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      • Effect of potassium addition on bimetallic PtSn supported θ-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> catalyst for n-butane dehydrogenation to olefins

        Nagaraja, B.M.,Jung, H.,Yang, D.R.,Jung, K.D. Elsevier Science Publishers 2014 CATALYSIS TODAY - Vol.232 No.-

        PtSn/θ-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> catalysts with different amount of potassium (0.4, 0.7, 0.95, 1.2 and 1.45wt.%) were prepared by an impregnation method, and their catalytic activity in n-butane dehydrogenation was investigated at 823K, an atmospheric pressure and a GHSV of 18,000mL(g<SUB>cat</SUB>h)<SUP>-1</SUP>. The compositions listed in order of n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> yields at 823K were as follows: K<SUB>0.95</SUB>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB>>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB>>K<SUB>0.4</SUB>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB>>K<SUB>0.7</SUB>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB>>K<SUB>1.2</SUB>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB>>K<SUB>1.45</SUB>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB>>K<SUB>0.9</SUB>(Pt)<SUB>1.5</SUB>. The K<SUB>0.9</SUB>(Pt)<SUB>1.5</SUB> and K<SUB>0.95</SUB>(Sn)<SUB>1.5</SUB> catalyst severely deactivated in n-butane dehydrogenation. The (PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB> (without K) catalyst showed the highest n-butane conversion, while K<SUB>0.95</SUB>(PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB> did the highest n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> yield. The small amount of potassium on bimetallic PtSn/θ-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> catalyst improved n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> selectivity, but slightly decreased n-butane conversion, resulting in the increase of n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> yield. The effect of potassium was caused by blocking the acid sites of Pt catalyst. The TPR and HAADF STEM-EDS study suggested the reduction procedure of the Pt, Sn and K species. However, the higher loaded potassium (1.2 and 1.45wt.%) doped (PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB> catalysts were rather highly deactivated because the sizes of Pt particles were increased by weakening the interaction between Pt and Sn. The n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> selectivity of the (PtSn)<SUB>1.5</SUB> catalyst increased with respect to the reaction, while that of the potassium doped catalysts maintained the high n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> selectivity from the beginning of the reaction. Also, different alkali metals (Ca, Na and Li) were tested for the comparison with K. The potassium doped catalyst showed the highest n-C<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>=</SUP> yield among the other alkali metals for n-butane dehydrogenation.


        Effect of Different Spray Dried Plasmas on Growth, Ileal Digestibility, Nutrient Deposition, Immunity and Health of Early-Weaned Pigs Challenged with E. coli K88

        Bosi, P.,Han, In K.,Jung, H.J.,Heo, K.N.,Perini, S.,Castellazzi, A.M.,Casini, L.,Creston, D.,Gremokolini, C. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2001 Animal Bioscience Vol.14 No.8

        A total of 96 piglets were weaned at 19 and 13 days in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively, and allotted to one of four diets: three with different spray dried plasmas (SPs) and one with hydrolysed casein (HC). SPs were from pigs (SPP), mixed origin (SMP), and mixed origin with standardized level of immunoglobulins (SMPIG). All the diets contained 1.7% total lysine, 25% of the test protein source, 45% corn starch, 15% lactose, 2% sucrose, 7% soybean oil. At d 4 and d 2 in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively, piglets were perorally challenged with $10^{10}$ CFU E. coli K88. Growth performance, immunity, and health condition were measured for 15 days and 14 days in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively. To investigate apparent ileal digestibility and nutrient deposition, all piglets were sacrificed at d 14 in Exp. 2. In 1. 3 piglets died in HC diet and 1 in SPP diet. HC diet showed higher mortality (p<0.01) than other diets. In Exp. 2, no clinical sign of infection was detected, no difference for the content of E. coli K88 was found in feces at 4 and 6 days after the infection, and no E. coli K88 was found in the jejunum at the end of experiment. In both experiments, feed intake was lower for HC diet and ADG was 96, 106, 122 and 155 for HC, SPP, SMP and SMPIG diet, respectively (HC vs others, p<0.05; SMPIG vs other SP, p<0.01). Heal apparent digestibility of nitrogen in sacrificed piglets was higher for HC diet (p<0.05). After the challenge, K88-specific titers in saliva (Exp. 1) and in plasma (Exp. 2) were reduced in SMP and SMPIG. The piglets positive to the adhesion of the used E. coli strain to the intestinal brush borders had a significantly reduced growth (p<0.01) and a higher K88-specific IgA titer in plasma, in comparison with negative ones. This effect was independent of the diet. The data show the relevance of spray dried plasma sources and particularly of SP with standardized level of immunoglobulins for the feeding of early-weaned at the risk of infection by enterotoxigenic bacteria.


