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        근막 결손의 복원과 자궁천골인대 고정을 통한 전자궁적출술 후 질탈출의 성공적 교정

        문화숙(Hwa Sook Moon),최진국(Jin Koo Choi),김경서(Kyung Seo Kim),박근식(Kyun Sik Park),황지영(Ji Young Hwang),문성은(Sung Eun Moon),한지원(Ji Won Han),김상국(Sang Gook Kim),김상갑(Sang Gap Kim) 대한산부인과학회 2002 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.45 No.7

        목적 : 본 연구는 전자궁적출술 후 질탈출을 부위-특이적인 결함의 개념에 입각하여 치골경부 근막과 직장질 격막의 연결을 통한 골반내 근막의 복원과 자궁천골인대 고정술을 이용한 질탈출의 성공적인 수술적 교정의 방법과 결과를 보고하고자 한다. 연구 방법 : 1999년부터 2001년 8월까지 자궁적출술 후 질궁탈출 증상으로 문화병원 산부인과를 내원, 탈출된 질의 근막을 재건시킨 다음, 이를 자궁천골인대에 고정시킴으로써 질의 부위-특이적인 교정술을 받은 3명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 3명중 1명은 개복술을 하였고 2명은 내시경 수술을 하였다. 결과 : 환자의 연령 분포는 49-67세였으며, 수술시간은 평균 113분 (105-125)이었다. 세 환자 모두 수술 후 질의 상태가 해부학 및 기능적으로 정상이었으며, 9일째 특이사항 없이 퇴원하였다. 수술 후 HRT를 시행한 1명을 포함한 3명 모두 각각 24개월, 12개월, 7개월간의 추적 검사에서도 특이한 합병증이나 재발 없이 좋은 경과를 보였다. 결론 : 골반 근막 결손의 복원과 자궁천골인대 고정술은 전자궁적출술 후 질탈출의 교정에 매우 안전하고 효과적이며, 기능적인 방법으로 사료되며, 자궁천골인대를 질탈출 교정에 이용한 연구는 본 연구가 국내에서 처음이다. Objective : To report the method and efficacy of the site specific-defects repair in the endopelvic fascia and uterosacral ligament suspension for the correction of posthysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse. Methods : This study was performed in 3 patients with posthyterectomy vaginal vault prolapse who underwent the surgery for the reconstruction of endopelvic fascia and the correction of vault prolapsed vagina by using uterosacral ligament suspension at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Moon-Hwa Hospital. Among them, 1 patient was treated by laparotomy, and 2 patients were treated by laparoscope. Results : The age of patients ranged from 49 to 67 years. The mean operation time was 111 minutes (105-120 minutes). The status of postoperative vagina was normal in all 3 patients, who were discharged 9 days after operation without symptoms. No complication or recurrence were found in them despite long-term follow-up for 24 months, 12 months, 7 months, respectively after operation. One patient has been treated with HRT therapy. Conclusion : The reconstruction of the defect of endopelvic fascia and uterosacral ligament fixation may be very safe, effective, and functional in the correction of vaginal vault prolapse. This study reports the treatment of vaginal vault prolapse using uterosacral ligament within Korea for the first time.

      • 소아 흉통의 원인질환에 따른 임상양상

        장국찬,김은영,노영일,양은석,문경래,박영봉 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2008 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.33 No.2

