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      • KCI등재

        대표농도경로 (RCP) 시나리오에 따른 회야강 유역의 미래 유출 및 유사 변화 분석

        황창수(Hwang, Chang Su),최철웅(Choi, Chul Uong),최지선(Choi, Ji Sun) 대한공간정보학회 2014 대한공간정보학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 미래 기후변화 및 토지피복변화가 유역 내 유출량과 유사량의 거동에 가져올 영향을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 기상자료는 IPCC 5차 평가보고서를 위해 새롭게 논의된 RCP 시나리오 중 서로 상반되는 4.5 및 8.5 시나리오의 기후전망 (2011~2100년) 이 사용되었으며, 토지피복지도는 RCP 4.5 및 8.5 시나리오의 사회ㆍ경제 스토리라인과 로지스틱 회귀모형 (LR)을 이용하여 개발 된 모델에 의해 구축되었다. 기후변화만 고려한 경우, 토지피복변화만 고려한 경우, 기후변화 및 토지피복변화 모두 고려한 경우의 세 가지 시나리오를 설정하고, 각 시나리오에 따른 유출량 및 유사량을 모의한 결과 계절적으로 매우 명확한 변화를 나타내었다. 기후변화는 봄과 겨울에 유출량을 증가시키고 여름과 가을에 유출량을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났으며, 유사량 역시 유출량과 동일한 변화의 양상을 보였다. 토지피복변화는 유출량을 증가시키는 반면 유사량은 감소시키며, 이는 도시화로 인한 불투수 면적의 증가에 의한 것으로 판단된다. 토지피복변화는 기후변화에 비해 유출량에 적은 영향을 끼치나, 기후변화에 의해 초래된 유출량 문제를 더욱 극대화 시킬 수 있다. 따라서 지속적인 수자원 관리를 위하여 기후변화의 잠재적 영향을 파악하고, 토지피복변화에 따른 적절한 수자원 대응 정책 마련이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. This study is analyze future climate and land cover change affects behaviors for amount of streamflow and sediment discharge within basin. We used the climate forecast data in RCP 4.5 and 8.5 (2011-2100) which is opposite view for each other among RCP scenarios that are discussed for 5th report for IPCC. Land cover map built based on a socialㆍeconomic storyline in RCP 4.5/8.5 using Logistic Regression model. In this study we set three scenarios: one scenario for climate change only, one for land cover change only, one for Last both climate change and land cover change. It simulated amount of streamflow and sediment discharge and the result showed a very definite change in the seasonal variation both of them. For climate change, spring and winter increased the amount of streamflow while summer and fall decreased them. Sediment showed the same pattern of change steamflow. Land cover change increases the amount of streamflow while it decreases the amount of sediment discharge, which is believed to be caused by increase of impervious Surface due to urbanization. Although land cover change less affects the amount of streamflow than climate change, it may maximize problems related to the amount of streamflow caused by climate change. Therefore, it"s required to address potential influence from climate change for effective water resource management and prepare suitable measurement for water resource.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Changes of Landscape Structure for the Recent 20 Years in the Wangsuk Stream Basin of the Central Korea

        Lee, Chang-Seok,Cho, Yong-Chan,Shin, Hyun-Chul,Lee, Seon-Mi The Ecological Society of Korea 2006 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.29 No.4

        Landscape changes for 20 years between 1981 and 2001 in the Wangsuk stream basin located on the central Korea were investigated on the basis of physiognomic vegetation map made from the aerial photograph interpretation and field check. Changes of landscape structure were noticeable in agricultural field and forest landscape elements. Changes in the agricultural fields due to transformation of agricultural pattern into the institutional agriculture dominated landscape change, although urbanization also contributed to such change. The former change due to change of food production structure originated from socio-economic development during this period and the latter to the overpopulation of Seoul. As energy sources for heating and cooking, fertilizer, and fodder for livestock transform from plant materials to fossil fuel, manufactured one, and grain, succession of forest escaped from direct human disturbance dominated change of landscape structure in forested land. Differently from the positive landscape change in the upper area, change in the lower area deteriorated landscape quality by increasing artificial land. It was estimated that such landscape deterioration in the Wangsuk stream basin would influence water quality of the stream. In order to realize sustainable land-use against such environmental degradation, systematic environmental management based on landscape ecological perspective such as "an eco-plan for creating riparian vegetation belt," which is under preparation by Ministry of Environment, was recommended.

