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        물류산업의 국민경제적 파급효과 분석

        정동원 ( Dong Won Jeong ),한종호 ( Jong Ho Han ) 한국물류학회 2012 물류학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        물류산업은 경제 발전에 중요한 역할을 담당하며, 산업경쟁력과 국가경쟁력을 결정하는 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 산업연관분석을 이용하여 물류산업의 국민경제적 파급효과를 분석하고자 한다. 먼저 수요유도형 모형을 이용하여 물류산업의 타 산업 생산유발효과, 부가가치 유발효과, 취업유발효과를 살펴본다. 다음으로 상대적으로 복잡성 때문에 잘 사용되지 않았던 공급유도형 모형 및 레온티에프 가격모형을 적용하여 물류산업의 공급지장효과 및 물가파급 효과를 살펴본다. 이러한 분석은 모두 물류산업을 내생부문이 아닌 외생부문으로 다룸으로써 물류산업을 중심으로 이루어지게 된다. 주요 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 물류산업의 1원 생산은 타 산업의 생산을 0.5104원만큼 유발하며, 타산업의 부가가가치를 0.1722원만큼 유발한다. 또한 물류산업의 10억원 생산은 타산업에서 2.2554명의 취업을 유발한다. 한편 물류산업에서 1원의 공급이 이루어지지 못할 때, 타 산업에서는 0.9387원의 생산차질이 발생하여 공급지장효과가 제법 큰 편이다. 마지막으로 물류산업의 가격이 10& 상승했을 때, 국민경제 전체적으로 미치는 물가파급효과는 0.0276%로 분석되었다. The logistics industry in Korea plays a major role in the national economy development and to make decision nation and industrial competitiveness, This study attempts to examine the economic impacts of the logistics industry using an inter-industry analysis, Specially, the study investigates production-inducting effect, value added inducing effect, and employment-inducing effect of the logistics industry based on demand-driven model. Moreover, the study deals with supply shortage effect and sectoral price effect by using supply-driven model and leontief price model, respectively, which have been rarely used because of their complications involved in computaiton. These analyses pay particular and close attention to the distribution industry by taking it as exogenous rather than endogenous. Some interesting findings emerge from the study. First, the production of 1.0 won in the logistics industry induces the production of 0.5104 won and the value-added of 0.1722 won in other industries. Second, the production of 1.0 billion won in the logistics industry causes the employment of 2.554 persons in other industries. Third, the supply shortage of 1.0 won in the logistics industry disables other industries to produce 0.9387 won. Finally, an increase of 10% in price level of the logistics industry raises the overall price level by 0.0276%.

      • 개에서 발생한 파열된 전이성 비장 혈관육종 1례

        서동규,박형진,송근호,서경원 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2012 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.19 No.1

        Twelve-year-old, catrated male, weighting 8 kg, Miniature Schnauzer dog was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University with history of depression. Result of blood analysis revealed anemia, thrombocytopenia, azotemia, elevated ALP, ALT and CK. On the radiographic examination, splenomegaly and loss of abdominal serosal detail were observed. Abdominal ultrasonography showed rounded mass of spleen and liver, ascites were observed. Splenectomy was performed and found that splentic tail had been ruptured and two samples from nodules on liver were obtained for histopathology. The result of biopsy revealed that hemangiosarcoma of spleen metastasized to the liver. Carboplatin was chosen as the patient had congestive heart failture. During chemotherapy hemangiosarcoma was metastasized into peritoneum and abdominal cavity. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy was preceded at this moment. After 99 days of initial visit, patient was euthanized due to severe anemia and thrombocytopenia.

      • GF(2)上의 定規基底를 갖는 原始多項式 分類에 관한 연구

        元東豪 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1989 論文集 Vol.40 No.2

        The Finite Field GF(2^m) is used in digital signal processing, switching circuits, in particular, the coder and the decoder of BCH code, and the encipher and the decipher of cryptosystem. The arithmatic circuits for GF(2^m) play an important role in them. Therefore there is a need for new arithmatic algorithm that can have much faster operation speed and simple structure, we can consist of much faster arithmatic circuits with normal basis. In this paper, we first obtain all of the primitive polynomials with normal basis for degree less than 15 for GF(2) using computer computation. And we studied some characterestics of primitive polynomials with normal basis in GF(2).

      • Galios Field 上의 非線形聯立方程式과 正則行列을 利用한 公開 Key 暗號方式

        元東豪 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1986 論文集 Vol.37 No.1

        We propose a new method for constructing the public-key cryptosystem which is consisted of nonsingular matrix and nonlinear equations to be elements in upper triangular matrix over GF(P). The encipher key and the decipher key can be easily obtained with the multiplication of matrices over GF(P). We verified the new public-key cryptosystem with a small example of the order 4 of a nonsingular matrix over GF(17).

