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      • KCI등재

        계획된 행동 이론을 활용한 창원시 불법 주차의식 구조분석

        전상민(Sang-Min Jeon),박기준(Ki-Jun Park),송기욱(Ki-Wook Song) 한국자료분석학회 2021 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.23 No.5

        과거 주차공간 부족의 문제를 주차시설을 공급함으로써 해결하려 하였으나, 최근에는 환경적 문제·지속가능한 교통적 측면에서 주차수요를 관리해 나가는 형태로 패러다임이 변화하고 있다. 효율적 주차수요 관리를 위해서는 승용차 이용자의 차량 이용실태, 주차의식 조사 등을 통하여 맞춤형 주차관리 정책 수립이 바람직하고, 불법주차에 미치는 운전자의 심리적 변수가 불법주차행위에 어떠한 영향을 미칠 것인지에 대해 ‘계획된 행동 이론(The theory of planned behavior)’을 활용하여 구조방정식을 구축하였다. 분석 결과 불법주차 근절 의지에는 ‘행동에 대한 태도(Attitude)’가 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, ‘지각된 통제감(Perceived behavioural control)’이 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 ‘행동에 대한 태도(Attitude)’ 보다는 ‘지각된 통제감(Perceived behavioural control)’이 불법주차 근절 의지에 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있다. 향후 불법주차 근절을 위해서는 운전자 심리적 의지를 제어할 수 있는 규범의식, 즉 불법주차로 인한 타인의 피해 정도를 시각화 혹은 계량화할 수 있는 정책홍보 및 상시 주차단속과 같은 강력한 규제정책이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. To manage the demand for parking, it is desirable to establish a customized parking management policy through vehicle usage and parking awareness surveys, and The theory of planned behavior is used to establish a structural equation. The analysis showed that Attitude has a positive effect on the willingness to eradicate illegal parking, and Perceived behavior control has a negative impact. In particular, it can be seen that Perceived behavior control has a greater impact on the willingness to eradicate illegal parking than Attitude. In order to eradicate illegal parking in the future, it is believed that strong regulatory policies such as standard awareness that can control drivers psychological will, i.e., policy promotion and regular parking crackdown that can visualize or quantify the extent of damage caused by illegal parking.

      • Finding hidden space of Coastal Protect area in Korea National Park

        Jung Won Park,Sung Geon Jang,Jun Seong Kim 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2017 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.11

        There are 4 marine national parks in Korea, Hanryohaesang national park, Taeanhaean national park, Dadohaehaesang national park and Byeonsanbando national park. The total area of these park is 3,332.85㎢ that is 50.07% of the total area of all national parks in Korea, 21 site including mountain etc,. the areas exclusive land(mountain) is 2,753.709㎢ that is 40.9% of the total areas of all national parks in Korea. KNPS has been monitoring about the coastal wetland including mudflat and costal sanddune on 4 marine national park, and identified the total 105 site, 19 site of hanryohaesang national park, 35 site of Taeanhaean national park, 49 site of Dadohaehaesang national park and 2 site of byonsanbando national park and the area of 17.2㎢. This is 0.69% of the total area of mudflat in Korea and 7.8% of mudflat designated protected area in Korea. and also total length of shoreline is 1,729km that is 12% of the total length of shoreline in Korea. However, There is many unexplored coastal zone compared to the long shoreline. so, KNPS will start to research in-depth using technical equipment, for example, drone with camera for measurement, mutispectral scanner, liDAR(light detection and ranging) kinds of 3D scanner for ground, VRS/RTK GPS etc, for studying on the effective coastal zone information research system through precision surveying in 2017. And then, KNPS will carry out to expanding, restoring, monitoring and providing visitor service on special protection area of coastal zone. Precision survey results Increased from 17 square kilometers to 93 square kilometers in protect area

