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      • Urocystitis, pyelonephritis, renal papillary necrosis and chronic tubulointerstitial disease causing chronic renal insufficiency in a Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica): a case report

        Lee, SW,Elfadl, AK,Chung, MJ,Arif Ullah, HM,Yuh, DK,Lee, SH,Jeong, KS,Park, JK Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2018 Veterinární medicína Vol.63 No.10

        <P>The present case report describes a case of chronic renal failure characterised by renal medullary fibrosis and renal papillary necrosis in a male Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica). A 12-year-old male Siberian tiger presented with depression, anorexia and weight loss. Blood urea nitrogen (&gt; 50.4 mmol/l) and ammonia (71.7 µmol/l) were increased, suggesting chronic renal failure and uraemia. The tiger died secondary to gastric haemorrhage. At necropsy, the kidneys had yellow lesions in the medulla and renal papillae and petechiae in the cortex. The stomach had multiple mucosal ulcers and haemorrhage. Microscopically, marked renal medullary fibrosis and renal papillary necrosis were observed with tubular atrophy, degeneration, coagulative necrosis, calcification and chronic inflammatory cell infiltration. The renal cortex showed moderate interstitial inflammation. The urinary bladder exhibited epithelial desquamation and submucosal fibrosis. The tiger was diagnosed with chronic renal failure secondary to renal papillary necrosis and medullary fibrosis.</P>

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁내막 낭종과 동반된 무증상의 직장내의 자궁내막증 1 예

        최형민(HM Choi),이성기(SK Lee),이윤호(YH Lee),황동훈(DH Hwang),박소연(SY Park) 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.11

        Endometriosis of the rectum is one of the rare conditions of intrapelvic endometriosis Endometriosis occurs in about 8∼15% of reproductive women, of whom 3∼34% show intestinal invasion of the rectosigmoid colon, appendix, ileum, and cecum, in order of decreasing fequency. Symptoms related to bowel involvement manifest as no symptoms at all to complete obstruction of the bowel and depend on the degree of invasion of the endometriosis. Therefore differentiation between cancer and endometriosis of the sigmoid colon and rectum is important, and unnecessary major operations may be avoided. The authors at this hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, report a recent case which presented itself as a intraabdominal mass who was admitted, and who was found to have endometriosis of the rectum and left endometrial cyst who didn`t have any gastrointestinal symptoms of sign.

      • KCI등재

        Lyndiol 2.5 경구용피임제가 한국부인에게 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        곽현모(HM Kwak),고봉호(BH Koh),이용배(YB Lee),이연희(YH Lee),김철영(CY Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1969 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.12 No.10

        We are now conducting a clinical study of lyndiol 2.5 and this is to present our brief exerience of 254 clients registered at the family planning clinic in Yonsei University Hospital for a period of 19 minths or 1764 clients cycles. Summary: 1. 254 cases were given. oral cintraceptives lyndiol 2.5 involving 1764 menstrual cycles in Korea women. 2. Age; The selected cases range between the ages 23-43. 3. Bleeding: Of 1764 cycles incidences of 1.4% 4. Nausea: Total cycles incidence of 2.7% and amenorrhea 0.4% 5. Discintinuation: 12 cases (4.7%)did so because of side effects. 8 cases (3.14%) discont- inued as they changed menthord of contraception. There were 64 cases (25.35%) lost follow up of which 17 cases did so in thefifst month. 6. None of the cases who continued to take oral pills according to our instruction under our supervision became pregnant.

      • KCI등재


        곽현모(HM Kwak),이준환(JH Lee),이재억(JA Lee),송찬호(CH Song),김형식(HS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.7

