (uniprotkb:Q16665) <I>physically interacts</I> (MI:0218) with <I>HDAC4</I> (uniprotkb:P56524) by <I>pull down</I> (MI:0096)</P><P>MINT-6802021:</P><P><I>HIF1 alpha</I> (uniprotkb:Q61221) <I>physically interacts</I> (MI:0218) with <I>HDAC4</I> (uniprotkb:P56524) by <I>anti bait coimmunoprecipitation</I> (MI:0006)</P><P>MINT-6802036:</P><P><I>HIF1 alpha</I> (uniprotkb:Q61221) <I>physically interacts</I> (MI:0218) with <I>HDAC5</I> (uniprotkb:Q9UQL6) by <I>anti bait coimmunoprecipitation</I> (MI:0006)</P><P>MINT-6802102:</P><P><I>HIF1 alpha</I> (uniprotkb:Q16665) <I>physically interacts</I> (MI:0218) with <I>HDAC5</I> (uniprotkb:Q9UQL6) by <I>pull down</I> (MI:0096)</P><P>MINT-6802121, MINT-6802156:</P><P><I>P300</I> (uniprotkb:Q09472) <I>physically interacts</I> (MI:0218) with <I>HIF1 alpha</I> (uniprotkb:Q16665) by <I>anti bait coimmunoprecipitation</I> (MI:0006)</P>

      • Alkylhalide가 Mouse의 LDH isozyme 분포에 미치는 영향 : Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis Method

        권미경,김영옥,박은주,이동화,이명미,이문희,이양자 曉星女子大學校 藥學大學 學生會 1988 曉星藥誌 Vol.4 No.-

        The effect of Carbontetrachloride administration on Lactatedehydrogenase isozyme patterns were analyzed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis for the brain, heart, kidney, lung, liver and mouse muscle. Each other tissue was found to have a characteristic distribution of these isozymes. At normal condition, aerobic tissue such as brain, heart, kidney, and lung were found to have all five isozymes from LDH_1 to LDH_5, while anaerobic tissues such as liver and muscle were found to have superiorly LDH_5 The toxicity of Carbontetrachloride administration was most prominence in the liver, and lung toxicity was occured also.

      • GIC를 활용한 도로중심의 건물주소 부여시스템

        이미란,김부영,옥철영 울산대학교 1999 공학연구논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        현행 국내 건물주소는 토지지번 중심으로 구축되어 교통 및 산업구조에서 물류비용을 증가시키는 요인이 되어 왔다. 내무부에서는 이러한 문제를 극복하기 위해 도로중심의 건물주소체계를 구축하고자 1997년부터 서울 강남구와 안양시를 대상으로 시범사업을 수행하였다. 시범사업에서는 먼저 도로의 길이를 건물수로 나눈 기초간격에 따라 기초번호를 구하고, 기초번호에 근거하여 수작업으로 건물주소를 부여하였다. 그러나, 이러한 방법에서는 기초간격이 도로길이와 건물수에 의해 산출됨으로써 도로사정에 따라 다르고, 수작업으로 부여한 도로중심의 주소체계를 검증하는 수단이 없었다. 본 논문에서는 시범사업에서 나타난 문제점을 해결하고 새로운 건물주소를 자동적으로 부여하기 위해 GIS를 활용한 도로중심의 건물주소 부여시스템을 제시했다. 이를 위해 시스템 설계의 기본원칙을 새롭게 설정하고, 공간정보와 속성정보가 구축된 GIS를 활용하여 시스템을 구현한다. 본 시스템에서 도로의 인접한 건물은 도로의 기점에서부터 건물까지의 도로경로거리와 방향에 따라서 건물주소가 부여되고, 골목길에 인접한 건물은 골목길의 시작점에 가상건물번호(X)를 부여하고, 골목길의 시작점에서부터 건물까지의 거리와 방향에 따라서 가상건물번호의 하위번호(n)를 부여하여 'Ⅹ-n'형태의 건물주소를 부여한다. 이와 같이, 도로에 인접한 건물과 골목길에 인접한 건물에 대해 서로 다른 방식으로 건물주소를 부여함으로써 차별화된 도로방식의 주소체계를 구축한다. 본 시스템은 일괄적으로 주소변환작업을 수행하며, 현재 사용하고 있는 토지지번 중심의 현주소와 도로중심의 신주소를 동시에 검색한다. Current lot-based building address system caused to increase the distribution cost of industry. Thus in order to decrease the cost, the Ministry of Home Affairs began to design and implement a pilot system for a road-based building address at KangNamGu and AnYang city in 1997. The pilot system calculated a basic number which was obtained from dividing the length of road by the number of building and assigned manually a road-based building address. But the basic length is different according to the length of road and the number of building and there is no verifying means of manually assigned address. This thesis presents a road-based building address assignment system using GIS that solves various problems in the pilot system and assigns a new building address automatically. This thesis establishes fundamental principles for the system design and implements the system using GIS in which spatial and attribute data are stored. In the system, the building address of road is assigned according to the direction and road path-distance from starting point of the road. The system assigns a virtual building address(X) to the cross point of adjacent road and alley, and assigns the building address(X-n) of alley to sub number(n) of the virtual building number according to the direction and distance from starting point of the alley. It assigns the building address of road and alley in different way so that it produces a distinctive road-based address organization. This system assigns a new building address in batch and searches current lot-based and new road-based address simultaneously.

