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      • KCI등재

        止浦 金坵 <與王學士書> 詳考

        김병기(Kim Byeong gi) 대동한문학회 2019 大東漢文學 Vol.58 No.-

        이 논문은 우선 고려 말의 큰 學者이자 名 文章家였고, 至大한 외교 업적을 남긴 외교가이자 정치가였던 止浦 金坵의 문집인 止浦集 의 成書過程과 그 가치를 먼저 考究하고, 이어서 당시 元나라에서 국가의 중요문서를 專擔하던 學士 王鶚에게 보낸 私信 2통 즉 <與王學士>와 <又與王學士>의 내용을 분석하고 의미를 연구하였다. 止浦集 은 일찍이 망실되었는데 조선 후기에 東文選 에 수록된 시문95편을 모아 재구성하여 출간하였다. 東文選 에 수록된 崔滋의 詩文이 25편, 李齊賢의 시문이 124편인 점을 통하여 東文選 을 편찬한 徐居正의 눈에 비친 金坵의 문학적 지위는 崔滋보다 월등히 높고 李齊賢과 거의 비견할 만 했다고 할 수 있다. 지포 김구와 왕악은 1240년경에 이미 중국에서 만나 교유를 다졌고, 지포는 그런 친밀한 교유를 바탕으로 왕악에게 정식 表奏文을 보냈을 뿐 아니라, 私信을 통해 元의 황제를 설득해 줄 것을 부탁하는 역할을 하였다. 이러한 점을 통해 지포 김구는 고려 말에 활약한 당시 최고수준의 문장가이자 외교가였음을 다시 한 번 확인할 수 있었다. This research is to study of the worth and the process of composition of the book Jipozip . The Jipozip is the collection of works of Koo Kim who was a politician and a diplomat of great achievements as well. And the research is also to analyse two letters which were sent by Koo Kim to Ark Wang. The two letters were known as <To Wanghaksa> and <Again to Wanghaksa>. At that time Ark Wang was a scholar and in charge of national archives of One dynasty. The Jipozip was lost at one time, but this was published at the latter period of Chosun dynasty by collecting and reorganizing 95 poetries of Koo Kim. The 95 poetries were included in Dongmunsun which was edited by Geojung Seo(1420~1488) at the beginning of Chosun dynasty. By analysing 25 poetries of Ja Choi and 124 poetries of Jaehyun Lee, which were all included in Dongmunsun , Geojung Seo regarded with high respect the literary accomplishment of Koo Kim than that of Ja Choi, and in the literary aspect he compared favorably Koo Kim with Jaehyun Lee. Koo Kim met Ark Wang in China already about the year of 1240, and kept their companionship. Jipo not only forwarded Ark Wang formal national document on the foundation of their keen relationships but also sent Ark Wang personal letters asking to persuade the emperor of One dynasty. With this study it is found validated that Jipo Koo Kim was a writer and also a diplomat in active at the end of Korea dynasty of the highest level in those days.

