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      • KCI등재후보

        정지용의 산수시 이해와 주체 재구성의 문제

        홍기돈 ( Gi Don Hong ) 영주어문학회 2011 영주어문 Vol.22 No.-

        In the late Japanese colonial period, Jung Ji-young opened up the field of poetry criticism as a managing editor of poetry part in 「MunJang」. From this time, he emphasized Theory of Oriental Painting as well as the method of a Confucian classic. These styles were reflected into 「BakRokDam」, which is a masterpiece of landscape poetry. For example, in 「JangSuSan·1」, 「JangSuSan·2」, ``white light`` was coincided with the flow of Tao. ``Stone`` and ``water`` corresponded to strong will and the pedigree of national characteristic. Topic was also related to these styles. In addition, it was an example of the roundabout writing because it was against the Japanese colonial authority. To understand this poem, the subject concept of modern times get through while considering three dimensional space viewing of the Oriental paiting and verbal thinking of the East Asia. In this area of Landscape Poetry, Gi-centered theory was founded, since Jung Inbo, Kangwha school, might be effected on the works of Jung Jiyoung. Further detailed research will discuss about the relationships with Jung Inbo.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서 도래하는 황금새(Ficedula narcissina)의 형태적 특징과 이동 양상에 관한 연구

        박종길(Jong-Gi1 Park),홍길표(Gil-Pyo Hong),채희영(Hee-Young Chae) 한국조류학회II 2008 한국조류학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 황금새(Ficedula narcissina)의 여러 아종 중 한국에 도래하는 아종의 형태학적 특징과 봄·가을 이동 양상을 파악하기 위해 2005년 4월부터 2008년 5월까지 전남 신안군 홍도와 대흑산도, 일본 이리오모테섬에서 각각 실시하였다. 형태학적 분류 결과 한국에 규칙적으로 도래하는 아종은 F. n. narcissina이었으며, 한국 미기록 아종인 F. n. elisae와 F. n. owstoni의 기록을 확인하였다. 황금새 성조 수컷은 아종간 형태적인 차이가 명확하였지만 미성숙한 개체와 암컷 형태를 띠는 개체는 아종간 매우 비슷한 특징을 보였다. 1회 여름깃 수컷의 경우 아종 F. n. narcissina는 월동지에서 부분 깃털갈이를 하여 성조 수컷과 비슷한 반면, 아종 F. n. elisae는 태어난 이듬해 여름까지 깃털갈이를 하지 않아 성조 수컷과 형태적으로 뚜렷이 다르며, 오히려 성조 암컷과 비슷한 특징을 보였다. 이같은 형태적 다양성과 깃털같이 전략의 차이 때문에 한국을 통과하는 개체군의 아종 분류가 매우 어려운 것으로 보인다. 조사기간 중 황금새의 가장 빠른 도래일은 4월 13일, 가장 늦은 도래일은 5월 17일로 나타났으며, 가장 많은 개체수가 통과하는 시기는 4월 하순으로서 2008년 4월 24일에는 14개체가 관찰되었다. 그러나 황금새는 봄철과 달리 가을 남하 시기에는 전혀 관찰되지 않아 봄·가을 이동경로를 달리할 가능성이 있음을 보였다. From April 2005 to May 2008, morphological traits and migratory patterns among the subspecies of the Narcissus Flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina) were studied at Hong Island and Heuksan Island in Korea, and at Iriomote Island in Japan. The regular migrants was F. n. narcissina in Korea, but two unreported subspecies, F. n. elisae and F. n. owstoni were also recorded in Heuksan Island, Korea. In our study, Narcissus Flycatchers were spring migrants observed from 13 April to 17 May, and a total of 14 individuals was recorded as a peak day count on 14 April 2008. However, there was no record in the autumn migratory seasons in Korea. This result suggests that the Narcissus Flycatcher is probably an elliptical migratory species which uses different routes in spring northward and autumn southward migrations. In morphology, adult males had distinct morphological differences, but immature and female-typed individuals had very similar plumages among subspecies. First summer F. n. narcissina underwent partial moults in wintering places and became very similar in appearance to adult males. In 'contrast, because F. n. elisae does not undergo partial moults until the summer of the 2nd calendar year, immature males of F. n. elisae were very resemble not adult males but adult females in appearance. Such morphological variances and differences in moulting strategies among subspecies often prevented the identification of Narcissus Flycatchers to the subspecies level.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Interplay between the Emotional and Rational in Art: a Case Study of Individual Artwork