      • Projections of summertime ozone concentration over East Asia under multiple IPCC SRES emission scenarios

        Lee, Jae-Bum,Cha, Jun-Seok,Hong, Sung-Chul,Choi, Jin-Young,Myoung, Ji-Su,Park, Rokjin J.,Woo, Jung-Hun,Ho, Changhoi,Han, Jin-Seok,Song, Chang-Keun Elsevier 2015 Atmospheric environment Vol.106 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We have developed the Integrated Climate and Air Quality Modeling System (ICAMS) through the one-way nesting of global–regional models to examine the changes in the surface ozone concentrations over East Asia under future climate scenarios. Model simulations have been conducted for the present period of 1996–2005 to evaluate the performance of ICAMS. The simulated surface ozone concentrations reproduced the observed monthly mean concentrations at sites in East Asia with high R<SUP>2</SUP> values (0.4–0.9), indicating a successful simulation to capture both spatial and temporal variability. We then performed several model simulations with the six IPCC SRES scenarios (A2, A1B, A1FI, A1T, B1, and B2) for the next three periods, 2016–2025 (the 2020s), 2046–2055 (the 2050s), and 2091–2100 (the 2090s). The model results show that the projected changes of the annual daily mean maximum eight-hour (DM8H) surface ozone concentrations in summertime for East Asia are in the range of 2–8 ppb, −3 to 8 ppb, and −7 to 9 ppb for the 2020s, the 2050s, and the 2090s, respectively, and are primarily determined based on the emission changes of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and NMVOC. The maximum increases in the annual DM8H surface ozone and high-ozone events occur in the 2020s for all scenarios except for A2, implying that the air quality over East Asia is likely to get worse in the near future period (the 2020s) than in the far future periods (the 2050s and the 2090s). The changes in the future environment based on IPCC SRES scenarios would also influence the change in the occurrences of high-concentrations events more greatly than that of the annual DM8H surface ozone concentrations. Sensitivity simulations show that the emissions increase is the key factor in determining future regional surface ozone concentrations in the case of a developing country, China, whereas a developed country, Japan would be influenced more greatly by effects of the regional climate change than the increase in emissions.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Change in ozone level is determined by the combination of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and NMVOC emissions. </LI> <LI> Ozone level over East Asia would get worse in the near future (the 2020s) than far future. </LI> <LI> A high-concentration event generally increases and more frequently occurs in the future. </LI> <LI> Change in ozone air quality in a developing country depends more on emissions change. </LI> <LI> Change in ozone air quality in a developed country depends more on climate change. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        북한의후계자 론과 현실: 이론의 형해화와 현실의 계승

        정영철 ( Young Chul Chung ) 북한연구학회 2009 북한연구학회보 Vol.13 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to analyze and predict the future, results and limitations of succession in North Korea by examining the `theory of succession`. Until now, too much focuses have been taken into the `person` in the succession issue of North Korea. It is natural to have interests in `person`, but in the view of the social science, more important thing is to focus on the `changes in the succession` in North Korea and the following result these changes will make in North Korean politics and society. Assuming that `changes in theory` in Socialist state reflects and also brings along the `changes in the actual society,` this paper examines the `changes in the succession theory` of North Korea and analyzes expected problems, influences and power structure transformations that the changes in theory will bring to North Korea. Now, North Korea seems to select the `succession of reality` considering actual limits and needs of current society, not choosing the `succession of theory` based on the `succession theory` which have been established in its history. The `limits of the times` and `necessity of reality` make North Korea to inevitably choose `succession of reality`. If this succession process repeats, whole process will cause changes in political culture and structure of North Korea. It is hard to predict when the changes will be significant in near future, but apparently current succession can be indicated as the first step of possible change. Therefore analyzing focusing on the changes in theory and structure can have much more implications than analyzes focusing on `who` is the successor.

