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        Electrochemical Cr(VI) reduction using a sacrificial Fe anode: Impacts of solution chemistry and stoichiometry

        Chuang, Sheng-Ming,Ya, Vinh,Feng, Chiao-Lin,Lee, Shou-Jen,Choo, Kwang-Ho,Li, Chi-Wang Elsevier 2018 Separation and purification technology Vol.191 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>A systematic investigation of Cr(VI) reduction using electrochemical reduction revealed that the Cr(VI) reduction was extremely fast with reaction kinetics limited by the anodic generation of Fe(II). The Cr(VI) reduction rate increased with decreasing pH at the initial stage of reaction but the time to reach complete Cr(VI) reduction is pH independent. The amount of Fe(II) generated per mole of Cr(VI) reduced was calculated and compared with the stoichiometric value, i.e., 3mole of Fe(II) needed per mole of Cr(VI) reduced. The values are 11.1% higher than the stoichiometric value for pH 7 and 9, but are 32.0% less for pH 3 and 5. The spontaneous reduction of Cr(VI) by Fe<SUP>0</SUP> and adsorption of Cr(VI) to Fe(OH)<SUB>3</SUB> precipitates might contribute the additional Cr(VI) removal. Effect of DO was investigated under various mixing schemes. Under N<SUB>2</SUB> purging, Fe(II) generated for one mole of Cr(VI) reduced is 3.67% higher than the stoichiometric value, while mechanic mixing and aeration mixing show 15% and 19%, respectively, higher than stoichiometric value, indicating that DO does impact Cr(VI) reduction. The electrochemical Cr(VI) reduction process was also employed to treat electroplating wastewater with and without pH pre-adjustment, achieving 100% total Cr and Ni removal for both cases. ORP can be used as a controlling parameter when electrochemical reduction is implemented for Cr(VI) reduction.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Effect of current on Cr(VI) reduction under same current density was studied. </LI> <LI> Effects of initial and fixed pH on Cr(VI) reduction were investigated. </LI> <LI> Effect of DO on Cr(VI) reduction was explored. </LI> <LI> Electrochemical reduction was applied for treating electroplating wastewater. </LI> <LI> ORP is an ideal parameter for controlling electrochemical Cr(VI) reduction. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Use of Imaging and Biopsy in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: A Survey From the Asian Prostate Imaging Working Group

        Wang Li-Jen,Jinzaki Masahiro,Tan Cher Heng,Oh Young Taik,Shinmoto Hiroshi,Lee Chau Hung,Patel Nayana U.,Chang Silvia D.,Westphalen Antonio C.,Kim Chan Kyo 대한영상의학회 2023 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.24 No.11

        Objective: To elucidate the use of radiological studies, including nuclear medicine, and biopsy for the diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer (PCA) in clinical practice and understand the current status of PCA in Asian countries via an international survey. Materials and Methods: The Asian Prostate Imaging Working Group designed a survey questionnaire with four domains focused on prostate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), other prostate imaging, prostate biopsy, and PCA backgrounds. The questionnaire was sent to 111 members of professional affiliations in Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan who were representatives of their working hospitals, and their responses were analyzed. Results: This survey had a response rate of 97.3% (108/111). The rates of using 3T scanners, antispasmodic agents, laxative drugs, and prostate imaging-reporting and data system reporting for prostate MRI were 21.6%−78.9%, 22.2%−84.2%, 2.3%−26.3%, and 59.5%−100%, respectively. Respondents reported using the highest b-values of 800−2000 sec/mm2 and fields of view of 9−30 cm. The prostate MRI examinations per month ranged from 1 to 600, and they were most commonly indicated for biopsy-naïve patients suspected of PCA in Japan and Singapore and staging of proven PCA in Korea and Taiwan. The most commonly used radiotracers for prostate positron emission tomography are prostate-specific membrane antigen in Singapore and fluorodeoxyglucose in three other countries. The most common timing for prostate MRI was before biopsy (29.9%). Prostate-targeted biopsies were performed in 63.8% of hospitals, usually by MRI-ultrasound fusion approach. The most common presentation was localized PCA in all four countries, and it was usually treated with radical prostatectomy. Conclusion: This survey showed the diverse technical details and the availability of imaging and biopsy in the evaluation of PCA. This suggests the need for an educational program for Asian radiologists to promote standardized evidence-based imaging approaches for the diagnosis and staging of PCA.