      • KCI등재

        성균관대학교박물관 소장 蘇東坡「白水山佛跡寺遊記」의 眞僞 문제

        김병기(Kim, Byeong-Gi) 한국서예학회 2021 서예학연구 Vol.38 No.-

        <논문요약> 성균관대학교박물관은 2020년 9월 18일부터 2020년 9월 24일까지 5일 동안 중국 송나라 蘇東坡의 작품이라며 「白水山佛跡寺遊記」 墨跡을 공개했다. 이에 대해, 동국대 불교학술원 연구원인 윤성훈 선생이 「소동파 글씨 특유의 개성 찾을 수 없는 모방작-최근 공개된 ‘백수산불적사유기’의 진위를 검토함」이라는 글을 통해 의문을 제기했다. 본고는 윤성훈의 의견에 동의하면서 「白水山佛遊記」가 가진 몇 가지 문제점을 더 지적하였다. 소동파 당시에는 아직 작품을 완성하고 자신의 이름이나 자호를 낙관인으로 찍은 풍조가 정착되지 않았기 때문에 작품에 이름이나 字와 號를 갖춰 새긴 인장을 찍은 사례는 극히 드물고 현전하는 몇 개의 사례도 사실상 후대 사람들이 찍은 것이다. 따라서 「白水山佛跡寺遊記」의 말미 ‘東坡居士眉山蘇軾書’ 아래에 찍은 ‘子瞻’과 ‘東坡居士’라는 인장은 결코 蘇東坡 당년에 소동파 스스로 찍은 도장이 아니다. 「白水山佛跡寺遊記」는 송나라 휘종 宣和연간에 황실에서 소장하던 작품에 적용한 ‘宣和裝裱’를 따른 것처럼 꾸몄고 ‘宣和七璽’를 흉내 낸 3顆의 인장을 찍었으나 모두 ‘宣和七璽’와는 판이한 가짜이다. 사용한 인주의 색깔도 근래에 한꺼번에 찍었을 때에 나타나는 인주색이다. 『蘇東坡全集』에는 「白水山佛跡寺遊記」라는 제목의 기행문을 따로 수록되어 있지 않다. 「和陶淵明歸園田居詩」에 붙인 小序에 유람 내력이 기록되어 있을 뿐이다. 성균관대학교박물관 소장의 「白水山佛跡寺遊記」에 쓰인 문장은 후대 사람들이 선인의 여행담을 들은 대로 적은 필기소설류의 글에 보일 뿐이다. 무엇보다도 필획이나 결구, 장법 등 모든 면에서 소동파의 글씨와는 판이하다. 「白水山佛跡寺遊記」은 처음부터 소동파의 작품이 아니었다. 후대에 만들어진 贋作(僞作)이다. Abstract The Authenticity of The Sudongpo A Trip to Baeksusan Buljeok Temple , in the Possession of Sungkyunkwan University Kim Byeong-gi The museum of Sungkyunkwan University said that it was the work of the Song-dynasty period Sudongpo, unveiled A Trip to Baeksusan Buljeok Temple . Yoon Seong-hoon suggested that this work was an imitation, and I proved that it was a forgery in the paper.. At the end of the work, the Zizhan and Dongpojushi stamps taken under written by Misan Sudongpo are not stamps taken in the year of Sudongpo. The surface represents the mounting of Seonhwa period , but it is far from the actual mounting of Seonhwa period , and the stamp is much different from Seven stamps from the Seonhwa period . The colors of the red stamping ink are all the same, so it seems to have been taken uniformly recently. Sudongpo Full Collection does not contain an article titled A Trip to Baeksusan Buljeok Temple . There is only a record of the cruise in the preface attached to Answer to Tao Yan-ming s Return to Homecoming.. It is different from Sudongpo s writing in all aspects, including strokes, letter forms, and composition of the entire work. A Trip to Baeksusan Buljeok Temple can never be authentic to Sudongpo.

      • KCI등재

        「書畵同源論」에 대한 비판적 연구

        金炳基 한국중국문화학회 1992 中國學論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        所謂的 [書畵同源說] 在中國悠久的文化傳統之中小形成的一種慣用語性質的說法. 因爲如此, 對於此說的解釋上異論紛紛. 本稿是在批判的觀點之下, 再考有關此說旣有的解釋, 而進一步試圖新釋. 結果, 得到了如下的結論. ① 根據原始象形文字的繪畵性來解釋書畵同源是不合理的. 因爲雖然漢字的前身是圖畵, 但, 文字(書)發生的起源與繪畵發生的起源互異, 是完全不同的兩個系統 ② 根據使用用具之相同和使用技法之相通來解釋書畵同源也是不大合理的. 因爲技法上的細節問題是先有了[書畵同源]的大前提, 然後才會産生出來的. ③ 傳統的書畵同源說可以在□一個角度來解釋. 因爲書o畵都是藝術, 所以中國人把書畵視爲藝術活動之後, 才能發生這[書畵同源]之說法. 中國的書法被看爲名實相稱的一門藝術之時期是在東晉王羲之之出現前後. 當時人向書法所與的根本藝術性是[韻]. [韻]是魏晉人物品藻之主要題目, 而當時文人o學者所講究的精神世界之主要內涵. 中國繪畵(人物畵)被視爲一門藝術也是在東晉顧愷之的時代. 顧愷之主張[傳神寫照]. 這[傳神寫照]的[神]也卽時當時人物品藻的主要題目. [韻]是[神]的內容. [神]雖然抱括[韻], 可是因爲魏晉人所追的精神世界中最重視的部分就是 [韻], 所以可以說[神]就是[韻], [韻]就是[神], 因此, 也可以說中國的書o畵被視爲正式之藝術的時候, 書o畵兩門藝術所追求的根本藝術性是互相一致的. 所以, 傳統的[書畵同源說]可能在這根本藝術性之相同之下會産生出來的.

