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      • 스마트폰에 접속 가능한 소형 혈당 모듈

        김경아, 이인광, 허아롱, 김경옥, 차은종 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 2014 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.24 No.1

        연구목적: 스마트폰에 접속하여 혈당을 측정할 수 있는 소형 혈당 모듈을 개발하여 그 유용성을 실험 적으로 검증하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 혈액이 전극에 주입되어 생성되는 전류가 전압의 형태로 변환되어 혈당값으로 변환되는 전기화학적 측정 원리를 적용하여 소형 혈당 모듈을 개발하였다. 혈당 모듈의 최소한의 측정 혈액 양은 0.5 μL이며, 5초 이내로 측정이 가능하도록 설계 및 제작하였다. 스마트폰과의 통신은 frequencyshift keying(FSK) 모뎀 방식을 적용하였다. 혈당 모듈의 정확도 실험을 위해 시판되는 혈당계와 인 공혈액으로 비교 실험을 수행하였다. 결과: 시판되는 제품과의 성능 비교 실험에서 시판 제품은 391 mg/dL를 나타내었으며, 소형 혈당 모 듈은 401 mg/dL를 나타내었다. 혈당 모듈의 크기는 50×30×7 mm로서 휴대의 편리성을 높였다. 결론: 스마트폰 기반의 소형 혈당 모듈을 개발하였으며, 기존 제품과의 혈당 측정 상대오차가 약 2.6%로서 정확한 혈당 측정이 가능함을 실험적으로 검증하였다.

