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        의사소통 전략으로서의 언어적, 비언어적 한·중 청자반응 유형 대조

        윤은경 ( Yoon Eunkyung ),정염 ( Ding Yan ) 국제어문학회 2021 국제어문 Vol.- No.91

        본 연구는 한·중 청자반응 표현에 대한 윤은경·정염(2021) 연구를 확장하는 것을 연구 목적으로 삼는다. 언어적 및 비언어적 청자반응 유형의 차이를 한국어와 중국어 청자를 대상으로 살펴보았다. 청자반응 표현의 빈도는 사회적 지위와 인간관계의 친밀도에 따라 측정되었다(교수 대 지인). 이 연구를 위해 총 45명의 참가자가 모집되어 세 집단 중 하나에 배정되었다. 그 결과 한한(한국어 청자) 집단과 중중(중국어 청자) 집단은 지인보다 교수와 대화할 때 청자반응 표현을 더 많이 사용한 반면 한중(한국어 화자 + 중국어 청자) 집단에서는 유의한 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 특히 한한 집단은 언어 표현보다 거의 2배에 가까운 비언어적 또는 복합적(언어적 + 비언어적) 청자반응 표현을 사용했으나, 중중 집단은 언어적 표현을 선호했다. 반면, 한한 집단과 중중 집단은 공통적으로 지인과 대화할 때보다는 교수와 대화할 때 비언어적 표현을 더 많이 사용했다. 최근까지 한국어 교육에 대한 연구에서 언어적 또는 비언어적 청자반응 표현은 관심을 받지 못했다. 그러나 청자반응의 실패는 의사소통에 큰 지장을 줄 수 있다는 점에서 보다 면밀한 연구가 필요하다는 점을 확인했다는 데 연구 의의가 있다. This study expands Yoon and Ding’s (2021 to appear) investigation of listeners’ responses as conversational strategies. Verbal and non-verbal backchannels were cross-linguistically investigated among native Korean and Chinese speakers. The frequency of the backchannels was measured according to their social status and the intimacy level of relationships(professors vs. friends). A total of 45 participants were recruited and assigned to one of three groups. The results revealed that the GK (Korean-only) and GC (Chinese-only) groups used more backchannels when conversing with professors than friends, whereas no significant difference was observed within the KC (Korean+Chinese) group. In particular, the GK group used non-verbal or combined (verbal + non-verbal) backchannel expressions almost twice as much as verbal expressions, while the GC group preferred verbal expressions. Both the GK and GC groups used non-verbal backchannels more than verbal ones when talking to professors than when talking to friends. Until recently, verbal or non-verbal backchannels have been neglected in research on Korean language education; however, research on backchannels is necessary in that its failure can significantly impede communication.

      • KCI등재


        米玲(Mi Ling),丁建軍(Ding JianJun),崔勇(Chui Yong) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2012 역사문화연구 Vol.44 No.-

        瓷器는 중국 고대의 독창적인 예술의 한 분야 이며 고대인들의 생활수준을 한 단계 업그레이드 시켰을 뿐만 아니라 중국 전통 手工業의 발전을 보여주는 지표이다. 瓷器業은 지속적인 발전을 하였고 宋代에 이르러 한 단계 더 발전을 하였으며 定窯系, 鈞窯系, 磁州窯 등의 窯系가 등장하게 되었다. 定州曲陽을 중심으로한 定窯瓷器는 定窯系를 代表하였고 당시 瓷器製造業이 최고의 수준이었음을 보여준다. 북송시기에 定窯가 성행하였던 주요 이유는 세 가지가 있다. 첫째, 定州에는 자기업이 발전하는데 필요한 원료가 풍부하였다. 둘째, 하북의 邢窯의 영향을 받아 靑銅器鑄造 기술과 邢州窯의 工藝 技術을 바탕으로 하여 覆燒法과 印花, 刻花를 주로 하는 새로운 공예 기술을 창조하였다. 셋째, 唐宋社會變革의 시기에 고대 귀족들이 몰락을 하고 金銀器, 靑銅器 등이 시장에서 퇴출당하고 瓷器가 民間에서 日用品으로 사용되게 되었다. 北宋 末年에 이르러 定瓷를 중심으로 하는 北方b陶瓷器業은 衰落을 하였는데 수많은 원인이 있지만 戰爭으로 인한 쇠락이 가장 큰 원인이고 대량으로 瓷器를 생산 하게 되면서 자기의 원료가 부족하게 되었고 模造品이 시장에 등장하면서 이로 인해 窯瓷器 시장이 위축되게 되었다. 이외에도 北宋後期에 宋 徽宗時期에 통치자들 사이에서 靑器를 많이 사용하였고 白瓷를 중심으로 하는 定瓷는 高級 瓷器 시장에서 퇴출되게 되었다. 定窯系를 중심으로 한 宋代 北方 窯系는 중국 고대 瓷器史에서 南方의 瓷窯와 北方의 金元瓷器業에 큰 영향을 끼쳤으며 다른 나라의 瓷器業에도 많은 영향을 주었다. There are mainly three reasons why Ding kiln reached its heyday in Northern song dynasty: first, Ding kiln had the abound porcelain which were needed in the development of porcelain industry; second, because of the influence of Hebei Xing kiln, as well as on the basis of local bronze casting technology and Xing Zhou kiln craft technology, it made innovation the “inverse burning” as well as new craft like printing and engraved designs; three, it adapted to the social change of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, after the fall of ancient aristocratic, golden ware, silver ware and bronze ware exited the mainstream market, china became the main commodity of common people, and it suitable for the social needs. But in the end of Northern song dynasty, North china ceramics whose representative is Ding kiln declined gradually. There were many reasons, but the destruction of the war was the most direct factor, while the large quantities of porcelain production caused the exhaustion and shortage of porcelain clay resources and fuel,; at the same time, many similar products of the generic competition compressed the market of Ding kiln; In addition, the ruling circle whose head was Emperor Huizong of Song was favor of Qing porcelain, Ding kiln which mainly produced White porcelain retreated from the top grade of china ceramic market. However, the North ceramics whose representative is Ding kiln in Song Dynasty had an important influence in ancient Chinese porcelain history, which mainly reflected in its influence to the South ceramics and the North Jin Yuan devices.