      • KCI등재

        대학 교양으로서 일반생물학 수업에서 ‘기후 변화’ 교육

        박돈하(Don Ha Park),장수철(Soo Chul Chang) 목원대학교 교양교육혁신연구센터 2024 지식과 교양 Vol.- No.14

        기후변화는 인류 모두가 풀어야 할 급하고도 중요한 과제이다. 그래서 대학 교육, 특히 교양교육에서 기후변화 교육을 수행해야 함은 이론의 여지 없이 너무도 당연하다. 본 연구는 생물학에서 가능한 ‘기후변화’ 교육을 모색하였다. 이를 위해 교양교육 과정의 일반생물학 교과 내용을 분석하였고 수도권과 지방의 국공립과 사립 대학이 개설한 교양생물학 교과 주제를 조사, 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 지구 기후 이해를 위한 원리와 개념을 제공하는 생태학 교육은 매우 중요하므로 교양 교과로서 일반생물학 수업은 원칙적으로 반드시 교과 과정에 생태학 단원을 포함하여야 한다는 결론에 이르렀다. 그런데 대학들의 교과 주제를 분석한 결과, 대부분 대학은 일반생물학 교과목에 이 단원을 포함하지 않았다. 이에 대한 대책으로, 생태학 단원 전체를 한 학기 또는 두 학기 교과 과정에 포함하지 못하더라도 기후변화에 관련된 5~6 주제를 다른 단원에 연결하여 수업을 진행할 수 있을 것이다. 또는 몇몇 대학처럼 생태학 교과목을 따로 개설할 필요가 있다. 또는 기후변화를 포함하는 다른 과학 교과목을 개설할 수도 있다. 다만, 이 경우 학생들의 교과목 수강 지도가 필요한데, 수강 지도를 담당하는 교원을 위한 기후변화 교육이 필요한 점은 과제로 남게 된다. 더불어 생물학뿐만이 아닌 자연과학과 인문사회과학을 포함한 여러 교양교육 교과들이 이러한 시도를 함으로써 기후변화라는 과제를 푸는 데에 도움을 제공하여야 한다. 더불어 교양기초교육원에서 제정한 ‘교양기초교육의 목적’에 기후변화에 관한 내용을 추가할 것을 제안한다. Climate change is an urgent and important problem that all humanity must solve. Therefore, it is indisputable that climate change education should be provided in universities, especially as part of liberal education. This study explored possible climate change education in biology. For this purpose, we analyzed the contents of the general biology curriculum in the general education curriculum and investigated and analyzed the topics of the general biology curriculum offered by public and private universities in the metropolitan area and local regions. As a result we came to the conclusion that general biology classes as a liberal arts subject must, in principle, include an ecology unit in the curriculum. However, most universities in Korea do not include this unit in their general biology curriculum. As a countermeasure, even if the entire ecology unit cannot be included in the curriculum for one or two semesters, the class can connect five to six topics related to climate change to other units. Otherwise, like some universities, there is a need to open a separate ecology course. Alternatively, other science courses that include climate change could be offered. In this case, though, guidance is needed for students to take the courses, and the need for climate change education for teachers in charge of course guidance remains an issue. In addition, various other liberal arts education subjects, including not only biology but also natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, should also make such attempts to help solve the problem of climate change. Moreover, we propose adding content on climate change to the ‘Purpose of Liberal Education’ statement established by the Korea National Institute for General Education.