      • 제대혈 채취 후 유로키나제의 첨가가 제대혈 적혈구 제거시 조혈모세포의 수득률에 미치는 영향

        이영호,박현우,이영아,한훈,김경희,한진영 대한조혈모세포이식학회 2000 대한조혈모세포이식학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        목적:제대혈 채취 후 24시간이 경과하여 적혈구를 제거하는 경우에 제대혈내의 응고계 및 섬유소 융해계의 변화로 인하여 clumping이나 미세혈전 등이 생겨 유핵세포나 CD34+ 세포의 수득률이 감소될 수 있다. 따라서 비록 항응고제가 처리된 제대혈이라 할지라도 제대혈 분리 전에 urokinase를 첨가하면 조혈모세포의 수득률을 높일 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 그러나 현재까지 이에 대한 연구가 전혀 없는 상태이므로, 본 연구에서는 시간이 경과된 제대혈에 urokinase를 첨가하는 것이 효과가 있는지, 있다면 얼마의 용량이 적절한지 알아보기로 하였다. 방법:1) 채취한 후 48시간 경과된 제대혈에 대한 분석: 15례의 제대혈을 채취하여 채취 직후와 48시간 후에 10% pentastarch로 적혈구를 분리한 다음, 총유핵세포수와 CD34+ 세포수를 측정하여 수득률을 비교하였다. 48시간이 경과한 검체에 대하여 urokinase는 제대혈 분리 30분 전에 첨가하였으며, urokinase를 첨가하지 않은 군과 urokinase 5,000 IU/mL, 10,000 IU/mL, 50,000 IU/mL을 첨가한 네군으로 나누어 각각의 수득률을 비교 분석하였다. 2) 채취한 후 24시간이내의 제대혈에 대한 분석: 12례의 제대혈을 채취한 직후에 적혈구를 분리하여 총유핵세포수와 CD34+ 세포수, CFU-GM 집락수를 측정하였다. 동일한 검체를 6시간, 12시간, 24시간 동안 실온에 방치한 후 상기 실험 결과 가장 효과적인 용량의 urokinase를 첨가한 군과 첨가하지 않은 군으로 나누어 각각 적혈구를 분리한 다음, 총유핵세포수와 CD34+ 세포수, CFU-GM 집락수를 측정 비교하였다. 결과:1) 제대혈 채취 48시간 후에 urokinase를 첨가하지 않은 경우와 urokinase 5,000 IU/mL를 첨가한 경우 총유핵세포수의 차이가 없었지만, urokinase 10,000 IU/mL, 50,000 IU/mL를 첨가한 경우에는 urokinase를 첨가하지 않은 경우에 비하여 총유핵세포수의 의미있는 증가를 보였다(P=0.0024, P=0.0009). 2) 제대혈 채취 48시간 후에 urokinase 5,000 IU/mL이나 50,000 IU/mL를 첨가한 경우에는 urokinase를 첨가하지 않은 경우에 비하여 CD34+ 세포수의 차이가 없었지만, urokinase 10,000 IU/mL를 첨가한 경우에는 urokinase를 첨가하지 않은 경우에 비하여 CD34+ 세포수의 의미있는 증가를 보였다(P=0.0402). 3) Urokinase 10,000 IU/mL를 첨가하였던 군이나 첨가하지 않았던 군 모두에서 제대혈 채취 즉시 적혈구를 분리하였던 경우에 비하여 6시간, 12시간, 24시간이 경과할수록 총유핵세포수, CD34+ 세포수, CFU-GM 집락수가 약간씩 감소하였으나 시간경과에 따른 통계적 차이는 없었다. 또한 제대혈 채취 24시간 이내에는 각 시간대별로 urokinase 10,000 IU/mL 첨가 유무에 따른 총유핵세포수, CD34+ 세포수, CFU-GM 집락수의 통계적 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 결론:채혈한지 48시간 경과된 제대혈을 냉동 보관해야 하는 경우에는 urokinase 10,000 IU/mL를 첨가하고 30분 후에 적혈구를 분리하는 것이 유핵세포와 CD34+ 세포의 수득률을 높일 수 있는 방법이며, 24시간 이내에 적혈구를 분리하는 경우에는 urokinase를 첨가할 필요가 없을 것으로 생각된다. Background:We assessed whether the urokinase could increase the yield of progenitor cells during processing in elapsed, even anticoagulated, cord blood after collection, and also determined the optimal dosage of urokinase. Methods:Twenty-seven cord blood samples were collected with ACD-coated syringes from umbilical cord vein after full-term vaginal delivery, and red cells were depleted with 10% pentastarch. We assessed the effect and optimal dosage of urokinase by comparing total nucleated cell (TNC) counts and CD34+ cell counts between fresh and 48 hour-elapsed cord bloods. The urokinase was administered to the 48 hour-elapsed cord bloods 30 minutes before separation as the dose of 0 IU/mL, 5,000 IU/mL, 10,000 IU/mL and 50,000 IU/mL, respectively. Thereafter, by using the most effective dosage of urokinase, we also assessed the effect of urokinase in the 6, 12 and 24 hour-elapsed cord bloods. Results:The TNC counts after separation in 48 hour-elapsed cord bloods were significantly higher in 10,000 IU/mL and 50,000 IU/mL of urokinase treated samples than untreated and 5,000 IU/mL treated samples. The CD34+ cell counts were significantly higher in 10,000 IU/mL of urokinase treated samples than untreated and 5,000 or 50,000 IU/mL treated samples. In 6, 12 and 24 hour-elapsed cord bloods, however, there were no significant differences of TNC count, CD34+ cell count and CFU-GM count between 10,000 IU/mL of urokinase treated samples and untreated samples . Conclusion: The addition of 10,000 IU/mL of urokinase before separation of 48 hour-elapsed, even anticoagulated, cord bloods could increase the yield of progenitor cells. However, there are no advantage of urokinase for processing of cord bloods not elapsed 24 hours after collection.