      • KCI등재

        Facile hydrophilic modification of polydimethylsiloxane-based sponges for efficient oil–water separation

        Chao-Jen Wang,Wei-Fan Kuan,Hui-Ping Lin,Yury A. Shchipunov,Li-Jen Chen 한국공업화학회 2021 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.96 No.-

        In this study, an eco-friendly fabrication process for the hydrophilic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-basedsponge was proposed with the assistance of sugar templates and poly(dimethylsiloxane-b-ethyleneoxide) (PDMS-b-PEO) block copolymer additives. The effects of sugar loadings and sugar particle sizes onsponge structure and separation performance were investigated. Manipulating sugar loadings exhibiteda unique control over the porosity of sponge, which further influenced the absorption capacity and oil–water separation speed. Additionally, the surface modification of PDMS sponge from hydrophobic/oleophilic to hydrophilic/underwater oleophobic was achieved by incorporating PDMS-b-PEO. Suchmodified sponge demonstrated an underwater oil contact angle of 154 and a stable separation efficiencygreater than 99.9% in the gravity-driven cycledfiltration tests. The hydrophilic PDMS-b-PEO modifiedsponges highlighted herein reveal a promising potential for novel separation materials with energyefficientand cost-effective features, which are ideal for oil spill clean-up events and wastewatertreatment application.

      • Scrap iron packed in a Ti mesh cage as a sacrificial anode for electrochemical Cr(VI) reduction to treat electroplating wastewater

        Ya, Vinh,Guillou, Esther Le,Chen, Yi-Ming,Yu, Jui-Hsuan,Choo, Kwang-Ho,Chuang, Sheng-Ming,Lee, Shou-Jen,Li, Chi-Wang Elsevier 2018 JOURNAL- TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Vol.87 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>A novel sacrificial anode comprised of scrap iron packed inside a cage made of titanium mesh was developed for Cr(VI) reduction. With electric currents applied, the surface passivation of scrap iron electrode could be avoided. Due to the large surface area with open structures provided, the applied current densities (1.18–3.54 mA/cm<SUP>2</SUP>) were low, resulting in low operating voltage and energy consumption. Complete Cr(VI) removal was achieved with electric currents applied, whereas only 20% of the Cr(VI) was removed without electricity. Direct Cr(VI) reduction on the iron surface was a dominant mechanism for the system operated at low (0.25 A) or no current. Acidic pH levels were more effective in Cr(VI) removal, due to more adsorption of Cr(VI) onto the precipitated Fe hydroxide. The trend in total Cr removal was almost the same as that of Cr(VI) removal, but time required to complete total Cr removal was extended. With intermittent electricity supply at a high electric current intensity, the energy consumption of the system was more efficient. Using scrap iron as a sacrificial anode under the intermittent current condition can save 72–77% of the total operational costs required by the conventional plate electrode.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A novel anode packed with scrap iron inside a Ti mesh was used for reducing Cr(VI). </LI> <LI> Electroplating wastewater containing Cr(VI) and Ni(II) was treated. </LI> <LI> Current intensity and initial pH affect the Cr(VI) reduction pattern significantly. </LI> <LI> Intermittent but high electric current supply saved 72–77% of the operating costs. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • Transient Knock Down of Grp78 Reveals Roles in Serum Ferritin Mediated Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Secretion in Rat Primary Activated Hepatic Stellate Cells

        Wang, Chi-Mei,Li, Shan-Jen,Wu, Chi-Hao,Hu, Chien-Ming,Cheng, Hui-Wen,Chang, Jung-Su Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.2

        Chronic liver diseases, including cancer, are characterized by inflammation and elevated serum ferritin (SF). However, the causal-relationship remains unclear. This study used primary rat hepatic stellate cells (HSC) as a model to investigate effects of physiological SF concentrations (10, 100 and 1000 pM) because HSCs play a central role in the development and progression of liver fibrosis. Physiological concentrations of SF, either horse SF or human serum, induced pro-inflammatory cytokine $IL1{\beta}$, IL6 and $TNF{\alpha}$ secretion in rat activated HSCs (all p<0.05). By contrast, treatment did not alter activation marker ${\alpha}SMA$ expression. The presence of SF markedly enhanced expression of Grp78 mRNA (p<0.01). Furthermore, transient knock down of Grp78 by endotoxin EGF-SubA abolished SF-induced $IL1{\beta}$ and $TNF{\alpha}$ secretion in activated HSCs (all p<0.05). In conclusion, our results showed that at physiological concentrations SF functions as a pro-inflammatory mediator in primary rat HSCs. We also provide a molecular basis for the action of SF and identified Grp78-associated ER stress pathways as a novel potential therapeutic target for resolution of fibrosis and possible prevention of liver cancer.