      • KCI등재

        주차원단위 산정 모형 개발에 관한 연구 -광주광역시 공동 주택 아파트를 대상으로-

        권성대,고동봉,박제진,하태준,Kwon, Sung-Dae,Ko, Dong-Bong,Park, Je-Jin,Ha, Tae-Jun 대한토목학회 2014 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.34 No.2

        도시의 급격한 팽창과 함께 주택부족 현상이 나타나게 되자, 정부는 주택부족 문제 해결을 위해 대규모 택지개발을 통하여 주택보급을 확대시켰다. 이러한 현상으로, 공동주택은 우리나라 전체 주택의 83% 수준을 유지하고 있고, 그 중 아파트가 차지하는 비중은 50%로 꾸준한 증가 추세를 보이고 있다. 이로 인해 아파트의 경우 입주민들의 승용차 보유 증가에 따른 아파트 단지 내 주차공간 부족문제 등 제반 주차 관련 문제가 발생하고 있다. 특히, 주차계획대수 수립 시 교통영향평가의 주차수요예측 중 전용면적을 고려한 주차원단위 산정 방법은 기존 계획보다 세대수는 증가하여도 전용면적이 작아지면 계획주차대수는 감소하는 것으로 나타나, 보다 현실적인 주차원단위 산정이 필요한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 공공주택 아파트를 대상으로 현실에 적합한 주차원단위를 산정하고자 한다. 현장조사 및 설문조사를 실시하고, 구득자료에 대한 분석을 수행함으로써, 기존 교통영향평가의 주차원단위 산정 문제점을 도출하였다. 또한, 주차수요예측에 영향을 미치는 요인 선정을 통해 주차원단위 산정모형을 개발하였다. 마지막으로 실제 조사된 아파트 주차원단위 자료를 통해 기존 교통영향평가의 주차원단위 산정과 본 연구에서 제시한 주차원단위 산정모형을 비교 분석하였다. 향후 본 연구에서 개발된 주차원단위 산정모형은 주차장법 기준 정립은 물론 보다 현실적인 주차수요예측 수행에 적극 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. The rapid expansion of cities led to the shortage of housing in urban areas. The government compensated for this shortage through large scale residential developments that increased the housing supply. The supply of condominium apartments remains above 83% of the entire housing supply, and the proportion of apartments are at a steady increase, at about 50%. Due to the increase, illegally parked cars resulting from the shortage of parking spaces within the apartment complex have become increasingly problematic as they block the transit of emergency vehicles, and heighten the tension among neighboring residents in obtaining a parking space. Especially, the future residents are considered to plan the parking based on the estimated demand for parking. However, the parking unit method utilized to estimate the parking demand accounts for the exclusive use of space, which is believed to be far from the parking demands in reality. The reason for this discrepancy is that, as the number of households decrease, and area of exclusive space is expanded, the planned parking increases. On the other hand, when the number of households increase, and the area of exclusive space is reduced, the planned parking decreases, thus methods to recalculate the parking units based on estimated parking demand is an urgent concern. To estimate the parking units based on condominium apartments, this study first examined the existing research literature, and appointed the field of investigation to collect the necessary data. In addition, field study data and surveys collected and analyzed, in order to identify the problems underlying parking units, and problems regarding the current traffic impact assessment parking unit calculation method were deduced. Through identifying the influential factors on parking demand estimates, and performing a factorial analysis based on the collected data, the variables were selected in relation to the parking demand estimates, to develop the parking unit estimate model. Finally, through comparing and verifying the existing traffic impact assessment parking unit estimate against the newly developed model using collected data, a far more realistic parking unite estimate was suggested, reflecting the characteristics of the residents. The parking unit estimate model developed in this study is anticipated to serve as the guidelines for future parking lot legislature, as wel as the basis to provide a more realistic estimate of parking demands based on the resident characteristics of an apartment complex.