        Surface characteristics and biological response of titanium oxide layer formed via micro-arc oxidation in K<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> and Na<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub> electrolytes

        Jung, Y.C.,Shin, K.R.,Ko, Y.G.,Shin, D.H. Elsevier Sequoia 2014 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Vol.586 No.suppl1

        The present work demonstrated the influence of phosphate electrolytes on surface characteristics and biological response of the titanium oxide layer formed via micro-arc oxidation coating. For this purpose, the present coatings were carried out on titanium samples using two different electrolytes containing Na<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> and K<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB>. The surface roughness of the oxide layer formed in K<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte was higher than that in the Na<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte. This was attributed to the higher fraction of the micropores in the oxide layer prepared by the K<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte than that by the Na<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte. From the results of simulated body fluid test, the precipitation and growth of amorphous calcium phosphate on the oxide layer formed in the K<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte was superior to that in the Na<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte due to the enhanced surface roughness. In addition, in vitro cell adhesion was triggered in case of the oxide layer formed in the K<SUB>3</SUB>PO<SUB>4</SUB> electrolyte.



        Jung, H.S.,Kwon, K.H.,Lee, D.W. Korean Mathematical Society 1999 대한수학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        Let {Rn($\chi$)}{{{{ { } atop {n=0} }}}} be a discrete Sobolev orthogonal polynomials (DSOPS) relative to a symmetric bilinear form (p,q)={{{{ INT _{ } }}}} pqd$\mu$0 +{{{{ INT _{ } }}}} p qd$\mu$1, where d$\mu$0 and d$\mu$1 are signed Borel measures on . We find necessary and sufficient conditions for {Rn($\chi$)}{{{{ { } atop {n=0} }}}} to satisfy a second order difference equation 2($\chi$) y($\chi$)+ 1($\chi$) y($\chi$)= ny($\chi$) and classify all such {Rn($\chi$)}{{{{ { } atop {n=0} }}}}. Here, and are forward and backward difference operators defined by f($\chi$) = f($\chi$+1) - f($\chi$) and f($\chi$) = f($\chi$) - f($\chi$-1).

      • Structural and thermoelectric properties of hydrothermal-processed Ag-doped Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>

        Park, K.,Hong, H.Y.,Jung, G.W.,Kim, D.H.,Hakeem, D.A.,Iqbal, A. Elsevier 2018 Ceramics international Vol.44 No.13

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Fe<SUB>2-<I>x</I> </SUB>Ag<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> (0 ≤ <I>x</I> ≤ 0.04) nanopowders with various Ag contents were synthesized at different hydrothermal reaction temperatures (150 °C and 180 °C). Their structural properties were fully investigated through an X-ray diffraction, a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The hydrothermal reaction temperature, time, and Ag content remarkably affected the morphological characteristics and crystal structure of the synthesized powders. The Fe<SUB>2-<I>x</I> </SUB>Ag<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> (0 ≤ <I>x</I> ≤ 0.04) powders synthesized at 150 °C for 6 h and the Fe<SUB>2-<I>x</I> </SUB>Ag<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> (0.02 ≤ <I>x</I> ≤ 0.04) powders synthesized at 180 °C for 12 h formed the orthorhombic α-FeOOH phase with a rod-like morphology, whereas the Fe<SUB>2-<I>x</I> </SUB>Ag<SUB> <I>x</I> </SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> (0 ≤ <I>x</I> ≤ 0.01) powders synthesized at 180 °C for 12 h formed the rhombohedral α-Fe<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> phase with a spherical-like morphology. The Fe<SUB>1.98</SUB>Ag<SUB>0.02</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> fabricated by utilizing Fe<SUB>1.98</SUB>Ag<SUB>0.02</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> powders synthesized at 180 °C showed the largest power factor (0.64 ×10<SUP>−5</SUP> Wm<SUP>−1</SUP> K<SUP>−2</SUP>) and dimensionless figure-of-merit (0.0036) at 800 °C.</P>


        Enhanced adipogenic differentiation and reduced collagen synthesis induced by human periodontal ligament stem cells might underlie the negative effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein‐2 on periodontal regeneration

        Song, D,S.,Park, J‐,C.,Jung, I‐,H.,Choi, S‐,H.,Cho, K,S.,Kim, C‐,K.,Kim, C‐,S. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011 Journal of periodontal research Vol.46 No.2

