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      • Gas Chromatography를 이용한 Methoxime tert.-butyldimethylsilyl 유도체로서 α-Keto Acids의 분석에 관한 연구

        金京禮,金正浩,金正漢,吳昌桓,黃恩卿 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1991 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        Abstract-Thirteen α-keto acids which are biochemically important were converted to methoxime(MO) derivatives with MOX and then to tert.-butyldimethylsilyl(TBDMS) derivatives using MTBS-TFA in isooctance prior to dual capillary column GC analysis. Single symmetric peaks were obtained for each MO TBDMS α-keto acids on the dual chromatograms. Optimum methoximation required heating at 60℃ for 2 hours and TBDMS derivatization required heating for 30 minutes. MO α-keto acids were stable during the tert.-butyldimethylsilylation and the methoximation of carbonyl group prevented silylation of enols. Mass spectrometric analysis of MO TBDMS derivatives was performed for structure identification. Base peaks at [M-57], intense ions at m/z=89, and weak ions at [M-15] were present in all spectra. The ions at m/z=89 were characteristic for α-keto acids.

      • Gas Chromatographic Profiling을 이용한 n-Decane으로부터 Sebacic Acid를 생산하는 Candida tropicalis 변이주의 탐색연구

        金京禮,金正漢,李華雨,李尙駿 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1990 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        Abstracts-The cells of Candida tropicalis KCCM 32008 were irradiated by UV lamp for 1 hour. After treatment with UV, mutants were isolated. In order to identify dicaboxylic acids produced in the culture medium of isolated mutants, acids were isolated from other organic compounds by solid-phase extraction method. This method made it possible to process many samples from small amounts of culture media with rapidity. Isolated acids were converted to tert. -butyldimethylsilyl derivatives, followed by gas chromatographic analysis. Dicarboxylic acids produced by Candida tropicalis were identified rapidly by computer searching of the retention index library of organic acids. Three mutants, which produce sebacic acid of high purity, were selected among eleven mutants.

      • Gas Chromatography를 이용한 Aspergillus niger KCCM 32005의 Myrcene 대사산물에 대한 연구

        金京禮,崔文禎,李尙駿,朴炯國,金正漢 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1991 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        Abstract-After biotransformation of myrcene with Aspergillus niger KCCM 32005, its neutral metabolites were isolated from the conversion broths and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Myrcene was converted into various terpenoids. Among them the five compounds, which were considered to be important as flavor, were identified as follows; terpinen-4-ol. α-terpineol, trans-carveol, cis-carveol, and carvone. Higher production was accomplished when the amount of myrcene was kept at lower but steady concentration by portion-wise introduction to the culture broth.

      • 육안적 혈뇨로 내원한 환자에서 발견된 방광 유전분증 : 증례보고

        김은진;성 현;홍수민;정성연;박경식;손형래;박일권;구호석;고행일 인제대학교 백병원 2011 仁濟醫學 Vol.32 No.-

        Amyloidosis is a disease resulting in deposition of amyloid in the body. The disease can be either primary or secondary. The amyloidosis of urinary bladder is more usually affected by primary amyloidosis and also very rare. The patient with primary amyloidosis of the bladder usually presents with gross hematuria. The amyloidosis resembles bladder cancer in cystoscopy. It can be confirmed by biopsy. The treatment consists of medication (e.g., steroid, antitumor agent, cholchicine, DMSO) and/or transurethral resection. The standard treatment is mephalan and prednisolone. A 49-year-old man complained of recently developed gross hematuria without abdominal pain. We examined urinary bladder cystoscope for gross hematuria. It revealed small bulging mass on trigone are a of bladder. Therefore we did bladder biopsy. Finally, it revealed bladder amyloidosis. The patient was improved by medication (mephalan 2mg and prednisolone 1 mg/kg po daily). We report an unusual case of amyloidosis involving bladder.