      • 유방암 수술 후 갑상선 암이 발견된 환자의 임상병리학적 특징

        류동원 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.3

        Background : The aim of this study was to determine the clinicopathologic factors influencing to develop breast carcinoma followed thyroid carcinoma. Particularly we want to determin whether the adjuvant radiation therapy was related to development of thyroid carcinoma. Methods : There were 17 patients with breast carcinoma and thyroid carcinoma who registered at University of Kosin medical center between 2002 and 2007. The medical records and the final pathologic reports of female patients were reviewed retrospectively. The follow up cut off date of this study was January 2008. We used Pearson's correlation to determine the association of pairs of explanatory variables and differences in qualitative variables were evaluated by Chi-squared test. Results : Among 596 women with a diagnosis of breast carcinoma since 2002, 17 women were diagnosed of developed differentiated thyroid carcinoma after the diagnosis of breast carcinoma. The mean age at the diagnosis of thyroid cancer was 49 years. 17 patients who had thyroid carcinoma were defined as Group-1 and the remaining 579 patients were defined as Group-2. There was no distributional difference of adverse prognostic factors between two groups. There was a death in two patients of Group-1 and nine patients of Group-2. Therefore, the rates of 5-year overall survival rate were 88% in Group-1 and 98% in Group-2. Conclusion : Adjuvant radiation therapy after breast opearation due to breast carcinoma didn't influence on the occurrence of thyroid cancer. And our study indicates that the occurrence of breast cancer followed thyroid cancer didn't influence the 5-year overall survival rate. But our study has some limitations such as retrospective study and relatively short follow-up period.

      • 유한체 GF(2^m)상의 승산회로 구성

        원동호 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1990 論文集 Vol.41 No.2

        Arithmetic circuit on finite field GF(2^m) plays an important role in implementation of Reed-Solomon coders and in some cryptographic algorithms. In this paper, we proposed a new multiplication circuit which a conventional basis for finite field GF(2^m). It is composed of AND gate and exclusive OR gate and is regular, simple, and expandable. So it is naturally suitable for VLSI implementation.

      • 광주지역 황룡강 수계의 식물상

        조원철,임동옥 호남대학교산업기술연구소 2011 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        본 논문은 2008년 3월부터 10월까지 황룡강 수계 중 광주광역시에 포함된 총 7개 조사지역에서 식물상과 수생식물의 분포를 분석하였다. 조사 결과 전체 식물상은 81과 220속 279종 37변종 1품종으로 총 317종류가 확인되었다. 수생식물은 30과 55속 67종 8변종으로 총 75종류가 나타났으며, 생육환경별 조건에 따라 수생식물 중 정수식물 22종, 부엽식물 7종, 침수식물 7종, 부유식물 2종 및 습생식물 37종이 각각 확인되었고, 환경부 지정 멸종위기종은 나타나지 않았으며, 산림청지정 희귀 및 멸종위기식물로는 자라풀 1종이 확인되었다. 각 조사지역에서 조사된 귀화식물은 14과 40속 46종 3변종으로 총 49종류가 확인 되었으며, 평균 도시화지수는 18.4%, 귀화율은 15.5%였다. 주요어: 황룡강, 수생식물, 멸종위기종, 귀화식물 This study was identified on the flora and distribution of hydrophytes of the 7 sites selected in Hwang-Yong River through Gwangju from March to October, 2008. In this survey, flora were identified as 317 taxa; belonging to 81 families, 220 genera, 279 species, 37 varieties and 1 forms. Rare and endangered plants selected by Forest Ministry were appeared Hydrocharis dubia. The hydrophytes were classified 75 taxa; 30 families, 55 genera, 67 species and 8 varieties. Among the hydrophytes emerged plants were 22, floating-leaved plants were 7, submerged plants were 7, free floating plants were 2 and swamp hydrophytes were 37 species respectively in Hwang-Yong River. The Ministry of Environment help protect Endangered Species has not been verified, Specify the rare and endangered plants, the Forest Service check out a piece of paper was Hydrocharis dubia. Naturalized plants were identified 49 taxa;14 families, 40 genera, 46 species and 3 varieties. The urbanization index(UI) was 18.4% and the urbanization rate(NR) was 15.5% of which were investigated 7 each sites. Key words: Hwang-Yong River, Hydrophytes, Endangered Species, Naturalized Plants

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