      • KCI등재

        The role of the genomic mutation signature and tumor mutation burden on relapse risk prediction in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma after concurrent chemoradiotherapy

        Wang Hui-Ching,Moi Sin-Hua,Chan Leong-Perng,Wu Chun-Chieh,Du Jeng-Shiun,Liu Pei-Lin,Chou Meng-Chun,Wu Che-Wei,Huang Chih-Jen,Hsiao Hui-Hua,Pan Mei-Ren,Chen Li-Tzong 생화학분자생물학회 2023 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.55 No.-

        Personalized genetic profiling has focused on improving treatment efficacy and predicting risk stratification by identifying mutated genes and selecting targeted agents according to genetic testing. Therefore, we evaluated the role of genetic profiling and tumor mutation burden (TMB) using next-generation sequencing in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSC). The relapse mutation signature (RMS) and chromatin remodeling mutation signature (CRMS) were explored to predict the risk of relapse in patients with HNSC treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) with platinum-based chemotherapy. Patients in the high RMS and CRMS groups showed significantly shorter relapse-free survival than those in the low RMS and CRMS groups, respectively (p < 0.001 and p = 0.006). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that extranodal extension, CCRT response, and three somatic mutation profiles (TMB, RMS, and CRMS) were independent risk predictors for HNSC relapse. The predictive nomogram showed satisfactory performance in predicting relapse-free survival in patients with HNSC treated with CCRT.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effect of patient decision aids on choice between sugammadex and neostigmine in surgeries under general anesthesia: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

        Wang Li-Kai,Lin Yao-Tsung,Chen Jui-Tai,Lan Winnie,Hung Kuo-Chuan,Chen Jen-Yin,Liu Kuei-Jung,Yen Yu-Chun,Chou Yun-Yun,Cherng Yih-Giun,Tam Ka-Wai 대한마취통증의학회 2023 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.76 No.4

        Background: Shared decision making using patient decision aids (PtDAs) was established over a decade ago, but few studies have evaluated its efficacy in Asian countries. We therefore evaluated the application of PtDAs in a decision conflict between two muscle relaxant reversal agents, neostigmine and sugammadex, and sequentially analyzed the regional differences and operating room turnover rates.Methods: This multicenter, outcome-assessor-blind, randomized controlled trial included 3,132 surgical patients from two medical centers admitted between March 2020 and August 2020. The patients were randomly divided into the classical and PtDA groups for pre-anesthesia consultations. Their clinicodemographic characteristics were analyzed to identify variables influencing the choice of reversal agent. On the day of the pre-anesthesia consultation, the patients completed the four SURE scale (sure of myself, understand information, risk-benefit ratio, encouragement) screening items. The operating turnover rates were also evaluated using anesthesia records. Results: Compared with the classical group, the PtDA group felt more confident about receiving sufficient medical information (P < 0.001), felt better informed about the advantages and disadvantages of the medications (P < 0.001), exhibited a superior understanding of the benefits and risks of their options (P < 0.001), and felt surer about their choice (P < 0.001). Moreover, the PtDA group had a significantly greater tendency to choose sugammadex over neostigmine (P < 0.001). Conclusions: PtDA interventions in pre-anesthesia consultations provided surgical patients with clear knowledge and better support. PtDAs should be made available in other medical fields to enhance shared clinical decision-making.

      • SCIE

        alpha-MSH prevents impairment in renal function and dysregulation of AQPs and Na-K-ATPase in rats with bilateral ureteral obstruction.