      • 生體實驗用 900 MHz 電磁波의 인가장치 설계연구

        김윤명,권용일,문병기,성주영 단국대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        In this paper, we made the space 900 ㎒ electromagnetic field, using the strip line which has been applied to EMC test for communication equipments and vehicles etc.. We analyzed electromagnetic distribution and scattering parameters of strip line to obtain the characteristic of this designed strip line, using the numerical method of FDTD(Finite Difference Time Domain).

      • KCI등재
      • 비가림 및 망사 시설재배가 참다래의 수체생육 및 과실품질에 미치는 영향

        나양기,마경철,임동근,김병삼,임경호,김월수,이상현,박용서 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 2001 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        This studies were conducted to investigate the effects of rain shelter and netting on the tree growth, fruit set fruit quality of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). In rain shelter and net house, shoot falling wasn't occurred by strong wind, and fruit set, fruit weight and also fruit malformation, side flowering increased at the same time. In rain shelter house the increment temperature forced blooming date and increased shoot length, leaf number and diameter but in net house these tendencies were not observed. Relative light intensity of rain shelter house was higher than that of net house with standard of field culture (relative light intensity: 100%). Soluble solid content was higher in rain shelter house, and acid content was higher in net house. With the effect of rain sheltering the occurrence of bacterial bloom rot and canker significantly decreased in both rain shelter and net house but insect injury increased. These data showed that rain shelter house is more suitable for kiwi fruit culture.