        목적: 소아에서의 흉통은 흔히 접하게 되며 일반적으로 좋은 경과를 보인다. 가장 흔한 원인으로 특발성, 골격계이상, 위장관계 질환 등이 다양하게 언급되고 있으며 감별진단이 쉽지 않아 여러 검사를 시행하게 된다. 자세한 병력청취와 진찰이 진단에 가장 중요하다고 하지만 통계적 의의를 보고한 바는 드물다. 이에 흉통 원인을 분류하고 각각의 임상양상을 파악하여, 병력 청취와 진찰소견의 감별진단에 대한 유용성과 시행 검사들의 의의를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 2004년 3월 부터 2007년 8월 까지 조선대학교 병원 소아청소년과에 흉통을 주소로 방문한 환아 77명을 대상으로 하였다. 연령, 성별, 흉통의 위치, 지속시간, 양상, 빈도, 방문까지 걸린 시간, 동반증상, 유발인자의 각 항목과 원인 질환과의 관련성을 분석하였다. 흉부방사선, 심전도, 심초음파, 24시간 Holter, 운동부하 심전도, 상부 위장관 조영술, 24시간 pH 검사, 위내시경, 심근효소를 검사 하였다. 결과: 평균 나이는 10.2±2.8세로 6세에서 11세까지가 48명(62.3%)으로 가장 많은 분포를 보였고 남아 42명(54.5%), 여아 35명(45.5%)이었다. 흉통의 위치는 좌측이 32명(41.6%), 양상은 콕콕 찌르는 것이 27명(35.1%)으로 가장 많았고 지속시간은 1분미만이 36명(46.8%), 1-5분 사이가 28명(36.4%)으로 대부분 5분 미만이었다. 흉통 원인은 특발성이 27례(35.1%)로 가장 많았고, 위장관 질환 23례(29.9%), 늑골 연골염 12례(15.6%), 심혈관 질환 7례(9.1%), 정신신체화 질환 6례(7.8%), 폐질환 2례(2.6%)였다. 여아에서 연령이 높을수록 정신신체화 질환의 빈도가 높았다(P= 0.046). 흉골 하부 통증을 호소한 17명 중 13명(76.5%)이 위장관 질환으로 통계적으로 유의하였다(P= 0.023). 정신 신체화 질환은 6명에서, 위장관 질환도 20명(86.9%)에서 흉통지속시간이 5분 미만이었으나 통계적 의의는 없었다. 흉통 양상 중 타는 듯한 양상을 호소한 7명중 6명에서 위장관 질환이 원인이었으나 통계적 의의는 없었다. 선택 시행 검사 중 심초음파는 32명중 3례(9.4%), 24시간 Holter 검사는 13명중 5례(35.7%), 24시간 pH 검사는 28명 중 16례(57.1%)에서 이상소견을 보였다. 결론: 소아 흉통 환자 중 연령이 높은 여아에서는 정신 신체화 장애를, 흉골 하부 통증을 호소한 경우는 위장관 질환을 먼저 생각하는 것이 좋다고 판단된다. 흉통원인으로 위장관 질환의 빈도가 높고 시행검사들의 진단율을 볼때, 소아 흉통 환아 에서는 상부 위장관 조영술 등 위장관 질환의 검사를 기본적으로 시행하는 것이 좋을 것으로 생각된다. Purpose: Chest pain in children is usually benign. Chest pain in children results from a wide variety of causes. Differential diagnosis of causes is not easy and then many diagnostic approach is trying. Careful history and physical exams must guide the assessment of children with chest pain. The purpose of this study intends to evaluate children with chest pain and usefulness of careful history, physical examination and several diagnostic examinations. Methods: From March 2004 to August 2007, 77 patients presented with chest pain were enrolled. we evaluated age, sex, characteristics of chest pain (location, duration, description, frequency), accompanying symptoms, increasing reasons and relationship with cause of chest pain. Chest x-ray and ECG were checked in all patients. Cardiologic and gastrointestinal evaluations were checked when considered necessary. Results: The male and female ratio was 0.55:0.45, mean age 10.2 ± 2.8 year. Common ages of chest pain were 10 to 12 years old (38case, 49.3%). The location was on the left precordium in 32cases (41.6%) of the patients. The most common diagnostic findings of chest pain were idiopathic(27cases, 35.1%), gastrointestinal disorder (23cases, 29.9%), costo chondritis (12cases, 15.6%), cardiovascular disorder (7cases, 9.1%), psychosomatic disorder(6cases, 7.8%) and pulmonary disorder (2cases, 2.6%). Older children in female were more likely to have a psychosomatic cause (P= 0.046). The patients complained chest pain on substernal area were 17cases and 13cases (76.5%) were diagnosed as gastrointestinal disorder (P= 0.023). Positive findings of echocardio graphy, 24hr Holter ECG and 24hr pH monitoring were present in 3 (9.4%), 5 (35.7%) and 16 (57.1%) of the patients respectively. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal disorders are common causes and positive diagnostic rate of gastrointestinal evaluation is relatively high in children with chest pain. Old girls are more likely to have a psychosomatic disorder and substernal pain is the reliable sign to be considered as a gastrointestinal disease in children with chest pain. Hence, Diagnostic approach of gastrointestinal disease such as upper GI should be performed basically in mostly children with chest pain.

