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        도가와 융의 사상으로 본 우르술라 르 귄의『어스시의 마법사』

        황은주 ( Eun Ju Hwang ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2012 동화와 번역 Vol.24 No.-

        본 논문은 우르술라 K. 르 귄의 어스시 3부작 중 첫 부분인 『어스시의 마법사』를 도가사상과 칼 융의 그림자 및 전일성 이론을 토대로 분석한 것이다. 초월 적인 도가 사상의 특성으로 인해 그 이론을 체계적으로 조직화하기는 어렵지만, 기본적으로 도가 사상의 목적은 도의 상태를 달성하는 것, 또는 우주의 이치와 흐 름을 경험하고 이해하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 도가 사상의 가장 큰 가치인 자제력 과 무행위에 대한 강조는 『어스시의 마법사』에서 주인공인 게드가 마법을 배우는 과정을 통해 반복하여 드러난다. 도가 사상과 융의 이론을 바탕으로 하여, 본 연구는 게드의 적을 융의 그림자로 해석하고, 게드가 마법학교의 학생으로서 받는 교 육을 침묵과 무행위라는 도가적인 가르침으로 간주한다. 본 연구는 크게 네 부분으로 나누어지는데, 첫째, 작가인 르 귄과 소설의 배경, 둘째, 작품 내 드러난 융의 그림자 이론과 도가 사상의 균형에 관한 연구, 셋째, 신화적인 화법에 관한 연구, 넷째, 작품에 나타난 성장소설의 요소 분석이다. 작품 의 줄거리는 호머나 버질의 서사시에서 사용이 되는 대서사적인 화법과 구조를 따 라 진행이 된다. 『어스시의 마법사』가 서사적인 구조를 따르고 있기는 하나 주인공 게드는 그리스, 로마 신화의 슈퍼영웅이 아니라 오히려 반영웅으로 묘사된다. 따라서 게드가 경험하는 모험은 개인적인 명예나 영광을 추구하기 위해서 시작된 것이 아니라, 자신의 실수와 무지에 의해 어쩔 수 없이 시작된다. 본 연구는 자신 의 적뿐만 아니라 자신의 진정한 정체성을 발견하고자 하는 게드의 노력을 융의 이론과 도가 사상에서 공통적으로 말하는 전일성을 추구하고자 하는 노력으로 규정하고, 전일성을 추구하는 과정을 통해 게드가 청소년에서 어른으로 성공적으로 성장했음을 보인다. This essay analysed Ursula K. Le Guin`s A Wizard of Earthsea(1968), which is the first part of Earthsea Trilogy in the frame of Taoism and Jungian theories such as shadow and wholeness. Although Taoism is a transcendental philosophy whose doctrine is not systematically organised, its main goal is to understand the state of Tao, the flow of the universe. The values of Taoism such as self-control and non-action are repeatedly taught as Ged learns magic. In the context of Taoism and Jungian theories, this essay defines the unknown enemy as the Jungian shadow and the education Ged as a young magic student receives Taoist lessons of silence and non-action. This research is divided into four parts: background to fiction and the author, Jungian shadow and Taoist balance shown in the fiction, the mythopoetic narrative, and characteristics of a Bildungsroman, or a coming-of-age novel. The plot of the novel follows structures of the epic narrative which is seen in Homer or Virgil. Although it follows the epic structure, Ged is not depicted as a super hero, but rather anti-hero whose adventure is not initiated by personal glory or honour, but by his mistake and ignorance. In this essay, Ged`s struggle to discover the true identity of his enemy - and also his - is considered as a psychic journey to achieve the Jungian/Taoist wholeness, and at the same it is considered that Ged made a successful transformation from adolescence into adulthood.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 암환자완화의료병상 공급의 지역적 불균형