      • KCI등재후보

        복지권으로서 교육권 보장을 위한 『장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법』

        황정보,이선재,안병주,강경희,김청아 국립특수교육원 2007 특수교육연구 Vol.14 No.2

        결핍에서 오는 필요의 개념은 장애인에게 복지권으로서 교육받을 권리를 가장 잘 말해주고 있다. 장애인은 신체적·인지적 손상으로 발생하는 기본적인 생존적 필요의 충족뿐만 아니라 동시에 교육기회 균등이나 개인차의 고려 등을 통해 무지로부터 벗어날 수 있는 보편적 필요가 충족되어야 함을 논의하였다. 장애인들에게 이러한 결핍에 따른 필요를 충족시켜 줄 이론적 근거가 롤즈(J. Rawls)의 정의론이라 할 수 있다. 정의론의 '차등의 원칙'에 따르면, 교육에 있어 비장애인과 장애인 중 먼저 최소 수혜자인 장애인의 교육복지를 우선하여 극대화할 필요성을 제시함으로써, 그들의 교육권 보장을 위한 이론적 근거에 대한 정당화를 논의하였다. 기존의 특수교육진흥법은 '국가가 교육할 권리'를 가지는 국가 주도적 교육이었다면, 「장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법」 제정은 수년간 장애인의 교육권 확보를 위해 애쓴 장애인 교육 주체들이 노력 끝에 '교육받을 권리'를 찾게 된 의미 있는 결실로 평가되어 진다. The concept of need which comes from lack represents well the right to education as welfare rights to individuals with disabilities. It is necessary to meet the universal need of individuals with disabilities such as an equal opportunity for education and the consideration for individual difference as well as their substantial need. The rationale which may satisfy the need associated with the lack can be J. Rawls's a Theory of Justice. The difference principle by Rawls presents the need of the educational welfare of individuals with disabilities(the least advantaged) to take precedence over that of the non-disabled and be maximized, it is considered that he created the rationale that makes secure their right to education. While established Special Education Promotion Law was national-driven education that state had to the education right, the enactment of 'the Special Education Law for the Individuals with Disabilities, etc.' can be a significant fruit which takes back 'the right to education by citizens' by the educational subjects of the individuals with disability who have taken pains to secure their right to education for years.

      • Prognostic Implications of Multiplex Detection of <i>KRAS</i> Mutations in Cell-Free DNA from Patients with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

        Kim, Min Kyeong,Woo, Sang Myung,Park, Boram,Yoon, Kyong-Ah,Kim, Yun-Hee,Joo, Jungnam,Lee, Woo Jin,Han, Sung-Sik,Park, Sang-Jae,Kong, Sun-Young American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Inc. 2018 Clinical chemistry Vol.64 No.4

        <P><B>BACKGROUND:</B></P><P>Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is known to provide potential biomarkers for predicting clinical outcome, but its value in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has not been fully evaluated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical applicability of quantitative analysis of multiplex <I>KRAS</I> mutations in cell-free DNA from patients with PDAC.</P><P><B>METHODS:</B></P><P>A total of 106 patients with PDAC were enrolled in this prospective study. The concentration and fraction of <I>KRAS</I> mutations were determined through multiplex detection of <I>KRAS</I> mutations in plasma samples by use of a droplet digital PCR kit (Bio-Rad).</P><P><B>RESULTS:</B></P><P><I>KRAS</I> mutations were detected in 96.1% of tissue samples. Eighty patients (80.5%) harbored <I>KRAS</I> mutations in cfDNA, with a median <I>KRAS</I> mutation concentration of 0.165 copies/μL and a median fractional abundance of 0.415%. Multivariable analyses demonstrated that the <I>KRAS</I> mutation concentration [hazard ratio (HR), 2.08; 95% CI, 1.20–3.63] and <I>KRAS</I> fraction (HR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.02–2.95) were significant factors for progression-free survival. <I>KRAS</I> mutation concentration (HR, 1.97; 95% CI, 1.05–3.67) also had prognostic implications for overall survival. Subgroup analyses showed that <I>KRAS</I> mutation concentration and fractional abundance significantly affected progression-free survival in resectable PDAC (<I>P</I> = 0.016). Moreover, when combined with the cancer biomarker CA19-9, the <I>KRAS</I> mutation concentration in cfDNA showed additive benefits for the prediction of overall survival.</P><P><B>CONCLUSIONS:</B></P><P>This study demonstrates that multiplex detection of <I>KRAS</I> mutations in plasma cfDNA is clinically relevant, providing a potential candidate biomarker for prognosis of PDAC.</P>

      • Read-Out Modulation Scheme for the Display Driving Circuits Composed of Nonvolatile Ferroelectric Memory and Oxide–Semiconductor Thin-Film Transistors for Low-Power Consumption