      • KCI등재

        계룡산국립공원의 나비류 군집에 관한 연구

        전성재 ( Sung Jae Jeon ),조영호 ( Young Ho Cho ),한용구 ( Yong Gu Han ),김영진 ( Young Jin Kim ),최민주 ( Min Joo Choi ),박영준 ( Young Jun Park ),남상호 ( Sang Ho Nam ) 한국환경생태학회 2012 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        고도의 변화는 종 다양성 및 풍부도 그리고 생물 종 구성에 있어 매우 중요한 역할을 하는 요인으로 최근에는 나비를 비롯하여 곤충의 고도에 따른 분포 형태에 관하여 많은 관심이 집중되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 계룡산국립공원의 고도에 따른 나비분포를 조사하여, 종 보전 및 효율적인 관리방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 고도가 증가함에 따라 종과 개체수가 감소하는 경향이 나타났으며, 이는 수관울폐로 인한 그늘의 증가가 원인일 것으로 사료된다. 고도의 영향 이외에도 종의 분포에 영향을 주는 요인을 분석한 결과, 경사도 및 식생군락 그리고 수계거리가 종의 분포 변화와 상관관계가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 이러한 종들은 먹이식물과 밀접한 관련이 있으므로 추후에 숲 내부의 변화를 감지하는데 적합한 생물지표종을 선정한다면 시간과 비용을 감소시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 효율적인 생물다양성 평가를 내릴 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 추후에 기후 및 미기후, 그리고 먹이식물과 같은 환경요인들의 자료를 축적하고 정량화 할 경우 나비 분포를 예측할 수 있어 종 보전에 있어 더 효율적이라고 사료된다. Altitude is a factor that plays an important role in the diversity, richness and composition of species. Recently, much attention has been paid to the distribution of butterflies and insects according to altitude. The purpose of this article is to propose a method to preserve and manage species efficiently by reviewing the distribution of butterflies according to different altitudes in Mt. Gyeryong National Park. This study found that the number of species and individuals decreased as the altitude increased, possibly due to the increased amount of shade caused by the crown density. When analyzing the factors influencing the distribution of species other than altitude, it was found that the slope, vegetative colonies and hydrosphere distance were correlated with the change in species distribution. As these species are closely related to food plants, it may save time and reduce the cost as well as allow an efficient evaluation of the bio-diversity if these species are selected as biological indicator species suitable for detecting the changes in the forest. It is judged to be a more efficient means of species preservation to accumulate and quantify the materials regarding environmental elements such as the climate, microclimate and food plants, as this would allow the butterfly distribution to be estimated.

      • KCI등재

        대학 캠퍼스용 로봇차량의 자율주행을 위한 실험환경 구축

        조성택(Sung Taek Cho),박영준(Young Jun Park),정슬(Seul Jung) 한국지능시스템학회 2016 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.26 No.2

        본 논문은 대학 캠퍼스를 주행하는 차량의 자율주행을 위한 실험환경 구축에 대해 논한다. 이 차량은 대학이나 공원과 같은 특별한 장소에서 사용되고 근거리를 이동하기 위해 2인이 탑승한다. 정문에서 본부까지 자율주행을 수행하기 위한 실험환경을 구축한다. 초기 단계로 카메라로 바닥의 색깔을 구별하여 선을 검출한다. 빨간색과 노란색의 경계선을 검출하여 로봇차량이 추종할 수 있도록 하였다. 일부 구간의 자율 주행 실험을 통해 가능성을 검증하였다. This paper presents the experimental setup for autonomous navigation of a robotic vehicle for touring university campus. The robotic vehicle is developed for navigation of specific areas such as university campus or play parks. The robotic vehicle can carry two passengers to travel short distances. For the robotic vehicle to navigate autonomously the specific distance from the main gate to the administrative building in the university, the experimental setup for SLAM is presented. As an initial step, a simple method of following the line detected by a single camera is implemented for the partial area. The central line on the pavement colored with two kinds, red and yellow, is detected by image processing, and the robotic vehicle is commanded to follow the line. Experimental studies are conducted to demonstrate the performance of navigation as a possible touring vehicle.