        황은주 ( Eun Ju Hwang ),강진아 ( Jin A Gang ),김효영 ( Hyo Yeong Kim ),최진영 ( Jin Yeong Choi ),신동욱 ( Dong Wook Shin ) 경희대학교 경영연구원 2009 의료경영학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        Objective Under the second term 10 year national cancer control plan is that the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Family Affairs has been supporting hospice and palliative care for the terminal cancer patients and their families since 2005. Even though the number of care beds has doubled, it is not known whether there is a significant disparity in the access of palliative care across the regions. Methods : Palliative care beds sufficiency rates for 9 different regions were calculated by dividing the number of palliative care beds by the number of people in that area. 50 beds per 1,000,000 population was regarded as meeting the requirements, indicating 100% sufficiency rate. The inter-quartile range was used as an indicator for the magnitude of regional variations in palliative care beds supply. Results There was significant regional variation across the 9 different regions, with the range of 0% to 99.9% as of 2009. Since implementation of a support program in 2005, the median sufficiency rate has increased from 7.6% to 20.0%, however, inter-quartile range also has increased from 16.1% to 21.9%, this indicates increasing regional variations in palliative care beds supply. Conclusion : Inequality in access to hospice and palliative care is an important public health issue in terms of both meeting palliative care needs of terminal cancer patients and their families, and the efficient use of healthcare resources. Public health policies to ensure the equitable access to hospice and palliative care in every region are needed.

      • KCI등재

        통제 사회에서의 시선과 권력의 역전관계

        황은주(Hwang, Eunju) 한국동서비교문학학회 2010 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.23

        In this essay, J. G. Ballard’s 1973 novel Crash is discussed to define ‘desire to be seen’ in Deleuzian control societies where ‘to be seen’ provides modern human beings with more power than ‘to see.’ In discipline societies, visibility was a trap, but in control societies, to be forgotten is what modern human beings are most afraid of. In control societies, the more a person is seen, the more power s/he has. In Crash, Ballard describes modern human beings’ desperate desire to be seen through the heroes’ designing for their own death and recording crash sites. Vaughan’s desire to be seen in the most famous crash is related to modern control societies for two reasons. First, in control societies where every social factor is controlled, the only way human beings enjoy freedom is ironically to submit to the social control in order to become famous revealing more personal information, because this makes them more visible, therefore, more powerful. Second, after the development of media technology such as TV, films or the Internet, modern human beings are likely to consider reality as cinematic images and see themselves as part of films, thus, they try to provide dramatic images to the public and get the public gaze instead. Thus, modern people inevitably become slaves of the optic. Ballard shows, through Vaughan’s failure to die with Elizabeth Taylor, that the dream to be famous in control societies is hard to achieve and even meaningless. However, the author contrasts ordinary people, who gather to see the crash site, with Vaughan, who causes the crash. These contrasting images suggest some hope in Vaughan who enjoys the maximum freedom, while majority of modern human beings in control societies passively desire to see his crash.

      • KCI등재

        실제와 상상 사이 -뉴욕의 지하공간과 제니퍼 토스의『두더지 인간들』

        황은주 ( Eunju Hwang ) 영미문학연구회 2013 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.34

        This essay attempts to prove that Jennifer Toth(re)presents the tunnels beneath New York City as a real-and-imagined space and how the space is depicted as a heterotopia, a counter-site of the city on the surface. The tunnels are also the space where the capitalist system is deterritorialized and reterritorialized. In contrast with the capitalist way of life on the surface, the “mole people” choose (or, are “forced” to choose) squatting over property ownership, panhandling over wage labor, and recycling over production for their means of life.