        <P> <I>Song D‐S, Park J‐C, Jung I‐H, Choi S‐H, Cho K‐S, Kim C‐K, Kim C‐S. Enhanced adipogenic differentiation and reduced collagen synthesis induced by human periodontal ligament stem cells might underlie the negative effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein‐2 on periodontal regeneration. J Periodont Res 2011; 46: 193–203. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S</I> </P><P><B>Background and Objective: </B> Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein‐2 (rhBMP‐2) is a potent inducer for the regeneration of mineralized tissue, but has a limited effect on the regeneration of cementum and periodontal ligament (PDL). The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of rhBMP‐2 on the <I>in vitro</I> and <I>in vivo</I> biologic activity of well‐characterized human PDL stem cells (hPDLSCs) and to elucidate the underlying mechanism of minimal periodontal regeneration by rhBMP‐2.</P><P><B>Material and Methods: </B> hPDLSCs were isolated and cultured, and then transplanted into an ectopic subcutaneous mouse model using a carrier treated either with or without rhBMP‐2. Comprehensive histologic, histometric and immunohistochemical analyses were performed after an 8‐wk healing period. The effects of rhBMP‐2 on the adipogenic and osteogenic/cementogenic differentiation of hPDLSCs were also evaluated. The effect of rhBMP‐2 on both soluble and insoluble collagen synthesis was analyzed, and the expression of mRNA and protein for collagen types I, II, III and V was assessed.</P><P><B>Results: </B> In the present study, rhBMP‐2 promoted both adipogenic and osteogenic/cementogenic differentiation of hPDLSCs <I>in vitro</I>, and the <I>in vivo</I> potential of hPDLSCs to form mineralized cementum and organized PDL tissue was down‐regulated following treatment with rhBMP‐2. Collagen synthesis, which plays a crucial role in the regeneration of cementum and the periodontal attachment, was significantly reduced, with associated modification of the relevant mRNA and protein expression profiles.</P><P><B>Conclusion: </B> In summary, the findings of the present study suggest that enhanced adipogenic differentiation and inhibition of collagen synthesis by hPDLSCs appear to be partly responsible for the minimal effect of rhBMP‐2 on cementum and PDL tissue regeneration by hPDLSCs.</P>


        OGLE-2017-BLG-0173Lb: Low-mass-ratio Planet in a “Hollywood” Microlensing Event

        Hwang, K.-H.,Udalski, A.,Shvartzvald, Y.,Ryu, Y.-H.,Albrow, M. D.,Chung, S.-J.,Gould, A.,Han, C.,Jung, Y. K.,Shin, I.-G.,Yee, J. C.,Zhu, W.,Cha, S.-M.,Kim, D.-J.,Kim, H.-W.,Kim, S.-L.,Lee, C.-U.,Lee, American Astronomical Society 2018 The Astronomical journal Vol.155 No.1

        <P>We present microlensing planet OGLE-2017-BLG-0173Lb, with planet-host mass ratio of either q similar or equal to 2.5 x 10(-5) or q similar or equal to 6.5 x 10(-5), the lowest or among the lowest ever detected. The planetary perturbation is strongly detected, Delta chi(2) similar to 10000, because it arises from a bright (therefore, large) source passing over and enveloping the planetary caustic: a so-called 'Hollywood' event. The factor similar to 2.5 offset in q arises because of a previously unrecognized discrete degeneracy between Hollywood events in which the caustic is fully enveloped and those in which only one flank is enveloped, which we dub 'Cannae' and 'von Schlieffen,' respectively. This degeneracy is 'accidental' in that it arises from gaps in the data. Nevertheless, the fact that it appears in a Delta chi(2) = 10000 planetary anomaly is striking. We present a simple formalism to estimate the sensitivity of other Hollywood events to planets and show that they can lead to detections close to, but perhaps not quite reaching, the Earth/Sun mass ratio of 3 x 10(-6). This formalism also enables an analytic understanding of the factor similar to 2.5 offset in q between the Cannae and von Schlieffen solutions. The Bayesian estimates for the host mass, system distance, and planet-host projected separation are M = 0.39(-0.24)(+0.40) M circle dot, D-L = 4.8(-1.8)(+1.5) kpc, and a(perpendicular to) = 3.8 +/- 1.6 au, respectively. The two estimates of the planet mass are m(p) = 3.3(2.1)(+3.8) M circle plus and m(p) = 8(6)(+11) M circle plus. The measured lens-source relative proper motion mu = 6 mas yr(-1) will permit imaging of the lens in about 15 years or at first light on adaptive-optics imagers on next-generation telescopes. These will allow one to measure the host mass but probably will not be able to resolve the planet-host mass-ratio degeneracy.</P>

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