        Li, Chunling,Shi, Yimin,Wang, Weidong,Sardeli, Chrysanthi,Kwon, Tae-Hwan,Thomsen, Klaus,Jonassen, Thomas,Djurhuus, Jens Christian,Knepper, Mark A,Nielsen, Soren,Frokiaer, Jorgen American Physiological Society 2006 American Journal of Physiology Vol.290 No.2

        <P>The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the anti-inflammatory hormone alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) treatment on renal function and expression of aquaporins (AQPs) and Na-K-ATPase in the kidney in response to 24 h of bilateral ureteral obstruction (BUO) or release of BUO (BUO-R). In rats with 24-h BUO, immunoblotting revealed that downregulation of AQP2 and AQP3 was attenuated (AQP2: 38 +/- 5 vs. 13 +/- 4%; AQP3: 44 +/- 3 vs. 19 +/- 4% of sham levels; P < 0.05), whereas downregulation of Na-K-ATPase was prevented by alpha-MSH treatment (Na-K-ATPase: 94 +/- 7 vs. 35 +/- 5% of sham levels; P < 0.05). Immunocytochemistry confirmed the changes in AQP1 and Na-K-ATPase expression. Renal tubular cell apoptosis was confirmed in BUO kidneys, and alpha-MSH treatment virtually completely abolished apoptosis. Furthermore, we measured glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), respectively. Forty-eight hours after BUO-R demonstrated that alpha-MSH treatment almost completely prevented the decrease in GFR (nontreated: 271 +/- 50; alpha-MSH: 706 +/- 85; sham: 841 +/- 105 microl x min(-1).100 g body wt(-1), P < 0.05) and ERPF (nontreated: 1,139 +/- 217; alpha-MSH: 2,598 +/- 129; sham: 2,633 +/- 457 microl x min(-1).100 g body wt(-1), P < 0.05). alpha-MSH treatment also partly prevented the downregulation of AQP1 and Na-K-ATPase expression in rats after BUO-R for 48 h. In conclusion, alpha-MSH treatment significantly prevents impairment in renal function and also prevents downregulation of AQP2, AQP3, and Na-K-ATPase during BUO or AQP1 and Na-K-ATPase after BUO-R, demonstrating a marked renoprotective effect of alpha-MSH treatment in conditions with urinary tract obstruction.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Risk factor analysis of coexisting endometrial carcinoma in patients with endometrial hyperplasia: a retrospective observational study of Taiwanese Gynecologic Oncology Group

        Yu-Li Chen,Kung-Liahng Wang,Min-Yu Chen,Mu-Hsien Yu,Chen-Hsuan Wu,Yu-Min Ke,Yi-Jen Chen,Yin-Yi Chang,Keng-Fu Hsu,Ming-Shyen Yen 대한부인종양학회 2013 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.24 No.1

        Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome and parameters related to coexisting endometrial carcinoma in women with tissuediagnosed endometrial hyperplasia. Methods: Between January 1991 and December 2009, three hundred and eighty-six patients with the presumptive diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia were retrieved. Among these, one hundred and twenty-five patients were identified as having coexisting endometrial carcinoma in hysterectomy specimens. The three hundred and eighty-six patients were divided into two groups: the hyperplasia-benign group (261 cases) and the hyperplasia-malignant group (125 cases). Several clinical parameters including age, menopausal status, history of abnormal uterine bleeding, obstetrical history, medical history of diabetes and hypertension, BMI, and preoperative pathologic results were investigated. Results: Age ≥53 (odds ratio [OR], 2.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.26 to 4.57), menopausal status (OR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.14to 3.76), diabetes history (OR, 7.33; 95% CI, 2.79 to 19.26), abnormal uterine bleeding (OR, 3.99; 95% CI, 1.22 to 13.02), atypical endometrial hyperplasia (OR, 7.38; 95% CI, 4.03 to 13.49), and body mass index ≥27 (OR, 3.24; 95% CI, 1.76 to 5.97) were independent risk factors for prediction of endometrial hyperplasia coexisting with endometrial carcinoma. The diagnostic efficacy of atypical endometrial hyperplasia to predict the endometrial hyperplasia coexisting with endometrial carcinoma was better than or similar to those of other independent factors and combinations of these factors. Conclusion: Coexisting malignancy should be considered when examining endometrial hyperplasia patients with the related risk factors, especially atypical endometrial hyperplasia.

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