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        조례에 대한 규범통제 및 입법적 개선방안 -2017추5046 경기도의회 조례안재의결무효확인의 소를 중심으로-

        홍수동(Hong, SooDong) 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2019 성균관법학 Vol.31 No.2

        In traditional power separation, it is difficult to make judicial judgments on legislative or executive power. Although the Constitution stipulates this in Article 107, there is a controversy about the possibility that the local autonomous entities may be unconstitutional or illegible in their autonomous laws and regulations. Gyeonggido Council passed a resolution on the establishment of a policy committee to support the activities of the local council members and to provide staff to assist them. The Ministry of Public Administration and Security judged the introduction of a virtual assistant system, and requested the asylum request. The Governor of Gyeonggido filed a complaint to confirm the invalidation of the ordinance after the asylum request. The Supreme Court ruled that the Ordinance was illegal. However, there has been controversy over the scope of the ruling because there is a problem in that it is necessary to nullify all the acts of amendment of the ordinance prior to the nullity judgment and the administrative act accordingly. Gyeonggi Province deleted the bylaws that the court deemed illegal and approved the revision of the articles that the court did not judge. Although the local council s appeal for invalidation of the revision of the ordinance is formally filed by the head of the local autonomous body for the re-approval of the local council, the validity of the ordinance is practically examined. It is necessary to extend the debate to make a variety of judgments such as unconstitutional legal judgments, apart from merely judging whether a re-vote is valid or invalid. To this end, the Local Autonomy Law may be amended to grant various powers to the Supreme Court, or it may be considered legislative to transfer the invalid confirmation to the Constitutional Court. 전통적 권력분립에서는 입법권이나 행정권에 대한 사법적 판단이 허용되기 어렵다. 헌법은 제107조에서 이를 명문화하고 있으나, 지방자치단체의 자치법규에 대한 위헌・위법판단 가능성은 논란이 있다. 지방자치법에서는 지방의회 의결에 대한 제소 제도를 두어 조례에 대한 추상적 규범통제를 시도하고 있다. 경기도의회에서 정책위원회를 설치하여 지방의회 의원들의 의정활동을 지원하고 이를 보조하기 위한 직원을 두는 내용을 주요 내용으로 하는 조례안이 의결되었다. 행정안전부는 이를 사실상의 보좌관제도 도입으로 판단하여 재의요구를 요청하였고, 경기도지사는 재의요구 후 조례안재의 결무효확인의 소를 제기하였다. 대법원은 조례안을 위법하다고 판단하여 무효판결을 내렸다. 무효판결받은 이후 조례의 효력에 대하여 소급적 무효가 원칙이나, 이렇게 되면 무효판결 이전의 조례개정 행위와 이에 따른 행정행위를 모두 무효로 하여야 하는 문제점이 있어 판결의 범위에 대한 논란이 발생하였다. 경기도는 법원이 위법하다고 판단한 조례조항을 삭제하고 법원이 판단하지 않은 조항에 대하여는 유효성을 인정하여 이후 개정행위의 효력을 인정하였다. 지방의회의 조례안재의결무효확인의 소는 형식적으로는 지방의회의 재의결에 대한 지방자치단체장의 제소이지만, 실질적으로는 조례의 효력에 대한 심사가 이루어진다. 조례가 주민에게 직접적인 영향을 미친다는 점에서 법률과 다르게 취급할 이유가 없다. 단순히 지방의회의 재의결이 유효인지 무효인지만 판단하는 것에서 벗어나 조례에 대하여도 위헌법률 심판과 같이 다양한 변형판단이 가능하도록 논의를 확장시킬 필요가 있다. 이를 위하여 지방자치법을 개정하여 지방자치단체 및 지방의회, 대법원에 다양한 권한을 부여하거나 헌법재판소에서 무효확인의 소를 담당하게 하는 방안도 입법론적으로 고려해 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        명태 유통 중 Pseudomonas spp. 농도의 예측 모델링과 민감도 분석

        수동,성재웅,이중용,이다선,김선봉,광원,이양봉,이승주 한국수산과학회 2010 한국수산과학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        Dynamic modeling was used to predict the Pseudomonas spp. concentration in Alaska pollack under dynamic temperature conditions in a programmable incubator using Euler’s method. The model evaluation showed good agreement between the predicted and measured concentrations of Pseudomonas spp. In the simulation, three kinds of distribution path were assumed: consumers buying from a distribution center (A), manufacturer (B), or direct market (C). Each of these distribution paths consists of six phases: shipping, warehousing/ shipment, warehousing/storing, processing, market exhibition, and sale/consumption. Sensitivity analysis of each phase was also implemented. The Pseudomonas concentrations and sensitivities (Sk) at the terminal phases of the three paths were estimated to be (A) 11.174 log CFU/g and 10.550 log Sk, (B) 10.948 log CFU/g and 10.738 log Sk, and (C) 8.758 log CFU/g and 9.602 log Sk, respectively. The sensitivities indicated that path A has the highest risk of failure in managing the relevant phases.