      • Quantitative Assay for the Binding of Jun-Fos Dimer and Activator Protein-1 Site

        Lee, Sang-Kyou,Park, Se-Yeon,Jun, Gyo,Hahm, Eun-Ryeong,Lee, Dug-Keun,Yang, Chul-Hak Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 1999 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.32 No.6

        The Jun and Fos families of eukaryotic transcription factors form heterodimers capable of binding to their cognate DNA enhancer elements. We are interested in searching for inhibitors or antagonists of the binding of the Jun-Fos heterodimer to the activator protein-1 (AP-1) site. The basic-region leucine zipper (bZIP) domain of c-Fos was expressed as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase, and allowed to form a heterodimer with the bZIP domain of c-Jun. The heterodimer was bound to glutathione-agarose, to which were added radiolabeled AP-1 nucleotides. After thorough washing, the gel-bound radioactivity was counted. The assay is faster than the coventional electrophoretic mobility shift assay because the gel electrophoresis step and the autoradiography step are eliminated. Moreover, the assay is very sensitive, allowing the detection of picomolar quantities of nucleotides, and is not affected by up to 50% dimethylsulfoxide, a solvent for hydrophobic inhibitors. Curcumin and dihydroguaiaretic acid, recently known inhibitors of Jun-Fos-DNA complex formation, were applied to this Jun-GST-fused Fos system and revealed to decrease the dimer-DNA binding.

      • KCI등재

        체육수업 재미거리 질문지(PCESQM) 타당성 및 신뢰성 검증

        박준성(Jun Sung Park) 한국사회체육학회 2009 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.37

        This paper verified the validity of the structure and reliability whether the questionnaire on the source of enjoyment in physical education classes for middle school students developed by Chang-sub Lee and Sang-woo Nam(2003) can effectively measure the fun factors in the physical education classes for the male and female students(592) of middle schools in S city in 2008. As a result of the item analysis and the reliability analysis, since questions with a mean over 4.5 and questions with the skewness and kurtosis values over ±2.0 did not appear, the results of this paper showed to have an appropriate level of the mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and reliability. Furthermore, as the results of the correlation matrix between questions, show that since more than 50% of the questions have a correlation over ±3.0 between each question, the question of this paper are judged to be adequate questions for the factor analysis. Moreover, in the exploratory factor analysis, the maintenance of physical and mental health factor was developed into questions number 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, sense of accomplishment factor to questions number 1, 4, 12, the easiness of the class factor to questions number 9, 10, 15, the freedom of the class factor to questions number 13, 14, 16, and the sociability cultivation factor to questions number 8, 11, 17 that are the sub-factor of the questionnaire on the source of fun in physical education classes for middle school students developed by Chang-sub Lee and Sang-woo Nam(2003). Also in the exploratory factor analysis of this paper, as the questions related to factor 1 showed to be questions number 6, 7, 5, 2, 3, factor 2(1, 4, 12), factor 3(10, 9, 15), factor 4(14, 13, 16), and factor 5(17, 8, 11), it indicates that is composed of the five sub-factors developed by Chang-sub Lee and Sang-woo Nam(2003). For the confirmatory factor analysis that assesses the fitness of the model, as the Q value was 2.004, GFI .910, AGFI .897, CFI .884, RMSEA .71, and RMR .51, it is judged that the model is appropriate. As a result of evaluating the fitness of the model through the item analysis, correlation analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and the confirmatory factor analysis as mentioned above, the questionnaire on the source of enjoyment in physical education classes for the middle school students developed by Chang-sub Lee and Sang-woo Nam(2003) showed to be an appropriate questionnaire in measuring the enjoyment factors for the male and female students of middle schools in S city.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Al2O3 Content and Cooling Rate on Crystallization in Fe2O3–CaO–SiO2–Al2O3 Systems