      • 저열량 마요네즈의 소비욕구 조사

        이미옥 영산대학교 2006 영산논총 Vol.16 No.-

        In this research, I'm trying to investigate consumer's interest to nutritive food and healthy food and figure out consumers' thoughts about mayonnaise, one of the high fatted products, by means of answering sheet. At the result of this survey, respondents think they should ingest nutritive food daily (83.0% of the answerer) but they do not have assurance of nutritionally superior products and if there is an inexpensive healthy food which is turned out to be scientifically a good food. 85.0% of the answerers are aware of intaking oils and fats and 63.9% said they know that mayonnaise is a high fatted product. Inspite of these answering, 39.0% of the respondents eat squids with mayonnaise, which is the highest percentage of the responds. 78.0% of the answerers would purchase the low fatted and low cholesterol mayonnaise, if any, instead of ordinary one.

      • KCI등재후보

        중도·중복장애 학생의 성공적인 통합교육을 위한 교육적 지원에 대한 질적 연구 : 초등학교 통합학급 교사, 특수학급 교사 및 특수학교 초등교사의 인식을 중심으로

        이미경,박경옥,한경근 국립특수교육원 2009 특수교육연구 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 초등학교에 근무하는 통합학급 교사, 특수학급 교사 및 특수학교 초등교사 15명을 대상으로 중도·중복장애 학생들의 성공적인 통합교육을 위해 교육적 효과가 좋을 것으로 기대되는 학생의 수준, 통합교육을 방해하는 요인, 그리고 교육적 지원에 관해 인식을 개별면담을 통해 알아보았다. 연구결과, 중도·중복장애의 통합 및 통합 가능한 학생의 수준에 대해서는 중도·중복장애의 통합교육의 효과성에 대한 논란만큼 교사들마다 인식의 차이를 보였으며, 중도·중복장애 학생의 통합교육에 대한 방해요인으로는 1) 장애학생의 문제행동, 2) 장애학생에 대한 인식 부족, 3) 체계적인 교육 및 행정적 전문성의 부족, 4) 심리적 어려움을 해결할 창구의 부족, 5) 장애학생에 대한 교육적, 의료적, 치료적, 심리적인 전문지식의 부족 등으로 나타났다. 중도·중복장애 학생을 위한 교육적 지원으로는 1) 중도·중복장애 학생에게 맞는 개별 처방적인 교육과정 편성의 운영의 내실화, 2) 개별화 교육의 강화 및 교사간 협력, 3) 통합학급 교사와 특수교사의 전문성 강화 등을 꼽고 있었다. 연구 결과를 바탕으로 중도·중복장애 학생들이 성공적인 통합교육으로 교육성 성취를 높일 수 있는 방안에 대한 논의를 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        이문열과 위화 소설에 나타난 폭력성 비교연구

