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      • KCI우수등재

        建康 소그드인에서 北海 奚人으로 ― 魏博節度使 史憲誠 가문의 種族 인식과 혼란 배경 ―

        이기천 동양사학회 2022 東洋史學硏究 Vol.158 No.-

        This article reexamines the ethnicity of Shi Xiancheng, who served as Weibo military governor (jiedushi) from the second year of Changqing reign (822) to the third year of Dahe reign (829) and explains why Shi family’s perception towards ethnicity was changed. Considering the symbolic meaning of time, space and ethnicity that Shi family had, this research question was selected. This article also reviews the movements of Non-Han Chinese who were active in Weibo military province, a typical example of ‘the land of insurgency’ in ‘fanzhen domination period’, when lasted Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period after An Lushan Rebellion (755-763) Ancestors of Shi Xiancheng are Sogdian who lived in the area of the First Turkic Empire as a form of Barbarian village. They emigrated to Tang when Turkic Empire collapsed, and Tang dynasty let them inward migration to Lingwu. Shi family chose Jiankang as their influential families of a prefecture. During Tian Ji’an’s incumbency as Weibo military governor (796-812), Shi Zhouluo, Shi Xiancheng, and so forth, rose to general officers in Weibo military province. It means the migration route of the Shi family was the First Turkic Empire [“Beifang”, “Shuoye”] → Lingwu → Weibo military province. However, Shi Xiancheng’s son Shi Xiaozhang perceived “Beihai” as a new influential family of a prefecture, impersonated Xi as their ethnicity, and considered surname Shi as surname Ashina, a famous surname of Northern nomadic tribe. These factors in the change of their perception towards ethnicity are complicated. Their consciousness of ancestors had been decreased during long-term habitation in China. For instance, King of Parthian was described as a descendant of Yellow Emperor (Xuan Yuan). The repugnance towards Sogodian was appeared after An Lushan Rebellion, so Sogdian themselves altered their native place and surname. A change to vaguely influential families of a prefecture sometimes made it difficult to distinguish their ethnicity. A shift in Shi family’s perception towards ethnicity reflects the change of Sogdian’s identities after loss of autonomy for their region in mid 7th century.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        隋唐代 高句麗의 冊封號 변화와 그 의미

        이기천 한국중국학회 2020 중국학보 Vol.94 No.-

        본고는 隋唐代 高句麗의 冊封號 변화를 사례로 冊封의 성격을 검토한 연구이다. 구체적으로 郡公에서 郡王으로 進封한 이유, 封號에 보이는 遼東·朝鮮·樂浪의 의미 등을 분석하여, 再統一時期 동북아시아의 國際秩序를 검토했다. 그 결과 아래와 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 唐初 高句麗를 포함한 百濟·新羅의 冊封號가 郡公에서 郡王으로 進封된 것은 隋·唐代 官爵體制상 간과할 수 없는 위계의 상승을 의미하며, 이는 隋와 唐 사이의 高句麗에 대한 인식 변화를 반영한 것이다. 무리한 高句麗 침략으로 인해 국력과 국고를 탕진했던 隋의 전철을 되풀이하지 않겠다는 唐의 의지가 반영되어, “各保疆埸”의 국제질서가 천명되었다. 海東三國의 郡公에서 郡王으로 爵號의 변화는, 唐의 신중한 동방정책을 반영하는 동시에 唐이 高句麗·百濟·新羅를 하나의 단위로 묶어서 인식했음을 보여준다. 冊封號에 보이는 ‘遼東’이라는 지명이 漢代 설치된 郡縣이었다는 冊封體制論의 주장과 달리, 遼東郡은 秦代 처음 설치되었다. 冊封號를 통한 領土意識 혹은 郡縣支配의 기억이 반영되었다는 논리도, ‘玄菟’가 아닌 ‘遼東’이 冊封號로 수여된 역사적 실상을 설명할 수 없다. 그리고 爵號로서 ‘遼東’이라는 명칭은 고구려만의 전유물도 아니었다. 오히려 唐代人들은 高句麗를 樂浪郡의 옛지역으로 기술하고 있었다. 그렇다면 冊封號에 쓰인 遼東 역시 반드시 郡名으로 해석할 당위성은 없다. “遼水之東, 朝鮮之地”이라는 李密의 표현이나 高句麗 遺民들의 墓誌에 常見되는 범칭으로서 遼東에 주목할 필요가 있다. 즉, 冊封號에 보이는 ‘朝鮮’, ‘遼東’이라는 표현은 郡縣支配를 받던 故地名이라기 보다는 唐代人들이 손쉽게 호칭할 수 있던 익숙한 개념인 遼水의 동쪽 지역 혹은 과거 고조선의 영역 정도의 의미를 지닌 범칭으로 해석할 수 있을 것이다. 결론적으로, 國際秩序로서 冊封은 夷狄의 세계에 대한 형식적인 지배의 外延을 확대하기 위한 완만한 외교적 신속관계의 성격을 갖고 있었다. 冊封은 동아시아지역에만 국한되지 않으며 皇帝의 權威와 德化를 드러내기 위한 中國王朝의 보편적인 외교행위였다. 冊封關係는 철저히 중국왕조 중심적이며 종종 과장되거나 적대적인 관계에서도 이루어지는 비정형적인 질서였으며, 중국왕조에게 ‘익숙한 개념’으로 지속적으로 ‘因襲’되었던 외교질서로 이해할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Accelerated lifetime test using a moment bar for a base frame of an aerial-work-platform vehicle

        이기천,이영범,최병오,최종식,신영락,맹주원 대한기계학회 2017 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.31 No.8

        The demand for high aerial work platforms has increased gradually. A safe and lightweight structure is necessary to cut short increasing costs of existing materials. To serve the purpose a base frame structure made of concrete and steel is developed for such a platform. However, it was difficult to replicate field conditions when testing the durability and safety of structure. In this study, the failure analysis of the base frame in the field operating condition for the reappearance and accelerated life test was performed. Also, the equations describing the characteristics of the aerial work platform for force and moment due to the weight and the wind at the top of the equipment were introduced and proved. Failure reappearance mechanism using the moment bar was applied for the force and moment simultaneously to the lower frame which reproduced the failure modes with the real size frame. Also, accelerated life test time was induced by using no failure life test time, the shape parameter, and acceleration factor which should be considered with the field operating conditions. The performance test was conducted after attaching the strain gauges at the weak points of the lower frame to prove the effectiveness of the moment bar. The strain values taken from the finite element analysis had the consistent results with the experimental data. It means that the moment bar can be applied to the other aerial work platforms.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        南朝~宋代 中國 승려가 바라본 ‘韓國系’ 求法僧

        이기천 중국고중세사학회 2012 중국고중세사연구 Vol.28 No.-


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