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        빙상선수들의 스포츠 심리기술과 스포츠 대처 및 자신감의 관계 검증

        이우승 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2023 스포츠사이언스 Vol.41 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of ice skating players' sports psychological skills on their coping ability and con- fidence in competitive situations. For this purpose, ice athletes (speed skating, short track speed skating) from middle school or above were set as the population, and a total of 398 copies of data were collected from Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, and Jeonju by convenience sampling method. collected. Of the collected data, 395 copies were used for the study, excluding 3 copies written without filling in, etc., and analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 according to the purpose of the study. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were conducted to verify the construct validity of the sports psychological skills, sports coping ability and self-confidence questionnaires, and correlation analysis and covariance analysis were conducted to verify the relationship between each factor. As a result of the analysis, it was found that ice skating players' sports psychological skills had a significant positive relation- ship with sports coping ability and sports confidence, and sports coping ability had a significant positive relationship with sports confidence.

      • KCI등재

        Zero Realization of Arguments Revisited

        이우승 한국언어학회 2011 언어 Vol.36 No.4

        Lee, Wooseung. 2011. Zero Realization of Arguments Revisited. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 36-4, 1031-1052. This paper concerns itself with the constructions with null arguments. Much has been said as to the analysis of constructions with argument drop in so-called pro-drop languages such as Korean and Japanese. Even though researches have been revolving around the debate for or against pro/ellipsis analysis, given various examples that constitute the evidence for or against either approach, we are not specifically arguing for one single analysis. We admit that Korean is a radical pro drop language with such prevalent absence of arguments, but at the same time, despite a recent proposal against our claim (Ahn and Cho 2011, inter alia), we confirm the validity of our original position that "ellipsis operation" is resorted to as an inevitable extra mechanism of grammar to explain some empirical phenomena found in restricted contexts involving reflexives, polarity sensitive items, indefinite DPs and free choice DPs. As for the specific mechanism to recover the contents of the null arguments, we propose LF (selective) feature copying, which has a major interpretive contribution to the recovery of the contents of the missing elements. (Hyupsung University)

      • KCI등재

        ECM Constructions Redux

        이우승 한국언어학회 2012 언어 Vol.37 No.3

        Exceptional Case Marking /Subject-to-Object Raising (ECM/SOR, hereafter) constructions have been given largely two different analyses. Under GB assumption, the embedded infinitival clauses were taken as IP, where the infinitival subject is exceptionally Case-marked by the matrix transitive verb. This analysis gave the constructions the well-known name 'ECM'. A recent minimalist program (and an earlier transformational grammar) takes the constructions as involving subject-to-object raising. Specifically, the subject of the embedded infinitival clause undergoes raising to the object position or AgrO Spec of the matrix clause, where Case gets assigned or checked by the matrix transitive verb. This analysis gave the constructions the name 'SOR'. In this paper, we will revisit the constructions which have been argued to be Korean counterparts of English ECM. Specifically, this paper presents some empirical phenomena that appear to be ECM/SOR without supporting either of the above two analyses. In fact, the constructions will be analyzed as a Focus Phrase, that is, a focus DP followed by CP proposition containing a pro.

      • KCI등재

        Symmetrically Case-Marked Noun Phrase Coordinations are Not NP Coordinations: Evidence from the Phonetic Experiment

        이우승,오영일 대한언어학회 2011 언어학 Vol.19 No.4

        This paper revisits Yoon and Lee (2005)'s two types of NP coordination constructions (Type A and B). Type A represents sentences where Case (Nom, Acc, or Gen) is marked only on the final conjunct and non-final conjuncts carry the nominal conjunctive suffix –(k)wa. In Type B, Case-markers occur on all conjuncts and kuliko occurs between the conjuncts. In this paper, we propose that the symmetrically Case-marked noun phrase coordinations are not NP coordinations, contra a lexicalist approach by Cho (2008), but KP coordinations where initial conjunct licenses a null predicate. In other words, while asymmetrically Case marked NP coordinations (Type A, hereafter) are genuine NP coordinations, symmetrically Case marked coordinations (Type B, henceforth) are larger verbal/sentential coordinations. Other than syntactic and interpretive evidence already provided by Yoon and Lee (2005), we provide phonetic evidence, showing that the initial conjunct of Type B is followed by a relatively longer duration of pause than is caused by an orthographic space.