        Jung-Ouk HONG,Hyung gi KIM 중앙대학교 영상콘텐츠융합연구소 2019 TechArt :Journal of Arts and Imaging Science Vol.6 No.2

        It is indispensable to bring the sensibility of science (rationality) to interpret the language of art (emotion). On the contrary, the artistic domain has a great influence on the development of science. In the conventions of contemporary civilization, these fields are distinctly divided areas, but in previous generations, they took on very similar shapes. This article was written to explain their correlation when creating individual works. In general, when a painter creates a work, he or she uses a rectangular canvas, yet it is not a prescribed rule. Hong’s artworks began with the transformation of a rectangular canvas and have expanded beyond the plane to space. This extension does not apply only to art. Science also considers it necessary to expand thinking by questioning everything that is unconsciously accepted. Therefore, both the arts and sciences must be expanded to consider questions in all fields.

      • 전치사 for와 against의 의미 분석과 비교

        洪基範 부천대학 1992 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        The various meanings of for and against is studied in this research to find out mechanical ways of comparative thread that runs through all the different, analogous and opposite meanings of the two prepositions. As there are so many different and complicated uses in the meanings of these two prepositions, I think that it is very difficult and nearly impossible for the foreign students to memorize them properly without any help of mechanical ways of learning. It is shown here that all the different meanings of for and against come about as the mental activities of abstration and metaphor and that all the uses made by these activities share some common semantic features. In short, I could find that there are some mental activities of these two propositions between the conerete expressions and abstract meanings which can be explained by some common semantic features. The common semantic features of 「for」 found were the meaning of changing place and the meaning of acceptance. From these two meanings, a lot of abstract meanings are made. From the first, the meaning of changing place, such meanings as exchange, cause and reason, the extent in time and space and proportion are shown. From the second, the meaning of acceptance, such meanings as destination aiming(purpose), hope, liking, suitability, support and concerning are shown. On the other hand, the common semantic features of 「against」 found were the meaning of running into and the meaning of giving offence. From these two meanings, a lot of abstract meanings are made. From the first, the meaning of running into, such meanings as contrast, comparison, background and difference are shown. From the second, the meaning of giving offence, such meanings as opposition, collision, in preparation for, and unsuitableness are shown. While doing sementic analysis and making the comparison between for and against, I found that the greater parts of the meanings of these two prepositions are in marked contrast, which would help the students to memorize these complicated meanings together. The semantic analysis of 「for」 and 「against」 and the resulting pictures of the remarkable contrast between the two prepositions, which show the common semantic features, help us to look at the problem of teaching and remembering various meanings in English to foreigners from a different angle.

      • 웹 기반 건축구조교육 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        洪起燮 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2005 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        It is not easy for student major in architectural design to understand structural principle. Nowadays, in web-based environments, the education for structural behavior will be done for student who is familiar to online environment. In this paper, the simple statically determinate structures will be applicated on online by using java. Configuration of structure, load pattern, internal force diagram, deflection are shown on online. Student can study , experiment and understand the structural behavior in online. The more complicated statically indeterminate structures will be applicated in this web base system for structural education.

      • 전치사적 부사 up과 down의 의의 분석과 비교

        洪基範 부천대학 1990 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        The aim of this study is to develop a mechanical way of comparative thread which runs through all the different, similar and opposed meanings of the prepositional adverbs, 「up」 and 「down」 These two prepositional adverbs have so many complicated and various usages that it seems to be hard for the beginners to understand and memorize the meanings of them correctly without mechanical ways of memorization Through the sementic analysis and making the comparison of these two prepositional adrerbs it is found here that all the various meanings of 「up」and 「down」 come about as the mental activities of abstraction and metaphor and that nearly all the usages made by these mental activities share some common sementic features. In other words, the great part of the meanings of 「up」 are in the startling resemblence in some aspects and in marked contrast in others to the abverb 「down」 These common sementic features shared by mantal activitics of abstraction and metaphor are the mechanical ways of comparative thread we must remember. These common sementic features would help us to look at the teaching problem of the complicated meanings to the korean students in the sentences of 「x up y」 and 「x down y」. I am very emphatic on the importance of this teaching method and artificial memorization.