        Tae Jun Park,Joon Sung Choi,Dong Joon Min 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.9

        The behavior of silico-ferrite of calcium and aluminum (SFCA) phases and the influence of sintered ore quality were investigatedusing a confocal laser scanning microscope to understand how the Al2O3content of iron ore affects the sintered orestructure and the crystallization behavior of SFCA in a Fe2O3–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 pseudo-quaternary system. The experimentalresults were used to inform simulations of the heterogeneous dynamic behavior in response to the rapid temperature changesand various chemical compositions typically encountered in actual sintering processes. Increasing the Al2O3content in theFe2O3–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 pseudo-quaternary system led to the hematite content decreasing, which affects the reducibilityof the sintered ore. The correlation between the creation of SFCA and the cooling effect associated with varying the Al2O3is discussed in detail.

      • KCI등재

        The effect of neuropeptides on secretion of Interleukin-8(IL-8)

        Kim, Kyung-Jun,Park, Sang-Hyuk,Choi, Kyoung-Kyu,Park, Sang-Jin 大韓齒科保存學會 2006 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 치수조직, 치은, 치주인대로부터 배양된 조직을 SP (Substance P)로 4시간, SP, CGRP (Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide), Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)로 8시간 자극 후 RNase Protection Assay를 시행하고, IL-8의 분비량을 측정해 다음 결과를 얻었다. 1. IL-8 mRNA는 모든세포에서 발현됐다. 2. IL-8 mRNA 발현은 SP (10^(-5)M)와 SP (10^(-8)M)로 4시간 자극 시 증가되지 않았다. 3. IL-8 mRNA 발현은 SP (10^(-4)M)와 CGRP (10^(-6)M)로 8시간 자극 시 증가되지 않았다. 4. TNF-α (2 ng/㎖) 자극 시, IL-8 mRNA 발현이 증가됐다. 5. 치은 세포를 CGRP (10^(-6)M)로 8시간 자극 시, IL-8 분비량이 증가했다 (p < 0.05). 6. 치주인대 세포를 SP (10^(-4)M)로 8시간 자극 시 IL-8 분비량이 증가했다 (p < 0.05). We investigated the secretion of Interleukin-8 (IL-8) from ginviva and periodontal ligament stimulated with Substance P (SP) and Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP). Gingiva (GF), periodontal ligament (PDLF) and pulp (PF) tissues were collected from extracted instact 3rd molars. Cultured cells were stimulated with different concentrations of SP for 4 hrs, and stimulated with SP, CGRP and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) for 8 hrs. Then RNase Protection Assay was carried out. ELISA was performed using supernatants of stimulated cells for quantitative analysis of IL-8. Results were assessed using supernatants of stimulated cells for quantitative analysis of IL-8. Results were assessed using student t-test with significance of P < 0.05. According to this study, the results were as follows: 1. IL-8 mRNA was detected in all type of cells studied (PF, GF and PDLF). 2. IL-8 mRNA expression was not increased after stimulating 4 hrs with SP (10^(-5)M) and SP (10^(-8)M) compared with Mock stimulation in all type of cells studied. 3. IL-8 mRNA expression was not increased after stimulating 8 hrs with SP (10^(-4)M) and CGRP (10^(-6)M) compared with Mock stimulation in all type of cells studied. 4. TNF-α (2 ng/㎖) increased the expression of IL-8 mRNA in all kind of cells studied. 5. The secretion of IL-8 from GF was increased 8 hrs after the stimulation with CGRP (10^(-6)M) (p < 0.05). 6. The secretion of IL-8 from PDLF was increased 8 hrs after the stimulation with SP (10^(-4)M) (p < 0.05). Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP) increased Interleukin-8 (IL-8) which plays an important role in chemotaxis of neutrophil in Calcitonin Gene-related Peptide (CGRP) gingival tissue, whereas Substance P increased the secretion of IL-8 from periodontal ligament.

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