      • 重商主義槪念과 重商主義의 本質的 要素

        金敬浩,金大來 新羅大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        This paper examines the methodology of mercantilism. For this ① to investigate the concept of mercantilism which has been conventionally accepted and to interpretate its methodological meaning. ② to extract essential elements of mercantile thoughts from mercantilist and later economists' writings. Then ③ from the point of view of methodology to reinterpretate these elements. After this work this paper stresses three major facts as follows. ① Money was invariably the stuff of expression which adopted by mercantilist. Thus it is very important to find what they truly pursued in the name of money. ② In the age of Mercantilism monopoly and regulation was a doctrine of ecomic life. And this was rationalized by national interests. But national interests were always exclusively connected with specific class interest. Thus the conventional concept defined as if mercantilism were for the nation as a whole shall be reconsidered. ③ Also the conventional notion that all the mecantile economic policies were subordinated to the economic state building is not correct. Rather superstructure corresponds to social economic interests. After considering these mentioned above, it is nessary to appreciate mercanlis policies in the process of capitalist development.

      • 2017년 2학기 ‘부산의 하루’ 수강생 설문조사의 분석

        김대래, 박명선, 태경호 신라대학교 부산학연구센터 2018 부산연구 Vol.16 No.1

        2017년도 부산학강좌를 수강한 부산출신 학생 122명을 분석하였다. 학생들의 종교는 무교가 60.7%이고 불교가 21.3%, 개신교 8.2% 그리고 가톨릭 9%의 비중을 보였다. 아빠의 고향은 59%가 부산, 경남이 29.5%로 부산과 경남을 합하면 88.5%로 절대적인 비중을 점하였다. 대구경 북은 6.5%, 호남제주는 4.9%였다. 엄마의 고향은 부산 54.1%, 경남 22.1%로 부산과 경남이 76.2%로 역시 압도적 비중을 점하고 있지만 아빠의 고향에 비해서는 집중도가 낮았다. 대구경북 은 6.5%, 호남제주는 7.4%였다. 부산에서 경기가 있는 프로야구를 얼마나 관람하였는가에 대한 설문에는 33.6%가 ‘한 번도 보 지 않았다’고 답하였고 1번이 22.1%, 2번이 11.5%로 1-2회가 33.6%로 한 번도 보지 않은 학생 의 비율과 정확히 같았다. 해외여행의 횟수는 한 번도 해외에 가보지 않은 학생이 30.3%, 1번이 28.7%, 2번이 14.8%였다. 부산국제영화제에 참가한 횟수에 대해서는 61.5%가 참여한 경험이 없 다고 하였는데, 이들은 2017년도 부산국제영화제에 참여할 의사가 있는지에 대한 설문에서도 ‘생 각해 보지 않았다’거나 ‘참여의사가 없다’고 하였다. 즐겨 마시는 음료에 대한 설문에서는 커피가 26.2%로 가장 많았고 그 다음은 19.7%의 콜라였다. 이어 14.8%의 스포츠음료, 13.9%의 과일주 스, 12.3%의 사이다가 뒤를 이었다. 부산의 대표음식에 대한 설문에는 돼지국밥 36.2%, 어묵 20.9%, 밀면 13.6%, 씨앗호떡 6.7%, 파전 4%의 순으로 나타났다. 의외였던 것은 생선회가 전혀 중요하게 인식되고 있지 않았고 씨앗 호떡이 4번째로 올라온 점이다. 외지에서 온 친구에게 안내해주고 싶은 곳을 고르는 설문에서는 광안리 21.8%, 해운대 12.5%, 서면 6.5%, 센텀시티 5.4%, 국제영화제 5%, 광안대교(순환대교) 4.4% 순이었다. 사투리 사용여부를 물어본 결과 그냥 편하게 쓴다는 응답이 87.7%로 대다수가 그냥 부산말을 일상에 쓰고 있었다. 부산에서 새로 생겼으면 하는 설문에는 공원 11.3%, 번지점 프 10%, 연극공간 6.1%, 익스트림경기장 6.1%, 미술관 5.4%, 돔 야구장 5.3%, 오페라하우스 5.2%, 도서관 5.2% 순으로 나타났다. 대형쇼핑몰이 인근에 들어오면 지역발전에 도움이 될 것인 가에 대한 설문에는 절반을 약간 넘는 52.5%가 ‘그렇다’고 응답하였다. 부산사람들이 ‘휴지를 잘 버리는지’에 대한 설문에 대해서는 의견들이 매우 다양하게 나타났는 데, ‘휴지를 잘 버린다’는 쪽의 응답이 좀 더 많았다. ‘새치기를 잘 한다’는 설문에도 ‘그렇지 않다’ 는 응답이 다소 많았다. ‘자리양보를 잘한다’는 설문에는 대체로 긍정적이었다. ‘길을 물으면 잘 가르켜주는가’에 대한 설문에는 ‘그렇다’는 응답이 다수였다. ‘승강기에서 잘 기다려준다’는 설문에 는 ‘그렇다’는 응답이 우세하였다. ‘난폭운전을하지않는다’는 설문에는 ‘그렇지않다’는 응답이 다수를 이루었다. ‘전혀그렇지않다’는 응답도 16.4%나 되어 학생들은 부산의 운전질서에 관해 매우 부정적인 생각을 가지고 있었다. ‘운전할 때 양보운전을 잘한다’는 설문에는 ‘그렇지않다’는 응답이 더 많았다. ‘교통신호를 잘 안지 킨다’는 설문에 대한 응답도 ‘잘 안지킨다’는 쪽의 응답이 좀 더 많았다. 전체적으로 교통질서와 관련하여 학생들은 부정적인 인식이 좀 더 강하였다. ‘거리는 깨끗한가’에 대한 설문에는 ‘그렇지 않다’는 답변이 더 많았다. ‘하천물은 맑은가’에 대한 설문도 부정적인 응답이 우세하였다. ‘청소를 잘한다’는 설문에 대해서도 부정적인 응답이 많았다. ‘길거리가깨끗한가’라는 설문과 거의 응답이 같은 것으로 나와 청소를 잘 하지 않아 길거리가 깨끗하지 않다는 생각을 하고 있는 것으로 보인 다. We analyzed responses from 122 students originally from Busan enrolled in the Busan Studies class. 