      • The Effects of Environmental Training and Environmental Commitment on Employee Environmental Behavior: The Mediating Role of Environmental Commitment

        Ding Ding,Ran Zhang,Xiaoyue Cui 동북아경상학회 2021 동북아경상연구 Vol.2 No.2

        Purpose – The purpose of this paper is exploring the influence mechanism of environmental training on employees’ environmental behavior through empirical research. Design/Methodology/Approach – According to the existing scale variable measurement, adopting the method of questionnaire survey collected online sample data of 201, and the data quality was tested by non-response bias, common method bias analysis, correlation and multi-collinearity, reliability and validity analysis. Then, the research hypothesis was tested by hierarchical regression. Findings – This paper studies environmental training has a significant positive impact on both private and public environmental protection behaviors of employees; environmental commitment has an intermediary effect on the relationship between environmental protection training and employees’ private and public environmental protection behaviors; the gender of employees has no significant regulatory effect on their environmental commitment and their private and public environmental behavior, and the age of employees has no significant regulatory effect on their environmental training and environmental commitment. Research Implications – In the management of this paper, through in-depth study of the impact mechanism of employees’ environmental behavior at the individual level, it makes contribution to the further study of the impact of green human resource management practice at the individual level.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Tourist Needs Based on Food Docent-Guided Tour - focused Guangzhou Xiguan

        Ding-Ding Chen,Wan-Sok Jang,Young-Hwan Pan 한국융합학회 2020 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.11 No.12

        최근 지역 문화 발전과 도시 다양성의 맥락에서 각각의 관광지들은 독특한 민속 문화를 발굴하여 관광객의 관심과 방문을 유도하고 있다. 지속 가능한 관광의 일환으로 미식 관광은 명승지 환경을 해치는 건설을 할 필요도 없 고, 지역 주민과 관광객에게 서비스를 제공하기 위한 시설 개선 만하면 되는 장점도 있다. 그러나 기존의 미식 관광은 관광객을 풍속 현장에만 두게 되어 주체 간에 다른 문화적 차이를 넘어 민속 문화의 핵심을 체험할 수 없었다. 본 논문 은 관찰 방법, 융복합 주제 연구 및 사례 연구를 통해 민속 문화를 이해하는데 있어서 푸드 도슨트 가이드 투어의 역할 을 연구하였다. 특히 도슨트 가이드 투어에서 미식 관광이 지속 가능 발전이라는 목표를 잘 달성할 수 있도록 가이드가 관광객들로 하여금 민속 문화의 핵심에 보다 효과적으로 동화되어 체험할 수 있도록 돕는 방법을 연구하였다. Under the background of regional cultural development and cities' diversity, various tourist destinations attract tourists' attention and visit by mining their unique folk culture. As a part of sustainable tourism, gastronomy tourism can provide residents and tourists services only by improving the residents' facilities without damaging the environment. However, the existing gastronomy tourism only makes tourists in the folk scene, and tourists can not overstep the cultural differences caused by intersubjectivity to experience the core of folk culture. This paper attempts to use the observation method, cross-subject study, and case study to study the role of food docent-guided tours in understanding folk culture. Moreover, the docent-guided tour studies how the docent can help tourists go deep into the core of folk culture better to realize the sustainable development goal of gastronomy tourism.