      • KCI등재

        플라톤의 동굴의 비유로 본 영화 〈매트릭스〉

        황은주(Hwang Eunju) 한국동서비교문학학회 2012 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.26

        This article analyzes a 1999 film The Matrix, directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski, in the frame of Plato’s allegory of the cave. In Plato’s allegory of the cave, this article particularly focuses on the part where the prisoner goes back to the cave after being released from his chains, in order to let other prisoners know the truth. Why is the truth important to know and why should the truth be shared? Why does Neo, the protagonist in The Matrix, have to liberate others? While trying to answer to the questions, this article examines the meaning of liberation and truth, through the allegorical connection between the film and Plato’s allegory of the cave. In order to analyze both the film and the allegory of the cave, this article delves into Heidegger’s concept of authenticity. This article also argues that differentiating hyperreality from reality is not as simple as the film’s binarism between the matrix and reality represented by a levitating ship called Nebuchadnezzar. As Heidegger observes that there is also fire(the truth) in the cave(a false reality), this article includes the matrix in the realm of reality, rather than defining the matrix as opposing to reality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도시 공간의 교육환경 격차에 대한 연구

        황은주(Hwang Eun-Ju) 한국도시행정학회 2008 도시 행정 학보 Vol.21 No.3

        The purpose of the present study is to discover how the spatial features of the educationalenv ironment patterns (educational activity, education facility, and related environment and space) found in urban space are understood as constituent components of the city. For this purpose, the study explored educational facilities relating to learning activities (students' homes, schools, and academic institutes) and the physical distribution of harmful facilities as found in Cheongju city. Also, by offering three categories of the educational features observable in an urban area and then applying them, this paper has sought to understand the city from the perspective of education. There are three key perspectives delineated throughout this study in reference to educational environment patterns, and they are as follows. 1. A student's commuting distance from home to school signifies the equity of public educational environment or utilization of facilities, because it serves as an index of public educational environment, which is a value determined by the physical location of public facilities like a school. 2. The distance from a student's home or school to a private academic institute is explained as an index of private educational environment. This is also an index that is explained by the consumer choice as made in the educational market and at the same time, implies the accessibility of private educational environment. 3. This also means that the index for harmful educational environment is defined according to how such an environment or a facility as specified by the Basic School Act is distributed around the home or school and refers to the educational viability of such a facility. From this point of view, the present study is significant because it discovers different features in terms of educational environment patterns among each regions of Cheongju city and offers a methodology that enables reciprocal comparison between regional cities and cities found in the greater Seoul area, provincial cities and cities in the greater Seoul area, and two separate districts in the same capital city.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        간세포암 환자의 혈청 Des -γ - Carboxy Prothrombin , Alpha - Fetoprotein 및 Anti - p53 항체검사의 유용성

        황은주(Eun Joo Hwang),박태희(Tae Hee Park),조 몽(Mong Cho),문태용(Tae Yong Moon),이은엽(Eun Yup lee),김순호(Soon Ho Kim) 대한소화기학회 2001 대한소화기학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        Background/Aims: Des-γ-carboxy prothrombin (DCP) and α-FP have been used for diagnosing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Recently, anti-p53 antibodies have been detected in sera of the patients with cancer. The diagnostic significance of the combination assay of DCP, α-FP, and anti-p53 antibodies was evaluated in patients with HCC. Methods: For 78 cases of HCC, 17 cases of liver cirrhosis, 32 cases of chronic hepatitis, and 23 healthy controls, the serum levels of DCP, α-FP and anti-p53 antibodies were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Their sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were also assessed. Results: In patients with HCC, the sensitivity of DCP and α-FP was 52.9% and 66.7%, which were significantly higher than 7.7% of anti-p53 antibodies. In detecting HCC, the specificity of DCP, α-FP and anti-p53 antibodies was 91.8%, 89.8% and 98.0%, and their accuracy was 69.2%, 75.8% and 45.2%, respectively. No correlation was found among three tumor markers. The sensitivity and accuracy in the combination assay of DCP, α-FP and anti-p53, and in that of DCP and α-FP were higher than in assay of each tumor marker or other combination, especially in small sized HCC. Conclusions: A combination assay of DCP, α-FP, and anti-p53 antibodies and a combination assay of DCP and α-FP are useful for diagnosis or early detection of HCC, but the diagnostic usefulness of anti-p53 antibodies is still uncertain because of its low sensitivity. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2001;37:448-484)

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