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      • KCI등재

        직장 천공을 일으킨 연한 직장 이물질 1예

        이정화,강상범,하동천,권기현,이승우,김연수,이동수,남순우 대한소화기내시경학회 2011 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.43 No.1

        Numerous foreign bodies in the rectum have been reported in the literature. Their removal can be challenging depending on the size and shape of the objects and their anatomical location in the rectum. A 64-year-old man presented to the emergency department after inserting a sausage into his rectum. He had some rectal discomfort and lower abdominal pain. There were no signs of bowel perforation. We attempted to extract the sausage impacted in the recto-sigmoid junction by colonoscopy using a snare and grasping forceps but failed to extract the foreign body. Unfortunately, a colon perforation had occurred, and the sausage was eventually extracted by performing a colostomy at the recto-sigmoid junction with primary repair. We report this case of a soft rectal foreign body impacted in the recto-sigmoid colon complicated by a colon perforation with a literature review. 지금까지 국내에 보고된 직장 이물에 대한 대부분의 증례는 경구 섭취로 발생한 사례이고, 항문을 통한 직접 삽입에 의한 직장 이물 보고는 2예가 있었다. 그러나 2예 모두 경성 직장 이물로, 켈리 클램프를 이용한 직접 제거나 수술적 제거로 치료한 보고들이었으며, 연성 직장 이물이나, 천공의 합병증이 동반된 직장 이물을 치료한 예는 없었다. 본 증례는 내원 전일 소시지를 항문으로 삽입 한 환자가 내시경 제거의 실패와 결장 천공의 합병증까지 발생한 직장 이물 증례 보고로, 향후 직장 내 연성 이물의 내시경 제거에 관한 여러 연구들이 더 필요할 것으로 판단되어 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고한다.

      • KCI등재

        전류 전처리의 경피 투과도에 미치는 효과

        이정화,오승열 한국약제학회 2005 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.35 No.2

        We have prepared karaya gum patches containing ketoprofen and investigated the effect of short-time cur-rent pretreatment of skin on the permeability. Hairless mouse skin was treated with current before the patch was mounted on the skin. The effect of current density and current duration on the flux of ketoprofen was studied. The possibility of additive effect with penetration enhancer (PGML) was also investigated. lontophoretic pretreatment of skin increased the passive flux up to 3 folds at 0.4 mA/cm² current density, when the matrix contained no PGML. As the duration of current-pretreatment and current density increased, flux increased. PGML increased the average passive flux markedly, about 6 to 12 folds, depending on the concentration in the patch. Current pretreatment further increased the flux from this PGML containing patch, exhibiting additive effect. These results indicate that short-duration current pretreatment of skin can be an useful method for the enhancement of ketoprofen permeability through skin.

      • KCI등재후보

        해몽(海夢) 전봉준(全琫準)의 선비정신 연구

        이정화 한국사상문화학회 2019 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.100 No.-

        This paper is an attempt to illustrate the spirit of the true human of Haemong. He made a deep reflection on the teachings of Confucius and was interested in reforming the unjust society. The most important thing to him was not religion, but life to practice righteousness, so he spared his life. This suggests that his ideas have a true human mind that values practice. His involvement in the Donghak Revolution was due to the feudal bad habits of officials carried out throughout the country. The Donghak Revolution reflects the spirit of sacrificing oneself for the sake of the country, people and justice, as well as the inner strength of the unique philosophical world view of our people. Until the last moment of his life, he lived magnificently in the form of a character who practiced his patriotism. His struggle to defeat the Japanese invaders and remove evil and corrupt officials who also torment the people was a step in the deep patriotic spirit of rectifying the country's affairs. He learns from his father, who teaches students, and learns to live as the right person and is faithful to his life, which builds character. He was called a noble and respectable personality. He paid no attention to the attention of those who were greedy and did not give good influence to society, and noted the precious spiritual values in the teachings of the old saint and the great sage. 해몽의 절명시(絶命詩)는 백성을 사랑하는 마음으로 정의로운 일에 헌신하였던 사실과, 나라를 사랑하는 그의 마음은 일편단심이므로 영원히 변함없는 것임을 입증하고 있다. 그는 역적이 아니라 변함없는 선비이며 진정한 애국자였던 것이다. 비록 그는 일본의 강권으로 처형을 당하는 지경에 이르렀으나, 참 선비로 삶을 마감한 그의 진실한 마음은 청사(靑史)에 길이 남을 것이다. 고통 받는 백성들을 보며 항상 안민(安民)을 생각하였던 해몽의 선비정신 속에서 목숨조차 아끼지 않은 해몽의 굳은 의지가 실현될 수 있었음을 알 수 있다.

      • 일부 치과위생사의 노인환자 구강관리경험에 따른 인식 조사

        이정화,김영선,윤영주 대한치과위생학회 2015 대한치과위생학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        This study was designed to find out awareness according to experience of oral health care for elderly patients and to figure out activation plan for elderly patients in dental hygienists. 279 dental hygienists working for dentists' in Deagu were interviewed from March 4 to 31, 2015 to collect data. The data were analyzed with SPSS/Win 18.0. 1. Statistically, the general characteristic and the experience of oral health care for the elderly patients showed significant difference depending on the kind of workplaces and the necessity of oral health care and education for the elderly patients (p<0.05). 2. The practical situation according to the experience of oral health care for the elderly patients showed significant statistical difference in medical examinations by interview on systemic diseases (p<0.05) and explanation about precautions, after-effects etc (p<0.01). 3. In duty importance according to the experience of oral health care for the elderly patients, the education on toothbrushing showed the significant difference as the most important fact and in the necessity of education, prosthesis and denture management showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05). 4. The most important thing to activate oral health care behaviors for the elderly patients was changes in awareness of the dental hygienists. The second was systemic guidelines and education followed by professional manpower training. According to the results, as the number of elderly patients is increasing due to ageing it is assumed that it is the most important thing to acquire professional knowledge through continuing education and changes in perception towards the elderly people for proper attitudes for the dental hygienist in dental clinics.