      • KCI등재

        광고 대행사와 제작사의 사회연결망 분석 : 광고 대행사의 소유형태와 규모가 거래관계에 미친 영향

        홍석민,윤태일,이기홍 한국방송광고공사 2005 광고연구 Vol.0 No.66

        이 연구는 광고시장개방이 한국 광고산업에 실질적으로 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위해서, 2002년 산업자료를 바탕으로 대행사와 방송광고 제작사 사이의 거래연결망을 분석해보았다. 특히 사회연결망 분석(Social Network Analysis; SNA)의 틀을 원용하여, 광고 대행사의 소유형태(다국적 대행사 대 국내 대행사) 및 규모(상위권 대행사 대 중위권 대행사)에 따라 연결망에 차이가 있는가를 통계적으로 검증해 보았다. 분석결과 다국적 대행사가 국내 대행사보다, 그리고 상위권 대행사가 중위권 대행사보다 거래연결망의 구조 자체가 더 밀도가 높고 다양하여 효율적인 것으로 나타났다. 또, 이들 대행사의 중앙성(centrality) 지표가 높아 제작사와의 거래연결망에서 더 중심적인 위치를 차지하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 특히 중앙성 지표에 대한 대행사의 소유형태와 규모 사이의 상호작용 효과는 연결정도 중앙성, 사이 중앙성, 위세 중앙성 3가지 지표 모두에서 나타났다. 또 중앙성 지표가 높은 대행사일수록 방송매출액, 순위, 종업원 수, 1인당 취급액 등의 기업성과 관련 지표에서도 우수성을 나타냈다. 이러한 분석결과에 대한 이론적 실무적 함의와 국내 광고산업의 경쟁력 제고를 위한 제언사항을 논의했다. Prior studies regarding Korea’s advertising industry have almost exclusively examined practitioners’ perceptions of changes in the advertising industry as global advertising agencies launched business in Korea. This study on Korea’s advertising market, however, used a unprecedented approach by looking into the relationship between advertising agencies and advertising production companies through the framework of social network analysis. It tested if there existed significant difference by ownership(global vs. local) and size(the largest 10 agencies vs. the rest) in maintaining business networks. Results from this study indicate that the global advertising agencies show stronger network density and centrality, more diversification, and more efficiency than the local advertising agencies in terms of inter-organizational relationship. Additionally, the interaction effect existed between the ownership and the size of advertising agencies by centrality index. Finally, the higher centrality index among agencies is, the higher billing and ranking are. The end of the paper offers further theoretical and practical implications of the analyses and suggestions to improve Korean advertising agencies’ business performance.

      • In situ hybridization과 염색체 미세해부에 의한 특정 염색체 띠에 대한 유전자 발굴

        홍기정,김현수,전용혁,김현,박선화 고려대학교 의과대학 1996 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.33 No.1

        Recently surmountable amounts of genes are being cloned but it is hard to define the chromosomal location and functions of these genes. In this study, a new technique was developed for cloning genes expressed in the developing human brain with confirmed chromosomal location. The mRNAs were extracted from 18 week old human fetal brain, cDNAs were made by reverse transcription from these mRNAs and Uni-amp cDNAs having Uni-amp adapters a t both ends were made for subsequent PCR. To observe the distribution of the Uni-amp cDNAs on the chromosome, fluorescent in situ hybridization was performed with biotin labeled Uni-amp cDNAs. Among the chromosome bands showing strong hybridization with the cDNAs, lq21, lq25, lq32 and lq42 were microdissected from the chromosome hybridized with unlabeled Uni-amp cDNAs and amplified by PCR with Uni-amp primers. These amplified cDNA fragments were subcloned to plasmid vectors and the nucleic acid sequences were analysed. As a result 18 different clones were confirmed the chromosomal localization. They were categorized as 4 clones of well characterized genes, 3 clones showing low homology with known genes, 5 clones of simply registered uncharacterized human cDNAs, and 6 clones of unknown genes. The evidence suggests that the technique is very useful to clone the genes that express in the developing human brain, with confirmed chromosomal location. In addition, this cloning technique can be used to discover the new genes related with neuronal development in combination with functional screening method.

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