60.7% of students reported being non-religious; 21.3% were Buddhists; 8.2% were Protestants; and 9% were atholics. The hometowns of the students’ fathers varied: Busan (59% of the students) and Gyeongnam province (29.5%) together accounted for 88.5% of respondents, outstripping Daegu/Gyeongbuk province (6.5%) and Honam/Jeju (4.9%). Their mothers' hometowns were also predominantly Busan (54.1%) and Gyeongnam province (22.1%), totaling 76.2%, though this proportion was lower than that of the hometowns of the students’ fathers. Daegu/Gyeongbuk and Honam/Jeju accounted for 6.5% and 7.4% of the mothers’ hometowns respectively. In response to the question "how many times have you watched professional baseball games?", 33.6% of the respondents answered that they had never watched a game. 22.1% answered that they had watched once, and 11.5% twice, making the proportion of students who had watched games either once or twice 33.6%, the exact same proportion as the percentage of students who had never watched one. Regarding the number of overseas trips respondents had taken, 30.3% answered that they had never traveled abroad; 28.7% had travelled once and 14.8% twice. 61.5% of the students surveyed answered that they had never participated in the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) and that they had not thought about participating or had not wished to participate in the BIFF in 2017. As for favorite beverages, coffee ranked first (26.2%), cola ranked second (19.7%), followed by sports drinks (14.8%), fruit juices (13.9%), and sprite (12.3%). When asked what kind of food represented Busan best, students chose pork and rice soup the most (36.2%), followed by fish cake (20.9%), wheat noodles (13.6%), mixed-seed sweet pancake (ranking a surprisingly high 6.7%), and scallion pancake (4%). An interesting finding was that students did not think of raw fish as a typically Busan dish. In response to the question of where students would take their friends from other regions to show them the city, the results are as follows: Gwanganli (21.8%), Haeundae (12.5%), Seomyun (6.5%), Centum City (5.4%), Busan International Film Festival (5%) and Gwangan Bridge (4.4%). Regarding the Bus an dialect, 87.7% of the students surveyed said that they use it comfortably and without any hesitation in their daily lives. The amenities that students would like to see in Busan in the future were public parks (11.3%), bungee jumping (10%), theaters (6.1%), extreme sports parks (6.1%), museums (5.4%), indoor baseball parks (5.3%), opera houses (5.2%) and libraries (5.2%). 52.5% of the students surveyed answered that a large shopping mall would help develop their neighborhood. While students’ responses varied on the question of whether Busan people litter, a majority thought littering was less pervasive. A majority of students also believed that people in Busan did not generally cut in line. Responses were found to be generally positive regarding Busan people offering their seats to others, giving others directions and waiting for people to get off first in the elevator. Most students think that people in Busan drive recklessly, with 16.4% “strongly” believing so. More students indicated disagreeing with the statement that ‘people yield when driving.’ There were also more responses of ‘agree’ to the statement that ‘people do not follow traffic rules.’ Overall, students did not believe that people in Busan obey the rules of the road. A majority of students also did not believe that Busan’s streets are clean. The question on whether river water is clean was also dominated by negative responses. Also, the students did not believe that Busan city-goers cleaned up well after themselves. Given that the responses to the previous question were very similar to the question about street cleanliness, it is found that the students believed that the streets are dirty because they are not cleaned well.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        원예치료를 통한 여성재소자들의 사회성 및 대인관계 변화 연구