      • 韓國農村 새마을 運動의 社會學的 評價

        鄭喆洙,朴宗祐 慶北大學校 東洋文化硏究所 1975 東洋文化硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The New Village Movement in Korea was initiated in 1970 to bring about the modernization of Korean rural society through innovations of various kinds. The movement, that is social change, is not an immanent change arising from the social system itself but a contact change from the outside of the system. Nor is it a selective contact change but a direct contact change or a planned change by the government. More than five years have passed since its initiation. Therefore, this paper aims at present to evaluate the present status of the New Village Movement and to measure cultural, technological, and environmental changes, if any, of rural society. Consequently, the study is concerned with the sociological and social psychological examination of the present status of adoption of the innovations within the community. The methods utilized for aquiring data are: formal or informal interviews with the persons concerned, examination of the existing records and the previous studies available, and finally a survey of 439 households. The survey was conducted in February 1975. The sample approximates a systematic random sample of 430 farm households within the boundary of North and South Kyungsang Provinces (220 from Community Development village, 210 from Non-Community Development village), with 420 households sufficiently complete to process. Major findings of the study are summarized as follows: (1) Among the farmers in general, the adoption rate of agricultural innovation programs encouraged by the agricuiture supervising authorities seems to be very high. 18 items were used for this measure such as the planting of recommended seeds, the practice of seed sterilization, the use of weed spray before making the rice seed-bed, the use of vinyl cover on the rice seed-bed to keep the bed warm, the use of fertilizer at a proper time after transplantation, the spraying of preventive chemicals after transplanting, the spraying of a proper amount of preventive chemicals prior to the occurrence of large numbers of insects, the use of compost for rice growth last year, the practice of testing the degree of the acidification of the soil, early plantation of the rice plant, the renewal of rice seeds every three years, a deep plowing of the paddy-field, the adjustment of the amount of the use of nitrogenous fertilizer to prevent rice plant fever, the planting of bean plants along ridges between paddy-fields, and so on. In these 19 items, the rate of adoption of the innovations was higher than 70% for 13 items, and more than a half of the farmers respsnded positively for all of the items above except one, the practice of testing the degree of the acidification of the soil. In addition, the rate of the adoption of agricultural innovations is higher among the members of C·D village than members of Non-C·D village. (2) Farmers' living conditions seem to have been improved. Four of the six items such as replacement of thatch rooves by slate, fence and road repairs, and the modernization of the kitchen were adopted by more than a half of the farmers. Especially, more than 80% of the farmers showed favorable attitudes toward the items for the replacement of thatch rooves by slate and road repairs. And members of C·D village than those of Non-C·D village in general show a higher adoption rate for improving in their living conditions. (3) The rational life index measured by 16 items for the use or non-use of the farming plan mannual, subscription of a magazine on farming, listening to radio programs on farming, etc. seemed to be considerably high among the farmers surveyed in general. More than a half of the farmers adopted all the items. Higher rates of adoption of rational life techniques are seen among the members of C·D village. (4) The standard of living of the majority of the farmers has been improved since 1970. Higher improvement is seen among the members of C·D village. (5) Although 84.8% of the farmers have favorable attitudes toward family planning(C·D village: 88.1%, Non-C·D 81.2%), the proportion of actual practice of family planning among the farmers is much lower campared to their attitude. By camparison of two villages in terms of the knowledge about, attitude toward, and practice of family planning, much higher proportion of members of C·D village than those of Non-C·D village keep positive values. (6) Among the farmers, a great gap is found between the attitudes toward and practice of standardized and abridged procedures of family rites which are highly encouraged by the government. That is, most of the farmers regardless of the members either of C·D or Non-C·D, show a favorable attitude toward it, but a significant part of them hesitate to practice it. (7) Approximately 90% of the farmers participate at least in one group activity. (the rate of participation is slightly higher among tne members of C·D village than Non-C·D village.) (8) Achivement motivation in general is higher among the members of C·D than those of Non-C·D village. (9) Great change is seen in the farmers' traditional value orientation. Greater changes were found in C·D village than in Non-C·D village. This was measured by the examination of their attitudes toward such items as: fatalism, kinship ties, locality consciousness, dependency upon kinsmen, traditional distinction between the sexes, family determined marriage, preferential attitude toward boys, devination to decide if a proposed marriage is possible, seniority the idea of putting government officials above the citizens, the idea of distinction between the gentry and peasantry, dominance of men over women, magic, etc, Of the 12 items there has been least change in those items concerned with attitudes toward seniority and family determined marriage. (10) The rate of adoption of innovations among the farmers both cultural and technological is highly correlated with their acreage under cultivation. (11) Farmers who have a higher rate of adoption of innovations are more likely than those with a lower rate to have favorable attitudes toward improvement in their living conditions, rationalization of their daily life, and the participation in group activities. They also have a higher achievement motivation than those of the less adopting group. (12) When farmers were asked the meaning of the few Village Movement, the majority of them replied that it meant improvement in the living environment and an increase in income. (13) More than 90% of the farmers responded positively to the New Village movement since they were certain that it greatly contributed to development of their community.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Dipyridamole 부하 심근 SPECT에서 Dipyridamole의 작용과 부작용