      • KCI등재

        生六臣 金時習 詩에 나타난 선비 精神 硏究

        이정화 한국전통문화대학교 한국전통문화연구소 2013 한국전통문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        김시습은 대세에 휩쓸리지 않는 선비 정신을 견지함으로써 의(義)와 예()를 실천하였으 며 정의(正義)를 생명처럼 소중히 여기며 살았다. 그렇기 때문에 율곡 이이는 김시습을 영 원한 스승이라 칭송해도 전혀 손색이 없음을 언표(言表)한 바 있다. 특히 김시습의 저술을 통해 참 선비의 위상을 확인할 수 있다. 절의(節義)를 지키기 위해 자신의 모든 것을 버린 그 마음은 유가(儒家)에서 지향하 는 선비정신의 핵심이다. 이로써 보면 그는 유도(儒道)를 실천한 진정한 선비였던 것이다. 김시습은 명예와 이익에 좌지우지하며 처세하는 속된 사류(士類)의 행태를 못마땅하게 여 겼으므로, 이러한 그들의 정신 상태를 조금이라도 바꿀 수 있도록 그들에게 분발심을 촉 구하는 글을 쓰기도 하였다. 이러한 점에서 김시습은 청렴하고 곧은 선비의 표상이라 할 수 있다. 그의 시에는 자신의 가치를 인정하는 사람들이 거의 없음에도 초지일관(初志一貫)의 자세로 당당하게 살아가는 모습을 시화한 점이 특징적이다. 또한 그는 오로지 예에 맞게 움직이는 것이 선비가 살아가야 할 정도(正道)임을 강조하기도 하였다. 한편, 아첨을 잘 해 야 출세하는 것으로 알고 있는 속인(俗人)들의 가치관은 김시습의 가치관과 근본적으로 상 이함을 설파한 작품이 바로 「술고(述古) 십수(十首)」시의 첫 수이다. 「감회(感懷)」시에서 그는 ‘눈서리 속의 대나무’에 의지해 살아가겠다고 다짐함으로써 강직한 선비상(像)을 보 여주기도 하였다. 선비 정신은 근간으로 한 김시습의 시에는 명리(名利)를 탐하느라 피폐해진 속인(俗 人)들을 효유(曉喩)하는 내용이 자주 등장한다는 점이 특징적이다. 그는 천(天), 지(地), 인 (人)을 하나의 커다란 유기체로 인식함으로써 인간과 자연의 공존을 중요시하였다. 이러한 유가적(儒家的) 사유를 몸소 생활에 실천하는 것이 매우 중요한 것임을 시화한 작품이 바 로 「부앙(俯仰)」시이다. 험난한 인생행로에서 당당히 지탱할 수 있었던 까닭은 생육신(生臣)으로 살아갈 수 있도록 이끈 선비정신을 삶의 좌표로 두었기 때문이다. 그가 도달한 학문의 깊이와 높이는 매우 원대하여 환로(宦路)에 나아갔다면 백성을 구제하고도 남았을 것이다. 그러나 그는 올곧은 선비정신을 견지하고 있었기 때문에 당세(當世)를 용납할 수 없어 속인들을 멀리할 수 있는 산수에 거처하며 생육신으로 살아야 했다. 김시습이 후세인들에게 영원히 존숭(尊 崇)받는 까닭은 바로 생육신(生臣)으로서의 삶을 완성했기 때문이다. Saengyuksin Kim si-sup was a upright poet in the 15C of Chosun Dynasty. The most important thing to him is the correct behavior. His book shows his truth and value. Most of all, honesty is the most important thing in his life. Saengyuksin Kim si-sup went to the hills to crush stones to create and vegetables planted field. Saengyuksin Kim si-sup was polite and direct action. So he had the respect of other people. In his poetry, especially the teachings of Confucius and is highly respected. Saengyuksin Kim si-sup cherished example of Confucius are sympathetic to mind. Like Confucius, he's polite and appreciate it was like. The important thing is that he is a person of integrity. The scholar mind of Saengyuksin Kim si-sup's Poetry is very true.

      • KCI등재

        메소테라피를 이용한 비타민 C 안면관리가 미백에 미치는 효과 : 중년 여성을 대상으로

        이정화,한채정 한국인체미용예술학회 2014 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Vitamin C can improve the efficiency of existing reprogramming protocols for human somatic cells, including fibroblasts and nonfibroblasts. Mesotherapy represents a variety of minimally invasive techniques in which medications are directly injected into the skin and underlying tissue. This study evaluated the effects of and satisfaction with skin care using vitamin C and mesotherapy. Twenty three middle-aged women underwent ten sessions of skin care (control group, n=11; mesotherapy group, n=12). The mesotherapy group was treated with mesotherapy along with the application of vitamin C, while the control group received application of vitamin C only. All subjects were treated once a week for a period of 10 weeks. Via survey, the self-reported skin status regarding pigmentation in the mesotheraopy group was found to have improved more as compared to the control group. In the mesotherapy group, brightness, yellow tones and chroma differed significantly according to measurement points. Chrominances between 0 week and 5 weeks, and 5 weeks and 10 weeks differed significantly in the control group and mesotherapy group. Satisfaction with skin care in the mesotherapy group was significantly higher than in the control group. These results indicated that mesotherapy is an effective alternative treatment modality for aging skin in middle-aged women.

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