        이미옥(Lee, Mi-Ock) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.55

        This study is going to figure out difference between Yu Hua and Lee Mun-yeol regarding their recognition of violence. It is a meaningful attempt to understand the ideological gap between the two authors and examine the detailed aspects of violence in the two countries which their ideological discourse is grounded on. In the 1980’s, Lee Mun-yeol began his journey of literature and created works actively, and it was the period that started with the Gwangju Democratic Movement against the military dictatorship. The 1980’s was the period when culture and ideology represented as ‘the National People’s Movement’ were prevalent; however, even in the circumstances, Lee Mun-yeol tried to dig deeply into the ultimate meaning of humans, not historic realism. As what is written on his novels, Lee Mun-yeol did not put his trust in the crowd realizing any true revolution even under the democratic system. He thinks that the people can never be the main agents of history due to their snobbish and selfish nature, and who grasps authority does not matter as authority will spoil, and the people will lead their lives according to that. He maintained that tendency consistently, and it is revealed in other works like 『Son of a Man』, too. On account of his tendency of writing works like that, Lee Mun-yeol was criticized by some critics as being “a conformer to the system”. On the contrary, Yu Hua did show changes gradually. In the 1990’s, he transferred from demagogic literature to folk literature. This is not unassociated with Yu Hua’s experience of Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Although they failed to bring revolution, Yu Hua found individuals’ power and potential through the explosion of the people’s energy and cohesiveness then. Despite that enormous alteration, however, in Yu Hua’s novels, the people are still depicted as the victims of violence within the great tide of history and fragile individuals that can never escape from the bonds of destiny no matter how hard they try. They just appear to suffer pathetically and desperately in order to survive as a human that is more humane. Yu Hua focuses on the people’s joys and sorrows more like this while Lee Mun-yeol pays more attention to snobbery internalized in the crowd. But the aspects of violence cannot but

      • Promising targets in basic research : RORα: A novel therapeutic target for nonalcoholic steatoheptitis

        ( Mi Ock Lee ) 대한간학회 2014 간학회 싱글토픽 심포지움 Vol.2014 No.2

        Increased hepatic oxidative stress is one of the main causes of exacerbating nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a metabolic liver disease characterized by steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis in the liver. Retinoic acid related orphan receptor α (RORα) regulates diverse target genes associated with metabolic homeostasis. Recently, we found that RORα attenuates hepatic steatosis, probably via activation of the AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) and repression of the liver X receptor α (LXRα). RORα and its activator, cholesterol sulfate (CS), induced phosphorylation of AMPK, which was accompanied by the activation of LKB1. The activation of ROR α, either by transient transfection or CS treatment, decreased the TO901317 induced transcriptional expression of LXRα and its downstream target genes, such as the SREBP 1 and fatty acid synthase. We showed that restora tion of RORα via tail vein injection of Ad RORα decreased the high fat diet induced hepatic steatosis. Also synthetic thiourea derivatives that activated RORα, induced the activation of AMPK and the repression of LXR α. Further, we demonstrated that activation of RORα decreased the cellular level of reactive oxygen species and the expression of inflammatory cytokines, eventually leading to attenuation of NASH induced by methio nine/choline deficient diet in mice. Taken together we propose that RORα is a logical target for new therapeutic approaches to prevent NASH via the suppression of hepatic lipogenesis and attenuation of hepatic in flammation induced by oxidative stress.