      • KCI등재

        Excessive mechanical strain accelerates intervertebral disc degeneration by disrupting intrinsic circadian rhythm

        Ding Sheng-Long,Zhang Tai-Wei,Zhang Qi-Chen,Ding Wang,Li Ze-Fang,Han Guan-Jie,Bai Jin-Song,Li Xi-Lei,Dong Jian,Wang Hui-Ren,Jiang Li-Bo 생화학분자생물학회 2021 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.53 No.-

        Night shift workers with disordered rhythmic mechanical loading are more prone to intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). Our results showed that circadian rhythm (CR) was dampened in degenerated and aged NP cells. Long-term environmental CR disruption promoted IDD in rats. Excessive mechanical strain disrupted the CR and inhibited the expression of core clock proteins. The inhibitory effect of mechanical loading on the expression of extracellular matrix genes could be reversed by BMAL1 overexpression in NP cells. The Rho/ROCK pathway was demonstrated to mediate the effect of mechanical stimulation on CR. Prolonged mechanical loading for 12 months affected intrinsic CR genes and induced IDD in a model of upright posture in a normal environment. Unexpectedly, mechanical loading further accelerated the IDD in an Light-Dark (LD) cycle-disrupted environment. These results indicated that intrinsic CR disruption might be a mechanism involved in overloading-induced IDD and a potential drug target for night shift workers.

      • KCI등재

        Generalized Numerical Differentiation Method for Stability Calculation of Periodic Delayed Differential Equation: Application for Variable Pitch Cutter in Milling

        Ding Chen,XiaoJian Zhang,Han Ding 한국정밀공학회 2020 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.21 No.11

        This paper proposes a generalized numerical differentiation method for stability prediction of the non-autonomous delayed differential equations (DDEs) with periodic coefficients and discrete delays. Firstly, the periodic DDE is described in statespace form and the period of a system is equally discretized. Then, the discrete first derivatives versus time are approximated by a linear combination of the state function values at multiple neighboring sampling grid points based on the finite-difference formulas. Such that, the original DDE is approximated as a series of algebraic equations and the Floquet transition matrix can be constructed on one period. At last, the system stability is determined according to the Floquet theory by checking the eigenvalues. The delayed damped Mathieu equation is regarded as a typical case to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented method. The stability diagrams and rate of convergence are computed in comparison with those via the benchmark algorithm (the semi-discretization method). As an application, the presented method is used to predict the stability of milling with variable pitch cutter, and the computational result agrees well with the experimentally verified example


        A spline finite element method on mapping

        Ding, Hanshan,Shao, Rongguang,Ding, Dajun Techno-Press 1996 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.4 No.4

        This paper presents a newly suggested calculation method in which an arbitrary quadrilateral element with curved sides is transformed to a normal rectangular one by mapping of coordinates, then the two-dimensional spline is adopted to approach the displacement function of this element. Finally the solution can be obtained by the least-energy principle. Thereby, the application field of Spline Finite Element Method will be extended.


        Relationship among porcine lncRNA TCONS_00010987, miR-323, and leptin receptor based on dual luciferase reporter gene assays and expression patterns

        Ding, Yueyun,Qian, Li,Wang, Li,Wu, Chaodong,Li, DengTao,Zhang, Xiaodong,Yin, Zongjun,Wang, Yuanlang,Zhang, Wei,Wu, Xudong,Ding, Jian,Yang, Min,Zhang, Liang,Shang, Jinnan,Wang, Chonglong,Gao, Yafei Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2020 Animal Bioscience Vol.33 No.2