      • KCI등재후보

        도시 물류시설계획 수립시 접근방법에 관한 연구

        이우승 한국물류학회 2005 물류학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        우리 나라의 경우 도시물류계획하면 물류거점시설 입지와 정비의 중요성에 역점을 두어 물류거점시설에 대한 계획수립을 염두에 두고 있는 것이 일반적이다. 그리고 지금까지 물류거점시설계획은 화물물동량에 근거한 장래수요예측을 중심으로 시설정비의 필요성과 규모를 산정해 왔으며 이에 따라 향후계획들이 수립되었다. 그러나 민간부문이 중심이 되는 도시물류에서 급속히 변화하는 물류환경과 IT등 정보산업의 발달에 대응한 민간기업의 물류활동 변화속에서 공공부문이 화물물동량의 장래수요예측에 근거하여 물류 시설계획을 수립하는 것은 장래예측치와 실측치의 커다란 오차를 발생시킬 우려가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 도시물류에서 공공부문의 물류시설계획수립에 대한 기존의 접근방법에서 벗어나 민간주도형 물류거점시설 건설 유도, 물류거점시설의 기능적 측면 고려, 광역적 차원에서의 물류시설 건설 추진 등을 제시하였다. In our nation, the importance of city logistics plan(CLP) triggered the prescription of the regulation on the establishment of CLP in the freight distribution promotion law(FDPL). FDPL has become a base for the establishment of CLP in the seven metropolis including Seoul in Korea. The general approach for establishment of CLP, in Korea, is to put the first priority upon the location and maintenance of the logistics base facility. Reflecting this trend, to this date, the logistics base facility plan(LBFP) and its future plan have been established by estimating the future demand based on the prediction of the quantity of freight flow. However, because of the environment of logistics rapidly changing in city logistics centering to the private sectors and the change of logistics activities of the private firms coping with the growth of information industries, for example information technologies(IT), there has been the problem of serious error generated by difference between the estimated future value and the measured values if the public sectors establishes the logistics facility plan(LFP) based on the future demand estimation. This study proposes a different approach beyond the usual approach for the establishment of LFP in public sector. The new approach are summarized as follow: 1) leading the construction of the private-sector-oriented logistics base facility, 2) considering the functional aspects of the logistics base facility, and 3) pushing on ahead with the wide-range level construction of logistics facility.

      • KCI등재

        DP Ellipsis as Independent Phenomena from pro in pro-drop Languages

        이우승,김지현 한국언어학회 2010 언어 Vol.35 No.4

        Lee, Wooseung & Kim, Jihyun. 2010. DP Ellipsis as Independent Phenomena from pro in pro-drop Langauges. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 35-4, 1009-1029. Previous studies proposed that there is no CP ellipsis in English (Kennedy and Merchant 2000) and Korean (Ahn and Cho 2009, 2010, cf. Park 2009). In particular, Ahn and Cho (2009, 2010) suggested that apparent CP ellipsis in Korean be in fact DP ellipsis (null realization of DPs in more neutral terms), which is subsumed to pro-drop in Korean. Specifically, Ahn and Cho (2010) make it clear that there is no genuine DP ellipsis in Korean and apparent DP ellipsis is explained with pro. However, close examination of other data reveals that this is not always the case; considering sentences with reflexives, NPIs, indefinite DPs and free choice DPs, we claim that Korean has both pro with no internal structure and DP ellipsis with an internal structure in the ellipsis site, which explain frequent zero realization of argument DPs in many constructions. We propose that the DP contained in the target clause undergoes partial deletion - the DP is stripped of phonological and semantic features only - when it is identical with the one in the antecedent clause. That is, the internal structure remains intact in the ellipsis site. As to the interpretation of the null argument, we propose that the ellipsis site is filled in with semantic features by overt nominals in the antecedent clause and obtains interpretation at LF (cf. Oku 1998, Saito 2007). (Korea University)

      • KCI등재

        Control Constructions Redux: Focusing on the -tolok Clause

        이우승 한국생성문법학회 2013 생성문법연구 Vol.23 No.3

        Recent studies (Polinsky 2007, inter alia) on control constructions show that Korean seems to exhibit three types of control constructions. In one type, the controller precedes the controllee. In another type, the controllee precedes the controller. The third is the so-called backward object control construction (Monahan 2003, 2005) where the overt controller occurs in the embedded clause, and the matrix clause has a silent element. These three are called ACC1, ACC2 and NOM respectively in terms of Polinsky (2007), Kwon, Monahan & Polinsky (2010). This paper revisits Polinsky’s three constructions and then puts forward a different analysis of ACC2, given that it is structurally ambiguous depending on whether the –tolok clause is a complement or an adjunct.

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