      • KCI등재

        치과의사 인력수급 추계와 적절성 평가

        최은영,조재국,김진수,문혁수 대한구강보건학회 1999 大韓口腔保健學會誌 Vol.23 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the supply and demand of dentists till the year 2012 and to give the recommendations for making the proper policy of the supply and demand of dentists. To evaluate the supply of dentists, the baseline projection and demographic methods were employed. The derivative demand was used for forecasting the demand of dentists. The results of this study provide us the valuable information for the manpower planning of dentists for the 21th century. Specifically, the results indicate that the surplus of dentist will be increased with increasing rate until the year 2012. Regardless of the methods for forecasting demand of dentists, the empirical results present that the number of surplus of dentists will be reached at the level between 2000 to 3000 in the year 2002 and 4000 to 6000 in the year 2012. The results of this study suggest as follows: First, it is necessary to establish the efficient management system of the qualifying examination for the foreign educated dentists. Second, for the quality control of dentists, the improvement of the education and the training systems is needed. The further studies should include these recommendations and investigate how the expansion of the expansion of insurance benefits influences on the supply and demand of dentists.

      • Identification and characterization of amiodarone metabolites in rats using UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS-based untargeted metabolomics approach

        Jeong, Eun Sook,Kim, Gabin,Yim, Daeun,Moon, Kyung-Sik,Lee, Su-Jun,Shin, Jae-Gook,Kim, Dong Hyun Informa UK (TaylorFrancis) 2018 Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Pa Vol.81 No.12

        <P>Amiodarone is a class III anti-arrhythmic benzofuran derivative extensively utilized in treatment of life-threatening ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. However, amiodarone also produces adverse side effects including liver injury due to its metabolites rather than parent drug. The purpose of the present study was to identify metabolites of amiodarone in the plasma and urine of rats administered the drug by using an untargeted metabolomics approach. Drug metabolites were profiled by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-linked electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QTOFMS) and results subjected to multivariate data analysis. A total of 49 amiodarone metabolites were identified and their structures were characterized by tandem mass spectrometry. Amiodarone metabolites are presumed to be generated via five major types of metabolic reactions including N-desethylation, hydroxylation, carboxylation (oxo/hydroxylation), de-iodination, and glucuronidation. Data demonstrated that an untargeted metabolomics approach appeared to be a reliable tool for identifying unknown metabolites in a complex biological matrix.</P>

      • Long-range Coulomb interaction in nodal-ring semimetals

        Huh, Yejin,Moon, Eun-Gook,Kim, Yong Baek American Physical Society 2016 Physical Review B Vol.93 No.3

        <P>Recently there have been several proposals of materials predicted to be nodal-ring semimetals, where zero energy excitations are characterized by a nodal ring in the momentum space. This class of materials falls between the Dirac-like semimetals and the more conventional Fermi-surface systems. As a step towards understanding this unconventional system, we explore the effects of the long-range Coulomb interaction. Due to the vanishing density of states at the Fermi level, Coulomb interaction is only partially screened and remains long-ranged. Through renormalization group and large-Nf computations, we have identified a nontrivial interacting fixed point. The screened Coulomb interaction at the interacting fixed point is an irrelevant perturbation, allowing controlled perturbative evaluations of physical properties of quasiparticles. We discuss unique experimental consequences of such quasiparticles: acoustic wave propagation, anisotropic dc conductivity, and renormalized phonon dispersion as well as energy dependence of quasiparticle lifetime.</P>

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