        1. 빈도: 임신수 및 분만수에 대한 빈도는 포상기태가 1:113, 1:100, 침윤성기태가 1:1244, 1:1099, 그리고 융모암이 1:124, 1:110이었다. 2.호발연령 및 평균연령은 포상기태에서는 20-29세가 56.6%, 29세이고 침윤성기태는 포상기태와 비슷하였으나 융모암은 30-39세가 40%에, 36세이었다. 3. 중류 및 하류의 경제상황하의 부인층에서 빈도가 단연 높았다. 4. 주요증상; 가장 주요한 증상은 출혈로서 성기이상출혈이 포상기태에서는 96%, 침윤성기태에서는 전예 그리고 융모암에서는 80%였다. 5. 융모암의 최종선행임신은 정상분만이 37.5%, 유산이 20%, 포상기태가 40%, 자궁외임신이 2.5%였다. 6. 전이; 포상기태에선 1예에서 폐전이의 의심이 있었고 침윤성기태에선 2예(50%)에서 폐전이를 발견하였다. 융모암의 경우 87.5%에서 전이를 발견했으며 장기별 전이순은 폐, 질, 골반내장기, 뇌 및 피부 등의 순위 이였다. 7. 치료 : 포상기태; 대부분이 소파술 이었으며 자궁적출술이 11.3%, hysterotomy가 4.5%, 그리고 Methotrexate 사용이 4.5% 였다. 침윤성기태; 3례에서 자궁적출술을 1례에서 Methotrexate를 사용하였다. 융모암; 7.5%에서 자궁적출술, 2.5% 례에서 X-선요법, 25%에서 Methotrexate 요법 그리고 47.5%에서 수술 및 Methotrexate 병합요법을 시행하였으며, 치료를 받지 못한 예가 17.5% 였다. 8. 예후 : 포상기태; 근원당시 사망한 1예(2.3%)를 제외하고는 모두 양호하였으나, Follow up 이 환자들의 불협조로 불량하다. 악성률은 4.5% 였다. 침윤성기태; 근원시 모두 양호하엿으나, 그 중 1례가 재발하여 지입원치료하여 완치되었다. 융모암; 6개월-4년간의 생존률이 30%, 상망률이 45%, 재발률이 15% 였다. This article is the report by the Yonsei University College of Medicine, from June 1,1959 to October 31, 1966. A total of 88 cases were seen with the following distribution: Hydatidiform mole 44, Cho- rioadenoma destruens 4 and Choriocarcina 40. The following features were noted among the patients with hydatidiform mole. Hydatidiform mole occured once in about 113 precancies and 100 diliversies. Patients ranged in age from 22 to 49 of which majority were between 20-29. The average duration of pregnancies was 3 months. The shortest was 28 days from LMP and longest was 7 months. Toxemia was seen in 36% of patients, of which one case died of eclampsia. All cases of toxemia were occured in those moles in which uterus was elarged above the umbilicus. Half of the patients when first seen had uterine enlargement greater than expected by dates while 20% were consistent with their dates and the rest were smaller than their dates. 28% of the patients developed theca lutein cysts. The vast majority of patients were ma- naged by D & E, while hysterectomies were done in 11.3% and methotrexate therapies in 4.5%. 4.5% of patients developed true malignancies. Choriocarcinoma occured once in about 124 pregnancies and 110 deliveries. Patients with choriocarcin- oma ranged in age from 23 to 62. The average age was 36.40% of patients developed after hydatidiform moles, 37.5% after normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, 20% after abortions, and 2.5% after ectopec pregnancr. 22.5% of patients developed theca lutein cysts. 87.5% of cases showed metastatic lesions those were found in the lung in 70%, vagina in 25%, pelvic and adnexa in 10%, and brain in 7.5% Patients were managed by combined therapies as surgery and chemotherapy with methotrexates in 47.5%, chemotherapies with methotrexates alone in 25%. 17.5% of patients could receive no specific therapy for choriocarcinoma. At present 6 months to 4 years survival rate was 30%, mortality rate was 45% and recurrent rate was 15%.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        회음절개부위에 발생한 자궁내막증 1 례

        이향미(HM Lee),김미경(MK Kim),최도영(DY Choi),호삼수(SS Hoh) 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.2

        Endometriosis at the site of episiotomy scar is extremely rare. We experienced one case of endometriosis at the site of episiotomy scar after delivery. 1. The period of latency between episiotomy and the menifestation of typical symptoms was 4 years. 2. The period between the first appearance of symptoms and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis was 1 year. 3. The symptoms were promptly relieved after the excision of endometrioma at the site of episiotomy.