      • Comparison of Immunomodulation Properties of Porcine Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells Derived from the Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue, and Dermal Skin Tissue

        Ock, Sun-A,Baregundi Subbarao, Raghavendra,Lee, Yeon-Mi,Lee, Jeong-Hyeon,Jeon, Ryoung-Hoon,Lee, Sung-Lim,Park, Ji Kwon,Hwang, Sun-Chul,Rho, Gyu-Jin Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2016 Stem cells international Vol.2016 No.-

        <P>Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) demonstrate immunomodulation capacity that has been implicated in the reduction of graft-versus-host disease. Accordingly, we herein investigated the capacity of MSCs derived from several tissue sources to modulate both proinflammatory (interferon [IFN] <I>γ</I> and tumor necrosis factor [TNF] <I>α</I>) and immunosuppressive cytokines (transforming growth factor [TGF] <I>β</I> and interleukin [IL] 10) employing xenogeneic human MSC-mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) test. Bone marrow-derived MSCs showed higher self-renewal capacity with relatively slow proliferation rate in contrast to adipose-derived MSCs which displayed higher proliferation rate. Except for the lipoprotein gene, there were no marked changes in osteogenesis- and adipogenesis-related genes following in vitro differentiation; however, the histological marker analysis revealed that adipose MSCs could be differentiated into both adipose and bone tissue. TGF<I>β</I> and IL10 were detected in adipose MSCs and bone marrow MSCs, respectively. However, skin-derived MSCs expressed both IFN<I>γ</I> and IL10, which may render them sensitive to immunomodulation. The xenogeneic human MLR test revealed that MSCs had a partial immunomodulation capacity, as proliferation of activated and resting peripheral blood mononuclear cells was not affected, but this did not differ among MSC sources. MSCs were not tumorigenic when introduced into immunodeficient mice. We concluded that the characteristics of MSCs are tissue source-dependent and their in vivo application requires more in-depth investigation regarding their precise immunomodulation capacities.</P>

      • MTA1 is a novel regulator of autophagy that induces tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells

        Lee, Min-Ho,Koh, Dahae,Na, Hyelin,Ka, Na-Lee,Kim, Seungsu,Kim, Hyeon-Ji,Hong, Sungyoul,Shin, Young Kee,Seong, Je Kyung,Lee, Mi-Ock TaylorFrancis 2018 AUTOPHAGY Vol.14 No.5

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>Tamoxifen is commonly used to treat patients with ESR/ER-positive breast cancer, but its therapeutic benefit is limited by the development of resistance. Recently, alterations in macroautophagy/autophagy function were demonstrated to be a potential mechanism for tamoxifen resistance. Although MTA1 (metastasis-associated 1) has been implicated in breast tumorigenesis and metastasis, its role in endocrine resistance has not been studied. Here, we report that the level of MTA1 expression was upregulated in the tamoxifen resistant breast cancer cell lines MCF7/TAMR and T47D/TR, and knockdown of MTA1 sensitized the cells to 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT). Moreover, knockdown of MTA1 significantly decreased the enhanced autophagy flux in the tamoxifen resistant cell lines. To confirm the role of MTA1 in the development of tamoxifen resistance, we established a cell line, MCF7/MTA1, which stably expressed MTA1. Compared with parental MCF7, MCF7/MTA1 cells were more resistant to 4OHT-induced growth inhibition in vitro and in vivo, and showed increased autophagy flux and higher numbers of autophagosomes. Knockdown of ATG7 or cotreatment with hydroxychloroquine, an autophagy inhibitor, restored sensitivity to 4OHT in both the MCF7/MTA1 and tamoxifen resistant cells. In addition, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) was activated, probably because of an increased AMP:ATP ratio and decreased expression of mitochondrial electron transport complex components. Finally, publicly available breast cancer patient datasets indicate that MTA1 levels correlate with poor prognosis and development of recurrence in patients with breast cancer treated with tamoxifen. Overall, our findings demonstrated that MTA1 induces AMPK activation and subsequent autophagy that could contribute to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer.</P>

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