        고창순(Chang Soon Koh),이명철(Myung Chul Lee),정준기(June Key Chung),이동수(Dong Soo Lee),최창운(Chang Woon Choi),배상균(Sang Kyun Bae),양형인(Hyung In Yang),여정석(Jeong Suk Yeo) 대한핵의학회 1993 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.27 No.2

        N/A Dipyridamole is an agent that may be used to noninvasively evaluate coronary artery disease. The effect of dipyridamole infusion its generally related to its induced peripheral vasodilatory effect. In normal person, heart rate is generally increased slightly while blood pressure decrease, but the achieved double product and related myocardial oxygen consumption have no significant change. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect and side effect of dipyridamole, and to compare different response to dipyridamole among the patients. We evaluated 847 patients who underwent dipyridamole stress myocardial SPECT. 93.6% of them had induced hypotension 0.9% showed no change of blood pressure, 5.5% had increased blood pressure 8.3% had no change of pulse rate more than 10% of basal pulse rate. Among diabetes, 16.9% was not change of pulse rate, 6.7% in non-diabetes. There was no significant correlation between age and rate pressure product rest(RPPr), in patients without perfusion defects on SPECT(y=7.1x+48.4r=0.13 p>0.01). As increasing age, RPPs/RPPr was declined(y=-11.6x+68.9 r=0.17 p〈0.01), similar results were obtained in patients with perfusion defect. The size of perfusion defect on myocardial SPECT have no correlation between RPPr and RPPs/RPPr. The side effects of dipyridamole included chest pain and chest tightness, headache, abdominal pain, dizzness, nausea, and dyspnea. As increasing age, dipyridamole-induced cardiac work at rest was increased, cardiac response to dipyridamole was decreased.


        척수손상후 운동 유발전위와 지각 유발전위의 비교

        지철,이재수,하영수,최창락,송진언 대한신경외과학회 1987 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.16 No.4

        Electrical monitoring of the nervous system offers the potential for the detection of injury, intraoperatively. The relationship of MEP(Motor Evoked Potential) and SEP(Sensory Evoked Potential) taken in 30 rats before and after spinal cord injury is reported. MEP was obtained from distal portion to the site of spinal cord injury by electrical stimulation of the cerebral motor cortex after insertion of a ball electrode in the cerebral motor cortex. SEP was collected at the cerebral somatosensory cortex during the sciatic nerve stimulation. Experimental animals were divided into a 20g㎝ spinal cord-trauma group and 50g㎝ spinal cord-trauma group. Changes of cardiopulmonary function after cerebral motor cortex stimulation and pre-and post-injury MEP and SEP were obtained at constant time interval. The results were follows : 1) Significant changes in blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiratory rate were noted to be elevated after stimulation of cerebral motor cortex and these were returned to normal in 10 minutes after stimulation. 2) MEP in control group showed that the latency was 8.6±1.54msec and the amplitude was 20.60±3.2㎶. In MEP of 20g㎝ spinal cord trauma group, the latency was increased to 30% (11.26±1.76msec) compared to control group at 10 minutes after the injury and the amplitude was decreased to 29% (14.60±2.99㎶). The latency was slowly decreased with the passage of time, to 21% increase. (10.42±1.84msec) at 1 hour after injury but the amplitude was not changed. In 50 g㎝ spinal cord-trauma group the latency was decreased to 75%(4.9±1.52㎶) compared to control group. With the passage of time, no change was revealed in latency but amplitude was decreased. The amplitude was decreased to 80%(4.00±1.49㎶) compared to control group. Change of MEP was marked in 50g㎝ spinal cord-trauma group. With the passage of time MEP was slightly improved in 20g㎝ spinal cord-trauma group but deteriorated in 50g㎝ spinal cord-trauma group. 3) The latency of SEP in control group was 12.22±0.7msec and the amplitude of those was 20.00±2.21㎶. No significant statistical change was recorded in the SEP of each spinal cord-trauma group compared to control group. MEP might be more important indicator than SEP in estimation and evaluation of the functional change of spinal cord injury.