      • KCI등재

        명태의 보관시간에 따른 품질 예측 모델링

        수동,김대욱,이다선,김선봉,광원,이양봉,이승주,안수림 한국수산과학회 2010 한국수산과학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        Several quality parameters affecting Alaska pollack, Theragra chalcogramma, were measured and modeled kinetically under storage at different temperatures: the K-value, trimethylamine (TMA), volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), Torry meter, pH, acid value (AV), total viable cell count (TVC), and colony forming units (CFU) of Pseudomonas spp. The off-flavor development time (ODT) was also measured using the R-index sensory test and modeled kinetically. Among the quality parameters, the CFU of Pseudomonas spp. was an indicator of the ODT according to a similarity in the Arrhenius temperature dependence, which was derived as a criterion mathematically. The temperature dependence was represented by the Arrhenius’s activation energy (Ea). On comparing the Ea of the quality factors and the ODT, the similarity in the temperature dependence was found to be high in the order Pseudomonas spp., pH, VBN, TVC, K-value, TMA, AV, and Torry meter. Therefore, Pseudomonas spp. was identified as the primary indicator of ODT.

      • 서울성곽의 역사문화가치 발현

        석기 ( Suk Ki Hong ),김인희 ( In Hee Kim ),김도환 ( Do Hwan Kim ),수동,조승희 서울시정개발연구원 2009 연구보고서 Vol.2009 No.50

        Seoul is the only capital city in the world that preserved 6 century old fortress. Even in great cities of the world such as New York, London, Tokyo, Beijing, and Paris, the world`s tourist center, the fortress that defined the border of the city gradually disappeared as it was used as roads and other urban infrastructures. There are cities where some part of the fortress has remained, but Seoul fortress must be the only fortress that still wrap the border of the entire city as it did in the past. For this, Seoul gained the prestige of the walled capital beyond the level of the walled city found around the world. The fortress of Seoul can become a typical historic and cultural heritage representing large cities of the world. However, the value of this important historic and cultural heritage is not recognized by citizens. The importance of Seoul fortress has been ignored as that of other historic and cultural heritages has within the current of the times represented as economic growth and industrial development. Although historic and cultural heritage gained some attention compared with the past as the importance of it rose recently, the fortress is being maintained on the level of protecting urban landscape and preserving cultural assets. Eventually, the fortress is merely a cultural heritage that is not easily involved with the life of citizens, does not fit the cityscape, and is difficult to approach. The fortress that embraces the living space of citizens is not properly recognized for its importance and value although it is a cultural heritage not commonly found in the large cities of the world. It is necessary to discover stories related with historic places in order to reveal the value of Seoul fortress and develop it into the place that the citizens of Seoul and the world visit and enjoy instead of being a path to walk. Before that, it is necessary to restore the ancient image of Seoul fortress which is severed and damaged by high rises and wide asphalt roads that symbolize the modern city in order to restore cultural heritage values and it is also necessary to develop open spaces and facilities for citizens to enjoy the elegance and beauty of the fortress. Also, it will need various cultural contents to attract citizens to the fortress. Seoul fortress needs to be turned into a historic and cultural space with elements of tourism rather than a simple restoration of cultural assets in order to truly reveal the value of the fortress. This study made a suggestion for improvement, the plan for the development of historic and cultural spaces around the fortress and neighboring areas in order to reveal the value of Seoul fortress. Chapter 1 briefly discussed the necessity, purpose, contents and methods of study, and Chapter 2 reinterpreted the historic and cultural meaning of the fortress such by comparatively analyzing the history of fortresses inside and outside Korea based on the origin and development of the fortress building, examining physical characteristics of Seoul fortress, and examining the scenes of life in the past based on the history and culture of Seoul fortress. Chapter 3 examined the current status of Seoul fortress and the policies of Seoul government and also examined the relationship between the fortress, the city, and peripheral environment. Chapter 4 gave new meaning and characteristics to the fortress, sought for measures to enhance the value of fortress and provided the plans to realize such measures in a fixed space and illustrations. Chapter 5(Overseas Case: Revelation of Values of Walled Cities in France) discussed how France restored and use their fortress as the reference for the restoration and maintenance of Seoul fortress. Chapter 6(Conclusion and Policy Suggestions) suggested a comprehensive measure and details of the measure about the revelation of the historic and cultural values of Seoul fortress. The revelation of the values of Seoul fortress as a historic and cultural space will be the starting point for converting the mechanical space and dry environment of modern cities into historic and cultural space.

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