      • KCI등재

        자궁경암 근치수술 후 발생하는 이환율 및 합병증에 관한 고찰

        이규완(KW Lee),유명숙(MS Yoo),박형무(HM Park),이강보(KB Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.3

        본원 산부인과에서 1972년 1월 1일부터 1979년 12월 31일까지 만 7년간 자궁경암으로 진단받고 수술한 113예 중 광범위자궁적출술 및 골반임파선절제술을 받은 92예에 대하여 주로 수술 후 이환율과 그 합병증에 대하여 관찰하였다. 1.자궁경암환자의 연령분포는 26세에서 67세이였으며 상피내암은 30-39세, 침윤암은 40-49세에서 초발하였다. 자궁경암의 편균연령은 상피내암이 37.8세, 침윤암은 47.3세 이었다. 2.자궁경암의 초혼연령은 16-18세가 38.9%로 가장 많았다. 3.자궁경암환자의 임신회수에 따른 분포는 분만회수가 5-8회인 군이 50예(44.2%)로 가장 많았다. 4.병리조직학적검사로 자궁경암 113예 중 평편 상피암이 100예(93.8%), 자궁경부선암이 7예(6.2%)이었다. 5.자궁경암 92예에 대한 수술방법은 상피내암환자 15예 중 확대자궁적출술이 12예, 복식자궁적출술 2예,원추형절개술 1예에서 시행하였다. 6.광범위자궁적출술 및 골반임파선절제술의 적응중은 자궁경암 I기가 52예이었고 이 중 제 I 기가 9얘 제 I 기가 43예이었다. 자궁경암 제 II기는 40예로 이중 제 IIa기가 37예, 제 IIb기가 3예였다. 7.자궁경암에 병발된 질환은 빈혈이 12예(13.0%)로 가장 많았고 그 외 고혈압의 10예(10.9%), 폐질환 및 자궁근종의 6예(6.5%)의 순이었다. 8.수술 중 수혈한 혈액의 양과 이환율을 관찰한 바 수혈량이 증가함에 따라 이환율이 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 수술시간의 길어짐에 따라 이환율이 증가되었고 이환율은 92예에 대한 23예로 25.0%를 나타내었다. 9.수술 후 Immediate Complication으로 뇨로 감염이 48.9%롤 가장 많았고 그 원인균으로는 E.coli,Klebsiella aerogenosa등의 순이었다. 수술로 인한 사망은 2예로 모두 심한 촐혈로 인하여 48시간 내에 사망하였다. 10.수술 후 delayed complication은 뇨로계의 합병증이 50예(54.2%)로 가장 많았고 그 외에 lymphocyst,장폐쇄,하지부종등의 순이었다. 녀루의 빈도는 5예(5.4%)이었으며 대개 수술 후 2-3주 사이에서 발생하였다. 11.광범위 자궁적출술 및 골반임파선절제술후 수술시 제거되 임파선의 조직검사에 의한 임파선전위는 제 Ia기에서 11.1%, 제 Ib기가 20.9%, 제 IIa기가 32.4%, 제 IIb기가 66.7%이었다. 그리고 92예에 대한 임파선전이는 26.1%이었다. 12.자궁경암환자 113예 중 수술 후 5년이 경과되지 않거나 추적조사가 불가능하였던 예를 제외한 34예에 대하여 관찰한 바 다음과 같다. 상피내암은 100%,제 I기에서는 80%, 제 II기에서는 55.6%이었고 제 III기 이상에서는 25.0%를 나타내어 전체 5년 생존율은 70.1%이었다. 13.자궁경암수술 후 재발이 확인된 예는 7예(7.6%)로 재발부위는 길상부 2예(2.2%), 골반강 2예(2.2%), 폐 2예(2.2%), 위장의 1예(1.1%)이었다. Carcinoma of the cervix is the most the mostcommon malignancy occurring in the female genital tract. There is still much controversy whether the patients with stage I or II carcinoma of the xervix should be treated by irradiation,primary operation or a combination. But the radical hysterectomy represents one of the accepted and eddential methods of treatment. We used to have this in selected patients with carcinoma of the cervix from 1972 to 1978. During 7 years. 140 patients were operated upon and 113 of these (80.7%) have been viewed and analyzed. This paper reviewed especially with the morbidity and complications after 92 radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. The results were as follows: 1)The age distribution among the 113 patients ranged from 26 to 67 years,most commonly at 30-39 years in carcinoma in situ and 40-49 years in invasive carcinoma. The mean age of the patients with uterine cervical carcinoma was 37.8 years in cases of carcinoma in situ and 47.3 years in cases of invasive carcinoma. 2)The age of marriage among 113 patients was most commonly between 16to 18 years (38.9%) 3)The most common gravity was 5-8 times, 50(44.2%) in cases of 113 cervical cancer. 4)Distributing the histological type, squamous cell carcinoma compromised 106 cases (93.8%), while adenocarcinoma occurred in 7 cases (6.2%) 5)Out of 15 cases of the stage 0 patients, 13 cases were treated with extended total gysterectomy, 2cases with total hysterectomy and 1case with conization. 92 patients (81.4%) of stage I and II were treated with radical hysterectomy and prlvic lymphadenectomy. 6)Clinical stage in 92 radical hysterectomy with lymphadenectomy were 9 in stage I , 43 in stage I , 37 in stage II and 3 in stage II . 7)There were 42 cases of additional medical condition of which 12 cases(13.0%) had anemia. Other conditions were 10 cases (10.9%) of hypertensive disease, 6cases (.65%) of pulmonart diseases and 6 cases (.65%) of uterine myoma. 8)Comparison between morbidity and number of transfusion given during operation had a significant relationship and considerinduration of operation and morbidity, there was also a significant relationship. The overall morbidity was 23 in 92 patients (25.0%). 9)The most frequent immediate complication was urinary tract infection (48.1%) and more than one third of the causatice organisms was E. coli> 2 patients (2.2%) died of pestoperative blleding on the day of operation and the first postoperation day respectively. 10)The most common delayed complication eas the urinary tract infection of 50 cases (54.2) and other complications were lymphocyst, intestinal obstruction and leg edema.lUrinary fistula developed in 5 patients (7.3%) following 92 consecutive redical hysterectomy (4cases in ureterovginal, and 1 case in vesicovaginal). Favorate time of fistula formation unrelated with surgical trauma was in the 2nd and 3rd weeks after operation. 11)All the excised lymph nodes were histologically examined and the incidence of regional lymph node metastases by clinical stage showed as follows. In stage I , lymph node infiltration was present in 11.1%, in stage I in 20.9%, in stage II in 32.4% and in stage II is 31.1%. The overall incidence of regional lymph node metastases was 26.1%. 12)Based on 34 cases who were available to follow up 5 years after operayion were studies and analyzed. 5 year survival rate by stage revealed 100% in stage 0, 80% in stage I, 55.6% in stage II, and 25.0% in more than stage III. Over all 5 year survival rate in cases of 34 patiests was 70.1%. 13)The incidence of resurrence after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy was .76% and recurrent site were vaginal stump, pelvic cavity, lung and stomach in the order.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        대음순에 기생한 스파르가눔증 1 예 보고

