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      • 한국 군사사상사 연구의 흐름과 근세 군사사상의 일례 - 15세기 군사사상가 양성지(梁誠之)를 중심으로 -

        노영구,Roh, Young-Koo 대전대학교 군사연구원 2009 군사학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        This article is focusing on the importance, concepts, and theses of Military Thoughts. This article also tried to find the research trend on the Korean Military Thoughts History. In addition, this article makes a general overview of Yang Seong-ji in the mid 15th Century. The fundamental objects of Military Thoughts are Tactics of a person for Military Affairs and Military Tactical Manuals. The circumstances at that time, the Military System, and Weapon system are based on the preceding two essential elements on Military Thoughts. From now on, this article insist on the necessity of the Study on the History of Korean Military Thoughts focused on a military figure.

      • KCI등재후보

        중앙 軍營과 지방군을 통해 본 조선 후기 국방체제의 변화 양상

        노영구(Roh, Young-koo) 한국학중앙연구원 2015 장서각 Vol.0 No.33

        이 글은 17~18세기 대내외적 상황에 따른 조선 후기 국방체제의 변화 양상을 중앙의 5군영과 지방군이 시기별로 중점이 어디에 두어졌는지를 검토하는 것을 통해 살펴보고자 한다. 임진왜란 직후부터 17세기 초반에 걸쳐 새로운 군사제도와 지방군 정비가 모색되었다. 인조 초 이괄의 난과 정묘호란을 계기로 여러 중앙 군영이 창설되었고 병자호란을 계기로 중앙 군영이 조선 국방의 중심이 되었다. 17세기 말 청의 帝國 체제가 완성되고 동아시아 정세가 안정기에 들어서면서 조선은 과도한 軍備를 조정하고 중앙 5군영과 지방군이 병존하는 체제로 변화되었다. 18세기 중엽 이후에는 조선의 국방체제에서 군사적인 의미보다 정치, 경제적 의미가 더 중시되었다. This article is an study of the ways in which the Joseon government deploy and employ forces: the five capital military garrisons and local army. The Government gave priority to one of them, depending on domestic and international situation in the 17th and 18th centuries. It had become critical to modify military system since the Japanese Invasions of Korea. Joseon government tried to make new military system and organize local army in the early 17th century. After Yi Gwal’s Insurrection in 1622 and the first Manchu Invasion of Korea in 1627, several capital military garrisons were established. And the Second Manchu Invasion in Korea in 1636 was the main reason that the central five military bases played a pivotal role in the national defense. Joseon government altered the military system subsequently because the empire system of Qing Dynasty was completed and the international situations of Eastern Asia was stable in the late 1600s. Now the five capital military garrisons and local army were operating together. Furthermore, since the mid-eighteenth century Joseon’s military system had reflected not so much military situation as political and economical ones.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        조선후기 의궤 반차도에 나타난 군병 배치 및 군사용 깃발의 표현양식

        盧永九(Roh, Young-Koo),권병웅(Kwon, Byung-Woong) 역사실학회 2015 역사와실학 Vol.56 No.-

        This article aims to examine the meaning of Banchado illustrations of Uigwe in the middle and late 18th century. Uigwe is a collection of books documenting royal rituals of Joseon Dynasty. Nonetheless, Uigwe reflects not only the cultural pattern of the royal family, but also military, cultural and social patterns of Joseon Dynasty. Accordingly, it is essential to understand historical context of Banchado with military and cultural approaches. By scrutinizing the change of Royal Guards’ arrangements and the meaning system of military flags, we can learn two things: Firstly, the military significance of the change of Royal Guards’ arrangements became more important as time went on. Secondly, the meaning system of military flags implied that King’s authority over the army had strengthened. Furthermore, it is necessary to perfectly restore and re-enact Banchado illustrations in order to learn permanent value of Banchado.

