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MgB₄O7 熱螢光體의 특성과 低에너지 X線의 線量測定
김영국,손인호,설정식,채건식,노경석 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1997 硏究論文集 Vol.11 No.-
To develope the thermoluminescent radiation sensors and low energy X-ray of dosimetry. The TL phosphors of MgB₄O7 are prepared and their physical characteristics are investigated. MgB₄O7 : Tb. Tm. Dy. La. Ho. and Nd phosphors have been prepared by sintering around 580℃ for 2 hours followed by flowing Ar gas. Ar gas. Activation energy and kinetic order of main peak of glow curve were studied by two methods peak shape method and initial rise method. By these methods, the estimated activation energies were 0.76±0.02eV(Tb doped). 0.94±0.03(Tm doped). 0.72±0.02 (Dy doped). respectively. The activation energy frequency factor and kinetic order of thermoluminescent process for each TL phosphors are measured by analyzing the glow curve by initial rise. peak shape. different heating rate. isothermal decay method. And The emission spectra of TL phosphors are also measured. The TL phosphors prepared in this work may be utilized to radiation sensor elements becaue of their high sensitivity to low energy X-ray.
김재성,조문준,박경덕,설종구 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.2
Wilms' tumor is the paradigm for multimodal treatment of a pediatric malignant solid tumor. Developments in surgical techniques and postoperative care, recognition of the sensitivity of Wilms' tumor to irradiation, and the availability of several active chemotherapeutic agents led to a dramatic change in the prognosis for most patients with this once uniformly lethal malignancy. This article presents four cases of Wilms' tumor managed at Chungnam National University Hospital and reviews current treatment recommendations for patients with Wilms' tumor, based upon the results of the National Wilms' Tumor Studies.
Mg₂SiO₄: Tb, Nd, Dy 열형광선량계에서 활성제 농도가 Glow Curve에 미치는 영향
노경석,채근식,오재근,김영국,이은숙,설정식,손인호 慶南大學校 附設 基礎科學硏究所 1996 硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-
The Mg₂SiO₄: Tb, Nd, Dy thermoluminescent phospher has been prepared by sintering Mg₂SiO₄after doping the transition elements Tb, Nd and Dy. The heating rate is 10℃/sec at this thermoluminescent phospher are heated. From the results of this study, the following conclusions were obtained. The maximum peaks are found in the measured Mg₂SiO₄: Tb, Nd, Dy, and TL glow curve at 289℃, 252℃ and 220℃ when the 1wt.% ∼ 5wt.%. Glow curve of TLD increased TL intensity and temperature of peak appears to the high temperature when the heating rate is 10℃/sec∼25℃/sec. The activation energy of the main peak has been estimated by the peak shape method. The estimated activation energies are 1.26 eV, 0.53 eV and 0.80 eV respectively. The thermoluminiscence process in Mg₂SiO₄: Tb, Nd, Dy are found to the 2nd order when the main peak of the glow curve is analyzed by peak shape method. The Mg₂SiO₄: Tb thermoluminescent phosphor is the most sensitive to X-rays among the other materials. The dose responses of Mg₂SiO₄: Tb, Dy TLD are linear up to intensity of X-ray.
Kim, Seok-Hyung,Lee, Ok-Jun,Kwon, Ju-Lee,Kim, Jin Man,Sul, Hae-Joung,Song, Kyu Sang,Kim, Kyung-Hee Potamitis Press 2015 Anticancer research Vol.35 No.7
<P>To investigate whether differential expression of Yes-associated protein (YAP) and 관-catenin is important in gastric carcinogenesis.</P>
Kim, Kyung-Ho,Jang, Seon-A,Kim, Kyung-Suk,Park, Sul-Kyoung,Park, Hye-Jin,Lee, Soo-Jin,Pyo, Suh-Kneung,Sohn, Eun-Hwa The Korean Society of Ginseng 2009 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.33 No.3
Macrophages play an important role in the first line of immunologic effects against tumor cells. The effects of nonsaponin red ginseng (NSRG) components on macrophage functions like tumoricidal activity, phagocytic activity, and NO production in young (8-weeks-old) and aged (82-weeks-old) male C57BL/6 mice were assessed in vitro, respectively. The treatment of tumor cells (melanoma B16 cells) with the supernatants of NSRG-treated macrophages resulted in an increase of cytotoxicity at 300 $\mu$g/ml in the aged mice, whereas the supernatants did not have a cytotoxic effect in the young mice. It was observed that the supernatants induced the increase of tumor cell proliferation at 150 $\mu$g/ml in the young mice, suggesting that the supernatants contain growth factors rather than cytotoxic molecules. In addition, NSRG alone had a direct cytotoxic effect on the B16 tumor cells. NSRG had no effect on the NO production by the macrophages in the young mice, while it significantly increased the level of NO release in the aged mice. There was no difference in the phagocytic activities of the macrophages by NSRG in both groups of mice. These results suggest that NSRG has differential effects on the macrophage functions in young and aged mice.
Panax ginseng Protects Against Global Ischemia Injury in Rat Hippocampus
Kim, Young-Ock,Kim, Hak-Jae,Kim, Geum-Soog,Park, Ho-Gi,Lim, Sang-Jong,Seong, Nak-Sul,Ham, Yung-Woon,Lee, Sung-Dong,Jang, Ki-Hyo,Jung, Kyung-Hee,Chung, Joo-Ho,Kang, Soon-Ah The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition 2009 Journal of medicinal food Vol.12 No.1
Based on the use of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (Family Araliaceae) for the treatment of stroke in traditional Korean medicine, the present study was carried out to evaluate neuroprotective effects of P. ginseng after transient global cerebral ischemia using the four-vessel occlusion rat model. Nissl staining, lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde [MDA] formation), and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) of rat brain were assessed. Ethanolic P. ginseng extract (200 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly protected CA1 neurons against 10 minutes of transient forebrain ischemia as demonstrated by measuring the density of neuronal cells. P. ginseng also significantly decreased the level of MDA and increased the expression of GPx and SOD. These results suggest that P. ginseng might be neuroprotective against cerebral ischemia-induced injury in rat brain by decreasing lipid peroxides and increasing the expression of GPx and SOD.