        이재우(JW Lee),김성호(SH Kim),이은숙(ES Lee),박형무(HM Park),허민(M Hur) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.5

        Sparganosis is a rare parasitic infestation caused by plerocercoid larva of sparometra erinacei. The majority of infestation involves the subcutaneous tissue, but the vulvar area of female is rarely involved. We experienced a case of vulvar sparganosis that showed as painful palpable left vulvar mass for 2 months initially. Simple excision was preformed with granulation tissues contained a live sparganum measured about 16 cm in length from the left labium major. So we reported this case with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        병합임신 1 례

        이석주(SJ Lee),김영덕(YD Kim),김휴(H Kim),최유덕(YD Choi),최광엽(KY Choi),이향미(HM Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.10

        Heterotopic pregnancy describes the rare coexistence of intrauterine and extrauterine gestations. The commonly accepted incidence is 1:30,000 but the actual number is significantly higher. This condition remains difficult to diagnose and potentially dangerous to both mot- her and fetus. The incidence has risen after wider use of ovulation induction and the adve- nt of techniques of assisted reproduction. We report a case of simultaneous intrauterine pregnancy and tubal pregnancy.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        임신과 동반된 중증 근무력증 1 례

        이치형(CH Lee),최형민(HM Choi),안은주(EJ Ahn),이창희(CH Lee),김세광(SK Kim),김재욱(JU Kim),김정년(JN Kim),남궁란(R Namkung),선우일남(IN Sunwoo) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.11

        Mysathenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disorder maminfested clinically as weakness and easy fatigability of the skeletal muscle groups. It is caused by interference in the conduction of nerve impulses across the myoneural junction due to antibodies directed against the acetylocholine receptor. During pregnancy, the clinical course of myasthenia gravis is usually not a steady state, and influences of myasthenia gravis on pregnancy outcome is variable. We experienced a patient with myasthenia gravis associated with pregnancy who underwent a vaginal delivery and transient neonatal myasthenia gravis of the newborn. We present this case and with a review of the pertinent literature.

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