      • 한국의 역대 군사사상 이해에 대한 비판적 고찰과 정립의 방향

        노영구(Roh Young Koo) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2013 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.20

        한국의 군사사상에 대해서는 청야입보(淸野入保), 이일대로(以逸待勞) 등 방어위주의 사상이 일반적이었던 것으로 이해되고 있다. 그러나 역사적 사료나 사실을 통해 볼 때 방어 위주의 전략이나 전쟁 수행 방식만을 고수한 것은 아니었다. 예를 들어 고구려의 전쟁 수행 방식이나 전략을 보면 공격 지향적 양상을 보이고 있다. 이러한 양상은 고려시대에도 마찬가지로 기병 위주의 전술과 전투 양상을 보여주고 있다. 15세기까지 적극적인 군사사상을 가졌던 조선은 16세기 후반 이후 일본과 청나라의 침공을 받으면서 방어 위주의 전략을 채택하게 되었다. 그러나 청의 공격을 방어하기 위해 만주를 고려하는 공세적인 군사전략도 함께 고려하기도 하였다. We has mainly understood that Korean Military Thoughts was focused on Defense. However, as you see through the historical materials and facts, there wasn’t completely the strategy and the method of conduct of war focused on Defense. For example, we can see the offense-oriented aspects in the strategy and conduct of war of Goguryeo. And we can also see the same method in era of Goryeo Dynasty like tactics of cavalry. The Joseon Dynasty had have the offensive Military Thoughts until the late 15th Century. However, since the second half year of 16th, the Joseon Dynasty chose the Military Strategy of Defense-oriented because of invasion of the Japan and the Qing China. However the Joseon dynasty occasionally considered the Military Strategy of offense-oriented to defend invasion of the Qing China.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 초기 봉화 소천(小川) 전투의 전개와 전쟁사적 의미

        노영구 ( Roh Young-koo ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2017 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.62

        본 연구는 임진왜란 초기 경상도 북부 지역을 침공한 일본군 제 4군의 동향과 이들의 경상도 북부 지역 진출을 저지한 柳宗介 부대의 봉화 小川 전투의 경과 및 이 전투가 이후 전황에 미친 영향을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 소천 전투에서 수백 명의 柳宗介 의병 부대는 다수의 일본군을 상대로 서전에서 승리하는 등 일본군의 기세를 크게 위축시켰다. 이후 일본군의 기습으로 결국 패하였으나 류종개 의병 부대의 활약으로 3일 동안 일본군의 경상도 북부 내륙으로의 진출을 저지하였다. 3일 간의 지연전으로 安東 일대 조선군은 군사력을 급히 정비하여 방어에 필요한 시간적인 여유를 가질 수 있었다. 소천 전투와 이후의 성공적인 방어전의 결과 충청도, 강원도와 경상도 북부를 연결하고 이 지역 지배력을 확보하고자 하였던 일본군의 전략적 목표가 좌절되었다는 점에서 그 전투사적인 의미가 크다. 더 나아가 소천 전투를 계기로 경상도 북부 지역을 발판으로 조선군은 본격적인 반격으로 나아갔고 일본군은 경상도에서 크게 위축되었다. 임진왜란 초기 국면을 조선에 유리하도록 하는데 경상도 북부의 여러 전투가 적지 않은 역할을 한 것으로 평가할 수 있을 것이다. When the Japanese Fourth Army invaded the northern area of Gyeongsang-do, the armies under Lyu Jong-gae’s(柳宗介) command fought in the battle of Bonghwa Socheon and held the line. This article focuses on the development of this battle and appreciates influence of the battle upon the military situations of the rest of war years. In the early state of the Imjin War, Lyu Jong-gae’s righteous armies (義兵) of several hundreds volunteers defeated the invaders, leading to them being discouraged for a while. Lyu’s units blocked Japanese armies’ advance on the northern inner area of Gyeongsang-do for three days, although they ended up being ambushed and vanquished by Japanese invaders. Thanks to the battle of Bonghwa Socheon, other Joseon armies gathering near Andong were given a few days to organize their array for defense. The military importance of the battle of Bonghwa Socheon lies in that it frustrated Japanese strategic goals that they connect Gangwon-do with Gyeongsang-do and bring these areas under control. Joseon armies, now had the footing of Northern Gyeongsang-do, engaged in a counterattack against Japanese armies and made them withered away in Gyeongsang-do. Therefore, it can be said that the battles occurred in the northern part of Gyeongsang-do played a critical role in tipping the balance in favor of Joseon during the early years of the Imjin War.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 개성의 도시 발달과 지역의식의 성장