        Objective: Considering the physiological and clinical importance of leptin receptor (LEPR) in regulating obesity and the fact that porcine LEPR expression is not known to be controlled by lncRNAs and miRNAs, we aim to characterize this gene as a potential target of SSC-miR-323 and the lncRNA TCONS_00010987. Methods: Bioinformatics analyses revealed that lncRNA TCONS_00010987 and LEPR have SSC-miR-323-binding sites and that LEPR might be a target of lncRNA TCONS_00010987 based on cis prediction. Wild-type and mutant TCONS_00010987-target sequence fragments and wild-type and mutant LEPR 3'-UTR fragments were generated and cloned into pmiRRB-REPORT<sup>TM</sup>-Control vectors to construct respective recombinant plasmids. HEK293T cells were co-transfected with the SSC-miR-323 mimics or a negative control with constructs harboring the corresponding binding sites and relative luciferase activities were determined. Tissue expression patterns of lncRNA TCONS_00010987, SSC-miR-323, and LEPR in Anqing six-end-white (AQ, the obese breed) and Large White (LW, the lean breed) pigs were detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; backfat expression of LEPR protein was detected by western blotting. Results: Target gene fragments were successfully cloned, and the four recombinant vectors were constructed. Compared to the negative control, SSC-miR-323 mimics significantly inhibited luciferase activity from the wild-type TCONS_00010987-target sequence and wild-type LEPR-3'-UTR (p<0.01 for both) but not from the mutant TCONS_00010987-target sequence and mutant LEPR-3'-UTR (p>0.05 for both). Backfat expression levels of TCONS_00010987 and LEPR in AQ pigs were significantly higher than those in LW pigs (p<0.01), whereas levels of SSC-miR-323 in AQ pigs were significantly lower than those in LW pigs (p<0.05). LEPR protein levels in the backfat tissues of AQ pigs were markedly higher than those in LW pigs (p<0.01). Conclusion: LEPR is a potential target of SSC-miR-323, and TCONS_00010987 might act as a sponge for SSC-miR-323 to regulate LEPR expression.


        Polymorphism, Expression of Natural Resistance-associated Macrophage Protein 1 Encoding Gene (NRAMP1) and Its Association with Immune Traits in Pigs

        Ding, Xiaoling,Zhang, Xiaodong,Yang, Yong,Ding, Yueyun,Xue, Weiwei,Meng, Yun,Zhu, Weihua,Yin, Zongjun Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2014 Animal Bioscience Vol.27 No.8

        Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 encoding gene (NRAMP1) plays an important role in immune response against intracellular pathogens. To evaluate the effects of NRAMP1 gene on immune capacity in pigs, tissue expression of NRAMP1 mRNA was observed by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the results revealed NRAMP1 expressed widely in nine tissues. One single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.130 C>T) in exon1 and one SNP (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.657 A>G) in intron1 region of porcine NRAMP1 gene were demonstrated by DNA sequencing and PCR-RFLP analysis. A further analysis of SNP genotypes associated with immune traits including contain of white blood cell (WBC), granulocyte, lymphocyte, monocyte (MO), rate of cytotoxin in monocyte (MC) and $CD4^-CD8^+$ T lymphocyte subpopulations in blood was carried out in four pig populations including Large White and three Chinese indigenous breeds (Wannan Black, Huai pig and Wei pig). The results showed that the SNP (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.130 C>T) was significantly associated with level of WBC % (p = 0.031), MO% (p = 0.024), MC% (p = 0.013) and $CD4^-CD8^+$ T lymphocyte (p = 0.023). The other SNP (ENSSSCG00000025058: g.657 A>G) was significantly associated with the level of MO% (p = 0.012), MC% (p = 0.019) and $CD4^-CD8^+$ T lymphocyte (p = 0.037). These results indicate that the NRAMP1 gene can be regarded as a molecular marker for genetic selection of disease susceptibility in pig breeding.

      • KCI등재

        Improved AQPSO Algorithm for Solving the Model of the Skin Effect Electric Heating System

        Ding Li,Ding Xinghua,Ren Weina,Lin Aiguo 대한전기학회 2022 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.17 No.5

        In view of the importance of the skin-eff ect electric heat tracing system of the submarine oil pipeline in heating and condensation reduction, it is necessary to start from the skin electric heating mechanism and construct its complete mathematical model to realize the effi cient operation of the system. Aiming at the problem of unknown parameters in the model of the skin-eff ect electric heat tracing system, an improved adaptive quantum behaviour particle swarm optimization algorithm (AQPSO) based on the quantum behaviour particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed, in order to eff ectively identify the model parameters. In the algorithm design, in view of the high dependence of the basic QPSO algorithm on the shrinkage and expansion coeffi cients, the particle aggregation factor is introduced, and the shrinkage and expansion coeffi cients are redesigned. In view of the diff erent proportions of the fi tness value of the individual optimal position, the weight coeffi cient is introduced to construct the best position of the average weight to realize the improvement of the basic QPSO algorithm. The simulation results show that the AQPSO algorithm has better performance than QPSO in terms of convergence accuracy and robustness. This algorithm not only overcomes the inherent premature defects of particle swarms, but also improves the accuracy of the algorithm and obtains accurate model parameters. It can be seen that the improved adaptive quantum behaviour particle swarm algorithm has certain feasibility and eff ectiveness in the parameter identifi cation of Hammerstein model.

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