      • KCI등재

        고관절 전치환술에서 하지 길이의 변화(수술전 예상 측정치와 수술후 실제 측정치 사이의 차이에 대하여)

        원중희 ( Choong Hee Won ),장관환 ( Kwan Whan Chang ),신건 ( Geon Shin ),전경철 ( Kyung Chul Jeon ) 대한고관절학회 1994 Hip and Pelvis Vol.6 No.2

        We reviewed 40 cases of cementless primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) to see the leg length changes after THA and analysed the factors that could affect the discrepancies of preoperative estimation and postoperative measurement. The cases with severe preoperative leg length discrepancy such as untreated CDH were not included in our series. Inserted femoral components were CLS(Protek) or Omnifit(Osteonics) stems. All the acetabular cups were HG g (Zimmer) cups. Preoperatively the acetabular template was mounted on the film and the center of the acetabular cup was marked with pencil. Femoral template was also mounted on the femoral side and the center of the femoral head was marked. The distaoce between the two centers was a basis for preoperative estimation. Postoperatively the leg length change was measured by the change of the distance from interteardrop line to the greater trochanter tip. Leg length change estimated by preoperative templating was 5mm lengthening in average. Postoperative leg length change was 10mm lengthening in average. The discrepancies of pre and postoperative measurement were attributed to following factors. Standardization of taking the X-ray views was an important factor. Magnification, center of X-ray beam and the accurate position of the hip should be considered in taking preoperative X-rays. Templating technique was another factor. Postoperative acetabular center shifted frequently compared with preoperative estimation. Templating does not always tell accurate postoperative leg length change. To minimize the discrepancy of pre and postoperative measurement above factors should be considered in preoperative estimation.

      • KCI등재

        조직변화를 위한 대화의 특성에 대한 연구: 긍정탐구(Appreciative Inquiry)를 중심으로

        남궁은정 ( Eun Jeong Namgung ),장영철 ( Young Chul Chang ) 한국커뮤니케이션학회 2014 커뮤니케이션학연구 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구에서는 조직변화를 이루는 과정에서 대화가 중요하다는 점을 제시하고자 하였다. 이를 위해서 최근 조직변화 관리 기법으로 부상하고 있는 긍정탐구를 기본틀로 설정하여 긍정탐구에서 대화적 특성이 어떻게 드러나는지 살펴보았다. 긍정탐구는 기존의 조직에 대한 시각에서 벗어나, 조직을 문제가 아니라 해결책이라는 긍정적인 시각을 제시했다. 또한 조직을 사회적 구성물의 하나로 보면서, 조직 구성원의 상호작용이나 상징화 등 담론 활동에 따라서 조직의 현실이 달라질 수 있다는 입장을 취하고 있다. 하지만 그동안 긍정탐구에서 긍정성이 크게 부각된 반면 사회 구성의 측면은 다뤄지지 못한 경향이 있다. 이 연구는 대화의 관점에서 긍정탐구를 살펴보면서, 긍정탐구가 조직변화를 가능하게 했던 조건이 무엇인지 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 통해 긍정탐구에 대한 관점을 확장하고, 이것이 실행의 측면에 어떻게 적용될 수 있는지에 대해서 논하였다. Dialogue plays an important role in creating the conditions for organizational changes. Based on the previous works on dialogue, this study focuses on the dialogue associated with change process. To deal with it, this study employed Appreciative Inquiry(AI) as a mean of managing collective dialogue. In AI, organization is a solution itself, not a problem to be solved. Also it holds that discursive behaviors including interactions and symbolizations of organization members can create and change the reality of an organization. A body of previous researches on AI, however, have more focused on positivity and less on aspects of social construction. This study explores that how AI can lead remarkable changes in a lot of organizations. In this study, the meaning of dialogue in AI is discussed and implications for research and practice are given.

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