        김미선,안경선,이진영,이상미,이시래,서정근 한국식물인간환경학회 2000 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        The purpose of this study was identify change for socialite and interpersonal relationship of female prisoner through horticultural therapy on 14 prisoners in ○○female prison located in Chung-Book. Measurement methods were used Scale of sociality, Scale of change for interpersonal relationship, Form for evaluation of horticultural therapy. The results were as follows; 1.After HTP, Sociality was increased on female prisoners. and there was statistically significant difference(p〈0.01). 2.According to low-ranking field of I-R, communication, sensitivity, openness were increased, satisfaction, confidence, a feeling of intimacy were decreased, understanding was the same after HTP. But the average was increased, and there was statistically significant difference(p〈0.01). 3.Form for evaluation of horticultural therapy showed a increase of participation, interest and assistance, verbal communication, interpersonal relationship. Through above result, horticultural therapy has positive effect far socialite and I-R on female prisoners.

      • 기체 크로마토그래피를 이용한 유기산 및 아미노산의 동시분석에 관한 연구

        金京禮,金正漢,朴炯國,鄭恩枝 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1993 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        N(O, S)-isobutyloxycarbonylation with subsequent solid-phase extraction and tert.-butyl-dimethylsilylation was described for the simultaneous gas chromatographic analysis of 19 protein and 12 nonprotein amino acids and 26 organic acids from aqueous samples. Linear responses in the range of 10∼100 ppm were obtained for the most of compounds studied with the correlation coefficient varying from 0.993 to 0.999. When the present method was applied to wine samples, 13 organic acids and 13 amino acids were screened simultaneously.

      • 3차 PLL SYSTEM에서의 flicker noise 분석

        김형도,김경복,조형래 韓國海洋大學校電波通信硏究所 1999 電波通信硏究所論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        본 논문에서는 PLL 시스템의 보다 실제적인 모델인 3차 시스템을 통하여 저주파 대역에서 문제가 되는 flicker noise가 어떠한 양상을 나타내는가를 알아보려 한다. 3차에서 해석의 복잡성으로 그 수학적 분석이 난해하지만 최적화 된 2차 필터를 통한 pseudo-damping factor의 도입으로 전체적인 flicker variance의 해석이 용이하도록 시도하였다. 3차에서의 flicker variance의 수식적인 유도를 보이고 이를 2차 시스템에서 발생되는 flicker noise에 대한 variance와 비교하려 한다. In this paper, using third-order system of the PLL we analyze the aspect of flicker noise appearing troubles in the low frequency band. Since it is difficult to analyze mathematically flicker noise in the third-order system of the PLL, introducing the concept of pseudo-damping factor using the optimized second-filter makes an ease of the access of the flicker-noise variance. We'll show a numerical formula of flicker variance in the third-order system of the PLL which is compared with that of 1/f noise variance in the second-order system of the PLL.

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