        노영구(Roh, Young-Koo) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2016 서울학연구 Vol.- No.63

        본 논문은 17세기 후반 이후 개성의 도시발달 양상을 이 지역의 정치, 행정적 위상의 강화와 관련된 것으로 이해하고, 이것이 이후 개상의 상업 발달에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 파악하고자 한 것이다. 개성은 17세기 후반 이 지역의 방어체계가 정비되면서 군사력의 확대로 인해 지역 발전이 나타나기 시작하였다. 18세기 들어 개성 지역의 상업 발달이 본격적으로 나타나면서 개성의 영역 확대와 함께 점차 개성 지역이 한성을 둘러싼 외곽 군사 거점의 하나가 아닌 개성 주변 지역을 아우른 독자적인 공간의 중심지로 발전하였다. 개성의 정치, 경제적 성장은 개성 지역에 대한 독자성과 역사적 자부심으로 나타났는데, 이는 개성이 고려의 옛 수도였다는 이른바 舊都의식으로 표현되었다. 개성 지역의 독자적 지역 인식은 19세기 이후에는 개성 사람이라는 자부심과 조선에 대한 비판의식으로 나타나기도 하였다. This article is an attempt to understand the pattern and the influence of urban development at Kaesong in the late Joseon period. The urban development of Kaesong was related with strengthening the political-administrative status of this region. And the regional development went along with the growth of commerce in Kaesong. In the late 17th century, the intensified defense system in this region led to expand the military, which eventually triggered the urban development. During the 18th century, the expansion of commerce in this region had conferred advantages on Kaesong, which became a distinct city widened to include surrounding areas. In this way, Kaesong developed from a military strong-point for Hanseong into a major city of Joseon. It was natural that residents in Kaesong gradually had their own identity and felt historical proud of their city. Often this perception emerged as a consciousness that Kaesong was the former capital of Goryeo dynasty. The 19th century saw that the residents developed their identity further and criticized Joseon dynasty based on their view.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        조선시대 『무경칠서(武經七書)』의 간행과 활용의 양상-『무경칠서직해(武經七書直解)』의 도입, 간행을 중심으로-

        노영구 ( Roh Young-koo ) 조선시대사학회 2017 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.80 No.0

        Compiled during the Song Dynasty of China in the 11th century, the Seven Military Classics (武經七書) was first imported to Korea during the Goryo dynasty. Interest in the Seven Classics would increase substantially during the Joseon Dynasty, as the dynasty introduced the Military Exams, and the Classics were included in the Oral Recitation part of the exam. As a result, the Seven Classics were published actively, much of it annotated. However, most were essentially published as study material for the exams, meaning in-depth research into military theory was lacking. That would change when the “Direct Commentaries on the Seven Classics(武經七書直解)” by Liu Yin(劉寅) of the Ming was introduced in the late 15th century, which led to a more profound understanding of military theory in Joseon. Especially, as the need for new tactics an strategies increased in the wake of the Imjin War in the late 16th century, there was an active drive to acquire a more diverse array of military books from China, and the “Direct Commentaries” were published once more. Following the dynasty’s defeat to the Manchu Qing in the mid-17th century, there was renewed interest in classic military theory and interest, in response to possibility of invasion from the Qing and during preparations for ‘the northern expedition’ against the Qing. Accordingly, interest in the Seven Military Classics increased, which led to enthusiastic research and publication of the Seven Military Classics. During the reign of King Jeongjo in the late 18th century, many extant versions and translations of the Seven Military Classics were referenced as part of efforts to produce newer versions of the Seven Military Classics and thus develop new tactics for the military forces. Though these efforts ceased immediately after the death of Jeongjo, some of the results are clearly reflected in military theory literature published in the 19th century.

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