        Kyeong-Ah Kim,Chun-Won Byun,Jong-Heon Yang,Kyoung-Ik Cho,Chi-Sun Hwang,Sung-Min Yoon IEEE 2016 IEEE transactions on electron devices Vol.63 No.1

        <P>New circuit architecture composed of nonvolatile memory thin-film transistors (M-TFTs) and oxide-semiconductor TFTs (Ox-TFTs) has been proposed to realize low-power consumption and compact size for dynamic driving circuit applications. In order to compensate the slow operation speed of the nonvolatile M-TFTs in the dynamic driving circuits, we proposed the read-out modulation (ROM) scheme. The device operation characteristics of the M-TFTs were confirmed under various specified conditions to effectively apply the ROM, in which a top-gate structure was fabricated to be ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) gate insulator/Al2O3/In-Ga-ZnO active layers. Full fabrication processes for the M-TFTs were optimized, so that they can be integrated with Ox-TFTs on the same glass substrate. The memory device characteristics, including the current ratios between ON- and OFF-programmed drain current (I-D) values (Ip-ON/Ip-OFF) before and after the ROM, drain-bias dependence of the Ip-ON/Ip-OFF, and the program I-D scalability, were confirmed for the fabricated M-TFT. These results suggest the feasibility of a low-power display driver circuit embedded with the nonvolatile M-TFTs.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Serotype Distribution and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Isolates in Korea between 2016 and 2017

        Kim Si Hyun,Sung Gyung-Hye,Park Eun Hee,Hwang In Yeong,Kim Gyu Ri,송새암,Lee Hae Kyung,Uh Young,Kim Young Ah,Jeong Seok Hoon,Shin Jong Hee,Shin Kyeong Seob,Lee Jaehyeon,Jeong Joseph,Kim Young Ree,Yong Do 대한진단검사의학회 2022 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.42 No.2

        Salmonella is one of the major causes of food-borne infections. We investigated the serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella isolates collected in Korea between January 2016 and December 2017. In total, 669 Salmonella isolates were collected from clinical specimens at 19 university hospitals. Serotyping was performed according to the Kauffmann–White scheme, and antimicrobial susceptibility was tested using Sensititre EUVSEC plates or disk diffusion. Among the strains, C (39.8%) and B (36.6%) were the most prevalent serogroups. In total, 51 serotypes were identified, and common serotypes were S. enterica serovar I 4,[5],12:i:- (16.7%), S. Enteritidis (16.1%), S. Bareilly (14.6%), S. Typhimurium (9.9%), and S. Infantis (6.9%). The resistance rates to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole were 32.6%, 12.1%, and 8.4%, respectively. The resistance rates to cefotaxime and ciprofloxacin were 8.1% and 3.0%, respectively, while 5.4% were multidrug-resistant. S. enterica serovar I 4,[5],12:i:- and S. Enteritidis were highly prevalent, and there was an increase in rare serotypes. Multidrug resistance and ciprofloxacin resistance were highly prevalent. Periodic investigations of Salmonella serotypes and antimicrobial resistance are needed.

      • Method to minimize ozone effect on Cy5 fluorescent intensity in DNA microarrays

        Kim, Youngjun,Seo, Hyun Hee,Jeong, Mi Seon,Lee, Ki Heon,Lee, In Ho,So, Kyeong A.,Kim, Mi Kyung,Lee, Yoo-Kyung,Kim, Seon Ah,Kim, Tae Jin Elsevier 2017 Analytical Biochemistry Vol.538 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Cyanine 5 (Cy5) is an established fluorescent dye in microarray analysis. It is degraded rapidly when exposed to atmospheric ozone during post-hybridization washes, which leads to loss of fluorescent intensity. To minimize this undesirable effect, we coated microarray slides with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution at post-hybridization washes. The fluorescent intensities on coated slides were more stable than those on uncoated slide. We also performed the microarrays with SDS solution for a year to check the solution's effectiveness along with seasonal changes of atmospheric ozone level. Consistent results in microarray analysis were obtained using Cy5 dye under atmospheric ozone.</P>


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