      • KCI등재

        신발견 麗・元관계 자료 金汝盂의 < 文翰公 丹卷 > 에 대한 고찰

        김병기(Kim, Byeong-gi) 대동한문학회 2017 大東漢文學 Vol.52 No.-

        본 논문은 2012년 전북 부안군 연곡리 소재 扶安(扶寧)金氏 郡事公派 齋室인 聚星齋에서 발견된 <文翰公 丹券>을 중심으로 고려와 원나라가 결혼 동맹을 맺게 되는 과정과 결혼동맹이 갖는 역사적 의미에 대해서 고찰하 였다. 아울러, 충렬왕으로부터 丹券을 하사받은 文翰公(死後의 諡號는 忠 宣公) 金汝盂의 행적에 대한 연구를 통해 당시 고려가 원나라와 결혼동맹을 맺기 위해 얼마나 많은 노력을 기울였는지를 살피고, 그러한 노력의 과정에서 보인 金汝盂의 역할에 대해서 고찰하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. ◯ 1 고려와 몽고와의 결혼동맹에 대해 ‘오랑캐와의 화친’이라는 부정적인 시각을 버리고 당시로서는 최선의 선택이었으며 탁월한 외교적 성과라는 긍정적 평가를 해야 한다. ◯ 2 고려는 몽고와의 결혼동맹을 통하여 몽고 점령지 내에서 유일하게 국호를 유지하고 왕통을 이어가며 사직을 보존하는 나라로 존재하며 독립국의 지위를 갖게 되었다. ◯ 3 결혼동맹을 성사시킨 인물은 고려의 文臣 平章事 金坵의 아들 金汝 盂이다. 충렬왕은 그 공로를 치하하여 김여우에게 우리나라 역사상 최초로 丹券을 下賜하였다. ◯ 4 金汝盂가 받은 ‘丹券’의 내용은 물론 그것을 하사받는 과정에 대한 연구를 면밀하게 진행한다면 고려 말의 여・원 관계를 보다 더 분명하게 밝힐수 있을 것이다. This paper has studied the process of strengthening alliance through marriage between the Goryeo and the Yuan dynasties and the historical meanings of marriage alliance based on ‘Munseongong Dan-gwon’ discovered at Chuiseongjae, a jaesil (a building for ritual services) of the Gunsagong division of Buan Kim family s, located in Yeongok-li, Buangun, Jeollabuk-do in 2012. Further, through the study of the records and achievements of Kim Yeowoo (Munseongong, and his posthumous title was Chungseongong) who was given ‘Dan-gwon’ from King Chungryeol of the Goryeo Dynasty, this paper has found out how much the Goryeo Dynasty tried to make the marriage alliance with the Yuan Dynasty, and what Kim Yeowoo did to accomplish it. The results are as follows: ◯ 1 On the issue of marriage alliance between Goryeo and Mongolia, it is necessary to discard the negative perspective as ‘a peace treaty with barbarians’ and accept it as the best choice and an outstanding diplomatic achievement in that harsh conditions. ◯ 2 Through the marriage alliance, among many other countries occupied by Mongolia, only the Goryeo Dynasty gained a special status as an independent country while keeping its name, royal line, and government.◯ 3 The person who successfully arranged the marriage alliance was Kim Yeowoo, son of Kim Gu, who was ‘pyeongjangsa’, a civil minister. King Chungryeol granted ‘Dan-gwon’ to Kim Yeowoo in order to honor him, which was the first case in our history. ◯ 4 When the contents of ‘Dan-gwon’ that Kim Yeowoo received and the procedures of its being granted are studied even further, the relationships between Goryeo and Yuan in the late Goryeo Dynasty will be revealed more clearly.

      • KCI등재

        Outcomes of deceased donor liver transplantation from elderly donors

        Kim Minjae,Hwang Shin,Ahn Chul-Soo,Kim Ki-Hun,Moon Deok-Bog,Ha Tae-Yong,Song Gi-Won,Jung Dong-Hwan,Park Gil-Chun,Yoon Young-In,Kang Woo-Hyoung,Cho Hwui-Dong,Na Byeong-Gon,Kim Sang Hoon,Lee Sung-Gyu 대한이식학회 2021 Korean Journal of Transplantation Vol.35 No.2

        Background: Favorable outcomes achieved after deceased donor liver transplantation (DDLT) suggest that use of elderly donors may be an effective way to expand donor pool. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of adult DDLT using elderly donors. It was a double-arm study that compared posttransplant outcomes to ascertain whether use of elderly donors (aged ≥76 years) has adverse effects on outcome of DDLT. Elderly donor study group included 14 donors aged ≥76 years and elderly donor control group comprised 39 donors aged 66–75 years. Results: Mean donor age of the study and control groups was 78.2±3.1 years and 68.9±2.7 years, respectively (P<0.001). Other clinical parameters were comparable between these two donor groups. The 1-, 3-, and 5-year graft survival rates in the elderly study group were 83.6%, 59.7%, and 59.7%, respectively, and those in the elderly control group were 79.4%, 68.1%, and 59.6%, respectively (P=0.97). The overall 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates after donation from elderly study group were 83.6%, 59.7%, and 59.7%, respectively, and those after donation from control group were 79.3%, 72.1%, and 64.1%, respectively (P=0.74). Regarding overall patient survival, univariate analysis identified pretransplant requirement for ventilator support (P=0.021) and pretransplant renal replacement therapy (P=0.025) as statistically significant risk factors; however, neither was significant on multivariate analysis. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that using an elderly donor graft might not worsen the posttransplant outcomes significantly; thus, advanced age per se may not be an exclusion criterion for organ donation.

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